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Livelihood Education9

1st Quarter
Nail disease- are conditions of both the nail and the surrounding skin which result from bacterial, fungal
and viral infections. Some conditions will show a green, yellow or black discoloration of the nail
depending on the nature of the infection the main course for infection is through damaged cuticles and
broken skin.

Nail Disorder Characteristics

1. Blue nails It is bluish in color, may be attributed to poor blood circulation or heart
2. Brittle nails It is a vertical splitting or separation of the nail plate layers at the distal (free)
edge of the nail plate. Over exposure to detergent soap and other chemical
solvents may contribute to the effect.
3. Bruised nails It shows dark purplish (almost black or brown) spots in the nail bed. As the
nail grows dried blood in the nail bed will also go out.
4. Eggshell nails The nail plate separates from the nail bed and curves at the free edge. It may
be caused by chronic illness of the systemic or nervous origin.
5. Furrows These are long ridges that run either lengthwise or across the nail. Some
lengthwise ridges are normal in adults. Ridges that run across the nail care
caused by high fevers, pregnancy and measles.
6. Hangnails It is a condition in which the cuticle splits around the nail.
7. Leukonychia or White spots appear frequently in the nails. They may be caused by injury to
white spot the base of the nail.
8. Pterygium It is an overgrowth of cuticles which sticks to the surface of the nail plate.
9. Onychatrophia It is described as wasting away the nail. The nail loses its luster, shrinks and
falls. This can be caused by injury to the nail matrix or internal disease.
10. Onychauxis or It is an overgrowth of the nail usually in thickness rather than length. It is
hypertrophy caused by internal imbalance such as local infection or heredity.
11. Onychophagy or It is a deformity of the nail plate caused by biting nails.
bitten nail
12. Onychorrhexis or It refers to split or brittle nails caused by an injury to the finger, careless
split or brittle nails filing of the nails, excessive use of solvents and nail polish removers.
13. Ridges It is caused by uneven growth of the nails, usually resulting from illness.
Buffing the nails with pate polish will help remove ridges.
14. Treating cuts It is caused by an accident during manicure service. Apply an antiseptic
immediately. Do not apply nail polish on the affected area.


Directions: Each sentence below has a blank space; each blank indicates that something has been
omitted. Inside the box are words that fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. Write your answer
on the space provided for.

Hyperkeratosis Bluish Treating cuts Shedding Detachment

Onychia Uneven Eggshell nails Furrows Hangnail

1. __________________ are long ridges that run either lengthwise or across the nail.
2. ________________ is a term applicable to chronic inflammation of the nail fold and nail bed.
3. Onychogryphosis pertains to extreme thickening curvature of the nails, usually it is caused by
varying degree of _____________________.
4. Onychoptosis is the periodic ________________ of one or more nails, either in the whole or
in part.
5. Ridges are caused by _________________ growth of the nails, usually resulting from illness.
6. Blue nail is _________________ in color, may be attributed to poor blood circulation or heart
7. _________________ are caused by an accident during manicure service.
8. _________________ is a condition in which the cuticle splits around the nail.
9. _________________ separates from the nail-bed and curves at the free edge.
10. Onycholysis refers to the ________________ of the nail from the nail bed, starting at its distal
and/or lateral attachment.

The following tools referred to as implements are durable, permanent and are hand-held.

Mixing bowl is a small open-top, rounded cup-like

container used for mixing the aromatic oils and other
fluids for the hand or foot spa.

Pumice Stone is a type of volcanic rock, which is actually

frothy lava solidified to form a porous rock to remove dry
and annoying skin as well as calluses.


Alcohol is an organic compound used as sanitizer.

Antiseptic Solution is an agent that reduces or prevents

the multiplication of micro-organisms.

Cling Wrap is a thin plastic film used for sealing the

paraffin during a hand spa.

First Aid Kit is a collection of supplies for use in giving

first aid.

Lotion is used to soften and moisturize the skin.

Mittens are slips over plastic liners to increase heat
retention when used with paraffin.

Paraffin wax is a mineral wax derived from petroleum. It

is a soft wax that melts at a temperature cool enough to
safely immerse your skin. Paraffin wax is used as a
treatment in spas and salons to lock in moisture.
Soap is used for cleansing.

The following equipment are the items which are more or less durable and permanent needed for a
particular activity or purpose.

Hand Spa Machine is an electronic gadget used to soothe

pain of arthritis, muscle spasms and dry cracked skin of
the hands.

Paraffin wax machine contains a heat source and tank

that holds paraffin wax. The machine melts the wax and
maintains it in a liquid state.

Plastic Basin is used for soaking hands and holding soapy


Trolley is a movable cart that contains supplies and



Directions: Identify the word /term being describes in the statement.

1. What do you use for soaking hands and holding soapy water? _______________

2. What do you call to the agent that reduces or prevents the multiplication of microorganisms?

3. What do you call to the mixture of natural ingredients to keep feet soft, smooth and moisturized
and to remove dead skin cells? ___________________

4. What do you call to the movable cart that contains supplies and materials for hand spa?

5. What do you call to the small open-top, rounded cup-like container used for mixing the aromatic
oils and other fluids for the hand or foot spa? __________________

6. What do you call to the slips over plastic liners used to increase heat retention when used with
paraffin? _______________

7. What is a thin plastic film that used for sealing the paraffin during a hand spa?

8. What do you call to an organic compound used as sanitizer? _________________

9. What do you call to the type of volcanic rock, which is actually frothy lava solidified to form a
porous rock to remove dry and annoying skin as well as calluses? __________________

10. What do you call to the soft wax that melts at a temperature cool enough to safely immerse
your skin? ________________

The following are the steps which can be followed in disinfecting and sterilizing.

Step by Step Metal Implements for Sterilization

1. Drain the water from the foot spa basin or bowl and remove any visible debris.
2. Clean the surface of the foot spa with soap or detergent rinse with clean water and drain.
3. Disinfect the surfaces according to the manufacturer’s direction on the label. Surface must remain
wet with the disinfectant for 10 minutes or the time stated on the label, which may be shorter.
4. Drain and rinse with clean water.
Preparation of Metals Implements for Sterilization
1. Soak the tools / implements in a hot, soapy water solution to remove any debris and oil residue. Rinse
them thoroughly.
2. Place the tools/ implements in a 70 % to 90 % alcohol solution for 20 minutes.
3. Remove the tools/implement form solution, wipe them dry and place them into a dry sterilizer until
ready for use.

Direction: Arrange the following in 1- 4 according to the Step by Step Metal Implements for Sterilization.

______ Drain and rinse with clean water.

______ Drain the water from the foot spa basin or bowl and remove any visible debris.

______Disinfect the surfaces according to the manufacturer’s direction on the label. Surface must
remain wet with the disinfectant for 10 minutes or the time stated on the label, which may be shorter.

______ Clean the surface of the foot spa with soap or detergent rinse with clean water and drain.

Direction: Arrange the following in 1- 3 according to the Preparation of Metals Implements for

______ Soak the tools / implements in a hot, soapy water solution to remove any debris and oil residue.
Rinse them thoroughly.

______ Remove the tools/implement form solution, wipe them dry and place them into a dry sterilizer
until ready for use.

______ Place the tools/ implements in a 70 % to 90 % alcohol solution for 20 minutes.

Steps in Pre Hand-Spa Treatment
1. Seat client

2. Wash your hands

3. Check and analyze condition of client’s hand.

4. Remove any jewelry from the body part to be treated.

Steps in Giving Hand Spa Treatment.


1. Prepare and use necessary tools and supplies /materials.

2. Wash client’s hand with lukewarm water and soap and towel dry before and after scrubbing.

3. Apply appropriate lotion. (By applying lotion, the removal of the hardened paraffin becomes easier)

4. Determine and test appropriate temperature for client heat tolerance.

5. Soak hands for 4 seconds for 3 seconds consecutive times in wax and wrap with plastic gloves and

6. Allow the paraffin to remain in place for 10 to 15 minutes.

7. Remove wax from hands according to manufacturer’s instructions.

8. Apply hand softening product and massage according to prescribed procedure.

9. Advise clients after service on maintenance programs.

10. Confirm and record client’s desired service outcome.

A. Arrange the following in 1-10 according to the procedure of Hand Spa Treatment.

____Confirm and record client's desired service outcome.

____ Apply hand softening product and massage according to prescribed procedure.

____ Allow the paraffin to remain in place for 10 to 15 minutes.

____ Determine and test appropriate temperature for heat tolerance of client. (Touch the edge of your
palm to the melted paraffin to test that the temperature is comfortable for you)

____ Wash client's hand with lukewarm water and soap, and towel-dry before and after scrubbing.

____Prepare and use necessary tools and supplies/materials.

____ Apply appropriate lotion. (By applying lotion, the removal of the hardened paraffin becomes

____Soak hands for 4 seconds for 3 consecutive times in wax and wrap with plastic gloves and mittens.

____Remove wax from hands according to manufacturer's instructions.

____ Advise client after service on maintenance program.

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