Art Appreciation Midterms

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ARC 201

Art is only a three-lettered word but has very deep meaning behind it. From photography,
painting, sculptures, dance or music, art is everything. Art is an expression of our thoughts, ideas,
experiences desire or even intuitions. Art is a method of comprehending the universe. Not only the
physical world, as science tries to do; but the entire world, including the human world, the world of
culture, and spiritual experience. Some art shows our culture, what it means and how we are going to
comprehend it. It contains different elements of arts. As we go along in life, little by little we tend to
appreciate art and the meaning of it even more. It is a creation of aesthetic values that somehow, we
are related of. Art also has a great impact to us. It helps us feel relieved or in simple words, it helps
us to express ourselves especially our thoughts that we cannot express through words. It is not
always necessary for art to make sense to everyone. In art, you are not required to solve problems or
justify hypotheses like you would in math or science. Art is both a cure and a remedy in and of itself.
Art can be very beneficial especially to us.

• Ancient Egypt

The Book of Dead by Karl

Richard Lepsius (1842) - They used
text written on a roll of papyrus that
gives details on how to bring the
dead back to life. This book contains
a collection of mystical spells that are
said to help a resurrected person's
journey through the underworld
after death.
• Ancient Greece

The Pergamon Altar by

King Eumenes II - It was built in
the first half of the 2nd century BC
during the reign of King Eumenes II.
The sculpture is made of marble. It
depicts mythological battle which is
the Gigantomachy that happened in
Greece. It was the most amazing
feature of the giant war monument.

• Ancient Romans

Alexander Mosaic by Philoxenus

of Eretria (100 BC) – The mosaic is
made of thousands of small mosaic
tiles. It is a roman floor mosaic that
depicts the battle between the
armies. The mosaic's style is
distinctly Greek in that it portrays
close-up portraits of the battle's main

• Byzantine Era

Barberini ivory by Anonymous

(500–550 CE) – The sculpture is
made from elephant ivory, mounted
with pearl/previous stone. It depicts
the emperor as a victorious
conqueror. It is thus a highly political
work intended to act as imperial
propaganda since it incorporates a
new celestial hierarchy into the
representation of the Roman
Empire's triumph.
• Islamic Age

Calligraphic Galleon by Abd al-Qadir

Hisari (1766–67) – The medium used in
Calligraphic Galleon is ink and gold on a
paper. The painting portrays an Ottoman
naval galleon. The names of the Seven
Sleepers, a group of men who were
protected by the Abrahamic God, are
inscribed on the ship, which is likely to
confer a blessing of safety on the ship.

Urban Art

Urban art is the piece of art that best describes my personality. I am an independent thinker.
Unsanctioned art produced outside of the framework of conventional art venues appeals to me.
I choose the streets as my gallery and refuse to be constrained in any way. I am curious and
open-minded, and I am probably a problem solver. As a result, I'm confident that it shows my


DESCRIPTION: The term "urban" comes from the Latin word urbanus, which means "from
the city." It is linked to art made by artists who live in, represent, or experience city life. The
topic is often people who live in cities, as well as city structures and transportation. It is one of
the most innovative types of creative expression in today's world since its aim is to use what the
audience already knows and manipulate the subject's physicality to make a point.

ANALYSIS: Complex wall designs produced by artists with years of experience and impressive
techniques are referred to as urban art. It is a type of artistic expression in which drawings are
made on a wall or other surface.

CONTEXT: The history of urban art is as old as the streets themselves. Graffiti and street art
were carved and scrawled on the walls of marketplaces, public houses, and brothels over 2000
years ago in Egypt, Rome, and Greece. They embodied the unheard voice of the many; today,
those marks are significant relics of a bygone era of social consciousness. One of the most
important aspects of Urban Art is its sense of place. The genre's heart is in cities and the streets,
as the name implies, bringing art out of its conventional settings of galleries and museums and
putting it in the broader public sphere.

MEANING: Their message is always global, criticizing state surveillance in western societies,
but in the past, it was aimed at the lying politician and the deceitful entrepreneur. Having art on
city walls and buildings is a way to reach a larger audience while also reclaiming urban
environments from governments and multinational corporations. It also unites art and the
environment into one. Street art, which is largely concerned with graffiti culture, evolved into
the concept of 'Urban Art.' Urban art encompasses a wider range of artists who, in addition to
traditional street artists working in gallery spaces, often include artists working in more
traditional media but with a focus on modern urban culture and political issues.

JUDGEMENT: Urban art, which is largely concerned with graffiti culture, evolved into the
concept of 'Urban Art.' Urban art encompasses a wider range of artists who, in addition to
traditional street artists working in gallery spaces, often include artists working in more
traditional media but with a focus on modern urban culture and political issues. It has been used
to beautify public spaces as well as raise awareness of social and political problems, and its artists
have become increasingly known and respected in the art world.

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