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Thin Solid Films 406 (2002) 159–163

Effects of nitrogen flow rates on the growth morphology of TiAlN films

prepared by an rf-reactive sputtering technique
K. Chakrabarti, J.J. Jeong, S.K. Hwang, Y.C. Yoo, C.M. Lee*
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University, 253 Youngheyon-dong, Inchon 402-751, South Korea

Received 24 January 2001; received in revised form 11 July 2001; accepted 7 December 2001


Over the last decade titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) has been under active investigation as a promising alternative to binary
coating materials for cutting and forming tools because of its superior oxidation resistance and lower thermal conductivity.
However, the effects of nitrogen flow rates on the reactive sputtering of TiAlN films remain relatively untapped despite their
importance in studying the growth morphology to acquire valuable knowledge for the selection of optimum coating conditions.
In this paper we report the results of our study regarding the implications of nitrogen flow rate on the growth morphology of the
TiAlN films reactively sputtered from a stoichiometric target of TiAl. Scanning and transmission microscopy (SEM, TEM), X-
ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been used for film characterization, the latter of which is yet
to be fully exploited as a tool for analyzing the effects of N2 as a sputtering parameter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: TiAlN; Sputtering; Structural properties; Atomic force microscopy

1. Introduction TiAlN coatings are mostly synthesized through reactive

physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods such as sput-
Titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) has been devel- tering w9,10x or ion plating w11x. In recent years, we
oped and has been under active investigation since last have seen reports on several aspects of TiAlN sputter
decade as a promising alternative to binary coating deposited films, but those describing the effects of
materials for cutting and forming tools w1–5x. Very nitrogen flow rates on the reactive sputtering of TiAlN
recently titanium aluminum nitride coatings have also films w10x remain quite scarce. In particular, atomic
been studied for applications other than in tribology; force microscopy (AFM), which is an important probe
e.g. in satellite temperature control w5x. A fundamental not only to study the top surface morphology of the
advantage of TiAlN coatings is that they form a highly films, but also to obtain information on the average
adhesive, dense protective Al2O3 film at their surface grain size, the roughness, the size and shape distribution
when heated, preventing further inward diffusion of of the islands, remain an untouched tool in analyzing
oxygen into the coated material w6x. In addition, they the effects of the nitrogen flow rate as a sputtering
have lower thermal conductivity, making them particu- parameter.
larly suitable as coatings for machining applications. The purpose of this work is to study the implications
The superior cutting behavior of TiAlN over conven- of nitrogen flow rate on the reactive sputtering of TiAlN
tional binary coatings makes it a suitable candidate for films from a stoichiometric target of TiAl by scanning
high-speed cutting tools. and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), X-
Although there are a few reports of TiAlN deposition ray diffraction (XRD) and AFM.
by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques w7,8x,
2. Experimental details
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q82-32-860-7536; fax: q82-32-862-
5546. TiAlN films with a thickness of ;0.4–0.5 mm were
E-mail address: (C.M. Lee). deposited on Si(100) substrates by rf-sputtering from a

0040-6090/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 0 - 6 0 9 0 Ž 0 1 . 0 1 7 9 1 - 6
160 K. Chakrabarti et al. / Thin Solid Films 406 (2002) 159–163

Table 1 facets parallel to the substrate under relatively intense

Deposition conditions bombardment w10x. With the increasing nitrogen flow
Base pressure 7=10y7 mbar rate, the nitrogen atomyion flux increases and the
Deposition pressure 4=10y3 mbar mobility of the adatoms decreases. This could favor the
Substrate temperature 300 8C growth of crystal planes having higher surface energy,
Substrate rotation 3 rev.ymin i.e. (200), at the expense of others because of its higher
rf-Power 450 Watts ledge density and the shorter diffusion distance to the
N2 flow rate 10–25 sccm
Ar flow rate 25 sccm relatively lower energy sites w14x.
Deposition time 75 min From EDX analysis it was found that our TiAlN films
can best be expressed as Ti1yxAlxN, with xs0.51–0.57
with decreasing N2 flow rate. It was shown w15,16x that
stoichiometric TiAl target under various N2 and Ar flow the sputtered Ti1yxAlxN films consist of two phases;
rates in a stainless steel chamber. In our study we kept one with the B1-NaCl structure AlN depleted Ti1yxAlxN
the Ar flow rate fixed at 25 sccm and N2 flow was (002) grains, and another wurtzite-structure of AlN-rich
varied in the range of 10–25 sccm. The pumping speed (0002) and (1011) ¯ grains for 0.52-xF0.59. In the
was also adjusted to keep the N2 partial pressure XRD patterns of Fig. 1, the peaks decrease in intensity
constant. Prior to the introduction into the chamber the and broaden as an additional broad peak corresponding
Si substrates were ultrasonically cleaned in a solution ¯ plane diffraction of the wurtzite-structure
to the (1011)
consisting of HF, HNO3 and H2O (1:1:5). A turbomo- overlaps at the same 2u position w13x. It may be noted
lecular pump was used to achieve a base pressure of here that a similar phenomenon was reported by us w17x
7=10y7 mbar before introducing the gas mixtures. The very recently for Ti1yxYxN systems, although the rela-
details of the deposition conditions are given in Table tive effect of Y was found to be stronger than Al.
The texture and phases of the prepared films were 3.2. Electron microscopy
characterized by X-ray diffraction using CuKa radiation
by a Philips PW 3719 X-ray diffractometer. SEM and Fig. 2 shows the surface and cross-sectional scanning
energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis were performed electron micrographs of two films deposited at different
using a Hitachi S-4200 Scanning electron microscope & nitrogen flow rates. It is evident that the TiAlN films
Kevex systems. To prepare cross-sectional TEM speci- have a columnar structure with voids and boundaries
mens, small pieces of the sample were cemented film throughout the film thickness (Fig. 2a,c). This growth
to film by epoxy resin. They were then mechanically process is similar to that reported for TiN w18,19x. The
ground to a thickness up to 90 mm and thereafter dimple surface morphology is similar for both cases excepting
grinding was performed up to 10 mm. Finally argon ion that the films formed under a higher nitrogen flow rate
milling was conducted. A 200 kV (model: Philips has less clustering of grains (Fig. 2d). It is also evident
CM200) transmission electron microscope was used to from Fig. 2 that the film deposited at the N2 flow rate
examine the samples. AFM analyses were performed of 25 sccm (Fig. 2c) has a much denser and finer
with scanning probe microscopy (Topometrix Corpora- grained morphology compared with that deposited at the
tion: Accurex II) at room temperature. N2 flow rate of 10 sccm (Fig. 2a). This morphological

3. Results and discussion

3.1. XRD analysis

Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of different TiAlN

films prepared under different N2 flow rate conditions.
It is quite clear from the above figure that the XRD
spectra for all films exhibited relatively intense (200)
peak of the NaCl structure of TiN. TiAlN films of a
strong preferred orientation of (200) were also reported
by others w12,13x. According to the report of Shew et
al. w10x the high flow rate of N2 (above 6 sccm) reduces
the (111) peak intensity, while it increases the (200)
peak intensity. This is due to the fact that the (111) Fig. 1. XRD patterns of different TiAlN films deposited with N2 flow
rates of 20 sccm (a), 15 sccm (b), 12 sccm (c), 10 sccm (d) and 8
plane, having the lowest surface energy in a fcc TiAlN sccm (e), keeping the Ar flow rate fixed at 25 sccm. Panel (f) is the
structure, provides the favorable sites of stacking for the reference TiN pattern sputter deposited with Ti target with N2 and Ar
mobile atoms, resulting in the lowest energy crystal flow rates being 10 sccm and 25 sccm, respectively.
K. Chakrabarti et al. / Thin Solid Films 406 (2002) 159–163 161

Fig. 2. Cross-sectional scanning electron micrographs of two films

deposited with N2 flow rates of 10 sccm (a) and 25 sccm (c). (b)
and (d) show the surface morphologies of (a) and (c), respectively.

difference is very important for the oxidation of the

films since oxygen can diffuse through the column and
grain boundaries. Hones et al. w19x have shown that in
the case of the binary TiN system the morphology of
the coatings significantly influences the oxidation rate
and films with a pronounced columnar morphology
oxidize more than seven times faster than those with a
dense and fine-grained morphology. Thus, for TiAlN
films deposited at higher N2 flow rates (and consequent-
ly of denser morphology) are expected to show better
oxidation resistance. Fig. 4. AFM images of films deposited with N2 flow rates of (a) 10
Fig. 3 shows the cross-sectional transmission electron sccm and (b) 20 sccm.
micrographs and corresponding selected area diffraction
pattern (SADP) for two films deposited at the nitrogen flow rates of 10 sccm (Fig. 3a,b) and 20 sccm (Fig.
3c,d), respectively. Cross-sectional SEM micrographs
also confirm the columnar growth. The average crystal-
lite size was estimated from enlarged SEM micrographs,
as well as from the X-ray line broadening using Sherrer’s

Fig. 3. Cross-sectional transmission electron micrographs of two films

deposited with N2 flow rates of (a) 10 sccm and (c) 20 sccm. (b)
and (d) show the corresponding selected area diffraction patterns for Fig. 5. Variation of surface roughness with N2 flow rate, with Ar flow
(a) and (c), respectively. rate fixed at 25 sccm.
162 K. Chakrabarti et al. / Thin Solid Films 406 (2002) 159–163

˚ and bearing ratio win percent (%)x for films with N2 flow rates of (a) 10 sccm, (b)
Fig. 6. Line profiles showing the height distribution (in A)
12 sccm, (c) 15 sccm and (d) 20 sccm. Ar flow rate was kept constant at 25 sccm. The maximum depth probed by the AFM tip was taken as
height zero.

equation given by: are fairly smooth with an average RMS roughness of
;2.3 nm and 1.8 nm, respectively. It may be noted here
Ds0.9ly Žbcosu. (1)
that the roughness, mentioned above, is the convolution
where D is the average particle size, l is the X-ray of the shape and local roughness. This RMS roughness
wavelength, b is the diffraction line broadening (in is mostly dominated by the shape of overlapping islands,
radians) and u is the diffraction angle. The average of which the films are composed, and not by the local
crystallite size was found to be ;5–10 nm, with a roughness of the individual islands, which was found to
discrepancy of less than 3% between the values obtained be several orders smaller compared with the roughness
by two methods. The rings of the diffraction patterns mentioned above. Fig. 5 shows a plot of surface rough-
are characteristic of a single crystal phase in a polycrys- ness vs. N2 flow rate. The decrease in roughness with
talline state. This observation is in good agreement with the increase in N2 flow rate may be attributed to the
that observed by Ikeda et al. w7x. It may also be noted
fact that the films prepared at a higher N2 flow rate
that a few very weak intensity rings indicative of the
gives a denser and finer morphology compared with
presence of very minor phases, have also been detected
from the diffraction patterns. that prepared with a lower N2 flow rate, as is evident
from the SEM micrographs.
3.3. AFM analysis We have also studied the line profile of the height
distribution and the bearing ratio (which is a measure
AFM images were obtained using a 100 mm scanner of the relative size of the bearing surface, where the
to investigate the top surface morphology of the films. bearing surface is the maximum surface area which is
The thickness and the RMS roughness of the film were exposed above a certain z-plane) as can be seen from
estimated from the average of several scans. Two Fig. 6. Fluctuations around the mean surface observed
zoomed images of 3 mm=3 mm area of TiAlN films in the line profiles are indicative of defects of different
deposited at the N2 flow rates of 10 sccm and 20 sccm sizes and heights arising out of grain domains without
are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the film surfaces well-defined size. However, the bearing ratio goes to
K. Chakrabarti et al. / Thin Solid Films 406 (2002) 159–163 163

zero value beyond 11.4 nm and 14.5 nm, respectively, Acknowledgments

for films deposited at the N2 flow rate of 10 and 20
sccm. This indicates that within the resolution governed This work was financially supported by the Korea
by the scan size and the aspect ratio of the tip of the Research Foundation through the BK21program.
indenter, islands are connected to each other at this
depth from the surface. The average shape of the islands References
as a function of depth can also be found from the
bearing ratio as pointed out by Kundu et al. w20x. w1x W.D. Mu nz, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4 (1986) 2717, (and his
other works following this).
4. Conclusions w2x O. Korotek, S.D. Mu nz, T. Leyendecker, J. Vac. Sci. Technol.
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Si(100) by rf-sputtering, the following conclusions may w4x S.K. Wu, H.C. Lin, D.L. Liu, Surf. Coat. Technol. 124 (2000)
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w5x M. Brogren, G.L. Harding, R. Karmhag, C.G. Ribbing, G.A.
1. The films deposited using this technique are prefera- Nikasson, L. Stenmark, Thin Solid films 370 (2000) 268.
bly (200) oriented of NaCl structure of TiN. However, w6x J.H. Hsieh, C. Liang, C.H. Yu, W. Wu, Surf. Coat. Technol.
for lower nitrogen flow rates the (200) diffraction 108y109 (1998) 132.
w7x S. Ikeda, S. Gilles, B. Chenevier, Thin Solid films 315 (1998)
peak decreases in intensity and broadens as an addi-
¯ wurtzite-structure alloys over- 257.
tional peak of (1011) w8x C.W. Kim, K.H. Kim, Thin Solid films 307 (1997) 113.
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2. From SEM and TEM analysis it was found that the Mu nz, J. Appl. Phys. 67 (1990) 1542.
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presence of a dominant single crystal phase in a
w13x F. Adibi, I. Petrov, J.E. Greene, U. Wahlsto m, J.E. Sundgren,
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3. AFM indicates a fluctuating surface morphology w14x D.N. Lee, J. Mater. Sci. 24 (1989) 4375.
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found to tend to a constant value at higher nitrogen w16x J. Musil, H. Hruby,´ Thin Solid Films 365 (2000) 104.
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in the future. L73.

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