Programming and Data Structures

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This manual is an introduction to the programming. For future programmer, it is also
useful to anyone using any software or computer as using directories means knowing
what is a tree.

The first part may seem dull but we have not seen another way than coming from a
known domain, totem or taboo, the mathematics. This part does not need to be learn by
heart, as the absence of any exercise may suggest, but it is useful for anyone who
wondered, one day, but how does it work?

Which is not the case of the second part which contain the main data structures used in
the programming activity. All the exercises must be done and tested, if the reader have a
computer, before checking the answers as a simple poke reveal the ‘key’ of the program.
The reader must do these ‘body building’ exercises before trying to understand the third

In fact, the third part contains problems taking us months and years to find the most
efficiency solution. Some are not yet resolved, listed in the first page, but missing in the
solution part. A lot of them contain affirmation without demonstration leading to false
programs. Some have been tested on typical or random data, which does not mean
anything, as Dijkstra had said: ‘testing a program does not mean that it is true, only that it
may be false’. The reader who has comment on these programs can write to Answers are granted for those who have also an e-mail
account, and who are patient enough as we check rarely our e-mails, time is money…


The numeration problem is to write any number with a limited symbols, the digits 0, 1, 2,
…9, A, B, C, …. A number, noted unun-1...u1u0, is a polynomial in a, a
being the numeration basis

= un*an+un-1an-1+...u1*a+u0+u-1*a-1+u-2*a-2+...uma-m

Example: the number 42,785 written in decimal (basis 10) is equal to

42,785 = 4*101 + 2*100 + 7*10-1 + 8*10-2 + 5*10-3

= 4*10 + 2*1 + 7*0,1 + 8*0,01 + 5*0,001
= 40 + 2 + 0,7 + 0,08 + 0,005

The number 43,125 written in basis 5 is equal to

43,1255 = 4*51 + 3*50 + 1*5-1 + 2*5-2 + 5*5-3

= 4*5 + 3*1 + 1*0,2 + 2*0,04 + 5*0,008
= 20 + 3 + 0,2 + 0,08 + 0,04
= 23,32

The number 453,7 is written in decimal. To write it in basis 7, we search the number x as
7x  453,7 < 7x+1. x is the logarithm basis 7 of 453,7.

log7 453,7 = log 453,7 / log 7  3,143 x = 3

We divide 453,7 with 73, then with 72, etc.

453,7 ÷ 73 = 1 remain 110,7

110,7 ÷ 7 = 2 remain 12,7
12,7 ÷ 7 = 1 remain 5,7
5,7 ÷ 7 = 5 remain 0,7
0,7 ÷ 7 = 4 remain 0,128
0,128 ÷ 7 = 6 remain 6,122.10-3
6,122.10-3 ÷ 7-3 = 2 remain 2,915.10-4 etc.

453,71010 = 1215,46277
If the number is an integer, we can divide it by the basis, the first remain is the least
significant digit. The last remain is the most significant digit as the polynomial above can
be rewritten
xn = (unan-1 + un-1an-2 + ... u1) a + u0 = xn-1 a + u0
xn-1 = (unan-2 + un-1an-3 + ... ) a + u1 = xn-2 a + u1
x3 = (una2 + un-1 a + un-2) a + un-3 = x2 a + un-3
x2 = (una1 + un-1) a + un-2 = x1 a + un-2
x1 = (un) a + un-1

Example: write 45310 in basis 7

453 ÷ 7 = 64 remain 5
64 ÷ 7 = 9 remain 1
9 ÷ 7 = 1 remain 2
1 ÷ 7 = 0 remain 1

45310 = 12157

The basis is always in decimal. When not mentioned, the basis is 10.


A bit (binary digit) can take only two value noted 0 and 1 or false and true. There are
four functions having the form

f : B  B where B = { 0, 1 }
x  y

x 0 1
f0(x) 0 0 constant 0
f1(x) 0 1 identity function
f2(x) 1 0 ¬ x (not x)
f3(x) 1 1 constant 1

More generally, there are card Acard B

functions of type

f : A  B

where card A is the number of the elements of A

card ( A  B ) = card A  card B

where A  B is the cartesian product of the two sets. Then, there are 16 (2(22)) functions
of the type
f : B  B  B
x1 0 0 1 1 x1 0 0 1 1
x2 0 1 0 1 x2 0 1 0 1
f0(x1,x2) 0 0 0 0 constant 0 fF(x1,x2) 1 1 1 1 constant 1
f1(x1,x2) 0 0 0 1 x1  x2 (x1*x2) fE(x1,x2) 1 1 1 0 ¬ (x1  x2)
f2(x1,x2) 0 0 1 0 x1>x2 (0=no) fD(x1,x2) 1 1 0 1 x1≤x2 (x1x2)
f3(x1,x2) 0 0 1 1 x1 fC(x1,x2) 1 1 0 0 ¬ x1
f4(x1,x2) 0 1 0 0 x1 < x2 fB(x1,x2) 1 0 1 1 x1≥x2
f5(x1,x2) 0 1 0 1 x2 fA(x1,x2) 1 0 1 0 ¬ x2
f6(x1,x2) 0 1 1 0 x1≠x2 f9(x1,x2) 1 0 0 1 x1=x2 (x1x2)
f7(x1,x2) 0 1 1 1 x1  x2 (x1+x2) f8(x1,x2) 1 0 0 0 ¬(x1  x2)

We consider that there is the type

bit : type ;

A bit literal is formed by 0 or 1

cBit = 0 | 1 ;

The program

( bit := bit ) : program ;

copy the value of a bit into another bit

x : bit ;
x := 1 ;

Natural integer

Most of electronic computers use the binary numeration as it is easy to distingue only two
value. For example, 0 can mean no current and 1, a current is passing. As the integrated
circuits are burned once for all on a limited space, we must also use limited digits for a
number. With three bits we can use eight numbers from 0 to 7

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 7
With n bits, we can use the numbers from 0 to 2n-1. Generally, we use 8, 16, 32 or 64
bits. We suppose that there is the type

nat8 : type ; // nat8 = 8*bit

nat nat8 : type ; // nat n = n*bit
nat ::= nat 64 ;

A natural integer literal is formed by digits separated eventually by underscores _

cNat = cDigit,*(_|cDigit) ;
cDigit = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
A | B | C | D | E | F ;

The program

( nats := nats ) : program ;

copy the value of a natural integer into another natural integer. The virtual type

nats : vtype ;
//  n  [1..64], nats := nats | nat n ;

allow the above program to accept any natural integer with any number of bit.

n : nat ;
n := 123_456 ;

We use the same operator := to copy a bit or a natural integer. But the type of the
argument allows the compiler to know which program to use. We say that the := operator
is overloaded. We can copy a natural integer into another natural integer with a different
number of digits

n64 : nat 64 ;
n32 : nat 32 ;
n64 := 1 ;
n32 := n64 ;

An error is raised if the value of x64 exceeds 232. To enter number in basis other than 10,
we use the modes

base nat8 : mode ;

bin ::= base 2 ;
oct ::= base 8 ;
dec ::= base 10 ;
hex ::= base 16 ;

A mode is a program like another, but it can be called everywhere, between a literal and
an operator. Our goal is to behave like some pocket calculator where you can stroke the
bin or hex key everywhere, to change the current numeration basis
n64 := bin 1001_0011 ;

Relative integer

To represent a negative integer, we add a bit to store the sign

0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
If the circuits for natural integers are also been used for relative integers, the result is

1 1 1
0 1 1 0 6
+ 1 0 1 0 + (-2)
= 0 0 0 0 ?

A solution is to compute the negation of each bit, including the sign

1 1
2 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 6
(-2) 1 1 0 1
+ 1 1 0 1 + (-2)
= 1 0 1 1 ?

We see that we need to add the carry to the result. We prefer to add a 1 to the negation
2 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 6
(¬2) 1 1 0 1
+ 1 1 1 0 + (-2)
(¬2)+1 1 1 1 0
= 1 1 0 0 4

With n bits, we can use numbers from -2n-1 to 2n-1-1

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 -4
1 0 1 -3
1 1 0 -2
1 1 1 -1

We can no more use the same circuits for natural integer to compare relative integer. We
consider that there is the type

int nat8 : type ; // int n = bit + n*bit

int ::= int 63 ;
ints : vtype ;
//  n  [1..63], ints := ints | nat n ;
// ints := ints | nats ;

There is no relative integer literal, but we have the function

( - nats ) : function int ;


i : int 63 ;
i := hex -123_456 ; // i = 1_193_046

Any expressions where all arguments are constants are evaluated during the compilation.

Fixed real

We can still use the circuits for integers to compute with real numbers. We need only to
multiply the number with a fixed power of two (e.g. 216) before storing the real number
and multiply by the same power of two before displaying.

0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
sign integer part fractional part

We consider that we have the type

fixe(nat8,nat8) : type ;
// fixe(n1,n2) = bit + (n1-n2)*bit + n2*bit
fixes : vtype ;
//  n1  [1..63],  n2  [1..n1[, fixes := fixes | fixe(n1,n2) ;
// fixes := fixes | ints ;
A fixed literal is formed by a natural integer literal, a point, and a natural integer literal. If
the digits before or after the point are nulls, they can be omitted

cFixe = cNat.cNat | .cNat | cNat. ;

American use a point where French use a comma and they don’t like to put a zero before
the point. The program

( fixes := fixes ) : program ;

copy the value of a fixed real into another fixed real.

f64 : fixe(31,32) ;
f64 := hex 123.456_789 ; // f64  291,271_111_071_109_772

We can use an integer to store a fixed real: we need only to multiply the number by a
power of the numeration basis before storing, and divide it by the same power before any

Floating real

Fixed real doesn’t allow to use very great number. As we must always use a limited
number of bits, we keep only the most significant bits

110 1001 1010 00002 = 110 10012 * 28 = 1.1010 012 * 214

These most significant digits are called the mantissa and the power of two (which must
be stored also) is the exponent. If we use only one digit before the point, the number is
called normalized floating point.

0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
mantissa exponent

We consider that we have the type

real ( nat8, nat8 ) : type ;

// real(n1,n2) = fixe(n1+1,n1) + int(n2) ;
real ::= real(63,14) ;
reals : vtype ;
//  n1  [1..63],  n2  [1..14], reals := reals | real(n1,n2) ;
// reals := reals | fixes ;

There is no floating real literal, but we have the functions

( real ^ real ) : function real ;

( real * real ) : function real ;

The program
( reals := reals ) : program ;

copy the value of a real to another real.

x : real ;
x := hex 123.456_789*10^A ; // r80 = 4.886_718_345*109

The following functions are defined on 80 bits real

( real < real ) : function bit ; // less than

( real > real ) : function bit ; // greater than
( real <> real ) : function bit ; // different
( real = real ) : function bit ; // equal
( real >= real ) : function bit ; // greater than or equal
( real <= real ) : function bit ; // less than or equal

( real + real ) : function real ; // addition

( real - real ) : function real ; // subtraction

( real * real ) : function real ; // multiplication

( real / real ) : function real ; // division
div (real,real) : function (real,real) ; // quotient & remainder
// div(a,b) = (q,r)  a = q*b + r, r  [0..b[

( real ^ real ) : function real ; // exponentiation

- ( real ) : function real ; // negative

ln ( real ) : function real ; // neperian logarithm
exp ( real ) : function real ; // neperian exponential
sqrt ( real ) : function real ; // square root
sin ( real ) : function real ; // sine, angle in radians
cos ( real ) : function real ; // cosine, angle in radians
tan ( real ) : function real ; // tangent, angle in radians
asin ( real ) : function real ; // arcsine, result in [-/2../2]
acos ( real ) : function real ; // arccosine, result in [0..]
atan ( real ) : function real ; // arctangent, result ]-/2../2[
sh ( real ) : function real ; // hyperbolic sine
ch ( real ) : function real ; // hyperbolic cosine
th ( real ) : function real ; // hyperbolic tangent
ash ( real ) : function real ; // hyperbolic arcsine
ach ( real ) : function real ; // hyperbolic arccosine
ath ( real ) : function real ; // hyperbolic arctangent

Unary functions are evaluated first, then exponentiation, division and multiplication,
addition and subtraction, then comparison. The following instructions are equivalent

x := 1 < 2 + 3 * 4 ^ ln 2 ;
x := ( 1 < ( 2 + ( 3 * ( 4 ^ ( ln 5 ) ) ) ) ;

A character is used to store the 26 letters (52 if we want minuscule and majuscule), the 10
digits, and other symbols (+, -, *, /, =, <, >, :, ., !, ?, etc.). We must use at least 6 or 5
bits as 26 + 10 = 36 and 26 = 64. The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange) use 8 bits whose 128 first characters are

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F



2 SP ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . /

3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?

4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ °

6 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o

7 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } _ DEL

NUL Null DLE Data link escape

SOH Start of heading DC1 Direct control 1
STX Start of text NAK Negative acknowledge
ETX End of text SYN Synchronous idle
EOT End of transmission ETB End of transmission block
ENQ Enquiry CAN Cancel
ACQ Acknowledge EM End of medium
BEL Bell SUB Substitute
BS Backspace ESC Escape
HT Horizontal tabulation FS File separator
LF Line feed GS Group separator
VT Vertical tabulation RS Record separator
FF Form feed US Unit separator
CR Carriage return SP Space
SO Shift Out (hors code) DEL Delete
SI Shift in (en code)

Unicode uses 16 bits whose 128 first characters are like the ASCII. We suppose that there
is the type

char nat8 : type ;

ascii : type ; // ascii = char 8 ;
unicode : type ; // unicode = char 16 ;
char : type ;
chars : vtype ;
//  n  [1..16], chars := chars | char n ;
A character literal is formed by a double quote, a character, and a double quote. If the
character himself is the double quote, it must be repeated twice to distinguish it from the
final double quote

cChar = ",nonDquote," | """" ;

The program

( chars := chars ) : program ;

copy the value of a character to another character

c : char ;
c := "T" ;

The following functions are defined on character

( char < char ) : function bit ; // less than

( char > char ) : function bit ; // greater than
( char <> char ) : function bit ; // different
( char = char ) : function bit ; // equal
( char >= char ) : function bit ; // greater than or equal
( char <= char ) : function bit ; // less than or equal

The result follows the Unicode (and ASCII) order.

And/or operator

There is a simple way to convert any boolean function into an expression using only the
and, or and not operator. First, we consider the results of the function

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
b 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
c 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
f(a,b,c) 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

We consider only the column where the result is 1 (if there are more 0 than 1, we
consider the column where the result is 0 and negate the final expression). The 2nd
column means, for example, that f(a,b,c) is true if a is false, b is true and c is false. In
other words, f(a,b,c) is true if a is true, b is true and c is true. The 2nd column is
equal to

(a)*b*(c) = (0)*1*(0) = 1

The 0th and the 6th columns are equal to

(a)*(b)*(c) = (0)*1*(0) = 1
a*b*(c) = (0)*1*(0) = 1

The final formula is the “sum” of these partial “product”

f(a,b,c) = (a)*(b)*(c) + (a)*b*(c) + a*b*(c)

where + is evaluated after *.

Cabled computer

In a cabled binary computer, each variable is carried by a wire, and can have only two
value. 1 is represented by a 5V current and 0 by 0V. To build the not operator, we
suppose that an electromagnet can push an interrupter if there is a current
a a

non a

a = 1 ; not a = 0 a = 1 ; not a = 0

We simplify this scheme by

not a

To build the and operator we use serial circuits

a b
a and
6 b

To build the or operator, we use parallel circuits


a or b

Example: the function (a)*(b)*(c) + (a)*b*(c) + a*b*(c) can be

represented by
a b c

a b 6

a b c

By using these three operators, we can have complex functions. If the functions must be
modified, we need to rebuild all the circuits.

Programmed computer

With a programmed computer, the circuits are burned once for all. As we have a limited
space on the chips, we have also a limited number of operators. Each operator has a code
(for example, 0 = addition, 1 = multiplication, etc.). By sending these codes on the
operator bus, we can select the right operator

¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

   


+ * - /

0000 0001 0010 0011

Generally, the instruction code has 8 or 16 bits. The data and result are stored in a
“memory”, a set of bits side by side. Each bit (or byte, 8 bits) has an identifier (an
address), which is a simple natural integer

¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

   

processor 1 0 0 1

0000 0001 0010 0011

Generally, an address is formed by 16, 24, 32 or 64 bits and the data bus can have 8, 16,
24, 32 or 64 bits. An instruction or data greater than the data bus must be read in two or
more steps.

Assembler instruction

Some processor has a special memory called accumulator register where a data and the
result is stored. Such processor can execute the following instruction
– load x: load the data x in the accumulator
– load_at a: load the data at the address a to the accumulator
– add x: add the data x with the accumulator and put the result in the accumulator
– add_at a: add the data at the address a with the accumulator and put the result in
the accumulator
– store a: copy the accumulator to the memory at the address a
We need also to indicate the number of bits to load or to store
– load_int8 x: load an integer of 8 bits into the accumulator
– load_int8_at a: load an integer of 8 bits at the address a into the accumulator
– load_int16 x: load an integer of 16 bits into the accumulator
– load_int16_at a: load an integer of 16 bits at the address a into the
accumulator, etc.
As a binary computer use only 0 and 1, we must also use 0 and 1 for the instruction code.
Yet, we use a hexadecimal code and a program called an “assembler” transforms these
hexadecimal codes into a binary code. For example, load_int16_at 275 becomes
A1 0000 0113: this instruction has 8 bytes, 1 for the code and 4 for the address

A1 00 00 01 13
code parameter

We can even use words for the instruction code and decimal notation for the data.

Assembler program

A program is a set of instructions placed side by side in the memory. At the booting time,
the processor executes the instruction at the address 0. After that, it increment a special
register called “instruction pointer” by a number depending on the length of the last
instruction. Then the processor load and execute this new instruction and so on. Example:
compute the sum of the integers 16 bits at the address 966 with the number 4205 and put
the result at the address 747

0 load_int16_at ( 966 ) ;
5 add_int16 ( 4205 ) ;
10 store_int16 ( 747 ) ;

The number on the left are the address of each instruction. The processor have also a
special memory called “state register” with 8 or 16 bits (flags) where it store the result of
comparison and multiplication or division by two (shifting)
– comp x: compare x with the accumulator and put the result in two flags
– comp_at a: compare the data at the address a with the accumulator and put the
result in two flags
– shift: shift the bits of the accumulator to the left and put the most significant bit
in a flag
– goto a: go to the instruction at the address a whatever may come
– jump_eq a: jump at the address a if the last comparison give a equal result, else
continue with the following instruction, etc.
Example: compute the absolute value of the integer at the address 966 and put the result
at the address 747

0 load_int16_at ( 966 ) ;
5 comp_int16 ( 0 ) ;
10 jump_lt ( 16 ) ;
15 neg ;
16 store_int16 ( 747 ) ;

As we can see, indicating the address of each data or instruction is very hard. We use
names and labels to identify them

x = 966 ;
y = 747 ;
0 load_int16_at ( x ) ;
5 comp_int16 ( 0 ) ;
10 jump_lt ( lbl2 ) ;
15 neg ;
16 lbl2 : store_int16 ( y ) ;

Generally, a “memory manager” can find free area to store the data and instructions. Our
goal is to write instructions like those in a mathematic formula, a program called an
“translator” transform these formulas into a set of 0 and 1. There are two types of
– an interpreter transform a line of instruction and execute it without storing the
executable code
– a compiler transform a whole “source” program and store the result into an
“executable file”
An interpreter is very fast if the program must be modified frequently, but a compiler is
very fast if a set of instruction must be repeated.


Control structures

– sequence: we separate two instructions by a ;

x : real ;
x := 1 ;

– choice: the program

(bit then *it *(if bit then *it) else *it end) : program ;
evaluate the first bit. If it is true, the first instruction list is executed and the
program is ending. Else the second condition is evaluated (if there is any). If none
of conditions is true, the last instruction list is executed

Example: the solution of a 2nd degree equation

d := b^2 - 4*a*c ;
d < 0 then
n := 0
if d = 0 then
n := 1 ;
x1 := -b/(2*a)
n := 2 ;
x1 := (-b+sqr d)/(2*a) ;
x2 := (-b-sqr d)/(2*a)
end ;

Example: the absolute value of a number

x < 0 then
y := - x
y := x
end ;

we insert 3 spaces before y := - x to mark that it belong to the “then” part. If

there is nothing to do in the “else” part we can write

y := x ;
x < 0 then
y := - x
end ;

– repetition: example: the integer power of a number

y := 1 ; /* y = a^b */
i := 1 ;
do i = b exit
y := y * a ;
i := i + 1 ;
end ;

After the initialization of y and i, i is compared with b. If i equal b, then we

execute the instruction after the loop: here there is nothing and the computation
stop. Else we execute the instruction inside the loop and i is compared to b again.
As i grow regularly, we can write

y := 1 ;
i :: [1..b]/1 do
y := y * a
end ;
As the step is equal to 1, we can also write

y := 1 ;
i :: [1..b] do
y := y * a
end ;


An expression is a function call

expr type : type ;

A literal expression is
– a real literal
– a string literal
" alpha "
– a record literal
( "+" ; 123 )
– a range literal
– an identifier
– an identifier, a space (eventually) and an expression (prefixed notation)
ln x
– an expression, a point and a word (postfixed notation)
– an operator and an expression
- x
– an expression, an operator and an expression (infixed notation)
1 + 2
– expressions separated by words and enclosed by two words (eventually)
c then a else b end

cExpr = cFixe |
cString |
cRec |
cId |
cId,( ),cExpr |
cExpr,.,cId |
cOp,cExpr |
cExpr,cOp,cExpr |
(cWord),cExpr,(cWord,cExpr),(cWord) ;

The program

( expr type := expr type ) : program ;

copy the value (the formula) of an expression into another

x : real ;
e : expr real ;
e := 1 + (tan x)^2 ;
f : expr real ;
f := e + 1 ;

An expression is not evaluated until it is assigned to a variable :

y : real ;
y := e ;


A function defined in mathematics as

tan : R  R
x  sin x / cos x


x :/ real ;
tan real : fn real ;
tan x ::= sin x / cos x ;

This function work on every type with the sin, cos and / functions, we can write

t :/ type ;
x :/ t ;
tan x ::= sin x / cos x ;

Such functions are called generic. With function that cannot be defined by a simple
expression, we must define the assignation. Example: the absolute value

t :/ type ; x :/ t ; y :/ t ;
y = abs x :- (
x < 0 then
y := - x
y := x
) ;

If the function has only one parameter, we can use an operator rather than a word

t :/ type ; x :/ t ;
°x ::= x*180/pi ;

If the function has only two parameters, we can put the operator between them. Example:
addition of two complex numbers
t :/ type ;
xy t ::= sum ( x : t ; y : t ) ;
(x1, x2) :/ 2*xy t ;
(x1 + x2) ::= (x1.x+x2.x, x1.y+x2.y) ;


When a result is also a data or when there are no parameters at all, we use a program

program : type ;

A program literal is a list of instruction

cProg = *it ;

The program

( program := program ) : program ;

copy the value of a program into another program. If a program has parameters, they
must be declared before initializing the program. There is no way to distinguish a data, a
result or a data–result. Example:

t :/ type ; x :/ t ;
a :/ t ;
add ( a ; x ) ::= (
x := x + a
) ;

If the program has only two parameters, we can use an operator between them

t :/ type ; x :/ t ;
a :/ t ;
( a :=+ x ) ::= (
x := x + a
) ;


After defining a program, we can call it via an instruction

it : type ;

An instruction literal is
– an identifier
– an identifier and an expression
new p
– an expression, an operator and an expression
x := 1
– expressions, separated by words and between two words (eventually)
x then a1 else a2 ; a3 end ;

cIt = cId |
cId,cExpr |
cExpr,cOp,cExpr |
(cWord),cExpr,(cWord,cExpr),(cWord) ;


An address (or a pointer) is a natural integer identifying a bit (or a byte) of the memory

adr type : type ;

If the memory has n bytes, an address must have at least log2 n bits. Generally, we use
16, 24, 32 or 64 bits. The program

new adr type : program ;

search a free part of the memory able to hold the given type. The pseudo–function

at adr type : pfunction type ;

give access to the memory part pointed by an address.

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