Entrepreneurship Summative Test # 2 Quarter 2/ Module 9

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Name:______________________________________________Grade and Section:________________

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

_____1. Which of the following factor to consider as the most important choosing the right
A. Location B. Partnership C. Price D. Reliability
_____2. Which of the following is an advantage to a supplier of delivering products on time
A. Lower Payment B. Lower Trading Cost
C. Minimal buffer stock consume D. Repeating orders
_____3. Which of the following factor to consider as looking for qualified suppliers who have been
in business for a long time?
A. Location B. Price C. Stability D. Reliability
_____4. Which of the following factor to consider as dealing with distant suppliers moght provide
you a longer delivery time and extra load cost?
A. Location B. Price C. Stability D. Reliability
_____5. Which of the following is a concept to show the value of their raw materials to produce
products that finally sold to the market?
A. Operations B. Service C. Supply Chain D. Value Chain
_____6. Which of the following is a significant in a value chain to the business world?
A. Operations B. Service
C. Supply Chain D. Value Chain
_____7. Which area of a business will particularly focus to ensure deliveries of a product to
customer arrive on time?
A. Sales B. Finance C. Logistics D. Marketing
_____8. Which of the following steps in value chain involves activities that associated the buyers
to purchase the product?
A. Inbounds Logistics B. Marketing and Sales
C. Operations D. Service
_____9. Which of the following generates the best source of the recommendation for a
potential job candidate?
A. Internet B. Employee referral
C. Company Website D. Recruiting organizations
_____10. Why manufacturing is important to the economy?
A. It adds value to products and services
B. It supports service and production
C. It creates wealth
D. All of the above
_____11. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. The supply chain integrates all activities and process to provide a product or service to
the end users
B. Raw materials in the supply chain typically flows from customer to producer
C. The supply chain involves only one supplier
D. All of the above
_____12. Which of the following is NOT steps in value chain?
A. Inbound Logistics
B. Marketing and Sales
C. Manufacturing and developing products
D. Operations
_____13. Which of the follwing is NOT an element of supply chain?
A. Accepting and processing returns of defective products
B. Distributing the product to consumers/customers
C. Producing and designing a product to meet consumer request
D. None of the above
_____14. Marielle wants to open a new business, she needs to find right supplier for her raw
materials. Which of the following is getting the right supplier for her business?
A. Business advisors
B. Credit check potential suppliers
C. Developing partnership
D. Trade press
_____15. Dane is the Area Manager of X Business, by identifying the potential supplier she can
find suppliers through her shortlist of possible suppliers. Which of the following is an example pf
shortlist in identifying potential supplier?
A. Ask around
B. Credit check potential supplier
C. Location
D. Trade Associations
_____16. Manufacturer X and Y supply manufacturer Z, which supplies customer A and B.
Which following statement is the best?
A. Supply chain for manufacturer X includes Y,Z, A & B
B. Supply chain for manufacturer Y includes X,Z, A & B
C. The supply chain for company Z includes X,Y, A & B
D. All the above
_____17. Which of the following best describe the importance of recruiting?
A. To determine whether to use inside or outside candidates
B. To predict the short-term supply candidates
C. To develop and increase the pool of applicant
D. To create positive story about the company

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