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OTC 7066

Downhole Packers for Use With ESP Completions


Copyright 1992, Offshore Technology Conference

This paper was presented at the 24th Annual OTC in Houston, Texas, May 4-7, 1992.

This paper was selected far presentation by the OTC Program Committee following review of information contained In an abstrect aubmi!ted by the author(s). Contente of the peper,
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This paper will describe how a the larger fields mature and
resettable pump packer was and new fields come on stream.
designed and tested for use in The packers used in ESP
the North Sea. A fully re- completions are essentially
settable packer where the dual packers with the long
setting forces are locked in string commonly 4.1/2” tubing
can save the operator the cost and the short string 2.3/8”
of a workover in a situation tubing which is used to allow
where only minor wellhead passage of the heavy duty
repairs are required. power cable. They are
hydraulical~y set and released
The RESETTABLE PUMP PACKER by straight pull on the
was designed specifically to tubing. They have, however,
overcome this problem. It is suffered from the major
unset by straight pull drawback that once unset they
release and automatically cannot be reset and must be
“re-cocks” itself to allow for pulled from the well for
a further setting. It will replacement. On many
also totally relax and allow occasions, immediately after
safe manipulation of the string installation, there have
between settings as there is a occurred minor mechanical or
device to prevent premature electrical problems at or near
resetting- the wellhead. This neces-
sitates raising the tubing
INTRODUCTION string to gain access which,
of course, unsets the packer.
Since the early 1980’s ESP’s The operator now has a costly
have been run in the North Sea and time consuming trip to
and their-use and application perform.
will increase significantly as



include a packer which means =K~ —
that the fluid in the annulus
is allowed to find its own Figs. 4 to 7 have been highly
level. This practice is not stylised for this paper in
acceptable in the North Sea order to easily demonstrate
and so a packer is used to the setting and unsetting
anchor the tubing ‘and seal off action of the packer. A close
the annulus. High GOR wells study of them is recommended
will normally locate the packer before reading further.
near the surface to allow for
gas venting. Resettability is SETTXNG THE PACKER
not such a strong requirement
in gas vented wells as the time Fig. 4 shows the packer in the
taken to pull and re-run a unset position. To set the
packer to say, 600’ is minimal. packer a wireline plug is run
However, with deep set non-gas and located in a nipple profile
vented packers the argument for below the packer. Pressure is
using a resettable packer is applied to the tubing string
strong as the cost of a work- which enters through the
over on an offshore well can pressure ports (8) This
exceed one million U.S. dollars. pressure acts to push the
Fig 1 shows a cross section of a upper piston (7) upwards once
typical pump packer. The main some retaining shear screws
string (1) is usually maximised (not shown) have been sheared
in size and would normally be at approximately 1,100 PSI.
4.1/2” OD for a packer set in The upward movement of the
9.5/8” casing, 3.1/2” if set in upper piston pushes the
7.5/8” and 2.7/8” set in 7“. lower cone (6) under the slips
The electrical cable string (2) (5) and forces them outwards to
is used to house the electrical anchor into the casing wall (1)
penetrator which is normally Once the packer is anchored in
fed through from the lower end this way, continued increase in
of the packer and sealed off at applied, pressure to 3,000 PSI
the top end. A third string will now force the lower piston
is often included and used to (9) which is fixed to the main
attach a pressure/temperature & secondary strings (2) & (17)
gauge or used for gas venting. in a downward direction. This
Fig 2 illustrates other features downward movement of the lower
such as a chemical injection piston and the two strings acts
or instrument line but as to compress the packing
packers become multi-stringed elements (3) and hence seal off
there is more potential for the annulus. The setting
“things going wrong” and hence forces are locked into the
resettability becomes more packer by means of the ratchet
attractive. lock (15) which prevents the
packer from relaxing after the
setting pressure is bled off.
The first shear release wire
(10) which requires a pull on


the packer of 50,000 LBS to act to partially set the packer

shear also acts to keep the and hence restrict the annulus.
setting forces locked in. If the packer was unset in
Fig 5 shows the completed order to gain access to the
setting action. Note that the wellhead equipment it can now
release springs (13) are now be safely raised the necessary
compressed as the upper and distance then lowered to the
lower cones are now closer original position and reset
together. once the repair is completed.


A wireline plug is again run to
A straight pull of 50,000 LBS the same nipple profile below
(or as desired) is required on the packer and pressure
the tubing string to unset the applied. The setting action is
packer. A~ the first shear the same as before (see fig. 7)
release wire (10) is sheared, with the setting forces
the reset springs (12) which similarly locked in. Again,
were maintained in a compressed straight pull of 50,000 LBS
state now act to pull the will unset the packer and it
cylinder (16) downwards and will relax as before. Note
anchor it to the second shear that the reset springs (12) do
release wire position (11). not perform any function now.
Simultaneously the sudden It would be possible to build
upward movement of the main the packer with a second and
and secondary strings acts to third reset device but this is
pull away the upper cone (4) deemed unnecessary as it
from underneath the slips. This would needlessly increase the
in turn allows the release complexity of the tool. If the
springs (13) to eject the lower probability of using the reset
cone (6). The packing elements feature is say 1 in 20 due to
relax into their original wellhead electrical or
space and the packer is now mechanical problems then the
completely released but primed probability of needing a second
for a second setting if reset due to the same kind of
necessary (see fig. 6) The problem in the same well is 1
device to prevent premature in 400.
resetting is not shown but
consists of a set of shear TESTING PROCEDURE
screws located through the
ratchet lock (15) into the The test fixture was essen-
upper piston (7). Only now will tially a piece of 9.5/8”
they be in a position to be 47 lbs/ft P11O casing with a
sheared if sufficient internal flange at one end (see Fig.3).
pkessure is applied. Preventing At the other end was a piston
setting the packer at this arrangement which had a
stage is beneficial as any restricted travel of about 12”
circulating pressures during This piston would be
well killing operations would pressurised with nitrogen to


create the necessary 5C),0001bs COMMENTS ON TEST RESULTS

of force to unset the packer as AND SUBSEQUENT MODIFICATIONS
violently as possible. This
was designed to simulate the Steps 1 to 3 were relatively
downhole unsetting action as easily achievable but getting
closely as possible. The test the packer to unset cleanly
medium was cold water and the and totally relax proved much
procedure can be described more difficult. It was
as follows:- realised at this stage that
there was no point in having a
1. Set packer inside 9.5/8” resettable packer unless it
casing nipple through line could be totally relaxed after
(1) in horizontal position. unsetting and prevented from
prematurely resetting.
2. Pressure test upper annulus
through line (2). N.B. Air Some critical modifications
outlet (5) was plugged and had to be made which
air outlet (6) left open to fortunately could be incor-
observe for leaks. porated in the prototype
without major redesign. For
3. Pressure test lower annulus commercial reasons of
through line (3). N.B. Air confidentiality and patent
outlet (6) was plugged and considerations the full
air outlet (5) left open to details of these ,modifications
observe for leaks. cannot be revealed here.
However, one of the major
4. Unset packer using nitrogen problems which had to be over-
gas pressured piston at come was the full retraction
approximately 1,200 PSI of the slips. Since all the
through line (4)- testing was done in the
horizontal qosition to
!5. Remove packer from test simulate the worst possible
fixture to verify reset conditions it was found that
mechanism has functioned the slips would not retract
properly and that packer fully.. This was because the
is in relaxed state. cones would remain in a
partially set state. The
6. Put packer back inside solution was to incorporate 2
test fixture and reset powerful release springs (see
through line (1) Fig 7) which would compress
when the packer was set and
7. Pressure test upper then push the cones out of the
annulus through line (2). way when the packer was unset
This action created the
8. Pressure test lower original space for the slips
annulus through line (3). to retract into. This
modification was tested
9. Unset packer through line repeatedly and performed
(4) wi;h nitrogen ;nd exceptionally well. Subsequent
remove from test fixture field runs have proved the
for examination. packer retrieves cleanly.


The special device to prevent All packers had 13% chrome

premature resetting of the flow wetted parts and 4 have
packer once it has been unset subsequently been pulled and
for the first time was also redressed. There has been
deemed to be a necessary no reported problems with any
feature. of the installations and they
all retrieved easily as per
Tn a situation where a packer design.
has been unset and the tubing
string raised to gain access CONCLUSIONS
to the wellhead/surface equip-
ment any attempt to circulate 1. Substantial savings can be
while in this position act to made by using resettable
reset the packer. This could pump packers. The time
prevent the tubing string from taken to effect wellhead
being lowered to its original electrical or mechanical
position. Similarly, friction repairs is greatly reduced
forces from contact with the because the operator
I.D. of the outside casing does not need to perform a
could effect a premature set complete workover to
while lowering the tubing. replace an unset downhole
Therefore this feature was packer.
recognised as an essential
part of the reset mechanism 2. The reset mechanism has
from the early planning stages. been tested successfully in
One final problem to overcome a surface test fixture.
was to be the use of 13% chrome
steel for all parts exposed to
produced well fluids. High ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
chrome content steels are
notorious for galling and so The foll?wing people were
some innovative assembly of great help to the author
techniques had to be employed on the project and deserve
to eliminate this potential special mention here :-
problem. The entire testing
program, including modific- 1. Les Thomson and Mike
ations, took place in Hannan of B.P. Les for
Aberdeen during Jan/Feb 1990. his encouragement and
Steps 1 to 9 of the testing recognition of the need
procedure above were success- for resettable pump
fully carried out repeatedly packers and Mike for
and final testing witnessed by his technical input”.
a major North Sea operator.
2. Bob Brooks for his
FIELb RUNS/EXPERIENCE tireless help in
producing and modifying
At the time of writing (1/2/92) drawings and his
there have been 7 installations technical input.
of the packer in the S.E.


3. Graeme Laws, Andy Elrick

and Dick Anderson of Nodeco
Ltd. for their hard work
and patience in seeing the
prototype testing program
through from start to finish
in record time (approx. 8
weeks) -
g5/8° &LSkJ ‘ II I

3 1
Fig.1 Triple string pum packer /
( cross section Y // -/ /
1 Main string — Oil production Set Packer ‘ . /
2 Electrical cable to pump
3 Pressure access orgas vent line

5 AMP / _
/ 2
1 t

Piston ‘

Gas Chamber 4


Fig.3 Packer test fixture

1 Waterline — Used to set packer
Fig.2 Multi-string pump packer 2 Waterline — Used to test upper annulus
( cross section) 3 Waterline — Used to test lower annulus
1 Main string — Oil production 4 Nitrogen gas live — Used to unset
2 Electrical cable to pump the packer
3 Chemical injection line 5 Upper annulus air outlet
4 Gas vent line 6 Lower annulus air outlet
5 Instrument line


13 13

12 12


Fig 4 Resettable Pump Packer Fig 5 Resettable Pump Packer

Unset Position Set Position
1 Casing 11 2nd. Shear Note the following differences with Fig.4.
2 Main String Release Wire A) Lower cone (6) and upper piston (7) have
3 Packing Elements 12 Reset Springs moved upwards due to hydraulic pressure
4 Upper Cone 13 Release Springs through pressure ports (8),
5 Slips 14 Electrical B) Slips (5) are set in the casing (1) and packing
6 Lower Cone Penetrator elements (3) are compressed and sealing off
7 Upper Piston 15 Ratchet Lock the annulus.
8 Pressure Ports 16 Cylinder C) Setting forces are locked in by ratchet lock
9 Lower Piston 17 Secondary String (15) and held by 1st. shear release wire (10).
10 1st, Shear D) Release springs (13) are compressed but
Release Wire reset springs (12) are unchanged.



12 11

Fig 6 Resettable pump packer Fig 7 Resettable pump packer

released position reset position
Note the following differences compared Note the following differences compared
with Fig.5 with Fig,5.
A) 1st. shear release wire (1O) is sheared due A) The packer is reset as per Fig.5 but the
to pull of 50,000 Ibs on main string (2). setting forces are now locked in by the
B) Slips (5) are retracted, packing elements ratchet lock (15) in a new position and
(3) are relaxed and release springs (13) held by 2nd. shear release wire (11).
have ejected lower cone (6). N.B. Straight pull on the main string (2) of
C) Upper piston (7) has returned to its orignal 50,000 Ibs will release the packer.
D) Cylinder(16) is now anchored to 2nd, shear
release wire (11) because of reset springs
(12)nowin partiallyextendedposition,


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