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Preparing a Test Environment

Multi-node OpenStack

Sabir Mustafa
Project Lead
RHCE, MCSA, Oracle Enterprise Linux Certified
Web site:
Ph: +923336781389
Host Access Client Package(HACP), Enterprise Modernization IBM
Royal Cyber Inc
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Environment Settings .................................................................................................................................... 4
Controller Node ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Network Node ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Compute Node .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Tasks to be performed during installation. ................................................................................................... 4
Post install actions (For All Nodes) ............................................................................................................... 4
Update all packages .................................................................................................................................. 4
Disable Selinux .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Disable Firewall (or you need to write rules accordingly) ........................................................................ 5
Disable NetworkManager and enable “network” .................................................................................... 5
Grant root privileges to “test1” user ........................................................................................................ 5
Update “hosts” file.................................................................................................................................... 5
NTP settings (Controller node) ..................................................................................................................... 5
NTP settings (Network and Compute node) ................................................................................................. 6
Testing the NTP settings ............................................................................................................................... 6
OpenStack Packages (For all Nodes) ............................................................................................................. 7
Database (Controller node only)................................................................................................................... 7
Install the packages................................................................................................................................... 7
Start the Database service ........................................................................................................................ 7
Secure the database ................................................................................................................................. 8
Messaging Server (Controller node only) ..................................................................................................... 8
Start and configure the Messaging Server ................................................................................................ 8
Credits ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
The installation guide has separated the OpenStack deployment on 3 servers. The Controller Node,
Network Node and Compute Node. The guide covers detailed component installation on each node.
Environment Settings

Controller Node
 CentOS 7 64-bit Virtual Machine on VMWare
o 01 LAN Card using NAT network
o RAM 02 GB
o Virtual Disk 05 GB
o Virtual Processors 1x1

Network Node
 CentOS 7 64-bit Virtual Machine on VMWare
o 03 LAN Card, 02 using NAT network and 01 using Bridged network
o RAM 512MB
o Virtual Disk 05 GB
o Virtual Processors 1x1

Compute Node
 CentOS 7 64-bit Virtual Machine on VMWare
o 02 LAN Cards using NAT network
o RAM 04 GB
o Virtual Disk 20 GB
o Virtual Processors 2x2

Tasks to be performed during installation.

Software Selection (Choose Minimal Install)
Installation Destination (Choose Automatic partition)
Network and Hostname (Enable Network,

User creation (create a user “test1” and provide its password as desired)

Post install actions (For All Nodes)

Update all packages
yum update -y

Disable Selinux
vi /etc/selinux/config
and change
SELINUX=enforcing To SELINUX=disabled
save and reboot
Disable Firewall (or you need to write rules accordingly)
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
systemctl stop firewalld.service

Disable NetworkManager and enable “network”

The OpenStack does not work if NetworkManager is enabled.
systemctl stop NetworkManager
systemctl disable NetworkManager
systemctl start network

Grant root privileges to “test1” user

test1 ALL=(ALL) ALL

save and close the file

Update “hosts” file

NTP settings (Controller node)

Install the NTP package and then modify “ntp.conf” with following settings.

Save and restart the NTP service

NTP settings (Network and Compute node)
Install the NTP package and then modify “ntp.conf” with following settings.

Save and restart the NTP service

Testing the NTP settings

On Controller node run following command

The remote column must contain hostname or IP of one or more NTP servers

The condition column should indicate sys.peer for at least one server

On Network and Compute nodes run following command

The remote column must contain hostname of controller node

The condition column should indicate sys.peer

OpenStack Packages (For all Nodes)

Install the yum-plugin-priorities package

yum install yum-plugin-priorities

Install the epel-release package

yum install

Install the rdo-release-juno package to enable the OpenStack repository

yum install

Database (Controller node only)

Install the packages
yum install mariadb mariadb-server MySQL-python

Modify the /etc/my.cnf with following settings.

Save and close the file.

Start the Database service

systemctl enable mariadb.service

systemctl start mariadb.service

Secure the database

Messaging Server (Controller node only)

Install the Rabbitmq Message broker for this installation. There are multiple brokers available, you can
choose other as per your requirement.

yum install rabbitmq-server

Start and configure the Messaging Server

systemctl enable rabbitmq-server
systemctl start rabbitmq-server

The default username/password is “guest” for the rabbit. Run following command to change the

rabbitmqctl change_password guest Root@123


[root@controller ~]# rabbitmqctl change_password guest RABBIT_PASS

Changing password for user "guest" ...

Note:- The rabbit_password key must be configured in each OpenStack service that uses the message

Remote access is to be enabled for guest account if version is higher than3.3.0. Check the version using
following command.

[root@controller ~]# rabbitmqctl status | grep rabbit

Status of node rabbit@controller ...

Modify the /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config file and provide following values.

[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].

Note:- If rabbitmq.config does not exist, create it.

Restart the Message Broker Service

systemctl restart rabbitmq-server.service

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