GDR HP Harry Potter - Unofficial RPG

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An Unofficial Harry Potter Tabletop RPG

written by William Rotor

for ages 8-80

Table of Contents
avada kedavra, restricted curse (pg. 22)
Introduction avis, transfiguration 2 (pg. 16)
avolara pituita, hex 3 (pg. 18)
Making a Check (pg. 4)
colloportus, charm 1 (pg. 15)
Helping Others (pg. 4)
colormutatio, transfiguration (pg. 15)
Conflict with Others (pg. 4)
confringo, curse 5 (pg. 21)
Expalining the System to a Younger Audience (pg. 5)
confundo, jinx 2 (pg. 16)
conjunctivitus, curse 3 (pg. 18)
Character Creation consulus tempus, charm 5 (pg. 21)
crescerossa, healing 3 (pg. 18)
Step by Step Guide (pg. 6)
crucio, restricted curse (pg. 22)
Example Sheet (pg. 7)
custodicelium inimecus, charm 4 (pg. 20)
Quirks (pg. 8)
defodio, jinx 5 (pg. 21)
Abilities (pg. 10)
deletrious, counter-spell 3 (pg. 18)
Common Checks (pg. 10)
densaugeo, hex 3 (pg. 18)
Supplies (pg. 10)
deprimo, hex 5 (pg. 21)
Houses (pg. 12)
descendo, charm 1 (pg. 15)
Spells (pg. 12)
diffindo, charm 1 (pg. 15)
Year of Entry (pg. 12)
duro, transfiguration 4 (pg. 20)
Character Progression Tables (pg. 13)
duro homenum, curse 5 (pg. 21)
engorgio, transfiguration 2 (pg. 16)
Magic episkey, healing 1 (pg. 15)
erecto, transfiguration 5 (pg. 21)
Rules (pg. 14)
eruptum, charm 2 (pg. 16)
Spells (pg. 15)
evanesco, charm 3 (pg. 18)
Variant Spell Rules (pg. 23)
exempla bordus, charm 3 (pg. 18)
Potions (pg. 23)
exemplum contentio, charm 3 (pg. 18)
Objects of Power (pg. 24)
expecto patronum, charm 3 (pg. 19)
expelliarmus, counter-spell 2 (pg. 16)
Threats expulso, curse 2 (pg. 17)
ferula, healing 2 (pg. 17)
Rules (pg. 27)
fidelio, restricted charm (pg. 22)
Generic NPCs (pg. 27)
fiendfyre, restricted transfiguration (pg. 22)
Named NPCs (pg. 36)
finite incantatum, counter-spell 4 (pg. 20)
Monsters (pg. 41)
flagrante, curse 4 (pg. 20)
flagrante injurium, healing 4 (pg. 20)
A Year at Hogwarts flagrate, charm 3 (pg. 19)
Carpe Exforaminis (pg. 48) frigoriflam, charm 2 (pg. 17)
Year Map (pg. 48) furnunculus, curse 1 (pg. 15)
Sample Adventure: The Empty Portraits (pg. 49) geminio, transfiguration 5 (pg. 21)
glisseo, charm 4 (pg. 20)

Character Sheet homenum revelio, charm 4 (pg. 20)

impedimenta forte, curse 4 (pg. 20)
Character Sheet (pg. 68) impedimenta, jinx 3 (pg. 19)
imperio, restricted curse (pg. 22)

Alphabetical Spell List impervious, charm 3 (pg. 19)

incarcerous, hex 3 (pg. 19)
accio, charm 1 (pg. 15) incendio, transfiguration 1 (pg. 15)
aguamenti, transfiguration 1 (pg. 15) ingressum, charm 3 (pg. 19)
allucinatio, charm 3 (pg. 18) iterumimplus, charm 4 (pg. 20)
alohomora, charm 1 (pg. 15) jusjurandum perpetuus, restricted charm (pg. 22)
anapneo, healin 1 (pg. 15) legilimens, curse 5 (pg. 21)
animutatio, transfiguration 3 (pg. 18) levicorpus, restricted hex (pg. 23)
antiapparate, counter-spell 3 (pg. 18) liberacorpus, counter-spell 3 (pg. 19)
aparecium, counter-spell 2 (pg. 16) limax vomite, hex 2 (pg. 17)
apparate, charm 5 (pg. 21) lingua vinculum, curse 4 (pg. 21)
appareo, counter-spell 3 (pg. 18) locomotor, charm 1 (pg. 15)

locomotor mortis, hex 1 (pg. 15)
lumos, charm 1 (pg. 15)
mobilicorpus, hex 2 (pg. 17)
morsmordre, restricted curse (pg. 23)
muffliato, restricted hex (pg. 23)
muspoculum, transfiguration 1 (pg. 15)
necromancum, restricted healing (pg. 23)
nitor, jinx 4 (pg. 20)
noink, charm 1 (pg. 17)
nox, counter-spell 1 (pg. 16)
objectum mutatio, transfiguration 2 (pg. 17)
obliviate, curse 2 (pg. 23)
occlumens, counter-spell 5 (pg. 22)
oppugno, hex 2 (pg. 17)
orchideous, transfiguration 3 (pg. 19)
pack, charm 1 (pg. 16)
perpendiculum, jinx 2 (pg. 17)
petrificus totalus, curse 1 (pg. 16)
piertotum locomotor, charm 4 (pg. 20)
point me, charm 1 (pg. 16)
portus, charm 4 (pg. 21)
prior incantato, counter-spell 5 (pg. 22)
protego, counter-spell 2 (pg. 17)
protero, charm 2 (pg. 17)
quaff, jinx 1 (pg. 16)
quietus, counter-spell 1 (pg. 16)
reducio, counter-spell 2 (pg. 17)
reducto, curse 4 (pg. 21)
regularis figura, counter-spell 2 (pg. 17)
relashio, hex 4 (pg. 21)
remedium, healing 3 (pg. 19)
rennervate, counter-spell 2 (pg. 17)
reparo, charm 1 (pg. 16)
repello muggletum, charm 5 (pg. 22)
respirabulla, charm 3 (pg. 19)
revivify, healing 5 (pg. 22)
rictumsempra, jinx 2 (pg. 17)
riddikulus, charm 3 (pg. 19)
sanamente, healing 4 (pg. 21)
scourgify, charm 3 (pg. 19)
sectumsempra, restricted curse (pg. 23)
sensamagna, charm 5 (pg. 22)
sentis incommodum, hex 3 (pg. 19)
serpensortia, transfiguration 2 (pg. 18)
silencio, charm 2 (pg. 18)
sonorus, charm 1 (pg. 16)
specialus revelio, counter-spell 4 (pg. 21)
squibify, restricted counter-spell (pg. 23)
stupefy, hex 3 (pg. 19)
taboo, restricted charm (pg. 23)
tarantellegra, jinx 2 (pg. 18)
tenaxi, charm 3 (pg. 20)
videodolum, counter-spell 3 (pg. 20)
volatus, charm 3 (pg. 20)
wingardium leviosa, charm 1 (pg. 16)

In this roleplaying system based on the world of Harry Potter As an example, a student might be taking a pop quiz in potions
by J.K. Rowling, the game world is run by a Game Master (GM) class.
who guides the story, while the group consists of about 3 or 4
The character has a 2 in Intelligence, so their player rolls
players controlling characters they've designed themselves. The
characters are students at Hogwarts.
The quiz is of reasonable difficulty, so the GM rules that it is
To play this game, you'll need a set of at least three six-sided
a Medium challenge and rolls 3d6.
dice (3d6) and one twenty-sided die (1d20) for each player.
The player's result is 8 (3+5) and the GM's result is 9
Alternatively, you can store on the table six six-sided dice (6d6)
and two twenty-sided dice (2d20) that everyone shares.
The character fails the check and does not do well on their
pop quiz.
Making a Check Their "failure" need not be a literal failure. It's simply not the
Whenever a player character must complete a task that has a result the character was hoping for. Ron might consider 49% to
chance of failure, they must make a check. A check could be a be a failure while Hermione would consider 99% to be a failure.
feat of strength, a duel, a struggle to remember important In addition, the group needs to determine the side effects.
information, a literal test, or anything where the outcome is not
certain. The player rolls 1d20 and the result is 17.
The player rolls a number of d6 equal to the score of the The GM rolls 1d20 and the result is 4.
ability they use for their check (Brawn, Intelligence, etc) plus The character achieves serendipity.
their d20. The GM rolls a number of d6 depending on the The player and the GM briefly discuss what positive side
challenge of the check (2d6 for Easy, 3d6 for Medium, 4d6 for effect would be appropriate.
Hard) as well as a d20. To determine whether the player
The GM might, for example, rule that one question on the
succeeds, the player and the GM compare the results of their d6
quiz accidentally provides the answer to a puzzle they've been
rolls. The player succeeds only when the result of their dice
struggling with in divination class.
meets or exceeds the result of the GM's dice.
In addition, the two d20s are compared to see whether the
check has a positive or negative effect. If the player's d20 rolls Helping Others
equal or higher than the GM's d20, the check, whether it was a
While another player makes a check, you can offer help from
success or failure, has a positive side effect ("serendipity"). If
your character. A character can only benefit from the help of
the GM exceeds the player's roll, the check has a negative side
one other player at a time. When you offer help, you pick an
effect ("complication"). The GM and player can negotiate on
ability, briefly describe how you assist them, and increase the
what side effects occur, but the decision is ultimately up to the
result of either their d6 or d20 roll (your choice) by an amount
equal to your score in that ability. For example, in the above
Instead of d20s, you can use d6s of a different colour or size
scenario, you might declare that you use your Dexterity (score
to the ones used for success or failure.
of 1) to quietly slip your friend an answer to one of the
questions on a piece of paper, increasing their result to 9 and
Outcome of a Check causing them to succeed.
Player Roll (?d6) GM Roll (?d6) Outcome The GM can deny any help attempt they wish, or ask you to
Higher Lower Success make a check of your own first. To prevent infinite recursion, if
Equal Equal Success you have to make a check to help someone else make a check,
you can't be helped yourself.
Lower Higher Failure

Side Effect of a Check Conflict with Others

Player Roll (1d20) GM Roll (1d20) Outcome If you are making a check in conflict with an NPC, the GM
Higher Lower Serendipity controls them as though they were characters and rolls dice
based on their ability scores as a player does. Whoever rolls
Equal Equal Serendipity higher on their d6 roll succeeds, and whoever rolls higher on
Lower Higher Complication their d20 roll gains the benefits of a serendipity side effect.
Some monsters automatically get a serendipity side effect on
Difficulty of a Check certain checks (or a complication); if so, the player rolls for a
side effect as normal.
Check Difficulty GM Roll
You can also make checks against other players in this way,
Easy 2d6 but it's discouraged. Don't be mean!
Medium 3d6
Hard 4d6

Explaining the System to a
Younger Audience
When playing this game with children who are too young for a
lengthy explanation of the game's systems and rules, follow the
guidelines below.

1. Help them through the character creation process before

doing any explanation of the system. Don't influence them to
make certain decisions over others. It's important that it's
their choice.
2. Don't worry about explaining anything on the GM's side, like
how difficulty of checks works. Focus only on what their
character can do, and make sure they know that they can
attempt to do anything they like, but they'll have to roll well.
3. Explain that every time they make a check, it's really two
rolls -- one to see if they succeed, and the other for the
random chance of something good happening or something
bad happening as a result of their character's actions. We
need that second roll because you can't always guess what
will happen!
4. Use "Socratic Dialogue" to help them understand how to
complete and identify the results of a check. "What number
do you have for Charisma?" "How many dice do you roll if
your Charisma is 3?" "Did you roll higher, or did I roll
higher?" "What about the side effects, what do we roll for
that?" "What effect do you think should happen based on
this roll?" Et cetera. Be patient -- the worst possible thing
you can do is interrupt them and feed them the answer
before they're ready to come up with it on their own.
5. For more complicated rules like backfire thresholds, you can
cover them as a GM for the first few sessions. For backfires,
each time a character casts a spell, you can roll the d20
yourself and narrate the results for your players. As long as
you explain what you are doing every time you do it ("I'm
rolling to see if your spell backfires. Oh, I rolled a 7 -- that's
lower than 10, which means the spell backfires! What does
it say happens on a backfire in the spell's description?")
children will be smart enough to pick up on it and might be
able to start incorporating the rule themselves.
6. If you don't want to use a big complicated die like a d20, you
can swap it out for a d6 as long as the dice you roll for
success/failure are visibly different (size, colour, etc) to the
ones you use for serendipity/complication.
7. Don't be afraid to define words like "serendipity", "backfire",
and "quirk" -- there's nothing wrong with building
vocabulary, especially if the words are fun to say out loud.
8. Don't be afraid to roll behind the screen and fudge things in
their favour.

These guidelines can also help if you're dealing with a

particularly stubborn older person who has decided ahead of
time that they don't understand. Adults often don't give
themselves enough credit with their ability to learn new things.

Character Creation
Step by Step Guide Quirk Effect (pgs. 8-9)
Follow along with your fresh character sheet! Go back to your quirk and incorporate the mechanical effect
onto your character sheet. If your quirk increases an ability

Primary Details score that is already 3, you can choose any other ability score to
increase instead.
Write your character’s name, your name, and draw a little
picture of your character in the portrait box. Mark off your
year: for your first character, you'll likely be starting in 1st year.
House (pg. 12)
You will be assigned your House through a sorting hat

Quirk (pgs. 8-9) ceremony that you will play out in character as part of the
game. Your House is associated with two abilities; increase
Select a quirk that fits the flavour of the character you want to them both by 1. If one or both of these abilities are already at 3,
make. Put the mechanical effects to the side at the moment; you can replace them with another ability instead.
you’ll add them later.
Backfire Threshold (pg. 14)
Ability Scores (pg. 10) At first year, your backfire threshold is 10.
Put 1 in each ability score to start. Whenever you cast a spell, roll your d20. If the result is equal
You have five points to spend to improve them. You will get to or lower than your backfire threshold, the spell backfires. A
more from your pet, your house, and potentially your quirk. lower backfire threshold is better.
Starting in first year, your maximum ability score is 3.
Further Years (pgs. 12-13)
Supplies (pgs. 10-11) If you are starting your game at a year level later than 1st,
Write down your character’s basic supplies (textbooks, consult the Character Progression Table (New Game) to see
cauldron, cloak, hat). You don't need to write out each what a character starting out at that year gets. If you are
textbook's name. levelling your character up to the next year, consult the
Character Progression Table (Level Up) to see what you get at
Pet (pg. 11) each subsequent year.
If you start at first year, you will gain more spells throughout
Choose a pet for your character. Your pet is associated with an the course of the story than you would starting out at a later
ability; you can increase that ability by 1. If the ability is already year.
at its maximum score, you can pick any other ability instead.
Ability Scores
Wand (pg. 11) You get 1 more point to increase your ability scores at the
beginning of each subsequent year.
Ask your GM to pick a wand wood and wand core for you based Your maximum ability score increases to 4 at fourth year and
on your character. If you’d like to make the decision yourself, to 5 at seventh year.
you can ask your GM if that’s alright.
Take note of the type of spell associated with your wand core Spells
(for example, a Unicorn Hair wand core is associated with You get new spells as they are listed on the Character
charms). Progression Tables. You also get one bonus spell from years 1-5
based on the type of spell of your wand core. For example, by
1st-Year Spells (pgs. 15-23) Year 5, a wizard with a Unicorn Hair wand core will know 5
extra charm spells, one of each year level.
Your wand core is associated with a certain type of spell. Find a
spell of that type and add it to your 1st-Year list. Then, choose
any two 1st-Year spells that you like and add them as well. You're All Set!
You should have three spells when you begin first year. These If you've followed this step-by-step guide, you will have a 1st-
represent the small bits of magic that you've already picked up year character ready to begin your foray into the wonderful
through observation and experimentation. world of HOGWARTS!

Example Sheet

Included is an example sheet for Gonzo G'nache, a 1st-year Hufflepuff student who has just completed his sorting hat ceremony.

You can find a blank sheet on the last page of this book (pg. 68) to fill in yourself. This is just an example.

Quirks Cursed
The first step to creating a character is to choose a quirk that You bear a deadly affliction, given to you by a vindictive wizard
provides something special or unique about your character, when you were very young. Your attempts to free yourself of
something that justifies them being a major character in the this affliction have given you a head start on the study of magic
story you are about to tell together. The GM might also assign and much practical experience that students wouldn't
your character additional quirks based on the events of the plot otherwise have.
(such as being bitten by a werewolf). You gain one point to spend to increase your ability scores,
Choose a quirk based on the flavour, not on the mechanics. and you must choose to receive one of the following afflictions.
Don't worry about what the mechanics mean until you've
Babbling Curse. You babble uncontrollably when you speak
finished your entire character. Keep your focus on the
for longer than a sentence or two at a time.
storytelling, not on meticulously constructing the most
The Bogies. You suffer endlessly from symptoms of a cold,
powerful character you can.
mainly runny nose and sore throat.
Many of these quirks are forbidden at Hogwarts and must be
Bolt. Whenever possible, you must sprint to your destination.
kept secret. You can still pick a "secret" quirk, but you will need
Walking normally is awkward and clumsy.
to keep that quirk hidden, as if it is discovered, you may be
Cognitive Dissonance. You are incapable of recognising the
existence of magic. You believe that all of the magical effects
you experience have a rational explanation.
Animagus Ear-Shrivelling Curse. Your ears are shrivelled up, making it
You have the ability to transform into an animal. The difficult to hear properly.
transformation takes only a few seconds, but after returning to Half Life. You must drink the blood of one living creature each
your human form, you must wait a few hours until you can do it week to survive.
again. Your clothes and equipment are transformed with you, Illumination Curse. Your eyes glow brightly and send out a
and while recovering, you still retain some physical tics of your visible beam of light five feet in the direction you are looking
animal form, such as twitching your nose, self-grooming, at all times.
flapping your arms, or panting. Jelly-Legs Curse. Your legs have become jelly-like. You require
the use of magic or a wheelchair in order to move around.
In your animal form, you retain your Courage, Intelligence,
Malicious Demon Curse. You are haunted by an impish
Perception, and Charisma. Your Brawn becomes 1 and your
demon that nobody else can see, always ducking just out of
Dexterity becomes 3. You can't speak or cast spells.
your line of sight. You suspect this demon is to blame for all
Choose one of the following animals.
of your failures.
Bat Pinocchio Curse. Your nose grows longer when you
Cat intentionally tell a lie (including lies of omission or half-
Dog truths), or if you know the answer to a question but are
Dove refusing to speak. Your nose slowly returns to its normal size
Mouse after about a minute.
Rat Dark Mark
You bear the mark of an evil wizard, a tattoo on your forearm
that twists with black smoke. You may have chosen a path of
darkness, or had the dark mark placed upon you by force.
Either way, you gain dangerous knowledge from it.
Chosen House Hero When you pick spells for your year level, you can pick up an
In times of crisis, a symbol of your house will appear by your additional curse spell.
side to aid you in your quest. The item is determined by your This quirk must be secret.
house. Once it has been used, it disappears once more into the
aether until there is great need of it again. Hidden Wand
Gryffindor. A silver sword that has the power to destroy You keep your wand in a specialised hidden location on your
unbreakable objects or slay unkillable creatures. person, such as in a secret pocket or in a cane.
Hufflepuff. A golden cup that can generate endless amounts of You gain a +1 to Quick Draw checks.
food and water.
Ravenclaw. A silver diadem, a tiara that grants the wearer
irresistible charm.
Slytherin. A golden locket that allows the wearer to summon
and control hordes of snakes.

House Elf Companion Undead
A house elf is indebted to you. He or she follows you around Through dark magic, you were brought back from the dead. You
and attempts to help you out in any way it can. At Hogwarts, are practically impervious to pain and barely realize when you
house elves stay in their own quarters at night and their have been wounded.
movements around the castle are heavily restricted. You gain a +1 to Resistance checks.
Your house elf occasionally helps you with your problems, This quirk must be secret.
potentially ensuring you achieve a serendipity result on your
checks at the GM's discretion.
Variant: Vampire
Your undeath may be due to the bite of a vampire.
Obliviated If this is true, you also gain the abilities of an animagus
(turning into a bat), and you receive the Half Life
Your memory was permanently erased by a powerful casting of affliction (see the Cursed quirk).
obliviate. You woke up on the Hogwarts Express with no
memory of who you were or how you got here.
The GM will later assign you a second quirk when your
character discovers the reason your memory was erased.
Your conscience is forever tainted by casting an unforgivable

Parseltongue curse. You are equally haunted with regret yet enticed by the
power you felt when you cast it.
You can speak the language of snakes. While this quirk is not You know one of the three unforgivable curses: avada
forbidden, it does make others suspicious of you. kedavra, crucio, or imperio.
This quirk must be secret, and you must obtain permission
Prophet from your GM to select this quirk, as the ability to murder,
torture, or violate the free will of other students may not be
You receive vague premonitions of the future. Work with the compatible with the kind of game that the GM wishes to run.
GM to provide your character with interesting metaphorical
visions of what horrors are to come in the year.
Scar Through your veins swims the blood of the veela, a race of
seductive monsters that are said in legends to have led sailors
You have a scar across your forehead from an attempt on your to their watery graves.
life as a baby. The great wizard who failed to kill you with the
At character creation, your Charisma score increases by 1.
killing curse is now inextricably linked to you. Your scar burns
This quirk must be secret.
when you are exposed to those tainted by his evil presence, and
your dreams are haunted by his specter. Your scar makes you a
legendary hero, the One Who Lived. Werewolf
You gain a +1 to checks to identify signs or agents of evil. You suffer from the curse of lycanthropy. Under the light of the
full moon, you transform into a terrible half-human, half-wolf
Stolen Wand hybrid that fights with unnatural strength and cannot be killed.
Your clothes and equipment don't transform with you. You
You possess a wand stolen from a much older and more return to your human form at dawn, retaining no memories of
powerful wizard. It is a better wand than you could ever hope the night time.
to own, but it is not yours, and it knows it.
In your hybrid form, you retain your Courage, Dexterity, and
At character creation, pick three spells to add to the spells Perception scores. Your Brawn becomes 5, your Charisma
you know: one 3rd-year spell, one 4th-year spell, and one 5th- becomes 1, and your Intelligence becomes 1. You can't speak or
year spell. When you reach 7th year, you can also add one cast spells. You don't remember your life as a human.
restricted spell.
This quirk must be secret.
Your backfire threshold is increased by 3.
This quirk must be secret.
Witness to Death
You have watched someone you know die. With this sorrowful
knowledge, your third eye has been awakened to many
melancholy truths, such as the nature of the thestrals that guide
students to Hogwarts' gates, or the sadness of the ghosts that
wander Hogwarts' halls.

Abilities Common Checks
There are six abilities in the game. There are certain checks that used frequently enough in the
game to warrant their own section. It may be useful to list them
Brawn on your character sheet as a reminder.
Dexterity Quick Draw
Intelligence A wizard makes a check (usually Dexterity, but with any ability
Perception deemed appropriate), contested against an opposing wizard, to
launch a spell faster than their opponent. Whoever wins the
Your score in each ability corresponds to how many ability
Quick Draw check launches their spell first.
dice you roll when making a check. For example, if your Brawn
You don't need to roll a d20 for a Quick Draw check.
score is 3, you roll 3d6 when making a check that relates to
your Brawn.
Brawn A wizard makes a check (usually Brawn, but with any ability
deemed appropriate) to break free of a negative effect
Brawn represents your physical fitness. Checks for Brawn
bestowed on them by a spell.
might include moving heavy objects, running fast, withstanding
pain, resisting a curse, or chucking a quaffle. Spell Level Difficulty of Resistance Check
1st-Year Easy
Charisma 2nd-Year Easy
Charisma represents your force of personality. It might take the
3rd-Year Medium
form of physical attractiveness, confidence, or comedic timing.
Checks for Charisma might include convincing someone to back 4th-Year Medium
down from an argument, to deliver a speech, to tell a lie, or to 5th-Year Hard
make a distraction.
Restricted Hard

Courage You don't need to roll a d20 for a Resistance check.

Courage represents your willpower and bravery. Checks for
Courage might include maintaining your resolve in the face of a Backfire
boggart, rallying up your fellow students to fight back against a
Every time a wizard casts a spell, they roll a d20 and compare
monster, or trusting that you won't plummet through an
the result to their Backfire Threshold. If the result is equal to or
invisible floor.
lower than their Backfire Threshold, the spell backfires and has
a side effect listed in the spell's description. The GM can
Dexterity determine that the side effect of a backfire differs from this
Dexterity represents your nimbleness and physical accuracy.
Checks for Dexterity might include quickly locking a door Most student's backfire threshold is 10, or 7 from 6th year.
before a rampaging troll barges through, remaining quiet to
hide from teachers in the restricted section of the library, or to
catch a snitch darting around in front of your face.
As a first year student, you are required to have the following
supplies. These supplies are necessary for certain aspects of life
Intelligence as a student in Hogwarts.
Intelligence represents your aptitude for study. Checks for
Intelligence might include correctly copying down a formula, General Supplies
manipulating someone in a web of lies, remembering the
weakness to a biological trap, or finding the information you Books. You require a book for each of your classes. In first year,
need in a tome of forbidden magic. these books are as follows:
The Standard Book of Spells Year 1 by Miranda Goshawk
Perception A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshott
Perception represents your physical senses. Checks for Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
Perception might include reading someone's face to tell if One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
they're lying, surveying a landscape to look for any out-of-place Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
details, or listening for someone sneaking up on you from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt
behind. Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin

Cauldron. You require a cauldron to brew potions. Beech. The wand wants an owner with patience, tolerance, and
Cloak. Your cloak identifies you as a student of Hogwarts and wisdom.
will have your house crest and colours sewn onto it when Cedar. Only those with a keen eye and a knack for character
you receive your house. are suited to this wand.
Hat. Your hat identifies you as a wizard or witch and also keeps Chestnut. This wand adopts the personality of its owner and is
your head warm in the winter. easily passed down through generations.
Dogwood. This wand likes to play with its owner and is
Pet delighted by pranks.
Elm. This elm wand values tradition and family lineage.
Choose one of the following pets and give it a name and a
Fir. This wand is best suited to those who have survived a
personality trait. Your pet allows you to send and receive letters
perilous ordeal.
to and from other students and the outside world, and it also
Hazel. This stiff wand suits a stoic mindset.
gives you 1 point in its associated ability through its magical
Larch. This wand is durable and strong, and wants an owner
connection to you. If you are already at the maximum score for
that will last as long as it will.
your pet's ability, you can choose to increase any other ability
Maple. This wand grows restless and uneasy when its owner
stays in one place for long.
Pet Associated Ability Oak. This wand feels most at home in the hands of someone
with great resilience of spirit.
Bat Courage
Pine. This wand leaps at the chance to show generosity in
Cat Charisma times of stress.
Owl Perception Redwood. The immense age and experience of the wood in this
wand provides its owner with good luck and long life, so they
Rat Dexterity
Snake Intelligence Rowan. This wand is fiercely loyal and protective of its owner,
Toad Brawn no matter who they are.
Sycamore. This wand is rumoured to spontaneously combust
You can also select one of the following personality traits for if bored.
your pet or make up your own. Walnut. This wand works best in the hands of someone highly
Devoted Willow. Those with deep-set insecurities may find solace in the
Extroverted soothing presence of this wand.
Greedy Yew. Wizards and witches who wield a yew wand are said to
Hostile command the power of life and death.
A wand that is paired with a wizard whose personality is
mismatched, or who is wielded by someone other than its true
owner, will always backfire when casting spells.
Rebellious Wand Cores
Serious The core of a wand determines the kind of magic that the wand
Sentimental is best suited to casting.
Suspicious Choose a 1st-Year spell of the wand's associated type to learn
Vain when you receive the wand from your GM. You also learn one
Wild spell of the associated type from each subsequent year at
Hogwarts (for example, when going into your third year, you
Wand learn one 3rd-Year spell of the associate type).
You require a wand to cast spells. It is your most valuable Core Spell Type
possession. Your GM will select your wand for you based on
your character. It's usually best to wait until the end of
Basilisk Horn Curse
character creation. Dragon Heartstring Hex
Wands are not technically sentient beings, but they do seem Jackalope Antler Jinx
to present with personalities and preferences that become
Kelpie Hair Counter-Spell
more apparent the better they have bonded with their wielder.
Thunderbird Tail Feather Transfiguration
Wand Woods Unicorn Hair Charm
The wood of a wand determines the kind of witch or wizard
that it is best suited to.
Wampus Cat Hair Healing

Ash. The wand values a fiercely loyal owner.

Aspen. This white wand appreciates an owner who likes to
show off.

Houses Spells
As a first year student, you don't receive a house at character Going into your first year at Hogwarts, you already have a
creation. Instead, you are given a house by the GM during the decent grasp on two spells from the 1st-Year list, plus any extra
sorting hat ceremony while playing the game. spells you know from your quirks or your wand core.
The sorting hat recognises inner strengths within you that See the Spells section for a list of spells to choose from and
you may not have realized were there yourself. As such, general rules on magic.
receiving your house makes you aware that one of your abilities
is lower than it should be.
If you're already at the maximum score for either or both of
Year of Entry
the associated ability scores, you can instead increase another Your group may agree to start in 2nd year or later, rather than
ability score of your choice by 1. 1st. To accommodate this choice, the tables on the following
page show what resources you have available to you.
Dressed in scarlet and gold, Gryffindor students are strong,
brave, and loyal.
Your Brawn and Courage increase by 1.

Dressed in yellow and black, Hufflepuff students are
trustworthy, resilient, and curious.
Your Courage and Perception increase by 1.

Dressed in blue and bronze, Ravenclaw students are wise,
clever, and sharp-eyed.
Your Intelligence and Perception increase by 1.

Dressed in green and silver, Slytherin students are cunning,
ambitious, and powerful.
Your Charisma and Dexterity increase by 1.


Character Progression Table (New Game)

Year of Entry Ability Score Points Maximum Ability Score Base Spells Known Wand Core Spells Backfire Threshold
1st 5 + Pet/House/Quirk 3 1st: 2 1st: 1 10
1st: 5
1st: 1

2nd 6 + Pet/House/Quirk 3 10
2nd: 1 2nd: 1
1st: 6
1st: 1

3rd 7 + Pet/House/Quirk 3 2nd: 3

2nd: 1 10
3rd: 1 3rd: 1
1st: 7
1st: 1

2nd: 4
2nd: 1
4th 8 + Pet/House/Quirk 4 10
3rd: 3
3rd: 1

4th: 1 4th: 1
1st: 8
1st: 1

2nd: 5
2nd: 1
5th 9 + Pet/House/Quirk 4 3rd: 4
3rd: 1
4th: 3
4th: 1

5th: 1 5th: 1
1st: 9
1st: 1

2nd: 6
2nd: 1
6th 10 + Pet/House/Quirk 4 3rd: 5
3rd: 1
4th: 4
4th: 1

5th: 2 5th: 1
1st: 10
1st: 1

2nd: 7
2nd: 1
7th 11 + Pet/House/Quirk 5 3rd: 6
3rd: 1
4th: 5
4th: 1

5th: 3 5th: 1

Character Progression Table (Level Up)

Year Level Ability Score Points Maximum Ability Score Base Spells Known Wand Core Spells Backfire Threshold
1st 5 + Pet/House/Quirk 3 1st: 2 1st: 1 10
1st: +3

2nd +1 2nd: +1
2nd: +1
1st: +1

3rd +1 2nd: +2
3rd: +1
3rd: +1
1st: +1

2nd: +1

4th +1 +1 4th: +1
3rd: +2

4th: +1
1st: +1

2nd: +1

5th +1 3rd: +1
5th: +1
4th: +2

5th: +1
1st: +1

2nd: +1

6th +1 3rd: +1
4th: +1

5th: +1
1st: +1

2nd: +1

7th +1 +1 3rd: +1

4th: +1

5th: +1

Rules A transfiguration spell changes the fundamental nature of the
Magic in the harry potter world primarily comes in the form of target, or conjures an object out of thin air. It is considered to
spells. Magic can also be achieved through potions and objects be the most difficult and academically-intensive type of spell in
of power. the Hogwarts books.
When cast, a spell has the effects listed in its description.
Additionally, there is always a chance that the spell will backfire
and have additional unintended effects. Spells are organised by
one of seven types. The incantation for a spell is the name of the spell, which you
must state clearly and with conviction.
Casting a spell requires two components, an incantation and
a gesture, with some exceptions. Speaking an incantation alerts all nearby wizards and
witches that a spell has been cast, and also allows them to
Spells have a range of about 2-3 metres if not mentioned.
identify the spell (if they know it) and anticipate its effects a
split second before they occur. Common counter-spells rely on
Types of Spells the caster hearing the incantation and responding
There are seven types of spells. These are only a classification appropriately.
of spells and don't change the mechanical effects. As you become a more experienced student of witchcraft and
wizardry, you may learn how to cast certain spells without an
Charm incantation.
Hex The gesture for a spell is how you move your wand to release
Jinx the effects, requiring conviction and accuracy. You require a
Transfiguration wand for almost all gestures, with a few exceptions.
Your gesture alerts nearby witches and wizards that a spell
Your wand core gives you access to extra spells of a certain has been cast. It's difficult to identify a spell based on its
type each year. Additionally, you may learn additional spells of a gestures, although the gestures for common spells like the
certain type based on the classes that you take. swish and flick of Wingardium Leviosa are instantly
A charm adds properties to a target without changing its
fundamental nature. This is the most common type of spell Backfires
learnt by students at Hogwarts. Charms are generally harmless A backfire represents the significant chance of a spell going
in the long term. awry. This can be because of a lack of conviction, a
mispronunciation, a flick when you should have swished, a
Counter-Spell hiccup from your wand, or just the random chance that is
A counter-spell is used defensively to prevent, inhibit, or end inherent to all forms of magic which are innately unknowable
the effects of other spells. and chaotic at their core.
Every time a spell is cast, make a backfire check (roll a d20)
Curse and compare the result to your Backfire Threshold (usually 10).
Curses are evil spells that inflict long-term pain and suffering
If the result is equal to or lower than your Backfire Threshold,
on others. Curses are primarily studied by practitioners of the
the spell backfires. Each spell has an additional effect on a
Dark Arts.
backfire; these are not always negative, but are almost always
undesirable compared to the main effects.
Healing You should expect a significant portion of spells to backfire.
Healing spells repair the body and soothe the mind.
Your Backfire Threshold decreases (which is good) in 6th year,
and there are other ways to decrease it through training as well,
Hex based on what happens in the story you play through.
A hex is similar to a charm, but has harmful effects and may
linger for long periods of time. Hexes are learned by
practitioners of the Dark Arts.

A jinx, like a curse or a hex, is considered to be a Dark Arts
spell, but the effects are usually harmless or funny, like a prank.

Spells Charm
Spells are organised by the year in which you learn them at
Hogwarts. More spells become available to you up until 5th You precisely cut or sever a non-magical object, as long as it
year, at which point all spells become available and you can could reasonably be cut or severed with a knife.
focus your final years of study on mastery. Backfire. The object is shredded into pieces.

1st-Year Spells Healing
Accio A human or animal's minor injury is healed. The target feels the
Charm location of injury go very hot and then very cold.
Backfire. The target is caused great pain while they are
Speak the name of an object within 100 metres of you. It flies
being healed.
safely into your hands.
Backfire. The object misses you and flies off uncontrollably
in a random direction.
Aguamenti A human receives 1-2 painful, blistering boils that go away after
Transfiguration a minute.
A jet of water erupts from your wand for a few seconds. The jet Backfire. The target receives 100-200 boils, but they're
is not of sufficient pressure to be harmful. painless.
Backfire. The jet of water lasts for a full minute and can't be
Alohomora A small, lukewarm jet of flame erupts from the tip of your wand
Charm for a few seconds.
Backfire. The jet of flame lasts for a full minute and can't be
Touch a non-magical lock with your wand. It unlocks.
Backfire. Instead of just unlocking, the lock loudly breaks
and detaches completely from what it was guarding.
Healing Speak the name of an object within 30 feet of you. It floats for
one minute, moving slowly. You can control where it floats.
You clear a human's airway if blocked.
Backfire. The object moves randomly out of your control.
Backfire. The target hyperventilates for a minute.

Colloportus Locomotor Mortis

A human's legs become locked for a minute. The target doesn't
You lock a door. A door locked in this way can't be unlocked
fall down unless they were already unbalanced.
with alohomora.
Backfire. The target's legs flap around uncontrollably,
Backfire. No key will fit the lock. The lock has to be
propelling them in random directions.
destroyed in order to open the door.

Colormutatio Lumos
The tip of your wand glows brightly for one minute, casting a
An object or animal changes its colour into a colour of your
narrow beam of light.
Backfire. Your wand lets loose a blinding flash of light and
Backfire. The colour is determined randomly or by the GM
then puffs out.

Descendo Muspoculum
You transform an object or animal into a cup, container, or bowl
An object descends. If cast on a short wall that is not connected
for one minute.
to the ceiling, the wall sinks into the floor.
Backfire. The cup, container, or bowl retains the texture of
Backfire. The object can't be raised again for an hour.
its original form, such as the fur of a rat.
Picking it up or lifting it is impossible.

Nox Wingardium Leviosa
Counter-Spell Charm

You extinguish the effects of lumos in a wand. You levitate a small object for one minute. You can control the
Backfire. Another light source nearby sucks up the wand's object's movement through the air.
light and illuminates itself. Backfire. The object levitates uncontrollably higher and
2nd-Year Spells
Objects you have arranged in front of a trunk or other piece of Aparecium
luggage pack themselves neatly inside if they can fit. Counter-Spell
Backfire. They just jam themselves in there with no regard
for neatness. Ink that has been magically made invisible becomes visible
Petrificus Totalus Backfire. The words appear in the wrong order.
A human's legs and arms become locked to their side for one Transfiguration
minute. The target usually falls down.
Backfire. Your arms and legs become locked to your side A flock of white doves erupts from the tip of your wand.
instead. Backfire. Hundreds of white feathers erupt from your wand
Point Me
Charm Confundo
Your wand is lightly and insistently pulled in the cardinal
direction North for one minute. You cause a human to become dazed and confused for one
Backfire. The direction is random. minute.
Backfire. The target becomes ornery and frustrated instead.
Counter-Spell Engorgio
A human's magically-magnified voice is reduced to its normal
volume. You increase the size of an object or animal, up to double its
Backfire. You completely remove their ability to talk for 1 normal size.
minute. Backfire. The target increases ten times its normal size.

Quaff Eruptum
Jinx Charm

You compel a human to drink from a cup in front of them. This You cause a human to become cheerful for one minute.
spell has no effect if the liquid in the cup is harmful. Backfire. The target is incapacitated by hysterical laughter
Backfire. The target doesn't open their mouth and the drink for one minute instead.
splashes all over their clothes.
Reparo Counter-Spell
A wizard's wand flies out of their grip.
You mend a small object. If constituent pieces have broken off, This spell can be cast quickly to prevent another wizard from
they fly back together and reform. completing the casting of a spell; to do so, you must succeed on
Backfire. The object is mended incorrectly and takes on a a Quick Draw check.
different form or function. Backfire. The target is also knocked backwards with the
force of a hard shove. You can choose to let this backfire effect
Sonorus happen without rolling.

You amplify a human's voice for one minute.

Backfire. The amplification is painfully loud for anyone who
can hear it.

Expulso Perpendiculum
Curse Jinx

You cause a small object to violently explode, potentially You cause a human to trip.
causing harm to those around it. Backfire. You also trip.
Backfire. Half a dozen more objects nearby also violently
explode. Protego
Healing You create a magical shield that reflects jinxes, hexes, and
curses back at their caster, making them the target of the spell
You set a human or animal's broken bone with a magically- instead of you. The shield lasts for one minute or until it is hit
conjured bandage and splint. with a jinx, hex, or curse.
Backfire. The bandage and splint are applied improperly This spell can be cast quickly in response to a wizard casting
and must be fixed by hand. a jinx, hex, or curse, shielding yourself immediately; to do so,
you must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
Frigoriflam Backfire. The new target of the spell is randomly
Charm determined.

A flame's heat is nullified, rendering the fire harmless to Protero

animals and humans for 1 hour. The flame still burns objects. Charm
Backfire. The flame roars and spreads quickly if left
unchecked. It's still harmless, but should probably be Speak the name of an object within 1 metre of you. It flies to a
extinguished before the hour is up. spot you determine within 100 metres of you.
Backfire. It flies off in a random direction.
Limax Vomite
Hex Reducio
You force a human to vomit a slug. The target vomits another
slug every 10-20 minutes for the next few hours. An object or animal that has magically increased in size returns
Backfire. You vomit slugs instead. to its normal size.
Backfire. One randomly-determined part of the object or
Mobilicorpus animal remains in its engorged size.
Regularis Figura
You levitate a human a few centimeters above the ground for Counter-Spell
one minute. You control where they float.
Backfire. The target floats in random directions You cause an animagus or transfigured object to take its normal
uncontrollably. shape. Objects or animals created through a transfiguration
spell disappear into nothingness.
Noink Backfire. One randomly-determined part of the object or
Charm animal does not return to its normal shape (or disappear).

You permanently make invisible a short message you have Rennervate

written in ink. Counter-Spell
Backfire. The message becomes garbled, like it was passed
through a game of telephone. You awaken a human or animal that has been magically put to
Objectum Mutatio Backfire. You awaken them very roughly and suddenly.
You turn an object into another object of the same size for one Jinx
Backfire. The object transforms into a completely different A human becomes overwhelmed as though they were being
random object once a minute until the hour is up. violently tickled.
Backfire. You also feel as though you are being violently
Oppugno tickled.

If cast immediately following a transfiguration spell that

conjured objects or animals, they become hostile to a target of
your choice and attack them.
Backfire. They become hostile to everyone, not just to a
target of your choice.
Serpentsortia Avolara Pituita
Transfiguration Hex

You conjure a small non-poisonous snake that slithers from the You enlarge a human's nasal mucus, which separates into half a
tip of your wand. dozen "bat bogeys" that grow wings and attack the target.
Backfire. You conjure a dozen snakes, one after the other. Backfire. The "bat bogeys" become hostile to everyone
Charm Conjunctivitus
You silence an object, animal, or human for one minute.
This can be cast to quickly prevent a wizard from uttering an You blind a human or animal for one hour.
incantation; to do so, you must succeed on a Quick Draw check. Backfire. You are blinded for one week, and your target isn't
Backfire. You are silenced instead. blinded.

Tarantellegra Crescerossa
Jinx Healing

You cause a human's legs to dance uncontrollably. You heal a human or animal's broken bone.
Backfire. You join them in the dance, as though you were Backfire. The broken bone is removed entirely.
3rd-Year Spells Counter-Spell

You erase magically-created images or visual effects.

Backfire. Instead of erasing them, you just scramble them.

For one hour, a human you target becomes effectively invisible Densaugeo
to humans, as the target is impossible to notice or concentrate Hex
You cause a human or animal's teeth to grow too large to fit
A suspicious person can notice the hidden target with a
comfortably in their mouth.
successful Perception check contested by an appropriate check
Backfire. The target's teeth grow sharp and pointy, good for
of the target.
Backfire. The target is blind until the spell ends.

Animutatio Evanesco
You vanish a small nonmagical object, which disappears into
You turn an animal into another animal of the same size for one
nothingness. The object can be recovered with the counter-
spell appareo.
Backfire. The animal does not adopt the behavioural traits
Backfire. The object reappears after a few seconds.
of its new form and attempts to continue on as if it were in its
original form.
Exemplum Contentio
Counter-Spell You link two identical small objects together for 7 days, such
that changes to one are also made to the other.
You cause a vanished object to reappear. To do so, you must
Backfire. The effects last for only a day.
picture the vanished object clearly in your mind and be
standing within 10 metres of where it was vanished.
Backfire. The object appears in a random location within
Exempla Bordus
100 metres of you.
You generate a magically-created image on a flat surface or in
Antiapparate the air, which lasts for one hour.
Counter-Spell Backfire. It partially appears. You have to physically wave
your wand around to draw the rest of it out with great effort.
You prevent apparition in a 50-metre area around you for the
next few hours. The effect doesn't travel with you if you move;
it remains where you cast it.
Backfire. The effect lasts for ten minutes and then fizzles

Expecto Patronum Liberacorpus
Charm Counter-Spell

An incarnation of your innermost positive emotions bursts You free a human or animal from magical restraints, such as
forth in a bright explosion of light from your wand, pushing those from the impedimenta spell. The target is freed without
back creatures of evil, such as dementors. The spell usually harm being done to them; for example, if they are held aloft in
takes the form of a burst of light, but with sufficient positive the air, they are lowered gently to the ground.
emotions, it can also take the form of a spirit animal, a Backfire. The target is freed, but you fall under the
patronus, unique to you. Furthermore, with one hundred restraining effects yourself.
percent of your positive energy poured forth into the spell, it
explodes in a 50-metre sphere of pulsing magical light Orchideous
emanating from your patronus. Transfiguration
Your GM determines the form that your patronus takes. Your
patronus can also be used to travel long distances and deliver A bouquet of beautiful, pleasantly fragrant flowers bursts forth
messages in your voice. from the tip of your wand.
Backfire. Due to insufficient positive emotion, your wand Backfire. The flowers are ugly and smell bad.
makes a sad "mwah mwow" noise instead.
Flagrate Healing
You cure a human of a minor nonmagical sickness, such as a
You leave a fiery mark on an object that leaves a burn in the cold or a sinus infection.
shape you have drawn. Backfire. The target sneezes uncontrollably for one hour.
Backfire. The object catches fire.
Impedimenta Charm
A bubble of air forms around a human or animal's head,
You prevent a human or animal from moving closer to your allowing them to breathe comfortably for one hour.
position for one minute. It doesn't repel them, just prevents Backfire. The air in the bubble has an unpleasant odour.
them from willingly moving closer.
Backfire. You can't move for one minute. Riddikulus
Impervious You compel a boggart to take the form of something you are
concentrating on.
You enchant a small object to repel substances such as water or Backfire. The boggart instead takes the form of your
effects such as heat. greatest fear.
Backfire. Instead of the substance being repelled from the
object, the object is repelled by the substance, causing it to be Scourgify
flung violently away on contact. Charm

You clean an object of visible grime.

Incarcerous Backfire. The amount of visible grime is doubled.

You restrain a human with magical ropes for one minute. Sentis Incommodum
Backfire. The wand tries its best to tie the knots, but it's not Hex
very good at it.
You cause a human to develop stinging red welts that are
painful, itchy, and inflamed.
Ingressum Backfire. You gain red welts instead.

You prevent sounds and objects from entering or exiting a room Stupefy
or container for one minute. Hex
Backfire. Several out-of-context words or phrases you utter
You knock a human unconscious for one minute.
are ejected out of the room periodically.
Backfire. The target is only knocked unconscious for a few

Tenaxi Flagrante
Charm Curse

You adhere one object to another indefinitely. The effects have You curse an object to badly burn anyone that touches it for 7
the strength of regular adhesive glue. days.
Backfire. You accidentally adhere the wrong objects Backfire. The curse spreads to any object that comes into
together. contact with the original object.

Videodolum Flagrante Injurium

Counter-Spell Healing

For one minute, you can see objects, animals, or humans that You cauterise an open wound with a harmless flame, sealing it
would otherwise be hidden through magic. and preventing further bleeding.
Backfire. You see objects, animals, or humans that are not Backfire. You burn the target painfully in the process.
Volatus Charm
You flatten the steps on a stairway for one minute, creating a
You imbue an object with the ability to fly when commanded by slide.
a wizard. Backfire. The effects last for 7 days.
Backfire. The object develops a bratty personality.
Homenum Revelio
4th-Year Spells Charm

Custodicelium Inimecus Your wand pulls you gently towards the nearest human to you,
Charm allowing you to detect the location of hidden people.
Backfire. The wand points to you, technically the closest
You enchant a building or room to detect intruders (humans) human to it.
for 7 days. If an intruder is detected, an alarm sounds. You can
name specific people that it will detect, or specific people that it Impedimenta Forte
will ignore. You can choose for the alarm to sound out loud, Curse
centred in the building, in the room, or on you, or you can
You stop a human or animal from moving entirely for one hour,
choose for the alarm to sound silently in your head.
freezing them in place or otherwise restraining them. The
Backfire. The alarm is overzealous, sounding when any
nature that the spell takes to prevent the target from moving is
human or animal enters the building or room.
determined by the GM.
Finite Incantatem Backfire. You are also frozen in place.
You end the effects of a spell created by a wizard. Charm
This spell can be cast quickly to end a spell the instant it is
You refill a cup or container of nonmagical liquid that has been
cast, preventing its effects from occurring; to do so, you use the
emptied in the past minute.
short form finite and must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
Backfire. The cup or container overfills for five solid
Backfire. A burst of magical energy, released as a result of
the target spell being cancelled, knocks everyone within the
vicinity backwards with the force of a hard shove.
Transfiguration You momentarily dazzle a human by flashing colourful lights in
their eyes.
You turn an object or animal to stone for one day. Damage
incurred while turned to stone carries over to the target's Backfire. Everyone in a 10-metre radius of you is dazzled,
original form. including you.
Backfire. The target can move normally even while turned
to stone.
Piertotum Locomotor

You imbue an object with the ability to move of its own accord
for one hour. It follows your commands.
Backfire. The object does not follow your commands.

Portus Consulus Tempus
Charm Charm

You imbue an object with the powers of a portkey. Portkeys can You comfortably change a room's temperature for one day.
be found in the Objects of Power section. Backfire. The room is struck by a random weather event
Backfire. The object immediately activates, teleporting you such as rain or snow.
Reducto Jinx
You carve a gouge in a large object, as though it was scooped
You disintegrate a small object, or burn a human-sized hole in a away by a shovel.
large object. Backfire. The gouge is significantly bigger than expected, as
Backfire. You are knocked backwards by the sudden burst of though it was scooped away by a digger machine.
heat and energy.
Relashio Hex
You create a violent downward pressure on an object.
You create a burst of hot sparks that causes a human to drop Backfire. Every other object within 10 metres of it also
what they are holding. This spell can be cast quickly to prevent buckles and collapses.
another wizard from completing the casting of a spell; to do so,
you must succeed on a Quick Draw check. Duro Homenum
Backfire. The sparks cause everyone within 10 metres of Curse
you to drop what they're holding.
You turn a human to stone for one hour. Damage incurred while
Sanamente turned to stone carries over to the target's original form.
Healing Backfire. The target can move normally even while turned
to stone.
You soothe the mind of a troubled human, bringing them peace
through meditation for 1 hour. Erecto
Backfire. The target's anxieties return worse than before. Transfiguration

Specialus Revelio You create a magically-summoned tent or simple structure.

Counter-Spell Backfire. You're strangely happy about the results.

You force an object to reveal its magical properties, which Geminio

emanate from the object as a shadowy echo. If the object is a Transfiguration
potion, its ingredients are also revealed.
Backfire. A random unrelated magical effect is revealed A small object is duplicated with a perfect copy. You can also set
instead. the duplication to occur if certain reasonable parameters are
met, such as if the object is touched by a human.

5th-Year And Over Spells Backfire. Each duplicate spawns another duplicate for one
minute, potentially overwhelming everyone nearby with
Apparate exponentially-growing numbers of duplicates.
You magically teleport to a location known to you. The process Curse
creates a loud bang and is quite unpleasant for you and
everyone around you. You reach into the mind of a human and pull out specific
memories, thoughts, or emotions for you to read.
Backfire. You teleport to a random location within 100 miles
of your original location. Backfire. You are overwhelmed by the contents of their
Curse Lingua Vinculum
You cause an object or animal to explode violently, potentially
harming nearby people. You prevent a human from revealing specific information for 7
days. When they try to speak about the information you have
Backfire. The spell fizzles and has no effect.
decided to conceal, their tongue curls backwards in on itself.
Backfire. The target's tongue is curled backwards for 7 days,
preventing them from speaking at all.

Occlumens Avada Kedavra
Counter-Spell Curse

You shield your mind from magic, such as from spells like You kill a human or animal.
legilimens and obliviate, for one minute. You can cast this spell Backfire. Their corpse explodes in a burst of sound and
quickly to prevent a wizard accessing your mind; to do so, you light.
must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
Backfire. You transmit your thoughts to everyone nearby for Crucio
ten seconds. Curse

Prior Incantato You cause unbearable pain in a human or animal for as long as
Counter-Spell you concentrate on the spell.
Backfire. The unbearable pain lasts for 1 hour longer than
You target a wizard's wand. A shadowy echo of the last spell intended.
cast from that wand emanates from its tip.
Backfire. A spell randomly chosen from further back in its Fidelio
history appears instead. Charm

Repello Muggletum You choose a human to permanently become a Secret Keeper,

Charm and you choose information that the Secret Keeper possesses.
The information provided to the Secret Keeper cannot be
You enchant a building or room to repel muggles for 7 days. revealed by anyone except the Secret Keeper. You choose what
Muggles find themselves unable to perceive the room or happens if the Secret Keeper dies: either the information can no
building with their normal senses and feel magically compelled longer be revealed (meaning it will only be known by those
to leave if they stumble inside. They retain no memory of the who already know the information), or everyone who knows
place. the information becomes a new Secret Keeper.
Backfire. The target repels both muggles and wizards. Backfire. Someone else nearby becomes the Secret Keeper
Healing Fiendfyre
Immediately after a human or animal dies of unnatural,
nonmagical causes, you bring them back to life on a successful You create an unstoppable conflagration of destruction, often
Quick Draw check. appearing as a demonic entity. The fire rages and spreads for a
Backfire. They are permanently scarred by their minute, pursuing objects, animals, or humans of your choice.
experiences, mentally and physically. Everything the fire touches is reduced to ash.
Backfire. You have no control over the spread of the fire.
Charm Imperio
Your natural senses are heightened for one hour. You can see in
all directions at once, you can hear whispers as loud as a You compel a human to do as you command for 7 days. The
scream, and your sense of smell is good enough to track the target retains no memory of their actions, although their
scents of individual creatures. memories may come back to them in their dreams.
Backfire. You suffer from sensory overload. Backfire. The target remembers everything with clarity.

Restricted Spells Jusjurandum Perpetuus

These spells are not made available to students at Hogwarts
through regular channels, and you can't select them through A human makes you a promise as part of the casting of this
your wand core, quirks, or other features unless they explicitly spell. If the intent of the promise is broken, they die. These
say you can. They can only be learned by secretly researching effects are permanent and cannot be removed by counter-
them in the Restricted Section, practicing them in secret in spells.
places like the Room of Requirement, or by being taught by a Backfire. Instead of intent, they die if they break the exact
specialist. wording of the promise.
Some teachers may decide that the crisis calls for some spells
being introduced to students so they know what they might be
up against. These special classes do not usually include a
practical component.
The use of restricted spells is an indicator that a student is
practicing the Dark Arts. Being caught could mean expulsion.

Hex Variant Spell Rules
There are two variant rules which may make casting spells
You flip a human upside down and hang them aloft by their more interesting and challenging for your party. The GM should
ankle for one minute. This spell cannot be resisted. discuss these rules with the players to better suit the kind of
Backfire. You drop them on their head after a few seconds challenge that they want to face in the game.
and the effects end.
Hidden Backfires
Morsmordre The GM rolls for backfires and keeps the results hidden from
Curse the players until their characters would notice them in the
game. For example, under this rule, a player would not realise
You trace a tattoo of evil on the arm of a human, a Dark Mark.
their character is being led in the wrong direction by point me.
For the effects of the Dark Mark, see its section in Quirks.
This rule increases the suspense and allows the GM to
Backfire. The target's skin blisters and burns where the
incorporate moments of surprise and delight in their players,
tattoo is applied.
but it trades the players' agency over understanding the effects
of their own spells and may increase player anxiety if misused.
Limited Casting
You cause a loud buzzing in the ears of a human, deafening Once you have cast a spell, you can't cast it again until the next
them for one hour. This spell cannot be resisted. dawn. You can ignore this rule for spells you've obtained
Backfire. Everyone within 30 metres of you develops through your wand core and through any quirks you have.
buzzing in their ears, including you. This rule increases the consequences of backfires, as you
usually can't just recast the spell in the hopes of a better result.
Necromancum It also encourages the players to creatively use all of the spells
Healing in their arsenal rather than rely on only a few mainstays.
The major drawback of this rule is that players may be
You reanimate the corpse of a human or animal. The corpse has incentivised to hoard their spells for when they are needed the
no mind of its own and follows your commands. most, rather than use them when it will be the most relevant to
Backfire. You can't control the corpse. It wanders aimlessly. the story and fun for the group. Discuss this drawback when
considering this rule.
You erase a human's memory of the past few days. Powerful Potions have particular magical effects when drunken. Usually,
wizards can extend the amount of memory that is erased. the brewing of a potion is handled by an Intelligence check.
Backfire. Your memory is erased instead. Like spells, a potion's effects may backfire (roll upon drinking),
which are a representation of the risk of incorrectly mixing
Sectumsempra ingredients as well as the chaotic nature of magic in general.
Curse The potion's ingredients and instructions are assumed to be
handwaved, as the story that is told as a result of the potion is
You slash your wand in the direction of a human, as though you
more important than the specifics of how it is made. Some
were slicing them with a sword. Deep gashes appear in their
ingredients may be mentioned for their story potential.
body where your wand would slash them.
Backfire. Instead of gashes, you completely sever bits off of Common. These potions are learned and mastered by all
the target's body. students at Hogwarts. They usually take an hour or two to
brew and require success on an Easy ability check.
Squibify Rare. These potions require specialised study or training. They
Counter-Spell usually take weeks or months to brew and require success on
a Medium ability check.
You permanently remove the ability of the target to use magic.
Restricted. These potions are not made available to students
Backfire. The target regains their magical abilities after 7
at Hogwarts through regular channels. They invariably take
days, and you permanently lose yours.
many months to brew and require success on a Hard ability

You designate a word or phrase. For the next 7 days, when that
word or phrase is spoken anywhere in the world, you know the
exact location of the speaker.
Backfire. You are no longer able to speak the word or phrase
yourself until the effects end.

Common Restricted
Confusing Concoction The ingredients and instructions for restricted potions can only
The drinker becomes confused and nauseous for one hour, as if be learned through research in the Restricted Section,
badly intoxicated. experimenting in secret, or by being taught by a specialist. The
Backfire. The drinker refuses to acknowledge that brewing of a restricted potion is an indicator that a student is
something is wrong. practicing the Dark Arts. Being caught could mean expulsion.

Draught of Peace Amortentia

The drinker's mind is soothed and their anxieties melt away. The drinker of the potion becomes helplessly, obsessively
The effects wear off after one hour, but the drinker's mood is infatuated with the brewer. The effects last for about 7 days.
lifted for the rest of the day. The brewer can prevent the effects from affecting anyone but
Backfire. After the effects wear off, the drinker's mood is their intended target by mixing in a drop of their target's blood.
soured for the rest of the day. Backfire. The drinker becomes violently jealous of anyone
they see as a rival to the brewer's affection.
Pepperup Potion
Minor sicknesses like colds and sinus infections are relieved for Draught of Living Death
the drinker. Steam billows out of their ears for several hours The drinker goes into a state of unconsciousness
after drinking. indistinguishable from death. This lasts for 7 days or until the
Backfire. The drinker's temperature spikes for one hour. drinker is awakened with the rennervate spell.
Backfire. The drinker dies.
The drinker painfully and slowly, over the course of a day, Polyjuice Potion
regrows a bone that was previously removed, such as through The drinker assumes the physical appearance and voice of
the backfire of the crescerossa spell. another human for one hour. This potion requires the DNA of
Backfire. The bone grows back over the course of 7 days. the target, usually through a lock of hair or fingernail clippings.
Backfire. The drinker transforms into a hybrid of the
Sleakeazy's Hair Potion intended target and another human or an animal whose DNA
The drinker's hair is smoothed and straightened beautifully. was mixed into the potion accidentally.
Backfire. The drinker's hair becomes curly instead.
Objects of Power
Rare Objects of power have a variety of strange and wondrous
effects. These are divided into common items that might be
Felix Felicis
found around Hogwarts and legendary items that are one-of-a-
Also called Liquid Luck, this potion takes six grueling months to
kind. Legendary objects of power are items that witches and
brew and requires hyper-specialised knowledge and care
wizards have died to obtain, or been killed by jealous rivals just
(represented by the GM rolling 2d20 and picking the higher
for possessing them. Such is their power.
number for the side effect). The drinker of this potion receives
unusually good luck for an hour.
Although this potion is not restricted, it is banned in all Common
sporting events, competitions, and examinations due to its
Anti-Cheating Quill
This quill refuses to write for any question that you did not
Backfire. The drinker is plagued by bad luck.
know the answer to when beginning the test. It also cancels any
magical effects that would have given you the answer
Mandrake Root Stew
Drinking this potion rejuvenates a petrified target.
Backfire. The target is bothered by a persistent ringing in
their ears for 7 days.
Blood Quill
Anything written with this quill is carved into the skin on the
back of your hand.
The drinker is compelled to speak the truth after drinking only
three drops of this potion. The drinker cannot neither lie
This magical flying ball is hostile to all wizards riding
outright nor lie by omission.
This potion does nothing to those who are under the effects
of occlumens.
Backfire. The drinker cannot stop talking, babbling wildly This magical flying broomstick can be controlled by a wizard
about everything they think about. riding it.

Deluminator Quaffle
Flicking the striker of this lighter absorbs the light from nearby This magical ball is enchanted to resist the effects of gravity.
light sources, extinguishing them. Its wielder can choose
instead to release all of the light collected by the deluminator in Remembrall
a flash of brilliance that stuns everyone that can see it. When you hold this glass sphere, red liquid swims within if you
have forgotten something important.
Exploding Snap Cards
This deck of cards can be played similar to the game Snap. The Revealer
loser’s cards burst in a puff of smoke and are temporarily Using this rubber on magical invisible ink renders the ink
destroyed, reforming on the next dawn with the rest of the visible.
Floo Powder This glass spinning top leaps upright, spins wildly, lights up,
This magical dust transports the user through the Floo and lets off a high-pitched whistle if in the presence of
Network, a set of fireplaces connected through magical leylines. deception or criminal activity.
To use it, you must throw the dust at your feet and clearly state
your destination. If used incorrectly, you will be randomly Trunk of Holding
transported to another fireplace in the network. This normal-sized magical trunk contains 30 square meters of
space within. Some wizards prefer their trunk of holding to
Gillyweed take the form of a suitcases or purse.
Eating gillyweed lets you breathe underwater for 1 hour.
Wizard’s Chess Set
Golden Snitch This enchanted chess set functions as regular chess, but the
This magical flying ball darts manically around like a pieces come alive and murder each other when they are
hummingbird. captured. Destroyed pieces reform at dawn each day.

Using a howler, you record an angry message and send it
through the owl network. The envelope folds itself into a mouth Elder Wand
and screams your message at the recipient. This wand strongly amplifies the effects of the spells it casts,
and the wielder can choose whether the spell backfires or not.
Invisibility Cloak
This cloak has been enchanted to render its wearer totally Goblet of Fire
invisible. The wearer can still be detected through other senses This enchanted goblet randomly ejects a certain number of
like hearing and smell, or through magical sensors like a objects that have been placed inside of it when commanded to,
probity probe. You can add a +1 to any check made to hide from making it ideal for raffles, bingo nights, and sweepstakes.
others. Common invisibility cloaks lose their potency after only
a few uses or if they suffer even minor rips or tears. Gryffindor’s Sword
This magical silver sword inset with rubies appears to its
Mokeskin Pouch chosen hero in times of great need. The sword overcomes
This pouch can only be opened by its owner. magical barriers and protections, making it capable of slaying
unkillable creatures and destroying unbreakable objects.
This magical double-spyglass can zoom in and out at great Horcrux
distances according to the watcher’s whim. A horcrux is an object with strong personal significance to its
creator that houses a portion of the creator’s soul. As long as a
Portkey horcrux exists, its creator has the means to return to life after
A portkey is an object enchanted with the portus spell. A death. Horcruxes are unbreakable except by special means. A
portkey is linked to a specific location, transporting people to few known ways of destroying a horcrux include basilisk
that location when a parameter is triggered (usually touching venom, fiendfyre, and Gryffindor’s Sword.
the portkey or uttering a password).
Hufflepuff’s Cup
Probity Probe This magical golden cup appears to its chosen hero in times of
When this rod is waved in front of a human or object that has great need. It can be used to create a feast that feeds hundreds
been enchanted to conceal its identity or deceive others, the tip of people. The details of the feast are determined by its owner.
of the rod glows brightly. With the power of this cup, the owner can feed a whole school,
or, more dangerously, a whole army.

Invisibility Cloak Time Turner
This cloak has been enchanted to render its wearer totally This magical timepiece, taking the form of a clockwork
invisible. The wearer can still be detected through other senses hourglass on a necklace, allows the wielder to travel back in
like hearing and smell, or through magical sensors like a time. To do so, they must wind the hourglass back a certain
probity probe. You can add +1 to the result of any check made number of hours (maximum twenty-four hours). The wielder
to hide from others. Unlike its common variant, this unique can only remain in the past for up to five hours, and they are
legendary invisibility cloak is unbreakable and does not lose its unable to change the future, as their actions in the past have
potency over time. already occurred.

Marauder’s Map
This detailed map of Hogwarts shows the location and true
identity of everyone within its walls, represented by footprints.

Mirror of Erised
When gazing into this mirror, you see a representation of your
greatest desire, visible only to you. The mirror can be
enchanted to store objects which can only be retrieved by those
who see them as their greatest desire.

This large silver bowl contains the memories of wizards who
extract their own memories with legilimens and place them
inside, taking the form of a swirling silver liquid. A wizard can
plunge their head into the bowl to experience a memory for
themselves, walking around as though they were there. The
pensieve accurately reflects the past, meaning that an observer
can potentially experience details that the original source of the
memory did not remember. Powerful wizards like Dumbledore
routinely search their own memories in the pensieve for
information that they might have missed.

Philosopher’s Stone
This stone restores the youth of its holder.

Ravenclaw’s Diadem
This silver diadem appears to its chosen hero in times of great
need. Wearing this tiara makes the owner irresistibly charming.
Their Charisma is set to 5 and they gain a +1 to all Charisma

Resurrection Stone
This stone returns a dead human to life. The target of the stone
is stripped of emotions and affection and dies again after 7 days
unless the stone is used continuously on them.

Slytherin's Locket
This golden locket appears to its chosen hero in times of great
need. The wearer can summon and control snakes at will,
creating potentially hundreds of snakes of the wearer’s choice,
each of which follow the wearer’s command. The locket can
also be used to control reptilian monsters such as dragons and

Sorting Hat
This magical black hat is sentient and can read the wearer’s
innermost thoughts and desires. At Hogwarts, the sorting hat
determines a student’s house by declaration.

Rules Generic NPCs
The GM can generate student NPCs in the same way that player These NPC statblocks represent a generic member of their
characters are created (skipping quirks), but to save time, some house at all year levels. They are not meant to be equivalent to
generic templates of students, teachers, and monsters are player characters (most notably, not having quirks and having
included here. much lower stats) and as such they will divert significantly

from standard character creation rules. As the protagonists of

the story, the player characters are more capable of dealing

with the crises of Hogwarts than a typical student.

1st Year Gryffindor 1st Year Ravenclaw

ash wand of unicorn hair
walnut wand of thunderbird tail feather

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 3 Brawn 1
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 3 Courage 1
Dexterity 1 Dexterity 2
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 3
Perception 1 Perception 2

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, incendio, wingardium leviosa 1st-Year: locomotor, muscpoculum, reparo

1st Year Hufflepuff 1st Year Slytherin

larch wand of wampus cat hair
aspen wand of dragon heartstring

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 1 Brawn 2
Charisma 1 Charisma 3
Courage 3 Courage 1
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 2
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 2
Perception 3 Perception 1

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, episkey, lumos 1st-Year: descendo, diffindo, locomotor mortis

2nd Year Gryffindor 2nd Year Ravenclaw
ash wand of unicorn hair
walnut wand of thunderbird tail feather

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 3 Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 3 Courage 1
Dexterity 1 Dexterity 2
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 3
Perception 2 Perception 2

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, incendio, lumos, reparo, sonorus, 1st-Year: aguamenti, locomotor, lumos,
wingardium leviosa muscpoculum, nox, reparo
2nd-Year: expelliarmus, frigoriflam 2nd-Year: engorgio, silencio

2nd Year Hufflepuff 2nd Year Slytherin

larch wand of wampus cat hair
aspen wand of dragon heartstring

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 1 Brawn 2
Charisma 1 Charisma 3
Courage 3 Courage 1
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 2
Intelligence 2 Intelligence 3
Perception 3 Perception 1

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, anapneo, episkey, lumos, pack, 1st-Year: descendo, diffindo, locomotor mortis, lumos,
wingardium leviosa nox
2nd-Year: eruptum, ferula 2nd-Year: aparecium, serpensortia

3rd Year Gryffindor 3rd Year Ravenclaw
ash wand of unicorn hair
walnut wand of thunderbird tail feather

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 3 Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 3 Courage 1
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 3
Perception 2 Perception 2

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, incendio, lumos, nox, reparo, sonorus, 1st-Year: aguamenti, colormutatio, locomotor, lumos,
wingardium leviosa muscpoculum, nox, reparo
2nd-Year: expelliarmus, ferula, frigoriflam, protego 2nd-Year: avis, engorgio, oppugno, silencio
3rd-Year: flagrate, stupefy 3rd-Year: animutatio, exemplum contentio

3rd Year Hufflepuff 3rd Year Slytherin

larch wand of wampus cat hair
aspen wand of dragon heartstring

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 1 Brawn 2
Charisma 1 Charisma 3
Courage 3 Courage 1
Dexterity 3 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2 Intelligence 3
Perception 3 Perception 1

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, anapneo, episkey, lumos, 1st-Year: colloportus, descendo, diffindo, locomotor
muspoculum, pack, wingardium leviosa mortis, lumos, nox
2nd-Year: eruptum, ferula, rennervate, rictumsempra 2nd-Year: aparecium, expulso, perpendiculum,
3rd-Year: crescerossa, orchideous
3rd-Year: allucinatio, incarcerous

4th Year Gryffindor 4th Year Ravenclaw
ash wand of unicorn hair
walnut wand of thunderbird tail feather

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 3 Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 4 Courage 1
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 4
Perception 2 Perception 2

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, incendio, lumos, nox, pack, reparo, 1st-Year: aguamenti, colormutatio, locomotor, lumos,
sonorus, wingardium leviosa muscpoculum, nox, reparo, sonorus
2nd-Year: frigoriflam, expelliarmus, mobilicorpus, 2nd-Year: avis, engorgio, oppugno, protego, silencio
protego, protero
3rd-Year: animutatio, appareo, evanesco, exemplum
3rd-Year: expecto patronum, flagrate, liberacorpus, contentio
4th-Year: duro, custodicelium inimecus
4th-Year: piertotum locomotor, relashio

4th Year Slytherin

4th Year Hufflepuff aspen wand of dragon heartstring

larch wand of wampus cat hair

backfire threshold: 10
backfire threshold: 10
Brawn 2
Brawn 1 Charisma 4
Charisma 1 Courage 1
Courage 3 Dexterity 3
Dexterity 3 Intelligence 3
Intelligence 2 Perception 1
Perception 4
Spells 1st-Year: aguamenti, colloportus, colormutatio,
1st-Year: accio, anapneo, episkey, lumos, descendo, diffindo, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox
muspoculum, nox, pack, wingardium leviosa
2nd-Year: aparecium, expulso, perpendiculum,
2nd-Year: eruptum, ferula, regularis figura, rennervate, serpensortia, silencio
3rd-Year: allucinatio, impedimenta, incarcerous,
3rd-Year: crescerossa, expecto patronum, orchideous, riddikulus
4th-Year: nitor, reducto
4th-Year: nitor, sanamente

5th Year Gryffindor 5th Year Ravenclaw
ash wand of unicorn hair
walnut wand of thunderbird tail feather

backfire threshold: 10 backfire threshold: 10

Brawn 4 Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 4 Courage 1
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 4
Perception 2 Perception 3

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, diffindo, incendio, lumos, nox, pack, 1st-Year: aguamenti, colormutatio, locomotor, lumos,
reparo, sonorus, wingardium leviosa muscpoculum, nox, reparo, sonorus
2nd-Year: frigoriflam, expelliarmus, mobilicorpus, 2nd-Year: avis, engorgio, oppugno, protego, silencio
protego, protero, regularis figurae
3rd-Year: animutatio, appareo, evanesco, exemplum
3rd-Year: expecto patronum, flagrate, impervious, contentio, riddikulus
liberacorpus, stupefy
4th-Year: duro, custodicelium inimecus, finite
4th-Year: finite incantatum, piertotum locomotor, incantatum, specialus revelio
relashio, specialus revelio
5th-Year: erecto, prior incatato
5th-Year: sensamagna, occlumens

5th Year Slytherin

5th Year Hufflepuff aspen wand of dragon heartstring

larch wand of wampus cat hair

backfire threshold: 10
backfire threshold: 10
Brawn 2
Brawn 1 Charisma 4
Charisma 2 Courage 2
Courage 3 Dexterity 3
Dexterity 3 Intelligence 3
Intelligence 2 Perception 1
Perception 4
Spells 1st-Year: alohomora, colloportus, colormutatio,
1st-Year: accio, anapneo, colloportus, episkey, lumos, descendo, diffindo, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox
muspoculum, nox, pack, wingardium leviosa
2nd-Year: aparecium, expulso, objectum mutatio,
2nd-Year: eruptum, ferula, expelliarmus, regularis perpendiculum, serpensortia, silencio
figura, rennervate, rictumsempra
3rd-Year: allucinatio, conjunctivitus, impedimenta,
3rd-Year: crescerossa, expecto patronum, orchideous, incarcerous, riddikulus
remedium, tenaxi
4th-Year: finite incantatem, nitor, reducto
4th-Year: iteramimplus, nitor, sanamente, specialus
5th-Year: confringo, deprimo
5th-Year: consolus tempus, revivify

6th Year Gryffindor 6th Year Ravenclaw
ash wand of unicorn hair
walnut wand of thunderbird tail feather

backfire threshold: 7 backfire threshold: 7

Brawn 4 Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 4 Courage 2
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2 Intelligence 4
Perception 2 Perception 3

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, colloportus, diffindo, incendio, lumos, 1st-Year: aguamenti, colormutatio, diffindo,
nox, pack, reparo, sonorus, wingardium leviosa locomotor, lumos, muscpoculum, nox, reparo,
2nd-Year: frigoriflam, engorgio, expelliarmus,
mobilicorpus, protego, protero, regularis figurae 2nd-Year: avis, engorgio, oppugno, protego, regularis
figurae, silencio
3rd-Year: expecto patronum, flagrate, impervious,
liberacorpus, stupefy, volatus 3rd-Year: animutatio, appareo, evanesco, exemplum
contentio, riddikulus, scourgify
4th-Year: finite incantatum, nitor, piertotum
locomotor, relashio, specialus revelio 4th-Year: duro, custodicelium inimecus, finite
incantatum, impedimenta forte, specialus revelio
5th-Year: legilimens, sensamagna, occlumens
5th-Year: erecto, geminio, prior incatato

6th Year Hufflepuff

larch wand of wampus cat hair
6th Year Slytherin
backfire threshold: 7 aspen wand of dragon heartstring

backfire threshold: 7
Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Brawn 2
Courage 3 Charisma 4
Dexterity 3 Courage 2
Intelligence 2 Dexterity 3
Perception 4 Intelligence 3
Perception 2
1st-Year: accio, aguamenti, anapneo, colloportus,
episkey, lumos, muspoculum, nox, pack, wingardium 1st-Year: alohomora, colloportus, colormutatio,
leviosa descendo, diffindo, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox,
wingardium leviosa
2nd-Year: eruptum, ferula, expelliarmus, regularis
figura, rennervate, rictumsempra, silencio 2nd-Year: aparecium, expulso, objectum mutatio,
perpendiculum, regularis figurae, serpensortia,
3rd-Year: crescerossa, expecto patronum,
liberacorpus, orchideous, remedium, tenaxi
3rd-Year: allucinatio, conjunctivitus, impedimenta,
4th-Year: iteramimplus, flagrante injurium, nitor,
incarcerous, riddikulus, sentis incommodum
sanamente, specialus revelio
4th-Year: finite incantatem, flagrante, nitor, reducto
5th-Year: consolus tempus, geminio, revivify
5th-Year: confringo, deprimo, duro homenum

7th Year Gryffindor 7th Year Ravenclaw
ash wand of unicorn hair
walnut wand of thunderbird tail feather

backfire threshold: 7 backfire threshold: 7

Brawn 4 Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 5 Courage 2
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2 Intelligence 5
Perception 2 Perception 3

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, colloportus, diffindo, incendio, lumos, 1st-Year: alohomora, aguamenti, colormutatio,
muscopoculum, nox, pack, reparo, sonorus, diffindo, locomotor, lumos, muscpoculum, nox,
wingardium leviosa reparo, sonorus
2nd-Year: frigoriflam, engorgio, expelliarmus, 2nd-Year: avis, engorgio, expelliarmus, oppugno,
mobilicorpus, protego, protero, reducto, regularis protego, reducto, regularis figurae, silencio
3rd-Year: animutatio, appareo, evanesco, exemplum
3rd-Year: expecto patronum, flagrate, impervious, contentio, riddikulus, scourgify, tenaxi
liberacorpus, riddikulus, stupefy, volatus
4th-Year: duro, custodicelium inimecus, finite
4th-Year: finite incantatum, nitor, piertotum incantatum, impedimenta forte, piertotum locomotor,
locomotor, portus, relatio, specialus revelio specialus revelio
5th-Year: consulus tempus, legilimens, sensamagna, 5th-Year: erecto, geminio, prior incatato, repello
occlumens muggletum

7th Year Hufflepuff 7th Year Slytherin

larch wand of wampus cat hair
aspen wand of dragon heartstring

backfire threshold: 7 backfire threshold: 7

Brawn 2 Brawn 2
Charisma 2 Charisma 4
Courage 4 Courage 2
Dexterity 3 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2 Intelligence 4
Perception 4 Perception 2

Spells Spells
1st-Year: accio, aguamenti, anapneo, colloportus, 1st-Year: alohomora, colloportus, colormutatio,
colormutatio, episkey, lumos, muspoculum, nox, pack, descendo, diffindo, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox,
wingardium leviosa petrificus totalus, wingardium leviosa
2nd-Year: aparecium, eruptum, ferula, expelliarmus, 2nd-Year: aparecium, expulso, objectum mutatio,
regularis figura, rennervate, rictumsempra, silencio perpendiculum, regularis figurae, serpensortia,
3rd-Year: crescerossa, expecto patronum,
liberacorpus, orchideous, remedium, riddikulus, tenaxi 3rd-Year: allucinatio, conjunctivitus, impedimenta,
incarcerous, riddikulus, sentis incommodum, stupefy
4th-Year: finite incantatem, flagrante injurium,
iteramimplus, nitor, sanamente, specialus revelio 4th-Year: finite incantatem, flagrante, impedimenta
forte, nitor, reducto
5th-Year: consolus tempus, geminio, occlumens,
revivify 5th-Year: confringo, deprimo, duro homenum,

Teacher Dangerous Muggle
redwood wand of kelpie hair

backfire threshold: 5 Brawn 2

Charisma 3
Brawn 2 Courage 4
Charisma 3 Dexterity 3
Courage 2 Intelligence 5
Dexterity 3 Perception 3
Intelligence 4
Perception 3 Items
Gun. The muggle shoots a target. The target must
Teacher's Knowledge. In addition to their known spells, succeed on a Hard Resistance check or die. Every hour
the teacher knows any spell they are teaching to without receiving healing or medical attention, the
students. target must make this check again.

Spells If circumstances would prevent the muggle from

aiming properly, the muggle must succeed on a
1st-Year: accio, anapneo, colloportus, descendo, Courage check to maintain their composure and land
diffindo, episkey, locomotor, locomotor mortis, the shot.
lumos, nox, pack, point me, quietus, reparo, sonorus If fired at a wizard under the effects of the felix filicis
2nd-Year: aparecium, engorgio, eruptum, expelliarmus, potion, the shot misses.
ferula, frigoriflam, mobilicorpus, protego, protero, A wizard can react quickly to prevent the muggle from
reducio, regularis figurae, rennervate, silencio firing by casting relashio (or another spell that will
3rd-Year: appareo, antiapparate, crescerossa, disarm the muggle, prevent the muggle from aiming
deletrious, evanesco, exempla bordus, exemplum properly, or destroy the gun) and succeeding on a
contentio, flagrate, impedimenta, impervious, Quick Draw check.
ingressum, liberacorpus, remedium, scourgify,
stupefy, tenaxi, videodolum
4th-Year: custodicelium inimecus, finite incantatum,
flagrante injurium, homenum revelio, iterumimplus,
piertotum locomotor, relashio, sanamente, specialus
Brawn 2
5th-Year: consulus tempus, geminio, legilimens, Charisma 1
occlumens, prior incantato, repello muggletum, Courage 2
revivify, sensamagna Dexterity 2
Intelligence 3
Perception 3

Muggle Magical Knowledge. The squib always achieves a
serendipity result when recalling information about the
Brawn 2 magical world.
Charisma 1
Courage 2
Dexterity 2
Intelligence 1
Perception 1

Smartphone. If a muggle's cell phone is not disabled,
they can call other muggles for help, take notes, or
make a video recording of any magic they see.
A wizard can react quickly to prevent the muggle from
using their smartphone by casting relashio (or another
spell to disarm the muggle or destroy the phone) and
succeeding on a Quick Draw check.

Death Eater Dark Wizard
elm wand of basilisk horn
yew wand of basilisk horn

backfire threshold: 7 backfire threshold: 5

Brawn 3 Brawn 2
Charisma 3 Charisma 5
Courage 2 Courage 3
Dexterity 4 Dexterity 4
Intelligence 3 Intelligence 5
Perception 3 Perception 3

Dark Mark. The death eater bears the mark of an evil Backfire Resistant. If a spell cast by the dark wizard
wizard, a tattoo on the death eater's forearm that backfires, they can choose for it not to backfire instead.
twists with black magic. The death eater can cast Once they've done this three times, they must wait
morsmordre to project their tattoo onto storm clouds. until dawn before they can do it again.

Spells Hidden Wand. The dark wizard keeps their wand in a

specialised hidden location on their person. The dark
1st-Year: accio, alohomora, colloportus, descendo, wizard can upgrade an ability die on checks to resist
diffindo, incendio, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox, their wand being taken from them.
petrificus totalus, point me, quietus, quaff Silent Caster. The dark wizard doesn't need to speak
any spell of 4th-year or lower out loud.
2nd-Year: aparecium, confundo, expulso,
mobilicorpus, oppugno, perpendiculum, protego,
serpensortia, silencio Spells
3rd-Year: allucinatio, appareo, antiapparate, 1st-Year: descendo, diffindo, point me
conjunctivitus, deletrious, evanesco, exemplum
2nd-Year: protego, silencio
contentio, impedimenta, incarcerous, ingressum,
sentis imcommodum, stupefy, tanaxi, videodolum, 3rd-Year: allucinatio, appareo, antiapparate, evanesco,
volatus ingressum, videodolum, volatus
4th-Year: costodicelium inimecus, duro, finite 4th-Year: costodicelium inimecus, finite incantatum,
incantatum, homenum revelio, impedimenta forte, homenum revelio, piertotum locomotor, portus,
nitor, piertotum locomotor, portus, reducto, relashio, reducto, specialus revelio
specialus revelio
5th-Year: apparate, deprimo, legilimens, lingua
5th-Year: apparate, confringo, defodio, deprimo, duro vinculum, occlumens, repello muggletum,
homenum, legilimens, lingua vinculum, occlumens, sensamagna
Restricted: avada kedavra, crucio, fidelio, fiendfyre,
Restricted: avada kedavra, crucio, imperio, imperio, jusjurandum perpetuus, morsmordre,
morsmordre, obliviate necromancum, obliviate, squibify, taboo

Named NPCs
These NPCs represent specific characters from the Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore
series which may show up in the course of play. These elder wand

characters have specific quirks or abilities that set them apart

backfire threshold: 0
from others. Teachers at Hogwarts that don't have a statblock
here just use the generic teacher statblock. Brawn 2
Charisma 5
Courage 5
Dexterity 4
Rubeus Hagrid Intelligence 5
Perception 4
umbrella wand

backfire threshold: 7
Duelist. Dumbledore can add +1 to the result of his
Quick Draw checks.
Brawn 5
Charisma 2 Elder Wand. Dumbledore's wand amplifies the effects
Courage 3 of the spells he casts, and Dumbledore can choose
Dexterity 1 whether the spell backfires or not.
Intelligence 2
Silent Caster. Dumbledore doesn't need to speak any
Perception 2
spell of 4th-year or lower out loud.
Gentle Soul. Hagrid always achieves a serendipity result Teacher's Knowledge. In addition to his known spells,
when making a check to interact with children or Dumbledore knows any spell he is teaching to
animals. students.

Half-Giant. Hagrid can add +1 to the result of any

Brawn check.
1st-Year: accio, aguamenti, alohomora, anapneo,
Spells colloportus, descendo, diffindo, episkey, incendio,
locomotor, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox, pack,
1st-Year: anapneo, incendio, locomotor, lumos petrificus totalus, point me, quietus, reparo, sonorus,
wingardium leviosa
2nd-Year: ferula, rennervate, silencio
3rd-Year: animutatio, respirabulla, volatus 2nd-Year: aparecium, avis, confundo, engorgio,
eruptum, expelliarmus, ferula, frigoriflam,
4th-Year: custodicelium inimecus mobilicorpus, objectum mutatio, perpendiculum,
5th-Year: consulus tempus protego, protero, reducio, regularis figurae,
rennervate, silencio
3rd-Year: allucinatio, animutatio, appareo, antiapparate,
conjunctivitus, crescerossa, deletrious, evanesco,
exempla bordus, exemplum contentio, expecto
patronum, flagrate, impedimenta, impervious,
incarcerous, ingressum, liberacorpus, orchideous,
remedium, riddikulus, scourgify, stupefy, tenaxi,
videodolum, volatus
4th-Year: custodicelium inimecus, duro, finite
incantatum, flagrante, flagrante injurium, homenum
revelio, impedimenta forte, iterumimplus, nitor,
piertotum locomotor, portus, relashio, reducto,
sanamente, specialus revelio
5th-Year: apparate, confringo, consulus tempus,
defodio, duro homenum, erecto, geminio, legilimens,
lingua vinculum, occlumens, prior incantato, repello
muggletum, revivify, sensamagna
Restricted: fidelio, jusjurandum perpetuus, obliviate

Filch Gilderoy Lockhart
cherry wand of dragon heartstring

Brawn 3 backfire threshold: 15

Charisma 1
Courage 2 Brawn 3
Dexterity 2 Charisma 5
Intelligence 2 Courage 1
Perception 4 Dexterity 3
Items Intelligence 2
Perception 2
Draught of Peace. When this potion is drunk, the
drinker's mind is soothed and their anxieties melt
away. The effects wear off after one hour, but the Spells
drinker's mood is lifted for the rest of the day. Backfire. 1st-Year: accio, descendo, episkey, locomotor mortis,
After the effects wear off, the drinker's mood is soured lumos, pack, point me, reparo, sonorus
for the rest of the day.
2nd-Year: confundo, eruptum, expulso, ferula,
Probity Probe. The squib waves the probity probe in frigoriflam, mobilicorpus, perpendiculum, protego,
front of a human or object. If the target has been regularis figurae, rennervate, silencio
enchanted to conceal its identity or deceive others, the
tip of the rod glows brightly. 3rd-Year: crescerossa, evanesco, exempla bordus,
flagrate, impedimenta, incarcerous, ingressum,
remedium, scourgify, stupefy
4th-Year: flagrante injurium, iterumimplus, piertotum
locomotor, relashio
5th-Year: deprimo, legilimens, sensamagna
Restricted: obliviate

Remus Lupin Minerva McGonagall
cypress wand of unicorn hair
fir wand of dragon heartstring

backfire threshold: 5 backfire threshold: 5

Brawn 2 Brawn 2
Charisma 3 Charisma 3
Courage 2 Courage 3
Dexterity 3 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 4 Intelligence 4
Perception 4 Perception 4

Teacher's Knowledge. In addition to his known spells, Animagus. McGonagall can transform into a cat and
Lupin knows any spell he is teaching to students. back to her human form. Once she has returned to her
human form, she must wait a few hours before she can
Werewolf. Under the light of the full moon, Lupin do it again. Her clothes and equipment are
transforms into a werewolf. His clothes and equipment transformed with her.
don't transform with him. He returns to his human
form at dawn, retaining no memories of the night time. Teacher's Knowledge. In addition to her known spells,
McGonagall knows any spell she is teaching to
Spells students.
1st-Year: accio, anapneo, colloportus, descendo,
diffindo, episkey, locomotor, locomotor mortis,
lumos, nox, pack, point me, quietus, reparo, sonorus 1st-Year: accio, colloportus, descendo, diffindo,
locomotor, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox, pack, point
2nd-Year: aparecium, engorgio, eruptum, expecto me, quietus, reparo, sonorus
patronum, expelliarmus, ferula, frigoriflam,
mobilicorpus, protego, protero, reducio, regularis 2nd-Year: aparecium, engorgio, eruptum, expelliarmus,
figurae, rennervate, silencio frigoriflam, mobilicorpus, protego, protero, reducio,
regularis figurae, rennervate, silencio
3rd-Year: appareo, antiapparate, crescerossa,
deletrious, evanesco, exempla bordus, exemplum 3rd-Year: appareo, antiapparate, deletrious, evanesco,
contentio, finite incantatum, flagrate, impedimenta, exempla bordus, exemplum contentio, flagrate,
impervious, ingressum, liberacorpus, remedium, impedimenta, impervious, ingressum, liberacorpus,
riddikulus, scourgify, stupefy, tenaxi, videodolum remedium, scourgify, stupefy, tenaxi, videodolum
4th-Year: custodicelium inimecus, flagrante injurium, 4th-Year: custodicelium inimecus, finite incantatum,
homenum revelio, iterumimplus, piertotum homenum revelio, piertotum locomotor, relashio,
locomotor, relashio, sanamente, specialus revelio specialus revelio
5th-Year: consulus tempus, geminio, legilimens, 5th-Year: consulus tempus, geminio, legilimens,
occlumens, prior incantato, repello muggletum, occlumens, prior incantato, repello muggletum
revivify, sensamagna

Minerva McGonagall (Cat)

Remus Lupin (Werewolf)
Brawn 1
Brawn 5 Charisma 3
Charisma 1 Courage 3
Courage 2 Dexterity 3
Dexterity 2 Intelligence 4
Intelligence 1 Perception 4
Perception 5
Quick: McGonagall can add a +1 to any check made to
Cursed Bite. A bite from Lupin transmits his werewolf resist being caught.
curse to his victim.

Mad Eye Moody Snow Sterling
cedar wand of jackalope antler
aspen wand of dragon heartstring

backfire threshold: 5 backfire threshold: 7

Brawn 3 Brawn 2
Charisma 3 Charisma 4
Courage 4 Courage 3
Dexterity 3 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 4 Intelligence 4
Perception 5 Perception 3

Duelist. Moody can add +1 to the result of his Quick Figgefoog. Snow is a painted wizard that has escaped
Draw checks. her portrait and now walks among the living. She is
treated as an object instead of a human for the
Mad Eye. Moody can make a Perception check to purpose of magical effects. She leaves paint smears
identify magically-hidden or magically-disguised where she touches. A successful Hard Perception check
targets. He knows the target's true form. can identify her as non-human if there is reasonable
Teacher's Knowledge. In addition to his known spells, suspicion that she isn't who she says she is.
Moody knows any spell he is teaching to students.
Teacher's Knowledge. In addition to her known spells,
Spells Snow knows any spell she is teaching to younger
1st-Year: accio, colloportus, descendo, diffindo,
locomotor, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox, pack, Spells
petrificus totalus, point me
1st-Year: accio, aguamenti, colormutatio, descendo,
2nd-Year: aparecium, avis, engorgio, expelliarmus, diffindo, locomotor, lumos, nox
expulso, mobilicorpus, objectum mutatio, oppugno,
2nd-Year: aparecium, nitor, noink, oppugno, regularis
perpendiculum, protego, protero, reducio, regularis
figurae, silencio
figura, silencio, tarantellegra
3rd-Year: allucinatio, appareo, evanesco, expecto
3rd-Year: allucinatio, animutatio, appareo, antiapparate,
patronum, impervious, remedium, riddikulus, tanaxi,
deletrious, evanesco, exempla bordus, exemplum
videodolum, volatus
contentio, expecto patronum, flagrate, impedimenta,
ingressum, stupefy, tenaxi, videodolum, volatus 4th-Year: finite incantatum, flagrante injurium, nitor
4th-Year: custodicelium inimecus, finite incantatum, 5th-Year: confringo, deprimo, duro homenum,
flagrante, homenum revelio, impedimenta forte, nitor, geminio
piertotum locomotor, portus, reducto, specialus
Restricted: obliviate
5th-Year: apparate, confringo, defodio, deprimo,
erecto, legilimens, lingua vinculum, occlumens, prior
incantato, repello muggletum, revivify
Restricted: avada kedavra, crucio, imperio

Severus Snape Lord Voldemort
elm wand of kelpie hair
yew wand of phoenix feather

backfire threshold: 5 backfire threshold: 5

Brawn 3 Brawn 2
Charisma 3 Charisma 5
Courage 4 Courage 4
Dexterity 3 Dexterity 4
Intelligence 4 Intelligence 5
Perception 3 Perception 4

Dark Mark. Snape bears the mark of an evil wizard, a Backfire Resistant. If a spell cast by Voldemort backfires,
tattoo on the his forearm that twists with black magic. he can choose for it not to backfire instead. Once he
Snape can cast morsmordre to project his tattoo onto has done this three times, he must wait until dawn
storm clouds. before he can do it again.
Redirect. When Snape reflects a spell with protego, he Silent Caster. Voldemort doesn't need to speak any
can retarget the spell to anyone nearby. spell of 4th-year or lower out loud.
Teacher's Knowledge. In addition to his known spells,
Snape knows any spell he is teaching to students. Spells
1st-Year: descendo, diffindo, point me
2nd-Year: protego, silencio
1st-Year: accio, alohomora, colloportus, descendo,
diffindo, incendio, locomotor mortis, lumos, nox, 3rd-Year: allucinatio, appareo, antiapparate, evanesco,
petrificus totalus, point me, quietus, quaff ingressum, videodolum, volatus
4th-Year: costodicelium inimecus, finite incantatum,
2nd-Year: aparecium, confundio, expulso,
homenum revelio, piertotum locomotor, portus,
mobilicorpus, oppugno, perpendiculum, protego,
reducto, specialus revelio
serpensortia, silencio
5th-Year: apparate, deprimo, legilimens, lingua
3rd-Year: allucinatio, appareo, antiapparate,
vinculum, occlumens, repello muggletum,
conjunctivitus, deletrious, evanesco, exempla bordus,
exemplum contentio, expecto patronum,
impedimenta, incarcerous, ingressum, sentis Restricted: avada kedavra, crucio, fidelio, fiendfyre,
imcommodum, stupefy, tanaxi, videodolum, volatus imperio, jusjurandum perpetuus, morsmordre,
necromancum, obliviate, squibify, taboo
4th-Year: costodicelium inimecus, duro, impedimenta
forte, finite incantatum, homenum revelio, muffliato,
nitor, piertotum locomotor, portus, reducto, relashio, Items
specialus revelio Horcruxes. Voldemort possesses seven horcruxes that
5th-Year: apparate, confringo, defodio, deprimo, duro contain a portion of his soul, each with personal
homenum, legilimens, occlumens, revivify significance to him. As long as one of these horcruxes
exists, Voldemort has the means to return to life after
Restricted: avada kedavra, levicorpus, morsmordre, death.
muffliato, sectumsempra

For the purpose of magical effects, a monster is stated to be an
Animal, Nonmagical
animal, a humanoid (considered to be the same as a human), or animal
an object.
Brawn 1
Charisma 1
Courage 1
Acromantula Dexterity 3
Intelligence 1
Perception 3
Brawn 5 Quick: The animal can add a +1 to any check made to
Charisma 1 resist being caught.
Courage 2
Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2 Variants
Perception 2 Flying: The animal can fly.
Swarm Master: The acromantula can call upon a swarm Swarm: The animal is a swarm, allowing it to
of spiders to overwhelm its victim. overwhelm and immobilise its target.
Venomous: A bite from the acromantula, if left Swimming: The animal can swim.
untreated, will kill the target in 1 hour. Venomous: A bite from the animal, if left untreated,
Very Large: The acromantula always achieves a will kill the target in 1 day.
serendipity result on Brawn checks.
Wall Walker: The acromantula can crawl on its webs or
In the Books
on solid surfaces vertically or upside down. Cats like Crookshanks, belonging to Hermione Granger,
and the nasty cat of Filch, Mrs. Norris, are a common
Web Spinner: The acromantula can create large webs
sight in Hogwarts' halls.
to trap prey or descend from heights without harm.
Escaping from its web requires a Medium Brawn check. Most students have an owl as a pet, such as Hedwig,
the snowy owl belonging to Harry Potter. Owls
In the Books traditionally deliver the mail to students.
Aragog, a huge spider with the ability to speak, lives in The Black Lake surrounding Hogwarts is home to many
the Forbidden Forest with his brood of thousands of species of fish and other aquatic life forms that would
young. not normally be found in that area of the world, like
squid and jellyfish.
The Forbidden Forest is forbidden because of the
dangerous creatures found within, such as the young
spiders of an acromantula, which can swarm and which
have a nasty venomous bite.

Basilisk Boggart
animal object

Brawn 5 Brawn 1
Charisma 1 Charisma 4
Courage 2 Courage 1
Dexterity 4 Dexterity 1
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 2
Perception 3 Perception 1

Petrifying Gaze: Anyone who makes eye contact with Shapechanger: The boggart takes on the visual
the basilisk dies. Seeing the basilisk through a appearance of its target's greatest fear. While the
reflection will petrify the target for 7 days instead. target can see the boggart in its fearful form, the target
always achieves a complication result on any checks
Venomous: A bite from the basilisk will kill the target in they make.
1 minute. Nonmagical healing and healing magic (short
of phoenix tears or a unicorn's touch) cannot stop the A wizard can take control of the boggart's
effects of the venom. Its venom is strong enough to shapechanging trait by casting riddikulus.
destroy a horcrux.
Very Large: The basilisk always achieves a serendipity In the Books
result on Brawn checks. Professor Lupin used a boggart as part of his Defence
Against the Dark Arts curriculum, keeping it locked up
In the Books in a wardrobe. A boggart's true form is unknown.
The basilisk is an enormous snake that lives only to kill.
Tom Riddle was able to summon a basilisk from a
secret vault underneath the girl's washroom.

Blast-Ended Skrewt Brawn 4

animal Charisma 1
Courage 3
Dexterity 2
Brawn 1
Intelligence 2
Charisma 1
Perception 3
Courage 1
Dexterity 2
Intelligence 1 Nature Knowledge: The centaur always achieves a
Perception 2 serendipity result on checks made to recall information
about nature.
Fire Carapace: The blast-ended skrewt burns painfully
on contact with skin. In the Books
Vice Grip: The blast-ended skrewt can add a +1 to any A tribe of centaurs live in the Forbidden Forest on the
check made to maintain its grip on a target. outskirts of Hogsmeade. The centaurs have roughly
human intelligence, and one of them, Firenz, even took
In the Books a job as a Divinations teacher at Hogwarts.

A blast-ended skrewt is a headless crustacean that

smolders with an internal flame.

Dementor Fairy
humanoid humanoid

backfire threshold: 15
Brawn 3
Charisma 4 Brawn 1
Courage 2 Charisma 4
Dexterity 3 Courage 1
Intelligence 2 Dexterity 3
Perception 3 Intelligence 1
Perception 2
Chilling Presence: The air goes cold in a 30 metre radius
around the dementor. Flying: The fairy can fly.
Flying: The dementor can fly. Mischievous Magic: The fairy can cast any 1st-year or
2nd-year spell, randomly determined.
Soul Absorption: The dementor can feed off a target's
soul, incapacitating them and tearing away their Quick: The fairy can add a +1 to any check made to
positive memories. After one minute of sustained resist being caught.
feeding, the target dies.
A wizard can repel a dementor or cancel its soul In the Books
absorption effect with expecto patronum. Fairies (and pixies) are tiny, proud, vicious little
creatures. Without a competent teacher, fairies can
In the Books easily take control of a classroom and send the entire
class into chaos. Gilderoy Lockhart presents a good
In the hunt for the fugitive Sirius Black, dementors
example of what not to do: insist that he has things
from the wizard prison Azkaban descended upon
under control without taking any of the necessary
Hogwarts. Worried for the safety of the students with
ghastly soul-sucking apparitions floating around the
premises, many teachers taught students to master
expecto patronum to keep the dementors at bay.

animal Brawn 1
Charisma 2
Courage 2
Brawn 7
Dexterity 3
Charisma 4
Intelligence 3
Courage 6
Perception 2
Dexterity 4
Intelligence 1
Perception 4 Ethereal: The ghost can move through solid objects.
Flying: The ghost can fly.
Flying: The dragon can fly.
Fire Breath: The dragon can breathe a jet of flame that In the Books
severely burns its target. If left untreated, the target Before death, a wizard can prepare their body and
will die of their burns in 1 hour. mind to become a ghost, persisting in the material
Very Large: The dragon always achieves a serendipity world rather than pass on to the afterlife. Ghosts are a
result on Brawn checks. constant sight around Hogwarts, with some ghosts
even teaching classes. Ghosts are celebrated rather
In the Books than feared, with many hosting "death day parties"
and other festivities to dispel the notion that they are
During the Tri-Wizard tournament, dragons were dangerous.
incorporated into one of the events, where the
competitors must steal an egg from its nest. There are
many different breeds of dragons which vary in size
and appearance. Harry Potter faced a Hungarian
Horntail, the nastiest of them all.

Giant Goblin
humanoid humanoid

Brawn 6 Brawn 2
Charisma 1 Charisma 1
Courage 4 Courage 1
Dexterity 1 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2 Intelligence 4
Perception 2 Perception 2

Very Large: The giant always achieves a serendipity Magic Resistant: When a spell is cast on a goblin, it can
result on Brawn checks. immediately make a Resistance check to completely
ignore the effects.
In the Books
Giants struggle to keep their existence hidden from
In the Books
muggles due to their size. The result of the mating of a Goblins, renowned for their bookkeeping skills, are the
giant and a wizard (usually requiring magic) is a half- primary accountants and receptionists for Gringotts
giant such as Rubeus Hagrid. Bank.

Giant Squid Hippogriff

animal animal

Brawn 7 Brawn 4
Charisma 2 Charisma 2
Courage 1 Courage 4
Dexterity 2 Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2 Intelligence 1
Perception 2 Perception 3

Ink: The giant squid can eject a large cloud of black ink Flying: The hippogriff can fly.
to ward off targets.
Swimming: The giant squid can swim. In the Books
Very Large: The giant squid always achieves a Buckbeak, a magical creature with the head and wings
serendipity result on Brawn checks. of an eagle and the body of a horse, was under the
care of Rubeus Hagrid until the hippogriff was blamed
In the Books for the assault of a student who had mishandled him.

A giant squid, much older and larger than any muggle's

traditional idea of a squid, lives in the Black Lake
around Hogwarts. It's not a type of animal one would
expect to live in a lake, but it seems to be doing alright.

House-Elf Merperson
backfire threshold: 7
Brawn 2
Brawn 1 Charisma 2
Charisma 1 Courage 2
Courage 1 Dexterity 4
Dexterity 4 Intelligence 2
Intelligence 3 Perception 2
Perception 3
Swimming: The merperson can swim.
Bound: The house-elf is sworn to serve a particular
wizarding family and must follow the orders of anyone
of that family's name.
In the Books
The merpeople of the Black Lake showed hostility to
Giving a house-elf an item of clothing frees it of its the competitors of the tri-wizard tournament and
servitude. nearly cost the lives of the students meant to be
Innate Magic: The house-elf can cast any spell of 3rd- rescued from the depths of the lake.
year or lower without needing a wand or an

In the Books Phoenix

Hogwarts has a small community of house-elves that animal
live in quarters separate from students and teachers,
and some house-elves accompany children to
Brawn 1
Hogwarts to assist with living away from home. Some,
Charisma 4
like Dobby of the Malfoy family, have managed to free
Courage 4
themselves but still enjoy living at Hogwarts.
Dexterity 3
Intelligence 1
Perception 3

Mandrake Flying: The phoenix can fly.

object Healing Tears. The phoenix's tears perfectly heal all
Brawn 1 Rebirth: When the phoenix dies, it disintegrates in a
Charisma 1 burst of flame and emerges as a chick from the ashes
Courage 1 after 1 minute.
Dexterity 1
Intelligence 1
Perception 1 In the Books
Fawkes is the pet phoenix of headmaster Albus
Scream: The mandrake's scream can knock any nearby Dumbledore. A feather from Fawkes' tail makes up the
humans or animals into a coma that lasts up to 30 core of the wand of Lord Voldemort.
With sufficient ear protection, the scream causes only
discomfort and mild ear pain.

In the Books
Mandrake roots were used to cure petrified Hogwarts
students during the outbreak associated with the

Poltergeist Three-Headed Dog
backfire threshold: 15
Brawn 4
Brawn 2 Charisma 2
Charisma 1 Courage 5
Courage 3 Dexterity 1
Dexterity 4 Intelligence 1
Intelligence 2 Perception 5
Perception 2
Guardian. Fluffy doesn't need to sleep. At least two
Ethereal: The poltergeist can move through solid heads can be awake at any time.
A wizard can put all three heads to sleep by playing a
Flying: The poltergeist can fly. specific tune on a flute.
Innate Magic: The poltergeist can cast impedimenta, Three-Headed: Magical effects that would knock the
locomotor, and protero without needing a wand or an three-headed dog out or affect its mental state affect
incantation. only one of its three heads.
Invisibility: The poltergeist can turn invisible or visible Very Large: The three-headed dog always achieves a
at will. serendipity result on its Brawn checks.

In the Books In the Books

The mischievous poltergeist Peeves haunts Hogwarts' The massive three-headed bloodhound Fluffy, cared for
halls at night, catching students off guard who have by Rubeus Hagrid, guards a hidden hallway where
snuck out of bed. great secrets have been kept behind locked doors for
many years in the hopes that dark wizards will never
be able to find them.

Brawn 4
Charisma 1
Courage 2 Brawn 6
Dexterity 2 Charisma 1
Intelligence 1 Courage 2
Perception 3 Dexterity 1
Intelligence 1
Invisibility. The thestral is invisible to anyone without Perception 1
the Witness to Death quirk.
Stupid: The troll always achieves a complication result
In the Books for Intelligence checks.

After their first year, Hogwarts students unload from Very Large: The troll always achieves a serendipity
the Hogwarts Express and take horse-drawn carriages result for Brawn checks.
to the castle gates. Most students assume that the
carriages draw themselves, as they can't see any actual In the Books
horses drawing them. Some unfortunate students
Trolls are big, lumbering, morons. One was once set
know the truth.
free in Hogwarts' dungeon as a distraction for a dark
wizard to infiltrate its hidden vaults.

Unicorn Veela
animal humanoid

backfire threshold: 7
Brawn 4
Charisma 4 Brawn 1
Courage 4 Charisma 5
Dexterity 2 Courage 1
Intelligence 1 Dexterity 4
Perception 3 Intelligence 2
Perception 2
Healing Touch: The unicorn's touch perfectly heals all
wounds. Alluring: The veela always achieves a serendipity result
on its Charisma checks.
Dark wizards can stave off the effects of old age and
decay by drinking a unicorn's blood. From the moment Innate Magic: The veela can cast any of its known spells
the blood touches their lips, they suffer from a Half Life without needing a wand or an incantation.
(see the Affliction quirk).
In the Books 1st-Year: episkey, nox, quietus
There are a few unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, but
after one of them was killed by a dark wizard, they 2nd-Year: confundo, eruptum, ferula, perpendiculum,
have remained elusive and refuse to show themselves rennervate
even to innocent students. 3rd-Year: allucinatio, conjunctivitus, crescerossa,
orchideous, remedium, respirabulla
4th-Year: iterumimplus, nitor, sanamente

Werewolf 5th-Year: duro homenum, erecto, legilimens, revivify

Restricted: imperio, obliviate

Brawn 5
In the Books
Charisma 1 Impossibly beautiful, Veela inspired the legends of
Courage 2 sirens luring sailors to death, or of forest nymphs
Dexterity 3 seducing lost travellers and drowning them in ponds.
Intelligence 1 Traditionally seen to be evil, Veela are an independent
Perception 5 race with both hostile and friendly people among
them, and they even occasionally interbreed with
Cursed Bite. A bite from the werewolf transmits the humans.
Werewolf quirk to its victim.

In the Books
Under the light of the full moon, professor Remus Whomping Willow
Lupin transformed into a werewolf and terrorised object
students that he cared for. He returned to his human
form at dawn, retaining no memories of the night time. Brawn 5
Some evil werewolves, like Fenrir Greyback, Charisma 1
intentionally transmit their curse to anyone they can Courage 1
get their hands on. Dexterity 1
Intelligence 1
Perception 1

Very Large: The whomping willow always achieves a

serendipity result on its Brawn checks.

In the Books
The whomping willow sits rooted in place at the edge
of the Forbidden Forest, lashing out violently with its
branches at anyone who approaches.

A Year at Hogwarts
Carpe Exforaminis Year Map
The central idea of the game system of Hogwarts is to favour Each year at Hogwarts follows a structure of vignettes where
storytelling over mechanics. The rules of what you can do and the characters can live in the world, solve problems, build
how the spell interact with each other is deliberately kept quite relationships, and learn magic. A typical year at Hogwarts
loose, with a dialogue between the player and GM highly includes the following vignettes. You don't need to adhere
encouraged. The job of the GM is to adjudicate the players' strictly to the template, but it helps to have a solid basis.
solutions to unique problems; as such, the enormous and
difficult problems that are introduced throughout this sample
story are not meant to have a single answer. The players must
The Hogwarts Express
solve these problems using their creativity. The characters sit down together in the Hogwarts Express and
Hogwarts is also meant to emulate the storytelling style of introduce themselves to one another. Other key NPCs such as
the Harry Potter series, where often seemingly insurmountable friends and rivals may also be introduced by the GM. This is
problems are overcome with a weirdly specific application of also a good time to introduce some fantastical concepts that
magic that may not even have been established beforehand. might come up later in the year, such as chocolate frogs
The Mirror of Erised suddenly allows you to retrieve items from introducing the concept of moving portraits.
it? Sure! Two phoenix feather wands clashing allows you to
speak with your dead parents again? I don't see why not! You
can't kill the main antagonist because he actually has seven
The Sorting Hat
items that can restore him to life? Seems fun, let's go! The The characters get sorted into their Hogwarts house. Typically,
enthusiastic embrace of weird and specific contrivances is, in this is an in-character discussion between the GM (as the
fact, a spell in the game that anyone can cast, including the GM: Sorting Hat) and the player (as their character) as to which
carpe exforaminis. house would be best for them. Characters don't need to all be in
the same house.
Each player is given one coin. At any point, a player can give
their coin to the GM to cast the spell carpe exforaminis. The GM
can give a player back their coin to cast the spell themselves. Group Classes
The players and the GM are the ones casting the spell, not their
Characters attend a group class where they learn a particular
characters or NPCs, as they are representing the chaotic and
spell or magical concept. At the end of the class, each character
unknowable forces of magic in the world.
must pass an ability check to successfully add the spell to their
sheet. During the class, some magical shenanigans should
Carpe Exforaminis happen and relationships should build between the characters
You introduce a magical contrivance that either perfectly solves and key NPCs. An example of this from The Philosopher's Stone
your current predicament or introduces an insurmountable is the flying class, where Draco takes Neville's remembrall and
obstacle. To do so, you must describe the magical contrivance in Harry must retrieve it.
excruciating detail.
Backfire. If you intended a positive effect, the spell has a
negative effect, and vice versa. The backfire threshold for this Sinister Intentions
spell is always 5.

On a regular day or night, the characters all witness suspicious

activity and come under some minor threats or dangers as a

As an example, a character's wand is destroyed, but they result. The characters grow together as a team. An example of
happen to have stolen a rival's wand earlier. The player passes a this from The Philosopher's Stone is when Harry stumbles
coin to the GM and declares that they are casting carpe upon the three-headed dog and realizes that something
exforaminis. The player states that stealing a wand without the dangerous is being kept hidden at Hogwarts.
use of magic counts as rightfully besting a wizard, and thus
their rival's wand is now their own. The GM asks them why this
didn't occur earlier when another wand was stolen by someone
Individual Classes
else, and the player replies that it only works on those who do The characters split up and pursue individual classes that they
not have a strong personal connection with their wand. Since elect for themselves, another opportunity to learn new spells or
their rival's wand wasn't perfectly suited to them, it gladly extra abilities. These need not literally be classes. In the
abandoned them when it was stolen. Everyone at the table says, Philosopher's Stone, Harry's quidditch match can be
"Sure! Why not!" and the casting is successful. considered an individual class, where he pursues a skill that his
Later, the GM returns the coin to the player and introduces a friends do not. Individual classes help differentiate characters'
creature that can sense when a wizard is not using their skills by the end of the year so that they all feel like they have
original wand. The spell backfires and the creature actually different strengths and weaknesses. It's best to keep these
likes it when a wizard isn't using their original wand. It is classes short, or otherwise involve all players in the classes. For
pleased and helps them out of their predicament. example, Hermione and Ron watch the quidditch match and
intervene when they realize Harry is being sabotaged.

Crisis The Empty Portraits
The characters come face-to-face with the main crisis of the A 1st-Year Hogwarts Adventure
year, where their lives are suddenly put in serious peril. This
crisis won't be solved immediately and will persist throughout This sample adventure takes a group of players through their
the rest of the year, potentially affecting the entire school. In 1st year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The Philosopher's Stone, the release of a troll from the dungeon
not only provides an encounter where the students must use
what they've learned in class, but also puts the whole school on
Crisis Summary
edge when it becomes apparent a dark wizard is attempting to A mausoleum on the edge of the Forbidden Forest marks the
cause harm to students from within the very school. resting place of twelve students who perished in a fire while
studying at Hogwarts. For memorial's sake, a portrait of each

Group Classes student hangs on the mausoleum walls. The portraits talk to
each other throughout the night, always wishing that they could
The characters come together for another group class where join the real students and finally complete their studies. They
they have another opportunity to learn new spells and skills. long for a taste of the real world.
This time, however, the crisis has a direct effect on the whole One day, it is given to them.
class. New restrictions are put in place, dangerous spells are These twelve students have somehow escaped their portraits
taught for self-defense reasons, or the replacement of a lost and rejoined Hogwarts, disguising themselves and walking
teacher introduces new difficulties in the classroom. amongst the living students. Though they don't join classes
(they aren't on any attendance lists), they sleep in their old
Calm Before the Storm dorms, study their old books at the library, cheer amidst the
crowds during quidditch matches, and make new friends at the
The characters have a chance to cool down and relax, following feasts. These painted students are called "figgefoogs".
up on interpersonal relationships, talking things out with rivals, The issue is, however, that other portraits have also gone
doing research in the library, playing games like Wizard's empty and not all of them are so benign.
Chess, or catching up with their family back home. This is also a
good opportunity to advance the story without bringing it to
the climactic showdown just yet. Key NPCs
The teachers Rubeus Hagrid and Professor Lupin take
Exams prominent roles in the story.
The following four students serve as the player characters'
The characters prepare for and take their exams, which are rivals throughout the adventure, offering up an example of a
usually a few ability checks. A complication might arise (such as student from each Hogwarts house. They work together in a
a herd of centaurs bursting into the exam room, or gravity frequently-antagonistic role to the group.
being reversed) that makes things more thrilling for the
students. Exams might also include a quidditch final or another Romeo Roots, a 1st year Gryffindor student. Romeo is a
event that tests the characters' skills. naturally gifted quidditch player with a particular talent for
handling bludgers. He comes from a magical family and has
Crisis Resolution been playing quidditch since he was six. His strategy is to
knock out the best players of the other team as quickly as
At the end of the school year, the crisis rears its head again and possible, and this extends into his academic life: anyone who
the characters deal with it directly, facing multiple difficult does better than him is a target to be eliminated.
death-defying challenges against the odds. As an example, at Josephine Juniper, a 1st year Slytherin student. She is
the end of The Philosopher's Stone, Harry, Ron, and Hermione Romeo's cousin and they make a dangerous team. She
undergo a series of tests in order to reach the eponymous stone whispers her schemes in Romeo's ear, manipulating him into
before the dark wizard can retrieve it. doing her bidding. She believes that raw ambition will take
her to great heights.
Graduation Jemini Juniper, a 1st year Ravenclaw student. She is
Josephine's identical twin sister, but they have very little in
To cap off the school year, the characters have a feast and Albus
common. Jemini just wants to sit down and study magic, but
Dumbledore provides a recap of the year's events. The winners
Josephine keeps wrapping her up in schemes and Jemini is
of the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup are announced. The
too shy to say no.
characters have a chance to say goodbye before they head home
Gonzo G'nache, a 1st year Hufflepuff student. He is also
for the summer.
Romeo's cousin. He likes toads and potions and doesn't have
much else going for him, so when Romeo and Josephine
include him in their schemes, he is overjoyed. Gonzo is an
animagus who can turn into a toad.

Twelve students died in a catastrophe in a previous year. Their
portraits in the mausoleum have been given life and now walk 1: The Hogwarts Express
around among the humans. Three of these figgefoogs are major
The train ride to Hogwarts is an opportunity for the group to
characters in the story.
get to know one another personally before all the craziness of
Huntley Hogawney, a 1st year Hufflepuff student. He's very the year begins. Read out the following text to the players.
small and skinny, but eats like a starving dog. He has missed
As the Hogwarts Express rumbles across the countryside,
eating very much and wants to lose himself in the hedonistic
flavours of Hogwarts feasts, where he meets plenty of the sun seems to shine a little brighter than it did in the
students his age and loves making friends. He'll keep asking muggle world. You hear students in other carriages reciting
the characters to find him new and exotic things to eat, and the few spells their siblings and parents have taught them. A
in return will introduce them to some of his own creations
(he's an excellent cook).
couple blasts of colour arc away from the windows and
Breeny Buckling, a 1st year Ravenclaw student. She is flutter into nothingness against the trees and rivers passing
extremely shy and wears a long violet hood that completely by.
covers her face. She latches onto the first character that
shows her even an ounce of kindness and follows them The dividers slide open and you all sit next to one another.
around, asking to sit in with their classes or help them in any
One of you is bold enough to speak up first.
way she can.
Snow Sterling, a 6th year Slytherin student. She is tall, strong,
Get each player to describe their character to the rest of the
confident, and experienced, with striking white hair and
group, starting with their name and physical appearance. Make
piercing violet eyes. She likes to teach younger students
sure that they ask each other lots of questions. Once the
spells that are well above their level just to see what mischief
characters have had a chance to chat, their rivals arrive.
they get up to.
The rest of the figgefoogs are less important, but their names You hear a piercing cackle of a young witch. A girl with a
are included below if it comes up. long green-and-black scarf pauses at the dividers and looks
over you all with disdain. Her long black hair is done up in
Anne Asp, 6th year Slytherin (female)
Christian Cletus, 1st year Hufflepuff (male) an intricate braid that twists and turns of its own accord,
Grace Guttontree, 3rd year Gryffindor (female) and her bespectacled eyes flash with maniacal glee.
Linwood Leafwood, 1st year Ravenclaw (male)
Myrcella Moth, 1st year Hufflepuff (female) She calls out, "Jemini, how much you wanna bet these
Quirius Quilt, 1st year Ravenclaw (male) mudbloods have never had a chocolate frog before?"
Strickland Strongbark, 3rd year Gryffindor (male)
Taylor Tassel, 6th year Slytherin (nonbinary) From behind the girl steps someone who appears to be her
Willard Whyte, 3rd year Gryffindor (male)
exact duplicate, only her hair is frizzy and tangled and her
Key Monsters spectacles are in disrepair.
Fairies and thestrals are used in Care of Magical Creatures.
"You've never even met them, Josephine ..."
The escaped portraits, or figgefoogs, use the statblocks of
regular students (as above) or monsters (boggarts,
Josephine just laughs. "Save me your mewling
dementors, and werewolves). Figgefoog wizards can cast
spells and interact with the world as normal, and they have the protestations! Here, you know what, just give them your
same wands and other equipment that they have in their duplicates. You've got a bunch of Dumbledore, don't you?"
portraits. The main difference is the figgefoog trait as follows. she demands.

"I like Dumbledore ..." Jemini whimpers, but it's too late.
Figgefoog. The figgefoog is a painted wizard that has Josephine snatches a handful of chocolate frogs from her
escaped their portrait and now walks among the living. twin sister's bag and tosses them into your laps. "That's
They are treated as an object instead of a human for
the purpose of magical effects. They leave paint smears okay ..." says Jemini, in a tired voice. "I've had too many to
where they touch. A successful Perception ability eat anyway. Hope you like them."
check, which the figgefoog can contest with Charisma,
can identify a figgefoog as non-human if there is "Later, mudbloods!" cackles Josephine. She slams the
reasonable suspicion that they aren't who they say
they are. divider shut, leaving you all with a chocolate frog each.

All of them are Dumbledore.

Chocolate frogs each contain a holograhic portrait of a wizard Among the teachers upon the stage of the Great Hall, one
of note. The portraits seem to move of their own accord.
stands above the rest. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, a
Dumbledore is very reserved, staring up at the children with a
detached look of curiosity before taking a puff from his pipe white beard that touches the floor, starry grey robes, and a
and disappearing into the edges of the frame. pipe that floats near his mouth whenever he takes a puff.
Standing up on the stage, it almost feels like he is eight feet
It's night when the Hogwarts Express finally screeches to a
tall. He presses his wand -- a wand that none of you can
halt at Hogsmeade Station. The older students pack into
imagine could possibly belong to anyone but the greatest
horseless carriages that wheel across the bridge to the
wizard in the entire world -- and when he speaks, his voice
castle on the lake. You and the other first years are herded
into rowboats that seem to row themselves.
"Sonorus. Welcome to your first year at Hogwarts School of
A thousand candles rise up into the night sky and blot out
Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am Albus Dumbledore, your
the stars. Hogwarts Castle glows with yellow light from all its
headmaster. We'll first take a moment of silence to honour
ramparts and palisades. You can hear a haunting melody
the fifty year anniversary of the twelve students who lost
playing from within. The choir has already started. Your year
their lives in that terrible fire ... Now, in accordance with the
has begun.
wishes of our school's four founders, students are sorted
The night is cold, but you feel warm. You are finally home. into four houses by the sorting hat, based upon their innate
talents and upon what the future has in store for them. I will
2: The Sorting Hat call out your names in order ..."
As the group gathers outside of Hogwarts' Great Hall, awaiting One by one, the students are called up to the stage. The
the signal to enter, a large red ball smacks into the back of students see the lumpy boy Gonzo G'nache take the stage and
someone's head and bounces down the stairs. Someone's pet smile way too widely when the sorting hat is placed on his
toad leaps after it. head, his eyes glassy, mind elsewhere.
"Oi! That's me quaffle!" shouts a tall red-haired boy. He is "Ahh, yes, very loyal, are you? Devoted to your cousin ... is
squashed among other boys his age who he elbows good- he here today? Yes, I can see his face in the crowd. Everyone
naturedly in the ribs. "Ain't you gonna grab that for me?" tells you he's a bad influence, but you know better, don't
The quaffle is already a few flights down the stairs. you? You like to feel like you belong. And what's this? A
If none of the characters go for the quaffle, a very short, squat,
talent for recovering lost objects! An easy choice.
curly-haired boy with freckles eventually comes up, quaffle Hufflepuff!"
under his elbow.
The group sees the tired girl Jemini Juniper, star struck at the
"Got yer quaffle, cuz," says the rather lumpy-looking boy. sight of Dumbledore, barely realize where she is when it's
His tie is four feet long and trails between his feet, and his placed on her head.
robes are even longer, wrapped up in knots around his "You're smarter than you look, aren't you, girl? Play nice
ankles. now, and maybe you will be rewarded. Not many your age
can say they would be so accepting of hardship, but you
"Get outta here, Gonzo," says the tall boy. "Auntie ain't here
know what's best for you. And besides, how else are we to
to tell me off for swearin' at ya this time around, half
separate you from your sister? Ravenclaw!"
The group hears a suppressed cackle as Josephine Juniper
"Okay," says Gonzo, and merges with the crowd of students.
shoves her sister off and plants the hat forcefully on her head.
The first years are led into the Great Hall, where an old floppy "So many ideas! So many schemes! If only others would
black hat sits on a stool.
listen to you the way you listen to yourself. I've scarcely seen
so much blind ambition. Slytherin!"

The teachers have to pry Romeo Roots' quaffle out of his hands
before they finally get him to sit down.

"Strong of heart and strong of body, I see. A gifted player, Students in potions class must make Intelligence checks to keep
up with Snape's rapid-fire delivery of the instructions for a
and good blood runs through your veins. You know your
Pepperup Potion.
blood, and you know your place. You could be Slytherin, yes,
you could be great, but they would eat you alive, they would "Crush the bicorn horn into a fine powder in your mortar
swallow you whole like a snake eating a bird. Your talents and add two pinches to the cauldron with a mandrake root.
are better placed where they are appreciated. Gryffindor!" Heat and leave burning for two minutes then add three
sprigs of thyme, five drops of salamander blood, and four
The group is then called up one by one. The players and the GM
fire seeds, stirring in an alternating pattern of clockwise and
negotiate which house they will be assigned by roleplaying as
the sorting hat and their characters. counter-clockwise as you add them. Ensure that you do not
After the ceremony is finished, the group joins the Hogwarts add the fire seeds too quickly or your potion will ..."
feast and then are sent to their dorms to sleep before classes
begin the next day. A puff of black, choking smoke erupts from Jemini's
If any characters are sorted into Gryffindor, they join a gaggle cauldron. She cups her hand to her mouth to prevent
of excited students who gather around a large painting hung up
herself from shrieking in fright.
on the door to the Gryffindor common room. The painting looks
like it should have someone in it, but the greek symposium
Snape's brow furrows. "... or it will burn. Poorly mixed, Miss
depicted is bare. Nobody stands upon its steps.
Juniper. I expected better of you."
"Doppelganger! Darn it. Doppelganger? The password's not
working. She should be here!" says an older student, a Josephine cackles with glee as her potion bubbles and sets,
prefect. "Doppelganger! Ah, screw it. Alohomora ..." The taking on a pleasant pink colour. She flicks a hair tie to taunt
prefect mutters the spell under his breath and the portrait Jemini, who bursts into tears and runs out of the room.
swings open on its own. "We're supposed to use the Everyone in the class makes another Intelligence check and
password. Don't tell anyone I did that." receives a Pepperup Potion on a success.
If anyone goes after Jemini, they find her in the hallway being
"Did what?" laughs Romeo, bouncing his quaffle off the comforted by a much older Slytherin girl with striking white
empty portrait. hair and piercing violet eyes. She is kneeling down by Jemini's
side, comforting her, but stands straight up when approached.
She is very tall.
3: Potions
Potions classes are taught by Professor Severus Snape, a very
"Professor Snape takes some getting used to. He'll grow on
tall, gaunt, pale man with greasy black hair and a look that you. I was just teaching poor Jemini here a spell, one they
could petrify a basilisk. teach at 5th-year but which I believe is actually quite simple.
There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in What's your name? Would you like to learn this spell too?"
this class. As such, I don’t expect many of you to appreciate The Slytherin girl, Snow Sterling, teaches Jemini and any other
the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. character present the spell geminio. She demonstrates it with a
However, for those select few who possess the small notebook for Herbology class (her own, with very
detailed illustrations of plants, complete with beautiful painted
predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and
colours that seem to have been smeared over time) and lets
ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew Jemini keep the duplicate. Characters can add geminio, a 5th-
glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe year spell, to their list of spells.
some of you believe that your placement in Slytherin house
"Next time your sister sabotages your potion, just duplicate
will provide you with allowance for special treatment. Miss
hers. Professor Snape might even be impressed. I've got an
Juniper. Miss Juniper!
appointment shortly. Run along back to class, kiddos."
Both Josephine and Jemini raise their heads. Snape waves
off Jemini and towers over Josephine. 4: Quidditch Try-Outs
We smash cut to the day of quidditch try-outs. Heavy autumn
"Make no mistake, Miss Juniper, you will be graded solely on rains beat down on the students' heads. Lightning crackles in
your performance in this class. Special treatment is afforded the distance. The quidditch coach, Madam Hooch, assures the
only to those who can ..." He looks over to Jemini, who is students that the storm won't roll completely over Hogwarts.
furiously taking notes. "... Impress me."

Madam Hooch is a stocky woman with short, spiked grey Within the greenhouse, Jemini is being attacked by a giant
snake that is wrapped around her, squeezing the life out of her.
hair and a very serious demeanour. "The rains are one thing,
The snake is actually a transformed boggart, or, more
but the lightning won't reach us, that's for sure. If a little accurately,a paint monster (a figgefoog) in the form of a
drizzle was enough to cause a Hogwarts wizard worry, we boggart. The boggart will transform into the closest character's
wouldn't be the most renowned producer of quidditch stars greatest fear (negotiated with the GM) and, if confronted by
Josephine, will turn into a coffin whose animated lid is lined
in the country, now would we? Who's ready to try out for
with teeth, triggering her claustrophobia.
some quidditch?" The greenhouse is filled with plant pots, dead mandrakes,
burnt pieces of timber, and broken glass, covered by a thin roof
The group has all received some basic lessons on broom flying.
and canopy. The boggart will attempt to remain under the roof
Quidditch try-outs shouldn't be too much of a problem, should
at all times to avoid the rain, which will dissolve it into a puddle
they? After all, even Romeo, who has been anxious about try-
of paint. The players will need to make Dexterity checks to
outs since literally the day he arrived, doesn't seem to be
determine whether or not they get the drop on the boggart or
worried now. He's chatting casually with Josephine and Jemini.
whether it will be able to quickly respond to them arriving at
However, as the students all line up, and as Romeo gives a the scene.
character a rough shove as an intimidation tactic, a
The group will have to make Courage checks to face down the
bloodcurdling screech cuts through the rain.
boggart. Creative uses of Courage, such as faith that the boggart
can't hurt them or inspiration to help their friends overcome
Madam Hooch rushes over to Josephine, who has collapsed
their fears, will help them. Students with a good memory might
in the mud, sobbing inconsolably. "Miss Juniper, you are be able to identify what a boggart is and use their knowledge to
making a scene. Whatever is the matter?" help each other with Intelligence checks. An eye for detail (a
Perception check) might recognise that the boggart isn't
"My sister!" she shrieks. "My twin sister is MISSING!" actually causing any direct damage and is instead just leaving
smears of paint everywhere. In addition, Jemini's intense fear
"Pull yourself together, girl. She can't have gone far." Hooch has caused her to hyperventilate and choke; she needs her
turns to address the rest of the students, but -- airway cleared or she'll suffocate. She's swallowed a globule of
"She's going to DIE! My only sister's going to DIE!" The students can defeat the boggart by luring it into the
rainstorm, where it will dissolve into a puddle of paint. If they
"Oh for heaven's sake," says Hooch. "Take a few friends and can't defeat the boggart or don't figure out that it's actually
made of paint, a teacher arrives to save the day.
go fetch your sister."
Professor Remus Lupin, a tall, worried man with a close-
Josephine immediately perks up. With a smile of satisfaction,
she points to the group and insists that they are her friends and
cropped moustache and a perpetually-drained look on his
they will help her find her sister. Hooch grabs each of you by face arrives at the greenhouse, panting for breath. The
the collar and shoves you towards Josephine, urging you to be boggart turns to Lupin and, with a horrific screech like the
quick about it.
grinding of metal on metal, it takes the form of a glowing
Josephine leads the group down the hill towards Hagrid's
shack, taking a sharp left and ending up in front of what
white pockmarked ball floating high above Lupin's head.
appeared to once be a greenhouse. Perhaps a former site for an
Herbology class. Whatever it was, it's since become a burnt "Riddikulus!" shouts Lupin, and the glowing ball wheezes
shell of a building. A terrible fire must have destroyed it and spins like the air being let out of a balloon. The boggart
decades ago. bounces around the burnt greenhouse for a few seconds
"I think she's in there," says Josephine. "Now if you don't before slamming into Lupin's chest. He casts aguamenti and
mind, if you go and grab her, I'll head back. I think I might be dissolves the boggart into a puddle of paint. "That wasn't a
up soon for the try-outs ..." but she trails off at the sound of real boggart, it was some sort of paint monster. Anyway,
a bloodcurdling scream. Unlike Josephine's scream, this unrelated to that entirely, you kids shouldn't be here in the
scream is one of genuine terror. It's coming from within the old Herbology greenhouse. A mighty fire ripped through
greenhouse. "Uhh ... okay guys ... maybe ... maybe let's just here and killed a dozen students fifty years ago. Haven't you
leave my sister in there ... I think ... I think she'll be fine ..." seen the memorial? It was a terrible tragedy."

The boggart has successfully been defeated. Lupin apologises to Class consists of Professor Sinistra using locomotor on a solar
the group and explains that the portrait of a boggart should not system model to demonstrate the motions of the planets
have become an actual boggart. He's not really sure what around the sun.
happened; one moment he was using the portrait to Students in her class can add locomotor to their list of spells.
demonstrate the boggart's effects, and the next it had hopped If they already have locomotor, they can add any 1st-year spell
out of the portrait and was wreaking havoc across the school of their choice.
grounds. He has never seen anything like it.
Just before everyone heads back to their dorms to catch up
"Anyway, don't you have quidditch try-outs to get to?" on sleep, Professor Sinistra grabs you by the collar and
The group must find a way to quickly get back to the quidditch sternly admonishes you for not keeping your robes clean.
field. A spell like point me or making an Intelligence check She points out streaks of dried blue-and-brown paint
should help them find the quickest way back. As they return, running all the way up and down your arm. A quick casting
Jemini begins to apologise, but with a glare from Josephine, just
of scourgify by her and your robes are once again spotless.
says that she was anxious about the try-outs.
If the group gets back in time, Madam Hooch scolds them for
taking so long, refuses to hear any excuses, and tosses them
Professor Minerva McGonagall, a kind yet stern old woman,
each onto a broomstick. They can make a Brawn or Dexterity
teaches transfiguration classes.
check to be considered for the quidditch team.
Romeo, of course, has been made a Beater. He does flips on
"Today we will be learning the color-changing charm. It may
his broom in celebration.
not have a practical use in the defence against the forces of

5: Individual Classes evil, but we have another class for that, don't we? Perhaps
you would prefer a different colour of scarf if your quidditch
Each character has a chance to pursue elective classes. The
following choices are available to them.
team begins to lose badly. Perhaps you are bored of brown
gravy and would prefer purple. Perhaps you think the
designer of the poster above your bed used just a little too
Charms much red. In any case, you will be practicing this spell on the
apples in front of your desk. They are red. Picture the colour
Multiple students can take the same classes and will be part of
green firmly in your mind's eye and follow my example.
the scene together. The GM can also decide that everyone takes
these classes together as one group. Please take notes."

Astronomy She demonstrates with the apple on her teacher's desk.

Astronomy classes are taught at midnight in Hogwarts' With a muttering of "colormutatio", the apple transforms
observatory by Professor Aurora Sinistra, a strict African
from red to green.
woman wearing a hat as tall as she is.
Each student must make an Intelligence check to take careful
Bleary-eyed students amble up the hallway. Some are still in
notes and then practice the spell on their apple.
their pajamas. One very small Ravenclaw girl tugs on the
sleeve of your robes. "Whoop!" Gonzo, in the back of the class, trips over
Romeo's extended foot. He goes tumbling in the air and, for
"I'm not part of astronomy, but I can't sleep. Can I join your reasons known only to his own mind, shouts
class?" "Colormutatio!" and waves his wand randomly. The spell
jolts around the room before shooting out through the door
She introduces herself as Breeny Buckling and follows you
to the hallway outside and landing square in the face of a
around dutifully.
Hufflepuff boy you don't recognise.
Professor Sinistra gives the girl a quizzical look after
attendance is called. The character in the scene will have to The Hufflepuff boy's skin turns bright green. He shouts in
make a Charisma check to vouch for Breeny and prevent her surprise and sprints off as fast as he can.
from being sent back to her common room. If successful,
Breeny beams with happiness. She focuses all of her attention "Well," says McGonagall, holding back her disapproval.
on the class and hangs off of Professor Sinistra's every word.
"That is not supposed to happen."

The students can add colormutatio to their list of spells. If they

already know colormutatio, they can add any 1st-level spell

Later, at lunch, they spot the bright-green Hufflepuff boy, a Flitwick takes the class close to the quidditch field. A light
skinny lad named Huntley Hogawney, who jokes with his big dusting of snowfall covers the field in white. Students
group of friends about his misfortunes while stuffing his face immediately start trying to summon snowballs in such a way
full of lamb chops. If he notices the group staring at him, he'll that their friends get hit in the side of the head.
invite them over, introduce himself, and insist that they find The group spots some 2nd year Hufflepuff students
him some green things to eat to match his green skin. practicing quidditch on the field, caked in brown, slushy snow.
A character can make a Perception check to locate food like They pass quaffles back and forth while riding their
broccoli or cucumber nearby, or they can just cast colormutatio broomsticks for what seems like the very first time. One
to make his lamb chops green. Both options delight Huntley. He student throws a bludger in the air which gets confused by
declares that they are best of friends. snowflakes and starts spinning in circles. Another is trying to
set up makeshift hoops on the ground level rather than use the
Charms more difficult professional ones on the field. They don't seem to
Charms class is taught by Professor Flitwick, a tiny, gnomish have a golden snitch, which is fine as they also don't have a
man with a tinkly laugh. seeker.
Romeo nudges one of the characters.
"Welcome, first years, welcome! Today we will be starting
with the summoning charm -- oh no, we won't be "Bet we could accio a few of their broomsticks and beat
summoning any dementors, any blast-ended skrewts, any them at their own game, eh? Let's score three goals on
dastardly demons or petrifying ghosts, I'm afraid not! The them. You with me?"
summoning charm yanks an object into your hand. You see,
The group might approach the challenge in a variety of ways.
like this remembrall here, you point your wand straight at it They might need to roll Dexterity to sneak up on the quidditch
..." Flitwick points his wand at a glass ball sitting on the table players, Charisma to convince others to join in, Intelligence to
in front of him. "And -- this is the basis for spellcasting, my correctly cast the spell, Courage to overcome the cold and the
mud, or Brawn to score points on the Hufflepuffs. They also
students -- you repeat the incantation and perform the might use spells like accio and locomotor creatively to control
correct motion of your wand! The incantation is accio and to the quaffle and bludger, diffindo or descendo to sabotage the
bring it to you, you give your wand a swift flick upwards, like makeshift hoops and reparo to restore them, or aguamenti or
incendio to scare the enemy team.
so! Accio remembrall!" The glass ball shoots into his hand.
After the third goal is scored, one of the Hufflepuffs becomes
As soon as he touches it, it starts to glow red. "Oh dear, I angry and tries to smash Romeo off his broomstick with a
seem to have forgotten something. Of course! I forgot to bludger.
introduce myself! My name is Professor Flitwick. Now, for
The split second before the Hufflepuff releases his grip on
this class, we have a practical component --"
the bludger, he screams in pain. Blood runs down his wrist,
"Accio remembrall!" shrieks Josephine Juniper. The and the bludger, freed from his grip, smashes him in the
remembrall shoots out of Flitwick's hand and into hers. face. The Hufflepuff falls hard, headfirst, into a snowbank.
"Amazing!" she shouts. The remembrall does not glow for His stubby little legs dangle out the top.
her. She is confident that she has not forgotten a thing.
"What the blast are you doing?!" shrieks Flitwick. He runs
"Accio remembrall!" says Flitwick, a bit annoyed. The over to the downed student. In addition to his head wound,
remembrall returns to him. "So as I was saying --" the Hufflepuff's hand is covered in painful red blisters that
leak fluid. "Episkey," says Flitwick. The wounds heal.
"Accio remembrall!" says Josephine.
Standing off to the side, with a gormless expression on his
"Accio remembrall!" says Flitwick.
face, Gonzo waves at Romeo and gives him a thumbs up.
"Accio remembrall!" says Josephine.
Romeo chucks a quaffle at his head. "I wasn't needing no
"Accio -- you know what, you can keep it. Accio lesson plan!" help, Gonzo! I had him!"
Flitwick's lesson plan flies into his hand. He reads for a
"Okay, cuz," says Gonzo.
moment, then says -- "Okay, yes, the practical component is
that we are going to go out onto Hogwarts grounds and Flitwick moves the students away from the very sad-looking
Hufflepuff team. He mutters something like "sufficient to
practice the summoning charm on anything you can see.
demonstrate understanding" to the class, then grabs Gonzo by
Let's go!" He shuffles out of the classroom. the ear and drags him away.

"You lot were mighty good," says Romeo, although there is a A mishandled thestral will bolt and run on a particularly badly-
handled ability check. This ties into the next section; if
darkness to his words that is hard to mistake. He looks at
everyone successfully muzzles their thestral, Romeo Roots will
you all with what almost seems to be ... jealousy. Strange. screw up his attempt by accidentally whacking it in the jaw
with a bludger.
The group can add accio to their list of known spells. If they
already know accio, they can add any 1st-year spell of their "Oi! What'd I say bout keepin' that dang thing locked up in
yer robes?! Now yeh've done it!"

6: Care of Magical Creatures Everyone can hear the thestral galloping through the brush.
Care of Magical Creatures class opens up after Christmas. The It's not coming back.
class is taught by Rubeus Hagrid, a half-giant.
"Bloody 'ell. Well I ain't leavin' you lot here on your own.
For once, the sun shines bright. Its light sparkles through Snow, you wanna take some kids and go nab our runaway?"
dappled leaves in the canopy and reflects off of what's left
of the melting snow. A plume of white smoke lazily wafts Snow picks the group to accompany her. The group leaves
Hagrid's class behind and treks out into the woods. There's
into the sky from Hagrid's cottage.
more snow on the ground under cover of trees and the walk is
quite difficult. The group has a chance to ask Snow Sterling
Rubeus Hagrid is a man as big as a car, with a big bushy red
questions and perhaps learn a new spell (if pestered, she will
beard and a coat lined with what seems like one hundred teach them videodolum to help them see creatures like the fairy
pockets sewn into every available square metre of space. that use spells to make themselves invisible).
Snow freezes up when they come to a clearing where,
"Ah'm introducin' to yahs ma new volunteer, Snow. Erryone underneath a beautiful canopy of blooming white cherry trees,
say hi to Snow, wills yah? And keep yer dang bludger locked a stone building sits in peace. A small mausoleum. A memorial
to the students lost in the fire fifty years ago. When she spots
up in yer robe pockets, Romeo. Yah don't wanna spook the
something galloping through the trees outside of the clearing,
nice thestrals, do yah?" she breathes a sigh of relief.

Snow Sterling rides into the clearing in the woods on the "Alright kids, you stay here. And stay alert. I'll chase the
back of an invisible creature. She hops off. A saddle seems thestral back through this clearing, and you cut it off and
to have been loosely painted onto its fur. Breeny Buckling, muzzle it using the techniques that Hagrid taught you. This
shyly hidden between two much larger students, give Snow is your biggest test. Got it?" She runs into the brush, which
a nervous half-smile and a wave. Snow flips her hair shakes loose a cloud of white powder. She's gone.
dramatically and gives Breeny a short, sharp salute.
She is gone for a very long time. The forest is silent save for
The learning goals for Hagrid's class are for the students to the chirping of birds, the chittering of squirrels, and ... the
correctly locate and muzzle an invisible creature. He uses
braying of a horse from within the mausoleum.
thestrals, horses that are invisible to any without the "Witness
to Death" quirk, as his example. He also has a fairy that he feeds Snow has accidentally given chase to a centaur instead of to the
chocolate brownies as a bribe. The fairy turns invisible with the thestral. The thestral has actually gone into the mausoleum,
spell allucinatio and has agreed not to torment the students too and the longer the group waits, the more obvious this becomes.
much. At one point the thestral even pokes its head out, sees them,
Hagrid approaches his classes from an exploratory-learning and trots back inside; those who can't see the thestral will
standpoint and provides a few examples of methods for definitely hear its footsteps and see the tracks it makes in the
students to use without locking them into any particular wet dirt.
approach. Snow demonstrates how flecking paint on a creature
can help you identify its outline. Offering food and other treats At the entrance to the mausoleum, two square-based pillars
also can bring the invisible creature to you, at which point you
stand tall, each depicting a rough painting of a dementor, a
can feel around for its snout and apply the muzzle gently as it
eats. Hagrid also has the class stand in place, close their eyes, horrific black-robed ghost with gnarled hands, depicted as
and engage their other senses (hearing and smell) to identify though summoning a cold wind that sweeps through their
the creature's location. frayed cloaks. Students can make an Intelligence check to
The group is each assigned a thestral and must use any
determine that paintings like these are traditionally made to
method available to them to locate it. A student with the
Witness to Death quirk will be able to see their thestral, and ward off evil beings. Dementors have less power against
can request a fairy instead, no questions asked. Hagrid just those with positivity in their hearts.
gravely nods and gestures for the fairy to help them out.

Inside the mausoleum, a memorial to the twelve students who The party can attempt to stop the other dementor from
died in a fire in the Herbology greenhouse fifty years ago, the escaping. They only have time to make one ability check or cast
group sees twelve small sarcophagi (empty, just for show) and, one spell. If they fail, it escapes and may return later in the
along the walls, twelve beautiful paintings of empty landscapes. story.
Below each painting is a blank plaque. It looks like words are Snow tries to wring the black paint out of her hair. She sits
supposed to be etched into the plaque, but each plaque is as down with the group and apologises for running off after what
empty as the paintings above them. turned out to be a centaur, not a thestral. She teaches them
The thestral is at the back of the mausoleum. It backs into a expecto patronum. Since her teaching is very quick, they won't
corner, spooked, braying and protesting and stamping its feet in be able to summon their patronus animals yet, just blast white
fear. A successful Perception ability check will reveal that the light. Summoning the patronus will take more practice. Snow
thestral is not afraid of the students, it's afraid of the dementors promises she'll help them out with that if they hit her up later.
behind them. After all, the positive emotions that she draws upon for her own
patronus are built by seeing younger students grow powerful
The otherwise musty air of the mausoleum grows cold and as a result of her mentorship.
dry to the tongue. Behind you are two dementors, gliding Once the party has wrapped things up in the mausoleum and
inches off the ground, their claws scraping against the muzzled the (very scared) thestral, they can ride it back to
Hagrid's class. Looking back at the mausoleum, they see that
mausoleum walls like nails on chalkboard and leaving
the two illustrations of dementors at the front have now
smeared black streaks in their wake. Their black cloaks disappeared. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened
billow in a wind that isn't there. Underneath their hoods, there.
you cannot see a face, for there is nothing, and you feel in Once returned, Hagrid gives them all a hug and tells them
they have proven themselves to be excellent carers of magical
your bones that should they get their hands on you, you too
creatures. Snow demands to speak to Hagrid in private. Hagrid
will become nothing, just like them, inside and out. dismisses the class.

The group makes a Perception check to determine whether the

Dementors get the drop on them. They must fight off the 7: The Figgefoog Address
dementors, which are actually less dangerous versions created We fade to the school feast in the evening. Huntley Hogawney
from the paintings at the front of the mausoleum (though the sits next to them, and they almost don't recognise him without
party doesn't know that). The dementors have the Figgefoog his green skin. He's stolen some food from the 7th year
trait and are treated as objects for the purpose of spells and Slytherin table, the most delicious food at the feast, and shares
magical effects. As first years, it's unlikely that anyone in the it with the group. It just so happens to be some of each of the
group knows the spell expecto patronum, but they do have characters' favourite food.
colormutatio to rob the dementors of their intimidation factor, The festivities are cut short when the whole school hears
descendo or wingardium leviosa to slam them against the Dumbledore clear his throat.
ground or ceiling, locomotor to attempt to move the Dementors,
or diffindo to slice through their robes and fight back against "Sonorus. It has come to my attention that many students
them. The dementors can resist the effects of spells that would and teachers are reporting paintings of magical creatures
harm them by making Charisma checks to cause the young
coming to life and attacking them. We've had students
wizards to falter.
Eventually, Snow arrives to save the day. attacked by giant spiders, blast-ended skrewts, poltergeists,
and even a boggart and a few dementors." At the gasps of
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" The entire mausoleum is bathed in shock, Dumbledore raises his hand to silence them. "I do
a bright white glow of power. The dementors shrink back at not mean to alarm you. These creatures are not real. They
the surge of positive emotion emanating from Snow are painted manifestations of their real-life counterparts
Sterling. One dementor tries to push past the light, but a and do not pose nearly the same danger as they would
glowing winter fox erupts out of Snow's wand and rakes its normally, although I can imagine it will be difficult to
claws through the dementor's hood. It collapses to the remember that when you have a dementor staring you
ground in pain and the fox goes for its neck. down. These painted manifestations are called figgefoogs. It
The other dementor swings around and tries to grab Snow is my belief that there is a wizard in this school pulling these
from the side. She flicks her wand underneath its hood and figgefoogs from their paintings with the intent of spreading
shouts "CONFRINGO!" The dementor explodes into a chaos at Hogwarts. We do not know if our culprit has a plan
globule of black paint, dousing three or four of the beyond making mischief, so let this be a warning to him or
sarcophagi as well as Snow herself, her white hair turning her: there are portraits of beings in this school that are
black. In the confusion, the first dementor flies out of the much more dangerous than a boggart or a dementor. Beings
mausoleum in a whirlwind of cold wind and paint. that should be left in their paintings where they belong.

If you come forth now, no punishment shall be meted. The students may, however, make a Charisma check to convince
Hagrid to trust them and join in on his plan. If they agree, he'll
However, after midnight tonight, if you have not come
tell them the names of the figgefoogs and instruct them to cover
clean, your punishment shall be nothing less than for those students wherever possible while Hagrid figures out
immediate expulsion. I hope I have made myself clear. who has stolen his book and who has been summoning the
Quietus." monstrous figgefoogs.
After speaking with the group, Hagrid has a think alone in his
A successful Perception check will reveal that while many hut, and then decides to come clean to Dumbledore. After all,
students appear terrified, Hagrid instead looks very guilty. He's Hagrid is the only one who knows how to reliably return them
sweating bullets. to their portraits without hurting them. Of course, Hagrid is
After the feast, the group can chase up people they think only responsible for the student figgefoogs, not the monsters.
might be responsible. Get the party to brainstorm everyone Still don't know who's doing that part.
who might be involved so far in the story. This should include
Hagrid, Lupin, Snow, Huntley, Breeny, Lupin, Josephine, Jemini, Lupin
Romeo, and Gonzo. They only have time to chase up two to Lupin is crossing the Hogwarts bridge above the lake in quite a
three people, depending on how quickly they move around hurry. The cloudy spring night has turned the sky a perfect
Hogwarts. black, and he looks to the skies with a deeply worried
expression. He will attempt to shove past the group, and they
Hagrid can stop him through an ability check contested with his
Hagrid puts on a pot of tea for the group in his hut. The spring Brawn.
air is cool at night, and the pollen makes Hagrid sneeze
uncontrollably. He admits that he messed around with some "You were the ones attacked by that boggart, weren't you?
magic he found in the restricted section in the library. You and the Juniper twins. I must admit that if you're
looking for instruction on how to trap a figgefoog back in its
"Ah just felt so bloody sorry for em, sadly hangin in that
painting, I'm afraid the boggart was a one-off, as far as I
dusty ol place for a half century, ah truly felt so bloody sorry.
understand. Its shapeshifting abilities allowed it to return to
Ain't nobody to talk to but each other, day in day out, all
its prison. I don't think that will work for other figgefoogs. If
those years left alone. Overheard one day them talkin about
you don't mind, we can further this discussion in our
all them things they missed bein a student here at
Defence Against the Dark Arts class tomorrow, but I really
Hogwarts, or at least what their real selves woulda missed,
must go. I can't be out here this late. I have ... a strict ... bed
cause they're just paintings, yah know? It ain't as if ah was
time. Yes."
bringin nobody back to life, they're just copies, but real sad
copies. Thought ah'd make a difference, let em step outta Lupin isn't lying about the figgefoogs. He isn't responsible in
them paintings and spend a day as a student here. But, yah the slightest for them. He is, however, a werewolf and is
worried that the clouds will part and expose him to the full
see, the book ah stole from the library, it's gone missin, and
moon while young students are talking to him. He hurries away
now even more of them paintings are turnin into figgefoogs as fast as he can.
like them. It's got outta hand, let me tell yahs. Can't come
clean to Albus cause it means all them poor figgefoog Snow
Snow can be found in the owl roost, teaching Jemini how to cast
students'll be forced back into them paintings and they'll expecto patronum. The owls are very active in the night-time in
never be allowed out again. You lot can keep a secret, can't the spring, swooping from the rafters to gobble up fireflies.
yahs?" Jemini's patronus is quite advanced already, even managing to
produce a magnificent atlas moth (an owl attempts to eat it, to
Hagrid has not been creating any of the figgefoogs aside from no avail). Snow gives her a pat on the head and then addresses
the twelve students. He has no idea who summoned the the group.
boggart, the dementors, or any other terrible creatures from
paintings. That must be someone else. Maybe the same person Snow's hair is still black from the exploded figgefoog
who stole his books. dementor. "Oh no, I had nothing to do with the figgefoogs.
Hagrid knows how to return the figgefoogs to their paintings, Did you think I summoned those dementors? Why possible
he just doesn't want to do it. His mind is set and, even if the
reason would I have to do that, especially considering that I
students successfully roll Perception or Charisma to determine
that he's lying about something, he maintains his resolve with a saved your asses from them thirty seconds later? No, I don't
Courage check not to reveal anything further to prevent putting know anything about it. I've just been helping out Hagrid as
the figgefoog students in danger. He won't even reveal their thanks for believing in me when I thought I would fall
through the cracks. I hope to inspire others as he inspired

Snow is the one who has been summoning the monstrous Huntley perks up at your arrival. "Oh, good! I try to save
figgefoogs. She's been experimenting how to make her
morsels from the feast as the house-elves don't get quite as
transformation permanent and, while some monsters have
been accidental, some she has created deliberately as a good quality of food as we do. Did you bring any plates for
distraction. Notably, she pulled out the dementors to make sure them?"
that the group in the mausoleum didn't investigate too
thoroughly. As a 6th year Slytherin student, she has a very high If asked about the figgefoogs, both Huntley and Breeny first
Charisma and is confident in her lies. attempt (badly) to lie, then come clean if they are accused of
being figgefoogs themselves.
Josephine, Jemini, Romeo, and Gonzo
Josephine stands and examines the empty portrait outside the "It's true!" wails Huntley. The house-elves hear, but they
Gryffindor common room where the Fat Lady would normally pretend to ignore him. Seems that they like him enough not
sit. Romeo has shown her where to find it. Jemini and Gonzo sit to tattle. "It's true, I'm a figgefoog! And Breeny too! We just
on the edge of the stairs nearby, both of them bored and
wanted to spend a few days as students, to eat real food, to
exhausted while their two more charismatic family members
run the show. cast real spells, to breathe real air! All we needed to do was
lay low, but someone's been creating monsters, and they're
"What do you think, Romeo, you reckon the Fat Lady's been
gonna ruin it for everyone!"
yanked out and made a figgefoog, or you reckon she's just
getting away from all the fuss?" They don't know who's been creating the monstrous figgefoogs,
and they beg the group to keep their secret. The Fat Lady has
Romeo shrugs. "I dunno, she's been gone the whole year. also been staying with the house elves and has enjoyed her
newfound freedom.
We just use alohomora to get in -- wait -- dammit --" The
portrait swings open, revealing the Gryffindor common
room. Romeo quickly slams it shut again. "Forget you saw
8: Defence Against the
that." Figgefoogs
Professor Lupin begins his Defence Against the Dark Arts class
Josephine turns to the group. "What do you reckon? As visibly shaken. He tells the students that a very dangerous
soon as Dumbledore started rambling about portraits portrait has gone empty overnight. Under the light of a full
coming to life I went down to that old mausoleum, you moon, a werewolf may run amok through the school. A few
students scream and Lupin casts silencio on the class for a
know, with all the portraits in it of dead students, and
minute as they get it out of their system. When sound returns,
wouldn't you know, twelve empty portraits. I'm thinking he continues: he will teach students how to deal with a
that I can get into Dumbledore's good graces by finding figgefoog werewolf.
those twelve students. If I find them, I'm sure that
"First, we shall deal with the werewolf half of that equation.
Dumbledore will turn a blind eye to any future schemes I
Adorn yourselves with silver and the werewolf will be
come up with, ha ha! Are you gonna just stand there slack-
repelled. Here are some silver keychains that I just
jawed, or are you gonna help me?"
happened to have lying around, don't worry about it, here
Clearly these four first year students have nothing to do with you go." He passes the keychains to each student. "Second,
the release of the figgefoogs. Josephine truly intends to seek the figgefoog half of the equation gives the werewolf some
them out in an attempt to get on Dumbledore's good side. The
vulnerabilities that you can take advantage of. We are in luck
party can either agree to help her, decline, or lie. If they tell her
they are with her, she'll tell her that the figgefoogs probably as a figgefoog werewolf is much more easily taken care of
leave paint trails wherever they go, you know, being technically than a real werewolf."
made of paint and all. If the group doesn't agree to help her, she
just tells them to stay out of her way. Lupin places a small chess figurine on his desk. It's a rook
from a Wizard's Chess set. The rook draws a warhammer
Huntley and Breeny
Huntley can be found in the house-elf common room giving the
and starts taking swings at Lupin's notebook, leaving dents
house-elves scrapings from his plate at the feast. Breeny is in the leather cover.
following him and shyly gives the house-elves what's left of her
plate as well.

"Tanaxi." The rook's little hammer sticks to the cover of the A Ravenclaw boy dashes for the door, but Josephine spots him
and casts tanaxi. His hand sticks to a desk. He tries to drag the
notebook. The rook pulls and pulls but can't free his
desk along with him, but she casts tanaxi on his feet and
hammer. He slips and falls back, and the hammer stays adheres him to the floor. Just to be sure, she casts colormutatio
rooted to the notebook. As the rook tries to get up, Lupin and turns him red.
mutters "tanaxi" again and the rook becomes glued to the
"I guess I've caught you ... RED HANDED AAAAA HA HA HA
desk. It squeaks in distress. It can't get back up. "The spell
tanaxi adheres any object to another object or solid surface,
like glue. It won't hold it for long, but it can help slow down Class is cancelled. Lupin drags the Ravenclaw boy, Quirius Quilt,
a figgefoog." Lupin produces the rest of the Wizard's Chess to Dumbledore's office. As Quilt tries to resist, he smears red
paint all over Lupin's coat.
set. "Piertotum locomotor. One each of you, hop to a
Students can add tanaxi to their list of spells known. If they
student's desk and let them practice on you. Good." already know tanaxi, they can add any 1st-year spell of their
choice instead.
Each student is provided a chess piece to practice with. The
It's very possible that the players will come to the same
chess pieces all have little weapons and are very aggressive to
conclusions that Josephine has come to. Let them take the
any other objects on a student's desk. They swordfight against
spotlight instead of Josephine if they figure it out.
quills, clang cauldrons like bells, rip pages out of notebooks,
and steal wands to use as lances. Students will not only need to
cast tanaxi, a 3rd-year spell, but also succeed on a Dexterity 9: Figgefoog Hunt
check to outmanoeuvre the chess piece. At night, in each of the house common rooms, Josephine and
her lackeys attempt to convince the group to join them in
Josephine casts objectum mutatio on her cauldron, a very
hunting down the other eleven figgefoog students.
advanced spell that reshapes the cauldron into an iron
throne (she was previously taught it by Snow, if questioned). Gryffindor (Romeo)
She adheres her Queen chess piece to the throne. It tries to "These students didn't get their letter. They're not even real
resist, then decides that it likes sitting on the throne and people. They're eating our food, joining our classes, taking
relaxes. Josephine raises her hand to let Professor Lupin our magic, all without earning a single thing they have.
know that she has finished. They're a bunch of paintings that think they're entitled to
things they don't deserve. We need to get rid of them."
"Well done, Miss Juniper."
Hufflepuff (Gonzo)
"Excuse me, Professor Lupin, tanaxi is a spell that only "Romeo says I'm a big help in finding those figgefoogs! I like
affects objects. If it affects a figgefoog, does that mean that being a big help and he seems like he knows what he's
figgefoogs are objects?" doing. Don't you think we should help?"

Lupin nods, impressed. "That's right, they're not considered Ravenclaw (Jemini)
to be humans like you or me." "Listen, Josephine's got her mind set on this, and there's
nothing we can do to sway her otherwise, so we might as
Josephine hops up in excitement. "If that's the case, then a
well be on her side for this, wouldn't you agree?"
spell like colormutatio would change a figgefoog's colour,
Slytherin (Josephine)
"If we can find these figgefoogs, we'll be heroes, you get
Lupin shrugs. "I suppose that would be the case --"
me? Heroes! We could ride that wave of popularity as far as
"COLORMUTATIO!" shouts Josephine, pointing her wand at it will take us! Who cares if we drink a few potions we're not
random students around her. They shield their eyes from a supposed to drink or stay out after hours practicing spells
flash of rainbow light that quickly fizzles out. "Colormutatio! way above our year level? We found the figgefoogs! They
Come on, we can find figgefoogs this way! Colormutatio!" won't be able to take that away from us! Are you in, or are
you in?"
The class erupts into chaos. Jemini, Romeo, and Gonzo
immediately join in, casting colormutatio in all directions, not
even aiming where they're blasting. Chess pieces turn red,
purple, green -- desks become yellow, orange, white -- wizard
hats change to blue, pink, magenta -- Lupin casts silencio but it
backfires in the confusion and his own voice is silenced instead
-- he loses control of the class --

Dumbledore will be very interested in the presence of a
Main Goal figgefoog Lupin running around. If this is brought to his
Regardless of whether the group is with Josephine or against
attention, he'll reward the students with a revealer.
her, the most useful thing the group can be doing is finding out
the names of the twelve figgefoog students. Knowing their
names will either help the school narrow down who is and isn't
Other Methods
The students can talk to Dumbledore to get a copy of the
a figgefoog, or it will give the group a head start in finding the
student records. Dumbledore will search through the archives,
figgefoog students and giving them protection.
but it seems that someone has gotten to them first and
expunged the names of the twelve students (this was Snow,
The Mausoleum who snuck into the archives while Dumbledore was delivering
The plaques where the students' names were written have
his speech at the feast a few weeks back). He has a revealer
been wiped clean. A successful Intelligence check can identify
lying around and might give it to the students, instructing them
that the names were erased with the spell noink and that the
to report back with the names once they are done. If the plight
spell aparecium or a revealer (a magical eraser) can reveal the
of the figgefoog students is explained to him, he might be
words that have been hidden.
sympathetic but still insist that they are tracked down and
Quarius Quilt has already been returned to his painting. He
sits on a tire swing, looking forlorn. He refuses to speak.
Hagrid might also know the names of the students that he set
free, but he says that he can't remember. There were twelve of
Learning Aparecium them and he's always had trouble remembering names. If
The students can ask Professor Flitwick, the charms teacher, to
pestered or persuaded, he might reveal that Snow Sterling is a
teach them how to cast aparecium, but he will refuse as it's
figgefoog, but that's all. He remembers her name because she's
meant to be a 2nd-year spell. He assures them they'll learn it
been very helpful as his assistant and he thinks she has a lot of
next year, not to worry. If they've accidentally hidden important
promise as a wizard. She's great with younger students and
notes with noink, they can always borrow a revealer from the
always seems to bring out the best in everyone in terms of
magical ability.
The students can also ask Snow if she'll teach them an
The group can also interrogate the Fat Lady in the house-elf
advanced spell. She'll just say she doesn't know that spell as she
common room, who sighs and says they already know Huntley
never found it useful. Go ask someone else or come to her with
and Breeny, and she knows about Snow Sterling, but can't
a more exciting request.
remember the names of the rest of them. She says that one
house-elf, Nesbitt, might agree to reveal the plaques if you ask
Obtaining a Revealer him nicely and bribe him with some food. Nesbitt can cast
The librarian, Irma Prince, is a stern middle-aged woman with
aparecium and will do so for a slice of pie from dinner.
enormous spectacles and a hat adorned with black swan
feathers. She regretfully informs the group that all of her
revealers have been signed out by Miss Jemini Juniper.
List of Names
When the party enters the mausoleum, they find that quite a
Jemini refuses to lend her revealers to the party or explain
few figgefoogs have already returned to their portraits. There's
why she has so many. In actual fact, she doesn't have any of
only about four or five remaining. The teachers must have been
them; Snow made her sign them all out and then vanished them
very effective in weeding out any students that weren't
all with evanesco.
supposed to be there.
Secretly, Snow is using Jemini to further her schemes.
Standing next to the portraits of their friends are Breeny and
Huntley, who lay their hands on the paintings in sombre
Lupin solidarity for those who have already been caught.
Remus Lupin can be found in his office and may agree to teach
the students aparecium if he's convinced that it will help bring "I'm sorry," says Breeny. "I'll try to stay out as long as
the figgefoogs in. He feels somewhat responsible for the danger
the students are in as the werewolf figgefoog is in fact his own
possible. Maybe they'll come around. It was good while it
portrait that Snow brought to life. There's a copy of Lupin lasted, though, wasn't it ... ?"
running around.
In fact, there is a chance that the students will run into the Neither Breeny nor Huntley will stop the party from recovering
figgefoog copy of Lupin instead of the real one. The copy looks the list of names from the plaques, but they will be very sad
much younger and handsomer, with a much less scruffy beard. about it. The names can be found in the Key NPCs section at the
A successful Perception check will identify that Lupin's lesson beginning of the chapter.
schedule on the board says that he should be in class now, and Once the names have been recovered, the group hears
also all of his lesson plans and books are smeared with paint. Josephine and her posse approaching. If they sought the
Figgefoog Lupin will cast relashio to stun the group with a services of Nesbitt the house-elf, he immediately apparates
glob of paint and then make his escape. away, not wanting any trouble.

Josephine's cackle of triumph pierces through the stale air. Romeo is very competitive, so he'll pick the character he thinks
"I knew you were holding out on me, Jemini! Of course you is the biggest threat and take them out first. He'll cast
locomotor on his bludger and use it to try to bash his
still had a revealer tucked away somewhere." opponent into submission. If that doesn't work, he'll cast
petrificus totalus in an attempt to dominate them completely.
Josephine, Jemini, Romeo, and Gonzo appear at the Gonzo, oddly enough, is probably the most dangerous duelist
entrance to the mausoleum, silhouetted by the glaring of the group. He can make a Dexterity check to quickly
evening sun through the trees. They take a few steps into transform into a toad and hide, or to avoid a spell being cast
at him. From his hiding place he can transform back to his
the mausoleum, and, when their eyes adjust, spot you
human form and then cast furnunculus to throw off his
reading the freshly-revealed plaques at the back. opponents and allow his friends to gain the upper hand. If
Romeo's bludger is in a good spot, he'll also cast accio,
"Oi!" she says, pointing at Breeny and Huntley. "These two hoping that it will hit someone on its way to him, then toss it
are figgefoogs, aren't they? We gotta hand em over to back to Romeo for another use.
Dumbledore!" After the dementor is warded off, or when one side wins,
everyone takes a moment to calm down. They're all first year
There are two options for the group. They can either join students, so there's no real chance of anyone getting seriously
Josephine and her posse and attempt to apprehend Breeny and hurt aside from their pride.
Huntley, or the group can defend Breeny and Huntley against If Josephine and her posse win, Josephine demands that the
Josephine and her posse. party stays out of her way. She goes to grab Breeny and Huntley,
but the two figgefoogs have escaped. She growls and says that
Fighting Breeny and Huntley next time she won't be so merciful. She leaves in a huff.
A Quick Draw check determines who gets the drop on whom in
If Josephine and her posse are defeated, Josephine admits
the duel. Being first year students, they only know a few spells.
that maybe it was a bad idea to antagonise you guys so much
They're outnumbered and outmatched, but they try to defend
considering that you all seem to be expert duelists. She says
themselves anyway. They cast petrificus totalus, which traps the
she'll stop with her personal witch hunt if everyone collectively
victim in a magical picture frame for the duration in addition to
agrees not to let the teachers know that they were fighting. She
its regular effects. They use the sarcophagi as cover and
can't promise that Dumbledore and the other teachers won't be
attempt to make a break for the exit.
hunting for the figgefoogs, but she's not gonna do any more of it
If the dementor escaped earlier, it returns here and attempts
to suck the soul from Breeny. Finding no soul to suck, it moves
on to the humans. The group will need to use expecto patronum
that they learned from Snow in order to drive the dementor 10: Exams
back. It's getting late into the school year, and the air grows hot and
While the group fights the dementor, Breeny and Huntley humid as spring begins to turn to summer. We're now all the
take the opportunity to escape. The party can stop them by first way to exams season. Over the next few weeks as everyone
succeeding on a Perception check to notice them escaping then studies, almost all of the figgefoog students are caught, and
stop them with locomotor mortis, tanaxi, a Brawn check to many more monsters are successfully destroyed by Lupin.
tackle them, or any other method the party can come up with. Hagrid knows how to return the figgefoogs to their paintings,
The two figgefoogs and the list of names can then be brought to but often a monster is too dangerous and needs to be exploded
Dumbledore for praise and adoration. instead.

Fighting Josephine and Her Posse Every so often, you'll be walking down the halls and see a
A Quick Draw check determines who gets the drop on whom in conspicuous globule of paint that seems to have burst
the duel. Breeny and Huntley attempt to escape while the group
against the walls. Occasionally, you'll even see Lupin, Snape,
fights Josephine, Jemini, Romeo, and Gonzo. Like in the other
option, a dementor arrives shortly into the duel and forces or Flitwick blowing smoke off the tip of their wands. Many
everyone to work together momentarily to ward it off. students question who the hell was painting so many
Josephine is a cunning manipulator who has practiced a few pictures of monsters, until someone else points out that
higher-level spells. She will taunt her opponents into casting Hogwarts has a massive catalogue of magical creatures,
a jinx, hex, or curse, which she will attempt to reflect back at
most of whom have detailed illustrations to help students
them with protego. If cornered, she'll cast serpensortia and
modify it with oppugno to set a snake on her enemy. learn about them.
Jemini is a very timid fighter. She's not confident in her own
ability to pick appropriate spells, so she'll just copy what As exam season draws near, you start to see less and less of
other people do. She has a bit of a crush on Romeo so she'll the figgefoogs around. The teachers have done a good job
probably copy whatever he casts, i.e. casting locomotor on a hunting them down, as well as hiding away portraits from
sarcophagus lid and trying to ram her opponent with it. If
that doesn't work, she'll cast petrificus totalus if Romeo has
whatever wizard has been summoning them. The fact that
cast it. Otherwise she'll just copy whatever her opponent the hiding place hasn't been revealed suggests that the
picks. culprit is a student and not a teacher.

It's time for exams. Each character must complete an exam for Dumbledore calls Lupin into his office. Exams are finished.
every class that they participated in throughout the adventure Good job everyone. Go back to your dorms. If students listen in
so far. Unless otherwise noted, all of the exams occur in the to Dumbledore's office, they might hear something about how
same room, roughly simultaneously. stupid it is to cast a dangerous spell like confringo with a
student so close to the target, and also how Dumbledore knows
Potions that Lupin is ... and then nothing, as Dumbledore casts
The students must produce a perfect Pepperup Potion, ingressum on his office.
requiring a successful Intelligence check. The check is made
complicated by the fact that the cauldron is a figgefoog and will Quidditch
melt into a puddle of paint when fire seeds are added. If any character plays quidditch, they must play for their house
team to win the Quidditch Cup. Due to a perfect tie, all four
Charms house teams will be playing at the same time on the quidditch
The students must accio a specific Wizard's Chess piece while field, which has been adapted for four teams. It's extremely hot
they engage in bloody warfare with each other. It requires a and the air is thick with swarms of insects. The rules are
Dexterity check when their piece presents the opportunity. The otherwise the same: any goal scored by your team counts as ten
check is made complicated by the fact that a figgefoog student points (regardless of whose net, other than your own) and the
gets caught in someone else's accio and starts knocking golden snitch counts as 150 points. There are more quaffles
everything over. and bludgers on the field than usual, but still only one golden
Astronomy At least, that's what everyone thinks, because almost
The students must demonstrate the motion of the solar system immediately as soon as the game starts, two golden snitches
using locomotor on a large wooden model, requiring an buzz onto the field, whacking into each other a few times before
Intelligence check for accurate motion. The check is made separating off in two directions.
complicated when a figgefoog student gets caught in the Quidditch is played narratively. A character playing quidditch
locomotor spell and starts spinning around in Saturn's place. must make either Brawn checks (throwing quaffles, whacking
bludgers, smacking other players off their brooms) or Dexterity
Care of Magical Creatures checks (dodging bludgers, chasing the snitch) in response to
The students must locate an invisible fairy in the exam room the changing landscape of the game. With four teams playing at
and capture it using any method they see fit. The task is made once, the emphasis should be on chaos.
complicated by the fact that there are two fairies, one of which Characters watching the game can cast spells from the
is a figgefoog. sidelines to aid their friends, but must make Dexterity checks to
keep their casting a secret or they'll be removed from the
Defence Against the Dark Arts audience. They can also cheer on their team with Charisma
The students must prevent a specific Wizard's Chess piece from checks.
reaching the other side of the board by casting tanaxi with a
Romeo is a particular problem in this game. As a beater, he
successful Dexterity check. This check is made complicated
delights in smacking important players off of their broomsticks
when a werewolf bursts into the exam room.
and taking them out of the game entirely. He ignores the snitch
The werewolf seems to have been triggered by the fake moon and quaffles entirely and will lock onto specific power players,
from the Astronomy solar system model. doing everything in his power to defeat them. At one point in
the game, he identifies at least one member of the group as a
"Hey, you!" says Professor Flitwick to the werewolf. "That's a
key player and will hone in on them, showering them with
fake moon, so therefore you should not currently be a bludgers and even flying in close to smack their broomstick
werewolf! Unless the distinction doesn't matter considering with his stick.
that you are a figgefoog and thus operate through different To catch the golden snitch, the seeker must first make a hard
Perception check to identify which snitch is real and which is a
rules than the real version of a --"
figgefoog, being unable to distinguish them on a failed check.
Then, they have to make a Dexterity check to catch up to the
The werewolf punts Professor Flitwick across the room.
snitch and a Brawn check to snatch it tightly. If they catch the
Flitwick crashes down on a table like a bowling ball on a figgefoog, it explodes into golden-flecked paint in their hands,
wicker basket. The werewolf takes a moment to howl at the blinding them until they cast scourgify or manage to clear the
fake model of a moon, then runs at the student currently paint from their eyes.
In addition, if the figgefoog dementor is still alive, it joins the
taking her astronomy exam: Jemini Juniper.
game and attempts to take the snitch for itself, seeing it as a
source of positive joy and wanting to destroy it. It will attempt
As she falls back and cries out for help, Professor Lupin to suck the soul out of anyone in its way. The dementor also
strides into the exam room, raises his wand, and shouts can't distinguish between the real snitch and the figgefoog
"CONFRINGO!" The werewolf explodes and splatters Jemini snitch. Near the end of the game, if the dementor is still a
dangerous factor, Professor Snape will fly out onto the field on
with paint. She stares at Lupin in wide-eyed shock, dripping
his broom and personally take the dementor out, first with
wet with auburn brown and burnt sienna paint, then expecto patronum (a doe) and then with confringo once it is
screams. safely away from the students.
The winner of the game is the Quidditch Cup Champion.

After the quidditch match, students have about a week of free All of the werewolves gather on top of a hill, where Snow
time before the final dinner and the winners of the House Cup stands, her Slytherin cloak billowing behind her as she calls out
are announced. with magical power to the werewolves. She is giving them
11: That's Snow Werewolf! Jemini says, "Oh, maybe she's sending them to Hagrid. She
After being saved by Lupin from the werewolf, Jemini has said she was going to give Hagrid a thank you gift for safely
become obsessed with Lupin and has traded some of her
returning her friends to their paintings."
jewellery for a chocolate frog with Lupin's face in it. Any
Ravenclaw characters will be able to see the exchange in the
Ravenclaw common room. At each dinner feast, Jemini sits at
There is a long pause as the meaning sinks in.
the table alone and stares at the portrait of Lupin that she
keeps in a locket. Josephine complains that all Jemini talks
"Uh oh."
about these days is becoming a witch as powerful and decisive
The group should probably hurry to Hagrid's hut. Jemini is a bit
as Lupin.
embarrassed that she believed Snow, so she'll have to be
Characters who succeed on a Perception check can also
convinced with a Charisma check to come with the group.
overhear Professor Sinistra complaining that a student seems
to have made off with her large solar system model after the
Hagrid's Hut
As the group races through the hot night-time air towards
After dinner, Jemini looks around suspiciously, makes sure
Hagrid's hut, they hear the howls of the figgefoog werewolves
nobody is following her, and then races up to the owl roost.
Characters who notice her leave can make a Dexterity check to
follow her. Josephine may ask the group to help her track Jemini One of them, the cleanest copy, manages to get to Hagrid's
as her sister has been acting suspiciously lately.
hut first. It crashes right through the window and you all
The Owl Roost hear shouting, growling, screaming, and crashing from
Jemini travels up to the owl roost to get more lessons from within. A blast of light and the werewolf is thrown out the
Snow, whose now black hair has never returned to its original same window it came in, dissolving into paint as it slides
white after she was splattered with dementor paint. The owls
into the dirt.
are more docile in the heat, staying up high under the shade of
the rafters. Snow teaches Jemini the spell impervious to repel
liquids and heat. She also asks to see Jemini's locket and smiles
You open Hagrid's door and he's collapsed in the corner of
when she sees that it's of Lupin. his hut, splinters of a collapsed table all around him, his
umbrella pointed straight at your face with fire simmering at
"Oh good, I knew you'd come around to Lupin. What a hero.
the tip. When he sees it's you, he sighs in relief and slumps
Now, what was that spell I taught you early in the year?"
over. It's very strange to see such a big man look so small.
Jemini thinks. "It was a hard one! Geminio." He's bleeding from the arm. His coat has been torn.

Snow nods. "That's right. Let's practice, shall we? Geminio." He's been bitten.
She casts it on the portrait of Lupin, creating a copy, then
"T'is a scratch," he mutters, before the pain and the venom
hands back the original to Jemini. "See you around, kiddo."
knocks him out cold.
With a flash of light, Snow disappears, and Jemini is left
alone in the roost. Eleven more howls reverberate through the night air. The
full moon shines bright.
Jemini has been secretly taking lessons from Snow for most of
the year and has helped Snow hide out from the teachers The group must defend Hagrid's home from the werewolves
hunting for the last of the figgefoog students. The party can using all of the tricks available to them. Hagrid's home has a
confront her about this, but there are more pressing matters, as fireplace with a large cauldron, a kitchen, and three Draughts of
the group hears a dozen wolves howling at the full moon Peace which a character can identify with a successful
outside. Intelligence check based on the ingredients nearby.
An Perception check from the owl roost can identify twelve The werewolves attack the house a few at a time, each
werewolves racing towards Hagrid's hut. The first werewolf werewolf looking less real and more like abstract art or even a
looks fairly convincing, but each subsequent werewolf looks child's finger-painting.
more cartoonish and less real, and the last one is barely putting
The group can fight against the werewolves by dousing them
along, dripping and spraying paint everywhere, almost looking
in Draught of Peace, which soothes them as their paint gets
like it's melting. Each copy seems to have reduced in quality.
watery and causes them to dissolve. They only have five of
them, however. A clever character might cast geminio, but each
copy loses the soothing property and allows the werewolves to
shake off the water without being harmed.

The werewolves can be rooted in place momentarily with
tanaxi, though they will be able to rip themselves free with a
An Argument With Snow
The group can attempt to convince Snow to back down (and
Brawn check. Other spells that affect objects like locomotor,
even simultaneously pursue this line of attack while fighting
muspoculum, descendo, and diffindo will also be effective against
her through more traditional means). They will need to bring
the werewolves. Their poorly-copied structure will deteriorate
up the following arguments and succeed on a Hard Charisma
quickly when they are damaged enough. Incendio and
check. Instead of a test of wizarding skill like the duel, this is a
aguamenti can speed up this process either by melting or
test to see how well the players have picked up on the central
watering down the paint.
themes of the character of Snow.
The werewolves are also not nearly as strong as a real
werewolf and might be able to be physically overpowered by Hagrid saw potential in Snow where nobody else did.
two or more characters succeeding on Brawn checks, but Without Hagrid, she would have fallen through the cracks
letting the werewolves get close enough for that is a huge risk, and been forgotten.
as a single bite can incapacitate a character. Snow's actions have sabotaged the acceptance of her and
Once the werewolves have been dealt with, Hagrid groans in other figgefoogs among the Hogwarts faculty and students.
pain. He needs to see the school nurse. Episkey will help with It's possible to solve her problems without violence.
his wound but it's too big to be fully healed by that spell. He is Snow has made a difference to the group by teaching them
so big that he requires the entire group to work together to powerful spells and making them better wizards. She is a
move him, unless they come up with something clever like good mentor who sees the best in people. The world would
rolling him onto the collapsed table and then casting be worse without her.
wingardium leviosa or locomotor on the table.
Each of these arguments will increase the result of their
When you step outside the cottage, the first thing you Charisma check by 1. On a success, Snow will agree to back
down. She merges with her copy and heals Hagrid's wounds
notice is that the ground is slippery with wet paint from all
with flagrante injurium and remedium (you can't be cursed by a
of the figgefoog werewolves you've dissolved. The second figgefoog werewolf, but it will still make you very sick). Hagrid,
thing you notice is a witch floating in the air, framed by a after taking a few minutes to recover, accompanies her back to
dark canopy and lit only by the light of the full moon. the mausoleum where he returns her to her portrait with the
other figgefoogs.
It's Snow. She snarls like a cornered fox.
12: Graduation
"Hagrid is the only one who can imprison me again. A fate
The year at Hogwarts comes to a close. For the graduation
worse than death. All this potential, wasting away in a ceremonies, the entire school gathers together in the Great Hall
painted frame. Mark my words: I will die before I go back." for a feast and for closing speeches.
Have the group each describe what food their character will
A Duel With Snow eat at the feast (individualised for every student). While they
Snow duels the group in the barren summer fields around eat, their exam results are provided.
Hagrid's hut. There's cover within the hut as well as behind
large rocks, hay bales, bushes, and some tall thin trees. Exam Results
Snow knows that she will be outnumbered, so she has made The GM decides the results based on how each character
special preparations for her duel. She has cast volatus on performed in their exams, summarising with a "pass" or a "fail"
herself so that she can fly and geminio to create a copy of for each subject. Most subjects should be a "pass" unless there
herself that is currently sneaking up on the group from behind. was a major screw-up in the exam.
The group will have to fight two flying Snows at the same time.
While fighting, they can also simultaneously attempt to reason Quidditch Cup
with her, as below. The Quidditch Cup is presented to the house table that won the
Snow takes advantage of having two of herself by casting final. Each of their goblets are transfigured into miniature
evanesco and appareo to blink herself in and out of existence. copies of the Quidditch cup and are filled with grape juice,
This is her defensive option. She'll need to succeed on a Quick which some older students secretly transfigure into wine.
Draw check to quickly vanish and re-summon herself to avoid
enemy spells, which she can also use to quickly disorient her House Cup
enemies and get the drop on them. The House Cup is awarded to the house of the player that the
GM thought did the best job roleplaying during the game. The
Offensively, she uses aguamenti (summoning paint instead of
GM is encouraged to describe specific instances that they
water) combined with oppugno, creating fragile paint monsters
thought the player did a good job with.
that take the form of vicious winter foxes. She also blinds her
opponents with a burst of paint using nitor, as well as painfully Alternatively, the players can each present an argument for
trapping her opponents in an illusory frame of a painting with why they believe that their actions in the game best
crucio to remind them of what she is trying to escape. demonstrate the values of their house. The GM then selects the
character of the player who made the most convincing
If present, Jemini can protect other characters from Snow's
argument, and that character's house wins the House Cup.
paint effects with impervious and may garner the courage to
cast confringo on Snow when Snow has been sufficiently
weakened by the party, blowing her into smithereens.

The group can suggest to Dumbledore what they want to
Dumbledore's Speech happen to the figgefoogs. It's entirely up to the players. Perhaps
"We began this year with bright eyes, and we finished they want all the paintings destroyed so that it can never
through chaos and hardship, but we finished nonetheless. happen again. Perhaps they wish for the figgefoogs to be
Another crisis at Hogwarts has once again been dealt with allowed to venture out of their paintings once in a while and
join classes. After all, aren't there ghost teachers? Why not
through the swift action of its teachers and students, and
figgefoog students?
here we all sit, safe and sound, eating and drinking and The group can also choose to defer to Dumbledore instead.
enjoying each other's company. Such is the way of life in the Dumbledore will declare that the figgefoogs shall remain in
wizarding world. Our troubles with the figgefoogs began their paintings as they always have.
early in the year with paintings of blast-ended skrewts and One way of secretly going behind Dumbledore's back on this
and allowing the figgefoog students to be part of Hogwarts is
boggarts coming to life and terrorising our youngest and for copies to made with geminio. While a figgefoog is
most vulnerable. It came to light that a wizard was creating participating at Hogwarts, their copy takes their place in the
these figgefoog monsters to sow distrust and chaos among painting. No more shall their existence be discovered by the
presence of an empty portrait.
us, but instead, we banded together, discovered the culprit,
and defeated them. Each of us played a part. Josephine Final Goodbyes
Juniper, a first year student, worked together with her The Hogwarts Express takes them home. Each character has a
friends to identify and capture the greatest number of chance to say goodbye to everyone else as they all head off from
Platform 9 and 3/4. The year is finally over, but their
figgefoogs of anyone, student or teacher, in the entire
adventures have only begun.
school. Professor Lupin and Professor Snape faced down
terrible monsters armed with nothing but their resolve. Summer Break
Professor Sinistra and Professor McGonagall's expert ability Each major character in the story has their own small epilogue.
The players are encouraged to think about their own epilogues
to hide our most dangerous paintings prevented the worst while listening to the others.
of catastrophes. And Rubeus Hagrid, kind of heart, led the
Hagrid keeps his job as the groundskeeper and teacher of Care
charge for a peaceful end to hostilities. I would like of Magical Creatures. Many teachers like Professor Snape
everyone to give them, and yourselves, a round of correctly deduced that Hagrid had a lot to do with the
applause." figgefoog incidents, but they know that Hagrid is a personal
friend of Dumbledore and probably won't face any longterm
punishment. They resent him a little for it.
Outcomes for the Figgefoogs Lupin was confronted by Dumbledore, who figured out that
Dumbledore asks to speak with the group privately after the
Lupin was a werewolf around exam season. Although
feast. He calls them into his office and sits them down on a big
Dumbledore is sympathetic to Lupin's curse, he knows that
comfy sofa. His pet phoenix, Fawkes, observes them with
having a teacher transform into an uncontrollable monster
interest, letting out a squawk now and then. Dumbledore casts
with a highly contagious affliction once per month is a very
ingressum to protect against eavesdroppers.
bad idea. Lupin will not be returning to Hogwarts next year,
prompting many to suspect him (falsely) of having something
"Now then. I am told that you had a large part in the
to do with the figgefoog incident.
resolution of our little figgefoog problem. The painting of Josephine has poured herself into studies of how to protect
the Slytherin girl, Snow Sterling, she was responsible for the herself from magical effects. She spends all summer forcing
summoning of the monsters and the attack on Rubeus Jemini to attempt to cast jinxes, hexes, and curses on her,
which she then practices reflecting with protego. Jemini has
Hagrid, am I correct? Good. Thank you for your swift action.
gained the confidence to occasionally say no to these
Although I cannot publically condone how you put sessions, but she has resigned herself to the fact that her
yourselves in so much danger, I can privately tell you how sister's resolve will always be much greater than hers.
proud I am of you. You exemplify the finest traits that I have Romeo and Gonzo join a quidditch camp over the summer.
While Romeo continues to hone his aggression as a beater,
ever hoped to foster in Hogwarts students. With this in
Gonzo realizes that he also has a talent for it. Realizing that
mind, I think it would be respectful to consult with you he now has a rival, Romeo has vowed to bring Gonzo down
before I make a decision on the matter of the figgefoogs. and never let him play as a beater for any Hogwarts team for
What do you believe should be done with them?" as long as Romeo can influence him. Gonzo has no idea that
Romeo feels so strongly about this and just enjoys whacking
bludgers with a bat.

If Breeny is allowed out of her painting as a figgefoog after the
events of the year, she spends most of her time with the
house-elves, who teach her a few tricks for casting spells
without a wand. She takes a particular liking to allucinatio
which makes her invisible, where she can watch people
without them getting creeped out.
If Huntley is allowed out of his painting as a figgefoog after the
events of the year, he spends the summer cooking gourmet
meals and practicing potions. With Hagrid's help, he gets
pretty good at brewing Draughts of Peace.
If Snow is still alive and is allowed out of her painting as a
figgefoog after the events of the year, she works together
with Hagrid to run a small summer class for squibs, teaching
them how to brew potions and use magic items. For once in
her life, she is satisfied.
Each of the players should then present their own epilogue for
their character, describing what they get up to over the summer
and how the events of the year have affected them. When all of
the players have had a chance to deliver their epilogues, the
session is finished and the sample adventure The Empty
Portraits draws to a close.


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