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The line graph illustrates the weekly salaries that graduated students of different age

groups in 2002, including those with a degree, those with a higher degree (post
graduate) and those with other qualifications.
It is clear all categories experienced an upward trend in the examined year. Also
worth notice is those having the first degree received the lowest amount of money.
Those with other qualifications enjoyed the highest weekly earnings at the age
between 21 and 50.The earnings increased dramatically as graduates get older from
over 400 pounds (21-25 age group) to nearly 850 pounds (36-40 age group). Then, it
saw a gradual decrease of over 100 pounds at the end of the period.Having started at
below 300 pounds, people with higher degree witnessed the significant rise in the
amount of money despite some minor fluctuations from the youngest to the oldest
group. Remarkably, from the 51-55 age group, their earnings exceeded those with
other qualification to become the leading earnings.
In contrast,people with first degree suffered the least weekly earnings although their
salaries surged a high of 700 pounds in the oldest group.

Task 2: There are more workers who work from home and more students who
study from home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily
accessible and cheaper.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, due to the innovation in computer technology, homeschooling or online

courses as well as freelances are seen as a new trend. This is because access to
computer technology is a more affordable alternative compared to the traditional
forms of schools and works. I strongly agree that this is a positive development.

On the one hand, there are inevitable drawbacks from this trend. First, the overuse of
technological advances in work and study can do a great disservice to some vital skills
that people need. For instance, it can weaken the human interaction skills as people
lack face-to-face communication. In business, it may be harmful once the different
parties want to negotiate to sign a contract. Furthermore, people can not strengthen
their interpersonal intelligence in the absence of group discussions in classes or
works. To be more specific, online courses or freelance jobs usually allow people to
their own works individually, which means they lose opportunities to learn from

On the other hand, there are several benefits that make this development positive.
First, homeschooling or online courses cost fewer tuition fees compared to learning in
schools. Therefore, those who struggle with their family finances have less burden to
access basic knowledge from education. Second, this trend can help freelances who
work better without limitations or regulations, especially for those in art majors. In
this way, they can have their own spaces to think creatively and give a good piece of
artwork. Finally, working from homes as well as studying from homes can act as a
motivation for people to reinforce their autodidactic learning skills, which are
necessary for their future career paths. In other words, homeschooling or freelance
jobs mean office hours in schools or peers’ advice are not always available for people.
Hence, they are pushed to seek out information to figure out solutions for their
problems, so it helps them to learn by themselves.

In summary, working or learning from homes have some repercussions, including

weakening real interaction skills. However, the merits from it should take precedence
over demerits as it provides cost-effective ways to study, and comforts to boost
creativity as well as develops self-learning skills.

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