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 Many factors can affect the weathering process
EARTH PROCESSES such as climate, topography, features of parent
The physical processes on Earth create constant change. rocks, biological reactions, and others.
These processes — including movement in the tectonic  Climate determines the amount of water and the
plates in the crust, wind and water erosion, and temperature
deposition — shape features on Earth's surface.
SOIL FORMATION AND DEPOSITION  Weathering produces regolith ("rock blanket")
which is composed of small rock and mineral
ROCK CYCLE fragments.
THE FINAL PRODUCTS DUE TO WEATHERING ARE SOILS.  When organic matter is mixed into this material,
it is called soil.
-the reaction series are similar to the weathering stability EROSION TRANSPORT AGENTS OR FORCES
series.  Water - rain, streams and rivers, ocean
dynamics, ice in glaciers
 Gravity

Streams - flowing water will lift and carry small sediments

such as silt and sand.

Ocean Dynamics
Tidal action and waves carry away weathered materials.

 Glaciers are large ice fields that slowly flow
downhill over time.
 Glacial ice drags rocky material that scours the
COMPOSITION OF SOME IGNEOUS ROCKS surface it flows over. The glacier deposits debris
as it melts.


 Wind will carry fine, dry sediments over long
 Sahara Desert sand being transported over the
Atlantic Ocean

WEATHERING AND EROSION  When sediments are weathered, they may be
WEATHERING transported downward by gravity.
1. PHYSICAL PROCESSES OF WEATHERING  The general term for his is mass wasting.
 Unloading
o e.g. uplift, erosion, or change in fluid DEPOSITION FORMATION
pressure Transported sediments are deposited in layers and
 Thermal expansion and contraction generate strata, like those found in the Grand Canyon.
 Alternate wetting and drying
 Crystal growth, including frost action organic
1. RESIDUAL SOILS - to remain at the original place
 The top layer of rock is decomposed into residual
soils due to the warm climate and abundant
 Hydrolysis
 Engineering properties of residual soils are
o Is the reaction with water
different with those transported soils.
o Will not continue in the static water
o Involves solubility of silica and alumina  The knowledge of "classical" geotechnical
engineering is mostly based on behavior of
 Chelation - involves the complexing and removal
transported soils. The understanding of residual
of metal ions
soils is sufficient in general.
 Cation - exchange is important to the formation
of clay minerals
 Oxidation and reduction
 Carbonation - is the combination of carbonate
ions such as the reaction with CO2
2. TRANSPORTED SOILS - to be moved and o Rise during wet season, drops during dry
deposited to other places. seasons.
 The particle sizes of transported soils are
selected by the transportation agents such as 3. zone of aeration - lies between water table and
streams, wind, etc. Interstratification of silts and earth's surface
clays. o Uppermost region - holds soil water -forms
 The transported soils can be categorized based film around grains of topsoil
in the mode of transportation and deposition (six o Middle region - normally remains dry except
types). during rainfall, mostly air
o Capillary fringe - bottom region
o Glacial soils: formed by transportation and  water drawn up from the zone of
deposition of glaciers saturation
o Alluvial soils: transported by running water  capillary action - attraction of water
and deposited along streams molecules to other materials
o Lacustrine soils: formed by deposition in
quiet lakes. AQUIFERS
o Marine soils: formed by deposition in the A geological unit which can store and supply significant
seas. quantities of water.
o Aeolian soils: transported and deposited by PRINCIPAL AQUIFERS BY ROCK TYPE:
the wind.  Unconsolidated
o Colluvial soils: formed by the movement of  Sandstone
soil from its original place by gravity, such as  Sandstone and Carbonate
during landslide.  Semi-consolidated
 Carbonate-rock
Common Weathering Processes  Other rocks
 The most important chemical processes are
hydrolysis and solution OCCURENCE OF GROUNDWATER
 The two important physical processes of  Groundwater occurs when water recharges the
weathering are the alternate wetting and drying, subsurface through cracks and pores in soil and
and the exfoliation (sheeting). rock
Saprolite: rock fabric is retained.  Shallow water level is called the water table
Residual soil: rock fabric is completely destroyed
GROUNDWATER  Natural - Precipitation, Melting snow, infiltration
Hydrosphere - includes water in and on the Earth's crust by streams and lakes
- Underground water that fill almost all pores in rock and  Artificial
sediment o Recharge wells
 97% contained in oceans o Water spread over land in pits, furrows,
 90% of freshwater is in the form of polar ice caps ditches;
and glaciers o Small dams in stream channels to detain and
 Ultimate source of all water on land is the oceans deflect water
 Infiltration - process where water enters the
ground and becomes groundwater. Chapter 2: Rocks and Minerals
 Pores - spaces between fragments of weathered
rock and sediments Earth’s Molten Stage
 Supplies about 1/5 of freshwater needs – During the early formation of the Earth it was molten
 Groundwater system - area that has connecting – During this stage the heavier elements such as iron and
pores nickel, sank to the deeper interior of the Earth.
– This left a thin layer of lighter materials on the surface
1. Zone of saturation - layer of groundwater where that is mow called the crust.
all the pores are filled with water – The majority of the Earth’s mass lies below the crust
o Gravitational water - water that trickles down
due to gravity Chemical Analysis
o Capillary water - water drawn upward form – 8 elements make up 98.6% of the crust
the water table. – These 8 elements make up the solid materials of the
Earth’s crust and are known as rocks and minerals.
2. Water table - upper surface of zone of saturation – A mineral is solid inorganic material of the Earth that
o Depth varies depending on local conditions has both a known chemical composition and a crystalline
o Topography will follow the topography of the structure that is unique to that mineral
land above it – A rock is a solid aggregate of one or more minerals that
o Dependent on precipitation so will vary with have been cohesively brought together by a rock-forming
seasonal and other weather conditions process.
(A)The percentage by weight of the elements that make IGNEOUS ROCKS
up Earth's crust. Igneous Rocks Are Subdivided into Two Classes:
(B) The percentage by weight of the elements that make 1. Volcanic (Extrusive) Igneous Rocks - Volcanic
up the whole Earth. extrusive igneous rocks form on earth's surface
as lava cool.
 Basalt
o Basalt is the most widespread volcanic
o It is a dark, fine-grained rock
o Basalt is the rock of the sea floor

2. Plutonic (or Intrusive) Igneous Rocks - Plutonic

igneous rocks form deep underground where
magma cools slowly; these rocks have a coarse
crystalline texture
 Granite
o Granite is the most widespread of
plutonic igneous rocks.
o It underlies much of the continental

Classification of Igneous Rock:

Hypabyssal Rock: Hypabyssal rocks are formed when
consolidation of magma takes place very close to the
earth’s surface in the form of smaller sheet like bodies
(known as sills and dykes) that fill cracks inside other
Some extrusive generally have finer grained, smoother
surfaces. Some extrusive materials, such as volcanic ash,
Rock Formation bypasses the rock stage and forms directly into sediment
Geological cycle includes many processes acting
simultaneously. The most important of these begin with Dike and Sill igneous rocks
molten magma from within the earth forming into rock, Sill: A sill is igneous rock which vary in thickness from a
then continues with rocks being broken down into soil, few centimeter to several hundred meters. The sill is
and that soil being converted back into rock. parallel to the bedding of rock and may be horizontal,
inclined or vertical depending upon the strata.
EARTH’S CRUST – Rocks and Minerals Dike: A dike is vertical wall-like igneous body that cuts the
 The earth’s crust is composed of rocks. bedding of the rock. The thickness of the dike may vary
 Rocks are primarily composed of minerals (but from a few centimeters to a hundred meter or more.
may also contain organic materials).
 The granite and basalt rocks of the continental
and oceanic crusts were the original, igneous

What is a Rock?
 A rock is an aggregate of mineral particles – but
may also contain organic materials
 So, minerals are essentially the building blocks of
 Bedrock → Outcrop → Regolith → Soils

Rock Classification
 Igneous Rocks - form due to the cooling and
crystallization of magma
Common Igneous Rock:
 Sedimentary Rocks - form through lithification of
Granite: is coarse grained, an intrusive rock. It is the most
sediments from other rocks
common and familiar igneous rocks. Granite contains
 Metamorphic Rocks - form via recrystallization of
primarily orthoclase feldspar and quartz, with some
other rocks due to heat, pressure, and chemical
biotite and amphibole.
It is mostly light in color with a white or pink tint
according to the color of the feldspar.
 Engineering properties: Granite have absorption
as low as 0.24 per cent. It has an excellent frost
resistance. Because of the minerals composition
and interlocking of crystals, granite is hard and  Since the volcanic masses have different physical
abrasion resistant. The compressive strength of properties, it is necessary to thoroughly inspect
granite is on average 24,500 psi. Granite can be them before construction starts.
used to support any load of ordinary structures.  Some lavas, agglomerates and volcanic rocks
Granite is also used as tiles for flooring in protect their freshness, so their resistance
buildings. maybe as high as deep rocks such as basalt. But
volcanic tuffs and breccias are hollow and
Diorite: is coarse grained, an intrusive rock. It is mainly decayed, so they show a drossy structure. At the
composed of plagioclase feldspar (more than 50 %) and same time they lose credibility because they
hornblends. However, in some varieties augite and show clay mineralization.
biotite may be present. It is more abundant than syenites
but less abundant than granite. Diorite has been used for SEDIMENTARY ROCKS
crushed stone for monumental and decorative purposes Most sedimentary rocks are formed of layers of materials
than for structural purposes. that have washed into lakes, rivers and oceans –
• Sedimentary rocks form strata
Syenite: is grained igneous rocks composed essentially of • Often layers are tilted by earth movements
potassium felspare (80-85 %). Biotite and hornblende are • Sedimentary rocks contain fossils
commonly present. Quartz is present in small amount.
The general properties of syenites is similar to granite. How do sediments turn into hard rock?
Because of the rarity of syenite, it is of little commercial  Through Lithification Processes:
use as structural material. o Compaction
o Cementation
Texture of igneous rocks o Crystallization
 Texture: Texture is size, shape and arrangement  Sedimentary rock is formed by deposition and
of mineral grains in a rock. Texture of rock can consolidation of minerals and organic materials
either of coarse-crystalline or it can be glassy or and from precipitation of minerals from solution.
amorphous. The texture of the rock is governed  The processes that form sedimentary rock occur
by the cooling time of the magma. Crystallization at the surface of the earth and within bodies of
is governed by slow cooling, however, glassy water.
texture or amorphous form is the result of rapid  Rock formed from sediments covers 70-80 % of
cooling. the earth’s land area, and includes common
 Types of rock: Holocrystalline, Coarse grained, types such as limestone, chalk, sandstone,
fine grained, cryptocrystalline and glassy conglomerate and shale.
 Igneous rock classification scheme based on Formation of Sedimentary Rocks:
mineral composition and texture. There are Consolidation is a process by which soft and loose
other blends of minerals with various textures, sediments are converted into hard and firm rocks.
many of which have specific names. Consolidation is of three types:
 Granite is a coarse-grained igneous rock 1. Compaction and Dehydration: The squeezing out of
composed mostly of light-colored, light-density, water from the pores of the sediments and its changing
nonferromagnesian minerals. The earth's to solid mass by cohesion between the particles and
continental areas are dominated by granite and pressure from overlying rock is called compaction and
by rocks with the same mineral composition of dehydration.
granite. 2. Cementation: Many coarse grained sediments are
 This is a piece of obsidian, which has the same consolidated by cementation, which is the process of
chemical composition as the granite. Obsidian precipitation of some cementing materials, for
has a different texture because it does not have example, silica, calcium carbonate, iron oxides and clay
crystals and is a volcanic glass. The curved minerals.
fracture surface is common in noncrystalline 3. Crystallization: Chemically formed sedimentary rocks
substances such as glass. such as Limestone, dolomites, gypsum etc. are
consolidated chiefly by the crystallization of their
The Importance of Igneous Rocks in Engineering constituents.
 Plutonic rocks often become resistant to
breakage and pressure when they are fresh and Compaction
although the rock is fractured. Therefore they  As sediments are laid down grain by grain, the
show high resistance. mass becomes greater.
 They can be used in material engineering  The increasing mass of the sediment layer above
services when their resistance is between 1500- creates pressure on the layers below.
2000kg/cm2.  Eventually this pressure becomes great enough
 The resistance of the rock depends on to compact the existing layers into a cohesive
weathering and hence degradation degree will rock layer.
vary inversely with the degree of weathering.
Cementation Formation of different types of Sedimentary Rocks
 After, or during, the compaction process, the
spaces between the sediment particles become
filled with a chemical deposit.
 This deposit holds the compacted layers into a
cohesive mass of sedimentary rock.

Sedimentary Rocks - Form from material from previously

existing rock
 Material is provided by weathering of previously
existing rock

 Weathered rock materials
 Dissolved rock materials

Clastic sediments
 Another name for weathered rock materials Texture and Formation of Sedimentary Rocks

Chemical sediments
 Another name for dissolved rock material.
 The dissolved materials are ions from mineral
and rocks that have been completely broken
 Removed from solution by:
–Chemical precipitation from the solution
–Crystallization from evaporating water.
–Biological sediments.

Classification of Sedimentary Rocks:

1. Clastic: form from bits and pieces of other rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
2. Chemical: consist of minerals deposited from a
3. Organic: consist of organic matter such as plants
and animal remains
Organically-formed sedimentary rocks form from the
remains of plants and animals (fossil limestone, coal)

Mechanically (Clastic) formed: consisting of materials

(gravels, sand, silt and clay) suspended in flowing water.
The suspended materials are then deposited and
consolidated. The mechanically formed sedimentary
rocks are of three types:
o Rudaceous rocks which is the cementing
together of boulders, for example,
o Arenaceous rocks for example sandstone,
o Argillaceous rocks which is clay rocks for
example shale
Common Sedimentary Rock:
Organically formed: Consisting of accumulated animals Conglomerate: The pebbles and gravels on consolidation
and plants remains. and cementation produce a rock known as
They are: conglomerate. Gravels are deposited for the most part
o Calcarious rocks, lime stone by water. Water circulating through gravel deposits may
o Carbonaceous rocks, coal precipitate out silica, calcium carbonate, or iron oxides,
which act as cements binding the gravels together into
Chemically formed: this type of rocks is formed by conglomerates.
precipitation andaccumulation of soluble constituents.
These are: Sandstones: Most sand is a water deposit. In arid
o Carbonate rocks, Limestone, dolomite regions, widespread sands have been laid down by wind
o Sulphate rocks, Gypsum action. Volcanic eruptions, glacial action, mechanical and
o Chloride rocks, salt chemical weathering, and organisms produce sands. The
sand particles are deposited and then cemented
together by materials like silica, calcite, iron oxide or clay.
Sandstones may be siliceous sandstone that is the Structural Features of Sedimentary Rocks:
cementing materials is silica; it may be calcarious Structural features of sedimentary rocks are of great
sandstone in which the cementing materials is calcium value in determining their origin. The main structures are
carbonate; ferruginous sandstone and argillaceous as follows:
sandstone having iron oxide and clay as cementing Stratification: The deposition of sediments into layer or
materials. beds is called stratification. The thickness of a single bed
may vary from a few centimeters to many meters. The
 This is a sample of breccia, a coarse-grained stratification is formed due to the following.
Sedimentary rock with coarse, angular I. Difference in the kinds of materials deposited for
fragments. Compare the grain sizes to the example shale and limestone
centimeter scale. II. Difference in the size of particles deposited for
 This is a sample of sandstone, a sedimentary rock example coarse grained and fine grained
that formed from sand grains in a matrix of very sandstone beds
fine-grained silt, clay, or other materials. The III. Difference in the color of the materials deposited
grains in this sample are mostly the feldspar and for example light grey and dark grey layers of
quartz minerals, which probably accumulated limestone
near the granite from which they were eroded.
Lamination: Thin bedding, less than one centimeter in
The thoroughly cemented sandstone with quartz are thickness, are called lamination. It is usually fined grained
termed as orthoquartzite. Argillaceous rocks: variously sedimentary rocks like shales.
called mudstone, claystone, and shale (compacted or
cemented) are among the most abundant of Cross-bedding: It is also called current bedding or false
sedimentary rocks. It is a laminated fine grained bedding. Cross-bedding are the minor bedding or
sedimentary rock which is mainly composed of clay lamination which lie at an angle to the planes of general
minerals and some silt-size grains of quartz. stratification. This structure is found in shallow water and
wind formed deposits.
The clay stones, because they are characteristically soft
and weak are not suited to most construction purposes. o (A) In compaction, the sediment grains are
The compacted shale lose strength when wet and are packed more tightly together, often by overlying
subject to plastic deformation. Underload they are sediments, as represented by the bricks.
subject to failure by flow. The cemented shales have o (B) In cementation, fluids contain dissolved
strength comparable to concrete but have a relatively minerals that are precipitated in the space
high elasticity. between the grains, cementing them together
 Clay stones underlying the sites of heavy into a rigid, solid mass.
structures should be test in both wet and dry
conditions. Clay stone has a limited use. It serves Textures of Sedimentary Rocks
as a raw materials for the ceramic industry in Grain sorting: Sorting refers to the uniformity of grain
some places and also used as raw materials for size in a sediment or sedimentary rock.
cement production.
Rounding: During the transportation process, grains
Carbonate rocks: The carbonate rocks are chiefly the maybe reduced in size due to abrasion. Random abrasion
products of marine or fresh water sedimentation. They results in the eventual rounding off of the sharp corners
are predominantly chemical sediments either formed by and edges of grains. Thus, the degree of rounding of
metabolic process of organism or precipitated grains gives us clues to the amount of time a sediment
inorganically. Mineralogically, the carbonate rocks are has been in the transportation cycle.
comparatively simple.
There are two main varieties; the limestone composed Sphericity: It is controlled by the original shape of the
chiefly of the calcite, and the dolomite composed chiefly grain. The longer the sediment is transported, the more
of dolomite. time is available for grains to lose their rough edges and
 The carbonate rocks, particularly the limestones, corners by abrasion.
have a very wide use in modern industry. The
largest single use is as crushed stone. Limestone Layering(bedding): One of the most obvious features of
is one of the leading dimension stones being sedimentary rocks and sediment is the layered structure
utilized both for internal and external work. which they exhibit. The layers are evident because of
Commercial lime is derived from the burning of differences in mineralogy, clast size, degree of sorting, or
limestone. color of the different layers. In rocks, these differences
may be made more prominent by the differences in
 This is a sample of limestone, a sedimentary rock resistance to weathering or color changes brought out by
made of calcium carbonate that formed under weathering.
water directly or indirectly from the actions of
plants and animals. This fine-grained limestone Cross Bedding: Consists of sets of beds that are inclined
formed indirectly from the remains of tiny relative to one another. The beds are inclined in the
marine organisms. direction that the wind or water was moving at the time
of deposition. Boundaries between sets of cross beds
usually represent an erosional surface. Cross bedding is  Sedimentary rocks containing clay minerals such
very common in beach deposits, sand dunes, and river as clay and shale contain water in a small or large
deposited sediment. Individual beds within cross-bedded amount depending on the type of minerals they
strata are useful indicators of current direction and tops contain. Their indentations loosen or degrade
and bottoms. Note how the beds become asymptotic to according to the water content. As a result,
the lower boundary on which they were deposited. resistance and handling power are reduced.

Graded Bedding: As current velocity decreases, the  Limestones are used as building material for
larger or more dense particles are deposited first, producing lime, aggregate, gravel and building
followed by smaller particles. This results in bedding stone. The resistance of the lime stones to be
showing a decrease in grain size from the bottom of the used in this area must be at least 200kg/cm2
bed to the top of the bed. This gives us a method for with respect to water absorption, less abrasion,
determining tops and bottoms of beds, since reverse and pore and porosity
grading will not be expected unless deposition occurs  The resistance of the limestones is low and high,
under unusual circumstances. Note that reverse graded so the stratification of the limestones is effective.
bedding cannot occur as current velocity increases,  Cracking systems and melting gaps should be
because each layer will simply be removed as the current avoided or minimized in limestones if they are
achieves a velocity high enough to carry sediment of a used in foundation and dam construction.
particular size.  Limestones must be cracked and melting space
at ground water investigations. Limestones
Engineering Properties of Sedimentary Rocks which have high porosity and cracked provides
 Physical and especially mechanical properties of to generate high discharges karstic springs.
the existing rocks should be determined by
laboratory tests and tests. The results should be METAMORPHIC ROCKS
numbered and used in basic and static Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been changed in
calculations. form due to heat, pressure, and chemical alteration.
 The rocks have a certain carrying power. Rocks
that are overloaded by forces change structure
and shape, so the upper structures can be
 The ground that is overloaded on the surface
shows different physical and chemical
properties. Slate: forms when shale is compressed by heat and
 The factors affecting the cost and safety of the pressure; splits easily
construction which are known as the
engineering properties of the rocks are the Schist: dominated by platy or needle-like minerals that
specific gravity, porosity, water absorption, unit form shiny layers
volume weight, resistance corresponding to the
press, resistance to atmosphere effect, wear, Gneiss: under pressure the minerals in granite
fragmentation recrystallize to form bands of light and dark minerals

With laboratory experiments; Marble: Limestone recrystallizes into marble – a denser

It should be determined whether they are essential or and more crystalline form of calcite
not according to various rock and soil conditions.
Stability and resistance to depression should be Quartzite: Sandstone changes into quartzite; Sand grains
determined. recrystallize to form a hard mass of quartz
The properties of storage (S) or permeability (K) and
transmissibility (T) of groundwater of various rocks and
soils should be determined. Whether or not the rocks are
suitable for building materials should be determined.

 The resistance of the sedimentary rocks to

breakage and pressures varies depending on the
hardness grades and the susceptibility of the
minerals to water. For example; Clay, marl,
gypsum and limestone cemented sand stones
and conglomerates show little resistance to
water pressures. Silica cemented ones are more
resistant, like granite and basalt. Good cemented
rocks have high porosity and permeability
ratings, so their water storage capacities are
high, while their resistance is low.
Metamorphic Rocks - Rocks changed by heat, pressure, 2. Non-foliated Rock - Without bands
or hot solutions due to: o Metamorphic rocks that lack foliation are
 Movement of the Earth’s crust referred to as non-foliated
 Heat generated by intrusion of hot magma o Develop in environments where stress
 Pressure can change rock by flattening, (deformation) is minimal
deforming, or realigning mineral grains. o Typically composed of minerals that exhibit
equidimensional crystals.
 When the pressure on flat crystal flakes tends to  This is a sample of marble, a coarse-grained
align the flakes into parallel sheets. metamorphic rock with interlocking calcite
 Gives the rock the property of breaking along the crystals. The calcite crystals were recrystallized
planes between the aligned mineral grains in from limestone during metamorphism.
what is known as rock cleavage.
 This banded metamorphic rock is very old, it is
probably among the oldest rocks on the surface
of the earth.

Engineering Properties of Metamorphic Rocks

 Rocks showing foliation should not be preferred
as construction materials in terms of strength.
 The strengths of the foliated metamorphic rocks,
along with the leavening and foliations that
develop as a result of the metamorphism, are
decreasing along the foliage planes due to clay
minerals that swell in water like chlorite and
 Marbles from metamorphic rocks are preferred
as a good building material. It is the building
material that is required in the building
Contact or thermal metamorphism - Driven by a rise in  The metamorphic masses provide a solid
temperature within the host rock structure for the foundation of the building, if it
is not separated. Some slip planes can be used
Regional metamorphism without any support if the slip gaps are not full
 Occurs during mountain building with clays.
 Produces the greatest volume of metamorphic  Metamorphics can be exposed to change
rock immediately under favorable climatic conditions.
Due to the changing construction, volume
Burial metamorphism - Occurs at bottom of thick increases and pressure increases. Such features
sedimentary rock piles should be observed in tunnels and dam
constructions and other constructions.
Hydrothermal metamorphism - chemical alterations  Schist rocks along the schistosity plane cause
from hot, ion-rich water shifts in the excavations. This is especially the
case for the dissociated regions where the
Effect of temperature in metamorphism schistose and cleavage are opened and
 Increasing metamorphic change occurs with weakened and the rock resistance is greatly
increasing temperatures and pressures. If the reduced.
melting point is reached, the change is no longer  Schists and similar rocks create landslide hazards
metamorphic, and igneous rocks are formed. in road constructions, dam abrasions and
reservoirs lopes.
Metamorphic Rock Textures  Massive gneisses provide very good conditions
1. Foliated Rock - Bands of minerals in parallel for large underground openings. Facilities for
layers swimming pools, theaters, skating rinks,
Foliation – any planar arrangement of mineral grains or industrial warehouses, production plants and
structural features within a rock many other activities have been created
o Parallel alignment of platy and/or elongated economically and safely in large openings to such
minerals rocks.
o Foliation can form through:  Schistosized and competing gneisses can create
o Rotation of platy and/or elongated minerals stability problems in underground openings.
o Recrystallization of minerals in the direction of Even in the ravaged schist and the small tunnels
preferred orientation opened in the phyllite, the ceiling may collapse.
o Changing the shape of equidimensional grains As the metamorphic rocks are cracked and
into elongated shapes that are aligned
contested on the surface, excavations cause the  Commonly grouped into: Silicates, Oxides and
rock blocks to move. Carbonates
 Also, metallic and non-metallic minerals
 The rock cycle is a general model that describes
how various geological processes create, modify,
and influence rocks
 The origin of all rocks can be ultimately traced
back to the solidification of molten magma
 Magma consists of a partially melted mixture of
elements and compounds commonly found in
 Magma exists just beneath the solid crust of the
Earth in an interior zone, the mantle
 The Rock Cycle shows how rocks of any rock
class can be recycled into rocks of any other
rock class. What is a mineral?
Definition – four part definition
Stages in the Rock Cycle  Naturally occurring
 All rock types physically and chemically  Inorganic substance (non-living)
decomposed by a variety of surface processes  Crystalline solid
collectively known as weathering  Definite chemical composition
 The debris thus created often transported by
erosional processes via streams, glaciers, wind, There are substances that meet 3 of the 4 criteria, and
and gravity are called mineralloids.
 When this debris is deposited as permanent  Example: Opal – does not have an orderly
sediment, the processes of burial, compression, arrangement of atoms
and chemical alteration over long periods of time
produce sedimentary rocks How many minerals are there?
 Geologic processes like tectonic folding and  3500 known minerals in the Earth’s crust
faulting exert heat and pressure on both igneous  Minerals combine to form all rocks on Earth
and sedimentary rocks, altering them physically o Rock type depends on mineral
or chemically –rocks modified in this way are composition
termed metamorphic rocks  20 minerals combine to form 95% of all rocks on
 Any of the rock types can eventually be returned Earth.
to Earth's interior by tectonic forces at areas
known as subduction zones Physical Properties
 Once in Earth's interior, extreme pressures and  All minerals have at least 9 physical properties
temperatures melt the rock back into magma to that can be used to define, describe, and identify
begin the rock cycle again them as unique minerals.

Driving mechanisms of the rock cycle Color

 Earth is a dynamic planet with the surface and  Every mineral has some color and some are
interior in a constant state of flux. found in multiple colors and could be very
– Internal changes alter the surface by moving the helpful and distinctive, or could be very
Earth’s plates, building mountains. ambiguous.
– Seas advance and retreat over the continents brining in  A visual measure but not very useful for
new materials and taking other materials away. identification as color of minerals varies
– Rocks are continually being changed by Earth’s forces. considerably

 A schematic diagram of the rock cycle concept, Luster - The manner in which a mineral reflects light.
which states that geologic processes act  Glassy – reflects light like a piece of glass does
continuously to produce new rocks from old  Metallic – reflects light like a piece of metal does
ones.  Surface sheen
 Pearly – like pearl
 Earthy
What is a mineral? Streak
 A naturally occurring inorganic substance  This is the color of the mineral when it is finely
 With a definite chemical composition and atomic powdered.
structure  Rubbed across a piece of tile, leaving a fine
 Crystalline in nature, displaying consistent powder of the mineral on the tile.
geometric shapes  The color could be different from the crystal’s
color, and is always distinctive
 The scratch ability of a mineral, or a mineral’s
 Resistance of the material to being scratched.
 Measured using the Mohs hardness scale, which
compares the hardness of the mineral to 10
reference minerals.

 Hexagonal
o Three equal axes in the same plane
o Intersect at angles of 60 degrees
o A fourth axis is at a right angle to the other

Moh’s Hardness Scale

 Orthorhombic
o Three axes all unequal to each other
o All axes intersect at right angles

 (A)Gypsum, with a hardness of 2, is easily

scratched by a fingernail. (B) Quartz, with a
hardness of 7, is so hard that even a metal file
will not scratch it.  Monoclinic
o Two non-equal axes at right angles to each
Crystal shape / External Crystal Form / Crystal Systems other
 A set of faces that have a definite geometric o A third axis is inclined to one of the first two
relationship to each other.
 This is not always shown clearly when crystals
are growing and competing for space with other

Common Face Arrangements and Angles

 Isometric – most symmetrical
o Three axes of equal length
o All axes at right angles to each other
 Triclinic
o Three axes
o All axes are inclined with respect to each

 Tetragonal – similar to isometric

o Three axes, two equal length, the third is
o All axes at right angles to each other Crystal Structures
 Can be made up of atoms of one or more kinds
of elements.
 Crystals are classified according to six major
groups, with subdivisions of each.
 A crystal is composed of a structural unit that is
repeated in three dimensions. This is the basic Mineral Cleavage - the ability of a mineral to break, when
structural unit of a crystal of sodium chloride, the struck along specific planes
mineral halite.  Based on the bonding between atoms
 The structural unit for a crystal of table salt,  Where the bonds are weakest = breakage plane
sodium chloride, is cubic, as you can see in the
individual grains.
These quartz crystals are hexagonal prisms.
(A)The geometric shape of a tetrahedron with four equal
(B) A silicon and four oxygen atoms are arranged in the
shape of a tetrahedron with the silicon in the center. This
is the basic building block of all silicate minerals.

(A) Isolated silicon-oxygen tetrahedra do not share

oxygens. This structure occurs in the mineral olivine.
(B) Single chains of tetrahedra are formed by each silicon
ion having two oxygens all to itself and sharing two with
other siliconsat the same time. This structure occurs in
(C) Double chains of tetrahedra are formed by silicon ions
sharing either two or three oxygens. This structure
occurs in hornblende.
(D) The sheet structure in which each silicon shares three
oxygens occurs in the micas, resulting in layers that pull
off easily because of cleavage between the sheets.

Silicates and Nonsilicates

Silicates – made of silicon and oxygen and make up 92 %
of Earth’s crust.
 Ferromagnesian Silicates
o Made of iron, magnesium, and silicates
o Form a basic tetrahederal structure.
o Higher density and darker color than other
silicates due to the presence of iron and

 Nonferromagnesiam Silicates
o Silicates that do not contain either iron or
 Can have no cleavage (example = quartz)
o Lower density and lighter color than the
 Can have 1 plane of cleavage (ex. = Biotite)
ferromagnesian silicates.
 Can have multiple planes of cleavage (ex. =
Fluorite, Calcite, Halite)
 Compare the dark colors of the ferromagnesian
silicates augite (right), hornblende (left), and
biotite to the light-colored nonferromagnesian
 Compare the light colors of the
nonferromagnesian silicates mica (front center),
white and pink orthoclase (top and center), and
quartz, to the dark-colored ferromagnesian
Other Properties of Minerals
 Translucent, transparent or opaque
 Birefringent
 Luminescence or fluorescence

Mineral-forming Processes
 Magma - Molten rock from which minerals are
 Lava - Magma that is forced to the surface
 Influences on the mineral forming process
o Temperature
o Pressure
o Time
Fracture - The way a substance breaks where not o Availability and concentration of ions
controlled by cleavage that are in solution
 Minerals with no cleavage generally break with  Rock forming minerals
irregular fracture o Polymerization - The formation of a
 If minerals break with curved fracture surfaces, complex molecule by the joining of
it is called concoidal fracture. repeated simpler units
o This is seen in glass, the igneous rock  Accessory minerals – Less common materials
Elements and Compounds
Specific Gravity - the density of a mineral Element - the most fundamental substance into which
 Density = mass of an object / volume of the matter can be separated using chemical means
 The ratio of the mass of an object to the mass of Atom – the smallest individual particle that retains the
anequal volume of water distinct chemical properties of an element
 The density of pure water = 1 g / mL
 If the density of the object is < 1 = lighter than Isotopes – Atoms with the same atomic number but
water, and will float to some degree different mass numbers
 If the density of the object is > 1 = heavier than
water,and will sink
o Quartz = 2.65 g / mL
o Galena = 7.5 g / mL
o Gold = 19.3 g / mL

Other Special Properties

 Taste – a few minerals have a characteristic taste
Halite tastes like salt
 Odor – a few minerals have a characteristic odor
Clay minerals have an “earthy” smell
 Striations – straight parallel lines on the flat Compounds, molecules and bonding
surface of the cleavage directions  Compound - A combination of atoms of one or
 Magnetism – some minerals with large amounts more elements in a specific ratio
of iron oxide are attracted to magnets  Molecule - The smallest chemical unit that has all
 Double Refraction – a clear mineral placed over properties of a particular compound
an image will show 2 images by the light being
split as it enters some crystalline minerals (EX. =
 X-ray fingerprints – when x-rays are directed
through minerals, the x-rays are deflected out at
specific angles (Each mineral has a specific
 Chemical tests – how do minerals react to  Bond – the force that holds together the atoms
specific chemicals (Ex. = Carbonate minerals in a chemical compound
(calcite) will react tweak hydrochloric acid, they o Ionic bonding
will fizz to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) gas - One atom transfers electron to
 Generally this is the only field chemical test another, which creates bond
- Table salt (sodium chloride)
- Cubic lattice
- Moderate strength and hardness
Minerals Formed at High Temperatures
 Bowen’s Reaction Series - Arranged with
minerals at the top that crystallize at higher
temperature and minerals at the bottom that
crystallize out at lower temperature.
- Bowen's reaction series. Minerals at the
top of the series (Olivine, augite, and
calcium-rich plagioclase) crystallize at
higher temperatures, leaving the magma
enriched in silica. Later, the residual
magma cools and lighter-colored, less
o Covalent bonding dense minerals (orthoclase feldspar,
- Electrons from different atoms “pair quartz, and white mica) crystallize. Thus,
up”, which creates a bond granite like rocks can form from a magma
- Does NOT produce ions that would have produced basaltic rocks
- Strongest of chemical bonds had it cooled quickly.

Minerals Formed at Normal Temperatures

 These form at normal temperatures and
pressures and in contact with atmospheric gases
such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water.
 There are most of the non-silicates; carbonates,
sulfates, oxides, halides, and sulfides.

Altered Minerals
o Metallic bonding  These minerals undergo changes in chemistry or
- Electrons shared among several atoms crystal structure as a result of pressure,
- Outer electrons may drift between temperature, or chemical solutions
each other  Similar to minerals that form under high
- Typically good conductors of temperatures with similar physical properties.
Ore Minerals
 Some minerals are left over after the crystallizing
of magma
 These elements are flushed away in hot water
solutions as the magma crystallizes.
 Usually crystallize in rock fractures to form thin,
flat bodies of mineral material called veins.
 If these minerals have some economic value they
are called ore minerals.

Minerals of Earth’s crust

o Van der Waals bonding  Other mineral families
- Attraction between electrically - Carbonate
neutral molecules with asymmetrical - Sulfates
charge - Sulfides
- Form sheets: - Phosphates
• Considered weak between sheets
• May feel slippery between sheets  Clay minerals
- The results of chemical weathering of rocks
and usually not present as large particles.
- Clay minerals are alumino-silicate, i.e. oxides
of aluminum and silicon with smaller amounts
of metal ions substituted within the crystal.
- Clay minerals are common weathering
products of volcanic ash.
- Organic fractions bonded to mineral soil
surfaces to form the materials that
determines surface characteristics.
 Chert precipitated from silica-rich groundwater
can replace bone and wood present in sediment
and sedimentary rocks
 Quartz by other names:
o Rose quartz
o Opal: rough and polished
o Chalcedony
o Citrine
o Tiger’s eye
o Amethyst
o Agate
 Historically, the single most important use of
quartz may have been to start fires.
 When chert is struck against iron, it produces a
relatively long-lived spark.
 Quartz is in building stones.
 Quartz is mixed with clay and ground-up
feldspar, and then fired to form a wide range of
ceramic and porcelain products.
 Quartz is used in the manufacture of glass
 Quartz is often in concrete and asphalt as
Noncrystalline Clay Materials aggregate and sand.
 Allophane - Allophane is X-ray amorphous and  Quartz is used as a flux for metallurgy. A flux is a
has no definite composition or shape. It is material that melts easily and can be used to
composed of hollow, irregular spherical particles remove impurities from metal ores, or that
with diameters of 3.5 to 5.0 nm. makes the slag produced by metal ore smelting
more fluid.
 Many species of marine plankton, called
diatoms, construct their shells of quartz. As
these microscopic organisms die, they sink down
to cover the deep sea floor with layers of porous
diatom shells.
 Ancient deep sea diatom deposits now exposed
at the Earth’s surface are called diatomaceous
 Diatomaceous earth is the abrasive part of
toothpaste. Since it is composed of quartz, the
shells are harder than the apatite and calcite
minerals that make up our teeth. When you
polish your teeth, you actually are grinding the
Mineral resources in modern society surface down with a very fine abrasive, often the
 Ore deposits - A localized concentration that can shells of long dead plankton.
be extracted profitably.  Quartz is the abrasive in stonecutting,
 Mining – Disturbs Earth’s surface sandblasting, and scouring soaps
– Damage to environment  Pure quartz crystals are piezoelectric –that
means that when put under pressure, the crystal
The Quartz mineral and Their Uses produces an electric voltage.
 With few exceptions, most early stone tools  This characteristic allows quartz crystals to be
were fashioned of quartz. used to measure pressures or control the
 Quartz is in igneous and metamorphic rocks. frequency of electric impulses, which led to their
 Quartz is in the sediments sand and silt, use in radio systems and timepieces.
 The sedimentary rocks sandstone and siltstone,  Quartz can be a host rocks for gold and other
 As well as their metamorphosed equivalents of precious metals.
quartzite and slate.
 ‘Chert’ is a term collectively used for all the Coal and Petroleum
quartz varieties that have crystals too small to be Formation of coal
seen without a microscope. Chert color varieties  Organic matter derived mostly from land plants
are: accumulates in low-energy environment (like a
o onyx (mixed white and black), here with rose swamp).
quartz  Oxidative decay uses up lots of oxygen,
o jasper (red to red-brown) rendering the sediment pore waters devoid of
o flint (gray to black) oxygen (anoxic).
 Gentle cooking and pressing (lithification) as a Formation of petroleum (oil and gas)
result of increasing burial depth remove the pore  Oil and gas result from the breakdown of organic
water and increase carbon content (due to molecules (e.g. kerogens) under conditions of
release of volatile components of the organic increasing temperature, from large complex
molecules). molecules to smaller, -chain molecules
 Low grade coal (lignite) cooked very little. dominated by hydrogen and carbon: a process
 High grade coal (anthracite) cooked a lot (close called “cracking” or “pyrolysis”. This occurs
to being a metamorphic rock). largely through the breaking of C-C bonds.
 Lower grade coal tends to contain minerals such  Some gas is produced by decomposition of
as pyrite, which formed under the reducing (low- organic matter by microbes (biogenic gas)
oxygen) conditions.  Most oil is produced at temperatures between
about 60O and 120O C (the oil).
Coal fields  Thermogenic gas is produced as oil is broken
 Coal fields are mark by regions where swamps down to very small molecules (the smallest being
bordered shorelines of ancient seas (similar to methane)
modern mangrove swamps).
 Higher coal grades tends to be found closer to The Oil Window
mountains where organic-rich sediment has  T below: Organics remain largely unaltered.
been pressed and cooked more severely.  T above: Thermal cracking transforms the
petroleum into natural gas.
Uses of Coal
Fuel: Coal is a very important fuel throughout Asia and Petroleum Traps
remains highly significant in the U.S.A, this country  A geologic environment that allows for
having the largest known coal reserves in the world. economically significant amounts of oil and gas
to accumulate underground is termed an
Coke: Bituminous coal that is cooked (charred) to oil/petroleum trap
remove nearly all of the remaining volatiles is  Oil and gas is contained in a reservoir. A reservoir
transformed into a spongy substance called coke (some must be permeable to oil and gas, and contain
of the removed gases, e.g. methane, can themselves be sufficient interconnected pore space to
used as fuel). accommodate the petroleum. Common
- Coke is predominantly burned in blast furnaces examples are poorly lithified sandstones,
to smelt iron from iron ore because it provides carbonate reefs, diagenetic carbonates.
the high temperature and gases required for the  The roof of the trap must be made of material
smelting process (prevents oxidation of the that is impermeable to fluids. This is necessary to
elemental molten iron). It is also used in the prevent the upward escape of oil and gas which
production of cement (cooking of limestone and are much less dense than the surrounding rock.
silica).  Common traps include anticline fold traps, fault-
bounded traps (structural traps) as well as
By-products: A number of by-products from processed various stratigraphic traps.
coal are also useful. These include organic substances
used to make some plastics, medicines, and solvents.

Artificial sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame

are also derived from by-products of coal!

 Oil and natural gas
- Oil and natural gas, consisting of various
hydrocarbon compounds, are produced in a
similar manner though are typically derived from
different sources of organic remains.
- Derived from the remains of marine plants and
animals (mostly plankton). Recovery of Oil and Gas
- Oil and natural gas result from the chemical  When the cap rock is penetrated by drilling, the
breakdown of these remains in the absence of
oil and natural gas, under pressure, migrate from
oxygen, as depth of burial (and therefore the pore spaces of the reservoir rock to the drill
temperature) increases.
- The oxygen and nitrogen in the original organics
 Note: world’s first commercial oil well was drilled
are driven off, leaving hydrocarbon compounds
in 1858 at Oil Springs, Ontario (near Sarnia).
(compounds of carbon and hydrogen).
 Before methods were developed to control the
upward flow of oil in wells (e.g. blowout
preventers), dangerous gushers took place when Plastics
pressure was suddenly released from oil traps.

Geographic distribution of oil and gas

 Major occurrences of oil and gas on continents
mark formerly low-lying regions (basins) that
were covered by seas (remember that oil and gas
is derived from remains of marine organisms).
 Organic matter in these regions were buried
under thick deposits of sediments and gently

Distillation of crude oil

 Oil is extracted from the ground as crude oil.
 It is then refined in a distillation tower that is
divided into a series of collecting trays at
different temperature conditions.
 The crude oil is boiled to produce vapour.
 The vapour is allowed to diffuse up the tower to
cool and condense at different temperatures
(lightest compounds will have lowest boiling
 The different components of crude oil can
therefore be separated.
 Note: the “naptha” fraction is basically gasoline.

Fractions obtained from crude oil

The Versatility of Petroleum

The most obvious use for petroleum is as fuel. In the
world, lots of petroleum is used as fuel for heating,
transportation, cooking, and electricity generation.

But petroleum-derived organic molecules are also used

in an incredible number of other products that include:
o Solvents, used in paints, lacquers, and printing
inks, and cleaners
o Lubricating oils and greases for machinery
o Petroleum (or paraffin) wax used in candy
making, candles, packaging, matches, and
o Petroleum jelly (Vaseline), used in medical
products and toiletries
o Asphalt, used to pave roads and airfields and to
make roofing materials and floor coverings
o Plastics and synthetic rubber, used in
packaging, casings, fabrics, bubble gum, etc

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