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Science Student League

Category V
For Grades 6, 7 & 8



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SR. No. Title Page No.

1 Unscramble 4

2 Match The Column 7

3 Multiple Choice Questions 11

4 Fill in the blanks 37

5 True Or False 39

6 Word Search 43

7 Crossword 46

8 Answers 56

1. Electricity Vocabulary

i. toma ____________________

ii. lueuscn ____________________

iii. eectrnosl ____________________

iv. oonrtsp ____________________

v. nrunesot ____________________

vi. etlemne ____________________

vii. atitsc ____________________

viii. olsra ____________________

2. Microorganisms

i. oiolcoyirmbg ____________________

ii. eotmienfarnt ____________________

iii. zoraotpo ____________________

iv. fnugi ____________________

v. laage ____________________

vi. isrvu ____________________

vii. ebtiraca ____________________

viii. imaodt ____________________

3. Nutrition

i. inatmvi ____________________

ii. triouitnn ____________________

iii. atf ____________________

iv. sgaru ____________________

v. alevtesegb ____________________

vi. athhle ____________________

vii. ieonprt ____________________

viii. enariml ____________________

4. Energy

i. aietlpnto ____________________

ii. hilmacec ____________________

iii. etcralilce ____________________

iv. ncleaur ____________________

v. rosla ____________________

vi. haet ____________________

vii. tckniei ____________________

viii. aimsobs ____________________

5. Light and colour

i. qapuoe ____________________

ii. naltsecurnt ____________________

iii. rrnafeid ____________________

iv. rcsumpte ____________________

v. lrolitevtau ____________________

vi. srapaentnrt ____________________

vii. rmpsi ____________________

viii. oesphhsoiysntt ____________________

6. Balance and motion

i. erofc ____________________

ii. yigrvta ____________________

iii. esepd ____________________

iv. alnecba ____________________

v. niomto ____________________

vi. gwttieoruechn ____________________

vii. heelw ____________________

viii. aelx ____________________

1. Match column I with column II and mark the correct
option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
(a) Polyester (i) Prepared by using wood pulp
(b) Teflon (ii) Used for making parachute and
(c) Rayon (iii) Used for making non-stick cook
(d) Nylon (iv) Fabrics do not wrinkle easily

a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____

2. Match column I with column II and select the

correct answer from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
(a) A synthetic fibre also called as (i) Spandex
artificial silk
(b) A synthetic fibre also known as (ii) Acrylic
(c) A synthetic fibre that closely (iii) Rayon
resembles wool
(d) The first true synthetic fibre (iv) Nylon

a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____

3. Match column I with column II and select the
correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
(a) Ribosomes (i) Jelly-like substance
(b) Lysosomes (ii) Powerhouse of the cell
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum (iii) Site of protein
(d) Mitochondria (iv) Suicide bags

a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____

4. Match the entries given in Column-l with those in

Column I Column II
(a) Plane mirror (i) Used as a magnifying glass
(b) Convex mirror (ii) Can form images of objects
spread over a large area
(c) Convex lens (iii) Used by dentists to see
enlarged images of teeth
(d) Concave mirror (iv) The image is erect and of the
same size as the object
(e) Concave lens (v) The image is erect and smaller
than the object

a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____, e. _____

5. Match column I with column II and select the
correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
(a) Earthworm (i) Pulmonary respiration
(b) Human (ii) Branchial respiration
(c) Prawn (iii) Tracheal respiration
(d) Insects (iv) Cutaneous respiration
a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____
6. Match the column I with column II and select the
correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
(a) Object moving with variable
(b) Object moving is at
(c) The graph which is not
(d) Object moving with
constant speed
a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____

7. Match the two columns and select the correct
option from codes given below.
Column I Column II
(a) A bad conductor of electricity (i) CFL
but good conductor of heat
(b) A wire twisted Nichrome (ii) Nichrome
many times in the form of circles
(c) Smart eco-friendly bulb (iii) Mica
(d) An alloy whose temperature (iv) Coil
can rise up to 900oC and used as
heating Element
a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____

8. Match column I (Gland) with column II (Hormone

secreted) and column III (Function/Action) and
select the correct option from the codes given
Column I Column II Column III
(a) Pituitary (i) Adrenaline (P) It control the
activities of the other
(b) Thyroid (ii) Growth (Q) It prepares the
hormone body to fight or run
fast when needed.
(c) Adrenal (iii) Thyroxine (R) It control the
gland female secondary

(d) Pancreas (iv) Insulin (S) It regulates the
metabolic rate and
(e) Ovary (v) Testosterone (T) It regulates sugar
(f) Testis (vi) Estrogen (U) It controls the
male secondary
a. _____, b. _____, c. _____, d. _____, e. _____, f. _____


1. Which of the following shapes of a magnet are possible?

a) Only P and Q b) Only Q and R

c) Only R and P d) P, Q and R

2. The power house of cell is called

a) Cell wall b) Mitochondria
c) Ribosomes d) Nucleus

3. Satish magnetized a piece of

iron marked W, X, Y and Z
using the stroking method
as shown in the figure.
Which of these parts of the
iron piece will become the north -seeking pole?
a) W b) X
c) Y d) Z
4. A Fuse wire is characterised by -
a) Low resistance and high melting point
b) High resistance and low melting point
c) Low resistance and low melting point
d) High resistance and high melting point

5. The Dynamo converts -

a) Electrical energy into Mechanical Energy
b) Mechanical energy into Electrical Energy
c) Mechanical energy into Magnetic Energy
d) None of these

6. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

a) Aluminum – Bauxite b) Copper - Cinnabar
c) Zinc - Calamine d) Iron - Haematite

7. The device which works on the principle of electromagnetic

induction is -
a) Ammeter b) Voltmeter
c) Dynamo d) Electric motor

8. Hen’s egg is a
a) Tissue b) Organ
c) Organ system d) cell

9. Which one of the following scales of temperature does not

have a negative value?
a) Celsius b) Fahrenheit
c) Kelvin d) Reaumar

10. Which one of the following is not the unit of heat?
a) Centigrade b) Calorie
c) Erg d) Joule

11. Just before time of Sunrise or Sunset, the Sun appears to be

oval because -
a) the Sun changes its shape at that time
b) of the scaltering of light
c) of the effect of refraction
d) of the effect of diffraction

12. If an object is placed between two parallel plane mirrors,

the number of images formed is -
a) Four b) One
c) Two d) Infinite

13. Fans, bulbs and tubes etc. in houses are fitted in -

a) Series order b) Parallel order
c) Mixed order d) Any order

14. The best conductor of electricity among following is -

a) Silver b) Copper
c) Gold d) Mica

15. Because of which characteristic, a rod dipped in water

vessel seems to be bent?
a) Reflection b) Refraction
c) Diffraction d) Polarisation

16. When shaving brush is taken out of water, Its hair (wire
threads) adhere together due to -
a) friction b) elasticity
c) viscosity d) surface tension

17. When velocity of a moving body is doubled, its kinetic

energy will be -
a) Two times b) Four times
c) One-fourth d) unchanged

18. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

a) Vitamin D - Rickets b) Vitamin C - Bleeding gums
c) Vitamin A – Rheumatism d) Vitamin B – Beriberi

19. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

a) Chloromycetin – Antityphoid
b) Crystal violet - Antiseptic
c) Quinine - Antimalarial
d) Aspirin - Anaesthetic

20. The silk produced by spiders is called -

a) Tussar silk b) Munga silk
c) Gossamer silk d) Ahinsa silk

21. To protect broken bones, plaster of Paris is used. It is -

a) Slaked lime b) Calcium Carbonate
c) Calcium Oxide d) Gypsum

22. A hydrocarbon in which two carbon atoms are joined by a

double bond is called as an -
a) Alkane b) Alkene
c) Alkyne d) Ionic bond

23. The chemical name for vinegar is -
a) Methanol b) Ethanol
c) Acetic Acid d) Ethyl Acetate

24. The acid used in a car battery is -

a) acetic acid b) hydrochloric acid
c) nitric acid d) sulphuric acid

25. The gas, which comes out on opening a soda water bottle, is

a) carbon dioxide b) hydrogen
c) nitrogen d) sulphur dioxide

26. The ore of Aluminium is -

a) Hematite b) Bauxite
c) Fluorspar d) Chalco pyrites

27. Heavy metals got their name because compared to other

atoms they have -
a) Higher atomic masses b) Higher densities
c) Higher atomic numbers d) Higher atomic radii

28. Cell is discovered by

a) Robert Brown b) Robert Hooke
c) John Mendal d) Charse Darwin

29. When a helium atom loses an electron it becomes -

a) A proton b) A positive helium ion
c) A negative helium ion d) An alpha particle

30. Cyanide poisoning causes death in seconds because –
a) It breaks the electron transport chain
b) It denatures enzymes of the heart/muscle
c) It causes cardiac arrest
d) It causes Lysis of red blood cells

31. If we touch a live wire carrying current, we get a shock.

This is because our body is a/an
a) conductor of electricity b) insulator of electricity
c) source of electricity d) both (b) and (c)

32. Most of the electricity carrying wires along the roads do

not have a plastic covering like the wires used at homes.
But why is there no substantial loss of energy?
a) Air is not affected by gravity.
b) Air is a bad conductor of electricity.
c) Electricity flows very fast near highways.
d) Current rating is high near highways.

33. What is the filament of an electric bulb' usually made up

a) A thin wire with many coils
b) A thick wire with many coils
c) A thin straight wire
d) A thick straight wire

34. Electric heaters used for cooking have a filament or a

heating element placed on a plate made up of clay. Why
is this so?
(i) It is a bad conductor of heat.
(ii) It is a bad conductor of electricity.
(iii) It is porous.

a) Only (i) and (ii) b) Only (ii) and (iii)
c) Only (i) and (iii) d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

35. Which of the following appliances does not use an

a) Washing machine b) Refrigerator
c) Electric heater d) Electric bell

36. When the strength of the current flowing through a coil

is increased, which of the following statements is true
for it?
a) Strength of the magnetic field decreases
b) Strength of the magnetic field increases
c) Amount of heat generated due to resistance decreases
d) Strength of the magnetic field remains constant

37. Which of the following does not work on the heating

effect of current?

a) b)

c) d)

38. Select the incorrect statement.

a) Anthrax is a bacterial disease that affects humans and
b) Rust of wheat is a fungal disease that spread by air.
c) Citrus canker is a viral disease that affects citrus
d) Yellow vein mosaic is a viral disease that affects
39. Which of the following is not a circuit element?
a) Battery b) Voltmeter
c) Potential difference d) Resistor

40. A fuse wire is made up of alloy

a) Nichrome b) Tin-lead
c) Manganin d) Constantan

41. Marking on a bulb is 60 W, 220 V. What does it signify?

a) The bulb is connected across the 220 volts, 60 joules
of energy is consumed for every second.
b) The bulb is connected across 220 volts, 60 joules of
energy is released.
c) 60 unit of current will flow in the bulb.
d) 220 unit of current will flow in the bulb.

42. Copper wires are used as connecting wires because

a) Copper has very high melting point
b) Copper wires are very thick wires
c) Copper wire offers a lower resistance
d) None of these

43. A bacteria undergoes binary fission in every minute.

This bacterium can fill up a cup in 1 hour. In how much
time will the cup be half filled?
a) 30 minutes b) 59 minutes
c) 20 minutes d) 40 minutes

44. Study the given correlation.

Heat treatment : Sterilisation : : Vaccination : X
Here, X refers to
a) Pasteurisation b) Immunisation
c) Fertilisation d) Inoculation
45. Which of these contains the water - carrying tubes and
the food-carrying tubes?
a) Leaves b) Stems
c) Roots d) All of the above

46. Which part protects the flower in bud condition?

a) Sepals b) Petals
c) Anther d) Stigma

47. Which of the following should come in the empty box

given below?

a) Flowers b) Stem
c) Fruits d) Bark

48. What is the use of the nectar in a flower?

a) Supplies sugar for the growth of the pollen tubes.
b) Supplies a lubricant for the pollen tub es to enter the
c) Gives an unpleasant smell to insects for fertilization.
d) Produces a sweet liquid to attract insects for

49. What is the function of the tendrils of the cucumber

a) It holds the plant firmly to the ground.
b) It helps the plant to climb up a support.
c) It stores nutrients for the plant.
d) It helps the plant to carry out photosynthesis.

50. Which is the characteristic feature of the lamina of a
a) The main vein present on the mid rib of the leaf.
b) Broad expanded green part of the leaf.
c) Small leaves at the base of petioles.
d) Chloroplast which contains the chlorophyll pigment.

51. Which of the following features are useful for desert

a) Leaf hairs b) Large flat leaves
c) Needle like leaves d) All of these

52. In the chemical reaction between sodium and chlorine,

which one of the following elements is positively
charged and called positive ions?
a) Sodium b) Chlorine
c) Sodium chloride d) None of these

53. In a chemical equation, number of atom is written in

front of the symbol of the substance. Which one of the
following represents the number of molecule of the
a) Valance electrons b) Atomic number
c) Atomic weight d) Coefficient

54. The chemical reaction between methane and oxygen is

used to obtain which one of the following substances?
a) Polyethylene b) Polyester
c) Carbon dioxide and water d) All of these

55. Which one of the following method is adopted for the
grouping of the elements in the periodic table?
a) Shearing common property
b) Alphabetical order
c) Numeral notation
d) All of these

56. Which of the following does not represent characteristic

of a good fuel?
a) It should have a high calorific value.
b) Its ignition temperature should be low but well above
the room temperature.
c) It should have a high rate of combustion.
d) It should be fairly cheap and safe to handle and

57. Colours of flame produced by kerosene lamp, candle and

Bunsen burner are respectively
a) Blue, yellow and yellow
b) Yellow, yellow and blue
c) Orange, blue and yellow
d) Yellow, orange and yellow

58. What is the principle of soda fire extinguisher?

a) Carbon dioxide produced cuts off the supply of oxygen
by covering the fire like a blanket.
b) Water produced cuts off the supply of oxygen by
covering the fire.
c) Acid present in the container reacts with fire.
d) Nitrogen gas produced cuts off the supply of oxygen
by covering the fire.

59. Your car is running in the direction of east on a straight
path at constant speed of 40 kmph. What type of speed
does the speed of the car represent?
a) Non uniform speed b) Uniform speed
c) Variable speed d) None of these

60. In which one of the following situations does a

conventional electric current flow due north?
a) Protons in a beam are moving due south.
b) A water molecule is moving due north.
c) Electrons in a beam are moving due south.
d) None of these

61. Which micro-organism help in fermentation?

a) Yeast b) East
c) West d) Algae

62. The expansion of D.D.T is

a) Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
b) Dichloro Diamine Trichloroethane
c) Dichloro Diphenyl Tetrachloroethane
d) None of these

63. In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free

a) Equals the number of holes
b) Is less than the number of holes
c) Is greater than the number of holes
d) Impossible to say

64. Atomic number of an element gives –
a) The number of protons in its atom
b) The number of nucleons in its atom
c) The weight of the atom of the element
d) The total number of elementary particles in its atom

65. The major source of the pollutant gas, carbon mono –

oxide (CO), in urban areas is -
a) Thermal power sector b) Transport sector
c) Industrial sector d) Domestic sector

66. Who discovered fermentation and pasteurization?

a) Louis Pasteur b) Alexander Fleming
c) Robert Cook d) James Watt

67. From which mineral is radium obtained -

a) Limestone b) Haematitie
c) Pitchblende d) Rutile

68. Addition of ethylene dibromide to petrol –

a) increases the octane number of fuel
b) helps elimination of lead oxide
c) removes the sulphur compound in petrol
d) serves as a substitute of tetraethyl lead

69. Which one of the following gases is supporter of

a) Hydrogen b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide d) Oxygen

70. Iron sheet kept in moist air gets covered with rust. Rust
is -
a) an element
b) a compound
c) a mixture of iron and dust
d) a mixture of iron, oxygen and water

71. Radioactivity is the disintegration of the -

a) Nuclear b) Ion
c) Molecule d) Atom

72. Glass is a -
a) Polymeric mixture b) Gel
c) Super-cooled liquid d) Micro-crystalline solid

73. Ethanol containing 5% water is known as:

a) Absolute alcohol b) Dilute alcohol
c) Power alcohol d) Rectified spirit

74. The percentage of nitrogen present in ammonium

sulphate is :
a) 18% b) 21%
c) 25% d) 30.5%

75. Stains of rust on clothes can be removed by:

a) Hydrogen Peroxide b) Oxalic acid
c) Petrol d) Alcohol

76. Transboundary pollution (or) Acid rain is caused by:

a) Nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide
b) Carbon monoxide
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Hydrocarbon
77. Which metal is the heaviest in periodic table among the
a) Os b) Pt
c) Pb d) W

78. The antiseptic compound present in Dettol is

a) Iodine b) Enloroxylenol
c) Biothional d) Cresol

79. The law which states that the amount of gas dissolved
in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure is
a) Dalton's law b) Gay-Lussac's law
c) Henry's law d) Raoult's law

80. The series in which the electrode potentials of metals

are arranged in an order is known as
a) Electrode potential series
b) Electrical conductivity series
c) Electrochemical series
d) Chemical affinity series

81. The kitchen of the cell is called

a) Cell wall b) Nucleus
c) Vacuoles d) Plastids

82. The surface of a lake is frozen in severe winter, but the

water at its bottom is still liquid. What is the reason?
a) Ice is a bad conductor of heat
b) Since the surface of the lake is at the same
temperature as the air, no heat is lost
c) The density of water is maximum at 4°C
d) None of the above

83. Steel is more elastic than rubber because it –
a) is harder than rubber
b) requires larger deforming force
c) is never deformed
d) is deformed very easily

84. 'Farad' is the unit of -

a) Conductance b) Capacitance
c) Inductance d) Resistance

85. Among the material listed below sound travels the

fastest in
a) Hydrogen b) Vacuum
c) Steel d) Water

86. Combustion is the process in which

a) Only heat is produced
b) Heat and light are produced
c) No heat is produced
d) No light is produced

87. The sound of explosion in a distant star is not hear d

from the Earth because
a) The frequency of sound produced is below 10 Hz
b) The frequency of sound produced is above 100 Hz
c) There is no continuous medium from the star to Earth
d) The distance of the star is so large that sound
intensity falls below the audible range

88. Tissue is a
a) Group of organs b) Group of cells
c) Group of tissues d) Group of organisms

89. The cells capable of changing shapes are
a) Amoeba cell b) WBC
c) Both of these d) None of these

90. Chloroplast is found in

a) Plant cell only b) Animal cell only
c) Both of these d) None of these

91. An object is placed at the focus of a concave mirror. The

image will be
a) real, inverted, same size a t the focus
b) real, upright, same size at the focus
c) virtual, inverted, highly enlarged
d) real, inverted, highly enlarged at infinity

92. Cream gets separated from milk when it is churned

because of
a) Gravitational force b) Cohesive force
c) Centrifugal force d) Frictional force

93. Speed of sound is maximum in

a) Solid b) Liquid
c) Gas d) Same in all cases

94. Newton is a unit of

a) Work b) Energy
c) Force d) Acceleration

95. Which principle states that when a body is partially or
totally immersed in a fluid, it experiences an upward
thrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it –
a) Newton's b) Pascal's
c) Archimedes' d) Hooke's

96. Which one among the following is not a chemical

a) Curdling of Milk b) Ripening of fruit
c) Evaporation of water d) Burning of coal

97. When a body falls from an aeroplane, there is increase

in its
a) Mass b) Acceleration
c) Potential energy d) Kinetic energy

98. In a water lifting electric pump, we convert

a) Kinetic energy into Electrical energy
b) Kinetic energy into Potential energy
c) Electrical energy into Kinetic energy
d) Electrical energy into Potential energy

99. Which of the following radiations has the least

a) α-rays b) γ-rays
c) β-rays d) X-rays

100. The main element of protein is -

a) Hydrogen b) Nitrogen
c) Oxygen d) Carbon

101. Which of the following causes Swine flu?
a) Virus b) Bacteria
c) Fungi d) Tape worm

102. Which of the following develops immune system in the

a) Antigen b) Antibody
c) Enzymes d) Hormones

103. The bird that can move its upper jaw is -

a) Pigeon b) Parrot
c) Vulture d) Sparrow

104. How many lobes are found in human lungs?

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5

105. The drug produced through bio-technology for cancer

treatment is-
a) Interferon b) Insulin
c) H.G.H. d) T.S.H.

106. Where does the cabbage store food?

a) Root b) Leaves
c) Stem d) Fruit

107. Silk is the secretion of -

a) Salivary Glands b) Thoracic Glands
c) Abdominal Glands d) None of these

108. A compound used in medicine as a pain killer is -

a) Urotropine b) Chloroform
c) Aspirin d) Ethyl alcohol
109. The least distance of distinct vision is -
a) 35 cm b) 25 cm
c) 45 cm d) 15 cm

110. Branch of Biology deals with extinct organisms –

a) Palynology b) Phylogency
c) Palawobotany d) Palaeontology

111. The other name for phloem is -

a) Wood b) Sclereid
c) Fibre d) Bast

112. Which one of the following is both a local anesthetic as well

as a stimulant?
a) Cocaine b) Alcohol
c) Heroin d) Quinine

113. Which of the following is dominant in heredity?

a) Albinism b) Rh-factor
c) Color blindness d) Haemophilia

114. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

a) Ebola Virus - Small Pox
b) Biometric identification - Fingerprints and Iris scan
c) Cloning - Genetic replica
d) DNA Fingerprinting - Paternity or criminal identification

115. Read the given statements and choose the correct answer
from the options.
Statement 1: Weather and climate are just the same.
Statement 2: Weather and climate are not same.
a) Statement 1 is true b) Statement 2 is true
c) Cannot defined d) Both the statements are true
116. Weather of a place is determined by which one of the
following elements?
a) Wind speed b) Humidity
c) Temperature d) All of these

117. Which one of the following animals lives in Polar Region?

a) Lions b) Cows
c) Wolfs d) Penguins

118. Migration of birds protects them from non favorable

seasons. Which one of the following birds migrate
a) Siberian pigeon b) Siberian crane
c) Owls d) All of these

119. The different region of the earth receives different amount

of heat from the sun. Which one of the following regions
receives the maximum heat from the sun?
a) Polar region b) Equator
c) Sea region d) All of these

120. Tides are primarily a result of the -

a) Attraction of the moon b) Farrel's Law
c) Ocean currents d) Pressure system of the earth

121. To correct his/her vision, a person suffering from short-

sightedness will have to use -
a) Convex lens b) Concave lens
c) Convex mirror d) Bifocal Lens

122. Newton's 1st Law is the law of -
a) Inertia b) Force
c) Momentum d) Acceleration

123. Which two colours can be mixed to make green?

a) Yellow and Black b) Yellow and Blue
c) Orange and Violet d) Purple and Yellow

124. The conduction current in a chemical cell is -

a) By Positive and negative ions
b) By Positive ions
c) By Negative ions
d) By Positive Holes

125. The speed of sound in water is four times its speed in air.
When a sound wave of frequency 'n' and wavelength 'λ'
enters from air into water, then its frequency and
wavelength will respectively become -
a) 4n and λ b) n and 4λ
c) 2n and λ d) None of these

126. For a body floating in water, the apparent weight is equal

to –
a) Actual weight of the body
b) Zero
c) Weight of the body minus weight of the liquid
d) Weight of the body plus upward thrust

127. The rise of Kerosene oil in wicks of lamps is due to which

property of liquids?
a) Capillary action b) Viscosity
c) Elasticity d) Flotation

128. Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy
occurs in
a) Dynamos b) Electric heaters
c) Battery d) Atomic bombs

129. Decibel is the unit used for

a) Speed of light b) Intensity of heat
c) Intensity of sound d) Radio wave frequency

130. Which of following laws validates the statement that

matter can neither be created nor destroyed?
a) Law of Conservation of Energy
b) Le Chatelier's Principle
c) Law of Conservation of Mass
d) Law of Osmosis

131. Lambert’s law is related to

a) Reflection b) Refraction
c) Interference d) Illumination

132. A microwave oven uses –

a) infrared rays
b) ultraviolet rays
c) radio waves of very short wavelengths
d) radio waves of long wavelengths

133. The sky appears blue due to -

a) Refraction b) Reflection
c) Scattering d) Dispersion

134. Which colour is in the centre of Rainbow?

a) Red b) Yellow
c) Green d) Violet
135. Who gave the first evidence of the Big-Bang theory?
a) Edwin Hubble b) Albert Einstein
c) S. Chandrasekhar d) Stephen Hawking

136. The combustible material on the tip of a safety match stick

a) Antimony sulphide b) Phosphorus
c) Manganese dioxide d) Sulphur

137. Which of the following factors influences the rate of

chemical reactions?
a) Concentration of reactants b) Presence of a catalyst
c) Temperature d) All of these

138. Alloys, in which mercury is one of the metals, are called

a) Amalgams b) Emulsions
c) Mixtures d) Solders

139. Which of the following is correctly matched?

a) Aluminium-Haematite b) Lead-Galena
c) Iron-Bauxite d) Magnesium-Malachite

140. What makes water a very convenient medium for chemical

reactions and biological processes?
a) It has a low specific heat
b) It has a reasonably long temperature range between its
freezing point and boiling point
c) It has greater density as liquid than when it is in solid
d) None of these

141. β-particles are
a) Orbital electrons
b) Electrons present in atmosphere
c) Electrons emitted by nucleus
d) Electrons obtained during cation formation

142. Which of the following reactions cannot be used for the

formation of salts?
a) The reaction between a metal oxide and an acid
b) The reaction between an acid and a base
c) The reaction between a non-metal and oxygen
d) The reaction between an acid anhydride and a metal

143. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) A liquid is not rigid but has definite volume and intrinsic
b) A gas has no rigidity, intrinsic shape or intrinsic volume
c) A solid is rigid, occupies definite volume and possesses
definite shape
d) All these statements are correct

144. In the laboratory preparation of chlorine, manganese

a) Functions as a catalyst b) Gets oxidised
c) Gets reduced d) None of these

145. The differences in the physical properties of metals and

non- metals are due to?
a) Different structures of their atoms
b) Different number of their atoms
c) The fact that metals have atoms whereas non-metals
have none
d) None of these
146. Yeast is an example of -
a) bacteria b) fungus
c) virus d) algae

147. Forest fires are natural sources of -

a) Carbon monoxide b) Hydrocarbons
c) Hydrogen sulphide d) Nitrogen dioxide

148. ATP stands for

a) Adenosine triphosphate
b) Alanine triphosphate
b) Adrenalin triphosphate
d) Asparagine triphosphate

149. Single celled organisms are called

a) Unicellular b) Multi-cellular
c) Both of these d) None of these

150. Which of the following is not a synthetic fibre?

a) Rayon b) Nylon
c) Jute d) Polyester

1. Pollination and seed Dispersal

i. These are the male reproductive parts of a flower and are

found just within a flower's corolla. Each includes a filament
and an anther. They are S_______________.

ii. These sperm-producing bodies are transferred in order to

fertilize a plant. They are P_______________.

iii. This is the female reproductive part of the plant and includes
the stigma, the style, and the ovary. It is C_______________.

iv. This type of pollination occurs when flowers receive pollen

from another plant of the same species. It is C_______________.

2. Acid, Bases and Salts

i. The word acid comes from the Latin word a_______________

which means sour.

ii. The substances used to test whether a substance is acidic or

basic are known as I_______________.

iii. The most commonly used natural indicator is litmus paper. It

is extracted from L_______________.

iv. In acidic solution, litmus paper turns into R_______________.

3. Physical and Chemical Change

i. Changes in which only P_______________ properties of a

substance change are called physical changes.

ii. Two methods by which rusting of iron can be prevented are

G_______________ and P_______________.

iii. When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns

milky due to the formation of C_______________.

iv. Changes in which new substances are formed are called

C_______________ changes

4. Heat and Temperature

i. Fastest process of heat transfer is R_______________.

ii. Thermal resistance of an ideal conductor is Z_______________.

iii. The processes is heat transferred directly from molecule to

molecule is called C_______________.

iv. The change of state directly from solid to gas is called


5. Chemical Effects of current.

i. Electroplating prevents R_______________.

ii. An electric lamp glows due to H_______________ effect.

iii. Flow of electron is called C_______________.

iv. An electrolyte is a S_______________.

1. Each seed of a plant contains a tiny, new plant, called a
chrysalis. _______________

2. If pollen is passed from flower-to-flower, pollination

occurs. _______________

3. Pollination is the process by which pollen is carried (by

wind or animals) from the male part of a flower (the
anther) to the female part (the stigma) of another flower.
4. Pollen that lands on the tip of another flower's pistil grows
a tube down into the pistil, where the eggs are housed.
5. A plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season.
It will grow, flower, set seed, and die. _______________

6. The basic unit of time is second. _______________

7. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as starch.


8. Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly
through their leaves. _______________

9. Solar energy is converted into electrical energy during

photosynthesis. _______________

10. Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis.

11. The starch is also a carbohydrate. _______________

12. Every object moves with a constant speed. _______________

13. Distances between two cities are measured in kilometres.

14. The time period of a given pendulum is not constant.
15. The speed of a train is expressed in m/h. _______________

16. Clocks that measure such small time intervals are used for
scientific research. _______________

17. Leptons are made up of quarks. _______________

18. The aorta is a vein. _______________

19. Jupiter was first discovered by Galileo Galilei. _______________

20. Red is higher frequency light than Blue. _______________

21. A monotreme is a mammal which lays eggs. _______________

22. Albert Einstein never won a Nobel Prize in Physics.
23. White Blood Cells have a nucleus. _______________

24. Water has a higher refractive index than glass.

25. Arsenic is an element. _______________

26. Avogadro's constant is greater than Planck's constant.

27. An alpha particle is identical to a helium nucleus.
28. The chemical formula for ethanol is C₂H₅OH. _______________

29. Silver has a higher melting point than Gold. _______________

30. Cutting a log of wood into pieces is a chemical change.

31. Formation of manure from leaves is a physical change.
32. Iron pipes coated with zinc do not get rusted easily.
33. Iron and rust are the same substances. _______________

34. Condensation of steam is not a chemical change.

35. Distilled water is a poor conductor of electricity.
36. Object X has a negative charge. It attracts object Y. Object Y
must have a positive charge. _______________

37. The imbalance of too many positive or negative charges
held in an object is called static electricity. _______________

38. A conductor does not transfer electrons very well.

39. Electric field lines travel away from a positive charge and
towards a negative charge. _______________

40. The elementary charge has a value of 1.60 x10 -19 C.

41. An ammeter is used to measure the current in an electrical
circuit. _______________

42. The current in a circuit is the rate at which charge flows.

43. The ends of a magnet are called poles. _______________

44. Lighting is a form of static electricity. _______________

45. Electric charges are the same as magnetic charges.

46. Your skeletal system is made up of bones, joints, and
connective tissue. _______________

47. The vertebrae supports your body and protects your spinal
cord. _______________

48. Tendons connect bone to bone. _______________

49. Your nose and ears are made of cartilage. _______________

50. A baby’s skeleton consists of over 300 bones. _______________

1. This puzzle covers basic chemistry vocabulary terms.

Acid Allotrope Anion
Atom Base Boiling Point
Bond Catalyst Cation
Chemistry Colloid Covalent
Crystal Endothermic Exothermic
Heterogeneous Homogeneous Ionic
Melting Point Metal Metalloid
Mixture Nonmetal Periodic Table
Phase Polymer Product
Reactant Reaction Solution

2. Find notable physicists by their last names.

Ampere Einstein Hertz
Archimedes Faraday Hooke
Bohr Fermi Huygens
Boltzmann Feynman Joule
Born Galileo Kelvin
Carnot Gauss Kepler
Chadwick Hamilton Kirchhoff
Coulomb Hawking Lorentz
Curie Heisenberg Maxwell
de Broglie Henry Millikan
Newton Planck Rutherford
Pauli Roentgen Shrodinger
Tesla Thomson Volta

1. Solve the following crossword on Electricity.

2) something that lights up when electricity in passed
through it
6) if a switch is off it has this in the circuit
9) something that has storied electricity in
10) an object that goes into a socket to make a complete
13) parts of an electrical circuit
14) the opposite of bright

16) the name for a material that lets electricity easily flow
through it
18) something that can grip onto objects and wires with what
looks like small teeth
20) a device that can make or break a circuit
1) the strength of an electrical current
3) an electrical device that lets out a loud noise
4) the path in which the electrical current flows
5) an artificial material made from oil that does not let
electricity flow through it
7) a form of energy that powers lights, computers and TVs
8) the strength of the voltage in a circuit
11) a hard material from trees and plants that does not let
electricity flow through it
12) a hard, shiny material that lets electricity flow through it
15) an electrical device that provides power for other objects
17) the opposite of dim
19) the name for a material that does not let electricity flow
through it

2. Solve the following crossword on Friction.

2) when there is no air around, like in space
4) to get larger
9) the friction force that flows objects down in water
10) the unit of measure for force. Named after a famous
11) frozen water
14) the opposite of rough
17) how large a face of an object is
19) to stop an object moving
20) how much something weighs

1) a push or pull that makes an object move or slow down
3) the resistance force when one object moves over another
5) the friction force that flows objects down in the air
6) a material that can be seen or touched
7) to move quickly whilst staying still, like on ice
8) to get smaller
12) a device that measures he amount of force
13) a material that covers the floor
15) the amount of material in an object
16) the name of the force that pulls objects towards Earth
18) the opposite of smooth

3. Solve the following crossword on Magnet.

1) a mixture of metals made from copper and zinc
5) a type of metal that is magnetic
9) a natural stone that is magnetic
10) a force that pulls objects towards the Earth
12) a red or brown metal that is not magnetic. Some coins are
made of it
13) a very strong material made from a mixture of metals, but
mainly iron
15) an instrument that moves to show the direction of north
16) a hard material that is usually shiny, strong and can be
18) when something is not tracts by magnets

19) a piece of thin metal wrapped up in tight circle that can
2) the opposite pole to north
3) the name of a piece of iron that can attract or repel
objects with iron in
4) the opposite ends of a magnet, usually called north and
6) the opposite pole to south
7) a force that makes two magnets push away from each
other, like north and north poles of a magnet
8) a type of energy, magnetism is one
11) a silver metal, not magnetic that can be made into foil
14) the area around a magnet where the energy goes out
from the magnet
16) describes if something has a magnetic force
17) a force that makes two magnets touch, like south and
north poles of a magnet

4. Solve the following crossword on Sound.

2) something moving back and forth very quickly, like a
guitar string
4) a room of building that’s tops sound from escaping
6) the type of sound which is made when vibrations happen
very slowly
8) sound waves do this through air and water
12) the vibration of air
13) the type of sound which is made when vibrations happen
very quickly
14) a gentle sound, that can be relaxing

16) when something moves back and forth very quickly, like a
guitar string
18) the opposite of noisy
1) cover a sound up to reduce the loudness of something
3) how you make a sound on a recorder
4) the way in which sound travels through air or water
5) the speed of vibration
7) how you make a sound on a guitar by playing just one
9) how noisy something is
10) a device that can make a sound, usually of many different
11) where a sound comes from, like an instrument
12) how you make a sound on a guitar by playing all the
15) how tight a strong is on an instrument
17) the opposite of quiet

5. Solve the following crossword on microorganisms.

2) an infection of a disease across a whole country or the
4) an infectious microbe that causes disease, spreads easily
6) something that is really good for you, like exercise
9) a microscopic living thing, like a virus or bacteria
11) one-celled, microscopic living organisms, can be good or
bad for you
13) being clean to keep you healthy and prevent disease
16) a soft green or grey growth that develops on decaying

19) a disease that can transfer from one person to another
1) when you get infected by a disease
3) a widespread infection of a disease
5) the process by which bacteria can grow quickly
7) a microorganism, especially a bacteria that can cause
8) an injection that prevents disease
10) to rot or decompose
12) a medicine that’s tops the growth of microorganisms
13) something that can hurt you
14) a type of microbe that causes disease
15) a type of microbe , like yeast, moulds, mushrooms and
17) the process of decay
18) a type of fungus used in making bread

1. Electricity Vocabulary
atom, nucleus, electrons, protons, neutrons, element, static,
2. Microorganisms
microbiology, fermentation, protozoa, fungi, algae, virus,
bacteria, diatom
3. Nutrition
vitamin, nutrition, fat, sugar, vegetables, health, protein,
4. Energy
potential, chemical, electrical, nuclear, solar, heat, kinetic,
5. Light and colour
opaque, translucent, infrared, spectrum, ultraviolet,
transparent, prism, photosynthesis
6. Balance and motion
force, gravity, speed, balance, motion, counterweight,
wheel, axle
1. a - (iv), b - (iii), c - (i), d - (ii)
2. a - (iii), b - (i), c - (ii), d - (iv)
3. a - (iii), b - (iv), c - (i), d - (ii)
4. a - (iv), b - (v), c - (i), d - (iii), e - (ii)
5. a - (iv), b - (i), c - (ii), d - (iii)

6. a - (iii), b - (ii), c - (i), d - (iv)
7. a - (iii), b - (iv), c - (i), d - (ii)
8. a - (ii) - (P), b - (iii) - (S), c - (i) - (Q), d - (iv) - (T), e -
(vi) - (R), f - (v) - (U)
1. d 11. c 21. d 31. a 41. a
2. b 12. d 22. b 32. b 42. c
3. a 13. b 23. c 33. a 43. b
4. c 14. a 24. d 34. a 44. b
5. b 15. b 25. a 35. c 45. d
6. b 16. d 26. b 36. b 46. a
7. c 17. b 27. b 37. d 47. b
8. d 18. c 28. b 38. c 48. d
9. c 19. d 29. b 39. c 49. b
10. a 20. c 30. a 40. b 50. b

51. c 61. a 71. a 81. d 91. d

52. a 62. a 72. c 82. c 92. c
53. d 63. a 73. d 83. b 93. a
54. c 64. a 74. b 84. b 94. c
55. a 65. b 75. b 85. c 95. c
56. c 66. a 76. a 86. b 96. c
57. b 67. c 77. a 87. c 97. d
58. a 68. b 78. b 88. b 98. c
59. b 69. d 79. c 89. c 99. b
60. c 70. d 80. c 90. a 100. b

101. a 111. d 121. b 131. d 141. c
102. b 112. a 122. a 132. c 142. c
103. b 113. b 123. b 133. c 143. a
104. d 114. a 124. c 134. c 144. c
105. a 115. b 125. b 135. a 145. a
106. b 116. d 126. b 136. a 146. b
107. a 117. d 127. a 137. d 147. a
108. c 118. b 128. c 138. a 148. a
109. b 119. b 129. c 139. b 149. a
110. d 120. a 130. b 140. b 150. c


1. Pollination and seed Dispersal
i. stamens
ii. Pollen
iii. Carpel
iv. Cross pollination
2. Acid , Bases and Salts
i. Acidus
ii. Indicators
iii. Lichens
iv. Red
3. Physical and Chemical Change
i. Physical
ii. Galvanisation and Painting
iii. Calcium Carbonate
iv. Chemical
4. Heat and Temperature
i. Radiation
ii. Zero
iii. Conduction
iv. Sublimation
5. Chemical Effects of current.
i. Rusting
ii. Heating
iii. Current
iv. Solvent
1. F 11. T 21. T 31. F 41. T
2. T 12. F 22. F 32. T 42. T
3. T 13. T 23. T 33. F 43. T
4. T 14. F 24. F 34. T 44. T
5. T 15. F 25. T 35. T 45. F
6. T 16. T 26. T 36. T 46. T
7. T 17. F 27. T 37. T 47. T
8. T 18. F 28. T 38. F 48. F
9. F 19. T 29. F 39. T 49. T
10. F 20. F 30. F 40. T 50. T

Word Search

1. Chemistry

2. Physicists

1. Electricity

2. Friction

3. Magnet

4. Sound

5. Microorganisms


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