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DATE: FEBRUARY/ 02 / 2022

Module 13 - Bruner's Constructivist Theory

Answer/perform the following questions briefly!

1. Choose a topic related to your field of specialization. Write a simple plan on

how to teach this topic using Bruner's principles. (20 points)

Grade/Year Level : GRADE 7 STUDENTS

How will you present the topic on the:

Enactive level?

● We all know that, as a future educator, our responsibility is to teach our students
based on our learning, knowledge, and capability. So, in my own way, I will teach
and present my topic at an inactive level. through movement or action. For
example, I will give them books or things and let them play or conceptualize their
imaginative ideas and minds. That can be helpful for their development and
learning process because, at this stage or level, they can only accommodate
basic learning or they are starting to build up their mastery of certain abilities or
learning. And based on my topic about the similarity and differences between
plant cells and animal cells, I will demonstrate and give my prior and basic
knowledge about the two cell structures so that my students will engage,
motivate, and be interested in studying my topic.

Iconic level?

● At this iconic level, students learn through images or icons that help them learn,
adopt, and familiarize themselves with specific ideas and knowledge.on my
chosen topic about plant cells and animal cells, I will present my topic by showing
pictures, videos, and some illustrations that show the differences and similarities
between plant cells and animal cells, so that many learners will easily relate to
my topic. And also, at the end of the presentation or discussion, I will give an
assessment in order to know if my students have learned my topic. And after the
assessment, as a teacher, part of my responsibility is to give feedback and
re-discuss or explain my topic again in clear illustration and with an icon so that
my student will learn.

Symbolic level?

● And last, at this symbolic level, students learn through engaging with abstract
symbols and A symbol is the use of a concrete object to represent an abstract
idea. Reading, researching a specific topic, and teaching them how to create
outlines will help them at this stage because they already know how to master
the idea or topic by itself. And to present my topic about plant cells and animal
cells, I will give or assign them to a topic or parts of my discussion to study,
analyze, and research about plant cells and animal cells. So I'll help them to
establish their learning by themselves and based on their understanding and
information gathered.

2. How will you apply the spiral curriculum approach in this particular topic?

● In the spiral curriculum or progression, topics start with basic or easy discussion,
teaching topics, and particular lessons. So, as a teacher, I will apply a spiral
curriculum to the particular topic by dividing it into easy, moderate, and average
categories so that my learners will not be pressured by my discussion. In
addition, I plan to teach my students using active, iconic, and symbolic
approaches. Because we all know that learners are not similar to each other,
some students are fast learners and others are slow learners, so we need to
consider the level of processing of learning in order to apply a spiral curriculum. I
will also consider the downward to upward approach so that learners will find my
topic interesting and quite challenging. Because adopting learning is step by step
until we reach the middle and mastery of certain topics, abilities, ideas, and
● And based on my chosen topic about the similarity and differences between plant
and animal cells to apply spiral curriculum, I'm going to start by introducing my
topic to them and next explain what a cell is and how a cell is related in order to
produce a new life form or organism. And I'm going to introduce the different
parts of the cell, then I will start to discuss the differences and similarities
between plant cells and animal cells. By showing some illustrations or advanced
organizers like venn diagrams to compare and contrast the two cells. Then I'll ask
them questions to see if they understand my topic and grade them, or I'll ask
them to research and surf for more information on my topic.

3. Describe how you can use discovery learning for this topic.

● Based on Bruner's, he believes that students must be active. They must identify
key principles for themselves rather than simply accepting the teacher's
explanation. So, as a teacher, I let my students explore, discover, and study my
topic with my guidance. I will give them some activities and assignments related
to my topic that will unfold and extend their learning and knowledge of it. And
after that, we will have a discussion so my students have the opportunity to learn
before I discuss my topic, so they can relate and participate in the discussion.
And moreover, I allowed them to have groupings to brainstorm their different
ideas with their classmates.

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