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School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies



Sustainability in Aviation

Atma Prakash


Keywords: sustainable aviation fuel, noise emissions, noise standards, modelling


Table of Contents

1. Introduction...............................................................................................................7
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................7
1.1.1 Sustainability in the Aviation Industry................................................................................................7
1.2 Research scope.......................................................................................................................9
1.3 Research aims and objectives.................................................................................................9
1.4 Research questions...............................................................................................................10
1.5 Research organization..........................................................................................................10
2. Literature Review.....................................................................................................11
2.1 The impact of aviation on acoustic pollution........................................................................11
2.2 Importance of sustainability in the aviation industry...........................................................12
2.3 Fueling sustainability............................................................................................................14
2.4 The future of aviation fuel....................................................................................................17
2.5 project manager roles in the aviation industry:....................................................................18
2.5.2 Cost Management.............................................................................................................20
3. Methodology............................................................................................................22
3.1 Research approach...............................................................................................................22
3.2 Research design....................................................................................................................23
3.3 Research philosophy.............................................................................................................23
3.4 Type of data collected..........................................................................................................24
3.5 Data analysis technique........................................................................................................24
3.6 Ethical considerations...........................................................................................................25
4.1 Sound exposure over airport area and surroundings..........................................................................26
4.2 Noise stages.........................................................................................................................31
4.3.1Noise Contours...................................................................................................................32
5. Conclusions and results.............................................................................................40

Figure 1Developers of SAF.......................................................................................................7

Figure 2Production capacity of SAF..........................................................................................8
Figure 4History of Electric Innovation in Aerospace..............................................................12
Figure 5Fuelling Sustainability................................................................................................15
Figure 3SAX-40 Conceptual Aircraft Design..........................................................................33

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me with the
possibility to complete this research work. Special gratitude towards my tutor who has helped
me throughout the process of research work with the contribution by providing stimulating
suggestions and encouragement, coordinating towards writing the research work.
Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge my appreciation to Teesside University and
the module leader who has always supported this pandemic situation.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my family members as they supported me with patience in
handling my work and providing efforts as well as advice to work delicately during the
process of research.

SAF: Sustainable Aviation Fuel
GHG: Greenhouse gas
SDG: Sustainable development goals and aviation
HWB: Hybrid wing body
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization
GA: General aviation
HEP: Hybrid electric propulsion
SAS: Safety Assurance System
MTOW: Maximum Take-off Weight
AIP: Aeronautical Information Publication


1. Introduction
Air transport has become essential for a global society. It is a driver of cultural, social, and
economic development worldwide and the way humans interact or travel has been totally
changed. It would be difficult to envisage a world without aviation. This part of the research
includes a brief background study of the research title as well as the aims and objectives,
research questions, and the research organization that has been presented.
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Sustainability in the Aviation Industry
Today the awareness of GHG emissions and the environment has been increased in the
employees, Crew, passengers, and regulators. While around 2% of all carbon dioxide
emission is produced by the global aviation industry, with the largest proportion of carbon
emission coming from jet fuel consumption. The productions of 915 million tons of carbon
dioxide are done by flights in 2019 (Agrawal, 2020). Therefore, the actions are required in
this industry to be taken towards reducing their environmental footprint by integrating
sustainability into all their daily operations.

Figure 1Developers of SAF

Source: (Zhang et al., 2021)

The Eco Demonstrator program is owned by Boeing which is the world’s largest aerospace
company. Sustainability has to be improved in the aviation industry is the objective of the
program and also to enhance the sustainability, safety, and passenger experience (Yang et al.,
2021). The promising technologies are been used to accelerate innovation in the program out
of the lab, testing them on the ground and solving challenges that are related to the
environment, passengers, and the airlines. The Eco Demonstrator uses sustainable fuel which

is included in all fight testing programs in context to reduce the environmental footprint and
benefit the industry now and in the future (Rahman et al., 2020).
In commercial quantity is the fuel is produced by world energy at competitive prices. A 50-50
bland of sustainable fuel, traditional jet fuel, and made of edible agriculture waste has
consisted in the fuel. The aim of the fuel is to reduce carbon dioxide emission and improve
air navigation by more than 75% over the fuel’s life cycle.
The total emission for 2019 by 2035 of Etihad Airways has promised will be halved, and to
reduce the level of carbon dioxide emission zero by 2050.

Figure 2Production capacity of SAF

Source: (Gurina et al., 2018)

Cleaning aircraft without water
On the Aircraft exterior during each flight there is an accumulation of dust and dirt,
increasing the amount of fuel it consumes as it makes it less aerodynamic and makes aircraft
heavier. Some airlines use sustainably watch aircraft, such as Emirates airline has turned to
aircraft dry wash.
The waste of more than 11,000,000 L of water and Valley has been stopped by the
technology of aircraft dry wash which is eco-friendly has been enabled by Emirates airline.
Even no water or a small amount of water under this technology is used and cleaning agent
and manually apply to the entire outer surface of the airframe.

No Plastic
The environmental impact of operations has been reduced continuously by the airlines and
promoted efficient recycling practices. A hundred per cent recycled plastic bottles are made
the blankets on emirates airlines. 28 bottles are required in one blanket; this is done by Toni
and plastic bottles into yarn and weaving them to turn into sustainable and soft blankets.
The British airline, EasyJet, has been putting efforts to reduce the use of single-use plastics.
Onboard, the removal of plastic from food and beverage products. The use of reusable cups is
also encouraged by offering discounts on hot drinks to customers who bring their cups,
additionally, plastic stirrers have been replaced with wooden spoons.
Aviation Industry in Sustainable Development
A major role in support of the SDGs is played, although there is no SDG target on the
mobility of the aviation industry. Through day by day, SDG topics are supported and
empowered by this sector into the operations of the aviation industry. The contribution will
be done by working in partnership with intergovernmental and governments institutions to
achieve future growth with the highest levels of sustainability and efficiency. Through
partnerships, it can be ensured to have the long-term sustainability of aviation by focusing on
addressing aviation’s GHG emissions, using sustainable fuels, and developing ambitious
action plans.
1.2 Research scope
The rationale of the study is to the problem of noise pollution in airport operations. The study
has focused on the aviation industry and the issues related to the environment. The study has
presented knowledge about noise monitoring and the sustainability concepts of the aviation
1.3 Research aims and objectives
The research aims to study the comparison of emission of noise by hybrid aircraft and normal
aircraft. Furthermore, the study has focused on sustainability in the aviation industry.
Research has highlighted the subjects in aviation sustainability as well as analyzed the
airline's business strategy, long-term viability, and potential future ambitions.
The principal objective of the current research works it’s to acknowledge the fact that the
biggest polluter has been considered to the aviation industry especially in terms of
contribution towards noise and air pollution.
The objectives of the research are as follows:

 To investigate the sustainability strategy and plan for the future in regards to environment
and sustainability in the aviation industry.
 To study the airline's business strategy over noise monitoring.
 To analyze the future of aviation.
1.4 Research questions
RQ1: What are the sustainability strategies and plans of the aviation industry for the future in
contact with sustainability and the environment?
RQ2: What are airlines' business strategies over noise monitoring?
RQ3: what is the future of aviation in context to sustainability?
1.5 Research organization
The blueprint of the research has been described in this part. The structure of the research has
been divided into five parts namely introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis,
and conclusion and recommendation. They have been introduced below:
 Introduction: The initial chapter of the research study has introduced the whole research
work as well as the research title with a background. The research work has been
introduced with the research scope, research aim and objective, research question, and
Research Organization.
 Literature review: the second chapter of the research study has reviewed the literature
over the research title with the work of various authors already present in the secondary
sources. It has presented the data collected from various sources on the research topic to
present the basic understanding of the topic.
 Research methodology: the third chapter of the research study has presented the
techniques used in the research work for collecting and analyzing data. It has included the
description of methods used in the research approach, research design, research
philosophy, data collection method, data analysis technique, research limitations as well
as ethical consideration.
 Results and analysis: the fourth chapter of the research study has presented the calculation
part of the research which has used baseline technique as well as the basic structure of the
analysis done for the part of literature review.
 Conclusion and recommendation: the final part of the research has included the major
findings in a summary of the research. It has also discussed the future of the aviation
industry in the context of sustainability.


2. Literature Review
2.1 The impact of aviation on acoustic pollution
In the area close to the airfield the reduction of noise pollution has promised the improvement
significantly among the most by the efforts in the aviation industry. The ability in the
operations of aircraft without the support of hydrocarbon fuel-burning engine in terminal
manoeuvres, which is usually present by enabling low noise emissions during the process of
the climb out/takeoff and landing/approaches in proximity to the ground, which can return
into harmful and annoying situations. The noise footprint on the ground of the contours and
intensity through application in the comprehensive models by computing together in context
to the aircraft as a single point emitter. The objectives of the comparison and regulation
compliance are assessed in the map of noise emission by testing conditions recommended
with the help of best suitable practices.
The two classes are based on either theoretical or semi-empirical approaches of such
comprehensive models exist. Self-contained methods are offered for designing a test terminal
trajectory with the concerning semi-empirical, and best practice models by the production of
ANPE database the euro control and predicting the corresponding noise emissions. The noble
aircraft’s reference to the reduction of noise pollution promises to offer a substantial
contribution (Jung et al., 2019). Where acceptability issues tend to limit air operations
especially closure to airfields with conventional fuel-burning engines, enabled to fly terminal
manoeuvres which such novel powertrains with a dramatically reduced impact of pollution.
Such new types of propulsion considering the general aviation (GA) field, a significant
market share is likely more to gain thanks to their favourable features for this category of
weight, the infrastructural value increases on the ground of reduction of the noise impact of
smaller airfields, often located in densely populated areas like Heathrow airport. At a system
level, economically advantageous would in turn help in making noble powertrain
technologies. In fact, a methodology of quantifying noise emission are these evident
advantages of a novel type of powertrain has not been identified yet, the potential
contribution of the fundamental step towards the assessment of aircraft to the global scenario
of future aviation.

Figure 3History of Electric Innovation in Aerospace

Source: (Hu, 2021)

2.2 Importance of sustainability in the aviation industry

The highlights of sustainability in the aviation industry are over the meeting of the
requirements of the current generation as well as to meet up the requirements of the future
generation by compromising the ability. The sustainability trends in the airline industries that
are adopted already by the companies are as follows:
 Reducing fuel consumption: Some airlines are undoubtedly looking at better ways to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but they do so by reducing their weight. Adopting
biofuels and reducing disposable plastics are two ways to reduce the fuel consumption of
existing aircraft.
 Biofuels: United Airlines created history in June 2019 by operating green aircraft. They
achieved this by using a 30/70 mix of low-carbon, renewable and conventional fuels from
Boston-based World Energy, according to a joint press release. In addition, efficient
sustainability systems are considered biofuels. Therefore, biofuels are now considered

more expensive than conventional aviation fuels.Eliminating single-use plastic:
consumers' buying habits are changed which have been focused on by some airlines and
creating adjustments such as dropping duty-free sales inflight. The fuel consumption is
lower by reducing the requirement to carry extra inventory and speaks to the modern
shopping habits of the travellers.
 Look local for food service: the carbon footprint is reduced for food transportation by
providing locally sourced and seasonal foods. It's a way to find most lettuce on airlines
while shipped from California or Arizona to its departure airport, the concept has been
introduced of farm to clean by the Singapore airlines on the world’s longest flight. Just
five meals away in Newark, a 40,000 square foot vertical urban farm, Gross baby greens,
and lettuce for the 19-hour flight (Ayyasamy, 2021).
 Carbon offsets: the environment is provided with the help of protection by old-growth
forests and planting new trees. The renewable energy source Star focused on such as wind
farms by investing in such projects. Some airlines of options for a passenger to purchase
carbon offsets, United airlines for example has partnered with conservation international
to advocate for a nature-based solution to climate change.
 Educate passengers: the environmental options as others not all passengers are aware.
Rather than business class flying in the economy and packing lightly are two ways to
directly contribute to sustainability in the aviation industry because a lighter plane
generally consumes less fuel.
About 3% of carbon dioxide emission globally is produced by air travel, and it is one of the
fastest-growing sources of greenhouse gases. Programs have been announced by multiple
airline companies in the coming years to try to become more sustainable. Dollar 1 billion was
committed recently by Delta airlines to become carbon neutral by 2030. United airlines by
2050, and jet blue pledged to get there by 2040. Many other global airlines around the world
have made similar promises.
As it takes a lot of energy to lift people and cargo but making air travel more sustainable is
not a simple task. In several ways’ airlines are trying to reduce their emission. Switching
from traditional fossil Drive jet fuel is the most common method probably two ones that are
made from renewable sources and have lower emissions during production. The plains are
created lighter with the help of new materials and coating technology by the airlines, also
helping them to become in context to the wear and tear more resistant and more aerodynamic.

In the case of a few organizations in the aviation industry take an example of United, while
we introduce supersonic flights, they can get to carbon neutrality.
The following are the technologies that may be employed by the aviation industry is in the
plains for being more environmentally friendly.
 Shrinking jet fuel’s carbon footprint
 Search for greener airplane materials
 Supersonic flights sustainability challenges
2.3 Fueling sustainability
Significantly sustainable aviation practices have reduced greenhouse gases emission over the
years. Therefore, the aviation industry has not shaped these practices in achieving the United
Nations sustainable development goals to their full potential. The benefits received in this
sector in the increasing volume of air traffic have hindered sustainable airline operations. The
below content presents several tools and methods used for sustainability assessment by the
project manager in the aviation industry to address the threats covering environmental
sustainability dimensions or the social-economic sustainability dimensions. The eco-
efficiency assessments for sustainable airline operations have been explained with the various
models and techniques under this head. Using of artificial intelligence, neural network, and
deep learning by the decision support systems have been used as models (Lee, 2020). The
technologies like sustainable fuel alternatives and zero-emission engines design have been
introduced recently which has been promising to cut down the particulate soot, aviation
emission, cirrus clouds, and lead contrails. A simultaneous decline in the number of aviation
emissions in the climate change-related impact therefore goal 13 sustainable development has
been addressed: tackling climate-related threats. Significantly decide despite many attempts
to cut down the CO2 emission over the next coming years, there is a drastic increase in the
expectation of the GHG emission values due to the aviation industry spreading its wings for
expansion. Economic progress through clean and sustainable energy utilization enhanced
connectivity and improve climatic conditions are some of the targets set forth by the aviation
industry for reducing CO2 emission by 2050 across the global aviation sector promoting the
development of adopting SDGs and building a corporate image that can foster sustainable
operations. A challenge of reducing the aviation industry carbon footprint due to the
advantage of air travel offers in booming the economy. Creating a balance between the
impact of aviation emissions and the non-CO2-related impacts remains a question to consider
when addressing this industry sustainability issue. In the aviation industry, it is felt necessary

to understand the proper concepts of the economics of sustainability and eco-efficiency.
Challenges combat and sustainability in the aviation industry are related to the background on
the methods, approaches, and models which must be thoroughly examined to generate
decision support systems, therefore acting as a driver to challenge addressed. A broad
spectrum of the literature is present in this field spans. Beyond the scope of the study,
literature has been covered. It has presented the mini-review of the sustainability assessment
in the aviation industry with the reference of project managers (Igenewari et al., 2019).

Figure 4Fuelling Sustainability


The CO2 emission is considered to be reduced by the advanced zero-emission technologies
and hybrid Electric propulsion systems during the airline operations stage. At the other
possible stages still the existence of several ecological impacts of the airline operation life-
cycle, including manufacturing, raw material extortion, and end of product life. Use of the
sources of electric energy such as a battery for electric-powered aircraft engines offers less
maintenance with efficient operations and reduces GHG emission, does reduce possible
social-environmental impacts, and improves eco-efficiency. With the real-time data, the use
of advanced digital maintenance systems has forced decision support systems to operate
using human programmable languages such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Therefore, in the aviation industry, it is necessary to have a basic idea of several is existing
DSS models to mold and advance sustainable DSS better. This area of research has been

undertaken the behind rationally presenting the mini literature over the aviation industry and
the sustainability.
The achievement of sustainability in the aviation industry is considered by developing a
system that can honour the environment, for sure economic work, and enhance social life
quality. Aviation sustainability includes three significant factors: (a) economic sustainability,
which elaborate the economic capability, economic improvement, and financial
manageability, (b) environmental sustainability consisting of the natural resource system
dependent and (c) social suitability, which explains the social rightness, individual health,
security and superiority of life.
Several efficient alternative technologies can be implemented to gain sustainability in the
aviation industry with lesser ecological impacts. Numerous studies recommend that substitute
fuels, better aviation engines, fuel-saving, air to air refills, well-organized flight routes, and
environmentally friendly impulsion systems can help in achieving aviation sustainability.
Several models and frameworks for presented over the past two decades by scholars to
understand aviation sustainability such as cleaner production system, eco-design, aviation
environmental management system, sheet level environmental evaluation tool, social life
cycle assessment, life-cycle costing, sustainable aviation fuel LCA model, and many more.
The several sustainability assessments which can be used by project managers in their roles
and responsibility towards aviation sustainability includes the three pillars of assessment
which are as follows:
 Environmental assessment
 Economic assessment
 Social assessment
Businesses are motivated to support sustainability by the philosophy of eco-efficiency to
explore approaches creating a company more environmentally responsible and profitable.
The negative environmental impacts that are related to the echo efficiency on the real
resource’s effectiveness. The airline sector on mapping of eco-efficiency is considered
important because the industry means of a significant contributor to global CO2 emission.
In the global development process, a dynamic character is played by the aviation industry. In
the air transport sector, significant growth has been realized over the past couple of decades.
The sustainability assessment is required as recognized by the industry experts within this
industry in a more incorporated manner.

2.4 The future of aviation fuel
SAF stands for sustainable aviation fuel. The traditional fossil jet fuel is very similar in the
chemistry context to the production of sustainable feet stocks. In the reduction of carbon
emission, there is the use of SAF over the life cycle it can be replaced as compared to
traditional jet fuel. From plants or animals, the generation of the cooking oil and other non-
palm oils are some of the typical feedstocks, otherwise, scraps of food, textiles, packaging
and other waste which are solid in nature generated from the businesses and households are
treated by sending them to landfill or incineration. Other potential sources involve energy
crops like fast-growing plants and algae and forestry waste including waste wood.

Figure 7 SAF reducing carbon emissions

Source: (USMAN, and MIKHAILOVA, 2020)

Jet fuel is highly energy efficient, and its weight and energy density make it a commercial
aircraft. Today, in aviation, people are dependent on fuel types because there are no other
practical options for the rapid transport of people over long distances. Carbon footprint or
about 1 ton of CO2 on the return flight between London and San Francisco for an economy
ticket. In an aviation industry that is projected to double to more than 8 billion passengers by
2050, working with people to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from aviation is fascinating,
and SAF does the same with AirBP. in the distance. SAF has reduced CO2 emissions by up
to 80%. Known for its fuel life cycle compared to conventional aviation fuel, it ranks third in
terms of manufacturing methods, supply chains and standard raw materials used in airports.
In 2018, Air PP announced a partnership with Nest, a leading renewable fuel manufacturer, to
produce sustainable aviation fuel from 100% renewable waste and residual raw materials.
Through this collaboration, they are creating a new SAF distribution network.

Figure 8 Fuelling a sustainable future

Source: (Kalimo et al., 2017)

Any type of aircraft certified for using the current specification of jet fuel can use SAF. The
governments are also required to create the right policies to accelerate the growth of SAF is a
real commitment from the industry to reduce carbon emissions. Long-term policy certainty is
required in increasing production to reduce investment risk and highlight the research,
development, and commercialization of innovative sustainable feedstocks and improve
production technologies.

Some airlines on an individual level and now offering corporate customers and passengers
the options to fund the use of SAS in context to the associated reduction of emissions on their
ticket, and which is considered to be a positive initiative.
2.5 project manager roles in the aviation industry:
2.5.1 Scope management
The following are the steps followed by the project manager in scope management:

Figure 6
scope management.

 Planning scope of the project

 Collecting of requirements
 Defining the scope of the project
 Creating a work breakdown structure
 Validating scope of the project
 Controlling the scope of the project
Project scope is a portion of the procedure of project planning that documents particular goals
feature deliverables and budgets. It is the ultimate aim of any project manager That his
project goes smoothly from start to completion without any kind of delay and without
exceeding the set budget. But this does not happen in reality. Even if the manager of the
project discusses and plans out all the necessary details in advance with all the stakeholders
of the project involved always there is something that modifies the project scope during its
course. One of the hugest concerns is scope creep for the managers of the project which
affects almost 50% of the project but by managing the project scope it is possible for the
manager of the project to document everything needed to attain the goal of the project and
avoid any problems like a scope creep. For a manager of the project managing the

stakeholder's expectations and expectations of the client is one of the most complex tasks but
without the definite scope of the project, the managers can easily make sure that all the
deadlines are being followed throughout the life cycle of the project. Well-defined scope
management of the project helps to avoid common problems like constantly changing needs.
Effective scope management of the project gives a clear idea about the labour time and cost
involved in a particular project and it helps in differentiating between what is required and
what is not required for accomplishing a particular project.
2.5.2 Cost Management
Cost management is the procedure of planning and controlling the costs related to the project.
Project management of cost is a procedure that utilizes this technology to measure
productivity and cost through the full life cycle of projects at the enterprise level. Project cost
management encompasses various functions of the management of projects comprising
estimating job controls field data gathering scheduling design its accounting. The procedures
of cost management are in place to help the teams of the project plan and control the budgets
during the life cycle of a project. Organizations have the objective that their projects become
successful and meet the expectations of clients as well as their internal aims and objectives.
But in a report, 14% of the IT projects surveyed what was deemed as failures, and only 57%
of the projects finished within their starting budgets, and the others exceeded the targets.
Planning is the initial step to make sure project management is aligned with the budget of
project management and during the phase of project planning the project manager needs to
compile a realistic prediction of the cost. For a project manager, it is important to consider all
the phases of task and activities of the project so that it can be ensured that the budget has a
sufficient level of contingency. All the materials and people should be accounted for and
predicted should be utilized to attain a baseline budget. The establishment of cost controls is
also very important.
2.6 Software’s used by project managers in the aviation industry
1. primavera
Oracle Primorye is a powerful cloud-based project management tool supported by some of
the largest software and security software vendors in the aerospace industry. Primaware
enables companies to plan, plan and manage large-scale events and individual projects. Make
communication easier, faster and more secure, improve teamwork and improve
communication between team members and project managers. Primerware's mobile interface

provides a convenient way to monitor project status and troubleshoot issues. This is one of
the reasons why users enjoy this project management software tool. 

2. Work zone
WorkZone has a clean and intuitive user interface with basic business management tools like
Basecamp and standard business solutions like Microsoft Project, so you can explore your
project without worry. It integrates advanced features to understand how to run a business
Workplace simplifies the creation of custom templates, which standardizes the process and
saves valuable time or project from start to finish with self-editing Ken charts. Watches till.
Any user can fix it automatically. 
3. Microsoft project
The parent of Microsoft project management software, first released in 1984. Despite its
longevity, Microsoft continues to evolve, so the product is as relevant today as it was in the
1980s. Allows companies to prioritize Microsoft's program publishing, project monitoring,
resource utilization, and business objectives. It is part of the Office family, but Microsoft
programs are not part of the Office suite, but the truth is that Office 365 is the easiest way to
use it. 

4. Workfront
It is important to get the best results from each team member in order to complete the project
on time and achieve all goals. Workplaces help increase productivity by providing a single
workplace that enhances transparency and facilitates collaboration. It enables instant
collaboration from anywhere while maintaining brand and industry standards. More than
3,000 companies worldwide use this project management software tool, including top
companies in the aerospace and defense sectors.

Chapter 3

3. Methodology
This is the methodology chapter of the research which will explain the processes and
techniques used in conducting the result and how the whole research has been carried out
(Stone et al., 2018). This research methodology section will provide allowance to the reader
to analyse deeply and critically the overall validity and reliability of the research by studying
the techniques utilized in the research. This part of the research will also explain the
understanding of those techniques utilized in this study for the identification of the answers to
the questions of research. This research aims to analyse the noise emission by commercial

3.1 Research approach

The procedures and plans that comprise the steps of wide assumptions to the detailed
procedures of data analysis collection and interpretation come under the research approach.
for this research inductive approach has been utilized. This approach initiates with the
observations and the theories and then it is proposed towards the end of the procedure of

research as a result of observations. This approach comprises the pattern search from the
observation and the explanations development for those patterns hypothesis series (Nayak
and Singh, 2021). It is significant to note that the inductive approach does not mean
disregarding the theories when formulating the objectives and the questions of research. The
inductive approach aims to generate meanings from the collected data set so that relationships
and patterns can be identified for building up theory. This was the main reason why this
approach was selected for this research however it is to be noted that this approach does not
prevent the researcher from utilizing the previous theory that is to be explored. This approach
is started with in-depth observations of the world and then shifts towards abstract ideas and
3.2 Research design
For the selection of the design of research the information type required and the procedure
utilized to act as a base. The research design identifies what will be included and excluded in
the research. Explanatory research design is a type of research design that provides attention
to describing the aspects of the study in a very detailed way.
The reason behind selecting this research design is because it provides detail to the researcher
so that available data amount about a particular topic can be explored and then the problem of
the research can be analysed in more depth. The major purpose behind using this design of
the research is not to achieve particular conclusive evidence but to provide support to the
researcher in understanding and determining the issue of the research more descriptively and
more effectively. The other reason behind choosing this design of the research is because it
provided help in research philosophy and it is also very beneficial and directs the subsequent
research approaches. The associated knowledge with the subject provides an allowance to the
researcher to horn the subsequent questions of research and it hugely improves the usefulness
of the conclusions of the research.
3.3 Research philosophy
The philosophy of the research is a belief about the manners in which data about a particular
phenomenon should be analysed gathered and used. Although the knowledge idea creation
might appear to be profound, a researcher gets engaged in the creation of knowledge as a part
of completing his dissertation (Alharahsheh and Pius, 2020). It can be said that addressing the
philosophy of research in the study comprises the assumption and beliefs and being aware.
Each stage of the procedure of research relies on assumptions about the nature of knowledge
and the sources of knowledge. The philosophy of the research reflects the important

assumptions of the author and this assumption can be utilized as the base for the strategy of
For this research positivism research philosophy has been utilized which adhere to the point
of view that through observation only factual knowledge is gained. The positivism research
philosophy is dependent on the quantifiable observations that lead to statistical evaluation.
Positivism as a philosophy is by a particular point of view that knowledge stems from the
experience of humans. It has a logical, atomistic view of the world as including observable,
discrete events and elements that interact in a determined observable and regular way.
3.4 Type of data collected
For this research, both qualitative and quantitative types of data have been collected. The data
from the airline’s websites and reports were collected, described, and analysed while
comparing the data to the sustainable stages and key principles. Qualitative data is non-
numerical and is defined as the data that characterizes and approximates. Qualitative data On
the other hand can be defined as the data value in the form of number count where each set of
data has a unique value in terms of numerical and this type of data is collected usually for
statistical analysis (Kumar, 2018). The reason why both types of data have been considered
for this research is that it helps in describing the information more accurately and
descriptively so that it becomes easy for the reader to understand it. It also provides reliability
to the research. Majorly The qualitative method of obtaining data was chosen over
quantitative for the needed results and the importance of insight into the airline's sustainable
strategies. This would not have been possible with the quantitative method; the results would
be different or would not help to answer the research question. The conclusions should
hopefully answer whether the airlines have developed sustainability strategies and plans for
the future in regard to the environment and sustainability.
3.5 Data analysis technique
The data analysis includes the transformation of raw data into a specific form that makes it
quite easy for the reader to understand and interpret what is described in the research. For this
research qualitative and quantitative data, analysis technique has been used because this
research comprises both types of data. Data analysis comprising arranging and manipulating
the gathered data so that deep insight can be provided to the researcher (Martins et al., 2018).
While the quantitative data can be analysed is that historically and can also be calculated into
means averages and other points of numerical data lie analysis of qualitative data comprises a

more complicated system. To gain insights from the qualitative data the researcher needs to
conduct a manual data analysis procedure (Kumar, 2018).
3.6 Ethical considerations
In the research ethical considerations are a set of principles through which the research
practices and designs get guidance. These principles comprise confidentiality, Informed
consent, Giving credibility. In this research, all the ethics were considered and any type of
information that was restricted was not used, and any type of abusive language was also not
used in the research. Credit was given to those authors whose work has been taken for this
research and no harm was caused to any person during the research procedure. Ethical
considerations guide the research and that is why it is very important to include them in the
research so that the research can become ethical.

Chapter 4

4.1 Sound exposure over airport area and surroundings

A conference in 1996 held in London has first highlighted the issue of noise pollution
associated with airport operations when it was recognized that the issue needed to be
addressed at the international level. In 1968 the ICAO (International Civil Aviation
Organization) based on the indications that emerged therefore set up a committee responsible
for the regulation, definition, and quantification of aircraft noise emissions.
Community disturbance is created due to aircraft noise associated with the environmental
problem in nearby residential areas and restricts operability and expansion of the airports
themselves if not satisfactorily resolved. Thus, environmentally sustainability hinges airport
operability upon friendly development.
A measure aimed at curbing noise in the airport include:
 Aircraft noise abatement
 Non-noise certificated
 Land planning
 Noise tax
 Night flight restrictions
 Noise monitoring
 Anti-noise procedures
 Insulation programs
 Slot allocation
 Take off procedures
 Infrastructural improvements
The environmental impacts associated operation of airports results in high levels of different
noise. The surrounding residents have negative and severe effects. A critical and significant
component of the aviation global economic infrastructure is aircraft noise. The environmental
impacts of aviation must be mitigated if there is to be growth in aviation. The noise
monitoring is associated with quantifying noise emissions with overflying aircraft on the
ground at given receiver points; to define future corrective measures for further improving
noise abatement procedures and to check that aircraft do not stray from tracks of lesser noise

4.1.1 Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA)
Due to the risk of noise around the airport, Heathrow Airport has been used decently for
many years. The CDA has a plane which, if pointed outward, maintains a constant angle of
view until it reaches its final position. The goal of the CDA is to reduce the noise of flight
attendants and keep them on board for longer periods of time. In addition, CDA provides
overall environmental benefits, reducing fuel consumption and emissions.

The main purpose of the CDA is to reduce noise by keeping the aircraft stable for long
periods of time. In addition, CDA provides the overall environmental benefits of reducing
fuel combustion and emissions. Heathrow's standard CDA profile, defined by the Reaching
Code, is 3 degrees and 6000 feet below. The average aircraft of Heathrow sacrifice is about
87%. Use.

This approach is considered as one of the concepts used in sustainability in aviation, as it

reduces fuel burn and emissions and reduces aircraft noise as a result of which environment

The above tables are the brief description of the Flightpath angles and vertical speeds for
CDA which describes altitude, distance and flightpath angle, vertical speed for CDA

1. Calculation assumes 20sec of level flight (at 210kt zero wind) before descent commences.
2. Assumes ILS glideslope is intercepted at 10nm.
3. Assumes zero wind, sea level airfield.

The aircraft is in the final stages of being installed on the runway. The final approach to the
Heathrow runway is approximately 13 nautical miles (15 mi) from each end of the airport's
two runways. The points used by the aircraft in its final approach will be different for each
aircraft, depending on how the aircraft controller orders it. At Heathrow Airport, an aircraft
follows the landing gear radio beam (ILS), stopping directly on the runway. The ILS is a
precision runway approach that uses two radio beams to guide the pilot vertically and
horizontally toward the final stage of landing. The pilot will use it to navigate the runway and
the 3 degree angle. Each runway has its own radius, which connects to the equator to ensure a
straight line upon landing of the aircraft. This approach determines the flight path. Once the
plane reaches final approach, you will not lose altitude because you need to be at a certain
altitude when entering final approach at Heathrow. The landing angle of final approach is set
to 3, which determines the aircraft's altitude based on distance from the runway. About 7.5
nautical miles (8.5 mi) from Heathrow Airport, according to the airport's AIP, the minimum
altitude at which an aircraft can take the ILS during the day (between 6 a.m. and 11 a.m.) is
2,500 feet. At night (11 p.m. to 6 a.m.), the flight must be approximately 10 nautical miles
(about 11.5 miles) from Heathrow Airport at least 3,000 feet. Flights may arrive at the end of
any time period after the distance specified above
Heathrow flight operation
Heathrow Airport operates until 11:30am and all arrivals and departures end at 11:30am, but
for various reasons we can sometimes avoid arriving late. They are working with airlines and
NATS to reduce the number of delayed flights due to harassment of residents.

4.1.2 Noise Standards for jet and large propeller aircraft

Air noise is controlled by value. These standards are established internationally and apply
when the aircraft obtains an airworthiness certificate. According to the standard, the aircraft

must meet a certain noise level or fall to the ground. Based on the recommendations of the
Special Conference on Air Noise (1969), a draft of international standards and best practices
for air noise was established and implemented in 1972. These criteria define three criteria for
noise certification, set a direct term limit for direct departure load (MTOM), and allow heavy
aircraft such as light aircraft to be carried.

The progression of the ICAO Noise Standards for aeroplanes

Air noise is regulated by standards. These standards are established internationally and apply
when the aircraft obtains an airworthiness certificate. According to the standard, the aircraft
must meet a certain noise level or fall to the ground. Based on the recommendations of the
Special Conference on Airborne Noise (1969), a draft of international standards and best
practices for aircraft noise was prepared and implemented in 1972. These criteria define three
criteria for voter authentication. The noise limit is determined as a direct function of the fixed
maximum take-off weight (MTOM), which identifies heavy aircraft with high traffic. As a
result of the new Chapter 14 noise standard, the number of people affected by significant

wind noise is expected to drop to "55 dB" between 2020 and 2036. More than 1 million
people could be evacuated due to "average noisy day" and night noise (DNL) in the affected

4.2 Noise stages

The FAA has recalled old and noisy commercial aircraft. As a result, some phased flights are
no longer part of the ship. Currently, civil aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of more
than .000 75,000 are required to fly Stage 3 and Stage 4 in the suburbs of the United States.
In addition, to fly with an aircraft weighing less than .000 75,000, the maximum take-off
weight must be met in steps 2 and 3. Currently, the FAA has standards for aircraft up to
Phase 4 of Jet Flight (International Chapter 4) and the international community wants to
adopt the FAA Level 5 standard. This would allow a new type of certification based on the
weight of the aircraft. Section 513 of the FAA Modernization and Development Act of 2012
prohibits the operation of certain aircraft weighing less than 75,000 in accordance with Level
3 noise levels. 


The ERCD uses internationally recommended guidelines for the modeling of air noise in the
UK, highlights calculations using version 2 of the ANCON, and the UK air noise model is
maintained and implemented by the Department for Transport. Based on data collected over
92 days from mid-June to mid-September, the average summer daytime flight noise is
estimated at 16 hours. The definition of an average summer day is based on the Wilson
Commission (1961) because air traffic is heavy, passengers usually weigh more and summer
temperatures are higher, leading to poor flight performance. , is considered appropriate. This
usually happens when the tenant wants to open the window and use the garden.

Airborne noise exposure profiles typically range from 57 dBALeq to 72 dBALeq in the 3 dB
range. The process of creating these frames calculates the total noise output at different
points of the phase in the region under consideration. Most major airports have sound and
surveillance systems (NTKs) that record flight control radar data and integrate it with flight
information such as flight call identification, serial number, type and destination. At London
Airport, the NTK system collects data from stationary and mobile noise monitors around the

airport and links it to operational data. This information is kept updated in the sound model
database. ANCON version 2 summarizes the noise level (SEL) of all passing flights and
calculates leaks in all networks around the airport. To calculate SEL at a given point in the
grid, you need the following data:

 Aircraft position – in 3 dimensions

 Aircraft velocity – relative to the grid point
 Engine power setting/thrust

Get flight position and speed with NTK radar data. Engine power/reliability system derived
from aircraft (estimated) mass and performance data. Since this data uses noise-power-
distance (NPD), SEL aviation noise is available. A correction of the "word fraction" is used
in light of the fact that aircraft are designed to fly within limited range. This method is used
to model the actual take-off or landing performance of an aircraft, rather than the method
used by some aircraft models to provide a standard take-off or landing system at a particular
airport. . Go..

4.3.1Noise Contours
Noise levels in individual areas of interest can be measured, but using sound measurement
results such as DNL, obtain a single decibel point (dBA) to show how the volume changes
over a wide area. Sign in often. Lines are drawn through maps. Like topographic maps
showing the elevation of an area, these term definitions can be useful for comparing air

exposure within an airport community. The noise level depends on several factors, such as
whether more aircraft are entering the area.

4.3.2 Noise certification locations


• Maximum landing weight (MLW)

• Approach monitors at 6,565 ft from runway threshold (394 feet)

• Aircraft to maintain −3 ◦ glideslope

• Noisiest configuration (usually dirtiest aerodynamic - highest drag condition)

• Vref + 10 knots TAS approach speed

• The aircraft and engine parameters used for the lateral, flyover, and approach
observer noise estimates at the reference conditions are summarized


• Maximum Take-off Weight

• Maximum take-off power

• V2 + 10 knots climb-out speed

• Noise monitor at 1,476 ft to the side of the runway extended centreline

• Initial peak lateral observer noise assumed to occur at 1,000 ft above ground level,
representing an angle of elevation from monitor to aircraft of 34.1 ◦

• No impact of cutback procedure on peak lateral observer noise allowed


• Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW)

• Monitor point at 21,325 ft from brakes release

• Maximum take-off power from brakes release

• V2 + 10 knots climb-out speed

• Thrust cutback performed at 3,000–4,000 ft before the monitor

• Instantaneous cutback flight profile assumed.

4.3.3 Noise Certification for Stages III and IV

Stage 3 Certification Noise Limits, EPNdB
282.5 dB Total261.3 dB
Total Approach Max Limit: 98.7 dB
Side-line Max Limit: 94.8 dB
Take-off Max Limit: 89 dB
Maximum = dB Total
Total Reduction = 10 dB
Stage 4 Certification Noise Limits, EPNdB
Approach Limit: 98.7 dB
Side-line Limit: 94.8 dB
Take-off Limit: 89 dB
Measured Approach: 89.8 dB
Measured Side-line: 89.1 dB
Measured Take-off: 82.4 dB
Cumulative Margin = 21.2 dB

Measured Global Express, EPNdB

Cumulative Margin =11.2 dB

4.4 Stage 3,4 certification criteria

A few examples of stage 3 cargo aircraft and passenger aircraft are stated below

1.A300-600 (Cargo)

Take-off: 88,0 to 93.1 EPNdB

Side-line: 97.9 to 98.3 EPNdB

Approach: 101.3 to 101.9 EPNdB

The Airbus A306 all-cargo version is used by FedEx and UPS.

2. A310 (Cargo)

Take-off: 85,7 to 92.9 EPNdB

Sideline:94,8 to 96.5 EPNdB

Approach:98.5 to 100.6 EPNdB

The Airbus A310 all-cargo version is used by FedEx.


Take-off: 88.7 to 99.2 EPNdB

Side-line: 98.0 to 99.8 EPNdB
Approach: 102.4 to 107.0 EPNdB

The Boeing 747-400 is used by British Airways and Kalitta Air.

When Lufthansa ended operating the Airbus A340 in February 2004, British Airways re-
introduced the Boeing 747-400 powered by RB211-524G engines.


Take-off: 81.6 to 89.0 EPNdB

Side-line: 90.1 to 91.9 EPNdB

Approach: 96.8 to 99.6 EPNdB
The General Electric GEnx-1B engines satisfy Stage 5 noise limits.

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the most popular aircraft manufactured by Boeing Commercial

Airplanes. The General Electric GEnx-1B engines satisfy Stage 5 noise limits. MTOW
compared to 560,000 lb (254 t) for later variants.

The Shore Phase 5 standard applies to large aircraft weighing 55,000 kg or more
manufactured after December 31, 2017. Jets with an MTOW of less than 55,000 kg must
meet this standard. Till 31st December 2020. The aircraft manufacturer's chapter meets the
noise standards adopted by ICAO on 14 July 2014 to ensure the validity of the flight
certification. In short, Chapter 14 and Phase 5 have similar requirements to reduce the cost
and additional effort required by aircraft manufacturers to meet two different criteria.

4.3.4 Noise Modelling Measurements

Airports, airlines, local governments, national authorities and airport residents are all
interested in the noisy environment around airports. Historically, airports and their
customers have evaluated and classified calm weather to monitor performance. There are
two ways to assess the impact of aviation operations on the quiet environment around an
airport. Care and Modeling. In developed countries, airports use a number of noise monitors
to measure aircraft noise. In fact, this option is so expensive that such microphones make
visual navigation unacceptable to the public. Aerial sound model is a mathematical
representation of the real world. For such models, the fair value of the airport surround
sound load can be accurately estimated. Airborne noise models can be used to predict future
noise levels, analyze "what should happen" and consider wet and humid alternatives.
Therefore, noise modeling eliminates the need for large noise monitors.

Using a speech model does not mean that speech does not require attention. Sound models
can be used to accurately map the sound effects of aircraft around an airport, and can be
used to build models using other sources such as noise monitoring data and airport radar
record data and flight data. can go. The overall accuracy of noise modeling considers the
importance of these data sources.

Chapter 5

5. Conclusions and results

Sustainability is an issue that has recently gotten a lot of attention. It has tremendous
advantages, but it also has severe environmental consequences. There have been many past
efforts to integrate sustainability into aviation, those efforts continue today and will continue
in the future. The above research work has been highlighted as follows.
Sustainability in aviation concepts
• Project manager roles in scope management and cost management.
• Noise exposure in airport surroundings.
• Noise standards for aircraft.
• Noise stages and certification criteria.
• Noise modelling measurements.
Given the continuous increase in aircraft dimensions, a result of the new Chapter 14 noise
Standard, it is expected that the number of people affected by significant aircraft noise will be
reduced by Day Night average sound Level (DNL) of 55 dB in affected areas between 2020
and 2036. However, Individual Aircraft Noise tends to decrease, reduce fuel consumption
and CO2 emissions and perceived noise. Aviation sustainability has emerged as a major
concern. Many individuals are unaware of what is going on. Hopefully, the following step-
by-step procedure study answers the questions about the correctness of the information

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