Answer in History of Mathematics

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Pre-Activity: “Anong Sentence To?”

Directions: Determine whether the given sentence is a declarative sentence, imperative

sentence, interrogative sentence, or exclamatory sentence. Write DEC, if it is a declarative

sentence; IMP, if it is an imperative sentence; INT, if it is an interrogative sentence; and EXC, if

it is an exclamatory sentence. Put your answer on the space provided before each number.

1. Please sit down. (IMP)

2. When are you going to turn in your writing assignment? (INT)

3. I got 90 on my book report! (EXC)

4. My instructor is cute. (DEC)

5. I need you to sit down now! (IMP)

6. I want to be a good writer. (DEC)

7. It is too dangerous to climb that mountain! (EXC)

8. Del loves Dolly. (DEC)

9. Do you know what the weather will be tomorrow? (INT)

10. Jonalyn is beautiful. (DEC)


Directions: Consider the following circuit. Answer the following questions. Write your answer on

a separate sheet of paper. (Note: In the circuit the warning light will turn on only when switching

network is closed.)

1. What is the symbolic form of the switching network?

2. For each of the following conditions, determine whether the warning light will be on or off.

a. P is closed and Q is open.

b. P is open and Q is closed.

c. P is closed and Q is closed.

d. P is open and Q is open.

An engineer thinks that the following circuit can be used in place of the Circuit A. Do you agree?


A. Write each symbolic statement as an English sentence. Use p, q, r, s, and t as defined below.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

p: Taylor Swift is a singer.

q:Taylor swift is a not a songwriter.

r: Taylor swift is an actress.

s: Taylor Swift plays the piano.

t:Taylor Swift does not play the guitar.

1. (p V r) ᴧ q

Tailor Swift is a singer or an actress, and she is not a song writer.

2. p ⇒ ( q ᴧ ~r)

If Taylor Swift is a singer, then she is not a song writer and she is not an actress.

3. (r ᴧ p) ⇔ q

Taylor swift is an actress and a singer, if and only if she is not a song writer.

4. (s ᴧ ~q) ⇒t

If Taylor Swift plays the piano and she is not a song writer, then she does not play the

5. t⇔ (~r ᴧ ~p)

Taylor Swift does not play the guitar, if and only if she is not an actress and she is not singer.
B. Write each sentence in symbolic form. Use p, q, r, and s as defined below. Write your answer

on a separate sheet of paper.

p:Stephen Curry is a football player.

q:Stephen Curry is a basketball player.

r:Stephen Curry is a rock star.

s:Stephen Curry plays for the Warriors.

1. Stephen Curry is a football player or a basketball player, and he is not a rock star.

(p V q) ᴧ ~r

2. Stephen Curry is a not rock star, and he is a basketball player or a football player.

~r (ᴧ q V P)

3. If Stephen Curry is a basketball player and a rock star, then he is not a football player.

(q ᴧ r) ⇒ ~q

4. Stephen Curry is a basketball player, if and only if he is not a football player and he is not a

rock star.

q⇔ (~p ᴧ ~r)

5. It is not true that, Stephen Curry is a football player or a rock star.

~(p ∨ r)

C. Illustrate the truth value of the following statements using the truth table. Write your answer

on a separate sheet of paper.





D. Write the negation of each quantified statement. Start each negation with “Some,” “No,” or

“All.” Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Some lions are playful.

All lions are playful.

2. Some dogs are not friendly.

3. All classic movies were first produced in black and white.

Some classic movies were first produced in black and white.

4. Everybody enjoyed the dinner.

Some enjoyed the dinner.

5. No even numbers are odd numbers.

Some even numbers are odd numbers.

6. Some actors are not rich.

All actors are not rich.

7. All cars run on gasoline.

Some cars run on gasoline.

8. None of the students took my advice.

Some student took my advice.

9. All bears are brown.

Some bears are brown.

10. Some girls are not smart.

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