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Nombre: Matrícula:
J. Brayan Miranda Gonzalez 2785212
Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:
Going global (workshop) Gloria Pamela Cantu Quintero
Módulo: 1 Actividad: 1
Fecha: January 26th, 2022


Write a discussion paper in which you respond the following questions (the document must
have at least 3 pages):
1. What knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values did you learn? How did you learn them?
Where would you apply this knowledge?
I knew several strategies where I was able to analyze, plan and order correctly and
specifically the different ways of exporting to any other country and how complicated
it can be, learning responsibility in doing things and having control over everything
planned, learning it from activities of each subject related to this certificate and I will
apply it in future projects that I have in the future doing it in the correct and honest

2. Explain the learning sequence of knowledge. What knowledge did you achieve first?
Which ones later? What is the link between them?
With the activities presented, I learned little by little to carry out the process of having
my own company and how to carry it out outside my limits, carry it out in another
country and make it work correctly, in addition to later being able to understand all the
processes that you have related any project and its procedures and these are linked to
the pure fact that it is to undertake in another place outside the country in a correct

3. Explain the learning sequence of skills, attitudes and values. Which one did you achieve
first? Which ones later? What is the link between them?
Manage to do things correctly, see everything that implies and have that leadership
attitude in carrying out decisions of your own company, have the courage to be able to
achieve it and have faith in it, all those skills or values are linked in the process of
being an intelligent and skillful entrepreneur, having the vision of being able to
achieve things and get them done

4. Which factors did you discuss or think of during the certificate? Is there anything else
you need to know?
During the certificate, there were several factors where it was necessary to ask more
than twice, since it is a very extensive and complex issue to be able to achieve a skill
in this certificate, however, for the time being, everything became clear, and the
issues could be resolved. doubts at the time

5. Compare your best and your below average assignments. What are their similarities?
What are their differences? Why do you consider one is better than the other?
They have similarities when doing the work, however, the differences are too many,
each task doing it better with the support of the teacher to be able to take it into
account in the following activity, but if there was an improvement and there can
always be an improvement

6. What changes did you have during the certificate? What do you attribute these changes
I had changes in terms of language, to be able to improve my way of presenting and to
be more professional in my professional activities and projects, obviously giving
credit to everything that is included in this certificate

7. What do you know about yourself now?

I know that I can be capable of myself to be able to have an international company,
apart from that, having the capacity to carry out what I want to achieve in an honest
and responsible way, having the mentality to be able to achieve it, in addition to being
able to have an improvement in a language that I had forgotten and be able to take
advantage of it with practices of the certificate, proposing myself to be able to
improve in terms of things on a professional and personal level

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