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DOI: 10.1111/ipd.


Cognitive behaviour therapy for anxious paediatric dental

patients: a systematic review


Dentistry Graduate Program, Universidade Federal de Goi! as, Goi^ania, Brazil, 2Departamento de Estomatologia (Patologia
Oral), Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Federal de Goi! ania, Brazil, 3Departamento de Sa!
as, Goi^ ude Oral, Faculdade
de Odontologia, Universidade Federal de Goi! ania, Brazil, 4Paediatric Dentistry, Division of Population and Patient
as, Goi^
Health, King’s College London Dental institute, London, UK, and 5Psychology, Division of Population and Patient Health,
King’s College London Dental institute, London, UK

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2018 up to 18 years were included. Two trained and
calibrated reviewers performed the study selection
Background. There is a paucity of evidence about and risk of bias assessment. The quality of the evi-
cognitive behaviour therapy in the management dence was evaluated using the Grading of Recom-
of dentally anxious children. mendations Assessment, Development and
Aim. To systematically review evidence of the Evaluation (GRADE).
effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for Results. Six studies with a total of 269 patients,
children with dental anxiety or dental phobia. aged 41 months to 18 years, were included. Cog-
Design. Clinical trial registries, grey literature, and nitive behaviour therapy decreased level of anxi-
electronic databases, including The Cochrane ety compared to control groups and improved
Library, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, Web of cooperation/behaviour, although the quality of
Science, LILACS/BBO, and PsycINFO, were the evidence was low.
searched (April 2018). The reference lists of rele- Conclusions. Cognitive behaviour therapy pro-
vant studies were hand-searched. Randomised duces better anxiety reduction than diverse beha-
controlled trials that evaluated the effects of cog- vioural management techniques but the evidence
nitive behaviour therapy on dental anxiety or on was of low quality and further studies in children
acceptance of dental treatment in dental patients are needed.

unlikely to help the child overcome their fear

in the long term as they do not provide a
Childhood fear of dental treatment is preva- learning opportunity.
lent and a common reason for referral to spe- Psychological approaches are known to
cialist paediatric dental services1,2. Such fear rehabilitate fearful adults, to be less invasive
may manifest in many ways, including refusal and preferred by families7–10. Cognitive beha-
to cooperate with treatment. It is commonly viour therapy (CBT) is already known to be
found in young children (e.g., preschool), beneficial in treating dental anxiety and pho-
those who have had a previous negative bia in adults8,9. The CBT technique combines
experience, or who have been unprepared, or both behavioural (systematic desensitisation
have a family history of attending irregu- and relaxation) and cognitive (cognitive
larly1–5. For many of these children, sedation, restructuring) interventions10. A previous
general anaesthesia, and/or restraint are study showed that 79% of adults with dental
excellent at enabling dental treatment to be phobia accepted dental treatment without
performed6, even though such approaches are sedation11 and there are randomised con-
trolled trials, meta-analyses13, and a system-
atic review of CBT in adult dental patients8.
Correspondence to: Cognitive behaviour therapy provides a
Professor Luciane Rezende Costa, Faculdade de complementary approach to the provision of
Odontologia, Universidade Federal de Goi!as, Av.
pharmacological interventions for children
Universit!aria Esquina com 1ª Avenida s/n, Setor
Universit!ario CEP: 74605-220 – Goi^
ania, Goi!as, Brasil. with high levels of dental anxiety, and there
E-mail: are randomised controlled trials regarding

© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
2 H. S. Gomes et al.

CBT for treating dental anxiety and/or dental the syntax rules of each database (Table 1).
phobia in children9,12. A recent systematic Two reviewers (KAV, HSGR) performed the
review reported that CBT is effective in searches in April 2018.
reducing general anxiety in children14. How- Studies were searched on electronic bibliogra-
ever, there is no systematic review of the phy databases including The Cochrane Library,
effect of CBT for paediatric dental patients. EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science,
The aim of this systematic review was to LILACS/BBO, and PsycINFO. Reference list of
determine to what extent CBT produces a relevant studies was hand-searched. Unpub-
reduction in dental anxiety and dental phobia lished and ongoing trials were searched on trials
in children. registries, such as ClinicalTrials, ISRCTN reg-
istry, UK National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence, and International Clinical Trials
Materials and methods
Registry Platform. Furthermore, grey literature
This systematic review was registered in the was searched on ProQuest dissertations and
PROSPERO database (PROSPERO 2016: Theses full text, and OpenGrey.
CRD42016043996). To report this systematic
review, the recommendations of Preferred
Study selection and data collection process
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-Analysis – PRISMA15 were followed. Two independent and calibrated reviewers
(HSGR and KAV) performed study selection.
The software program EndNote! (EndNote
Eligibility criteria
X7, Thomson Reuters, New York, USA) was
The eligibility criteria were based on PICOS used to remove duplicated references. The
(population, intervention, comparator, out- two reviewers were trained and calibrated by
comes, and study design) strategy, as follows: means of applying eligibility criteria to 10%
(1) population: paediatric patients up to (n = 60) of titles/abstracts of the retrieved
18 years with dental anxiety or dental pho- studies, and reached perfect agreement
bia. Dental anxiety must be measured by (j = 1.0). Next, these reviewers screened
means of validated psychometric scales, independently the remaining titles and
whereas dental phobia must be diagnosed abstracts to select potentially relevant trials.
according to psychiatric criteria; (2) interven- Full text of the articles considered included
tion: cognitive behaviour therapy; (3) compar- by at least one reviewer was read indepen-
ison: control conditions (placebo or no dently to check for eligibility criteria. Discrep-
treatment), basic and advanced behaviour ancies regarding inclusion/exclusion of a
guidance techniques such as distraction and study were resolved by a third reviewer
sedation; (4) outcomes: level of dental anxiety, (LRC).
acceptance of dental treatment, and accep- After the selection study step, a data extrac-
tance of CBT; and (5) studies: randomised con- tion form was developed and pilot-tested.
trolled trials (RCT) without restriction in Two independent reviewers (HSGR and KAV)
regard to date of publication, publication sta- collected the following data in duplicate:
tus, and language. study identification; participants’ characteris-
tics; description of intervention and compar-
ison; dental procedure; outcome measure;
Search strategy and information sources
results. Disagreements were solved by con-
A systematic search was developed using con- sensus.
trolled vocabulary (MeSH – Medical Subject
Headings and DeCS – Health Sciences
Risk of bias of included studies
Descriptors), synonymous, related terms, and
free terms regarding paediatric patients, den- Two independent reviewers (HSGR and KAV)
tal anxiety, and cognitive behaviour therapy. assessed in duplicate the risk of bias in each
The search strategy was modified according to included study, according to the Cochrane

© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
CBT for dental anxiety in children 3

Table 1. Search strategy used for some database.

Database Search strategy

PubMed (Child [mh] OR Child* [tiab] OR Pediatric [tiab] OR Paediatric [tiab] OR Infant[mh] OR Infant* [tiab] OR
(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. Toddler [tiab] OR Adolescent [mh] OR Adolescen*[tiab] OR Youth*[tiab]) AND (Dental Anxiety [mh] OR
gov/pubmed) Dental Anxiety [tiab] OR Dental Fear [tiab] OR Fears Dental [tiab] OR Phobia Dental [tiab] OR Anxieties
Dental [tiab] OR Dental care [mh] OR Dental care [tiab] OR Dental treatment[tiab]) AND (Cognitive
Therapy [mh] OR Cognitive Therapy [tiab] OR Cognition Therapies [tiab] OR Therapies Cognition [tiab]
OR Cognitive Behavior Therapy [tiab] OR Therapies Cognitive Behavioral [tiab] OR Therapy Cognitive
Behavioral [tiab] OR Therapy Cognitive Behaviour [tiab] OR Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [tiab] OR
Therapies Cognitive Behavioural [tiab] OR Therapy Cognitive Behavioural[tiab] OR CBT [tiab] OR
Cognitive Behaviour Treatments [tiab] OR Cognitive Behavioral Treatment [tiab] OR Behavior Therapy
[mh] OR Therapy Conditioning [tiab] OR Therapies Conditioning [tiab] OR Therapies Behavior [tiab] OR
Therapies Behaviour [tiab] OR Behaviour Treatments [tiab] OR Behavioral Therapy [tiab]) AND
(randomized controlled trial [pt] OR controlled clinical trial [pt] OR randomized [tiab] OR placebo [tiab]
OR drug therapy [sh] OR randomly [tiab] OR trial [tiab] OR groups [tiab] NOT (animals [mh] NOT
humans [mh])
EMBASE ( #1- child OR Child*.mp. OR pediatrics OR OR OR infant OR Infant*.mp.
OR toddler OR OR adolescent OR Adolescen*.mp. OR Youth*.mp.
#2- dental anxiety OR Dental OR Dental OR Fears OR Phobia
OR Anxieties OR Dental OR Dental
#3- cognitive therapy OR Cognitive OR Cognition OR Therapies OR Cognitive Behavior OR Therapies Cognitive OR Therapy
Cognitive OR Therapy Cognitive OR Cognitive Behavioural
OR Therapies Cognitive OR Therapy Cognitive OR OR
Cognitive Behaviour OR Cognitive Behavioral OR behavior therapy OR
Behavior OR Therapy OR Therapies OR Therapies OR Therapies OR Behaviour OR Behavioral
Scopus #1 (TITLE-ABS-KEY (Child*) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (Pediatric) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (Paediatric) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
( (Infant*) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (Toddler) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (Adolescen*) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (Youth*))
# 2 (TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Dental Anxiety’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Dental Fear’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Fears Dental’)
OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Phobia Dental’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Anxieties Dental’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(‘Dental care’))
#3 (TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Cognitive Therapy’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Cognition Therapies’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(‘Therapies Cognition’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Cognitive Behavior Therapy’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Therap*
Cognitive Behavioral’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Therapy Cognitive Behaviour’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Therap* Cognitive Behavioural’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (CBT) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Cognitive Behaviour Treatments’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Cognitive Behavioral Treatment’)
OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Behavior Therapy’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Therap* Conditioning’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(‘Therapies Behavior’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Therapies Behaviour’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Behaviour
Treatments’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘Behavioral Therapy’))

Collaboration’s Tool for Assessing Risk of Bias considering all the key domains and were cate-
in Randomized Trials. This tool allows evalu- gorised as low (low risk of bias in all domains),
ating seven domains of risk of bias: random unclear (if unclear for one of the domains), or
sequence generation (selection bias), alloca- high (if high risk for one of the domains). Dis-
tion concealment (selection bias), blinding of agreements were resolved by consensus.
participants and personnel (performance
bias), blinding of outcome assessment (detec-
Data synthesis
tion bias), incomplete outcome data (attrition
bias), selective reporting (reporting bias), and Clinical heterogeneity and methodological
other biases16. heterogeneity were explored to check
The risk of bias for each domain was classi- whether a meta-analysis could be performed.
fied as high, low, or unclear, according to the There was substantial clinical heterogeneity
criteria described in the Cochrane Handbook among studies, due to the different types of
for Systematic reviews of Interventions 5.1.0 comparators described and the wide range of
( The selected outcome measures. Given that, data were not
trials were assessed for the risk of bias similar enough to be combined in meta-

© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
4 H. S. Gomes et al.

analysis. Thus, a narrative synthesis is pro- evaluated treatment effects on anxiety/fear

vided by means of text, tables, and figures. and on cooperation/behaviour. Anxiety was
The quality of the evidence for all outcomes measured using the Venham Clinical Anxiety
was judged according to the Grading of Rec- Scale (VCAS)9, the Venham Picture Test
ommendations Assessment, Development and (VPT)9,19,20, Structured Clinical Interview for
Evaluation (GRADE) approach. This approach Dental Anxiety (SCI-DA)21, the State-Trait
enables to judge the quality of body of evi- Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC)22,
dence based on study design, risk of bias, and physiological measures19,20,22. Fear was
imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness, and measured using the Children’s Fear Survey
other factors, as publication bias18. Schedule–Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS)21,23, the
Intra-oral Injection Fear Scale (IOIF-s)23, and
the Mutilation Questionnaire for children
(MQ-c)23. Cooperation was measured using
the Venham Clinical Co-operation Scale
Study selection
(VCCS)9, the Modified version of Behavior
A total of 1078 studies were identified Profile Rating Scale (MBPRS)20, the Behavior
throughout search. After the removal of Rating Scale (BRS) adapted from Machen and
duplicates, 677 remained. Among them, 662 Johnson22, the Behavior Profile Rating
studies were removed after screening of titles Scale19, and the child’s level of cooperation
and abstracts, and the main reasons to exclu- and anxiety on a seven-point scale, and the
sion were non-issue related (n = 609) and child’s general response to the anaesthetic
non-RCT (n = 35). Among 15 potentially eli- injection was recorded19. Two studies21,23
gible studies, six were included in this sys- evaluated the behavioural avoidance to dental
tematic review (Fig. 1). clinical situations by means of the behavioural
avoidance test (BAT). All studies sought the
children’s perception of their anxiety.
Characteristics of included studies
All six studies finally selected for the review
Risk of bias
were published in English between 1980 and
2017: two were performed in the United Based on all key domains, two studies were
States, one in Jamaica, one in Iran, one in found to have high risk, and the others had
Norway, and one in Sweden. The included unclear risk (Fig. 2). In regard to specific
studies involved 269 patients with the age domains, ‘blinding of participants and person-
range from 41 months to 18 years (Table 2). nel’ was judged as unclear in three studies,
The number of sessions in which CBT was low in one and high in two. Half of the stud-
applied varied among studies from one9,19,20 ies were judged as low risk for the domain
to 10 sessions21. In half of studies9,19,20, CBT ‘blinding of outcome assessment’. Almost all
was applied in one session: in one9, CBT was trials had low risk for the domain ‘incomplete
administered for an average of 16 min prior outcome data’. All studies were classified as
to dental treatment, through modelling, low risk of bias in domains ‘selective report-
relaxation training, and positive self-talk; in ing’ and ‘other bias’.
the other two19,20, CBT was applied through
relaxation, distraction, and calming self-talk.
Evidence synthesis
Cognitive behaviour therapy was compared
to conventional behavioural management In five studies9,19,21–23, CBT showed signifi-
techniques9,21, N2O/O29,21, sedation21, gen- cant decreased levels of anxiety/fear com-
eral anaesthesia21, non-intervention19,20, sen- pared to controls, regardless of the method
sory information19, modelling22, information used to evaluate anxiety/fear9,19,21–23 or the
dissemination22, and waiting list22,23. evaluation time of CBT after receiving the
The outcomes assessed were mostly self- treatment21,22. Similarly, three studies9,19,20
report and behavioural observations. All trials reported a positive effect of CBT on

© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
CBT for dental anxiety in children 5

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow chart.

cooperation/behaviour and two studies21,22 other in the phases of CBT that were applied
showed improvement on avoidance beha- as follows: relaxation and distraction9,19,20;
viour to dental clinical situations. However, modelling and positive self-talk9, calming self-
for both of these outcomes, the level of evi- talk19,20; and exposure-based multicomponent
dence was low, given the data imprecision treatment, exposure-based coping skills train-
(Table 3). ing conditioning, and no exposure-based cop-
ing skills training conditioning22. Adult
studies have also suggested that CBT was
effective at reducing dental anxiety regardless
This study reviews the current evidence of of the format of delivery24.
the effectiveness of CBT for children with In almost all of the trials reviewed in this
dental anxiety or dental phobia. The system- study, patients who received CBT experienced
atic review of the evidence shows that CBT lower anxiety and/or better behaviour than
resulted in lower levels of anxiety and better those who received other behaviour manage-
cooperation/behaviour compared to various ment techniques. The findings from the single
other behavioural management techniques, study22 that did not find a difference between
thus it may be effective in helping children to groups in regard to behaviour may be
cope with dental anxiety. explained by the fact that in this trial partici-
Although repeated graded exposure is a pants underwent simulated dental treatment
core technique of CBT, in three studies, CBT instead of real-life procedures. One of the six
was performed in only one session. In fact, trials that was included in this systematic
two previous reviews in adults had demon- review showed no difference between the
strated that CBT could be delivered in fewer groups on the level of anxiety but in this
sessions, without affecting a successful out- study19, anxiety was measured using the VPT,
come24,25. Published studies differ from each a self-reported scale, whereas other studies

© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Table 2. Description of studies.

Groups Outcome measures

Author, year, Study Participants Dental
country design n (age) procedures Intervention Comparison Instruments Respondents Moment Conclusions

Berge et al., Blinded, 67 (10–16 Dental clinical A: immediate B: waitlist control group Intra-oral Injection Fear Scale Children Before the treatment and Group A exhibited reduction
201723, Norway parallel years) situations, involving treatment group after 5 weeks on the (IOIF-s) at 1-year follow-up from pre- to post-treatment
intraoral injection receiving CBT waitlist, they were Children’s Fear Survey Schedule on all self-report scales and
H. S. Gomes et al.

(drilling, extractions) 1 week after assigned for the CBT –Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS) superior improvement on BAT
diagnostic interview, (n = 33) Mutilation Questionnaire for
for five sessions children (MQ-c)
(n = 34) Injection Phobia Scale for
children (IS-c)
Behavioural avoidance test
Shahnavaz et al., Blinded, 30 (7–18 Dental clinical A: CBT in ten sessions B: Treatment as usual, such Behavioral Avoidance Test (BAT) Children Before the treatment, • BAT: superior improve-
201621, Sweden parallel years) situations, involving (n = 13) as basic behaviour Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for 3 months after, and at 1- ment in group A compared to
injection of local management techniques, Specific Phobias (SEQ-SP) year follow-up B after the treatment and at
anaesthesia, and sedation with midazolam, Structured Clinical Interview for Children 1-year follow-up (P < 0.05).
drilling and general anaesthesia Dental Anxiety (SCI-DA) and parents • SCI-DA: more partici-
(n = 17) Children’s Fear Survey Schedule pants in the CBT group did
–Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS) not meet diagnostic criteria
for dental anxiety after and at
1-year follow-up (P < 0.05)
reduction of fear and
increased self-efficacy favour-
ing group A at after treatment
and at 1-year follow-up
(P < 0.05)
Kebriaee et al., Unblinded, 45 (3–6.5 Pulp therapy A: CBT prior to dental B: conventional behavioural Venham clinical cooperation Observers Baseline and at treatment • VPT: No significant dif-
20159, Iran parallel years) treatment (n = 15) management techniques scale (VCCS) session: local anaesthesia, ference between the two
(n = 15) C: N2O/O2 Venham clinical anxiety scale Observers rubber dam placement treatment sessions into treat-
(n = 15) (VCAS) and high-speed ment groups
Venham Picture Test (VPT) Children handpiece use • Higher decrease in
uncooperative behaviour and
anxiety between the two den-
tal visits at all stages in group
A and C, in comparison with
B (P < 0.05)
Del Gaudio and Blinded, 68 (9–13 Simulation of A: exposure-based D: videotape modelling State-trait anxiety inventory for Children Immediately after the oral Anxiety: Lower state in group
Nevid, 199122, parallel years) radiographic multicomponent condition children (STAIC) examination A compared to group F; B
Jamaica exposition, treatment E: information Pulse Observers compared to D and E; A
prophylactic B: exposure-based dissemination/discussion Behaviour rating scale adapted Observers compared to group C, D and
treatment, coping skills training group control from Machen and Johnson E
and oral condition Condition No difference on behavioural
examination C: non-exposure- F: waiting-list control or physiological measures
based coping skills condition
training condition


© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Table 2 (Contd.)

Groups Outcome measures

Author, year, Study Participants Dental
country design n (age) procedures Intervention Comparison Instruments Respondents Moment Conclusions

Treiber et al., Blinded, 17 (41–66 Restoration or A: coping skills prior to B: reading of nursery tales Modified Behavior Profile Rating Observers Throughout the session Behaviour: lower mean MBPRS
198520, USA parallel months) extraction the dental visit (n = 7) Scale (MBPRS) score in group A (mean 1.85,
(n = 10) Heart rate SD 1.61) compared to group
VPT Children Immediately prior to and B (3.56, 3.18)
following the dental Anxiety an heart rate: no
session significant difference
Siegel and Not 42 (42–71 Radiographs, A: coping skills prior to B: sensory information Behavior Profile Rating Scale Observers During the dental session Fewer disruptive responses in
Peterson19, mentioned, months) prophylaxis, and the second visit C: no treatment (BPRS) groups A and B compared to
1980, USA parallel restoration Child’s level of cooperation and Following each dental C (P ≤ 0.001)
anxiety on a 7-point scale session Level of cooperation and
Child’s general response to the Soon after the session anxiety: less cooperation and
anaesthetic injection more levels of anxiety in
Radial pulse After the child was seated group C compared to A and
in the dental chair and B (P ≤ 0.001)
immediately after the end VPT: no significant difference
of treatment Response to the anaesthetic
Stanford Preschool Internal- Children One week prior to the visit injection: greater distress in
External scale (SPIES) group C compared to A and
VPT Before and after each B (P ≤ 0.001)
dental session Pulse rates before entering the
post-treatment restorative
session: lower in group A

© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
compared to B and C
(P ≤ 0.001)
Pulse rates after the restoration
session: lower in groups A
and B, compared to C
(P ≤ 0.001)
SPIES: no significant
relationships between scores
of control and experimental
measures before and after
CBT for dental anxiety in children
8 H. S. Gomes et al.

that did report improved anxiety used other differences between studies on how anxiety
measures such as STAIC, VCAS, and also was evaluated, the various scales that were
physiological measures. Interestingly, in the used are well known and validated. Studies
three trials in which VPT was used9,19,20, anx- have also demonstrated better results using
iety assessed by this scale did not differ CBT techniques compared to other kinds of
between groups. This suggests that the VPT behaviour management regardless of method-
might not be as sensitive as other measures. ology8,25–27.
Although there were differences between Physiological measures such as heart rate20
the studies regarding the type of dental treat- and radial pulse19,22 were used to evaluate
ment performed, in general, CBT showed its the CBT technique. No difference was found
efficacy in improving cooperation and reduc- among the groups when those variables were
ing dental anxiety of children. Despite considered; this may be the result of CBT
having differential effects on the cognitive
and physiological aspects of anxiety. That is,
patients continue to experience a physiologi-
cal state of arousal but learn to label this in a
more positive way. Such changes in cognition
are a core component of CBT. It is recom-
mended that physiological measures should
be used in combination with psychometric
measures to assess anxiety, given that multi-
ple assessments provide a richness of data
that cannot be obtained from relying upon a
single method of assessment28.
One study evaluated CBT compared to
sedation using nitrous oxide/oxygen9. The
results of both were similar which could be a
great alternative for uncooperative children
once it is indicated to interweave both tech-
niques11. It can be mentioned that despite the
initially expensive cost of CBT, as the inter-
vention may allow the patient to be treated
without sedation in the future, this can lead
to a reduction in long-term health costs11.
For all studies, the reporting of the method-
ology is limited, as evidenced by the
Cochrane Collaboration’s Tool for Assessing
Fig. 2. Risk of bias. Risk of Bias in Randomized Trials17. In

Table 3. Quality of evidence.

Quality assessment

Number of Other
studies Study design Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision considerations Quality

6 Randomised trials Not serious Not serious Not serious Very serious* None ■■□□ LOW
6 Randomised trials Not serious Not serious Not serious Very serious* None ■■□□ LOW

*Few studies involving small sample size.

© 2018 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
CBT for dental anxiety in children 9

particular, the description of the manner of

Conflict of interest
randomisation was limited, and there was no
reporting of the methods of allocation con- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
cealment. Among all domains of risk of bias,
the one that showed higher occurrence of
Author contributions
high risk was ‘blinding of participants and
personnel’. These methodological biases sug- H.S.G., A.C.B., L.R.C., M.T.H., and T.N. con-
gest caution in the interpretation of the ceived the ideas. H.S.G. and K.A.V. collected
results. and analysed the data and drafted the manu-
There are some limitations of this system- script. H.S.G., K.A.V., L.R.C., M.T.H., and
atic review; firstly, even though all efforts T.N. interpreted the data. All authors revised
were made to find all relevant articles, pub- and approved the final version of the manu-
lication bias cannot be ruled out, and sec- script and agree to be accountable for all
ondly, despite only randomised controlled aspects of the manuscript.
trials being included, as these are considered
to be the gold standard design for interven-
tion studies, these trials have some limita-
tions in their own right that might impact 1 Krikken JB, van Wijk AJ, ten Cate JM, Veerkamp
on our findings, such as small sample sizes. JS. Child dental anxiety, parental rearing style and
referral status of children. Community Dent Health
In spite of this, we attempted to reduce
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potential biases and minimise errors by fol- 2 Klingberg G, Dahllof G, Erlandsson AL et al. A sur-
lowing strict criteria16 to perform this sys- vey of specialist paediatric dental services in Swe-
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This systematic review has found that the Paediatr Dent 2006; 16: 89–94.
quality of evidence for CBT for children with 3 Taskinen H, Kankaala T, Rajavaara P, Pesonen P,
Laitala ML, Anttonen V. Self-reported causes for
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six selected studies included children’s self- sia (DGA): a cross-sectional survey. Eur Arch Paediatr
report on their anxiety but restricted their Dent 2014; 15: 105–112.
data collection for a short period of time, 4 Elledge R, Alexopoulos E, Hosey MT. Short commu-
more randomised clinical trials that include nication: dental anxiety levels and outcomes of care:
a preliminary report on experiences of a sedation
long-term follow-up and assess other out-
assessment clinic. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2007; 8:
comes such as oral-health-related quality of 211–214.
life and satisfaction with the dental treatment 5 Olumide F, Newton JT, Dunne S, Gilbert DB. Antici-
are needed. patory anxiety in children visiting the dentist: lack
of effect of preparatory information. Int J Paediatr
Dent 2009; 19: 338–342.
6 Boyle CA, Newton T, Milgrom P. Who is referred for
Why this paper is important to paediatric dentists sedation for dentistry and why? Br Dent J 2009; 206:
• This study points to the evidence in favour of the use 322–323.
of CBT for the reduction in anxiety and the enhance- 7 Forbes MD, Boyle CA, Newton T. Acceptability of
ment of cooperation amongst children in the dental behaviour therapy for dental phobia. Community Dent
setting. Oral Epidemiol 2012; 40: 1–7.
8 Wide Boman U, Carlsson V, Westin M, Hakeberg M.
Psychological treatment of dental anxiety among
adults: a systematic review. Eur J Oral Sci 2013; 121:
Acknowledgements 225–234.
9 Kebriaee F, Sarraf Shirazi A, Fani K et al. Compar-
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