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Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the

attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.

People hold different views about focusing on global aid organizations of famous people.
There are some people believe that celebrities tend to lose the importance of the issues while
others argue that superstar can bring benefits for the problems. This essay will elaborate the
details about two statements
On one hand, it is understandable why people assume that using famous people to draw the
attention has its advantage. Celebrities offer huge advertisement impacts. They can attract the
public’s attention to keep an eye on it than normal people. Furthermore, a wider range of
population can be reached if an organization’s campaign is represented by a popular star.
Their fan will also follow the organizations and the celebrities’ behaviors. For instance, the
actress Emma Watson took part in UNICEF campaign for helping children, and it attract the
attention of the people and her fan. Therefore, using famous people for promoting the aid
organizations can receive many attentions from local people
On the other hand, some individuals would against inviting celebrities for assistance. In some
cases, their fan will only pay attention to the superstar, interested in who involved in the
campaign, not the promotion. Moreover, the public would claim that the organizations should
spend the money on the campaign or focusing on charity events instead of paying money for
famous people who are promoting for them.
In this day and age, people argue about the influence of famous people in promoting
international aid organizations. Some of them assume that celebrities have positive effects on the
problem whereas others believe the opposite statement.

Topic 2: University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think
universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own
subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people hold the belief that university must have encouraged their students to focus on
studying a range of subjects instead of focus on their own subject. I partly agree with the

On one hand, universities’ students should study different subject in addition to help them in the
future. In this day and age, not all of the students have their career orientation when they were in
the university. They can choose their career after graduated as a result of having knowledge
about most of the subject. Moreover, students who study on specific subject in the university
may want to change their career during the term. In those cases, they have studied a range of
subject so that they could change easily
On the other hand, focusing entirely on a single subject eliminates the chance of distraction
among the students. They can study on one subject that they studying on to achieve good result
instead of wasting time on other subjects which cannot help them in their future career. And by
learning on one specialist subject, they will have deeper knowledge or understanding of that
subject and become more successful in their future career. For instances, if the students want to be a
doctor or lawyer, they will have to pay all of their attention to their study to be graduated and having
job in the future. They might not be success if they have to study subjects which is not related.
Students in universities tend to focus on one specific subjects. However, some people believe
that they should study a rage of subjects instead of one. For this trend, I partly agree with it

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