Rapid Prototyping Techniques For Heterog

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International Journal of Technical Research (IJTR)

Vol. 5, Issue 2, July-Aug 2016


Vikas Gupta
Department of Mechanical Engineering CDLSIET Panniwala Mota

Abstract- Although, in recent years, several schemes have B. Rapid Manufacturing Technology
appeared about the computer aided modeling of simple
Rapid manufacturing processes can be
heterogeneous objects (HO), but relatively few have focused
on rapid prototyping of heterogeneous objects with categorized into subtractive manufacturing (High speed
simultaneous geometry intricacies as well as compound CNC machining) and additive manufacturing processes.
material variations. Existing schemes more or less fail to Additive rapid manufacturing processes refer to the
resolve pending issues pertaining to generalization and fabrication of physical parts layer by layer under
uniformity of representation schemes for rapid computer control, which is fundamentally different from
manufacturing of heterogeneous objects. This paper focuses the traditional manufacturing methods.
on resolving such issues and addresses requirements for It involves successively adding raw materials
rapid manufacturing of HO. A modus operandi has been layer by layer to create a solid of some predefined shape.
proposed for rapid manufacturing of HO. The process
Rapid prototyping (RP) is a 2.5 D process, stacking up
planning tasks like solid modeling, material modeling,
slicing, orientation etc. are discussed in brief. The available layers while conventional manufacturing is inherently a
rapid prototyping techniques are classified. The few rapid 3D process.
techniques capable of fabricating heterogeneous objects are Rapid Prototyping has also been referred as solid
identified. free-form fabrication, computer automated
Keywords: Heterogeneous Object, Rapid prototyping, manufacturing, and layered manufacturing. Rapid
Modeling, Slicing, Process Planning prototyping is widely used for rapid fabrication of
physical prototypes of functional parts (important in the
I. INTRODUCTION design stage), patterns for molds, medical prototypes
(implants, bones), consumer products, etc. In some cases,
A. Conventional Manufacturing the RP part can be the final part, but typically the RP
In the traditional manufacturing processes, lower material is not strong or accurate enough.
product cost and shorter time to market are always the When the RP material is suitable, highly
goals that the industry pursues to achieve convoluted shapes (including parts nested within parts)
competitiveness. A traditional production process can be can be produced because of the nature of RP. RP has
divided into several basic stages such as design, many advantages when compared to conventional
manufacturing and assembly. Design consists of manufacturing methods, which are briefly discussed
functional design, conceptual design and detailed design. below:
The commonly used methods for manufacturing Geometric complexity has a significantly less impact
engineering products include a number of operations i.e. on the fabrication process.
casting, milling, turning, drilling etc. In an attempt to It involves direct fabrication i.e. it does not involve
increase productivity, both academia and industry have tooling, fixturing and other peripheral activities of
made a lot of efforts and taken many effective measures conventional manufacturing. Therefore, it is possible
to improve and enhance every aspect of production to manufacture physical part from CAD model
processes. Some of these are: directly in a much shorter time.
Many optimization design theories and Modifications can be easily incorporated into the
methodologies have been developed [18]. Design for model during any inter stage, which facilitates the
manufacture and design for assembly are the most optimization of design and eliminates the time-
successful examples and are widely used in the consuming and expensive alterations at a later
industry. production stage. As a result, product development
A variety of advanced integrated manufacturing costs and lead time are substantially reduced. Thus,
devices such as computer numerical control RP considerably reduces new product development
machining centers and flexible manufacturing costs and the time to reach market.
systems are employed.
Due to use of these optimization techniques and The principle of RP process is illustrated in Fig. 1 [1].
advanced manufacturing technologies, the processes and
production costs have been greatly reduced in past few
decades. However, costs in terms of time i.e. prototyping,
testing and fabrication; special tooling and manpower
constitute quite a large portion of the total cost in
conventional manufacturing systems.
Rapid manufacturing processes have reduced
these limitations and provided the faster methods for
product design and development.

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International Journal of Technical Research (IJTR)
Vol. 5, Issue 2, July-Aug 2016
i. Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)
ii. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
iii. Paper Lamination Technology (PLT)
iv. Multi-Jet Modeling (MJM)
v. Melted Extrusion Modeling (MEM)
The above technologies either use cutting and
gluing/joining method or melting and solidifying/fusing
Powder by-and-large is in solid state. However,
it is intentionally created as a category outside the solid
systems. Some of the RP technologies that fall in this
class are:
i. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
ii. Three-Dimensional Printing (3DP)
iii. Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS)
Fig. 1 Principle of rapid prototyping for iv. Multiphase Jet Solidification (MJS)
homogeneous objects v. Direct Metal Deposition (DMD)
vi. Laser-Based Flexible Fabrication (LBFF)
The basic methodology for all current rapid vii. Laser Cladding (LC)
prototyping techniques is summarized as follows: All the above processes employ the
The geometric CAD model of the product to be joining/binding method. The method of joining/binding
fabricated is constructed and converted to Stereo- differs amongst the above systems as some employ a
Lithography (.STL) file format for information laser while others use a binder/glue to achieve the joining
processing to RP set up. effect.
The RP machine processes the .STL file by creating Since the first commercial RP process, Stereo-
sliced layers of the model and transmiting the motion Lithography apparatus (SLA) was invented in 1988,
control signals to RP machine for physical many RP processes have gained popularity e.g. Selective
processing of part. Laser Sintering (SLS), Fused Deposition Modeling
The first layer of the physical model is created. The (FDM), Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM), Three-
model is then lowered by the thickness of the next Dimensional Printing (3DP), etc. As the use of RP
layer, and the process is repeated until completion of technologies can result in a significant reduction in the
the physical model. prototyping time, current RP technologies are referred as
rapid prototyping technologies.
The model along with supports, if any, is removed.
For different RP processes, different materials
The surface of the model is then post-processed i.e.
(polymer, ceramic, wax, paper, etc.) and material
cleaned and finished.
combining methods (sintering, binding, adhering,
solidifying, etc.) are employed. However, the basic
II. AVAILABLE RP TECHNIQUES principles of these RP processes are either the same or
Since 1990, extensive research and development almost similar.
work has been carried out in the field of rapid prototyping
and in particular, works on laser sintering and deposition. III. HETEROGENEOUS OBJECT MODELING FOR
Commercial implementations of the rapid prototyping RAPID MANUFACTURING
became available in the late 1980s with the Stereo- As discussed earlier, researchers have been
Lithography machine by 3D systems, USA. Since then, focusing on the vast applications of HO. These functional
this industry has flourished and current RP systems can part scan be realized through rapid manufacturing
be easily classified in the following three categories: processes. Conventionally, no material information was
a) Liquid Based considered during modeling, analysis and rapid
b) Solid Based manufacturing. However, the heterogeneous objects
c) Powder Based cannot be dealt with the same strategy and requires a
Liquid based RP systems have the initial form of more advanced model, which should have varying
its material in liquid state. Through a process; commonly material composition information along with part
known as curing, the liquid is converted into solid state. geometric information. Thus, developing a computer-
The following RP systems fall in this category: aided model for rapid manufacturing of HO is one of the
i. StereoLithography Apparatus (SLA) challenging research topics, particularly for graded
ii. Solid Ground Curing (SGC) material objects. The HO model should be intuitive in
iii. Solid Object Ultraviolet Laser Printer (SOUP) representing geometry, topology and material information
iv. Rapid Freeze simultaneously; capable of representing complex solids;
v. Micro-fabrication compact, exact and compatible [2-5]. This is essential to
Except for powder, solid based RP systems are exchange data among design, analysis and manufacturing
meant to encompass all forms of material in the solid process plan domains.
state. In this context, the solid form can include the shape IV. PROCEDURE FOR RAPID MANUFACTURING
in the form of a wire, a roll, laminates and pellets. The OF HETEROGENEOUS OBJECTS
following RP systems fall in this definition:

ISSN 2278-5787 Page 111

International Journal of Technical Research (IJTR)
Vol. 5, Issue 2, July-Aug 2016
The procedure for rapid manufacturing of reveal the information at each stage during design and
heterogeneous objects is described in Fig. 2. rapid manufacturing of heterogeneous object.
Heterogeneous object design is a close loop process
which involves three steps: determine the configuration V. RP PROCESSES CAPABLE OF
of the object, design the material variations as per MANUFACTURING HO
functional requirement and analyze the object for certain Rapid Prototyping (RP) processes have the
constraints and loading conditions. The geometry of the potential to fabricate heterogeneous objects. These
object is modeled, and materials are distributed in the processes require an efficient and effective computer
object domain as per functional requirement. At this stage aided model that can provide necessary information at
the user is still uncertain on whether the designed objects each step during fabrication. The material can be varied
can really meet the functional requirements in terms of continuously to yield a heterogeneous object with varying
prescribed properties. Such function analysis could be material properties at the selected locations in the object
properly conducted with available numerical approaches domain. The deposition of correct material can be
especially finite element analysis (FEA) methods. explicitly controlled through computer aided model
Generally, the CAD modelers assume that all the thereby providing unique opportunities to selectively
necessary geometric, topological and material deposit material. This leads to the direct fabrication of
information could be easily retrieved at FEA platform multi-material structures. Besides, embedding of
and the designed HO could be properly evaluated via prefabricated electronics or other components is also
FEA. Such an assumption for CAD modeling and FEA of possible (e.g. an outer shell of tool steel with interior
HO creates a gap and makes it tedious for both designers copper cooling channels). Furthermore, different
and engineers to exchange the necessary information in materials, in varying proportions, can be deposited on a
the entire design process. Thus, the computer aided single layer and the part can be endowed with
model should be capable of transferring material microstructure.
information along with geometric one for FEA of HO so There are many RP techniques available and
that the best configuration can be found out. Once the some of the processes can produce multiple material
object design is optimized, 3D CAD model of HO is objects as proposed by Chen [2], Fitzgerald [4], Jain [12]
modeled using final designed specifications i.e. both and Wu [25]. Some RP systems are developed for
geometric and material. The computer aided model of HO fabrication of heterogeneous objects e.g. systems
is then transferred to rapid manufacturing set up. The proposed by Rao [17] and Tandon [22]. Weiss [24] has
necessary preparation tasks i.e. orientation, support proposed an approach to develop shapes using selective
generation, slicing, etc. to start rapid manufacturing of material additive processes with a far-reaching advantage
HO are termed as process planning tasks. During rapid of creation of heterogeneous structured composed of
manufacturing, computer aided 3D model of HO is sliced multi-material regions and with prefabricated devices
into many thin 2.5D layers having uniform/variable layer embedded into the structures. Link [15] has used Shape
thickness and material distribution. The distribution of Deposition Manufacturing (SDM) to build die cast
materials in each layer is determined using scan inserts.
algorithms. Each layer is tessellated into small regions to Selective laser sintering (SLS) of powder
establish the composition of materials at each point. materials seemed to have the potential to produce
Based on material composition information, multiple functional prototypes as proposed by Caulfield [1], Gao
materials are spread over each region. Finally all layers [5], Jain [11], King [13] and Simchi [20] in their
are joined together by different methods to form the HO. respective works. Shrinkage, porosity, and low density of
parts are the limitations of SLS that prevent it from
competing against machining. Laser cladding (LC) based
freeform fabrication technology has emerged as a
promising approach to remedy the deficiencies in SLS.
LC offers several advantages including flexibility in
processing materials, fine grain structure, low dilution,
minimal thermal degradation, formation of non-
equilibrium crystalline and amorphous structures, and
extension of solid solubility of alloying elements. Despite
such significant development, the LC-based RP processes
suffer from some drawbacks that include unsatisfactory
surface finish, residual stresses, low dimensional
accuracy, porosity, and crack formation.
To produce high-performance functional
Fig. 2 Procedure for fabrication of heterogeneous objects components, such as molds and dies that are free of the
defects mentioned above, a novel LC-based RP
Thus, computer aided model plays an important technique, namely, laser-based flexible fabrication
role in the object design and rapid manufacturing of (LBFF), has been developed. This technique is different
heterogeneous objects [21]. The computer aided model from others in the following aspects: (1) use of materials
should be able to convey the geometry as well material to make parts with functionally graded composition and
information at each point within the object and should microstructure; (2) application of shaped laser beams to
produce desired surface finish and dimensional tolerance,

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International Journal of Technical Research (IJTR)
Vol. 5, Issue 2, July-Aug 2016
and to reduce residual stresses and dilution in the thickness on surface finish and build time. The layering
functional layers; and (3) use of a quasi-coaxial nozzle error increases, and the surface finish quality and build
for powder delivery. Since LBFF involves direct time decreases, with increase in slice thickness.
interactions between moving heat source and powder
materials, the phenomena of mass transport, heat transfer,
and fluid flow makes it rather complex.
Wu [25] has proposed another RP process i.e. VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
3D Printing which is particularly well-suited for the
fabrication of parts with local composition control (LCC). In view of the above discussions, the following
3D Printing creates parts in layers by spreading powder, issues related to raid prototyping of HO are needed to be
and then ink-jet binding materials into the powder-bed. addressed:
Merz [16] has introduced Shape deposition An adaptive slice generation procedure is required
manufacturing (SDM) which integrates material for rapid manufacturing of heterogeneous objects.
deposition and material removal processes. Another type Slicing errors should be reduced to the minimum, for
of RP process - ballistic particle manufacturing (BPM) better surface finish.
builds prototypes by solidification of molten material. Computing the optimum layer thickness is a tough
Besides the BPM process, a similar RP process - fused task considering geometric and material variations.
deposition modeling (FDM) can be employed to build RP techniques need point wise diverse data i.e.
multiple material objects. geometric and material. It is a challenge to process
Developing a RP system for manufacturing of the geometric and material information while slicing
HO is beyond the scope of current work, however, the such a model into parallel sections. Effective data
exposure to RP processes capable of manufacturing HO retrieval system is also needed for rapid
provides the basic knowledge of process requirements as manufacturing of HO.
this would help in developing a proper support system for The proposed approach is capable to take care of these
of heterogeneous objects for additive manufacturing. challenges and if implemented with generic
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plan the fabrication process. It is commonly referred as fabrication multi-material objects especially function
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