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DCAT Magazine Class Test

Monthly DCAT Magazine Test for English Classroom Programme (Click To Subscribe)

What are the sections being covered in the Magazine Test?

Primarily, the Magazine Test covers current affairs which includes important events related to constitutional provisions, administrative
decisions, international events, India and the world, science and technology, environment and ecology, social issues, centre and states,
and topics involving art and culture.

What is the purpose of providing Magazine Test on the website?

Making the Magazine Test available on the website will help those aspirants who are unable to take the test in the classroom as well as
the aspirants living in remote areas of the country.

Why is the Magazine Test useful for aspirants?

It is well known that current affairs has a very important role in this examination. A significant number of questions are asked directly from
this section. Besides, a number of other questions are indirectly linked to it. Therefore, it is necessary for aspirants to have an in-depth
knowledge of issues from current affairs.
In this regard, the monthly test based on the Drishti Current Affairs Today magazine becomes very useful as aspirants will be able to
thoroughly prepare and revise each topic of current affairs. Additionally, this test will also help aspirants understand the nature of
probable questions that might be asked in the examination.

Current Affairs Today Magazine Test

Test Date Qs. Paper Ans. Key

March, 2021 Download Download

February, 2021 Download Download

January, 2021 Download Download

December, 2020 Download Download

November, 2020 Download Download

October, 2020 Download Download

September, 2020 Download Download

August, 2020 Download Download

July, 2020 Download Download

June, 2020 Download Download

May, 2020 Download Download

April, 2020 Download Download

March, 2020 Download Download

February, 2020 Download Download


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