Site Survey Report - Ecc-3

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Earlier Care Centre-3


Date: Feb 27, 2018

On Feb 27, 2018, Siemens conducted a site survey for ECC-3.This survey was conducted to determine
the upgrade & Commissioning of the HVAC controlling devices.

The survey was conducted by knowing the current condition for field devices that has been installed.
The surveyor conducted a survey of the area where site conditions observed. Provided below is a site

 Total No. Of DDC Panels: 4 Panels
 Total No. Of AHUs: 3 Units
 Total No. Of FAHUs: 2 Units
 Total No. Of Bleed Fans: 2 Units
 Total No. Of EX-Fans: 14 Units
 Other Field Devices: EWH, Pumps & Water Fountain

Survey and Coverage

The on-site survey, Siemens DDC Panels condition are good, all the field devices are in good
conditions. Mechanical Rooms is in good state that Siemens can processed to work on the site.

Severing Area For AHUs

Administrator Area Library Class Rooms
Director’s Room Class Rooms Music Rooms
Class Rooms Corridors Gym
Corridors Corridors
On-Site Images

DDC-ECC-500 Front Layout DDC-ECC-500 Inside Layout

DDC-ECC-501 Front Layout

DDC-ECC-501 Inside Layout

DDC-ECC-502 Front Layout

DDC-ECC-502 Inside Layout

DDC-ECC-503 Front Layout DDC-ECC-503 Inside Layout

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