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Jaylen Green

Answer in essay form: How did the world come into existence?
God started all creations, from human life to plant life. Everything made came from God. The
first day he created light, second the sky, third dry land, seas, plants and trees so on and so on. If
you're a christian or study the bible you're familiar with this. This is what I trust and believe
about the world coming into existence.

Answer in essay form: For what purpose does the world exist?
I myself would say the world was created because God wanted to create life after he messed up
the first time and we would spread his word, help convert the lost to saved then people would get
to know Jesus and be saved from their sins.

Answer in essay form: Is there such a thing as “right” and “wrong”? From where is the concept
of good and evil derive?
I say there is a such thing as right and wrong. All throughout life you've been taught "right from
wrong". Even in the bible God told Adam not to eat from the tree of Knowledge he knew he was
in the wrong whenever he from that tree. You know you're right whenever you do good
deeds and you're wrong whenever you do bad.

Answer in essay form: What is a human? Why do humans exist?
Well I look human beings as people like me and you. Humans exist becasue the mercy of God by
sending messengers to their people shows the purpose of his creation. Humans who follow his
word and steps should guide others to the right path until the day he returns. We all have our own
purpose on why we exist, I can't tell you what your purpose is but you'll find it, if you look hard

Answer in essay form: Where is history going? What happens after you die?
As far as where is history going I'll say it can only be remembered it can't go anywhere. When
you die I say your soul goes to rest until the Last Judgement where it'll be decided whether you to Heaven or Hell assigned to eternal life or eternal damnation.
The followers of Christ shall go with him and the others shall be with the Devil.
Answer in essay form: What is the source of problems in the world?
Globaly problems could be like climate changes but with us humans we're the main source of
problems. Theres armed coflict, chronic diseases, education, population growth, natural disasters,
then water and sanitation. These all are problems caused by humans in the world and everybody
does something wrong because nobodies perfect.

Answer in essay form: What are the solutions to the problems in the world?
Some solutions to solve the problems are ending poverty, promoting well being for all ages,
ensuring clean water for all, reduce inequalities, make settlements safe, take urgent action to
combat climate change, and promote peaceful societies. These things alone could make the world
a better place.

Answer in essay form: From what sources have I derived my worldview?
I am a Christian so I would say I have a biblical Christian worldview. The way I believe makes me
view the world in that way and its how I make my decisions and judgments. Everyone has their
own worldview and what they believe in. For example the Lion King when it talks about the
"circle of life".

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