Antimicrobial Surface Functionalization of Plastic Catheters by Silver Nanoparticles

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Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2008) 61, 869– 876

Advance Access publication 27 February 2008

Antimicrobial surface functionalization of plastic catheters

by silver nanoparticles

David Roe1, Balu Karandikar1, Nathan Bonn-Savage1, Bruce Gibbins1 and Jean-Baptiste Roullet2*
AcryMed, Inc., 9560 SW Nimbus Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97008, USA; 2Oregon Health & Science University,
707 SW Gaines Road, Portland, OR 97221, USA

Received 13 April 2007; returned 19 August 2007; revised 2 January 2008; accepted 11 January 2008

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Objectives: To test the antimicrobial activity and evaluate the risk of systemic toxicity of novel
catheters coated with silver nanoparticles.
Methods: Catheters were coated with silver using AgNO3, a surfactant and N,N,N 0 ,N 0 -tetramethylethy-
lenediamine as a reducing agent. Particle size was determined by electron microscopy. Silver release
from the catheters was determined in vitro and in vivo using radioactive silver (110mAg1). Activity on
microbial growth and biofilm formation was evaluated against pathogens most commonly involved in
catheter-related infections, and the risk for systemic toxicity was estimated by measuring silver biodis-
tribution in mice implanted subcutaneously with 110mAg1-coated catheters.
Results: The coating method yielded a thin (100 nm) layer of nanoparticles of silver on the surface of
the catheters. Variations in AgNO3 concentration translated into proportional changes in silver coating
(from 0.1 to 30 mg/cm2). Sustained release of silver was demonstrated over a period of 10 days. Coated
catheters showed significant in vitro antimicrobial activity and prevented biofilm formation using
Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. Approximately 15% of the coated silver eluted from
the catheters in 10 days in vivo, with predominant excretion in faeces (8%), accumulation at the implan-
tation site (3%) and no organ accumulation ( 0.1%).
Conclusions: A method to coat plastic catheters with bioactive silver nanoparticles was developed.
These catheters are non-toxic and are capable of targeted and sustained release of silver at the implan-
tation site. Because of their demonstrated antimicrobial properties, they may be useful in reducing the
risk of infectious complications in patients with indwelling catheters.

Keywords: nanotechnology, nosocomial infections, biofilms, biodistribution, mice

Introduction also increase the risk of infection, accounting for 80% of all
nosocomial urinary tract infections.6
More than 200 000 nosocomial bloodstream infections occur The insertion of catheters under sterile conditions is the most
each year in the USA and most of them are related to the use of effective measure to prevent catheter-associated infective com-
intravascular devices.1,2 Central venous catheters are a particu- plications.7 Despite concerns that they would lead to compla-
larly high risk category of devices.3,4 According to recent esti- cency regarding septic techniques, catheters with antimicrobial
mates, the use of 1 in 20 of the 7 million central venous properties have nonetheless been proposed as a means to
catheters inserted annually is associated with catheter-related provide additional protection and further reduce the risk of
bloodstream infection.2,5 Chronic indwelling urinary catheters infection.8,9 A number of such devices have been developed10 –


*Corresponding author. Tel: þ1-503-494-4979; Fax: þ1-503-494-2781; E-mail:


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Roe et al.
and tested with variable success in clinical studies.4,6 Biofilm formation inhibition assay and bactericidal activity
However, the ideal catheter, a catheter that combines low-cost measurements
coating technology, wide-spectrum and long-lasting antimicro-
bial properties, and safe utilization, has yet to be developed. Silver-coated catheters (650 mg silver/g) were placed in tubes (8 
1 cm strips/tube) containing growth medium (1 mL/tube; 1% bovine
The objective of the studies presented in this report was to
serum albumin, 0.1% neopeptone, 0.25% glucose) and 103 test
develop a new method to deposit silver nanoparticles at low
microorganisms (test tubes). Six different microorganisms (clinical
temperature on plastic catheters, determine the antimicrobial
strains) were tested: (i) Escherichia coli; (ii) Enterococcus;
activity of these catheters in vitro and examine their silver- (iii) Staphylococcus aureus; (iv) Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
releasing properties both in vitro and in vivo. The data suggest (v) coagulase-negative staphylococci; and (vi) Candida albicans.
that plastic catheters coated with silver nanoparticles may be Tubes containing non-coated catheters and tubes containing growth
effective in reducing the infectious risk associated with chronic medium but no catheter and no microorganism (controls) were pre-
catheterization in humans. pared in parallel. The tubes were then incubated for either 24, 48 or
72 h at 358C. A count of free floating viable bacteria and the deter-
mination of viable sessile bacteria by means of a biofilm formation
Materials and methods assay were performed at each time point. Biofilm formation was
estimated using the tetrazolium salt XTT assay as previously
Materials and reagents described.13,14 Results were expressed in per cent inhibition of

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growth of free floating organisms or biofilm formation in each test
All chemicals were purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). tube relative to the average growth or biofilm formation in control
Standard PE-BAX polyamide 20 gauge catheters were used tubes (tubes with non-treated catheters).
(0.53 mm internal diameter, 0.94 mm outer diameter; surface ¼
0.463 cm2/cm) for all experiments. Radioactive silver nitrate
(110mAgNO3, spec. act. 22.2 Bq/mg) was obtained from the Oregon In vitro silver release procedure
State University Radiation Center (Corvallis, OR, USA).
Catheters were coated with radioactive silver and placed in 5 mL
plastic tubes (33 segments of 2 cm/tube; n ¼ 5 tubes for each type
Silver coating of the catheters of catheters). Each tube was filled with 2 mL of saline (enough to
Catheters were coated on both sides with silver using AcryMed completely immerse the catheters), capped, assayed for radioactivity
SilvaGard technology ( published US patent application 2007/ and placed in an oven set at 378C (day 0). Every day for 10 days,
0003603). In brief, an aqueous solution containing 5.6 g/L Tween the saline solution was collected, assayed for radioactivity and
20, 4 mM sodium saccharine and 1–5 mM silver nitrate was first replaced with fresh solution after brief washing of the catheters.
prepared and stirred for 10 min before the addition of Silver release was expressed in mg/day.
N,N,N0 ,N0 -tetramethylethylenediamine (0.33%, v/v). The solution
was then placed in a microwave oven, heated to 568C and then
poured over pre-cut, 2 cm long catheter segments placed in screw- In vivo silver release and biodistribution
cap tubes. The tubes were centrifuged to remove the air trapped In vivo studies were performed with C57Bl/6J male mice. On the
inside the catheters and quickly placed in a thermostated oven set at day of surgery, the animals were weighed and anaesthetized with an
538C. After 16 h, the coating solution was removed and the cath- isoflurane–oxygen mixture (4% induction, 2% maintenance). A sub-
eters were rinsed once with each of the following: aqueous solution cutaneous pocket (2 cm  1 cm) was created on the dorsum of each
of Tween 20 (1.25 mM), 2% HNO3, H2O and isopropanol. After the animal, 1– 2 cm from the nape of the neck. Catheters (14 seg-
isopropanol wash, the catheters were placed on bench-top paper, ments, 2 cm in length each; total catheter length ¼ 28 cm) coated
dried and sterilized (autoclave at 1218C for 15 min). The same with 110mAg were placed in the pocket. The pocket was sealed with
method was used to prepare catheters coated with radioactive silver, one suture and a drop of tissue glue (3M VetbondTM ). The animals
simply replacing AgNO3 with 110mAgNO3. Radioactive catheters were allowed to recover from anaesthesia and then placed into indi-
were not sterilized. vidual metabolic cages. They had free access to food and water and
Silver concentration was determined in randomly selected cath- were housed with a 12 h dark–light cycle at 208C. Urine and faeces
eters by absorption spectrophotometry (‘cold’ silver coating) or by were collected every day in the morning, between 8:00 and 9:00
gamma counting (‘hot’ silver coating). Radioactivity was measured am. Urine and faeces samples were transferred in counting tubes
using a Beckman 5500 gamma counter. All counts were corrected and assayed for radioactivity on the same day. On day 10, the
for background radioactivity, counting efficiency and decay using a animals were weighed, anaesthetized and sacrificed by cervical dis-
half-life of 256 days. location. Organ and tissue collection was then performed followed
by radioactivity measurement of the collected samples. All
procedures were approved by the institutional (OHSU) Ethics
Silver nanoparticle analysis Committee.
Silver coating was examined by electron microscopy. For particle
size analysis, a drop of silver nanoparticles prepared as described
above was deposited at the surface of a carbon-coated copper grid
and analysed using a Zeiss DSM-960 equipped with a Link Results
Analytical multi-window, X-ray detector with a no-window capa- Silver coating of the catheters
bility. For coating thickness analysis, thin sections of silver-coated
polycarbonate matrix were prepared and viewed by non-disruptive The coating method produced catheters coated with a reproduci-
electron transmission microscopy using a dual beam STRATA 400S ble and predictable amount of silver. In these experiments,
electron microscope (FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR, USA). batches of 35 catheter segments (each 2 cm in length) were

Silver nanotechnology and antimicrobial catheters

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Figure 1. Silver coating of nylon catheters with silver nitrate. Coating was
performed with varying concentrations of 110mAgNO3 as described in the Figure 2. Silver nanoparticle analysis by X-ray electron microscopy. (a) A
Materials and methods section. The y-axis represents silver deposited per drop of silver nanoparticle was deposited on a carbon grid to obtain the
centimetre length of catheters and the x-axis represents the concentration of image (scale bar ¼ 50 nm). (b) The image was magnified and particle size
silver nitrate in the coating solution. Each data point represents the mean distribution was calculated using the scale bar (50 nm) from 100
(+SEM) of six independent measurements. The line represents the best measurements. (c) Higher magnification reveals the characteristic polyhedral
(linear) fit of the data points. Error bars are smaller than the size of the structure, most visible in particles 2 and 3 (scale bar ¼ 5 nm). (d) Silver
points. nanoparticle coating was further examined by non-disruptive electron
transmission microscopy using a thin (100–150 nm) section of a
polycarbonate support (matrix) coated under conditions similar to those
described in the Materials and methods section (white horizontal scale bar ¼
coated using initial 110mAgNO3 concentrations ranging from 1.0 20 nm; black vertical scale bar ¼ 20 nm). The silver coating is 80–120 nm
to 5.0 mM (n ¼ 6 batches/given AgNO3 concentration; five con- thick corresponding to 4– 6 layers of silver nanoparticles.
centrations tested). As shown in Figure 1, the coating was pro-
portional to the initial concentration of AgNO3 and was highly was only 80– 120 nm thick, equivalent to 4 –6 layers of silver
reproducible from batch to batch (coefficient of variation was nanoparticles.
0.7 + 0.1%, mean + SEM, n ¼ 5). The relationship between
temperature and coating was not fully characterized, but prelimi-
nary experiments suggest a quadratic behaviour of the relation- Bactericidal activity and biofilm formation
ship between 40 and 708C, with higher temperatures resulting in
higher silver concentrations deposited at the surface of the cath- These experiments were performed using catheters coated with
eters (data not shown). 600 mg of non-radioactive silver. The catheters demonstrated
Silver deposition at the surface of the catheters was analysed significant antimicrobial activity against all tested microorgan-
by electron microscopy in parallel experiments performed with isms. They inhibited both cell growth and biofilm formation for
non-radioactive silver. In one experiment, a drop of a solution of at least 72 h (Table 1). The effect on growth was complete
silver nanoparticles prepared as described in the Materials and growth inhibition of all microorganisms but P. aeruginosa (67%
methods section was deposited at the surface of a carbon-coated growth inhibition at t ¼ 72 h). The inhibition of biofilm
copper grid and analysed by X-ray electron microscopy. formation was almost complete for E. coli, S. aureus and
Elemental composition of treated catheters showed peaks due to C. albicans, and reached more than 50% for Enterococcus,
Ag in addition to peaks due to C, N and O, the elements making coagulase-negative staphylococci and P. aeruginosa after 72 h.
up the base polymer grid. As illustrated in Figure 2, distinct and
round particles of silver were observed, with diameters ranging
from 3 to 18 nm (median ¼ 10.7 nm; n ¼ 100) (Figure 2a
Silver release from coated catheters (in vitro studies)
and b). Particle density was estimated at 104/mm2 on average. These experiments were performed with catheters coated with
Particles showed typical polyhedral structures indicating twin two concentrations of silver: 600 mg/g of catheter, a con-
boundaries15,16 (Figure 2c). Analysis of silver coating could not centration similar to that used in the antimicrobial activity
be obtained using silver-coated catheter sections as the base experiments, and 1000 mg/g. Actual silver concentrations were
polymer softened during exposure to the electron beam. The 593 + 2 and 1019 + 3.7 mg/g. Five strands (cut in 2 cm long
thickness of the coating was thus examined using non-disruptive segments) of each type of catheter were studied in this exper-
electron microscopy and thin (100 – 150 nm) sections of a poly- iment. The average length and weight of these strands were
carbonate matrix coated using conditions similar to those 71.7 + 0.7 cm (348 + 4 mg) for the catheters coated with
described for catheters. As illustrated in Figure 2(d), the coating 1000 mg/g silver, and 69.2 + 1.1 cm (336 + 5 mg) for those

Roe et al.

Table 1. Silver-coated catheter antimicrobial activity

Pathogen 24 h 48 h 72 h

E. coli
biofilm 88 + 3.3 95 + 1 83 + 3
growth 100 100 100
biofilm 16 + 7 32 + 5 66 + 4
growth 100 100 100
S. aureus
biofilm 93 + 2 95 + 1 78 + 4
growth 100 100 100
Coagulase-negative staphylococci
biofilm 39 + 17 86 + 11 50 + 16
growth 100 100 100
P. aeruginosa

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biofilm 59 + 5 91 + 1 66 + 9
growth 100 100 67 + 19 Figure 3. In vitro silver release kinetics from 110mAg-coated catheters. Two
groups of catheters were studied: one coated with 593 + 2 mg of silver/g of
C. albicans
catheter (filled symbols) and another with 1019 + 3.7 mg of silver/g of
biofilm 84 + 2 98 + 0 87 + 7
catheter (open symbols). Each data point represents the cumulative daily
growth 100 100 100 average (mean + SEM; n ¼ 5) of silver released on the day indicated in
mg/cm of catheter length.
A count of free floating viable bacteria and the determination of viable
sessile bacteria by means of a biofilm formation assay were performed at
each time point. The results are expressed as percentage inhibition of growth measurements performed in healthy adult animals of the same
or biofilm formation versus untreated catheters. Data are presented as mean strain and sex (data not shown). On average, however, the body
per cent inhibition + SEM with n ¼ 12 for biofilm data and n ¼ 6 for weight of the animals decreased by 8% from 36.9 + 2.2 g
growth data. SEM are not shown when all data points show .99%
inhibition. before surgery to 34.0 + 0.7 g on day 10.

Urine and faeces excretion. On average, silver urine excretion

coated with 600 mg/g (mean + SEM; n ¼ 5; P ¼ not signifi- was very low (0.02 mg/day, i.e. ,0.01% of the silver present on
cant). On average (10 day average), the amount of silver released the catheters on day 0; Figure 4a). The total excretion of silver
daily from catheters was 45.1 + 1.1 ng/cm (catheters coated in urine over the 10 day experimental period was 0.22 +
with 1000 mg/g silver) and 24.1 + 2.4 ng/cm (catheters coated 0.04 mg, equivalent to 0.1% of the silver implanted at day 0. In
with 600 mg/g silver). contrast, silver excretion in faeces was significant and varied
Daily release rates were relatively constant in both groups with time (Figure 4a). It started relatively high at 3.36 +
although they were higher on the first days than on the last days 0.44 mg on day 1 (1.5% of implanted silver), peaked on day 2
(data not shown). To better characterize silver release kinetics, (4.50 + 0.40 mg; 2.1% of implanted silver) and then declined
cumulative release data were examined (Figure 3). In 10 days, in the following 8 days reaching a plateau at 0.6 –1.0 mg/day
the catheters coated with the low concentration of silver released (0.4%) on day 6. The cumulative excretion of silver in faeces
0.38 + 0.03 mg/cm of silver (14% of coated silver) and the cath- in 10 days was 18.33 + 0.99 mg, equivalent to 8.3 + 0.4% of
eters coated with the higher concentration released 0.45 + the initial silver load (Figure 4b).
1.1 mg/cm (9% of coated silver). The data show a biphasic silver
release over time, with a downward inflexion of release rates on Organ and tissue accumulation. Silver radioactivity was deter-
day 4, less marked for the catheters coated with the highest con- mined at day 10 in several organs (heart, brain, lungs, liver,
centration of silver. The total amount of silver released from kidney and spleen), other tissue samples (skin at the implan-
these catheters in 10 days was 20% higher than the amount of tation site, underlying muscle with ribs, control skin area, duo-
silver released from the catheters coated with 600 mg/g silver. denum, caecum, femur, thigh and blood) and in the catheters.
The data are summarized in Table 2. Most of the silver remained
associated with the catheters (84% of implanted silver). A sig-
Biodistribution studies nificant but small amount of silver was detected at the implan-
On average, each animal was implanted with the equivalent of tation site (skin with panniculus carnosus and scar tissue; 3%)
28 cm of 110mAg-coated catheters, representing 221.7 + 0.8 mg and in the muscle þ rib cage sample underlying the implantation
of silver and 6515 + 24 Bq (mean + SEM; n ¼ 7). The mice site (0.2%). All other organs or tissue samples including the
showed no sign of toxicity and looked healthy during the 10 lungs, which under normal breathing condition, are in contact of
days of the experiment. In particular, there was no sign of the rib cage had ,0.1% of the implanted silver (caecum, liver,
inflammation or infection at the site of catheter implantation. lungs, blood and heart) or no detectable levels of silver (control
Further, the weight of each organ collected (heart, brain, liver, skin sample, duodenum, spleen, kidneys, brain, femur and thigh;
lungs, spleen and kidneys) was similar to organ weight data not shown). Silver recovery was high (96% on average).

Silver nanotechnology and antimicrobial catheters

Figure 4. Silver urine (open circles) and faeces (filled circles) excretion in mice implanted with Ag-coated catheters. (a) Daily excretion. (b) Cumulative

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daily excretion. Data are expressed as percentages of implanted silver (mean + SEM, n ¼ 7).

Table 2. Biodistribution of silver (mg per sample and % of Silver has long been known for its broad antimicrobial prop-
implanted silver) on day 10 (mean + SEM; n ¼ 7) erties. These properties are believed to result from the disruption
of the energy metabolism and electrolyte transport systems,
Percentage of which occurs when silver ions bind to bacterial sulphydryl- or
Silver (mg) implanted silver histidyl-containing proteins.17 The use of silver to reduce the
risk of catheter-related infection was proposed 20 years ago by
Catheters (initial) 221.7 + 0.8 — Maki et al.,18 who tested the efficacy of a biodegradable col-
Catheters on day 10 186.2 + 2.6 83.9 lagen matrix impregnated with bactericidal silver. Since then, a
Implantation site (skin, 6.8 + 0.4 3.1 number of other methods have been developed to create cath-
panniculus carnosus, scar eters capable of delivering silver.19 These methods include elec-
tissue) tron beam assisted deposition,20,21 distribution of submicron
Rib cage þ muscle underlying 0.4 + 0.1 0.2 particles of metallic silver in the polyurethane matrix of the
the implantation site catheter,17 placement of silver wires at the cutaneous extremity
All other tissues and organs: 0.1% of implanted silver or no of the catheters and release of silver by iontophoresis,22,23 and
detectable silver catheter impregnation with silver nanoparticles using supercriti-
Urine (cumulative 10 days) 0.22 + 0.04 0.1 cal carbon dioxide.24 These methods are all relatively complex
Faeces (cumulative 10 days) 18.33 + 0.99 8.3 and expensive.
Recovery 95.6 To come up with a simpler and cheaper coating method,
silver nanoparticle production technologies were reviewed. None
Urine and faeces data are from Figure 4. of them seemed to provide a rate of nanoparticle formation and
deposition that was fast enough to be compatible with the logis-
tic of efficient industrial production. Further, many of them
utilize either starting silver salt concentrations too low (10 mM
The 4% unaccounted for are likely to be found at the implan-
or less) to yield potentially antimicrobial concentrations at the
tation site on the borders of the insertion pocket associated with
surface of the catheters or agents that are toxic or at least not
either serous liquid or scar tissue.
biocompatible, thus precluding the use of silver nanoparticles
made by these methods because of toxicity concerns.25,26 The
method described in this report is simple, uses non-toxic
Discussion chemicals and yields reproducible coating of plastic catheters
with typical nanoparticles of silver as confirmed by electron
This report describes a method to prepare catheters coated with microscopy. The amount of silver deposited is proportional to
silver nanoparticles and presents evidence for the catheters’ anti- the concentration of silver nitrate used in the coating solution
microbial properties and safety of use in animals. The method (Figure 1), at least within the range tested and thus can be
uses silver nitrate and a mix of low-toxicity coating inducers. reasonably predicted. Importantly, coating takes place on both
The coating process is slowly reversible, yielding sustained the luminal and the external surface of the catheters, thus pro-
release of silver for at least 10 days. The released silver is active viding a double protection against microorganism penetration at
against microorganisms most commonly found responsible for the implantation site. Further, the coating method does not affect
nosocomial infections and predominantly accumulates at the site the size or the diameter of the catheters (Figure 2d) and is resist-
of insertion, thus suggesting that catheters coated with this ant to handling. Thus, this method preserves the original qual-
method could provide enhanced local protection against infec- ities of manufactured catheters and will likely not affect their
tions with no risk of systemic toxicity. handling during clinical use.

Roe et al.

The size distribution of the nanoparticles is relatively broad the lumen of the catheters. More extensive microscopic analysis
(3 –18 nm) but actually quite tight considering the simplicity of of the catheters after coating and at different times during
the production process. Whether or not the distribution impacts elution may be useful in the future to test these hypotheses.
the microbicidal activity of the catheters is not known at this Bacterial resistance to silver has been a concern with the sig-
point. One could speculate that for a given amount of coated nificant increase in the usage of silver-containing products to
silver, smaller particles will yield a greater contact surface with manage infections.28,29 Several studies suggest that it is second-
the liquid environment and will be more active than larger par- ary to a plasmid-related increase in silver binding to periplasmic
ticles. Alternatively, larger particles may provide a slower but membrane proteins and in silver efflux through two
more prolonged release of silver, a benefit for catheters destined plasmid-encoded pumps.27,30 The potential benefits of wide-
for longer-term implantation. The issue of size – activity relation- spread usage of silver-nanoparticle coated catheters may thus be
ship is thus important to consider and will be the focus of future in part offset by the emergence of new, silver-resistant bacterial
studies. strains. Such possibility exists with any new antimicrobial agent
The overwhelming majority of nosocomial infections but is perhaps less to fear with silver than with other agents. As
associated with catheter use are caused by coagulase-negative pointed out by Chopra29, target-based mutation to silver resist-
staphylococci such as Staphylococcus epidermidis.1,4,7 ance is unlikely because of the multiplicity of intracellular
Infections caused by S. aureus, Enterococcus and E. coli are targets of silver ions and may explain in part the limited number
also frequent and are often associated with increased resistance of reports of silver resistance in bacteria published so far.

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to antibiotics. A smaller percentage of catheter-related infec- Catheters coated with silver nanoparticles could be used to
tions are caused by other bacteria such as P. aeruginosa and perfuse various types of solutions. Some of these solutions may
Klebsiella pneumonia, and by yeast, mainly Candida spp. Our be poorly compatible with the silver coating and either damage
data show that catheters coated with silver nanoparticles are it or reduce its antimicrobial activity. Laboratory experiments
very effective in preventing the growth of and biofilm for- have shown that the coating is stable under pH conditions
mation by most of these pathogens in vitro. Whether they will ranging from 2 to 12, hence the use of 2% HNO3 as a rinsing
be equally effective in vivo can only be speculated at this agent in the final steps of the coating process. Thus, the pH of
time and will require further testing both in the animal model commonly used injectable solutions is unlikely to damage the
and with controlled randomized clinical trials. coating of the catheters. Cysteine-, SH- or sulphide-containing
The data also show that not all microorganisms tested are compounds as may be found in albumin or amino acid solutions
fully sensitive to silver. One could thus question the potential may bind silver ions and enhance their elution from the coating
advantage of catheters coated with silver nanoparticles since as of the catheters. Chloride ions and phosphate ions, as found in
long as viable organisms remain, they will regrow as soon as many injectable solutions may also react with silver ions but
they are exposed to nutrient-containing infusion. It must be decrease their release from the coating by forming an insoluble
pointed out that the silver nanoparticle-coated catheters layer of AgCl or Ag3PO4 at the surface of the nanoparticles.
described in this report are not meant to treat infections, but Compatibility issues cannot be fully predicted at this time and
rather to limit microorganism implantation, to slow their sub- will need to be examined on a case by case basis. It must be
sequent growth and to retard biofilm formation. The catheters pointed out though that if the dissociation constants of AgCl and
were tested against an initial high bacterial load (1000 microor- Ag3PO4 are low (1.6  10210 and 1.6  1025 M at 258C,
ganisms/mL). According to Mermel et al.,1 the presence of respectively), they are nonetheless high enough to allow some of
100 cfu/mL in blood taken from central venous catheters (500 – the silver to be released as Agþ. Further, as shown by the data
1000 cfu/mL in blood from peripheral intravenous catheters) is presented in Table 1, significant antimicrobial activity of the
considered positive for infection and would prompt antibiotic silver-coated catheters was observed in a medium containing
treatment. In this context, silver-coated catheters should not be both a protein digest ( peptone) and sodium chloride. Thus,
considered as antimicrobial devices but as one more weapon in chemical interactions between silver-coated catheters and per-
the fight against infection. fusion solutions may occur and change the kinetics of the
The molecular mechanism underlying the antimicrobial release of silver ions from the catheters but are unlikely to sig-
activity of our silver-coated catheters was not explored. nificantly reduce overall Agþ availability for bactericidal
However, it is likely that growth inhibition was caused by the activity.
silver ions (Agþ) released from the matrix of the catheter. Our The compatibility between injectable solutions and the silver-
in vitro experiments indeed indicate that these catheters release coated catheters may not be so much of a concern. Parenteral
‘soluble’ silver when placed in contact with physiological saline solutions are sterile and catheter-related infections are primarily
solution (3 mg/day over 10 days; Figure 3). This soluble silver caused by microorganisms invading the site of insertion of the
may in turn have inhibited the pathogens’ respiratory enzymes catheter and the tissues in contact with the outside of the cath-
and electron transport components as proposed by others.17,27 eter. Of potentially greater concern is the possibility of systemic
Interestingly, the release is not constant over time. It proceeded toxicity from the silver eluted from the catheter. Although silver
in two phases: a relatively fast phase during the first 4 or 5 days is a low toxicity metal,31 – 33 this issue was addressed by evaluat-
and a slower phase during the next 5 days. The two-phase ing the biodistribution of silver released from silver-coated cath-
release may be explained by the presence of two different pools eters in the mouse.
or layers of silver on the catheters, each having different solubi- The animals lost on average 8% of their body weight
lity or surface density properties. Alternatively, the biphasic throughout the 10 day experimental period. Such a decrease is
release could reflect silver accessibility, the silver present on the likely secondary to the change in housing conditions (from shoe
outer surface of the catheter being more accessible to exchange box before surgery to individual metabolic cage after surgery)
with the solution and thus releasing faster than the silver coating but could be attributable to silver toxicity. The data however

Silver nanotechnology and antimicrobial catheters

show that in 10 days the catheters released 16% of their References

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