In-Class Notes:: Africa & Africans Are Descended From Sons of Ham

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Luna Sutton

Journal Week 3

In-class notes:
Africa & Africans are descended from Sons of Ham:
1) Mizraim = Egypt
2) Cush/Kush = Sudan/Ethiopia
3) Phut = Libya
4) Canaan = Palestine, Lebanon, & Southern Syria (Greek term = Phoenicians)

Zeus + Io (moon goddess) → Black Epaphos

Black Epaphos + Memphis → Libya

2 sons of Libya + Poseidon:

~Belos = King of Egypt (father of the Egyptians) has 2 sons → Aegyyptus & Danaos whos
children settle in Argos Greece
~Agenor king of Tyre (father of the Phoenicians) father of Europa & Cadmus

Afro-Asiatic / Hamitic-Semitic Languages:

- Omotic - southwest Ethiopia
- Cushitic - south & central Ethiopia
- Chadd - Chad, N Nigerian Cameroon
- Semitic - W Asia, N Africa

Faces Ruling Ancient Kemet

- Namer First King of Kemet (3150 B.C.E) the Old Kingdom
- King Zoser (2630 B.C.E)
- King Senworsret (1897 B.C.E) Middle king
- Conquerer in Greece
- Amenhotep III, Rameses II/ Ramses the Great, Queen Tiye (1550-1170) the New
- Taharka (690 B.C.E) late kingfom

Journal Questions:
1) Identify different time periods of the Sharan rock art
a) Large Wild Fauna Period (12,000 - 6000 BP) - large animals are depicted by the
hunter-gatherers. the artwork portrays hunting as well as a relationship between
the animals and humans.
b) Round-head period (9500 - 7000 BP) - human figures are painted with round,
featureless heads.
c) Pastoral Period (7200 - 3000 BP) - humans are depicted w domesticated cattle,
men can be seen with bows, and women and children can be seen in campsites.
d) Horse Period (3200 - 1000 BP) - humans can be seen with horses.
e) Camel Period (3000-2000 BP) - Camels and goats are depicted. As well as
advanced armory. I.e. shields, spears, swords, etc.
2) Identify the images associated w each period
a) Large animals and hunters
b) human figures are painted with round, featureless heads.
c) Cattle, bows, women, and children
d) Horses
e) Camels & goats
3) Note the Human activities associated with each period
a) Humans are hunting large animals. It also shows the relationship between
animals and humans.
b) Shows the people with weapons.
c) Humans can be seen herding domesticated cattle. While women and children are
seen by campsites, with such duties.
d) Humans are seen riding domesticated horses.
e) Humans continue hunting/fighting.
4) Identify the period for the following slides
a) Camel period (1000 BC), bc there is a camel -no other identifiable details
b) Pastoral period - there is a chariot rider so it had to be closer to our time. “Chariot
c) Early Hunter Period- Could be a rhino or elephant (2500 BC). Bc it shows a large
d) Pastoral period - “cave of swimmers”

Saki Mahundikwa Discussion:

1. How many African writing systems are there?
a. Nsibidi
b. Adinkra symbols (“Sankofa” = return and get it/learn from the past)
c. Abakwa graphic writing (beautiful! Re-check it)
d. Bantu symbol writing
e. Ethiopic writing system
f. Shu-mom
g. Vai writing
h. Mende writing
i. Hieroglyphics in Egypt (centuries before Mesopotamia)
j. Wadi el-Hol early alphabet
2. These systems serve a number of functions, what are they? To share language, stories,
culture, but is also used as artwork. The symbols are beautiful and have a story within
3. What is the central message of this talk? Do you agree with Saki? I think the message is
that Africans have been educated and literate for a long time, longer than they are given
credit for. I agree with him in that each set of symbols is beautiful and intricate and tell a
story of heritage and culture.

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