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of Contents
Chapter 1 JavaScript Introduction Chapter 2 Syntax Chapter 3 Components of a
statement Chapter 4 Computer memory Chapter 5 Data Types Chapter 6
Functions Chapter 7 Conditional Statements Chapter 8 Loops Chapter 9 Arrays
Foreward What makes me qualified to write a book on JavaScript?

I am a full-stack web developer who has been working in the industry for many years. The term full-stack
simply means that I am experienced in bringing a product from concept all the way to completion. I have
worked as a lonely contractor and worked my way up into the corporate world.

As a web developer I have worked with front end and back end languages. JavaScript, which is a front
end scripting language, has become one of my strongest assets.

My experience with JavaScript and understanding how it fits in the bigger picture of web development
makes me uniquely qualified to write this book.
Who should you read this book?

This book is meant for those who have a basic understanding of HTML, but know nothing about
JavaScript. This book will focus on JavaScript fundamentals. This book is a completely separate course
for those looking to learn JavaScript.

Why should you read this book instead of the countless JavaScript books out on the market?

This fundamentals course has cut out a lot of the extra stuff that tends to distract beginners from learning
JavaScript. If you want a course that presents the material with a focus on eliminating convoluted
concepts better suited for a more advanced course then this book is for you. By the end of this course you
will be able to code JavaScript, but more importantly you will understand the underlying foundation of
JavaScript. Ultimately, understanding JavaScript fundamentals will make you a better programmer and
open you up to even more opportunities in the work place.
Chapter 1
JavaScript Introduction
What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a scripting language that can be used to make web pages interactive.
JavaScript is not a programming language. Programming languages are compiled from a higher level
human readable language into machine code. Instead, JavaScript is interpreted by web browsers, like
Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. So instead of directly compiling into code that the
computer can understand, JavaScript is interpreted. This means that different browsers may interpret the
script differently than others. This is a common obstacle web developers have to deal with when
attempting to create cross browser solutions.

JavaScript is not the only thing the browsers interpret. In fact HTML, and CSS are also interpreted by the
browser. These 3 languages are considered client side languages. This is because these languages are
interpreted on the client side machine opposed to the web server. Other languages are processed by the
web server; these are known as "Server Side" languages. In fact, server side languages are processed
before the server "serves" the web page to the browser, while client side scripts are processed after the
browser receives the served web page. This means that the server is not slowed down by executing
JavaScript commands. JavaScript is a great way to add logic to your website without eating up server

JavaScript uses syntax similar to other languages you may have heard of: like C#, C++, and Java. Even
though the syntax is similar, I would like to note that JavaScript is exactly like those other languages.
While this is more of an advanced concept, JavaScript is known as a prototypal language. For the purpose
of this fundamentals course it is enough to know that it is unique. Ultimately, instructions are written in
either procedural form (in sequential order, step by step), functional form (encapsulating reusable
sections of code inside a function), or a mix of the two. We will talk more about this later on in the
JavaScript code editors
You do not need special software to work with JavaScript. In fact you can write JavaScript in any
standard notepad or word processing software, many of which come preinstalled on your computer.
While these programs are sufficient for writing JavaScript, there are some more robust web development
software programs that can be better used to code in JavaScript. Many of these are offered completely
free. One of these is notepad ++, a free web development program that offers tools like syntax
highlighting, macros that allow you to record actions and then replay them at the push of a button, and
even third party plugins for added extensibility.

Notepad ++ is the program that I have chosen to use when taking screenshots of code examples. This does
not mean that this is the best web development software available. I chose it because it is FREE, very
simplistic with a low learning curve, fast because it is not bloated with extra bells and whistles,
customizable with plugins and extensive preferences. Another very important reason I chose this software
is because it is open source, meaning that it has a community of developers constantly working on
improving it. I personally prefer using open source software as a philosophical position. With all of that
being said, Notepad ++ does not have the greatest UI design, and looks very much like it was build 2
decades ago. Many good developers have chosen to use different software simply because of how ugly
Notepad ++ looks. No one wants to looks like they are behind the times.

Notepad ++ is only for windows operating systems, which means a large portion of the web development
community will not be able to use this software. For this reason I would like to mention a few other web
development programs that are commonly used in the industry. Atom, which is another free open source
code editor with a modern UI. It is supported on all major operating systems. Atom is a great code editor.
You may be asking why I didn’t use Atom instead of notepad ++. The main reason is that is a fundamentals
course, focused on teaching JavaScript basics without encumbering my readers with a large number of
extra features. This means that I consider all of cool modern features that come preloaded in Atom a
distraction during this fundamentals course.

Another very common software that is used across the industry is Adobe Dreamweaver. This is not a free
program neither is it open source. It does offers a great deal of tools to assist web development. Among
which is a more visual coding environment, with drag and drop features. While I understand why many
people prefer to use this software, I have found this program to be very slow and bloated. Code generated
by Dreamweaver tends to be bloated as well, and the code format is not always industry standard. I
would not recommend Dreamweaver.

It is also important to note that enterprise level organizations that incorporate more robust team
development methods, like agile development, will use advanced development software. The most
common software in this case is Visual Studio, which is also not free nor open source. Of all of the paid
coding environments commonly used across the industry, this is the most powerful.

No matter which code editor you use, JavaScript is the same. I encourage you to investigate the many
options that are available to you, and pick the code editor that best fits your needs as a developer. There
are no right or wrong choices. JavaScript can coded in all of them. Once you have made your decision,
you will need to download and install your editor.
Client side web development workflow
Now that you have a code editor I would like to discuss the basic workflow you will experience when
following the examples found in this book. JavaScript can be run directly from your local machine. Well,
most of JavaScript can be run locally that is. What do I mean when I say “run from your local machine”
you may be asking yourself? You see, web development requires you to eventually put your code on a
web server. This “server” is a computer that makes itself available to other computers across the internet.
A web server receives requests from outside computers. The server then responds to those requests by
serving them a web page. This is why they are called servers.

Think of them as waiters at a restraint. A guest sits down, and looks at the menu. When they are ready they
request something from the menu. The waiter receives the request and then goes to the kitchen to gather
the items the guest has requested. Once the waiter gathers all of the requested items they serve them to the
guest. In the same way a web server receives requests from guests, and then gathers the requested items
serving them up to the guest. This is a simplified explanation of how a web users makes a request for a
web page and how the web server responds by serving up the requested page.

Like I mentioned earlier, JavaScript can run locally. This means that you do not have to have your code on
a web server for you to see it. While you can view it locally, no one else across the inter webs can see it.
For this reason, working locally is one of the best ways to review as is it gives you a chance to review
your code before it is deployed to a web server.

Ultimately, for others to enjoy your awesome JavaScript your code needs to be deployed to a web server.
However, the basic concepts of JavaScript can be illustrated without delving into to nuances of how to get
your code on to a web server. As web deployment is a more advanced topic, it reaches beyond the scope
of this fundamentals course. For the purpose of this fundamentals course the examples in this course have
been optimized to run locally.

The JavaScript code in this book is written inline, which is to say that it is in the same file as the HTML
markup. This is definitely not the best practice, but it is the easiest way to illustrate JavaScript basics. I
do not recommend coding inline. Once you have mastered the basic concepts of JavaScript I recommend
looking into JavaScript best practice. This will include writing your JavaScript code in external js files.
This allows you to keep you static HTML markup clear of dynamic code. Keeping these separate is very
advantageous. While this is the true, it is one more thing that can distract someone who is just starting on
their JavaScript journey. For this reason I have decided to go against convention and common sense in
order to better teach the basics of JavaScript.

Your first JavaScript web page
Now that you have a very basic grasp of what JavaScript is let’s make our very first web page. Start by
creating a blank text file, with the “.html” file extension instead of the “.txt” file extension. Type the
following into the html page.

This is the basic HTML 5 structure. Next add a script tag into the body of the page at line 7. This will be
the container in which we will write our JavaScript.

Between the open and closing script tag on line 7 we will begin to write our script. Traditionally the first
program beginners are instructed to write is a hello world program. This is a program that simply writes
the phrase "Hello World" to the screen. In JavaScript this can be done multiple ways, but the easiest is
using a built in function in JavaScript called “alert.” This is a function that has 1 parameter, and it creates
a pop up alert window and displays the content of the passed parameter inside that pop up. Let's take a
look at the hello word script (fig. 3).

This is all it takes to write your first JavaScript web page. If you were to save this file with the html
extension and run it in your browser you would notice a pop up that said "Hello World" (fig. 4). To run
this you can either double click on the html file or drag and drop this file into an open web browser.
Chapter 2
If you search the word "syntax" in google you will get the following quick definition.

Ultimately, syntax describes how a computer language forms an instruction. Let’s take a look at our hello
world script as our example. For now we will be focusing only on the portion written between the script
tag, line 8.

Remember that our hello word web page had only 1 instruction. It told the browser to create a pop up
alert window with the text "Hello World" in it. A single instruction is knownas a statement. In
JavaScript statements end in a semicolon. Statements can instruct the browser to do a wide variety of
things, like define a variable, assign a value to a variable, call a function, check to see if a condition is
met, and much more. For now focus on the order of the words in the statement.
Well-formed statements
What do you think would happen if we moved the location of the semicolon to be between the function
name and the parameter list? This is a great example to try for yourself.

If you created the above webpage and opened it with your browser your browser would not have created
the pop up alert as it did before. This is because the statement is not well formed, as the semicolon was
in the wrong place. If you were to take the words in this sentence and move them around at random the
sentence would no longer have the same meaning. In fact the sentence would likely be gibberish, and hold
no meaning at all. An important fact to remember is that computer's don't do very well with gibberish.
When a human reads a nonsensical sentence, like the following, they can skip over it: "gibberish very
well do don’t computer’s with."

However, when computers read gibberish they are unable to skip past the nonsensical instructions. When
this happens, the program usually experiences an error which causes it to stop reading all together. This
concept of having well-formed instructions, is important if you want to have code that will run from
beginning to end without any errors. We will cover debugging JavaScript later in this course, but for now
try to understand that the order in which an instruction is constructed (syntax) is vital.
JavaScript ignores whitespace, the empty space between parts of a statement. Whitespace is comprised of
spaces, tabs, and line break character. However, please note that whitespace inside a quotation, also
known as a string literal, is not ignored. To illustrate how JavaScript ignores whitespace, let us
compare some JavaScript statements.

Notice in line 1 we have our hello world script. I have duplicated this line 2 times and added in some
whitespace. In line 2 there are spaces and tabs between the word "alert" and the string literal warped in
parenthesis, as well as the semicolon. On lines 3 and 4 a carriage return was entered between the word
"alert" and the remainder of the statement. All three of these statements are identical to JavaScript.
Case Sensitive
JavaScript is a case sensitive language. This means that JavaScript detects if a letter in part of a statement
is upper case or lower case. A lower case letter is not the same as an uppercase letter, and by simply
changing the case of the letter you are ultimately telling JavaScript a completely different instruction. This
primarily affects how you name things in JavaScript, and is the bane of many a programmer. Often time
bugs in code are simply a letter in the wrong case, and can be hard to detect as our minds tend to skip
over the case of a letter.
Code Blocks
Sometimes statements need to be grouped together, as in a function or when dealing with conditions.
When grouping statements together they are wrapped in curly braces "{" and "}".

If we look at lines 8 to 11 we can see our first custom function, which contains 2 statements. We are not
ready for functions just yet, but notice how lines 9 and 10 are wrapped with the curly braces (end of line
8 and beginning of line 11). This means that the statements are grouped together. Any time that this
function is called, it will perform all the statements in the group in sequential order. Code blocks are
essentially what they sound line, block of code that are grouped together.

Often times it is the case the fixing errors is a way of life for programmers. Like with any craft, the better
you know your tools the better you will be at using them. These 4 concepts of JavaScript syntax will be
useful in writing code without errors.
Chapter 3
Components of a statement
There are 5 components of a JavaScript statement: Values, Expressions, Operators, Keywords, and
There are two types of values in JavaScript. We mentioned a string literal in our last lesson. A string
literal is the value of a string represented literally. Similarly, a literal value is the value of a specific
data type represented literally. All value types can be represented in literal form. Values can also be
stored in the computer’smemory, in a placeholder called a variable.

In most programming languages, including JavaScript, you have to declare your intent to store data in
memory by associating it with an identifier. This is known as declaring a variable, and ultimately it
allows the computer to set aside a predetermined amount of space to be used as a storage container for
data. It is also important to point out at this point that values are represented in memory as different data
types. Primarily a data type defines how much memory a value takes up. We will cover this in greater
detail later on.

Literal values cannot change. The number 7 is a literal number value. It will always be of the numerical
value 7. It will never be equal to 8, neither will it be equal to the string value of "seven." Literal values
are often used when setting the starting value of a variable, a practice called initializing a variable.

Unlike literal values, variables can change. If I were to declare a variable called myVariable and
initialize it at a value of 7, I could later assign that same variable a different value. Let’s take a look at
what literal values and variables look like in JavaScript.

Notice on line 9 we are setting the value of myVariable to be equal to the numerical value 7. Immediately
after that, in line 10, we are setting myVariable equal to 8. The value that is stored in memory starts off as
7 but will be 8 when the script is done.
An expression is part of a statement that returns a value or evaluates to a value. A statement can contain 1
or more expressions in it. Expressions contain operands and operators. An expression is a shorthand
function that performs an operation on operands. The shorthand has a left hand operand, an operator, and
then a right hand operand. In the Expression A + B: A is the left hand operand, B is the right hand operand,
while + is the operator.

The following are example expressions: 1 + 1 is an expression that returns the numerical value 2.

1 > 2 is an expression that evaluates to a Boolean value false.

"Hello " + "World" is an expression that returns the string value "Hello World".
An Operator is used to indicate which operation should be performed in an expression. There is another
factor that determine what operation is performed, and that is the data type of the operands. If A and B
were both numerical values then the + operator would indicate an operation of addition. If either the A or
B operands were of type string this would indicate anoperation of concatenation (combining multiple
strings together). For an exhaustive list of operators I suggest using as a reference.
Keywords are reserved words that have specific meaning to the JavaScript language. The keywords
cannot be used as identifiers, as they already are associated with elements at the core of the language
itself. In our previous example (fig. 1) we were already using a keyword to declare our intention of
storing a value in memory. Notice on line 8 the keyword var , which is short for variable. We use var to
declare a variable in JavaScript. We will go over specific keywords as they naturally are of use to us
during this fundamental.
Comments are lines of text that in JavaScript that are not executed by the computer. They are used to
explain complex code. There are two ways of inserting comments in JavaScript. The double forward
slash // at the beginning of a comment will make all text that appears after it on the same line a comment.
You can also wrap text with the /* and */ characters to mark all text between them as a comment. This
method of commenting, unlike the first, persists beyond the end of a line and can span multiple lines.
Tying it all together
You may be asking yourself why you would want to store a value in memory. Let’stake a look at a more
practical script to illustrate the usefulness of variables (fig. 2)

In the above script we are declaring a variable called myName. Next we are calling the function prompt.
Prompt is a built in JavaScript function that will show a popup window with a text box and a question or
prompt to the user. Once the user enters in their response in the text box and clicks the "Ok" button the
value that the user typed is returned. We are then assigning our variable myName to be equal to the value
that the prompt function returned. The script continues to the next statement, which calls the alert function.
We are familiar with what the alert function does, but notice how I am concatenating (combining) the two
string values together. What do you think will appear in the alert box?

When I opened this page and filled out the prompt with my name it remembered what I typed in. It then
used that value in a later instruction to alert the welcome message "Hello, Brennien Coker” to the popup I
have presented the all the components of a statement. While this lesson was a bit lengthier than previous
lessons I am confident that your brain did not melt. Feel free to wear shirts that gloat of your programming
Chapter 4
Computer memory
In the last lesson we said that values are stored in memory as different data types, and that this is what
determines the amount of memory that is used to do so. Let’s take a moment to understand how a computer
stores values in memory.
Decimal System
In modern times we represent number values with the decimal system. These are numbers as commonly
used in your everyday life, and the numerical characters are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The decimal
system uses a base of 10, which means that a single digit can represent 10 unique values.

In order to represent a value larger than the 10th character, which is the number 9, you will need to use 2
digits. For example 9 + 1 = 10. Notice that the number 10 is represented by 2 digits. Now we don't
typically look at numbers this way. Most of us have learned to do this so well it is all automatic, but let’s
take a look at how the value is represented by the decimal system.

The value of each digit is calculated by a basic formula, and then those values are added together at the
end. First we look at each digit like it is a list written from right to left. The first thing we need is the
digit's position in the list. To calculate the digit's position we count to that digit starting from the right
most digit, and then subtract 1. We do this because we were taught to count starting from the number 1, but
the first numerical character is actually 0. This gives us the digit's actual position. We then raise the base
(which is 10) to the power of the digit's position. This gives us the base of the digit. We Next we multiply
the digit base by the digit value. This gives us the value that particular digit represents. We do this for all
the digits, and add their values together.

Take the decimal value 10 as example, the left most digit is the 2nd position in the list. 2 minus 1 give us
the digit's actual position which is 1. The decimal system base 10 to the power of 1 is equal to 10. 10
times 1 is 10. The next digit in the list is in the 1st position. The digit's actual position is 0. The base 10 to
the power of 0 equals 1. 1 times 0 equals 0. Finally we add all of the digit values together. 10 plus 0
equals 10. Let’s write this out so we can see this easier.

10 = 1 * (10^1) + 0 *(10^0) simplified to 10 + 0 = 10

Binary System
Computers work in a similar system to represent values, with 1 major difference. Instead of using a base
of 10 it has a base of 2. This system is called the binary system, and its numerical characters are 0 and
1. A single character in binary is called a bit. In order to represent the value of 10 you need 4 bits.

10 = 1 * (2^3) + 0 * (2^2) + 1 * (2^1) + 0 * (2^0) simplified to 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10

This indicates to us that 10 is represented as 1010 in the binary system. Computers group 8 bits together,
much like we group letters to form a word. Groups of 8 bits are called a byte, which is the next standard
unit of measure in computer memory.

With a single byte, you can represent 256 unique values. How do you think we represent values that are
greater than 256? We group bytes together, of course. Data types are standardized groupings of bytes that
can be used to store a variety of values. Before we discuss the different data types there is one more key
feature of data types that needs to be understood, and that is non numerical values.
Non Numerical Values
Non numerical values are stored in memory using the binary system. However non numerical values are
translated from a numerical value into some other type of value. Textual values, or enumerated values for
example. During translation the computer uses a predefined key to determine what the numerical value
should be represented by. The key associates specific numerical values to specific non numerical values.
This is most common in the non-numerical value char (short for character). Char values store a single
letter of text. Most programming languages use char values and translate them using the ASCII key. The
ASCII key is a standardized key that associates common text characters to numerical values. For example,
the ASCII key associates the decimal value of 65 with the "A" symbol, and the decimal value of 97 with
the "a" symbol.
Chapter 5
Data types
There are 6 data types in JavaScript: Boolean, Number, String, Null, Undefined, and Object. The first
5 are said to be primitive data types, while the last is a composite data type. In today's lesson we will
be going over the first 3 primitive types. Burt first let’s do a quick review of what we know about data
types already.

If you remember in lesson 3 I mentioned that you need to declare your intent to store a value by
associating it with an Identifier. This process is knownas declaring a variable. This is done using the
var keyword in JavaScript. The keyword var is short for "variable", and is followed by the variable's
identifier. It is like telling JavaScript "Hey JavaScript! Create a variable with the following name."

Once a variable is declared a value can then be assigned to it. The process of setting the initial value of a
variable is called initializing the variable. We use the assignment operator = in JavaScript to assign a
value to a variable. This is like telling JavaScript "Hey JavaScript! Create a variable with the following
name and then assign it the following value."

In JavaScript you can combine the declaration and initialization processes into one statement.

Note that the variable will conform to the data type of the value assigned to it.
The JavaScript Boolean data type is a non-numerical value, thattranslates a single bit from a 1 or a 0 to
true or false respectively.
The JavaScript Number data type is a numerical value that is stored using 64 bits. Notice that the
JavaScript number is a double precision signed floating point. This means that not all 64 of the binary
characters are used strictly to represent the value. In fact bits 0 to 51 describe up to a 17 digit decimal
value. Bits 52 to 62 are used to represent an exponent that the decimal value is raised to. The 63 bit is
used to describe the sign of the value, which is to say whether the value is positive or negative. Given this
information, we are told that JavaScript's Number data type can be used to store values as large as
9,007,199,254,740,992 or as small as -9,007,199,254,740,992. It can also handle decimals precise up to
17 decimal spaces, for example 0.00000000000000001 is the most precise numerical value JavaScript's
number data type can represent. If you try to assign a value that is larger or greater, or even more precise
than what the JavaScript Number data type can represent the web browser may throw an error.
The JavaScript String data type is a list of characters. If you remember from our previous lesson we
discussed characters. Characters are non-numerical values that use the ASCII key to translate a numerical
value into a textual character. A character is 8 bits (1 byte) of memory which can represent 256 unique
values. A string is a list of these characters. We will discuss lists and arrays later in this fundamental, but
for now the thing to walk away with is that, theoretically, there is no limit to how many characters can be
in the list. It can be a list with only 1 character in it, or a list of hundreds of characters in it.

Today we covered the 3 most common JavaScript primitive variables. These are the bread and butter of
the JavaScript world. With these 3 data types you will be able to write just about anything. There is much
more to cover, but take a moment to recognize that you have made it through 5 fundamental JavaScript
lessons. If I could commemorate this moment with a trophy or a colored belt I would. Perhaps you can
celebrate your cerebral achievement by starting this day with a fresh cup of coffee, or tea. Go ahead; you
have my permission to feel accomplished!
Special data types
The Null and Undefined data types are sometimes called special data types. This is because the value they
represent is always the same value. For example, if you were to declare a variable and initialize it to a
string value that variable would conform the string data type. You could later assign that same variable a
different string value. This is because the String, as well as the Number and Boolean, data types area able
to represent a variety of values.
The Null data type is used to represent a value of nothing. There is only one null value, unlike the other
data types.

When are you likely to work with a null value? Let’s say you wanted to create a function that would
iterate through a collection of objects and return all the objects that are not equal to a specific object for
example. Normally this function would return a collection that is a subset of the original list, but what
would happen if the original collection only contained a bunch of that specific object. As the code iterated
through the collection it would skip all of the items because they all match. There would be nothing to
return. In that case, null would be returned.

It is important to note that JavaScript has a well know bug with regard to the Null data type. The typeof
operator is used to determine what data type a variable is, however, it returns "object" as the type for
null. This is unfortunate, as null is considered its own data type.
Much like Null, the Undefined data type can only represent one value. There is a difference between the
nothingness of null and the value of undefined. The undefined value represents something that has no
value. It is more like a placeholder value that stands in the place of values that should exist but for one
reason or another they do not.

After a variable is declared but before it is initialized that variable is of the data type Undefined, and has
the value undefined. This is the most common occurrence of the undefined value. Once a value of a
different data type is assigned to the variable, it conforms to that data type and stores that value. The
undefined value is useful when checking to see if a function parameter was omitted. Instead of throwing
an error, JavaScript will assign the variable the value undefined. Also, if a function does not explicitly
return a value it will return the value undefined. Another way the value undefined is commonly
experienced, is when you try to access an object's property that does not exist. Most other languages
would throw an error, but JavaScript instead returns the value undefined.
Objects are central to object oriented programming (OOP), and JavaScript is a form of OOP. In the real
world we are surrounded by objects and OOP is a way of taking concepts about the real world and
applying them to the world of code. For example, an apple in the real world is an object. This apple has
traits (attributes) that define what it is, like: shape, color, taste, size, weight, age, etc. This apple is
different than all other apples in that it is a uniquely separate object (Identity). Even if you could
duplicate this apple, and create an exact copy, this apple is not that apple. This apple can do stuff
(behavior), like grow on a tree for example. While the deeper concepts of OOP are outside the scope of
this fundamentals course it is important to note these three features of an object: Identity, Attributes, and

Essentially objects are a collection of variables and functions, called properties and methods
respectively. We have yet to cover functions, but we have mentioned them on occasion thus far. It is
enough to know for now that functions are used to perform a reusable code, we will cover them in the next
lesson. These properties and methods describe to JavaScript what a particular object is. Let’s take a look
at an example object.
In the example above notice in lines 8 to 14 we are declaring a variable and initializing it with a value.
The value is wrapped in the curly braces { and }. This indicates to JavaScript that the value is of the type
Object. Inside the curly braces we have a list of variables and values separated by a comma. Each
variable has a name identifying it, a colon which acts as an assignment operator, the variables initial
value. Notice that each of the objects properties omit the var keyword, this is the syntax for declaring
properties of an object and it differs from declaring a variable. You can access the object properties by
placing a period after the object identifier followed by the property identifier. Also notice in line 22 we
are accessing a property that was not declared and the value that is returned in undefined.

With JavaScript objects you can start turning real world objects into digital objects. With a little bit of
motivation you could even create a matrix simulation of the real world. Just remember to take the blue pill
Neo! Check back tomorrow for as we will cover functions.
Chapter 6
Functions allow you to encapsulate a code block, essentially wrapping it up in a capsule that separates
the code inside from the code outside. This capsule of code can be called multiples times and in different
locations, each time the encapsulated code will execute. Calling a function is just 1 line of code, even
though the function’s code block may be calling hundreds of lines of code. Imagine you had a process that
was 5 steps long, and you wanted to be able to perform that process multiple times in various locations in
your code. You could write the 5 step process in each location, but this is tedious to write. It also makes
this code hard to manage. If you needed to update the 5 step process and insert a step between steps 1 and
2, you would have to touch each location to make the update. If you encapsulate this process into a
function you only have to update it once. To update the encapsulated code you simply change the code
inside the function, which will in turn be the code that is executed each time the function is called.

Encapsulation requires that the variables declared inside the encapsulated code block be completely
separated from the variables declared outside of the function. This necessary feature of encapsulation is
called Scope. Scope is a concept that determines which variables and functions are visible in a given
code block. Code that is written outside of all other functions is said to be globally scoped, and therefore
visible to all other scopes. However, a code block that has been encapsulated in a function is in essence
in a different scope. If you were to call a function from within another function, the variables defined in
each function would be in different scopes, and therefore not visible to one another.

Sometimes you may want to allow some variables outside of the function to pass into the function code
block so that that variable value can be acted upon. Functions allow you explicitly list variables that
should be allowed to enter into the functions code block. This list is called the parameter list. A
parameter is a variable placeholder that can be filled when the function is called.

We will cover the 4 ways functions are commonly used in JavaScript: declared function, function
expression, immediately-invoked function expression, and a method.
Declared Function
The most common form of the function is the declared function. A declared function starts with the
keyword function followed by the function identifier. Next is a comma separated parameter list wrapped
in parenthesis. Finally the function’s code block wrapped in curly bracers. Let’s take a look at a declared
function that has 2 parameters. We will multiply parameter1 by parameter2 and return the result.

Notice that line 15 is making a call to the function we declared and is passing 9 and 9 as values for the
two parameters. If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following
Function Expression
The function expression is a less common form of a function then the declared function. However, function
expressions can be very powerful. Function expressions allow you to overwrite previous
implementations of a function. This technique is outside the scope of this fundamental course. It is
sufficient to know how to write a function expression.

Notice the difference on line 9. First you declare a variable, giving it the identifier that you will use to
call the function. You then use the assignment operator to assign a function to the variable with the
function keyword. Notice that after the function keyword we have omitted the function identifier. This is
because the identifier is already stated, it is the identifier associated with the variable. Next is the
parameter list and function block, the same as with a declared function. If you were to save this page and
load it in your browser you would get the following alert.
Immediately-Invoked Function Expression
In our last two examples we have been calling the function later on in the code. What if you wanted to call
the function as it were being declared? In these rare cases you would use an immediately-invoked
function expression or IIFE (pronounced “if-fee”). IFFE’s are most commonly used to do something on
page load, as soon the code is reached in the sequential order, it will perform it’s code block. Now of
course this can also be done using declared functions, and function expressions as well, but the IFFE uses
less lines of code. Let’s take a look at an IFFE.

First of all notice how fewer lines of code are required when compared to our first two examples. It is 1
line shorter, and does exactly the same thing. An IFFE is essentially a function expression wrapped in
parenthesis and immediately followed by a comma separated value list wrapped in parenthesis. This
value list contains the values that will be passed as the function’s parameters. Because this function
returns a value we need to capture that returned value. Notice in Line 9 we are first declaring a variable
and then assigning it the value that the function returns using the assignment operator. Next we see a
function expression wrapped in parenthesis, directly followed by a value list. If you were to save this
page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.
If you remember I mentioned that objects can store variables and functions called properties and methods
respectively. This means that methods are functions that are declared inside of objects. Methods are a
useful way to assign action to an object, which will tie the function to the object’s scope instead of the
global scope. A method has similar form as the function expression, but instead of using the normal
assignment operator (=) the colon (:) serves as assignment operator instead.

Notice in line 9 of this example we are declaring an object, and inside of that object we are declaring a
method using the colon assignment operator followed by a function expression. In order to call a method
you must first start with the object. This is because the method is tied to the scope of the object and not the
global scope. In essence, to access the object’s scope you use the object’s identifier followed by a period
(.) and then the property or method within that objects scope. Notice in line 17 we are declaring a
variable and initializing it the value returned from the method inside the objects scope. If you were to
save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.
Chapter 7
Conditional Statements
A conditional statement executes a code block only when a specific condition is met. First a conditional
statement defines the condition that needs to be met. Next it defines the code block that is to be executed.
When the conditional statement is evaluated and the condition is met the associated code block is
executed. When a conditional statement is evaluated and the condition is not met, the code block is

The condition is defined by one or more logical statements. Multiple logical statements can be
combined using the logic operators . Logical statements will either evaluate to true or false, but not all
statements are logical statements. Notice that the statement 5 + 5 does not return a logical true or false, but
a numerical value of 10. However, if we use the “is equal to ” operator at the end it then becomes a
logical statement. 5+5==10 is a logical statement that evaluates to true because 5 plus 5 is equal to 10.
The == operator is classified as a comparison operator. Comparison operators compare two values and
return a Boolean value. A detailed explanation of each of the comparison operators and the Logical
operators is outside the scope of the course. However, I would suggest looking at the following sites for
The If conditional statement
Let’s create a function that takes 1 string parameter called test. In this test function we will use a built in
JavaScript feature for strings that will return the string value converted to all lowercase letters. We will
then compare the lower case value of the string parameter with a literal string value. If it is equal to the
string literal then we will alert a response. We will call this test function 2 times, the first time we will
pass a value that is going to match. The second time we will pass a value that will not match .

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alerts.

Alert from the first call to the test function:

Alert from the second call to the test function:

Notice that the second call to the test function alerts a value of undefined. This is because the value we
passed into the function as a parameter did not evaluate to true in the conditional statement on line 10, and
therefore was skipped. The variable RTN having not been initialized was of data type undefined.

What do you suppose would happen if we assigned a value to the RTN variable after the conditional
statement? Let’s take a look.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alerts.

Alert from the first call to the test function:

Alert from the second call to the test function:

Notice that both alerts show the value we assigned the RTN variable after the condition statement. Even
though the first call to test used a value that evaluated to true in the function’s conditional statement. This
is because in programming code is executed in sequential order. In the first call to the test function the
condition evaluates to true and assigns the value “hello” to the RTN variable. However, the function is not
done, so it continues to execute all the way to the end. This means that line 13 will be executed next. Line
13 assigns a different value to the RTN variable, overwriting the original value, and then we return the
RTN variable. In both calls line 13 is executed, and this is why both alerts showed that value.
The Else conditional statement
Most programming languages have an “Else” statement that can complement the “if” statement. The else
statement is executed when the condition evaluates to false. Let’s take a look at an if/else statement.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alerts.

Alert from the first call to the test function:

Alert from the second call to the test function:

Notice that the if/else conditional statement controls which block of code is executed by evaluating a
conditional statement to true or false. If/Else statements also called if then else statements are the most
basic form of the conditional statement. With them you can control when specific code blocks are

Sometimes you need to evaluate multiple conditions consecutively, one after the other. In these cases you
could have an If statement inside another if statement, which is called nested If statements. Like the
Russian nesting dolls these If statements fit inside each other. Let’s take a look at a nested If statement.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alerts.
Else if
The problem with nested If statements is that it is very easy to lose track of which if statement your code
is associated with. Also the syntax becomes somewhat convoluted which makes it easy to misplace a
curly brace and cause a syntax error. Else/ if statements are another a solution for evaluating multiple
conditions. The Else/If is a much cleaner conditional statement than the nested If statements, and therefore
less likely to be the cause of a misplaced curly brace. Some have said that the Else/If is the best
performing way in JavaScript to evaluate multiple conditions.

The Else/If statement is straight forward, and as you may suspect it uses the Else keyword followed by the
If keyword. Next in line is the conditional expression wrapped in in parenthesis. After that is the
associated code block. Let’s take a look at an Else/If statement.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the same exact alerts as our
previous example.
While the Else/if Statement is cleaner than nested If statements some consider it hard to read. Switch
statements are a completely different approach to evaluating multiple conditions, that offers reader
friendly code. It is of note that in JavaScript the switch statement is slightly slower than the Else/If
statement. If your code is evaluating a large group of conditions and page load times are being affected,
consider using the Else/If statement instead of the Switch statement.

The switch statement defines the switch value and then compares it to multiple case values. The switch
value is defined in the switch expression, and the case values are defined by each individual case /
break expressions. The case / break expressions indicate a value and a code block. The case value is
compared to the switch condition, with the “is equal to” (==) comparison operator by default. This
comparison is implied, and the operator is not explicitly in the code of a switch statement. When the
switch statement and the case value are compared and evaluated to true, the code associated with the case
value is executed. Otherwise the associated code is skipped.

When using the switch conditional statement we first use the switch keyword followed by a condition
expression wrapped in parenthesis. This condition expression represents the value that is being evaluated.
Next is our code block, wrapped in curly braces. Inside our code block we have a series of case/break
expressions. The case/ break expression starts with the case keyword followed by the case value and then
a colon. Directly after the colon is the associated code, followed by the keyword break and a semicolon.
In the following example we are going to create a function that tests a string value against multiple
conditions. When comparing string values it is common convert the parameter to lowercase, to make the
value passed into the function case insensitive. To do this in JavaScript, we use the built in string method
“toLowerCase.” Let’s take a look at a standard switch statement.
If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the same exact alerts as our
previous example.

It is also possible to have different conditional statements in each case. To do this we define the switch
value as true, and the case values as the individual conditional statements wrapped in parenthesis.
Ultimately this is comparing the value true to the result of the conditional statement. This is a more
advanced version of the switch statement, and can be somewhat hard to read. Some consider this to defeat
the purpose of the switch statement, and therefore opt to use Else/If statements instead.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the same exact alerts as our
previous example.

Now let’s use the string method “indexOf” that is built into JavaScript, to create a conditional statement
that does not use the == comparison operator. The indexOf method checks the string for the first
occurrence of a string value, and returns the index of that occurrence in the string. If the string value is not
found anywhere in the string then the value -1 is returned. This means if the string method indexOf returns
a number that is greater than -1 the string value exists somewhere in the string.
Chapter 8
JavaScript allows you to execute a code block multiple times without writing it multiple times, using
loops. There are several different loops in JavaScript: the “For” loop, the “For … In” loop, the “While”
loop, and the “Do … While” loop. I like to categorize these further into two groups: the limited loops and
the unlimited loops. The “For” loop and the “For … In” loop are both limited loops. This is because they
both have a limit to the number of loop cycles that will be executed. This limit is explicitly defined in the
loop statement. The “While” loop and the “Do … While” loop are unlimited loops. This is because there
is no explicit limit set to the number of loop cycles will be executed. Instead, they loop endlessly until a
condition is met.

Loops can be useful for Iteration. Iteration is the process of executing a code block upon a member in
some sort of collection. Previously we have covered objects, which are a considered a collection.
Objects are a collection of properties. Do note that there are other collections built into JavaScript. Most
notably is the Array, which we will cover later on in this course. For now, it is enough to know that there
are different types of collections, and loops can be used to iterate through them.

There is built in method for all objects that is called the “For Each” method. Ultimately the “For Each”
method is a “For … In” loop that executes a callback function instead of a code block. For this reason, it
is not considered a unique loop. It might be useful to know that other languages call the “For … In” loop a
“For Each” loop.
The For loop starts with the for keyword followed by 3 statements wrapped in parenthesis. The 1st
statement is executed before the loop starts. It is used to declare and initialize the iterator variable. The
most common identifier for an iterator variable is the letter “i”, and it stands for “iterator.” The 2nd
statement is evaluated at the top of every cycle, and it typically defines the iterator’s limit. Once the
iterator has reached its limit the loop is completed and no more cycles are executed. Ultimately, this is a
conditional statement. When this statement evaluates to true the loop continues another cycle. When it
evaluates to false the loop is exited. The 3rd statement is executed at the bottom of each cycle, and it
typically modifies the iterator. Iterators are typically increased by 1 in value in this statement using the
increment (++) operator. However, this is not always the case. The iterator can be increased or decreased
by a value greater than 1, and other operators can be used. This means you can iterate in ascending or
descending order through a list at different intervals. The increment operator returns a value that is equal
to the value + 1. It is a short hand for writing myValue = myValue + 1; and it looks like this: myValue++;.
Let’s take a look at a “For” loop.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.
For In
The “For … In” starts with the “for” keyword followed by an open parenthesis. Next is the declaration of
the iterator variable then the “in” keyword. After that is the collection that is being iterated then a closing
parenthesis. The iterator's limit is defined by the number of members in the collection. Remember that an
object is considered a collection of properties. This means that the members of the collection are the
properties of the object. For our example we will be declaring an object, then iterating through its
properties. Lastly is the code block that is associated with the loop. Let’s take a look at a “For … In”

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.
While loop
The “While” loop is the simplest form of the Loop in JavaScript. It is designed to loop when a condition
evaluates to true. When the condition does not evaluate to true, the Loop is exited. While loop starts with
the keyword “while”, followed by a condition expression wrapped in parenthesis. After that is the code
block associated with the loop. Let’s Take a look at a “while” loop.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.

The “While” Loop places no emphasis on iteration. This does not mean that “While” loop cannot be used
for iteration. In the above example we are counted from 0 to 9. In this same fashion, we can declare and
initialize a variable that acts as an iterator before we start a “while” loop. We can set the iterator’s limit
as the “While” loop’s condition, and we can increment or decrement the iterator within the “While’ Loop.
This iterator can then be used to iterate through a collection, just as in the “For” loop. The point here is
that you do not have to use a “While” loop for iteration. By design it does not require you to define an
iterator, set its limits, nor its modifier.

The “While” loop is can be used for state based logistics. A state is a predefined condition that is used
to determine the functionality of a given aspect of code. State based logistics are used in graphical user
interface (GUI), for example. When a button is pressed that button is in the down state. When it is not
pressed it is in the up state. When a mouse is over a button it is in the hover state. The button has three
distinct states, and they control the look and feel of that button in the GUI. Video games typically use state
based logistics to control many aspects of gameplay mechanics. For example, video game A.I. tends to
use state based logistics to determine the behavior of a non-player character (NPC). If the NPC has
flagged a player character as hostile, the NPC will execute predefined tactics for hunt down the player
character. If the NPC has not flagged any player characters as hostile, it will execute some other
predefined behavior, like patrolling the perimeter of a building. Let’s take a look at a very simple state
based “While” loop.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.

Do While Loop
All the other loops that we covered had conditions that were evaluated at the top of the code block. The
condition is evaluated before the associated code block is executed. This means that the initial value of
the iterator or state variables could cause the condition to evaluate to false before the code block is ever
executed. The “Do … While” loop evaluates its condition at the bottom of the code block, meaning it is
evaluated after the code block executes. This loop is used if you when you want the associated code block
to run at least 1 time.

The “Do … While” loop starts with the “do” keyword, followed by the code block. After the code block
is the “while” keyword followed by the conditional expression wrapped in parenthesis. Lastly we capped
it off with a semicolon. Let’s take a look at a “Do … While” Loop.

If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.

To illustrate the usefulness of a “Do … While” loop, let’s compare two loops with two unique iterators.
Both iterators will be initialized to the value of the Loop’s limit.
If you were to save this page and load it in your browser you would get the following alert.

Notice that the “While” loop skipped its code block because the iterator was initialized to the loop’s
limit, but the “Do … While” loop did not skip the code block even though its iterator was also initialized
to the loop’s limit. This is because the “Do … While” loop evaluated its condition at the bottom of the
code block, causing the code block to run at least 1 time.
Chapter 9
JavaScript has many built in objects that are ready for use. One of the built objects is the Array. As
mentioned earlier, an array is a collection. The Array is actually a collection of key value pairs. A key
value pair is an identifier and a value that are associated to one another. Object properties are key value
pairs. However, an Array does not explicitly define the key value pair’s key. It is implied by the values
numerical position in the collection, which is called the index. Arrays are useful for storing related data
while maintaining a sibling relationship with other key value pairs in the collection.

Arrays can be instantiated (an instance of that object created) three different ways: the associative
shorthand, the implicit shorthand, and using the object constructor. As already mentioned, the Array is an
object. This means that we can instantiate an array just as we would an object. This is the associative
shorthand. The implicit shorthand can be used to implicitly define the key based on the index of the value
in the collection. The Array constructor can also be used to instantiate an array. A constructor is a
special method that constructs the object, hence the name constructor. The Array constructor takes 1
parameter which determines the specific length of the array. Let’s take a look at these three different ways
of instantiating an Array.

If you were to save these pages and load them in your browser you would get the following alert for each
of them.

Arrays can also have more than 1 dimension, otherwise called a multi-dimensional Array. More and
more complex hierarchical data structures can be achieved using multi-dimensional arrays. Instead of just
sibling relationships, multi-dimensional Arrays introduce parent-child relationships. For example, a 2
dimensional Array creates a hierarchy similar to that of a spreadsheet. You can consider the rows of a
spreadsheet to be the children of the columns of that spreadsheet. This is an example of a parent-child
hierarchy relationship. In this same way, data can be structured into more complex structures using multi-
dimensional Arrays. Let’s take a look at the a multi-dimensional array.

If you were to save these pages and load them in your browser you would get the following alert for each
of them.

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