Date: 2020-12-06 Signature of The Client:: Ffineu - Eu/en/documents Ffineu - Eu/en/documents

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Appendix № 1 to the General Terms of Business

Application Form for Natural Persons

Client №: 119559
I, Toncu Victor, (citizenship: Republic of Moldova, date of birth: 1996-10-07, place of birth: HINCESTI, passport/ID: B1869675
issued by 00 CHISINAU, 2014-06-17, address: 900096, Romania, Constanta, Calea Dobrogei 52, house: NR 52, telephone:
+40723979632, email:,
1. hereby declare that I:
accept the General Terms of Business with Freedom Finance Europe Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), which can be found
on the Company's website (, regulating the provision of services in the securities market, as stated in Clauses 7 and 8 of
the Contract Law of the Republic of Cyprus.
2. I agree:
to be bound by the provisions of the General Terms of Business, which can be found on the Company's website (,
including the conditions laid out in the Annexes and any other relevant Addendums; and to the terms and conditions of Best Execution
Policy as stated on the Company's website (; and to receive investment advices in stocks and bonds; and I further
acknowledge that this type of financial instruments are suitable for me.
3. I am aware:
of the risks associated with transactions in financial instruments and release the Company from any liability resulting from the said
transactions; excluding the cases in direct violation of the provisions of the General Terms of Business.
4. I hereby confirm:
that I have chosen tariff plan: Smart in EUR; that I have been notified on my Retail Client classification as per Appendix 7 and I am aware
that I'm eligible to change my classification to Professional Client as per Appendix 8 to the General Terms of Business; that I have read
and understood the Provisions in relation to the Investor Compensation Fund, the Risk Disclosure Notice, the Conflict of Interest Policy,
Complaint Handling Form, the Margin Transactions Rules, the Company's tariffs for depositing and withdrawal of funds: which can be
found on the Company's website (
Important Notice: Please be informed that in accordance with Section 36 (1)(e) of the Law 144/(i)/2007 the provision of reception,
transmission and execution of clients orders does not require to assess the appropriateness of the financial instrument or investment
service provided to you in relation to non-complex instruments provided by our Company. Therefore, you will not benefit from relevant

Date: 2020-12-06
Signature of the Client:

Appendix № 4 to the General Rules and Regulations on Services on the Securities Market
Application Form Client № 119559 Investment Profile Questionnaire

Appropriateness Test:
My trading experience: Less than 2 years
I have invested in the following financial instruments: None
Expected duration of my investments: Less than a year
My education level: Academic degree
My investments objective: Capital gain
Expected frequency of transactions: 50-100 trades per month
Expected yearly transactions turnover: less than EUR 50,000
Economic Profile:
Source of funds: Savings , Investments
Annual income: less than EUR 15,000
Initial investment in the first year of trading: less than EUR 15,000
Cash and liquid assets: EUR 50,000 - 100,000
Employer: Str. Aleea Lirei 11
Occupation or profession: Not one of the above, Unemployed
Origin of incoming funds: Romania
Destination of outgoing funds: Romania
Are you or your close relatives politically exposed persons (PEP)?: no
Are you a citizen and/or tax resident of the United States of America (USA): no

I hereby confirm that the aforementioned information is complete, true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Last, first, middle name:
Date: 2020-12-06
Signature of the Client:

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