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)Provide reading material about chemotherapy

C.)Acknowledge that hair loss may be a difficult side effect and
Concepts of Man and His Basic Human Needs explore the patient’s feeling about this
1.) The theory on man as a Biopsychosocial and Spiritual D.) Give the patient information about head scarf, hats or wigs
being by Sister Callista Roy conceptualizes the following Ans: C
EXCEPT: >Focusing on the feelings of the client regarding hair loss is
A.) Man, as a biologic being is like all other men therapeutic. Discussing about wigs, headscarf, and hats will be
B.) Man, as a psychologic being is like no other man dealt with later
C.) Man, as a social being is like some other men 9.) The following are characteristics of basic human needs
D.) Man, is a spiritual being only when he professes that he EXCEPT:
believes in God A.) Priorities are uniform to all individuals
Ans: D B.) Needs may be met in different ways
>According to the theory on Man as Biopsychosocial and C.) Needs are interrelated
Spiritual Being, all men are spiritual by nature. This is because D.) Needs may be deferred
of the will and intellect; virtues of faith, hope, and charity, and Ans: A
the belief of existence of supreme power who guides man’s >Priorities vary from individual to individual, according to stage
faith and destiny of growth and development, life situations and other factors
2.) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an open 10.) Which of the following needs is considered by the nurse
system? when she implements reverse isolation for the client with
A.) It is self-sufficient and is totally isolated from other systems leukemia?
B.) It exchanges matter, energy or information with the A.) Physiologic need
environment B.) Safety and security
C.) It allows sustaining elements to enter the system to nourish C.) Love and belongingness
it D.) Self esteem
D.) It is easily affected by changes in other systems Ans: B
Ans: A >The client with leukemia has low resistance to infections.
>An open system needs to exchange matter, energy and Protecting him from infection by implementing reverse or
information. It is interrelated and interdependent with other protective isolation technique meets his need for safety and
systems security
3.) Which aspect of man’s nature is demonstrated by making a 11.) Who among the following clients should be attended first
choice therapeutic regimen reluctantly? by the nurse?
A.) Limited and unlimited nature A) The client with cough and colds
B.) Mature nature with core of immaturity B.) The client with pain on the chest
C.) A creature of indecisiveness C.) The client with fever due to infection
D.) Rational and logical, yet irrational at times D.) The client who is for discharge
Ans: C Ans: B
> Man is a creature of indecisiveness. He is always at the >The client with pain on the chest should be attended first by
crossroad of choosing the nurse because he needs to be assessed and managed
4.) Body image is: immediately before severe problem occurs. The clients with
A.) The way a person appears and his style of grooming signs and symptoms of infections may be dealt with after those
B.) The way the person looks at a certain age without infections to prevent contamination. The client for
C.) The way a person pictures/perceives his appearance and discharge would require longer nursing time for health
function and how he compares himself with others. teachings, and may be dealt with later
D.) A body with complete parts and functions Concepts of Health and Illness
Ans: C 12.) The following are concepts of health:
>Body image is the way a person perceives his appearance 1...) Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social
and function well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
5.) The nursing diagnosis Body Image Disturbance is most 2.) Health is the ability to maintain balance
likely to be written for which of the following persons? 3.) Health is the ability to maintain the internal environment
A.) A patient with above the knee amputation 4.) Health is the integration of all parts and subparts of an
B.) A patient with second degree burns individual
C.) A quadriplegic patient A.) 1,2,3
D.) A person entering the health care system after moving from B.) 1,3,4
wellness to illness C.) 2,3,4
Ans: D D.) 1,2,3,4
Ans D
1-WHO concept of health
>A person entering a health care system most likely would 2-Walter Cannon’s concept of health on homeostasis
experience alteration in body image 3-Claude Bernard’s concept of health on internal milieu
6.) The nurse should assess the activity tolerance of the 4- Neuman’s concept of health on integration of parts and
patient with which of the following conditions? subparts of an individual
A.) Diabetes mellitus 13.) The theorist who advocates that health is the ability to
B.) Diarrhea maintain dynamic equilibrium is:
C.) Anemia A.) Claude Bernard
D.) Kidney stones B.) Walter Cannon
Ans: C C.) Hans Selye
>Activity intolerance is an appropriate nursing diagnosis for a D.) Martha Rogers
client with anemia. IN anemia, there is low oxygen-carrying ANS: B
capacity of the blood, so the client experiences weakness and > Walter Cannon advocates that health is the ability to maintain
fatigue dynamic equilibrium (homeostasis)
7.) According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the 14.) The “Health-Illness Continuum Theory” describes which of
following is a basic physiologic need after oxygen? the following:
A.) Water 1.) The effect of environment to well-being and illness
B.) Freedom from infection 2.) High level wellness is achieved if a person is able to
C.) Love and belongingness function independently
D.) Self-esteem 3.) Precursor of illness may be hereditary, environmental and
Ans: A behavioral factors
>Water is next to oxygen in the hierarchy of physiologic needs 4.) The relationship between agent, host and environment
for survival A.) 1,2,3,4
8.) Mrs. Sy, diagnosed with cancer of the breast, is scheduled B.) 1,3,4
to undergo chemotherapy. How should the nurse deal with the C.) 1,2,3
topic of hair loss with client? D.) 2,3,4
A.)Discuss about hair loss as it occurs ANS: C
> 1,2,3 Dunn’s “Health-illness Continuum Theory” describes C.) The client takes medications as prescribed by the physician
the following: D.) The client ignores his dizziness, with the hope that it will be
1.) The effect of environment to well-being and illness relieved spontaneously
2.) High level wellness is achieved if a person is able to ANS: D
function independently > Ignoring signs and symptoms of a disease is not a sick role
3.) Precursor of illness may be hereditary, environmental and behavior. Sick role emphasizes that the person: is not held
behavioral factors responsible for his condition ; is excused from social roles; is
15.) Which of the following statements is not true is high-level obliged to get well as soon as possible; is obliged to seek for
wellness? competent help, i.e. seeking advice of health professionals for
A.) It is applicable only to healthy individuals validation of real illness, explanation of symptoms and
B.) It is the ability to perform activities of daily living reassurance or prediction of outcome
C.) It connotes maximizing one’s potentialities Health and Illness- Asepsis and Infection Control
D.) It is the ability to perform self-care 22.) Which of the following situations may cause droplet
ANS: A transmission of microorganisms?
> The statement which is NOT TRUE in high level wellness is A.) Facing a clients who is coughing and sneezing within a
that, it is applicable only to healthy individuals. High level distance of 3 feet
wellness is applicable to both the well and the ill, as long as B.) Eating contaminated shell fish
one maximizes his potentialities and functions independently C.) Puncture from intravenous needle removed from a client
16.) Mrs. De Guzman had been diagnosed to have with hepatitis B
hypertension since 15 years ago. Since then, she had D.) Exposure to flood water
maintained low sodium diet, to control her blood pressure. This Ans: A
practice is viewed as: > Facing client who is coughing and sneezing most likely would
A.) Her superstitious belief cause droplet transmission of microorganisms
B.) Her cultural belief 23.) Which of the following is most effective practice by
C.) Her personal caregivers and family, when caring for a client with low
D.) Her health belief resistance to infection due to cancer.
ANS: D A.) Allow two visitors only, at a time
> Health belief of an individual influences his/her preventive B.) Wash hands frequently
health behavior. Health beliefs may be influenced by individual C.) Wear masks in the client’s room at all times
perceptions, modifying factors, perceived benefits of preventive D.) Meticulous cleaning of the client’s room
actions and perceived barriers to preventive actions ANS: B
17.) The “Role Performance Model” of health views that: > Handwashing is the most effective practice to prevent
A.) Health is the absence of signs and symptoms of disease transfer of microorganisms
B.) Health is successful adaptation 24.) The primary why the faucet is considered as contaminated
C.) Health is the ability to perform one’s work or job is:
D.) Health is realization of one’s potential A.) It is located in unsterile area
ANS: C B.) Many people are using it
> The “Role Performance Model” of health by Smith views that C.) It is frequently used
health is the ability to perform one’s societal roles such as D.) It is opened by dirty hands
one’s work or job ANS: D
18.) Mr. Salvador practices excessive alcohol intake. This is > The faucet is considered contaminated primarily because it is
considered as which type of precursor to illness? opened by dirty hands
A.) Behavioral factor 25.) The nurse enters the room of the client on airborne
B.) Environmental factor precautions due to tuberculosis. Which of the following are
C.) Hereditary factor appropriate actions by the nurse?
D.) Genetic factor 1. She wears the mask, covering the nose and mouth
ANS: A 2. She washes her hands before and after removing gloves,
> Taking alcohol excessively is a behavioral precursor of after suctioning the client’s secretions
illness. Other behavioral factors that may lead to illness are as 3. She removes gloves and mask before leaving the client’s
follows: cigarette smoking, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, poor room
hygiene, inadequate rest and sleep, excessive worry and 4. She discards contaminated suction catheter tip in a trash
tension,etc can found in the client’s room
19.) A person who may or may not be affected by disease is: A.) 1 and 2
A.) Agent B.) 1 and 3
B.) Carrier C.) 1,2 and 3
C.) Victim D.) 1,2,3, and 4
D.) Host ANS: D
ANS: D > 1,2,3, and 4 the mask should cover the nose and mouth
> A host is an individual who may or may not be affected by snugly. The hands should be washed before and after
disease removing gloves. Gloves and mask should be removed before
20.) Health promotion activities are directed to achieve the leaving the client’s room, to contain the microorganism within
following: the client’s unit. Contaminated articles like suction catheter
1. Increasing level of wellness should be discarded in a trash can found in the client’s room to
2. Improving quality of life prevent contamination of the outside environment.
3. Relying on health care personnel to maintain health 26.) A 14-yar old male is to be admitted to the unit due to high
4. Promoting healthful lifestyle fever related to influenza. With whom among the following
A.) 1,2,4 clients should be placed together in the room?
B.) 2,3,4 A.) The 12-year old male client who had undergone
C.) 1,2,3 appendectomy
D.) 1,2,3,4 B.) The 12-year old female with flu
ANS: A C.) The 12-year old boy with flu
> 1,2,4 Health promotion activities are directed to achieve the D.) The 12- year old boy with leukemia
following: ANS: C
1.) Increasing level of wellness > Clients infected with the same type of microorganism may
2.) Improving quality of life cohabitate . The gender and the age of the clients should also
3.) Promoting healthful lifestyle be considered. Clients of the same gender and approximately
Furthermore, health promotion involves the principles of self of the same age group will stay together well
responsibility for one’s health 27.) After caring for a client with extensive body burns, the
21.) Which of the following behaviors is not expected when a nurse performs which of the following actions when removing
client assumes the sick role? protective wear?
A.) The client seeks for sick leave A.) Remove, mask, gown, gloves, cap and shoe cover
B.) The client consults a physician because of headache and B.) Remove gloves, mask, gown, cap and shoe cover
perceived fever C.) Remove gown, mask, gloves, cap and shoe cover
D.) Remove cap and shoe cover, mask, gloves, gown > 1 and 3 adaptive responses are attempts to maintain
ANS: B equilibrium and they are not limitless
> To remove protective wear, peel off gloves first, then the 34.) The first manifestation of inflammation is:
mask, gown cap and shoe cover. This is to prevent A.) Heat
contamination of skin by the contaminated gloves B.) Redness
28.) When discarding used needle and syringes, which of the C.) Swelling
following is appropriate nursing action? D.) Pain
A.) Remove needle from the syringe and discard them in ANS: B
separate containers > The first manifestation of inflammation is redness. This is due
B.) Recap needle, then discard the needle still attached to the to increased blood flow to the area affected
syringe into a container 35.) The primary cause of pain at the site of inflammation is:
C.) Discard the uncapped needle and syringe into a container A.) Release of bradykinin
D.) Break the needle, then discard syringe into a container B.) Injury to nerve endings
ANS: C C.) Compression of local nerve endings by edema fluids
> Discard the uncapped needle and syringe into a leak-proof, D.) Impaired circulations
puncture-proof container. This is to prevent needle puncture of ANS: C
self. Universal precaution: NEVER RECAP NEEDLE > The primary cause of pain at the site of inflammation is the
29.) When performing surgical hand scrub, which of the compression of local nerve endings by edema fluids
following nursing actions ensure prevention of contamination? 36.) The client is in stress because he was told by the
1. Keep fingernails short, clean, without nail polish physician that he needs to undergo surgery for removal of
2. Open faucet with knee or foot control tumor in his stomach. Which of the following are effects of
3. Keep hands above elbows when washing and rinsing activation of the sympatho-adreno-medullary response in the
4. Wear cap, mask, and shoe cover after hand scrub client?
A.) 1,3,4 1. Constipation
B.) 1,2,3 2. Urinary frequency
C.) 1,2,4 3. Hypoglycemia
D.) 2,3,4 4. Increased BP
ANS: B A.) 1 and 2
> 1,2 and 3- Surgical hand scrub involves the following actions: B.) 1 and 3
Keep fingernails short, clean, without nail polish, open faucets C.) 2 and 3
with knee or foot control; keep hands above elbows when D.) 1 and 4
washing and rinsing. Cap, mask, shoe cover should be worn ANS: D
before hand scrub, to prevent contamination of the scrubbed >1 and 4- Effects of SAMR are due to release of
hand norepinephrine and epinephrine. These include constipation
30.) When removing gloves, which of the following is and increase BP
inappropriate nursing action? 37.) The client is on NPO since midnight, as preparation for
A.) Wash gloved hands first blood test. Adreno-cortical response is activated. Which of the
B.) Peel off gloves inside out following is an expected response?
C.) Use glove-to-glove, skin-to-skin technique A.) Low BP
D.) Remove mask and gown before removing gloves B.) Decrease urine output
ANS: D C.) Warm, flushed, dry skin
> When removing gloves, it is inappropriate to remove mask D.) Low serum Na levels
and gown first before gloves. Appropriate nursing actions are: ANS: B
wash gloved hands first, peel off gloves inside out; use glove- > Adreno-cortical response involves release of aldosterone that
to-glove, skin-to-skin techniques. Remove gloves first, followed leads to retention of sodium and water. This results to
by the mask, gown, cap, and shoe cover decreased urine output
31.) When pouring sterile solution, the nurse performs which of 38.) The client fell from the stairs, and had twisted her ankle.
the following actions correctly? The injury caused inflammation of the ankle. The nursing
A.) Hold bottle 6 inches above receptacle on the sterile field interventions for the inflamed ankle would least likely include
B.) Remove cap of bottle and place it with the underside lid which of the following?
down on a flat surface A.) Elevate the ankle with pillow support
C.) Return excess solution from sterile receptacle to the bottle B.) Apply warm compress over the ankle for the first seventy-
D.) Place the bottle of sterile solution within the sterile field two hours
ANS: A C.) Apply compression bandage over the ankle
> When pouring sterile solution, hold bottle 6 inches above D.) Administer anti-inflammatory drug as ordered by the M.D.
receptacle on the sterile field. Cap of the bottle should be ANS: B
placed with underside lip up, on a flat surface. Excess solution > Application of warm compress over an inflamed body part for
should not be returned to the bottle because this is considered the first 72hours of injury is not included in the nursing
contaminated. The bottle of the sterile solution should be interventions for inflammation. Cold compress is preferably
placed outside the sterile field because the outside part of the applied during the first 72hours to cause vasoconstriction and
bottle is nonsterile. Remember, sterile field/object should come prevent/reduce swelling.
in contact with sterile objects only, to maintain sterility. 39.) Which of the following events characterize the GAS stage
32.) Which of the following does not characterize stress? A.) Fight-or-flight response is activated
A.) Stress is a nervous energy B.) The person regains homeostasis
B.) A single stress does not cause a disease C.) Adaptive mechanisms fail
C.) Stress in inherent to life D.) Levels of resistance are increased
D.) Stress may be protective but at times problematic ANS: A
ANS: A > During the GAS stage of Alarm, fight-or-flight response is
> This is an incorrect statement because stress is not a activated
nervous strategy; it is a psychophysiologic response 40.) The client is a 57 year old male who works as a traffic
33.) Adaptive responses of man to stressors are characterized officer. He is exposed to sunlight from morning until afternoon.
by the following: Which of the following is considered as a physiologic adaptive
1. They are attempts to maintain equilibrium mode of the client?
2. They are fairly uniform in all individuals A.) He learns to interpret different traffic signs
3. They are limitless B.) He sees to it that he wears his uniform as dignified as a
4. They are always adequate to overcome stressors policeman does
A.) 1 and 2 C.) He develops dark skin
B.) 1 and 3 D.) He learns the skill of giving traffic directions to drivers and
C.) 1 and 4 pedestrian
D.) 2 and 4 ANS: C
ANS: B > Development of dark skin due to prolonged exposure to
sunlight, is an example of physiologic adaptive mode
41.) The first protective cells launched at the site of tissue 48.) The client verbalizes that he is very anxious that the
injury are the: diagnostic tests he had undergone might reveal he has cancer.
A.) Basophils Which of the following is most appropriate nursing
B.) Eosinophils intervention?
C.) Monocytes A.) Tell the client not to worry unnecessarily, until the results
D.) Neutrophils are in.
ANS: D B.) Ask the client to express feelings and concerns with
> Neutrophils are the first protective cells launched at the site regards to outcome of the tests
of injury to perform phagocytosis C.) Reassure the client that everything will be alright
Therapeutic Communication D.) Advise the client to divert his attention by watching
42.) Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is described as television or reading newspaper
follows: ANS: B
1. It is based on friendship and mutual interest > Exploring the client’s feelings and encouraging evaluation
2. It is a professional relationship encourage verbalization by the client and therefore promote
3. It is focused on helping the patient solve problems and therapeutic nurse-client relationship. Reassuring (A and C),
achieve health-related goals advising (D), are non-therapeutic techniques of communication
4. It is maintained only as long as the patient requires 49.) Which of the following statements clearly defines
professional help therapeutic communication?
A.) 1,2,3 A.) Therapeutic communication is an interactional process
B.) 1,2,4 which is primarily directed by the nurse
C.) 2,3,4 B.) Therapeutic communication is conveys feelings of warmth,
D.) 1,3,4 acceptance and empathy from the nurse to a patient in a
ANS: C relaxed atmosphere
> 2,3,4- Nurse-patient relationship is a professional C.) Therapeutic communication is a reciprocal interaction
relationship, it is a helping relationship; it is maintained only as based on trust and aimed at identifying patient needs and
long as the patient requires professional help. It is not based developing mutual goals
on friendship and mutual interest. D.) Therapeutic communication is the assessment component
43.) During the working phase of therapeutic relationship, the of the nursing process
nurse performs the following activities EXCEPT: ANS; C
A.) Reviews the client’s medical record > Therapeutic communication is a reciprocal interaction based
B.) Establishes a contract with the client regarding on trust and aimed at identifying patient needs and developing
expectations and responsibilities mutual goals.
C.) Decides with the client on mutually agreed upon goals 50.) Which of the following concepts is most important in
D.) Discusses with the client on time frame of the relationship establishing therapeutic nurse-patient relationship?
ANS: A A.) The nurse must fully understand the patient’s feelings,
> Reviewing the client’s medical record is an activity done perceptions and reactions before goals can be established
during the pre-interaction phase of the therapeutic nurse- B.) The nurse must be a role model for health-fostering
patient relationship. All the other choices are performed during behaviors
the working phase C.) The nurse must recognize that the patient may manifest
44.) The client has been scheduled to undergo surgery for maladaptive behavior during illness
removal of tumor in her right breast. Which of the following D.) The nurse needs to understand that the patient may test
manifestations indicate that she is experiencing mild anxiety? her before he can accept and trust her
A.) She has increased awareness of the environment details ANS: D
B.) She focuses on selected aspect of her illness > In establishing therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, the
C.) She experiences incongruence of thoughts, feelings and nurse needs to understand that the patient may test her before
actions he can accept and trust her
D.) She experiences random motor activity 51.) Which communication skill is most effective in dealing with
ANS: A covert communication?
> Increased awareness of the environment details is a A.) validation
manifestation of mild anxiety B.) Listening
45.) Which of the following nursing interventions would least C.) Evaluation
likely be effective when dealing with a client with aggressive D.) Clarification
behavior? ANS: A
A.) Approach in calm, direct manner > Validation is required for covert communication. Only the
B.) Provide opportunities to express feelings patient can describe what he wants to convey through covert
C.) Maintain eye contact with the client communication.
D.) Isolate the client from other clients 52.) Which of the following are qualities of good recording?
ANS: D 1. Brevity
> Isolating the client who manifests aggressive behavior would 2. Completeness and chronology
be ineffective intervention. This may further agitate him. 3. Appropriateness
Providing outlets, like physical activities will be more effective, 4. Accuracy
to divert the client’s energy A.) 1,2
46.) The client express fear that God will not be supportive and B.) 3,4
might be punitive. He is experiencing which of the following C.) 1,2,3
responses? D.) 1,2,3,4
A.) Spiritual pain ANS: D
B.) Spiritual anger > 1,2,3 4- Good recording is characterized by brevity,
C.) Spiritual anxiety completeness and chronology, appropriateness and accuracy.
D.) Spiritual loss 53.) All of the following chart entries are correct EXCEPT:
ANS: C A.) Complained of chest pain
>Spiritual anxiety is expression of fear that God will not be B.) Chest pain relieved after administration of NTG sublingually
supportive and might be punitive C.) Able to ambulate to the bathroom without assistance
47.) The client verbalizes, “I’m nothing.” Which of the following D.) Vital signs 120/84 82, 18
is the most appropriate response by the nurse? ANS: D
A.) “Are you suggesting that you feel worthless?” > Recording of vital signs should be T,PR,RR,BP. So the
B.) “Of course, you’re everything.” recording of vital signs letter D is incorrect. The rest are correct
C.) “That’s not true.” chart entries.
D.) “You should not feel that way.” 54.) The accepted method for signing a nurse’s note is:
ANS: A A.) J.C./R.N.
> Attempts to translate into feelings is a therapeutic technique B.) Juan Cruz, Clinical Instructor
of communication. Using denial (B), disagreeing (C), and C.) Juan Cruz
advising (D), are non-therapeutic techniques of D.) Juan D. Cruz, R.N.
communication. ANS: D
> The accepted method of signing a nurse’s notes is writing A.) His ability to repeat what was taught
one’s full name n script and affixing R.N. to signify one’s status B.) A desired change in his behavior
as a registered nurse C.) Verbal acknowledgements that he understands
55.) Which of the following teachings methods is most D.) His ability to get a good score from a questionnaire
appropriate for teaching a diabetic client on self-injection of ANS: B
insulin? > The best evidence that learning has taken place is an
A.) Detailed explanations observable desired change in the client’s behavior
B.) Demonstration 63.) Therapeutic communication begins with:
C.) Use of pamphlets A.) Giving initial care
D.) Filmstrip B.) Showing empathy
ANS: B C.) Interacting with patient
> Demonstration is the best teaching strategy for psychomotor D.) Knowing your patient
skills like self-injection of insulin. ANS: D
56.) the most important characteristic of effective nurse-patient > Therapeutic communication begins with knowing the client
relationship is that: 64.) Which of the following responses is appropriate when a
A.) It is growth-facilitating patient requests to be discharged at once?
B.) It is base on mutual understanding A.) “I will notify the supervisor about your request.”
C.) It fosters hope and confidence B.) “You can only be discharged after the doctor has given a
D.) It involves primarily emotional bond medical clearance.”
ANS: A C.) “I will notify your doctor, so I can inform him about your
> The most important characteristic of effective nurse-patient request.”
relationship is that, it is growth-facilitating for the nurse and the D.) “I understand your request but please sign this special
patient form.”
57.) Which of the following statements is most likely to promote ANS: C
a client’s compliance in performing post-operative deep > Discharge from the hospital requires physician’s order.
breathing, coughing and turning exercises? Reassuring the client that his desire to go home will be
A.) “You will be given adequate medication is these exercises conveyed to the M.D. is therapeutic
will cause you pain.” 65.) From your admission interview of a patient, you obtained a
B.) “Deep breathing, coughing and turning exercises will history of allergies. You can best communicate this information
promote good breathing, body circulation. This will prevent by:
complications.” A.) Placing allergy alert in kardex
C.) “These exercises will promote maximum respiratory B.) Writing in the patient’s chart
ventilation, prevent thrombophlebitis and atelectasis.” C.) Informing his attending physician
D.) “Your cooperation during these exercises will determine the D.) Observation of the patient’s behavior
rate of your recovery.” ANS: C
ANS: B > Informing the attending physician about the client’s allergies
> Giving information is a therapeutic technique of is the best way to communicate the information. Merely placing
communication, like giving explanation on the benefits that a the information in the kardex, writing in the patient’s chart, will
client will experience from deep breathing, coughing and not ensure that the physician will be properly informed about
turning exercises during the postop period the patient’s allergy
58.) When using printed material to teach diabetic patient 66.) Which of the following techniques can be most helpful in
about foot care, the nurse should: assessing the degree of distress and discomfort of a newly
A.) Read the material to the patient admitted patient?
B.) Allow the patient to read the material A.) Review the nurse’s notes
C.) Give the material to a family member to read the patient B.) Performing physical assessment
D.) Read the material to evaluate its clarity, accuracy and C.) Active listening on what the patient says
effectiveness D.) Observation of the patient’s behavior
> Reading materials to be distributed to clients should be > Active listening on what the patient says will be most helpful
evaluated by the nurse, for clarity, accuracy and effectiveness in assessing the degree of distress and discomfort her is
59.) The patient asks the nurse, “ Do you think, I have the expressing. Only the patient will be able to describe his
cancer?” The most appropriate response of the nurse is: distress and discomfort, because these are subjective data.
A.) “I will refer you to your doctor.” 67.) Which of the following factors will least likely facilitate
B.) “If I were you, I will not worry unnecessarily learning of a patient?
C.) “You sound concerned about what the doctor may find.” A.) Motivation to learn
D.) “You will undergo different tests before cancer can be B.) Active participation in the learning activity
diagnosed.” C.) Influencing the client to change his health beliefs
ANS: C D.) Positively worded corrections
> Focusing on client’s feeling is therapeutic ANS: C
60.) The patient is scheduled for proctosigmoidoscopy. She > Influencing the client to change his health beliefs will least
says she is nervous. The most appropriate response to be likely facilitate his learning. Learning takes place more easily if
made by the nurse is: the new leaning is closely related to previous learning like
A.) “You need not worry. You have the best doctor in the health beliefs.
hospital.” 68.) Which of the following principles must be given
B.) “I don’t blame you for feeling that way. If I were in your consideration by the nurse when giving patient teaching to an
position, I would feel the same.” elderly client/
C.) “Why do you feel that way? Don’t you trust God?” A.) Use audio-visual aids to facilitate learning
D.) “You sound really upset. Would you like to sit and talk B.) Provide opportunity for independence to learn
about it? C.) Provide lecture for at least 2 hours
ANS: D D.) Proceed from complex to simple material
> Focusing on client’s feeling is therapeutic ANS: B
61.) Which of the following behavior should the nurse > An elderly client learns best if he is given opportunity for
recognize when caring for elderly patients? independence to learn. Audio-visual aids may be ineffective
A.) Most elderly resent being cared for by people not related to among elderly because of possible visual and hearing
them impairment. Elderly have short attention span, so providing
B.) Many elderly patients need support in maintaining their lecture for at least 2 hours is ineffective. Proceeding from
independence simple to complex material facilitates learning; not complex to
C.) Elderly patients refuse to change old habits simple material.
D.) Most elderly are unable to learn new skills Stages of Growth and Development: Adulthood
ANS: B 69.) The development task of the young adult according to
> Maintaining independence among elderly is essential to Erikson is:
maintain their ego integrity A.) Identity vs. Role confusion
62.) The nurse can best evaluate that the patient is learning by: B.) Intimacy vs. Isolation
C.) Generativity vs. Stagnation A.) Provide health teachings in several brief sessions
D.) Ego Integrity vs. Despair B.) Provide recreational activities like needleworks
C.) Make decisions for the client
Ans: B D.) Use audio-visual aids when providing health teachings

70.) The following are characteristics of a middle—aged adult Ans: A

A.) There is a sense of stability and consolidation 79.) Which of the following may be a primary reason why an
B.) The person becomes more oriented and career-oriented elderly finds it difficult to comply with low sodium diet?
C.) The person is more family oriented and career-oriented A.) The patient had been used to taking salty foods in his
D.) The person is more concerned with adhering to laws that younger years
protect the welfare and rights of others. B.) The patient experiences diminished sense of taste
C.) The patient has decreased absorption in the GI tract
Ans: C D.) The patient experiences decreased peristalsis

71.) The aging process which is characterized by severe mental Ans: B

deterioration is:
A.) Senility 80.) The following are true in the human sexuality of the elderly
B.) Senescence EXCEPT:
C.) Gerontology A.) There is minimal change in amount of sexual response
D.) Geriatrics B.) There is cessation of sexual activity among elderly
C.) There is increased refractory periods in male
Ans: A D.) There is reduced vaginal lubrication

72.) The rate of Living Theory of Aging conceptualizes that: Ans: B

A.) Changes in replication of DNA –RNA are the causes of aging
B.) Aging is caused by a change in the immune system 81.) The following are characteristics of an elderly who has
C.) The body is like a machine, parts wear out and the machine achieved ego integrity EXCEPT:
breaks down A.) Views life with sense of wholeness and satisfaction from past
D.) The faster one lives, the sooner one ages and dies accomplishments
B.) Accepts death as completion of life
Ans: D C.) Experiences serenity and shares wisdom
D.) He wishes to live life longer to correct past mistakes
73.) The Disengagement Theory of aging believes that:
A.) Human beings are mortal and must eventually leave their Ans: D
place and role in society
B.) One must constantly struggle to remain functional 82.) According to Kohlberg’s theory on moral development,
C.) Persons will remain the same unless external and internal relationships are based on:
factors stimulate change A.) Mutual trust
D.) NOTA B.) Mutual satisfaction of needs
C.) Mutual approval of each other
Ans: A D.) Mutual beliefs

Ans: A

74.) Which of the following is inappropriate nursing action for the 83.) According to Havighurst’s theory on developmental tasks,
elderly when providing hygienic practices and skin care? the following are tasks of a 65-year old person EXCEPT:
A.) Provide daily bath A.) Adjusting to retirement and reduced income
B.) Use mild, superfatted soap B.) Adjusting to decreasing Physical strength and health
C.) Use body lotion C.) Establishing an explicit affiliation with one’s age group
D.) Change position frequently D.) Adjusting to aging parents

Ans: A Ans: D

75.) The following are appropriate nursing actions for the elderly 84.) Which of the following will help maintain the self-esteem of
with hearing impairment EXCEPT: an elderly client?
A.) Speak clearly, in well-enunciated words A.) Provide as much independence as possible, with
B.) Use normal tone of voice consideration to safety
C.) Repeat instructions as needed B.) Assist the client to accept the need for seeking help in making
D.) Increase loudness of voice when speaking decisions and judgments
C.) Do hygiene measures for the elderly to promote sense of
Ans: D well-being
D.) Plan for routine activities of daily living to be followed by the
76.) Which of the following colors is difficult to be distinguished client
by an elderly?
A.) Red Ans: A
B.) Green
C.) Purple 85.) The following are appropriate nursing actions to prevent
D.) Blue postural hypotension in an elderly patient EXCEPT:
A.) Advise to get out of bed gradually
Ans: C B.) Instruct to have a daily fluid intake of 3 glasses a day
C.) Advise to avoid straining at stool
77.) Which of the following enhances drug toxicity among D.) Advise to avoid bending down and suddenly standing up
elderly? again
A.) Less acute vision
B.) Decreased renal function Ans: B
C.) Altered memory
D.) Diminished sense of taste 86.) Which of the following is not appropriate nursing intervention
for an elderly with osteoporosis?
Ans: B A.) Include milk and dairy products in diet
B.) Take large amounts of protein-rich and salty foods
78.) Which of the following should be include in the nursing care C.) Have regular exercise
plan of an elderly? D.) Wear rubber-soled, low heeled shoes that grip well
C.) Refers the patient to other services
Ans: B D.) Works with the significant others

87.) The following are nursing interventions to minimize Ans: A

confusion among elderly?
A.) Use touch to convey concern 96.) The manager role of the nurse is best demonstrated
B.) Have clocks or calendars in the environment when she:
C.) Keep a routine of activities of daily living A.) Plans nursing care with the patient
D.) All of theses B.) Intercedes on behalf of the patient
C.) Refers the patient to other services
Ans: D D.) Works with the significant of others

88.) The following nursing interventions are appropriate in the Ans: B

prevention of pressure sores among bedridden elderly patient
EXCEPT: 97.) All of the following are primary responsibilities of the
A.) Massage bony prominences nurse manager EXCEPT
B.) Apply alcohol on the skin A.) Performing bedside nursing
C.) Apply cornstarch over the bedlinens B.) Coordinating and delegating patient care
D.) Elevate head of bed at 45 to 90 degree angle C.) Setting standards of performance
D.) Designating staff schedules
Ans: B
89.) Florence Nightingale conceptualizes that nursing is: Ans: A
A.) The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist
him in his recovery 98.) The four concepts common to nursing that appear in
B.) Assisting the individual, sick or well, in the performance of each of the current conceptual models
those activities contributing to health, preventing illness and A.) Person, Nursing, Environment, Medicine
rehabilitating the sick or disabled B.) Person, Health, Nursing, Support System
C.) A humanistic science dedicated to compassionate concern C.) Person, Environment, Health, Nursing
with maintaining and promoting health, preventing illness and D.) Person, Environment, Psychology, Nursing
rehabilitating the sick or disabled
D.) A unique profession in that it is concerned with all the Ans:C
variables affecting an individual’s response to stressors. 99.) Which of the following is not a subjective data?
A.) Dizziness
Ans: A B.) Chest pain
C.) Anxiety
90.) Which of the following nursing theorists D.) Bluish discoloration
conceptualizes that all persons strive to achieve self-care? Ans: D
A.) Sister Callista Roy 100.) The following are specific activities during evaluation
B.) Dorothea Orem EXCEPT:
C.) Dorothy Johnson A.) Collecting data
D.) Jean Watson B.) Performing nursing interventions
C.) Measuring goal attainment
Ans: B D.) Revising or modifying the care plan
Ans: B
91.) Which of the following nursing theorists introduced
Transcultural Nursing Model?
A.) Imogene King
B.) Dorothea Orem
C.) Dorothy Johnson
D.) Madeleine Leininger

Ans: D

92.) The most important communication skill to be

developed by the nurse manager except.
A.) Performing bedside nursing
B.) Assertiveness
C.) Questioning
D.) Attentive Listening

Ans: D

93.) Which of the following moral theories is based on

respect for other humans and belief that relationships are
based on mutual trust?
A.) Erikson’s Theory
B.) Kolberg’s Theory
C.) Freud’s Theory
D.) Schulman and Mekler’s Theory

Ans: B

94.) The caregiver role of the nurse emphasizes:

A.) Implementing nursing care measures
B.) Providing direct nursing care
C.) Recognition of needs of clients
D.) Observation of the client’s responses to illness

Ans: C

95.) The nurse takes the patient’s advocate role when she;
A.) Defends the rights of the patient
B.) Intercedes on behalf of the patient
Funda Part 2 C.) Remittent fever
--Nursing Process-- D.) Constant fever
1.) Which of the following is incorrect statement of nursing ANS: B
diagnosis? > Relapsing fever is “on-and-off” fever
A.) High risk for ineffective airway clearance related to 9.) Which of the following is NOT an appropriate nursing action
pneumonia when taking oral temperature?
B.) High risk for injury related to dizziness A.) Wash the thermometer from the bulb to the stem before
C.) Constipation related to decreased activity and fluids as use
manifested by small, hard, formed stool every three days B.) Place the thermometer under the tongue directed towards
D.) Anxiety related to insufficient knowledge regarding surgical the side
experience C.) Take oral temperature for 2-3 minutes
ANS: A D.) Take oral temperature using a thermometer with pear-
> is incorrect statement of nursing diagnosis (refer to NANDA, shaped bulb
appendix A). B,C and D are correct statement of nursing ANS: D
diagnosis. > Is not appropriate nursing action when taking oral
2.) Which of the following would NOT be a basis for temperature. Thermometer with pear-shaped or rounded bulb
establishing priorities in client care? is used for rectal temperature-taking
A.) Actual problems take precedence over potential concerns 10.) The following are contraindications to oral temperature
B.) Attend to equipment and contraptions first, such as IV taking EXCEPT:
fluids, urinary catheter, drainage tubes, before the client A.) Dyspnea
C.) Airway should always be given highest priority B.) Diarrhea
D.) Clients with unstable condition should be given priority over C.) Nasal-packing
those with stable conditions. D.) Nausea and vomiting
> Attend to client first before equipment. A, C and D are basis > Diarrhea is not a contraindication for oral temperature-taking
for establishing priorities in client care 11.) Which of the following nursing actions is inappropriate
3.) Which of the following is an incorrect statement of outcome when taking the rectal temperature?
procedure? A.) Assist client to assume lateral position
A.) Ambulates 30 feet with cane before discharge D.) Lubricate thermometer with water-soluble lubricant before
B.) Discusses fears and concerns regarding the surgical use
procedure during preoperative teaching C.) Hold the thermometer in place for 2 minutes
C.) Demonstrates proper coughing technique after the teaching D.) Instruct to strain during insertion of the thermometer
session ANS: D
D.) Reestablishes normal pattern of bowel elimination > Instructing client to strain during insertion of rectal
ANS: D thermometer is inappropriate. This may cause trauma to the
> Outcome criteria should be specific, measurable, attainable, anus.
realistic and time-bound. A, B and C are correct statements of 12.) The following are correct nursing actions when taking the
outcome criteria radial pulse EXCEPT:
--Assessing Health-- A.) Put the palms downward
4.) The primary factor responsible for body heat production is: B.) Use the thumb to palpate the artery
A.) Metabolism C.) Use two to three fingertips to palpate the pulse at the inner
B.) Release of thyroxine wrist
C.) Thyroxine output D.) Assess the pulse rate, rhythm, volume and bilateral equality
D.) Muscle activity ANS: B
ANS: A > Using the thumb when palpating pulse is incorrect nursing
> The primary factor responsible for body production is action. The thumb has strong pulsation and the nurse might be
metabolism counting her own pulse, instead of the client’s pulse
5.) The heat-regulating center is found in the: 13.) The difference between the systolic pressure and the
A.) Medulla oblongata diastolic pressure is:
B.) Thalamus A.) Apical rate
C.) Hypothalamus B.) Cardiac rate
D.) Pons C.) Pulse deficit
ANS: C D.) Pulse pressure
> The heat-regulating center is found in the hypothalamus ANS: D
6.) A process of heat loss which involves the transfer of heat > Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic pressure
from one surface to another is: and diastolic pressure.
A.) Radiation 14.) When measuring the blood pressure, the following are
B.) Conduction nursing considerations EXCEPT:
C.) Convection A.) Ensure that the client is rested
D.) Evaporation B.) Use appropriate size of BP cuff
ANS: B C.) Initiate and deflate BP cuff 2-3 mm Hg/sec
> Conduction is the process of heat loss which involves the D.) Read upper meniscus of mercury
transfer of heat from one surface to another ANS: D
7.) The following statements are true about body temperature > Reading the upper meniscus of mercury will yield inaccurate
EXCEPT: BP reading. BP reading is done by noting the level of the lower
A.) Core body temperature measures the temperature of deep meniscus of the mercury.
tissues 15.) The process involved in the exchange of gases in the
B.) Highest body temperature is usually reached between 8:00 lungs is:
P.M. to 12:00 M.N. A.) Diffusion
C.) Elderly people are at risk of hypothermia due to decreased B.) Osmosis
thermoregulatory controls and decreased subcutaneous fats C.) Hydrostatic pressure
D.) Sympathetic response stimulation decreases body heat D.) Oncotic pressure
production ANS: A
ANS: D > Diffusion is exchange of gases from an area of higher
> Is incorrect statement about body temperature. Sympathetic pressure to an area of lower pressure.
nervous system releases norepinephrine which increases 16.) The primary respiratory center is:
metabolic rate, thereby increases body heat production. A.) Medulla oblongata
8.) The client with fever had been observed to experience B.) Pons
elevated temperature for few days, followed by 1 to 2 days of C.) Carotid and aortic bodies
normal range of temperature. The type of fever he is D.) Proprioceptors
experiencing is: ANS: A
A.) Intermittent fever
B.) Relapsing fever
> The primary respiratory center is the medulla oblongata. It 25.) The following are independent nursing interventions for a
contains the central chemoreceptors that are stimulated by febrile client EXCEPT:
high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood A.) Administer paracetamol 500 mg. tab every 4 hours PRN for
17.) Which of the following primarily affects BP? temperature 38.5 C
A.) Age B.) Increase fluid intake
B.) Stress C.) Promote bed rest
C.) Gender D.) Keep the client’s clothing clean and dry
D.) Obesity ANS: A
ANS: B > Administration of antipyretic to a febrile client is dependent
> Stress is the primary factor that affects BP, because of nursing intervention, (not independent nursing intervention)
release of norepinephrine by the sympathetic nervous system. ------Basic Human Needs: Oxygenation----
18.) The following are social data about a client EXCEPT: 26.) The common opening between the respiratory and
A.) Patient’s lifestyle digestive system is:
B.) Religious practices A.) Pharynx
C.) Family home situation B.) Larynx
D.) Usual health status C.) Trachea
ANS: A D.) Bronchus
> Patient’s lifestyle is not a social data ANS: A
19.) The systematic manner of collecting data about the client > The common opening between the respiratory and digestive
by listening to body sounds with the use of stethoscope is: system is the pharynx
A.) Inspection 27.) The right lung has:
B.) Palpation A.) 2 lobes
C.) Percussion B.) 3 lobes
D.) Auscultation C.) 4 lobes
ANS: D D.) 5 lobes
> Auscultation is listening to body sounds with the use of ANS: B
stethoscope > The right lung has 3 lobes
20.) The following are appropriate nursing actions when 28.) The amount of air that remains in the lungs after forceful
performing physical health examination to a client EXCEPT: exhalation is:
A.) Ensure privacy of the client throughout the procedure A.) Functional residual capacity
B.) Prepare the needed articles and equipment before the B.) Residual volume
procedure C.) Tidal volume
C.) Assess the abdomen following this sequence: right lower D.) Minute volume
quadrants ANS: B
D.) When assessing the chest, it is best to place the client in > The amount of air that remains in the lungs after forceful
side lying exhalation is residual volume
ANS: D 29.) Cheyne-Stokes breathing is:
> This is incorrect nursing action. The best position when A.) Slow, shallow respirations which result to inadequate
assessing the chest is sitting or upright position. This allows alveolar ventilation
assessment of the anterior and posterior chest B.) Difficulty of breathing in reclining position
21.) Which of the following is inappropriate nursing action C.) Marked rhythmic waxing and waning of respirations from
when collecting clean-catch midstream urine specimen for very deep to very shallow breathing and temporary apnea
routine urinalysis? D.) Shallow breaths interrupted by apnea
A.) Collect early morning, first voided specimen ANS: C
B.) Do perineal care before collection of specimen > Cheyne-stokes breathing is marked waxing and waning of
C.) Collect 5-10 mls of urine respirations from very deep to very shallow breathing and
D.) Discard the first flow of urine temporary apnea
ANS: C 30.) The best position to promote maximum lung expansion is:
> This is inappropriate nursing action. For routine urinalysis, 3- A.) Supine
50 mls of urine specimen is required to yield accurate results B.) Retractions
22.) Which of the following nursing actions is incorrect when C.) Noisy breathing
performing Benedict’s test? D.) Semi fowler’s
A.) Collect 24-hour urine specimen ANS: D
B.) Ensure that Benedict’s solution remains unchanged after > The best position to promote maximum lung expansion is
heating it Semi-Fowler’s
C.) Add 8-10 drops of urine 31.) The characteristic manifestation of airway obstruction is:
D.) Interpret that the urine is negative for glucose when the A.) Bradypnea
color remains blue B.) Retractions
ANS: A C.) Noisy breathing
> This is incorrect nursing action. When performing Benedict’s D.) Tachypnea
test, collect second-voided urine specimen ANS: C
23.) Heat and acetic acid test is done to determine > The characteristic manifestation of airway obstruction is
A.) Presence of albumin in the urine noisy breathing.
B.) Presence of glucose in the urine 32.) The following are appropriate nursing interventions to
C.) Presence of ketones in the urine promote normal respiratory function EXCEPT:
D.) Presence of RBC in the urine A.) Adequate fluid intake
ANS: A B.) Minimize cigarette smoking
> Heat and acetic acid test is done to determine presence of C.) Deep breathing and coughing exercises
albumin in the urine. D.) Frequent change of position among bedridden clients
24.) Which of the following is correct nursing action when ANS: B
collecting urine specimen from a client with indwelling urethral > This is inappropriate nursing intervention to promote
catheter? respiratory function. Appropriate is avoid or quit cigarette
A.) Collect urine specimen from the urinary drainage bag smoking, not just to minimize it
B.) Detach the catheter from the connecting tube 33.) The initial manifestations of hypoxemia are
C.) Use sterile needle and syringe to aspirate urine specimen A.) Restlessness, tachycardia
from the drainage port B.) Dizziness, faintness
D.) Flush the catheter with sterile NSS before collection of C.) Headache, blurring of vision
urine specimen D.) Dyspnea, retractions
> When collecting urine specimen from a client with indwelling > The initial manifestations of hypoxemia are restlessness and
urethral catheter, collect urine specimen by using sterile needle tachycardia
and syringe to aspirate urine specimen from the drainage port.
34.) The following are appropriate nursing actions when D.) Lubricate nares with oil to prevent dryness of the mucous
performing percussion, vibration and postural drainage, membrane
A.) Verify doctor’s order > It is inappropriate to lubricate nares with oil when the client is
B.) Perform the procedure before meals and at bedtime receiving oxygen therapy. Oil ignites when exposed to
C.) provide good oral hygiene after the procedure compressed oxygen
D.) Each position during postural drainage should be assumed 43.) When assessing respiration, the nurse describes the
for 30 minutes following EXCEPT:
ANS: D A.) Rhythm
> This is inappropriate nursing action during chest B). Effort
physiotherapy. Appropriate is to assume each position during C.) Rate
postural drainage for 10 to 15 minutes D.) Depth
35.) Which of the following nursing actions is inappropriate ANS: C
when providing steam inhalation therapy? > When assessing respirations, the nurse should count the
A.) Check doctor’s order rate, not simply describe it.
B.) Cover the eyes with moist washcloth 44.) The small hair-like projections that line the
C.) Place the spout 3-4 inches away from the patient’s nose tracheobronchial tree, which sweep out debris and excessive
D.) Place the patient in semi-fowler’s position mucous from the lungs are called:
ANS: C A.) Cilia
> This inappropriate nursing action when providing steam B.) Vibrissae
inhalation therapy. Appropriate is to place the spout at least 12 C.) Macrophages
inches from the patient’s nose. D.) Goblet cells
36.) To be effective, steam inhalation should be rendered for at ANS: A
least: > Cilia are small hair-like projections that line the
A.) 5-10 minutes tracheobronchial tree
B.) 15-20 minutes 45.) The following are appropriate nursing diagnoses for clients
C.) 30-45 minutes with oxygenation problems:
D.) 60-70 minutes A.) Ineffective airway clearance related to tracheobronchial
ANS: B secretions
> To be effective, steam inhalation should be rendered for at B.) Ineffective breathing pattern related to decreased energy
least 15-20 minutes and fatigue
37.) The correct pressure of the wall suction unit when C.) Impaired gas exchange related to altered oxygen-carrying
suctioning an adult patient is: capacity of the blood
A.) 95-110 mm Hg D.) All of these
B.) 100-120 mm Hg ANS: D
C.) 50-95 mm Hg > All of these (A,B, and C) are appropriate nursing diagnoses
D.) 10-15 mm Hg for clients with oxygenation problems.
ANS: B ---Basic Human Needs: Nutrition----
> The correct pressure of the wall suction unit when suctioning 46.) The regulating center for fluid and food intake are located
an adult patient is 100-120 mm Hg in their
38.) Which of the following is inappropriate nursing action A.) Thalamus
when performing oropharyngeal suctioning? B.) Hypothalamus
A.) Place the client in semi-fowler’s or lateral position C.) Medulla oblongata
B.) Measure length of catheter from the tip of the nose to the D.) Pons
earlobe. ANS: B
C.) Lubricate suction catheter with alcohol > The regulating centers for food and fluid intake are found in
D.) Apply suction during withdrawal of the suction catheter tip: the hypothalamus
ANS: C 47.) The enzyme that initiates digestion of starch in the mouth
> When performing oropharyngeal suctioning, it is is:
inappropriate to lubricate catheter with alcohol. Alcohol may A.) Amylase
irritate mucous membrane of airways. Appropriate is, use B.) Sucrase
sterile water or sterile NSS. C.) Maltase
39.) The maximum time for applying suction is: D.) Lactase
A.) 5-10 seconds ANS: A
B.) 10-15 seconds > The enzyme that initiates digestion of starch in the mouth is
C.) 15-20 seconds salivary amylase
D.) 20-30 seconds 48.) Which of the following structure prevents gastric reflux?
ANS: B A.) Pyloric sphincter
> The maximum time for applying suction is 10 to 15 seconds. B.) Internal sphincter
This is to prevent hypoxia C.) Cardiac sphincter
40.) To evaluate effectiveness of suctioning, the nurse should D.) Sphincter of Oddi
primarily: ANS: C
A.) Auscultate the chest for clear breath sounds > The cardiac sphincter also known as lower esophageal
B.) Assess the respiratory rate sphincter prevents gastric reflux
C.) Check the skin color 49.) Which of the following nutrients remains in the stomach for
D.) palpate the pulse rate the longest period?
ANS: A A.) Fats
> To evaluate effectiveness of suctioning, the nurse should B.) Proteins
primarily auscultate the chest for clear breath sounds C.) Carbohydrates
41.) The oxygen administration device preferred for patients D.) Water
with COPD is: ANS; A
A.) Nasal cannula > Fats remains in the stomach for 4 to 6 hours; carbohydrates
B.) Oxygen tent for 1 to 2 hours; protein 3 to 4 hours
C.) Venturi mask 50.) The pancreatic enzyme which completes digestion of fats
D.) Oxygen hood is
ANS: C A.) Amylase
> Venturi mask is the preferred device for oxygen therapy B.) Lipase
among clients with COPD. C.) Trypsin
42.) Which of the following is not to be included in the nursing D.) Rennin
interventions for a client receiving oxygen therapy? ANS: B
A.) Place a “Non-smoking” sign at the bedside > Lipase is the pancreatic enzyme that completes digestion of
B.) Place the client in semi-fowler’s position fats
C.) Place sterile water into the oxygen humidifier 51.) Kwashiorkor is a condition characterized by:
A.) Calorie deficiency C.) 3-day diet recall
B.) Vitamin Deficiency D.) Eating style and habits
C.) Protein deficiency ANS: C
D.) Mineral deficiency > Dietary diary e.g. 3-day diet recall, is the best assessment
ANS: C parameter for adequacy of food intake
> Kwashiorkor is protein deficiency 62.) Prolonged deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to:
52.) Which of the following is most effective nursing measures A.) beriberi
to relieve anorexia EXCEPT: B.) Pernicious anemia
A.) Provide small, frequent feedings C.) Pellagra
B.) Remove unsightly articles from the patient’s unit D.) Peripheral neuritis
C.) Provide three full meals a day ANS: B
D.) Provide good hygienic measures > Prolonged Vit B12 deficiency results to pernicious anemia
ANS: A 63.) The vitamin necessary for absorption of calcium is:
> Providing small frequent feedings is most effective nursing A.) Vit D
measure to relieve anorexia B.) Vit A
53.) The following factors increase calorie requirements C.) Vit C
A.) Cold climate ANS: A
B.) Activity and exercise > Vit D promotes absorption of calcium
C.) Fever 64.) Vit. K is necessary for:
D.) sleep A.) Bone and teeth formation
ANS: D B.) Integrity of skin and mucous membrane
> Sleep reduces calorie requirement by 10 to 15% . A,B,and C C.) Blood coagulation
are factors that increase calorie requirement. D.) Formation of RBC
54.) The following are good sources of calcium EXCEPT: ANS: C
A.) Cheese > Vit K is necessary for blood clotting. Prolonged deficiency of
B.) Milk this vitamin leads to bleeding
C.) Soy products 65.) The following are signs and symptoms of dehydration
D.) Carbonated drinks EXCEPT:
ANS: D A.) Weight loss
> Carbonated drinks are not sources of calcium. A,B and C are B.) Decreased urine output
good sources of calcium. C.) Elevated body temperature
55.) Which of the following is the richest source of iron? D.) Elevated BP
A.) Mongo ANS: D
B.) Milk > Elevated BP is not a sign of dehydration. A,B,C are signs and
C.) Malunggay leaves symptoms of dehydration.
D.) Pechay 66.) The client is experiencing hypokalemia. Which of the
ANS: A following should be included in his diet?
> Among these choices, mongo (a legume) is the richest A.) Banana
source of iron. The richest source of iron is liver, next is lean B.) Milk
meat, then legumes, then green leafy vegetables C.) Cheese
56.) Which of the following is a good source of vitamin A? D.) Fish
A.) Eggs ANS: A
B.) Liver > Hypokalemia is low serum potassium level. Providing
C.) Fish potassium-rich foods like banana and other fresh fruits is
D.) Peanuts effective nursing intervention for this condition
ANS: B 67.) During insertion of NGT, which position is best assumed
> Liver is very good source of fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) by the client?
57.) The following may be given to relieve nausea and vomiting A.) Low-Fowler’s
EXCEPT: B.) Semi-Fowler’s
A.) Dry toast C.) High-Fowler’s
B.) Milk D.) Lateral
C.) Cold cola beverage ANS: C
D.) Ice chips > During insertion of NGT, the patient is best placed in high-
ANS: B Fowler’s position with neck hyperextended until the tube is in
> Milk does not relieve nausea and vomiting. A,B,C may relieve the oropharynx. Once the NGT is in the oropharynx, the client
nausea and vomiting is instructed to flex the neck and swallow, as the tube is
58.) The most life threatening complication of vomiting is: advanced.
A.) Aspiration 68.) The length of NGT to be inserted is correctly measured;
B.) Dehydration A.) From the tip of the nose to the umbilicus
C.) Fever B.) From the tip of the nose to the xiphoid process
D.) Malnutrition C.) From the tip of the nose to the earlobe to the umbilicus
ANS: A D.) From the tip of the nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid
> The most life-threatening complication of vomiting is process.
aspiration. It causes airway obstruction. ANS: D
59.) The vomiting center is found in the ________. > The length of NGT to be inserted is measured from the tip of
A.) Cerebellum the nose, to the earlobe, to the xiphoid process (N-E-X) which
B.) Hypothalamus is approximately 50cm
C.) Medulla Oblongata 69.) When inserting NGT, the neck should:
D.) Cerebrum A.) Flexed
ANS: C B.) Hyperextend
> The vomiting center in the Medulla Oblongata C.) Tilted to the left
60.) The best indicator of nutritional status of the individual is: D.) In neutral position
A.) Weight ANS: B
B.) Height > When inserting NGT, the neck is initially hyperextended
C.) Arm muscle circumference 70.) The most accurate method of assessing method of
D.) Adequacy of hair placement of NGT is:
ANS: A A.) Aspiration
> The best indicator of nutritional status is the weight B.) Testing the pH of gastric aspiration
61.) To assess the adequacy of food intake, which of the C.) X-ray study
following assessment parameters is best used? D.) Introduction of air into NGT and auscultate at the epigastric
A.) Food preferences and dislikes area.
B.) Regularity of meal times ANS: C
> The most accurate method of assessing placement of NGT is A.) Fruit juice
through X-ray. B.) Cabbage
71.) Which of the following is inappropriate nursing action C.) Meat
when administering NGT feeding? D.) Fish
A.) Assist the client in Fowler’s position ANS: B
B.) Introduce feeding slowly > To prevent flatulence, avoid gas-forming foods like cabbage
C.) Place the feeding 24 inches above the point of insertion of 81.) Which of the following antidiarrheal medications absorb
NGT gas or toxic substances from the bowel?
D.) Instill 60mls of water into the NGT after feeding A.) Demulcent
ANS: C B.) Cabbage
> During NGT feeding, the height of the feeding is 12 inches C.) Meat
above the point of NGT insertion, not 24 inches. If the height of D.) Fish
feeding is too high, this results to very rapid introduction of ANS: B
feeding. This may trigger nausea and vomiting. > Absorbent anti-diarrheal medications absorb gas or toxic
72.) The primary purpose of gastrostomy is: substances from the bowel
A.) For feeding 82.) The most common-side effect of overuse of laxatives is:
B.) For drainage A.) Diarrhea
C.) To prevent flatulence B.) Nausea and vomiting
D.) To prevent aspiration of gastric reflex C.) Constipation
ANS: A D.) Flatulence
> The primary purpose of gastrostomy is for feeding ANS: C
73.) The most important nursing action before gastrostomy > The most common side-effect of overuse of laxative is
feeding is: rebound constipation
A.) Check VS 83.) Which of the following should be included in the diet of the
B.) Assess for patency of the tube patient with diarrhea?
C.) Measure residual feeding A.) Banana
D.) Check for placement of the tube B.) Papaya
ANS: B C.) Pineapple
> The most important nursing action before gastrostomy D.) Avocado
feeding is to assess for patency of the tube. This is done by Ans: A
instilling 15-30 mls of water into the tube. > Banana should be included in the diet of the client with
74.) The primary advantage of gastrostomy feeding is: diarrhea. It is rich in potassium and it replaces potassium
A.) It ensures adequate nutrition losses due to diarrhea
B.) It prevents aspiration 84.) Which of the following fluids may be given to a client with
C.) It maintains integrity of gastro-esophageal sphincter diarrhea?
D.) It minimizes fluid-electrolyte imbalances A.) Milk
ANS: C B.) Coffee
> The primary advantage of gastrostomy feeding is, it C.) Tea
maintains the integrity of gastro-esophageal sphincter ( cardiac D.) Gatorade
sphincter) of the stomach ANS: D
75.) Vit B3 (Niacin) deficiency leads to: > Gatorade may be given to a client with diarrhea because it is
A.) Pellagra rich in potassium
B.) Beriberi 85.) Which of the following laxative increases the bulk of the
C.) Scurvy stool?
D.) Rickets A.) Colace
ANS: A B.) Metamucil
> Vitamin B3 (Niacin) deficiency leads to pellagra D.) Dulcolax
--Basic Human Needs: Bladder and Bowel & Elimination— D.) Duphalac
76.) Constipation is best described as: ANS: B
A.) Irregular passage of stool > Metamucil increases bulk of the stool and it provides
B.) Passage of stool every other day adequate mechanical stimulation for peristalsis
C.) Passage of hard, dry stool 86.) The following are appropriate nursing measures to relieve
D.) Seepage of liquid feces diarrhea EXCEPT:
ANS: C A.) Provide high-fiber diet
> Constipation is passage of hard, dry stool B.) Promote rest
77.) The accumulation of hardened, putty-like fecal mass at the C.) Include banana in the diet
rectum is D.) Avoid fatty or fried food
A.) Obstipation ANS: A
B.) Constipation > High fiber die stimulates peristalsis and therefore
C.) Tympanities inappropriate for a client with diarrhea
D.) Fecal impaction 87.) The following are solutions used as non-retention enema
> Fecal impaction is the accumulation of hardened, putty-like A.) Tap water
fecal mass at the rectum B.) Carminative enema
78.) The following are appropriate nursing measures to relieve C.) Normal Saline Solution
constipation EXCEPT: D.) Fleet Enema
A.) Include fruits and vegetables ANS: B
B.) Have adequate activity and exercise > Carminative enema is used for retention enema. A,C, and D
C.) Take laxatives at regular basis are solutions used as non-retention enema
D.) Answer immediately to the urge to defecate 88.) The medication that relieves flatulence is:
ANS: C A.) Imodium (Loperamide)
> Regular use of laxative is inappropriate nursing measures to B.) Plasil (Metochlopramide)
relieve constipation C.) Prostigmin (Neostigmine)
79.) Castor oil acts as a laxative by: D.) Colace ( Na Docussate)
A.) Providing chemical stimulation of the intestinal mucosa ANS: C
B.) Softening the stool > Prostigmin is cholinergic, so it stimulates peristalsis. It is
C.) Increasing the bulk of the stool used to relieve flatulence
D.) Lubricating the stool 89.) The best position of the adult client during enema
ANS: A administration is:
> Castor oil provides chemical stimulation to the intestinal A.) Left lateral
mucosa, to increase peristalsis and promote defecation B.) Supine
80.) Which of the following foods should be avoided by the C.) Right lateral
client prevent flatulence? D.) Semi-Fowler’s
ANS: A 99.) The best position for female during urinary catheterization
> Left lateral position is the best position for the adult client is:
receiving enema. This position facilitates the flow of the A.) Supine
solution into the colon by gravity B.) Dorsal recumbent
90.) Which of the following is inappropriate nursing action C.) Lateral
during rectal tube insertion to relieve flatulence? D.) Semi-Fowler’s
A.) Insert rectal tube for 3-4 inches ANS: B
B.) Use rectal tube size Fr.22-30 > Dorsal recumbent position is the best position during urethral
C.) Keep rectal tube in place for 45 minutes catheter insertion in a female client.
D.) Insert well-lubricated rectal tube in rotating motion 100.) The female urethral meatus is located:
ANS: C A.) Above the clitoris
> Keeping the rectal tube in place for 45 minutes is B.) Below the vaginal
inappropriate. Beyond 30 minutes rectal tube causes irritation C.) Between the clitoris and vaginal orifice
of the mucous membrane in the rectal area. D.) Between the vaginal orifice and anus
91.) The following are correct nursing actions when ANS: C
administering enema EXCEPT: > The female urethral meatus is located between the
A.) Provide privacy
B.) Introduce solution slowly
C.) Alternate NSS with tap water and soap suds
D.) Increase the flow rate of the enema solution if abdominal
cramps occur
> Increasing flow rate of enema solution if abdominal cramps
occur is inappropriate nursing action. Temporarily stop flow of
solution if abdominal cramps occur, until peristalsis relaxes.
92.) The functional unit of the kidneys is the:
A.) Glomerulus
B.) Bowman’s capsule
C.) Nephron
D.) Tubules
> The nephron is the unit of the kidney
93.) Which of the following initiates voiding?
A.) Valsalva maneuver
B.) Increased intraabdominal pressure
C.) Sympathetic response stimulation
D.) Parasympathetic response stimulation
> The PNS promotes contraction of the bladder and promotes
relaxation of urethral sphincter. Therefore, it initiates voiding.
94.) The following are normal characteristics of urine EXCEPT:
A.) Appears clear
B.) pH= 3.5
C.) Sp.Gr=1.020
D.) Amber
> Urine pH of 3.5 if too low. This indicates acidosis. The normal
pH of urine is slightly acidic, an average of 6
95.) Frequent scanty urination is:
A.) Urgency
B.) hesitancy
C.) Pollakuria
D.) Polyuria
> Pollakuria is frequent scanty urination
96.) The volume of urine in the bladder that triggers the urge of
an adult patient to void is:
A.) 50-100mls
B.) 100-200 mls
C.) 250-450 mls
D.) 500-600 mls
> 250-450 mls of urine in the bladder makes an adult client feel
the urge to void
97.) Which of the following is not as assessment finding in
urinary retention?
A.) Flat sound over the suprapubic area on percussion
B.) Smooth, firm ovoid mass at the suprapubic area
C.) Protrusion arising out the pelvis
D.) Frequent passage of small amount of urine
> Flat sound over the suprapubic area on percussion does not
indicate bladder distention. Accumulation of urine in the
bladder will produce dull sound
98.) Which of the following is most effective nursing measure
to relieve urinary retention?
A.) Allow the patient to listen to the sound of running water
B.) Dangle fingers in warm water
C.) Provide privacy
D.) Pour warm water over perineum
> providing privacy is the most effective nursing measure to
relieve urinary retention.

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