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Development and Validation

of a Stability-Indicating LC Method
to Quantify Hydrochlorothiazide
in Oral Suspension for Pediatric Use
2008, 67, 647–652

Monika Piazzon Tagliari&, Hellen Karine Stulzer, Fabio Seigi Murakami, Gislaine Kuminek,
Bruno Valente, Paulo Renato Oliveira, Marcos Antonio Segatto Silva
Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC),
Campus Universitário Trindade, Bloco K, sala 207, Florianópolis, SC 88040-900, Brazil; E-Mail:

Received: 8 October 2007 / Revised: 18 December 2007 / Accepted: 9 January 2008

Online publication: 9 February 2008

Most antihypertensive drugs are

administered orally and are only avail-
Abstract able in solid oral dosage forms, therefore
there is a potential need for pediatric
A stability-indicating reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) method extemporaneous solutions [4].
was developed and validated for the determination of hydrochlorothiazide in an oral Primary hypertension in children is
suspension. Isocratic chromatography was performed on a C18 column with 0.1 M sodium related to several metabolic abnormali-
phosphate buffer pH 3.0/acetonitrile (70:30 v/v) as mobile phase, at a flow rate of ties that are associated to overweight,
1.3 mL min 1, and UV detection at 254 nm. The method was linear (r2 = 0.9998), accurate metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes
(mean recovery = 100.3%), and precise (RSD <2%). It was also validated for specificity and [5].
robustness. The method was successfully applied for the quality control analysis of a new Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), chemi-
pharmaceutical formulation of HCTZ for pediatric use. cally known as 6-chloro-3,4-dihydro-2H-
1-dioxide, is a white and odorless crys-
talline powder, slightly soluble in water
Keywords and sparingly soluble in methanol [6]. It
is a thiazide diuretic and antihyperten-
Column liquid chromatography
sive drug used in the treatment of oede-
ma associated with congestive hearth
failure and renal and hepatic disorders
Pediatric oral suspension
Hydrochlorothiazide [7]. Official monographs on HCTZ raw
material and tablets are included in the
European Pharmacopoeia [8] and US
Pharmacopoeia 30 [9]. Analytical meth-
ods have been described for the quanti-
Introduction opened, and its content is administered tative determination of HCTZ in solid
with a palatable drink or mixed with pharmaceutical dosage forms applying
Oral administration of drugs is a fre- solid food [2]. Besides the possibility of electrochemical or spectrophotometric
quently used way of giving medicines to interaction of the active pharmaceutical methods [10] and in association with
children. However, depending on their ingredient with the drink or food, the other active pharmaceutical ingredients,
age, many children are unable to swal- poor reproducibility of the tablet including spectrophotometric [11], LC
low whole tablets or capsules [1]. When breaking could compromise the correct [10, 12], thin layer chromatography [13],
these forms are prescribed, usually the dose administration and the efficiency of and capillary electrophoretic and elec-
tablet is crushed, or the capsule is the treatment [3]. trochromatographic methods [14].

Full Short Communication Chromatographia 2008, 67, April (No. 7/8) 647
DOI: 10.1365/s10337-008-0546-1
0009-5893/08/04  2008 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlag/GWV Fachverlage GmbH
Although stability data for extempo- with a 20 lL loop. The detector was set plate during 60 s to assure homogeneity
raneous suspensions of some antihyper- at 254 nm and peak areas were inte- at the time to take the aliquot. An ali-
tensive agents like lisinopril, captopril grated automatically by computer using quot of 0.3 mL were pipetted from the
and quinopril have been published, a Shimadzu Class VP V 6.14 software suspension and quantitatively trans-
[2, 4, 15] such suspensions have inherent program. The experiments were carried ferred in to a 25 mL volumetric flask
problems, including limited stability, out on a reversed-phase Phenomenex containing 2 mL of methanol, and stir-
questionable uniformity, and unknown (Torrance, USA) Luna C18 column red in an ultrasonic bath for 10 min. The
bioavailability [16]. There is no com- (250 mm · 4.6 mm I.D., with a particle volume was completed with the mobile
mercially available formulation of HCTZ size of 5 lm and pore size of 100 Å), phase (30 lg mL 1), and the resulted
oral suspension, because of its instability maintained at 40 ± 1 C. A security solution was filtered through a 0.45 mm
in aqueous solution and therefore the guard holder (4.0 mm · 3.0 mm I.D.) nylon membrane.
development of a liquid formulation is a was used to protect the analytical col-
significant challenge [17]. umn. The mobile phase consisted of
A new pharmaceutical formulation 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer pH 3.0 Preparation of Standard
of HCTZ suspension has been developed and acetonitrile (70:30 v/v), and was Solutions
and to assure its quality for further eluted isocratically at a flow rate of
studies in vivo (protocol already 1.3 mL min 1. A stock standard solution of 1,000 lg
approved CEPSH-UFSC: 259/06), a mL 1 was prepared by dissolving 25 mg
stability-indicating analytical method of the HCTZ reference standard in 2 mL
should be developed and validated. At Chemicals of acetonitrile and 10 mL of mobile
the moment, there is no published phase in a 25 mL volumetric flask, and
method validated for the quantitative The HCTZ reference standard stirred in an ultrasonic bath for 10 min.
analysis of HCTZ in suspension, and (99H1207) with stated purity of 100.1% The volume was completed with the
even with methods published for its and chlorothiazide (CTZ, 52K1441) same mobile phase. A stock solution of
determinations in solid pharmaceutical were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich CTZ at 1,000 lg mL 1 was also pre-
formulations, the applicability of the (Steinheim, Germany). The HCTZ raw pared in the mobile phase.
methodologies to pharmaceutical sus- material was donated by LAFESC
pensions must be evaluated demonstrat- (Laboratório Industrial Farmacêutico de
ing the validation parameters, including Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil). Method Validation
the specificity of the methods towards Ultra-pure water was provided by a
potential degradation products and for- Milli-Q purification system (Millipore, Analytical method development and
mulation excipients. Liquid chromatog- Bedford, USA). Methanol and acetoni- validation play a major role in the dis-
raphy with UV detection has been used trile of LC grade were purchased from covery, development, and manufacture
for quality control of most of the phar- Vetec (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). All of pharmaceuticals [18]. The Interna-
maceuticals due to its simplicity, high chemicals used were of pharmaceutical tional Conference on Harmonization
resolution and significant precision and or special analytical grade. (ICH) [19] requires the stress testing to
accuracy. The aim of the present work be carried out to elucidate the inherent
was to develop and validate a stability- stability characteristics of the active
indicating LC method for the determi- Production of HCTZ substance. An ideal stability-indicating
nation of HCTZ in a pharmaceutical Suspension method quantifies the drug per se and
oral suspension. also resolves its degradation products
HCTZ raw material was crushed in a [20].
Mortar with a pestle to get smaller par- The method was validated to quan-
Experimental ticle sizes. As part of this process, the tify the HTCZ in a pediatric suspension
particles were individually wetted with by the determination of the following
Instruments and Analytical glycerin, and a polymeric solution of parameters according to the ICH [19]:
Conditions carboxymethylcellulose sodium (0.6%) specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision,
containing sodium benzoate (0.1%) as a robustness, quantification and detection
The LC analysis was performed on a preservative was added. The final for- limits.
Shimadzu LC-10A system (Kyoto, mulation was kept in stability pH 3.2.
Japan) equipped with an LC-10AD
System Suitability
pump, SPD-10AVVP UV detector,
SPD-M10AVP photodiode array (PDA) Preparation of Sample The system suitability was carried out to
detector, SCL-10AVP system controller, Solutions evaluate the resolution and reproduci-
DGU-14A degasser, CTO-10ASVP col- bility of the system for the analysis to
umn oven, and the sample injection was Before the measurements, each suspen- be performed, using six replicate ana-
performed via a Rheodyne 7125 valve sion vial was stirred on a magnetic stir lyses of the drug at a concentration of

648 Chromatographia 2008, 67, April (No. 7/8) Full Short Communication
30 lg mL 1, evaluating the following
parameters: peak area, retention time,
asymmetry and theoretical plates.


In order to determine the specificity of

the method, the absence of interference
was checked by the excipients which take
part in the pharmaceutical preparation
(placebo solution). Moreover, the speci-
ficity was determined according to ICH
[19] by subjecting a sample solution
(1,000 lg mL 1) to accelerated degra-
dation by acid, alkaline, neutral, oxida-
tive, photolytic, and thermal stress
conditions to evaluate the interference of Fig. 1. a Representative chromatogram of HCTZ pharmaceutical suspension (30 lg mL 1);
degradation products in the quantitation b placebo suspension
of HCTZ. Acid, alkaline and neutral
degradation of the drug were carried out and 50 lg mL 1) were prepared in ate precision (inter-day). The repeat-
with sample solutions in 0.1 N HCl, mobile phase. Three replicates of 20 lL ability was evaluated by assaying six
0.1 N NaOH, and purified water, injections were made for the standard samples containing 30 lg mL 1 of
refluxed at 60 C for 2 h. The oxidative solution to verify the repeatability of the HCTZ, on the same day, under the same
degradation was induced by storing the detector response at each concentration. experimental conditions. The intermedi-
sample in 3% hydrogen peroxide, at The peak areas of the chromatograms ate precision was assessed by carrying
ambient temperature for 24 h, protected were plotted against the concentrations out the analysis on three different days.
from light. Photolytic studies were per- of HCTZ to obtain the calibration curve. The peak areas were determined and
formed after exposition of HCTZ in The five concentrations of the standard compared. The precision was expressed
solid state and diluted in purified water, solutions were subjected to regression as percentage of relative standard devi-
0.1 N HCl and 0.1 N NaOH, in a analysis by the least squares method to ation (RSD %).
photostability chamber for 72 h. To calculate calibration equation and
investigate the stability of the drug under correlation coefficient.
thermal stress conditions, bulk drug was The LOD and LOQ were calculated
spread in a thin layer on a petri plate and from the slope and the standard devia- The robustness of the developed method
subjected to dry heat at 80 C in an tion of the intercept of the mean of three was determined by analyzing the same
oven. The samples were analyzed after calibration curves. The LOQ and the samples (30 lg mL 1) under a variety of
72 h. After the procedures, the samples LOD were also confirmed in an experi- conditions of the method parameters,
were diluted in mobile phase to a final mental assay. such as: flow rate, column temperature,
concentration of 30 lg mL 1. and variations in the mobile phase pH
The formation of CTZ as major and composition.
degradation product in stress conditions To evaluate the stability of HCTZ in
was verified by spiking with its standard. The accuracy of the method was evalu- mobile phase, a sample solution was
The suspicion that CTZ could be formed ated by a recovery test. HCTZ samples prepared, maintained at ambient tem-
during degradation of HCTZ was based (10 lg mL 1) were fortified with three perature, and analyzed after 48 h.
on information in the literature that known concentrations of reference stan-
CTZ can be present as a synthetic con- dard: 5, 20 and 35 lg mL 1 to obtain
taminant or a degradation product in the solutions of 15, 30 and 45 lg mL 1, Analysis of HCTZ
HCTZ [21]. respectively. The recovery of the added in Pharmaceutical Suspension
standard was determined in triplicate
analysis and calculated as the percentage For quantitation of HCTZ in the dosage
Linearity, and Limits of Detection (LOD) form, six batches of suspension contain-
of the drug recovered from the formu-
and Quantitation (LOQ) ing 2.50 mg mL 1 of HCTZ were ana-
Linearity was determined by construct- lyzed as described in preparation of
ing three calibration curves on three sample solution. An aliquot of 20 lL was
different days. For the construction of injected for the analysis and the amount
each calibration curve five standard The precision assay was determined by of drug in the suspension calculated
concentrations of HCTZ (10, 20, 30, 40 repeatability (intra-day) and intermedi- against the respective reference standard.

Full Short Communication Chromatographia 2008, 67, April (No. 7/8) 649
HCTZ retention time was about 3.5 min,
and a typical chromatogram obtained by
the proposed method is shown in Fig. 1a.
The system suitability results showed
that the parameters are within the suit-
able range. The mean asymmetry found
was 1.17 with RSD (%) of 0.38. The
mean theoretical plates, retention time
and peak area ± RSD (%) found were
9,749 ± 1.11, 3.559 ± 0.08, and
504,966 ± 0.57, respectively.

Method Validation


The specificity of the method was eval-

uated by analyzing a sample of suspen-
sion without HCTZ (placebo), and the
chromatograms showed that there is no
interference or overlap of the excipients
with the HCTZ peak (Fig. 1). Addi-
tionally, specificity was confirmed
through the stress studies. These studies
were performed to validate stability
indicating capability of the developed
method and to identify the key factors
which will impact the stability of the
drug product. After acid, alkaline and
neutral hydrolysis the HCTZ content
decreased and an additional peak was
observed at 3.2 min (Fig. 2c, d, e,
respectively). The identification of the
additional peak was performed through
the injection of a CTZ standard solution
(10 lg mL 1), that resulted in a peak
with the same retention time, thus con-
firming its identity (Fig. 2b). The degra-
dation of HCTZ in acid and alkaline
conditions was found to be about 17 and
18%, respectively. The neutral condition
showed more significant degradation
than other conditions, with 25% of drug
degraded after refluxing for 2 h (Fig. 2e).
Fig. 2. Chromatograms obtained under stress studies. a HCTZ standard (30 lg mL 1); b CTZ Under oxidative conditions, the HCTZ
standard (10 lg mL 1); c after acid hydrolysis; d after alkaline hydrolysis; e after neutral remained 91%, and two degradations
hydrolysis; f after oxidative degradation products were detected, CTZ and an-
other that has not been identified
(Fig. 2f). From the results of the pho-
Results and Discussion and sensitivity in a short separation time. tolytic studies, it was observed that the
The best peak symmetry was achieved drug in the solid state was comparatively
Method Development with a flow rate of 1.3 mL min 1 at more photostable than in solution, with
40 C column temperature. The acid pH only 0.6% of degradation. In acid,
To obtain the best chromatographic of mobile phase is to ensure HCTZ sta- alkaline and neutral solution 5, 8 and
conditions, the mobile phase was opti- bility during the analysis [22]. In opti- 6% of degradation were observed after
mized to provide sufficient selectivity mized chromatographic conditions the 72 h to light exposure. Under the

650 Chromatographia 2008, 67, April (No. 7/8) Full Short Communication
thermal stress conditions there was no Table 1. Results from determination of the intra- and inter-day precision, and the accuracy of
change in the area and no additional the method
peak was detected after 72 h. % Recovered RSD (%)
The studies with the PDA detector
showed that the HCTZ peaks were free Intra-day precision
from any coeluting peak, with values of Day 1 (n = 6) 99.6 0.44
Day 2 (n = 6) 99.3 0.51
a peak purity index higher than 0.9999, Day 3 (n = 6) 98.4 0.80
thus demonstrating that the proposed Inter-day precision (n = 18) 99.4 0.98
method is specific. Accuracy (n = 3)
Fortified solution Mean concentration Recovery (%)
(lg mL 1) found (lg mL 1) (% RSD)
Linearity, and Limits of Detection (LOD) 15 14.93 98.6 (0.3)
and Quantitation (LOQ) 30 30.34 101.7 (0.6)
45 45.21 100.6 (0.5)
The linearity of detector response was
assessed for various solution standards RSD Relative standard deviation
over the range of 10–50 lg mL 1. The
value of the determination coefficient
Table 2. Chromatographic conditions and range investigated during robustness testing
calculated (r2 = 0.9998, y = 15895.67
x 69.87; where, x is concentration and Variable Range investigated Hydrochlorothiazidea %
y is the peak absolute area) indicated the
linearity of the calibration curve for the Flow rate (mL min 1) 1.2 101.80
1.3 100.12
method. The validity of the assay was 1.4 99.22
verified by analysis of variance, ANOVA Column temperature (C) 35 100.70
(Fcalculated = 8568.5 > Fcritical = 0.0001; 40 100.12
45 100.69
P = 5%).
Percent acetonitrile 25 99.89
The LOQ and LOD calculated were 30 100.12
1.23 and 0.40 lg mL 1, respectively, 35 100.90
which were confirmed experimentally, Mobile phase pH 2.7 100.80
3.0 100.12
indicating adequate sensitivity of the 3.3 100.30
method. Solution stability (48 h) – 99.80

Mean of three replicates
Accuracy and Precision

The accuracy was assessed from three determination of the drug in the phar- towards specificity, linearity, accuracy,
replicate determinations of three differ- maceutical formulations. No significant precision, robustness, and was proved to
ent fortified solutions. No significant changes were observed in the content of be capable of separating HCTZ and its
differences were observed between HCTZ during solution stability experi- major degradation product, CTZ,
amounts of HCTZ added and the ment, which confirms that the sample demonstrating its suitability for use as a
amounts found (P < 0.05). The ob- solutions were stable for at least 48 h. stability indicating method during sta-
tained values were within the range of bility studies. The short analytical run
98.0–99.0% (Table 2), satisfying the time of less than 4.0 min leads to a cost-
acceptance criteria for the study. effective and rapid chromatographic
Analysis of HCTZ
The intra-day and inter-day precision procedure. Furthermore, the developed
RSD (%) are given in Table 1. The
in Pharmaceutical Suspension
method showed no interference of the
amounts of HCTZ found on the three formulation excipients and was success-
The results obtained from the validation
different days were equivalent fully applied for the quality control of
studies proved that the method is suitable
(P < 0.05), and the relative standard HCTZ in pharmaceutical suspensions
to quantify HCTZ in the oral suspension.
deviation values were within the accep- for pediatric use.
The quantitative assay of six batches of
tance criteria of 2%.
HCTZ in suspensions for pediatric use
was within 100.91–102.10%.
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