Pahilanga, Anela - Emtech-Concept Paper Sample. Maam Ems.

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A Concept Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School

Department Lagro High School, Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Subjects Requirement In Empowerment Technologies (E-Tech): ICT

for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Mendoza, Alliah Zaki

Tan, Luis Anthony
Morales, Xeona Gail
Pahilanga, Anela
Patricio, Sophia
Sanglay, Phoebe Khelzy
Santos, Sophia
Songcog, Arisa Jean
Tipay, Rhena Mae
Tormo, Bernadette

SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022


Background of the study

Everyone is using social media during this pandemic. The usage of social media has made
interaction, communication, and connection much more accessible. People use the internet to
conduct business, study, and so on. But do you believe we'll be able to accomplish everything? Is
there a difference between face-to-face and online learning? What exactly is the distinction
between the two? Which is more beneficial to everyone? Is it possible to study while being
distracted by the internet? What are the disadvantages of online learning?

People nowadays are easily sidetracked from performing essential things in life by social media,
various online games, etc. We tend to overlook crucial tasks, such as studying. Some pupils
would rather play all day than study since they know that everything is accessible and that all
information is readily available because Google is only a click away. People lose interest in
studying when they do not devote enough time to it.

This internet arrangement is riddled with faults. Add to that the fact that pupils no longer enjoy
studying. As a result, the student didn't want to go to his online classes and instead preferred to
have fun. They put aside their schoolwork to play online games or browse the internet. They lack
the motivation to learn and understand something. Rather than studying, they wanted to have fun
and occupy themselves.

These aren't the only issues; some students lack the essential equipment to participate online.
Computers, laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices are out of reach for specific
pupils. In that situation, they are unable to attend online lessons. They are forced to discontinue
their studies, despite their desire to study with their classmates during physical classes, which
they cannot accomplish due to costs and problems in the early days of the pandemic. They are
forced to halt and are unsure how to make up for the days they could not work due to financial
difficulties. Some of those pupils stop studying and do whatever they want.

The pupils are currently dealing with additional issues as a result of the online arrangement.
These are connection issues, and they may be unable to learn something because they do not
comprehend the lesson. They can't cope with diverse teachers' teaching approaches, so students
tend to merely show up for class and then go to Chrome to look up every question given to them.
They can complete the activities or inquiries in this manner, but they cannot comprehend the
lesson that the teacher explains during an online session.

The following are some of the most typical issues that students experience due to the epidemic
and online education. Physical classes, like online programs, have problems and advantages,
therefore which do we think is the better option? It's important to remember that grades are
merely numbers; the actual value of the school is the knowledge that it imparts. That is why the
usefulness of different learning modes for pupils is well researched. It should be about sharing
knowledge rather than merely achieving higher marks...

Importance of the campaign to the people involved

In this time of the pandemic, students stopped learning in the face-to-face learning
modality since March of 2020 and since then, many changes have been observed. They started
learning in the new modality which is online distance learning, where students get to pick
whether they would want to take modular, online, or combination classes. Some students picked
the modular, and some picked online where they get to learn new information by clicking buttons
in their gadgets and listening to the person speaking inside their screen, some were forced to learn
this way because they are scared that they will not be able to catch up the way other students
does, they are scared that once they stopped, they will not be able to continue until the pandemic
is over which is lots of time and opportunity missed.
While the students are still learning in this type of modality, it is best to provide their needs
when it comes to education to have healthy and effective learning. It is important to address a
student's educational need amidst the pandemic because the pandemic shouldn't interfere with a
student's chance to learn and have quality learning opportunities, they can also learn in topics or
explore more areas in things that they are interested in in a proper and in a way that they want to
learn. Students were also asking for a break since the first year of online learning but never got
any, so it is best to address the areas they need help with if they are going to continue this type of
learning modality despite all the complaints, they could at least support their students in order to
not waste their time trying to learn something in a way they don’t want to make it easier and
favorable for them because it is the future of the students that are at stake.

Goals and Aims

This project is designed to help those students who are in need when it comes to their
education, as we all know, not everyone is privileged enough to provide for the things they need
to have good quality education so this project is going to help those students in need to make
online learning easier and favorable for them, this project is also initiated in order to give
opportunity for those students who do not have the advantage in this type of learning, same as
those students who have the advantage. This project is important because we believe that every
student should be given the same opportunity and chance in order to have the quality of
education they deserve.

❖ To give the students a healthy online environment experience.

❖ Providing the necessities of the students to lessen or prevent stress and to maintain mental
❖ To encourage the students to show a helping hand to other students who are in need to
overcome shortcomings in terms of the new normal education.
❖ To provide the learners academic needs by alternative modes of learning ❖ To approach
the needs of learners based on financial and environmental capability. ❖ Showing the
importance and advantage of new distance learning modalities approach amidst the

Students' mental health and wellbeing are profoundly affected by COVID-19 and its
accompanying effects. It is therefore critical for schools to raise awareness of students' mental
health needs and concerns in order for them to seek treatment and support during this crisis.

This project aims to provide an alternative source of learning different subjects for youth in the
grade level bracket of elementary and high school students. The goal of our advocacy campaign
is to employ an easy method of teaching and help the students with lectures that are difficult to

The group sees the opportunity of using a creative and participative approach to (a) offering a
trendy approach to students so that they can quickly learn the topics; (b) contribute to
educational programs by providing youth with educational materials; (c) and to make things fair
for both students who have advantages and disadvantages in their studies.
With these in mind, the team affirms the significance of this project being implemented smoothly
with the efficient maximization of limited resources at hand brought by the ongoing public health

Learning with students who can sympathize with their struggles can keep them up with their
studies and boost confidence.

Day 1

The monthly allowance is insufficient.

We all know that a student's monthly stipend is insufficient, especially if studying medicine or
politics. Students understand the frustration of having so many materials required for each
course. And in every subject, you may imagine how much each one would cost if you bought it.

Aside from that, students have a difficult time paying their transportation fees. The distance
between your home and your school is incredibly long, not to mention the potential for traffic on
the road. Two reasons are just two of the many reasons why a student's monthly allowance is
insufficient. That is why we came up with the notion of equipping youth with instructional
resources. They don't have to spend their money because they have these materials; instead, they
may save it for more vital things, and students can now avoid running out of their monthly

Day 2

Raise your hands if you don't understand the topic.

Each of us is at a distinct stage of learning. Our methods of
analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving are different.
We have a way of learning that somebody must teach for you to
understand. Others are content with simply hearing their
teacher's voice. We came up with a fashionable approach to
make it easier for the kids to grasp the topics.
But what exactly do you mean when you say "trendy approach"?
The popular method involves students using apps and websites
that are more handy and familiar to them. What are the apps and
websites we're referring to? Students can use messenger, telegram, discord, Google Meet, Zoom
App, and similar applications. Websites like Education2020, CoolMath, Speechstream, and
others. However, we understand that not all students enjoy reading. Some students believe that
being able to converse while learning makes things easier. As a result, another method exists in
which pupils are separated into groups of 5-8 students. They can conduct group study, a flashcard
quiz, a question and answer component, or a debate in a maximum of 2 hours. Students can now
learn in a more relaxed manner thanks to this new approach.

Day 3

Help them equally.

Online distance learning and television/radio-based

instruction are all part of the distance learning model.
These are the three modalities that the Philippines currently
has. As a student in online distance learning, I can say that
we have the most advantageous learning method than
modular distance learning and television/radio-based
instruction. We want to make it equal or more convenient for
all modalities, so we encourage everyone to support each other equally, including your family,
friends, teachers, and classmates. We shouldn't care if they're in or out of a difficult position since
all students need to be taught, to be asked if they're okay or if they can still complete their
activities, and to be rewarded. On the third day, we want it to be fair to all students who are
currently or have previously struggled in school or at institutions.

Sophia Patricio
Email Address:

Rhena Mae Tipay

Email Address:
Based on the graph and statistics there's so many students who are unenrolled and aren't able to
continue their education. We must prioritize helping and acknowledge the students who are
struggling in this new distance learning especially to those who are not privileged. We need to
identify the needs of the students and professors to provide and support them. Once we get to
help them, it will cheer them up and be inspired to continue despite the hardships during this

We need to empower students with visible and not visible disabilities and mental health issues
because we are all aware about the students who harmed themselves because they are not able to
pass their compilations on time due to numerous activities. Students with disabilities need to be
supported especially now that we’re in a crisis. They require special treatment because their
illness attacks them frequently.

The students deserve to get enough time to get rest to function again. Giving them enough rest
will bring back the joy they have on compiling the tasks that they are doing for their futures.

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