Monthly Progress Report

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Monthly Progress Report

Monthly Progress Report is progress report containing the following information:

1. a
description of Contractor's and all Subcontractors' activities and engineering.
manufacturing, construction and testing progress as compared with the Project
Schedule (and, at the request of Owner, an updated schedule).

2. an identification and evaluation of problems and lacks in the Services

(including but not limited to an explanation and evaluation, in reasonably
sufficient detail, of any factors which have had or are anticipated to have a material
effect on the Project Schedule).

3. a detailed description of the Services which have been completed as compared with
the Payment and Milestone Schedule, the CPM Schedule and the Project Schedule.

Why progress report


tgets everyone on the same Page tNextimproves project evaluation andreview
proJect, your
ime you plan for a ream can
enh examine documents. incuding progress reports, or
previous projects to find out what was done right, what
confusion about what has beeh or ha
yeto be done. and what can be mproved and make it
went wrong,

it facilitates collnboraton It provides insights for future planning

can work together to accomplished The supervisor can focus monitoring the progress
ne project, help each otber to reduce
Ihe supervsor be able to adjust the project

the overloaded work. with one reason, absolutely needed.

JL Jend. Sudiman No 16A DKI Jakarta
Tolp: (021/17824759


Ending August Dt1-August-2812-
MPA Contract No.:
401-31MR11 Contract Name: Maaya.Apartmet.
Location: Reden.Baleh Ma.4 DepohenBernt Consultant: PT. Sumber Dedilkasi
ContractorP rerakes
Completion Dete:31- AON Duradon: dava

MaOng and bending.ef heer paie. and beam ahrkcated hc Seern 21M
reta sd cerewal rrtmrnt or eers 2IM 22 we hbricaI

Make he con sth far feer 26th sleg theedoltte

ACiviies tor Curent


a eo ad cotu fer thewAllLfor esnl2
desn 12 and 20Eling
caflodadlar, hnikn.ete of teeh
20Ealling af tenl fremmere dhan 2mserentE precaL facade far the ontide caiumn
Iaztallating of lighbrsight brick fer dhe ianerallandau an iater-9em dider
aergAnd.cemencag for fes2n 16th to 18ch
slectrcalater and electricity inen fer leernllte 1s
Painting 1 laarrnl
far oer, windew) for loor te 15
2Flzing senmk fer fear15 te 7
Anticipated Problems Anticipeted Probleme:
*ea r a nemLhatL Hl belIrd in the wel as the bar
O 19 pmeut, Workrr LAbo bE certiied, as for a towrr ERBE Operateo
Maintalang communkcaten brtwera worken ie aroldamauudentaadins
4Able teread and underxtandihen drawis
Kaow hontall of renlettement beams.ceBumns.and.sab,
6 Caeckun mek rexularh,
7. Kaom hew to remove armwork preperty
&. ARD work utery br nedng wearpacks and other Personal Protecthve Egulpmeat (PPE)
9. Tshter moalteriag braalelv oficer ie workers
10.Strict menitoring to rurn work
11.Pay atiraien to the sunlatlon of the erelectarea.
Markveld arn
3. Aascenduci nfctY Meralnz leert cEn werk MArl

1. Matertals lel frem leer 1 when Hfting with acrane.s0 worken were motallewed te
work and seme work1 obstructed for 1day.
2. Wood fell through vold area from Door 180to 170,ae of the worker was struckdowa by

Solving ProDie Solving Problems:

1. Needto checksling property beforelifting materials.
2. The voids must beclosed byboard or net

Financial Summary

EiDanclal SMmmanc
Consultant Fe Rp 23.000.000,00
Approved Change Ordere: Ro,00
Anticipeted Change Orders: Rp16.00.000.000,0
Prolected Cost
Rp12 800000.000,.00
Anticipated Completion Date: 31 August 2019
Financial Summary

Consultant Fee: Rp 23.000.00,00
Approved Change Orders: Rp,00
AnBicipated Change Orders Rp,00
Projected Cost Rp 12.80g.00n.000,00
Antdicipated Compledon Date: 31 August 2019


Progresswork in Augustaccordance with planning. whichis 6,4% So until now, progresswork
reach502%. For next meth, planning progresswork reach 54.47


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