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Hi guys my name is Gaveen Amunugama and today our batch 104 will be talking about IT

communication trends in the present and in the future.

So what is communication, Communication involves the relationship between participants or in simpler

words, the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another.

Moving On

Why is communication important to us?

Furthermore, focusing on why IT related communication is important, taking ancient times into
consideration, people mostly used paper, smoke signals, animals, sound and many other means of
natural communication methods.

I will now give you an example about how It was to communicate in the past when there were no easy
methods of communication like now.

According to a Greek myth, a philippede who was a messenger was sent to announce that the Persians
had been defeated in the battle, but here comes the interesting part the messenger had to run the
entire distance and when he eventually reached his destination the messenger was only able to say we
are victorious and the collapsed and passed away. Which means the messenger had ran a mere 26.2
miles which is a large distance to travel by foot in order to deliver a message and eventually gave his life
just for cause of communication from his end to the Greeks. Therefore due to that reason a marathon is
now known to be 26.2 miles

The person could have been saved if they had the least means a telephone or when comparing to the
present, an email or an app like whatsapp helped them save a life of a fellow countryman and also could
have delivered the message to everyone together.

Later as people developed, they started to realize that these methods were time consuming and
inconvenient, so moved towards that is the Digitalized era with time and started using electronic means
of communication.

Talking about why this is important, few of the most main factors are,

Time saving

•With the development of technology we could reach out to any person around the world within

Low cost

•Sending out an email or a sms is relatively cheaper than sending an ordinary letter.

Eg- Stamp fee.

Combination of numerous media

•Ability to combine numerous media such as text, graphics, video, audio etc. at once.

•Also convenient, flexible ,reliable and dependable compared to the traditional means of

Introduction to Present communication

When talking about present communication meaning the communication in the 21 st century you guys
could see a great improvement and evolved from what I spoke before about the greek myth. Nowadays
communication has improved to a certain extent where you can easily get in touch with people who are
abroad within a time frame of minutes no matter how distant you are from your home country main
examples for these would be as we all know Whatsapp, Viber and the list goes on and on. Now we will
show a small video.

Video play

My colleague Thabitha will continue from here over to you Thabitha ,

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