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B058 74011019235
OMR Class activity 
29th Jan 2022 

Q1. The above article begins by explaining what a plant layout is. A plant layout is the
allocation of space required for the manufacturing process within the factory building and the
placement of equipment, furniture, and other important management and necessary services
in order to perform functions effectively and efficiently. Next, this article describes the
special layout of a pharmaceutical plant. This should endeavor to reduce the possibility of
error while allowing effective cleaning and maintenance to prevent mutual contamination,
dust and dirt buildup, and generally adverse effects on the product. It inherits the advantages
and features of a good system layout.
Q2. As mentioned above, the inherent characteristics of a good pharmaceutical plant layout
are that it requires effective cleaning and maintenance to minimize the possibility of failure
and avoid mutual contamination and dust. I am. Factory layout is a decision that has a long-
term impact on the product, the entire process. Therefore, it should be taken seriously. The
ideal way to achieve this goal is to design the layout to match the process steps in a logical
Q3. Location is an issue to consider when deciding on the layout of a plant layout for several
reasons. The first and most obvious reason is the availability of raw materials. The
pharmaceutical layout should be placed where the raw materials are readily available. It
requires 24/7 power, so it should be located in a location where power is always available.
Market proximity is another factor to consider when deciding on a plant location. Another
reason is water supply.
Q4. There have been many technological changes in the pharmaceutical industry. Currently,
doctor appointments are made online. You can easily order medicines using the mobile phone
app or the Internet. There is an online inventory holding system.
Q5. The layout of medical devices differs from the layout of medicines in many ways. First,
unlike pharmaceuticals, which are primarily composed of chemicals, the raw materials
required for medical devices are extremely durable and do not require much space for
storage. However, storage of pharmaceutical ingredients may require certain conditions, such
as room temperature at a certain degree. The workers for layout of medicine might also need
some information about them unlike those of medical equipment. 

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