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Pass: Pass (60-74 or 65-74 depending on the module) / Good (75-89) / Excellent (90-100)
Resit: Marginal Fail (35-59 or 35-64 depending on the module)
Retake: Fail (0-34)


Academic English Writing (1st & 2nd year)

Assessment: Written assignments (essays)
Passing grade: 65

1. Development of Argument*

Excellent (90-100) Your essay demonstrates an excellent breadth and depth of knowledge. It is
comprehensive, accurate, and relevant. Your argument* is compelling, coherent and concise, and you
reach robust conclusions. You display excellent skills of critical analysis.

Good (75-89) Your essay demonstrates a good breadth and depth of knowledge. It is comprehensive,
accurate and relevant. Your argument* is compelling, coherent and concise, and you reach robust
conclusions. You display a good level of critical engagement.

Pass (65-74) Your essay demonstrates a satisfactory breadth and depth of knowledge despite some
errors or omissions. Your argument* can usually be followed, but may not be concise or may lack
detail or relevancy in places. You draw adequate conclusions but they may not always reflect the
complexity of the subject matter. You attempt to critically engage with the subject in places.

Marginal Fail (36-64) Your essay demonstrates some relevant knowledge but is rather minimal in its
breadth and depth with some noticeable errors or omissions. Your argument* is difficult to follow, or
may not be concise or relevant or be lacking in detail in places. You may fail to reach adequate
conclusions. There is minimal critical engagement.

Fail (0-35) Your essay demonstrates little relevant knowledge. Your argument* is difficult to follow, as
it may not be concise or may be significantly lacking detail. There may be some confusion over the
subject matter, or the work may partly misrepresent or misunderstand the task. Adequate conclusions
may not be reached. The work shows very little evidence of critical engagement.

*Clarity of argument is influenced by

1. A thesis statement which indicates the stance of the essay
2. Topic statements which relate to the thesis statement and the stance
3. A conclusion which refers back to the thesis statement and the stance

2. Organisation of Writing

Excellent (90-100) Your essay shows an excellent degree of competence in organisation. The
introduction, conclusion and main body paragraphs are of a good length and excellently well organised.
Where appropriate, topic sentences are included and are clear. Cohesive devices are used faultlessly.
The integration of visuals (if required) is excellent. Regulations regarding format* have largely been
followed excellently too.

Good (75-89) Your essay shows a good degree of competence in organisation. The introduction,
conclusion and main body paragraphs are of a good length and well-organised. Where appropriate,
topic sentences are included and are clear. Cohesive devices are used well. The integration of visuals
(if required) is good. Regulations regarding format* have largely been followed well too.

Pass (65-74) Your essay shows a satisfactory degree of competence in organisation. The introduction,
conclusion and main body paragraphs are of a satisfactory length and generally well-organised with
only minor lapses. Where appropriate, topic sentences are almost always included and are clear. There
is satisfactory use of cohesive devices and integration of visuals (if required). Regulations regarding
format* have largely been followed satisfactorily too.

Marginal Fail (36-64) Your essay shows some competence in organisation but there may be some
significant lapses. There is an introduction, conclusion and main body paragraphs, but they may lack
some important features, be under or over length or not link well. Topic sentences may be missing
when appropriate, or unclear. There may be inadequate use of cohesive devices and integration of
visuals (if required). Regulations regarding format* may not have been followed.

Fail (0-35) Your essay is poorly organised. It may lack an introduction and/or conclusion, or these
features or the main body paragraphs may be significantly over or under length or not link well. Topic
sentences may be missing when appropriate, or unclear. There may be poor use of cohesive devices and
integration of visuals (if required). Regulations regarding format* may not have been followed.

* Appropriate title, font type and size, spacing, structure (e.g. for an essay or report etc.)

Please note that a piece of work that is more than 10% above, or more than 10% below the word
count will be penalised with a reduction of 10 percentage points from this section only.

3. Grammar & Vocabulary (Range & Accuracy)

Excellent (90-100) Your use of the language is excellent, with no clear errors in terms of accuracy and
range of expression.

Good (75-89) Your use of language is fluent and accurate with only few minor errors. You display a
wide and accurate range of expression to convey precise meaning. There are rare, if any, inaccuracies
in spelling and/or punctuation but these are likely to be slips.

Pass (65-74) Your language has a sufficiently wide range of expression and structures to be clearly
understood, in spite of a few errors in accuracy. There are few, if any, inaccuracies in spelling and /or

Marginal Fail (36-64) The essay has a rather large number of grammatical and lexical errors, which
may at times distract from the message. It may not read well due to a relatively narrow range of
expressions. There may be noticeable errors in spelling and/or punctuation.

Fail (0-35) This essay cannot always be followed due to the large number of grammatical and lexical
errors and/or does not read well owing to a minimal range of expression. Grammatical control is
limited and there may be frequent, noticeable errors of spelling and punctuation.

4. Style*

Excellent (90-100) Your essay shows an outstanding degree of competence in writing skills in terms of
academic style and register.

Good (75-89) Your essay shows a high degree of competence in writing skills in terms of academic
style and register.

Pass (65-74) Your essay shows a satisfactory degree of competence in writing skills in terms of
academic style and register, despite some very minor errors and/or omissions.

Marginal Fail (36-64) Your essay shows some lack of competence in writing skills in terms of
academic style and register. There are frequent errors and/or omissions.

Fail (0-35) Your essay shows a poor degree of competence in writing skills in terms of academic style
and register. There are frequent errors and omissions.

*Academic Style:
1. Formal (avoids idiomatic or colloquial vocabulary, slang, journalese, contractions, informal phrasal
2. Impersonal (avoids use of first person pronouns so as to focus on the actions/events/ideas, unless the
assessment states it requires personal reflection)
3. Objective (avoids bias and emotive language)
4. Hedged (uses cautious language where appropriate, avoids absolute statements)
5. Precise (facts, figures, dates etc. are given precisely)

5. Range, Quality & Correct Use of Sources

Excellent (90-100) You have used an excellent range of high quality sources that inform but do not
dominate your argument. These have been selected, understood and integrated exceptionally well
through paraphrasing, and where appropriate, quotation. All sources have been cited consistently
accurately in accordance with Harvard referencing principles. In-text and bibliographic referencing are

Good (75-89) You have used a good range and quality of sources that inform but do not dominate your
argument. These have been selected, understood and integrated well through paraphrasing, and where
appropriate, quotation. All sources have been cited consistently accurately in both in-text and
bibliographic referencing in accordance with Harvard referencing principles.

Pass (65-74) You have used a satisfactory range and quality of sources. These have been selected,
understood and integrated very well through paraphrasing, and where appropriate, quotation. There are
very few errors in in-text and/or bibliographic referencing.

Marginal Fail (36-64) Your essay has an unsatisfactory evidence base as you have failed to draw on
enough good quality sources to support your arguments, and/or the sources may not have been
understood or integrated appropriately through paraphrasing or quotation. There may be some
noticeable errors in in-text and/or bibliographic referencing. In several places the content may be
opinion-led or based on sources that lack reliability.

Fail (0-35) Your essay has a poor evidence base as you have failed to draw on enough good quality
sources to support your arguments, and or the sources may not have been selected, understood and/or
integrated appropriately through paraphrasing or quotation. There may be some significant errors in in-
text and/or bibliographic referencing (or one of these may be missing). A significant amount of the
content may be opinion-led or based on sources that lack reliability.

Please note that the Harvard Referencing system must be used to reference all sources in text and
in the reference list. See for further advice.


 Work with considerable or consistent evidence of plagiarism will receive an overall mark
of zero and must be resubmitted.


ESP Project (1st & 2nd year)

Assessment: Written assignments (reports)
Passing grade: 60

1. Development of Argument*

Excellent (90-100) Your essay demonstrates an excellent breadth and depth of knowledge. It is
comprehensive, accurate, and relevant. Your argument* is compelling, coherent and concise, and you
reach robust conclusions. You display excellent skills of critical analysis.

Good (75-89) Your essay demonstrates a good breadth and depth of knowledge. It is comprehensive,
accurate and relevant. Your argument* is compelling, coherent and concise, and you reach robust
conclusions. You display a good level of critical engagement.

Pass (60-74) Your essay demonstrates an adequate breadth and depth of knowledge despite some errors
or omissions. Your argument* can usually be followed, but may not be concise or may lack detail or
relevancy in places. You draw adequate conclusions but they may not always reflect the complexity of
the subject matter. You attempt to critically engage with the subject in places.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your essay demonstrates some relevant knowledge but is rather minimal in its
breadth and depth with some noticeable errors or omissions. Your argument* is difficult to follow, or
may not be concise or relevant or be lacking in detail in places. You may fail to reach adequate
conclusions. There is minimal critical engagement.

Fail (0-35) Your essay demonstrates little relevant knowledge. Your argument* is difficult to follow, as
it may not be concise or may be significantly lacking detail. There may be some confusion over the
subject matter, or the work may partly misrepresent or misunderstand the task. Adequate conclusions
may not be reached. The work shows very little evidence of critical engagement.

*Clarity of argument is influenced by

4. A thesis statement which indicates the stance of the essay
5. Topic statements which relate to the thesis statement and the stance
6. A conclusion which refers back to the thesis statement and the stance

2. Organisation of Writing

Excellent (90-100) Your essay shows an excellent degree of competence in organisation. The
introduction, conclusion and main body paragraphs are of a good length and excellently well organised.
Where appropriate, topic sentences are included and are clear. Cohesive devices are used faultlessly.
The integration of visuals (if required) is excellent. Regulations regarding format* have largely been
followed excellently too.

Good (75-89) Your essay shows a good degree of competence in organisation. The introduction,
conclusion and main body paragraphs are of a good length and well-organised. Where appropriate,
topic sentences are included and are clear. Cohesive devices are used well. The integration of visuals
(if required) is good. Regulations regarding format* have largely been followed well too.

Pass (60-74) Your essay shows a satisfactory degree of competence in organisation. The introduction,
conclusion and main body paragraphs are of a satisfactory length and generally well-organised with
only minor lapses. Where appropriate, topic sentences are almost always included and are clear. There
is satisfactory use of cohesive devices and integration of visuals (if required). Regulations regarding
format* have largely been followed satisfactorily too.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your essay shows some competence in organisation but there may be some
significant lapses. There is an introduction, conclusion and main body paragraphs, but they may lack
some important features, be under or over length or not link well. Topic sentences may be missing
when appropriate, or unclear. There may be inadequate use of cohesive devices and integration of
visuals (if required). Regulations regarding format* may not have been followed.

Fail (0-35) Your essay is poorly organised. It may lack an introduction and/or conclusion, or these
features or the main body paragraphs may be significantly over or under length or not link well. Topic
sentences may be missing when appropriate, or unclear. There may be poor use of cohesive devices and
integration of visuals (if required). Regulations regarding format* may not have been followed.

* Appropriate title, font type and size, spacing, structure (e.g. for an essay or report etc.)

Please note that a piece of work that is more than 10% above, or more than 10% below the word
count will be penalised with a reduction of 10 percentage points from this section only.

3. Grammar & Vocabulary (Range & Accuracy)

Excellent (90-100) Your use of the language is excellent, with no clear errors in terms of accuracy and
range of expression.

Good (75-89) Your use of language is fluent and accurate with only few minor errors. You display a
wide and accurate range of expression to convey precise meaning. There are rare, if any, inaccuracies
in spelling and/or punctuation but these are likely to be slips.

Pass (60-74) Your language has a sufficiently wide range of expression and structures to be clearly
understood, in spite of a few errors in accuracy. There are few, if any, inaccuracies in spelling and /or

Marginal Fail (36-59) The essay has a rather large number of grammatical and lexical errors, which
may at times distract from the message. It may not read well due to a relatively narrow range of
expressions. There may be noticeable errors in spelling and/or punctuation.

Fail (0-35) This essay cannot always be followed due to the large number of grammatical and lexical
errors and/or does not read well owing to a minimal range of expression. Grammatical control is
limited and there may be frequent, noticeable errors of spelling and punctuation.

4. Style*

Excellent (90-100) Your essay shows an outstanding degree of competence in writing skills in terms of
academic style and register.

Good (75-89) Your essay shows a high degree of competence in writing skills in terms of academic
style and register.

Pass (60-74) Your essay shows a satisfactory degree of competence in writing skills in terms of
academic style and register, despite some very minor errors and/or omissions.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your essay shows some lack of competence in writing skills in terms of
academic style and register. There are frequent errors and/or omissions.

Fail (0-35) Your essay shows a poor degree of competence in writing skills in terms of academic style
and register. There are frequent errors and omissions.

*Academic Style:

1 Formal (avoids idiomatic or colloquial vocabulary, slang, journalese, contractions, informal phrasal
2 Impersonal (avoids use of first person pronouns so as to focus on the actions/events/ideas, unless the
assessment states it requires personal reflection)
3 Objective (avoids bias and emotive language)
4 Hedged (uses cautious language where appropriate, avoids absolute statements)
5 Precise (facts, figures, dates etc. are given precisely)

5. Range, Quality & Correct Use of Sources

Excellent (90-100) You have used an excellent range of high quality sources that inform but do not
dominate your argument. These have been selected, understood and integrated exceptionally well
through paraphrasing, and where appropriate, quotation. All sources have been cited consistently
accurately in accordance with Harvard referencing principles. In-text and bibliographic referencing are

Good (75-89) You have used a good range and quality of sources that inform but do not dominate your
argument. These have been selected, understood and integrated well through paraphrasing, and where
appropriate, quotation. All sources have been cited consistently accurately in both in-text and
bibliographic referencing in accordance with Harvard referencing principles.

Pass (60-74) You have used a satisfactory range and quality of sources. These have been selected,
understood and integrated very well through paraphrasing, and where appropriate, quotation. There are
very few errors in in-text and/or bibliographic referencing.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your essay has an unsatisfactory evidence base as you have failed to draw on
enough good quality sources to support your arguments, and/or the sources may not have been
understood or integrated appropriately through paraphrasing or quotation. There may be some
noticeable errors in in-text and/or bibliographic referencing. In several places the content may be
opinion-led or based on sources that lack reliability.

Fail (0-35) Your essay has a poor evidence base as you have failed to draw on enough good quality
sources to support your arguments, and or the sources may not have been selected, understood and/or
integrated appropriately through paraphrasing or quotation. There may be some significant errors in in-
text and/or bibliographic referencing (or one of these may be missing). A significant amount of the
content may be opinion-led or based on sources that lack reliability.

Please note that the Harvard Referencing system must be used to reference all sources in text and
in the reference list. See for further advice.


 Work with considerable or consistent evidence of plagiarism will receive an overall mark
of zero and must be resubmitted.

Speaking (1st year) – ESP Project (1st & 2nd year) – EAP Skills (2nd year)
Assessment: Presentations
Passing grade: 60

1. Structure of Presentation and Design of Visual Aids

Excellent (90-100) An excellent presentation that is designed to the highest professional standards. The
focus is extremely clear and your key points were logically and coherently sequenced, making this a
memorable and exceptionally organised presentation with highly engaging opening and closing

sections. Visual aids and any supporting materials look professionally designed and provide clarity or
stimulate interest and engagement.

Good (75-89) A good presentation that is designed to high professional standards. The focus is very
clear and your key points are logically and coherently sequenced, making this a well-organised and
well-structured presentation with engaging opening and closing sections. Visual aids and any
supporting materials are well designed and provide clarity or stimulating interest and engagement.

Pass (60-74) A satisfactory presentation that is designed to some standards. The focus is clear and your
key points are logically sequenced, making this a satisfactorily organised and satisfactorily structured
presentation with strong opening and closing sections. Visual aids and any supporting materials are
satisfactorily designed and effective in providing clarity or stimulating interest.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your presentation shows limited competence in terms of organising your
materials. The focus and your key points were discernible but with difficulty. You show limited
awareness of how to structure a talk. Visual aids and any supporting materials may add little extra
value in terms of providing clarity or stimulating interest. The presentation may also have been
significantly over or under length in terms of timing.

Fail (0-35) Your presentation shows minimal awareness of how to structure a talk. The focus and your
key points are rarely discernible. Visual aids and any supporting materials may be missing or of poor

PLEASE NOTE: A presentation that is more than 2 minutes longer or shorter than the
required time will be penalised with a reduction of 10% from this section of the criteria.
Presenters who continue for more than 2 minutes will be stopped by the tutor.

PLEASE NOTE: Audio/video material cannot be used in presentations.

2. Content and Development of Argument

Excellent (90-100) The content of your presentation is informed by the highest level of scholarship and
demonstrates a breadth and depth of knowledge that is excellent. The topic is excellently developed.
Your argument is original, compelling and insightful, skilfully incorporating an excellent range of
relevant, high quality sources. The presentation meets the requirements of the task in every respect.

Good (75-89) The content of your presentation is informed by advanced scholarship and demonstrates
a breadth and depth of knowledge that is good. The topic is well developed. Your argument is original
and compelling, drawing on a good range of high quality sources. The presentation meets the
requirements of the task in every respect.

Pass (60-74) The content of your presentation demonstrates an awareness of satisfactory scholarship
and a satisfactory breadth and depth of knowledge. The topic is satisfactorily developed. There is some
originality in your argument which is frequently compelling, drawing on a range of high quality
sources. The presentation clearly meets the requirements of the task.

Marginal Fail (36-59) The content of your presentation demonstrates an incomplete breadth and depth
of knowledge with some errors or omissions. The topic may not be appropriately developed. You offer
an argument based on a limited understanding of current thinking, drawing on sources that are not
always appropriate or of good quality. The presentation meets the requirements of the task in a limited

Fail (0-35) The content of the presentation demonstrates little relevant knowledge, which is minimal in
its breadth and depth with major errors or omissions. The topic is not appropriately developed. Your
argument often misrepresents or misunderstands current thinking, drawing on poorly informed opinion
rather than appropriate sources. The presentation largely fails to fulfil the requirements of the task.

3. Language

Excellent (90-100) Your use of language is excellent in the context of this level of study. You have
mastered a sophisticated range of expressions and sentence structures with no clear errors in terms of
grammar and lexis, and use a register, style, tone and jargon that are entirely appropriate to the

Good (75-89) Your use of language is good in the context of this level of study. You have mastered a
broad range of expressions and sentence structures and use a register, style, tone and jargon that are
appropriate to the situation, with only occasional, very minor errors.

Pass (60-74) Your use of language is satisfactory in the context of this level of study. You are able to
use a range of expressions and sentence structures. Your choice of register, style, tone and jargon is
appropriate to the situation with only minor lapses and errors.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your language is comprehensible but not easy to follow due to the limited range
of expression and/or the number of grammatical and lexical errors. Your choice of register, style, tone
and jargon may sometimes be inappropriate to the situation.

Fail (0-35) Your message cannot always be followed due to the limited range of expression and the
number of grammatical and lexical errors in all but very basic structures. Your choice of register, style,
tone and jargon are often not appropriate to the audience.

4. Pronunciation & Voice

Excellent (90-100) You are able to produce target language sounds and intonation patterns with native-
speaker accuracy, and you have used voice variation, emphasis and pausing to excellent effect. No
strain is placed on the listener in following your message.

Good (75-89) You are able to produce target language sounds and intonation patterns with near native-
speaker accuracy and you have used voice variation, emphasis and pausing to good effect. Virtually no
strain is placed on the listener in following your message.

Pass (60-74) You are able to produce target language sounds and intonation patterns accurately. You
have used voice variation, emphasis and pausing to satisfactory effect. Little strain is placed on the
listener in following your message.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your ability to produce the target language sounds and intonation patterns is
limited. You make limited use of voice variation, emphasis or pausing. Strain is often placed on the
listener in following your message as a result of first language interference and/or inappropriate

Fail (0-35) Your ability to produce the target language sounds and intonation patterns is very limited.
You make very limited if any use of voice variation, emphasis or pausing. Strain is constantly placed
on the listener in following your message as a result of first language interference and/or inappropriate

5. Delivery

Excellent (90-100) Your presentation is executed with excellent professionalism and your posture,
body language and facial expressions convey exceptional confidence. You maintain excellent eye
contact and develop an excellent rapport with all of the audience throughout. Your rate of speech is
entirely fluent and appropriate. Your delivery appears natural and relaxed. Your handling of visual
aids, prompts and questions is highly skilful.

Good (75-89) This is a good, professional presentation and your posture, body language and facial
expressions convey complete confidence. You maintain good eye contact and develop a positive
rapport with all of the audience throughout. Your rate of speech is appropriate and fluent. Your
delivery appears natural and relaxed. Your handling of visual aids, prompts and questions is very

Pass (60-74) This is a very good, professional presentation and your posture, body language and facial
expressions convey confidence. You maintain eye contact with all of the audience and develop a good
rapport for most of the time. Your rate of speech is appropriate and fluent, and your delivery seems
natural and relaxed. Your handling of visual aids, prompts and questions is skilful.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your presentation reflects professional standards in a limited manner. Eye
contact may often be lost, and you may only briefly manage to create rapport with the audience. You
may often appear tense and your posture, body language or facial expressions are either distracting, or
convey a lack of confidence which you struggle to control. Your rate of speech and fluency may vary
or not be entirely appropriate. You show a limited awareness of how to handle visual aids, prompts and
questions, but may lack the skills to do this effectively.
Fail (0-35) Your presentation demonstrates a minimal ability to meet professional standards. You make
very little eye contact with the audience and create little to no rapport. Your posture, body language
and facial expressions may be inappropriate and you may clearly convey a lack of confidence. You
show a minimal awareness of how to handle visual aids, prompts and questions.

PLEASE NOTE: For group presentations, students in the same group will be awarded the same
mark for Structure of Presentation & Design of Visual Aids, but marked individually for the
other criteria.

Therefore students are advised to look at the remaining criteria and determine how they
individually can meet them in their part of the presentation.


Speaking (1st year) – EAP Skills (2nd year)

Assessment: Discussions
Passing grade: 60

1. Content
Excellent (90-100) You showed an excellent degree of competence in terms of preparing, organising
and supporting your argument. You listened carefully and responded thoughtfully to the contributions
of the other people involved, and considered a vast range of possible scenarios for which you
demonstrated an excellent wide range of possible arguments and counter-arguments. You have
achieved the highest level of compelling, coherent and concise argument attainable at this level of

Good (75-89) You showed a good degree of competence in terms of preparing, organising and
supporting your argument. You listened carefully and responded thoughtfully to the contributions of
the other people involved, and considered a good range of possible scenarios for which you
demonstrated a wide range of possible arguments and counter-arguments. You present a compelling,
coherent and concise line of argument.

Pass (60-74) You showed a satisfactory degree of competence in terms of preparing, organising and
supporting your argument. You listened and responded to the contributions of the other people
involved, and considered a satisfactory range of possible scenarios for which you demonstrated a

certain range of possible arguments and counter-arguments. You present a line of argument that is
coherent, concise and frequently compelling.

Marginal Fail (36-59) You showed limited competence in terms of preparing, organising and/or
supporting your argument, which may have been due to failure to contribute enough. You may not have
fully listened and or responded to the contribution of the other people involved, and may only have
considered a limited range of possible scenarios for which you demonstrated a narrow range of possible
arguments and counter-arguments. Your line of argument may lack coherence and/or conciseness.
Fail (0-35) You have failed to adequately prepare for, organise and/or support your argument, which
may have been due to a failure to contribute enough. You may not have listened and/or responded to
the contributions of the other people involved. There was no real underlying structure of argument, and
a very limited range of possible scenarios was considered. Your line of argument may often lack
coherence and/or conciseness.

2. Language

Excellent (90-100) Your use of language is excellent in the context of this level of study. You have
mastered a sophisticated range of expressions and sentence structures with no clear errors in terms of
grammar and lexis, using a register, style, tone and jargon that are entirely appropriate to the situation.

Good (75-89) Your use of language is good in the context of this level of study. You have mastered a
broad range of expressions and sentence structures, using a register, style, tone and jargon that are
sufficiently appropriate to the situation, with only occasional, very minor errors.

Pass (60-74) Your use of language is satisfactory in the context of this level of study. You are able to
use a range of expressions and sentence structures, and your choice of register, style, tone and jargon is
appropriate to the situation with only minor lapses and errors.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your language is comprehensible but not easy to follow due to the limited range
of expression and the number of grammatical and lexical errors. Your choice of register, style, tone and
jargon may be inappropriate to the situation.

Fail (0-35) Your message cannot always be followed due to the limited range of expression and the
number of grammatical and lexical errors in all but very basic structures. Your choice of register, style,
tone and jargon may often be inappropriate to the situation.

3. Pronunciation

Excellent (90-100) You are able to produce target language sounds and intonation patterns with native-
speaker accuracy, and you have used voice variation, emphasis and pause to excellent effect. No strain
is placed on the listener in following your message.

Good (75-89) You are able to produce target language sounds and intonation patterns with near native-
speaker accuracy and you have used voice variation, emphasis and pause to good effect. Virtually no
strain is placed on the listener in following your message.

Pass (60-74) You are able to produce target language sounds and intonation patterns accurately. You
have used voice variation, emphasis and pause to satisfactory effect. Little strain is placed on the
listener in following your message.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your ability to produce the target language sounds and intonation patterns is
limited. You make limited use of voice variation, emphasis or pause. Strain is often placed on the
listener in following your message as a result of first language interference and/or inaudibility.
Fail (0-35) Your ability to produce the target language sounds and intonation patterns is very limited.
You make very limited if any use of voice variation, emphasis or pause. Strain is constantly placed on
the listener in following your message as a result of first language interference and/or inaudibility.

4. Communication

Excellent (90-100) You are able to establish and maintain rapport with excellent ease. You always use
appropriate facial expressions and gestures, and keep very good eye contact to excellent effect. You
show excellent turn-taking skills, and always engage others in the discussion when appropriate.

Good (75-89) You are able to establish and maintain rapport with good ease. You use many
appropriate facial expressions and gestures, and keep very good eye contact. You show good turn-
taking skills, and engage others in the discussion when appropriate.

Pass (60-74) You are able to establish and maintain rapport with satisfactory ease. You use appropriate
facial expressions and gestures, and keep satisfactory eye contact. You show very good turn-taking
skills, and make satisfactory attempts to engage others in the discussion.

Marginal Fail (36-59) Your ability to establish and maintain rapport is limited. You may use only
minimal facial expressions and gestures, and/or fail to keep enough eye contact. You may fail to show
turn-taking skills, and/or attempts to engage others in the discussion.

Fail (0-35) Your ability to establish and maintain rapport is very limited. You do not use appropriate
facial expressions or gestures, and/or fail to keep eye contact. You may fail to show turn-taking skills,
and/or attempts to engage others in the discussion.

PLEASE NOTE: Tutors will stop seminars that exceed more than one minute over the
time allowed, but this will not affect any marks awarded.


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