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The line chart provides information the average price of

contract monthly from four cell phone companies from January

to September in European countries in 2002.
Overall. It is clear that all corporations increased over the
period except for Sim TX. Alpha witnessed the highest growth
among four different mobiles.
In the first month, the alpha was the in the bottom of the list
at only five euros, whereas Sim TX received nearly ten euros.
Coming up next is Lex at about 13 euros. The top among for
mobiles was Domo at fifteen euros. Four months later, Alpha
and Sim TX monthly average cost rise slightly to over five euros.
Lex also had a little increase to over fifteen euros while Domo
grew to twenty.
In July, Domo hit the peak at twenty-five euros among four
cell phones. Lex and Alpha rose significantly to over fifteen and
ten euros respectively. Sim TX suddenly fell from roughly fifteen
to ten euros. In the last year of the period, Alpha continue to
increase an hit its peak at twenty fie euros. Lex also have a
sharply rise to around eighteen euros. However, both Domo
and Sim TX decreased.

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