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Apple is a one of the leading company .It is one of the second largest cell
phone maker across the globe .It was founded in the year april 1 1976 in
California and started in the year January 7 1977.The corporation was well
establish Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak in 1976. It
come with the idea of determination and largest technological giant in very
short span . The company during 30 years was named apple computer but
later its was changed into apple inc january 9 2007 .They wanted to extend
their consumer electronic market and do not want to stay on computer market
.companies has employee 46000 in the year 2010 .Apple design ,manufacturer
and market a range of computer software ,hardware product and pc. Apple’s
key competitors include Google Inc., Amazon, Dell, Lenovo,mirosoft
.The conceptual paper dicuss about problem ,issues ,variable
,symptoms and isolated critical issues . Some of there product are
– hardware product application software operating system
,software display peripheral product.

Tim cook on march 9 2015 become ceo of apple’s. He
announced his first major strategic initiative after the
tragic deadth of steve jobs .steve jobs was the mentor of
tim cook .cook was trying to demonstrate that He could
not only sustain with apple achievement in computer
but he also take apple to the next level .
The problem faced by apple in the year 2015 although
company has achieved the fact of record sales in the year
2014 .Their market capitalization topped to 700 billion
dollar .The major challenge was sales of ipod declining
suddenly and other was the sales of macintosh were in
small amount .So the company totally dependent on the
ipod sales .It is considered as major revenue generating in
the firm .production of I phone leads to over dependency
which cause alarming situation in higly technology , highly
competitive market and aneroid based smart phones .The
case depicted about cook to dominate the smart phone
market .they considered to Revitaize The ipad business and
become a market leader in the apple pay and also replicate
the success device like apple watch his first innovation in
the year 2010 .The biggest problem issue navigating trade
uncertainity . Apple Inc. has been locked in a long
and nasty legal spat with QUALCOMM that
begun over licensing rates and obvious fees.

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