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Cities This month’s topic

Discover Words
Exercise 1 2.2
is cities. Where do Use the photos to elicit
you live?
as much vocabulary as
Discover Words you can from the class
places adjectives and to generate interest,

e.g. Student: I think some

1 2.2 Look at the photos. Choose people are buying things
the correct adjective. Listen and check. in picture 1. In picture 4
it’s raining.
Give students time to do
the exercise individually
or in pairs.
Play the recording while
students listen and check.
2 It’s boring / exciting.
1 It’s quiet / noisy. Check answers.
3 It’s cheap / expensive. Answers student page

Suggestion: Play the

recording again, pausing
for students to repeat each
adjective in chorus.
4 It’s wet / dry.

2 Work with a friend. Which photo is it? Exercise 2

Use two or three adjectives. Ask two students to read
quiet noisy boring exciting cheap the example to the class.
5 It’s clean / dirty.
clean dirty wet dry expensive Give pairs time to do the
A It’s quiet and clean. in this unit:
B It’s photo 5. • places adjectives Move round, monitoring
A That’s right! • comparatives and superlatives and correcting.
• places in town
3 Work with a friend. Describe your town or
city. Use the adjectives on this page.
• too and enough Exercise 3
• making suggestions
Give pairs time to do the
Discover 5 extra words. Go to page 109.
39 speaking activity.

Suggestion: Ask the

M04_DIEN_SB_L02GLB_6378_U04.indd 39 3/6/09 09:45:54
students to write about
New language a lot there. It’s got a very famous
their town/city/village.
football team. (Manchester)
Vocabulary: place adjectives
Tell the class that in Unit 4
Functions: describing places
Discovery Web is all about cities. Fast finishers: Ask them to
Pre-teach: town, city Ask students to name some cities continue, but to describe
in their country. Ask which cities other places they know.
Unit introduction they would like to visit, and why,
(Books closed) City guessing game. e.g. Student: I think New York is
Give the class basic information very interesting. There are a lot of Discover extra words: Have
about two or three cities they things to do there. strong students or fast
may know, and have them guess (Books open) Use an idea finishers find extra new
which one it is, e.g. This city is in suggested in the Introduction to words.
the north-west of England. It rains focus on In this unit.


M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 55 1/12/09 10:25:40

New language London
Grammar: comparatives and
Functions: comparing things
Pre-teach: sightseeing,
cousin, bridge, new, souvenir

Culture notes
Big Ben is the nickname of
the famous clock tower of
the Houses of Parliament.
Big Ben is the name of the
bell inside. The Millennium
Bridge, completed in 2002, is
the newest bridge in London.
It is a foot bridge that links Ben’s American cousin, Beth, is in England.
St Paul’s Cathedral and The Today she’s in London with Ben and Monica.
Tate Modern Gallery. Beth What an amazing view!
Ben Is that the Millennium Bridge?
Exercise 1 2.3 Monica No, the Millennium Bridge is smaller.
Beth Millennium? Wow! Is it the oldest
Ask students if they know bridge in London?
which city is in the photo. Monica No, Beth. It’s a new bridge. Hey, are you
1 2.3 Listen and read. What do the children
(London.) OK, Ben?
Ben I feel terrible! want to do today? They want to go on a boat
Play the recording while Beth Oh Ben, poor you! Here, have a drink.
(and go shopping for souvenirs).
students follow the 2 True or false?
Ben Thanks.
dialogue. Beth Can we go on a boat? 1 Beth lives in London. false
Monica That’s a nice idea. Let’s ask Ben’s 2 The Millennium Bridge is very old. false
Check answers.
dad. Then after the boat we can go 3 Ben is having a good time. false
shopping for souvenirs. 4 Beth has got time for shopping. true
Answers student page Beth Have we got time? 5 Big Ben is a big clock. true
Monica Yes, it’s only 10 o’clock now. Hey!
Listen! It’s Big Ben. Talking Tips!
Exercise 2 Beth Ben isn’t big.
Ben I’m bigger than you! 3 2.4 Listen, repeat and match.
Give pairs time to read the
Monica It’s the clock, silly. Look! 1 What an amazing view! B
dialogue again and to do Beth Wow! Is it the biggest clock… 2 I feel terrible! A
the exercise. Monica …in London? Yes, Beth, and it’s the
noisiest too! A
Check answers.
Answers student page
M04_DIEN_SB_L02GLB_6378_U04.indd 40-41

Exercise 3 2.4 Grammar Exercise 4 2.5

Give students time to look Give students time to study the Give pairs time to do the exercise.
at the pictures before they grammar box. Draw attention Play the recording while students
listen to the recording to the spelling of two-syllable listen and check answers.
twice. The second time, adjectives finishing -y, and to the Draw students’ attention to the
stop to ask the whole double g in bigger. (Adjectives double t in wetter and hottest.
class to repeat the target ending vowel + consonant double
language copying the the final consonant.) Answers
intonation, and ask for Ask the class to look at the small, smaller, the smallest
each answer. pictures. Have a student read the quiet, quieter, the quietest
examples about them. Elicit more. funny, funnier, the funniest
Answers student page
cool, cooler, the coolest
hot, hotter, the hottest
wet, wetter, the wettest
pretty, prettier, the prettiest

M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 56 1/12/09 10:25:46

Exercise 8 2.7
Grammar comparatives /superlatives Listening Play the recording while
adjective comparative superlative 6 2.6 Which souvenir does students take notes.
old older the oldest Beth buy? Listen and tick.
Check answers.
big bigger the biggest
1 black bag
noisy noisier the noisiest
nice nicer the nicest
Tapescript end of notes
Lulu is bigger than Lisa. 2 blue bag Give pairs three minutes
Lenny is the biggest.
to write true sentences.
3 key ring
See who can write the

4 2.5 Write comparatives and superlatives

Suggestion: Ask pairs to
for these adjectives. Listen and check. exchange sentences and
check each other’s for
new small quiet funny cool
hot wet pretty

new, newer, the newest 4 red T-shirt ✓ 5 white T-shirt

Exercise 4 – Tapescript
5 Look. Complete the sentences. Speaking new, newer, the newest
7 Look at the souvenirs in Exercise 6. Make small, smaller, the smallest
comparative and superlative sentences. Use quiet, quieter, the quietest
these adjectives. funny, funnier, the funniest
cool, cooler, the coolest
pretty funny nice big cool
hot, hotter, the hottest
wet, wetter, the wettest
A I think the key ring is the coolest.
B Really? I think the white T-shirt is pretty, prettier, the prettiest
clean / dirty cooler than the key ring.
1 The taxi is cleaner than the bike. Exercise 6 – Tapescript
cleaner than the bus.
The bike is __________ 8 2.7 Beat the clock! Listen and
dirtiest .
The bus is the __________ Beth: I like that black bag.
write the words. In pairs, make
Ben: Look! The blue bag is bigger
noisy / quiet true sentences. Use comparatives.
than the black bag.
quieter than the taxi.
2 The bike is __________ You have three minutes!
quieter than the bus.
The taxi is __________ Monica: But it’s expensive! I like
Big Ben is bigger than a bus.
noisiest .
The bus is the __________ this key ring.
big / small
Ravi: The Big Ben key ring is the
3 The bus is __________ than the taxi. nicest.
smaller than the bus.
The taxi is __________ Beth: It’s OK, but I haven’t got any
The bike is the __________
smallest . keys.
41 Monica: This pen is the cheapest,
but it’s boring. What about that hat?
Beth: The hat is nicer than the pen,
3/6/09 09:46:11 but I don’t like blue.
Tapescript end of notes Check the answer. Ben: (getting bored) Are there any
football shirts?
Answers student page Beth: No, but look at this red T-shirt!
Exercise 5 Monica: The white T-shirt is funnier
than the red T-shirt!
Give pairs time to do the exercise. Tapescript end of notes Beth: The red T-shirt is the prettiest
Check answers. … I’m buying that one.

Answers student page Exercise 7 Exercise 8 – Tapescript

Ask two volunteers to read the Reader: Big Ben, a bus, a car, me,
example. my friend, London, my town, a key
Exercise 6 2.6
Give pairs time to make sentences. ring, a pen, a taxi
Play the recording while students Move round, prompting and
listen and do the exercise. correcting.


M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 57 1/12/09 10:25:49

New language Sydney Every month
we have a funny story
on Discovery Web. This
Grammar: comparatives and one is our favourite. Meet
superlatives the Streeters!

Vocabulary: places in town

Functions: comparing cities
and holiday activities
Pre-teach: harbour

Culture notes
Sydney is a cosmopolitan,
coastal city in the south-east
of Australia. It is the biggest Sydney, Canada
What’s there?
city in Australia, but not the
a shopping centre,
capital. The warm summers a town square, a museum
and mild winters attract The Streeter family wanted to go to Sydney, Australia. Dad
tourists and many sporting bought their plane tickets on the Internet.
events. The 2000 summer ʻOur cousins Steve and Patsy live in Sydney,ʼ says Jess. ʻItʼs a
fantastic city. Itʼs got the most famous harbour in the world, an
Olympic Games were held in
Olympic stadium and the best beaches! I took a lot of swimsuits.ʼ
When they got off the plane, they had a surprise. They were in
Sydney, Canada! ʻDad bought tickets to the wrong place,ʼ says
Exercise 1 2.8 Jess. ʻIt was funny at first, but Sydney, Canada is small and quiet.
The people are very friendly, but Australia is more exciting.ʼ
Ask students to predict
ʻItʼs cold and wet in Canada, and we didnʼt take jumpers!ʼ says
why the Streeter family Sydney, Australia
Max. ʻIt isnʼt the worst place for a holiday. Thereʼs a shopping
look sad in the photo! What’s there?
centre and a nice town square… but it isnʼt Australia!ʼ
Bondi Beach,
Play the recording while Bad luck, kids. Maybe next year! Sydney Harbour,
students follow the text. an Olympic stadium
Check answers.
1 2.8 Read and listen. 2 Read again and match. Sydney,
Answers Australia sunny
Where did the Streeter family hot
They went to Sydney in go? Where did they want to go? wet hot sunny quiet
Canada. They wanted cold friendly small
to go to Sydney in W a tc h O u t ! cold
3 Work with a friend.
Australia. Sydney, wet
buy bought Compare the two cities. quiet
Canada friendly
get off got off Sydney, Australia is sunnier
than Sydney, Canada.
Watch Out! 42
Ask a student to read the
Watch Out! box and note
the irregular past forms. M04_DIEN_SB_L02GLB_6378_U04.indd 42-43

Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Suggestion: (Books closed) Give students time to read the text Give pairs time to do the speaking
Ask students to write again and do the matching exercise activity. Move round, checking and
down all the irregular past individually. prompting.
forms they know. Give a
Check answers. Ask volunteers to give the class
time limit.
some more examples.
(Books open) Give students
Answers student page
a few minutes to look
Suggestion: Ask pairs to use the
back through Unit 3 and
same adjectives to compare two
4a of the Students’ Book
well-known places in your country.
to check spelling and
add more verbs to their
list. Ask them to add new
verbs as they learn them.


M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 58 1/12/09 10:25:55

Give students time to do
Grammar comparatives / superlatives Discover Words the exercise.
adjective comparative superlative places in town Ask them to compare their

exciting more exciting the most exciting answers with a friend.
famous more famous the most famous 6 2.9 Match the words with numbers 1–10.
Listen, check and repeat.
Check answers.
irregular comparative superlative
good better the best
bad worse the worst
sports stadium 1 restaurant 7 Answers student page
shopping centre 8 town square 5 harbour 10
It’s got the most famous harbour in the world. theatre 4 museum 6 bridge 9 tower 2 airport 3
It’s got the best beaches.
Exercise 5
4 Look at these activities and complete the Ask the class for some
sentences. Use comparatives or superlatives. examples.
2 3
Go Sydney! 1
Give students time to
expensive dangerous difficult write their ideas.
Surfing ★ ★★ ★★★ 6 Move round, checking and
lesson Icons
Helicopter ★★★ ★ ★ 4
Ask the class to read out
ride some examples.
Rollerblading ★ ★ ★★
7 8
Discover Words
Shark ★★ ★★★ ★
swim Exercise 6 2.9
Give pairs time to do the
1 The shark swim is more expensive (expensive) matching exercise.
than the rollerblading. Play the recording once or
the most
2 The helicopter ride is ____________
expensive (expensive).
more difficult (difficult) than
3 Rollerblading is ____________ 9 10 twice while students listen
the shark swim. and check.
4 The surfing lesson is ____________
dangerous (dangerous) Check answers.
than the helicopter ride.
the most
5 The shark swim is ____________
dangerous (dangerous). Writing Answers student page
5 What do you think about the activities? 7 Describe a place in your town. Use
Write comparative and superlative sentences. comparatives and superlatives.
Use these adjectives. Exercise 7
The town square is the noisiest and most exciting
good bad boring exciting place in my town. It’s got a lot of shops and Give students time to
restaurants. do the writing activity
The shark swim is the best. individually.
43 Move round, correcting
and prompting.
3/6/09 09:46:27
Fast finishers: You could
Grammar comparatives and superlatives. ask them to help slower
Stretch strong students by asking students.
Give students time to study the them if they can give you any more
grammar box. examples of adjectives like these.
Ask the class if they know why Suggestion: Ask students to
Ask students to underline all the
these adjectives don’t use -er/ draw the place they talked
comparatives and superlatives in
-est to form the comparatives about and to label it, using
the text.
and superlatives. (They have two vocabulary they know and
or more syllables, e.g. famous
and don’t finish with -y, or are Exercise 4 new words they learned in
(Books closed) Ask the class to Exercise 6.
irregular, e.g. worse.)
Help weak students by telling predict what there is to do in
them ‘longer’ adjectives usually use Sydney, Australia, e.g. I think
you can go surfing in Sydney, Photocopiable resource 4, page 158.
more/less/the most/the least to make Grammar worksheet 4, page 140.


M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 59 1/12/09 10:25:57

New language vent
Ad ntuurre nd
e Island
Grammar: too, enough
Functions: making 1
Pre-teach: raft, wood, safe,
coconut, piece
Preparation: Exercise 8.
Bring a coconut to class if
you can as realia.

Exercise 1 2.10 Danny: Hey AJ, what about helping me?

(Books closed) Tell AJ: It’s too hot.
Danny: We need a raft to find the treasure. Danny: Is there a bigger piece? This is too small.
students it’s time for AJ: How about this?
AJ: Oh, OK then.
another episode of
Adventure Island. Ask 3 4

students what they can

remember about the last
episode. (The children
found a story on a cave
wall. Bonzo found the
treasure map!)
(Books open) Ask the class
to describe pictures 1–6 Danny: It’s ready! AJ: What’s that? Is it a tree house?
and pre-teach vocabulary. AJ: It isn’t big enough, Danny. Danny: It’s too high. I can’t see.
Remember to recycle as Danny: Don’t worry, AJ. Here, take the map! AJ: Why don’t we have a better look?
much language as you 5 6

Tip: Encourage students to

use complete sentences,
e.g. I can see a bridge.

(Books open) Play the

recording once or twice
while students listen and
read the cartoon. AJ: Wait, Danny! The bridge isn’t strong enough! Danny/AJ: Help!
Give students time to do Danny: It’s OK, AJ. Let’s go!
the exercise individually.
Check answers.
M04_DIEN_SB_L02GLB_6378_U04.indd 44-45

Answers student page Have the class underline all the Answers
examples in the cartoon.
2 The raft is too small. picture 3
3 The piece of wood isn’t big
Grammar Exercise 2
enough. picture 2
(Books closed) Have the Give students time to order the 4 Is Nipper strong enough?
class repeat: The raft’s too sentences individually or in pairs. picture 6
small! The tree house is too Check answers. 5 The tree house is too high.
high! after you in chorus. Give students time to do the picture 4
(Books open) Ask a matching exercise in pairs. 6 The bridge is too dangerous.
student to read the Check answers. pictures 5 and 6
examples in the grammar


M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 60 1/12/09 10:26:01

Exercise 6 2.11

1 2.10 Listen and read. True or false? 4 Can you read Nipper’s notes? (Books closed) Ask
students if they
1 Danny is making a hut. false Nipper’s Note s can remember the
2 Danny and AJ want to find the treasure. true
3 The children have got the map. true conversation between
4 They go to the tree house because it’s on the Danny and AJ in picture 1.
map. false
Elicit or give: What about
5 The bridge is very strong. false
helping me? Have the class
Grammar too and enough Today wasn’t much fun. The raft was too small repeat it in chorus after
and the bridge wasn’t strong enough!
you, and remind/tell them
It’s too hot! Are you too tired? 5 Act out the Adventure Island cartoon with
It isn’t big enough! Is it strong enough? your friends.
this is a suggestion.
(Books open) Give the
Functions: making suggestions class time to do the
2 Order the sentences. Match them with the
6 2.11 Match the sentence halves. Then
matching exercise.
cartoon pictures.
listen, check and repeat. Play the recording while
1 too AJ tired is . AJ is too tired. picture 1
2 too The raft small is . How about follow the map. students listen, pausing to
3 big The piece of wood enough isn’t . Let’s finding the treasure? check and for students to
4 strong enough Is Nipper ? Why don’t we helping with the raft? repeat each suggestion in
5 too high The tree house is . What about go to the tree house? chorus.
6 is too The bridge dangerous .
7 Work with a friend. You are Danny and AJ at Have them underline all
3 Make sentences with too and enough. Use the end of the story. Make suggestions. the suggestions in the
these adjectives. A What about climbing into the tree house? cartoon.
B Good idea. / OK. / It’s too dangerous. / It isn’t Point out: How/what about
big / small clean / dirty dangerous / safe
safe enough. / No way!
noisy / quiet …? + -ing form, and
★ Let’s …/Why don’t we …?
F u n Zone ★ + infinitive.

8 Work in groups. Imagine
Answers student page
you are on Adventure
Island and you find a very
1 It isn’t big enough. 2 It isn’t quiet enough.
big coconut. What can Exercise 7
It’s too small! It’s too noisy!
you do with it? How many Give pairs time to do the
suggestions can you make activity.
in five minutes?
Move around, correcting
How about making a boat and prompting.
for Nipper with it?
It isn’t clean enough.
3 _________________ It isn’t safe enough.
4 ________________
It’s too dirty! It’s too dangerous! Exercise 8
Introduce the activity by
showing the students the
3/6/09 09:46:33
coconut you’ve brought, or
Exercise 3 Exercise 4 by asking them to look at
the picture.
Give pairs time to do the exercise. Give pairs time to decipher
Nipper’s notes. Ask a student to read the
Check answers.
example, and elicit one or
Ask a volunteer to write the
Answers student page two more ideas.
deciphered note on the board.
Have students continue in
Answers student page pairs and then count their
Suggestion: (Books closed) Read suggestions.
out a sentence with enough. Ask
See which pair has the
a volunteer to give you a sentence Exercise 5 most suggestions.
with a similar meaning using too,
Ask pairs to act out the cartoon Ask the class for their
e.g. Teacher: It isn’t big enough.
then to change roles and practise ideas.
Student: It’s too small! Teacher: It
again. You could ask two or three
isn’t safe enough. Student: It’s too
pairs to perform for the class.

M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 61 1/12/09 10:26:04

Let’s Revise!
ork, U
New Y
Language revised
Grammar: comparatives and
superlatives, too, enough
Vocabulary: place adjectives, Words Grammar
places in town 1 Match the opposites. 3 Complete. Use New Yo
USA k,
Functions: making 1 clean wet the comparative or
suggestions 2 boring noisy superlative of the
3 expensive cheap words in brackets.
4 dry dirty
Culture notes 5 quiet exciting
New York City, USA, was
2 Complete the puzzle and find the missing
New York! New York!
originally called New word.
New York City is an exciting place. It’s 1 the biggest
Amsterdam. It was named (big) city in the USA. It’s got 2 the most famous
the most
1 2 (famous) museums, 3 ___________
interesting (interesting)
New York after the English
the best (good) restaurants
shops and 4 ___________
conquered the Dutch in 1664 and cafés in the world! But wait a minute, there’s
and named it after the Duke 3 4 another New York. Where is it? It’s in the UK! It’s
of York and Albany. New 5
smaller (small) than New York City. There
York, UK, is named after the aren’t any famous buildings and there aren’t any
5 6
City of York in the north of shops. It’s 6 ___________
quieter (quiet), but the people
are 7 ___________
more friendly (friendly)!
England. 7 8

4 Compare your town to New York City. Use

Exercise 1 10 these adjectives.
Give pairs time to do the
big small interesting expensive
matching exercise. famous quiet noisy friendly good
Check answers. T H E A
W T O E R My town is quieter than New York. New York is the
N T O W S Q U A R E noisiest city in the world.
Answers student page 4
T R S S T A D I U M 5 Complete the sentences. Use too or enough
6 and the adjectives in brackets.
Suggestion: Ask students to B O
work in pairs. One student R E S T A U R A N T 1 I can’t hear you. It’s too noisy (noisy) in here.
A I R P O R T 2 Clean your bedroom! It isn’t clean enough (clean).
reads out an adjective 9 3 It’s raining so we can’t play tennis. It’s
from the exercise. The 10 too wet
___________ (wet).
other student has his/her 4 £100 for a T-shirt?! That’s ___________
too expensive
book closed and must give (expensive)!
the opposite. 5 He can’t open it. He isn’t strong
enough (strong).
There’s a great view of London from
good enough
6 Do your homework again. It isn’t ___________
– –R – –BR––ID–G–E
–. (good).

Exercise 2 46

Give pairs time to

complete the puzzle. M04_DIEN_SB_L02GLB_6378_U04.indd 46-47

Check answers. City. (It’s very big/it’s noisy/lots of

people live there/it’s dangerous in Answers student page
Answers student page some places, etc.) Ask them if they
think New York, UK is similar. Exercise 4
Give students time to do the Ask a volunteer to read out the
Exercise 3 exercise individually. examples.
Ask students to look at Check answers.
the photos. Ask if they Give pairs time to do the exercise.
know where they are of. Suggestion: Discuss both places Move round, checking and
(Photo 1 is of New York, with the class. Would they like prompting.
UK. Photo 2 is of New York to go there? Why (not)? Recycle Ask the class to tell you their ideas.
City, USA.) comparatives and superlatives
Find out what students learned in this unit.
know about New York


M05_DIEN_TB_02GLB_6408_U04.indd 62 1/12/09 10:26:10

Tell them to look back at
Pronunciation /O… / /OI/ Song Unit 4c (page 45) for help.
6 2.12 Listen and repeat. 9 2.14 Listen and complete, then sing. Check answers.
This small, bored boy has got a noisy toy.
stronger (x2) better (x2) more closer greater Answers student page
I Get The Sweetest Feeling Suggestion: Ask the class to
by Jackie Wilson imagine you are a visitor
The 1 closer you get and to suggest things for
Functions better you look baby
The 2________
better you look
The 3________
you to do in your town/
7 Imagine you’re in New York City. Complete
the suggestions. The more I want you city. You could ask them
When you turn on your smile to write a similar dialogue
1 How about going shopping?
Let’s climb the tallest building in the city.
2 _______
I feel my heart go wild for homework.
I'm like a child with a brand new toy
3 Why don’t we visit the bridge?
4 How about going to the theatre?
And I get the sweetest feeling
5 Why don’t we go rollerblading in the park?
Honey the sweetest (sweetest feeling)
Exercise 8 2.13
Let’s eat in a restaurant.
6 _______
Baby the sweetest (sweetest feeling) Ask students to guess
Loving you, ya what the creature in the
Consolidation It's more than I can stand picture is, and what city
8 2.13 Listen. Complete Girl, when you hold my hand
it’s in.
the dialogue. I feel so grand
That I could cry Tell them it’s a diplodocus
Beth Hi Dad! Chorus in London’s Natural
Dad Hi Beth. Are you having The 4________
greater your love History Museum!
a good time? The 5________
stronger you hold me baby
Beth Yes, thanks. This holiday
Play the recording once or
stronger your hold
The 6________
isn’t long 1 enough! The more I need you.
twice while students listen
Dad What did you do 2__________? With every passing day and do the exercise.
Beth We 3 __________ in London. I saw the River more in every way
I love you 7________ Have students compare
Thames and I 4 __________ to a souvenir I'm in love to stay
shop. I wanted to buy a bag, but it was
answers with a friend.
And I wanna say
_________ expensive! Chorus Play the recording again,
Dad 6 __________ you visit any famous places? pausing before each space
Beth Yes, we visited the Natural History Museum. to elicit and check the
Dad __________
It’s the 7 __________ museum in London!
did you see? Checklist ✓ answers.
Beth A diplodocus. It was the 9 __________ I can use places adjectives.
dinosaur in the world – it was 10 __________ I can use comparatives and Answers student page
than three buses! superlatives.
Dad Did you have fun? I can identify places in town.
Beth Yes, I 11__________ and Ben did too! I can use too and enough. Exercise 9 2.14
I can make suggestions. 47
Give students time to read
the words in the box.
3/6/09 09:46:43 Play the recording once
Exercise 5 Suggestion: Have the class repeat
or twice while they listen
Give pairs time to do the exercise. to the song and do the
the /ɔ/ and /ɔ/ sounds in chorus
Tell students to refer back to Unit exercise.
after you.
4c (page 45) for help. Check answers.
Check answers.
Suggestion: Get students to Answers student page
Answers student page highlight or underline the two
sounds in a colour code, e.g. This
small, bored boy has a noisy toy. Checklist
Exercise 6 2.12 See page 14 of the
Play the recording once or twice Introduction for ideas.
for students to listen to. Exercise 7
Play it again for students to repeat. Give students time to do the
exercise individually or in pairs.


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New language
Functions: speaking about
favourite towns/cities.
Pre-teach: theme park
by Tori Laine
Preparation: Exercise 1.
Bring a map of the USA.
Los Angeles, California is the most
Exercise 3. Ask students to exciting city in the USA. It’s got
bring photos of a favourite Hollywood, Disneyland, fantastic beaches
town/city to class. You might and the LA Dodgers baseball team.
like to book a computer But LA wasn’t always exciting. In 1900 it was smaller
room with Internet access. and quieter, and Hollywood was a small village. Then
film studios arrived, and the village of Hollywood
Exercise 1 2.15 changed. Today it is part of LA, and Hollywood’s ‘Walk
of Fame’ is the most famous place in the city.
(Books closed) Write LA on It’s got more than 2,000 stars on it!
the board. Ask students if
It’s always sunny in LA and there are lots of
they know what it stands different attractions. You can go shopping on
for. (Los Angeles.) Find out Sunset Boulevard (it’s too expensive for me!),
what they know about LA, or you can surf on Venice Beach. There are
(e.g. It’s in the USA). Show theatres, museums, the biggest theme parks
them on your map if you in the USA and the noisiest sports stadiums.
LA is the best city in the world!
have one.
(Books open) Use the
photos to recycle and
check vocabulary, and to Pr o je
generate interest. My Favourite Town
Play the recording while
3 Choose your favourite town / city.
students listen and follow Reading Ask and answer with a friend.
the text.
1 2.15 Read and listen. How was LA 1 Is it famous? What is it famous for?
Check the answer. different in the past? 2 What was it like in the past? How
is it different today?
Answers 2 True or false? 3 What’s the weather like?
It was a small village 1 LA is the most exciting city in the USA. true 4 What can you see and do?
2 There are 200 stars on the Walk of Fame. false 5 Why do people like it?
and it was quieter. 3 The weather is good in LA. true
4 The shops on Sunset Boulevard are cheap. false 4 Write about your favourite
5 The sports stadiums are noisy. true town / city. Find pictures for your project.
Exercise 2 6 There are some theme parks. true
Give students time to read 48
the text again and to do
the exercise.
Check answers. M04_DIEN_SB_L02GLB_6378_U04.indd 48 3/6/09 09:47:04

Exercise 3 Exercise 4
Answers student page Give students a little time to Give students time to write.
choose a town/city. Tell them they Move round, correcting and
must know a little about it. prompting.
Suggestion: Ask the class
to compare LA to their Make a class poster, Our favourite
Suggestion: Alternatively, ask
village/town/city. You places.
students to research their town/city
could work orally with on any computers available, or do
the class to generate this in a previous lesson.
discussion. Alternatively,
ask pairs to write down
Give students time to ask and
some sentences, then ask
answer about their place.
students to tell you their


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