Abnormal Psychology

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1. This branch of psychology deals with “improper” learning or “improper”

the psychological knowledge and associations with previous experiences.
practice used to help individuals find A. Neuroassociative Perspective
better coping and adjustment. B. Past-Diagnostic Perspective
A. Psychopathology C. Psychodynamic Perspective
B. Clinical Psychology D. Behavioral Perspective
C. Abnormal Psychology 6. It is a method done during prehistoric
D. Psychiatry times where a “witch doctor” or
“shaman” bores a hole in the skull of an
2. When you base your assessment of individual in order to release the “evil
abnormal behaviour on whether or not spirits” inhabiting the individual.
an individual violates cultural practices, A. Exorcism
you are using which criteria for B. Trephination
determining abnormal behaviour? C. Redrum
A. Abnormality as Norm Violation D. Sacrificial Ceremony
B. Abnormality as Statistical Rarity
C. Abnormality as Maladaptive 7. This psychological model states that
Behavior individuals only inherit the “tendency”
D. Abnormality as Personal Discomfort of having a mental disorder from their
parents; however, this tendency will
3. It is a term used to refer to the likehood only be triggered by that individual’s
of the presence of another disorder environment.
alongside another mental disorder. A. Psychodynamic Model
A. Comorbidity B. Delirium Congruence Model
B. Covalence C. Diathesis-Stress Model
C. Cooccurence D. Behavioral Model
D. Coexistence
8. You noted that the presence of diabetes
4. A certain psychologist, in assessment in your patient not only indicates an
and in conducting interventions, focus imbalance in that patient’s sugar-
on her client’s childhood and regulating mechanisms, it also indicates
unconscious experiences. What hormonal imbalances which may lead
perspective is this psychologist making to moodiness and a general
use of? exacerbation of depressive symptoms.
A. Humanistic-Existentialist If you were to use the DSM-IV-TR,
Perspective which axis would this part of your
B. Neuroscientific Perspective assessment belong to?
C. Clinical Perspective A. Axis I
D. Psychodynamic Perspective B. Axis II
C. Axis III
5. In determining the etiology of mental D. Axis IV
disorders, this perspective states that
abnormal behaviour is a result of
9. A politician is having anxiety attacks C. Anxiety
related to her elected position as D. Anger
senator of the Republic of the
Philippines. This is influenced by the 13. A strange false belief firmly held despite
people’s trust and expectations of her evidence to the contrary.
as an elected official. The people’s A. Hallucinations
expectation of her is contained in what B. Self-made beliefs
axis in the multiaxial model DSM-IV-TR? C. Paranoia
A. Axis I D. Delusions
B. Axis II
C. Axis III 14. Which of the following is NOT a
D. Axis IV symptom of a personality disorder?
A. A peculiar capacity to get under the
10. What was the major change done to the skin of others
multiaxial system in the DSM-5? B. A reactive response to whatever
A. They added more axes to it. happens in the environment
B. They modified the five axes to C. Maladaptive behaviors are mostlty
include a broader range of ego-syntonic
classifications. D. None of the above
C. They abolished the multiaxial
D. They remade every axis into 15. Dima has a complete lack of concern for
something completely different. people and does things only to benefit
himself to the point of becoming
11. Narcissa can’t help but feel that she predatory. Dima’s personality disorder
must check the wires under the table belongs to what cluster?
just in case they get tangled up again. A. Cluster A
After doing this, though, she B. Cluster B
immediately feels the urge to check the C. Cluster I
cables under the table again. This act of D. Cluster II
checking the cables under the table is
called a/an: 16. Before Artyom performed Cognitive-
A. Obsession Behavioral Therapy on his client, he first
B. Compulsion informed his client about the nature of
C. Hallucination the planned intervention and
D. Reactions afterwards asked the permission of the
client to conduct said intervention.
12. A mood state characterized by marked What ethical aspect of psychological
negative affect and bodily symptoms of practice did Artyom apply?
tension in which a person A. Informed Assent
apprehensively anticipates future B. Informed Consent
danger or misfortune. C. Ideal Consent
A. Fear D. Clinical Assent
B. Apprehension
17. Alyosha began to feel certain aspects of 20. Individuals with this disorder fear that
the world closing in on him. First, he minor changes in their physical
started having a weird habit of blinking functioning indicate a serious disease.
his eyes exactly 10 times before getting A. Conversion Disorder
out of the bed in the morning. B. Somatic Symptom Disorder
Afterwards, he would always perform C. Organic Obsession Disorder
the exact same routine of checking the D. Illness Anxiety Disorder
lock of his door thrice to ensure that he
was safe last night. It started with these 21. The most common drug available in the
two behaviors, but eventually spread to Philippines.
other aspects of his life. Alyosha lost A. Shabu
likely has which mental disorder? B. Marijuana
A. He has no mental disorder that can C. Amphetamines
be diagnosed at present. D. Caffeine
B. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
C. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality 22. Psychogenic Amnesia: Being sexually
Disorder abused as a child; Biogenic Amnesia:
D. Schizotypal Personality Disorder _______
A. Identity crisis
18. Soairse wakes up with a feeling of B. Having a car accident
unease in her chest. The feeling of C. Being cheated on by a partner
unease and anxiety persists throughout D. Death of a spouse
most of her day: when she takes a bath,
eats breakfast, talks to her friends or 23. The newer, more official name for
does her assignments. She is always Multiple Personality Disorder.
tense. What might be a possible A. Dissociative Personality Disorder
diagnosis for Soairse? B. Dislocated Persona Disorder
A. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder C. Dissociated Identity Disorder
B. Agoraphobia D. Dissociative Identity Disorder
C. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
D. Dysthimia 24. A post was made on Facebook about a
guy found wandering around Clark,
Pampanga without any semblance of
19. Lara suddenly falls down to her knees direction and who just keeps on
upon seeing her ex-boyfriend holding mumbling to himself about who he was.
hands with another man. Lara starts to When the people got ahold of his I.D.
have difficulty breathing and to lose however, it was discovered that he was
sensation in her hands. Lara is having a: a resident of Baguio City, and is
A. Traumatic Epileptic Response studying in a school in said city. This
B. Panic Attack individual, with an apparently lost sense
C. Grand Mal Seizure of direction and visible confusion is
D. Petite Mal Seizure most likely experiencing:
A. Dissociative Dementia
B. Dissociative Fugue
C. Dementia Fugue 29. Some of your friends are talking about
D. Dementia Praecox going back to your classmate’s house
and doing “crack” after school. Which
25. Involves having an IQ between 35 to 49. drug are they most likely talking about?
A. Severe Intellectual Disability A. Meth
B. Profound Intellectual Disability B. Cocaine
C. Mild Intellectual Disability C. Marijuana
D. Moderate Intellectual Disability D. PCP
30. Geralt, at age 11, noticed something
26. If you were to diagnose an individual unsual as he was growing up; he started
with intellectual disability, you would to have romantic feelings for other
first take note of the possible sources of boys. He had kept it a secret at first, but
the acquisition of said disability. Which then he finally gained the courage to
of the following is the least likely culprit ask a close friend of his, who happily
for intellectual disability? said yes. At age 18, Geralt already had a
A. Physical Trauma before or during relationship with someone of the same
birth sex and was not afraid of society’s
B. Severe Traumatic Experiences backlash. Does Geralt have a mental
C. Genetics disorder? If not, why? If yes, which one?
D. Lead Posining A. Gender Dysphoria
B. Transvestism
27. Joanna believes that a famous movie C. Geralt is too young to be diagnosed
star, Keanu Reeves, is in love with her. with a mental disorder.
Her belief in this is so strong that she D. Geralt does not have a mental
went up to Keanu himself and asked disorder because he is not showing
him why he never admitted his feelings any signs of maladaptivesness.
for her yet. Assuming Joanna is
delusional, how would you classify her 31. During your practicum, you were
delusions? assigned to a mental ward in a public
A. Grandiose hospital near your school. You
B. Persecutory experienced for the first time what it’s
C. Jealous like to see a patient with paraphilia.
D. Erotomanic One time, a patient loudly called out
your name and exposed his genitals
28. An individual with this Personality right in front of your eyes. What type of
Disorder tends to stay away from other paraphilia this patient have?
people because of their fear of rejection A. Exhibitionism
or scrutiny. B. Voyeurism
A. Dependent Personal Disorder C. Pedophilia
B. Avoidant Personal Disorder D. Genitilia
C. Paranoid Personal Disorder
D. Schizoid Personal Disorder 32. This is when the patients are aware of,
or oriented to, their identity, location,
and time.
A. Informed Consent
B. Privacy 37. This type of mood disorder is
C. Oriented Times Three characterized by alternating states of
D. Debriefed hypomania and dysthymia.
A. Bipolar I
33. A method of conditioning wherein right B. Bipolar II
before an orgasm, an individual thinks C. Cyclothymia
of a certain stimuli in order to condition D. Disorganized Affective Disorder
himself to be aroused by that stimuli.
A. Paraphilia 38. In Malaysia, a condition of mass
B. Fetihistic Learning hysteria or group delusion in which
C. Molding people believe their genitals are
D. Orgasmic Reconditioning retracting to their bodies.
A. Amok
34. A psychiatrist made an error in his B. Dakap
diagnosis. He stated in his report that C. Taijin Kyofusho
the client doesn’t have any mental D. Koro
disorders. Months later, a psychologist
was able to give a more accurate 39. A form of psychotic disorder in which
assessment and concluded that the the symptoms of schizophrenia co-
client does, in fact, have a generalized occur with symptoms of a mood
anxiety disorder. The psychiatrist’s error disorder.
is an example of: A. Bipolar Disorder
A. A false positive B. Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
B. A true positive C. Hebephrenia
C. A true negative D. Shizoaffective Disorder
D. A false negative

35. Factors that are related to the

development (or cause) of a particular 40. People’s irrational beliefs that other
disorder. people are seeking to do them harm.
A. Derivation A. Delusion
B. Etiology B. Paranoia
C. Occurrence C. Fear
D. Prevalence D. Anxiety

36. The legal term for mental disorder, 41. False perceptions such as things seen or
implying lack of responsibility for one’s heard that are not real or present.
acts and inability to manage one’s A. Delusion
affairs. B. Trauma
A. Tangentiality C. Hallucination
B. Insanity D. Poltergeist Activity
C. Delirium
D. Jus Sanguinis
42. Involves a rapid onset of cognitive by Freud in which a person, wishing to
deterioration accompanied by express psychological distress, converts
confusion and disorientation. this distress into physical symptoms
A. Delirium with no biological basis. In the DSM-5,
B. Dementia however, this disorder was given
C. Alzheimer’s Disease another name. What is that new,
D. Dementor alternative name?
A. Aphasia Caused by Psychological
43. It is a paraphilia wherein a person Distress
enjoys rubbing his/her genitalia on B. Misplaced Somatoform Disorder
other people in crowded areas where C. Psychological Factors Affecting
there is little to no escape. Medical Condition
A. Exhibitionism D. Functional Neurological Symptom
B. Fetishism Disorder
C. Voyeurism
D. Frotteurism 46. Among the following disorders, which
disorder has the highest mortality rate?
44. A person comes into a hospital and A. Anorexia Nervosa
complains about recurrent chest pain. B. Bulimia Nervosa
The person was afraid that it was a sign C. Binge-Eating Disorder
that he was at risk of having a heart D. Eating Disorders
attack. After extensive evaluation, it
was found out that he had a normal 47. Individuals with this/these disorder/s
blood pressure and his chest muscles have intense concerns about their
has no signs of strain. Upon hearing weight and appearance.
this, the patient immediately felt A. Anorexia Nervosa
relieved and went home, believing that B. Bulimia Nervosa
it was only temporary. A few months C. Binge-Eating Disorder
later, he comes back complaining that D. Eating Disorders
the pain never really subsided, and was
referred to a psychiatrist. After 48. A friend of yours was recently
extensive behaviour therapy, the pain diagnosed with a mental disorder in
eventually lessened until it completely relation to her experiences of having
disappeared. Based on the DSM-5, what severe panic attacks. You observed that
is the most probable diagnosis of the she had the tendency to avoid engaging
psychiatrist? in strenuous behaviour like walking up a
A. Pain Disorder long flight of stairs, or dancing. What do
B. Somatization Disorder you call these kinds of behaviour?
C. Somatic Symptom Disorder with A. Agoraphobic Coping Behaviors
Predominant Pain B. Interoceptive Avoidance
D. Illness Anxiety Disorder C. Introspective Avoidance
D. Interoceptive Inhibition
45. The name of this particular disorder
came from a term that was popularized
A. Verbigeration
B. Incoherence
C. Echolalia
49. A psychotherapist in your clinic gave in D. Neologisms
to to temptation and had sexual
relations with one of her clients. Being 52. The anxiety experienced by people with
the head psychologist, the most Generalized Anxiety Disorder is
appropriate thing to do would be: sometimes referred to as:
A. Terminate the psychotherapist from A. Presbytorial Anxiety
your clinic. B. Recurrent/Chronic Anxiety
B. Assign the psychotherapist to a C. Free Floating Anxiety
different client and find a different D. Consistent Anxiety
psychotherapist to continue the
C. Reprimand the psychotherapist and 53. This type of Schizophrenia characterized
threaten her with termination but by “waxy” behaviour and posturing.
otherwise allow her to continue her A. Catatonic Schizophrenia
sessions with the client. B. Disorganized Schizophrenia
D. Allow the psychotherapist to C. Residual Schizophrenia
continue with the sessions but D. Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
terminate her from the clinic as
soon as the sessions are over. 54. As a result of having Generalized
Anxiety Disorder, individuals with this
50. A teacher was having a hard time condition tend to have naturally tense
coping with her classes and was feeling bodily reactions. This is referred to as:
depressed after a student of hers A. Generalized Biological Vulnerability
exclaimed in the middle of the class B. Generalized Psychological
that her teaching style was largely Vulnerability
ineffective and that she wasn’t learning C. Anxious Intensive Body State
anything from her before walking out of D. Anxiophysiological Vulnerability
the classroom. What is the most
probable diagnosis for this teacher, 55. Which of the following situations is not
assuming that she has a mental a possible way of acquiring a Specific
disorder? Phobia?
A. Adjustment Disorder A. Observing someone else experience
B. Acute Stress Disorder severe fear from the object
C. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder B. Being told about dangerous object
D. Dysthymia C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
51. This refers to the construction of new
words in order to communicate the 56. There was a huge fire in your
schizophrenic’s thoughts. These words hometown that killed 4 people. Upon
are completely based on the further investigation, the police
schizophrenic’s personal experiences. concluded that the fire was set by an
individual who revealed that he “can’t D. Excoriation
force himself to stop doing it.” This
individual is showing symptoms of: 61. Which of the following choices is not
A. Schizophrenia one of the things/objects that people
B. Pyromania with Hoarding Disorders collect?
C. Dysthymia A. Porcelain
D. Paraphilia B. Newspapers
C. Animals
57. A child who cannot respond verbally to D. Sexual Relationships
specific people in specific situations, or
is mute during said situations, has what 62. A term used by Freud to refer to the act
type of mental disorder in the DSM-5? of reliving an experience in order to
A. Neurodevelopmental Disorder remove it of its emotional excesses. A
B. Trauma and Stressor-Related form of catharsis.
Disorder A. Abreaction
C. Anxiety Disorder B. Redintegration
D. Learning Disorder C. Psychosoriasis
D. Verbigeration

63. Which of the following drug types is/are

currently used for treating anxiety
58. The phrase “imagined ugliness” is A. Antidepressants
usually associated with what mental B. Benzodiazepines
disorder? C. None of the above
A. Body Dysmorphic Disorder D. A and B
B. Social Anxiety Disorder
C. Avoidant Personality Disorder 64. The almost unshakeable belief of
D. Schizoid Personality Disorder people with Illness Anxiety Disorder
that they have a disease is sometimes
59. The condition wherein an individual is called:
born with extra 21st chromosome. A. Paranoid Delusion
Individuals with this condition may have B. Disease Conviction
intellectual disabilities. C. Somatic Belief
A. Autism D. Catastrophized Thought
B. Down Syndrome
C. Mental Retardation 65. The least common type of Dissociative
D. Creudzfeldt-Jakob Disease Amnesia.
A. Localized
60. The other name for Dermatillomania in B. Selective
the DSM-5. C. Generalized
A. Trichotillomania D. Continuous
B. Exfoliation
C. Brachiomania
66. An excess of this neurotransmitter leads incoherent. This behaviour is a
to Schizophrenia. manifestation of a rapid flow of thought
A. Serotonin which is usually referred to as:
B. Dopamine A. Mental Acceleration
C. GABA B. Disinhibited Manic Thought
D. Amygdala Processing
C. Flight of ideas
67. This neurotransmitter is involved in D. Psychological Incoherence
emotional regulation.
A. Serotonin 72. When a client of yours threatens to kill
B. Dopamine his brother because of a
C. GABA misunderstanding they had the other
D. Glutamate days, the best thing to do would be:
A. Hold the client in the mental ward
68. The major difference between bipolar I against his will to ensure the safety
and bipolar II disorders. of his brother.
A. The presence of a major depressive B. Inform the authorities and the
episode brother of the client’s intention to
B. The presence of a hypomanic kill.
episode C. Terminate the session and run
C. The presence of anxiety away.
D. The presence of excessive fear D. Prescribe drugs that would ensure
the client’s inability to do such
69. The mostly commonly diagnosed actions.
depressive disorder:
A. Double Depression 73. Which of the following behaviors would
B. Dysthymic Disorder be unusual for an individual with Major
C. Major Depressive Disorder Depressive Disorder to experience?
D. Seasonal Affective Disorder A. The client has been having a hard
time sleeping.
70. The preferred drug treatment for B. The client feels that he will not
individuals with bipolar disorders. perform well in front of other
A. Tricyclics people and that he will do
B. SSRI something that might embarrass
C. Lithium him.
D. MAO Inhibitors C. The presence of catalepsy or
“waxy” behaviour.
D. Integrated grief after the death of
their significant other.

71. A patient of yours having a full manic 74. Which of the following does not
episode continuously talks about the represent a negative symptom of
different amazing ideas she is having to schizophrenia?
the point of becoming nearly A. Affective flattening
B. Decreased motivation C. Transvestic disorder have been
C. Impoverished thought processes eliminated.
D. Sadness over loss of functionality D. To be diagnosed as a paraphilic
disorder, a paraphilia must go
75. A 15-year-old boy has a history of beyond fantasy or urge to include
episodic violent behaviour that is out of behaviour.
proportion to the precipitant. During a
typical episode, which will escalate 78. In which of the following ways do manic
rapidly, he will become extremely episodes differ attention-deficit/
angry, punching holes in the walls or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
destroying furniture in the home. There A. Manic episodes are more strongly
seems to be no specific purpose or gain associated with poor judgement.
associated with the outbursts, and B. Manic episodes are more likely to
within 30 minutes he is calm and “back involve excessive activity.
to himself,” a state that is not C. Manic episodes have clearer
associated with any predominant mood symptomatic onsets and offsets.
disturbance. What diagnosis best fits D. Manic episodes are more likely to
this clinical picture? show a chronic course.
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Disruptive mood dysregulation 79. Which of the following statements
disorder (DMDDD) about reactive attachment disorder
C. Intermittent explosive disorder (RAD) is true?
(IED) A. RAD occurs in children who lack
D. Conduct disorder healthy attachments.
B. RAD occurs in children who have
76. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive secure attachments.
personality disorder are primarily C. RAD occurs in children who have
motivated by a need for which of the impaired communication.
following? D. RAD occurs in children who without
A. Efficiency a history of severe social neglect.
B. Admiration
C. Control 80. The condition attributed to individuals
D. Intimacy who suffer from both Major Depressive
Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder.
77. What changes were made to the A. Compound Depression
diagnosis of paraphilias and paraphilic B. Severe Mood Disorder
disorders in the DSM-5? C. Double Depression
A. A distinction has been made D. Excessive Emotional Dysfunctional
between paraphilias and paraphilic
disorders. 81. Which of the following behaviors is
B. Three specifiers have been added to much more likely to be done by patients
paraphilic disorders: “in a with a factitious disorder?
controlled environment,” “in A. Pretending to have a severe
remission,” and “benign.” headache right before an exam.
B. After filing a court case, symptoms B. Somatization Disorder
of depression suddenly appear. C. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
C. The intake of several tablets of D. Dyslexia
Loperamide to induce constipation.
D. The loss of ability to speak after the 87. Which of the following statements
death of a family member. regarding individuals who experience
manic episodes is true?
82. Symptoms of Schizophrenics involving A. Most individuals who experience
flat affect, absence of pleasure and lack manic episodes don’t experience
of speech are classified as: depressive episodes.
A. Disorganized symptoms B. Some individuals who experience
B. Classical symptoms manic episodes refuse to have
C. Negative symptoms themselves assessed because they
D. Positive symptoms enjoy the manic episodes too much.
C. Individuals who experience
83. A dissociative disorder involving sudden alternating states of full mania and
loss of memory and the assumption of a major depressive episodes have
new identity in a new locale. Bipolar II disorder.
A. Dissociative Identity Disorder D. People who experience hypomanic
B. Dissociative Personality Disorder episodes almost always forget who
C. Dissociative Fugue they are.
D. Dissociative Alogia
88. An individual wakes up in the middle of
84. The personality disorder characterized the night covered in sweat and with a
by excessive emotionality. feeling of dread as a result of a bad
A. Antisocial Personality Disorder dream where this individual nearly falls
B. Narcissistic Personality Disorder to her death. She constantly has dreams
C. Borderline Personality Disorder about this she is afraid (like heights) and
D. Histrionic Personality Disorder thus has problems sleeping. As such,
85. A developmental disorder wherein she can’t do her job and duties as a
individuals display profound social mother properly. This individual most
impairment and restricted or unusual likely has which of the following
behaviors, but without language delays disorders?
seen in autism. A. Adjustment Disorder
A. Asperger’s Disorder B. Acute Stress Disorder
B. Creudzfeldt-Jakob Disease C. Nightmare Disorder
C. Down’s Syndrome D. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
D. Voidt-Schweizer Syndrome

86. The disorder where a normal-looking

person is obsessively preoccupied with 89. “There have been 36 new cases of this
an imagined defect on his/her particular disorder from January 2017
appearance. to January 2018,” is a statement
A. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder describing a disorder’s ______.
A. Incidence possible in a setting that encouraged
B. Prevalence and reinforced normal social
C. Chronic Prevalence interaction.
D. Occurrence A. Mesmerism
B. Psychosocial Therapy
90. The stage in the sexual response cycle C. Moral Therapy
where physiological signs are seen (such D. Behavioural Therapy
as erections for males and lubrication in
females). 95. Eating of non-nutritive, non-food
A. Desire Phase substances for at least 1 month.
B. Arousal Stage A. Pica
C. Plateau Phase B. Pikachu
D. Orgasm Phase C. Picras
D. Pico
91. A friend of yours, once stressed, would
resort to eating a lot of food in a short 96. Echolalia: Imitation of the words of
period of time to relieve his stress. He another individual; ______: Imitation of
can’t stop himself from doing this and actions of another individual
yet regrets it very much after he does A. Echoataxia
this. He does not, however, exercise B. Echopraxia
regularly. Your friend quite possibly has C. Dyslexia
_____. D. Dyssomnia
A. Binge-eating Disorder
B. Anorexia Nervosa 97. Hypochondriasis, conversion disorder,
C. Bulimia Nervosa and body dysmorphic disorders all
D. Diabetus Nervosa examples of:
A. Factitious Disorders
92. Mental Retardation belongs to what B. Somatization Disorders
axis in the DSM-5? C. Somatoform Disorders
A. Axis I D. Anxiety Disorders
B. Axis II
C. Axis III 98. Excessive fear of situations or events in
D. None of the above nature, especially heights, storms, and
water can be classified under which
93. He accidentally confirmed that a mild type of phobia?
shock to the head caused a brief A. Situational Phobia
convulsion and memory loss. B. Natural Environmental Phobia
A. Thomas Edison C. Danger Phobia
B. Benjamin Franklin D. Blood-Injury-Injection Phobia
C. Nikola tesla
D. Franz Anton Mesmer 99. A psychiatrist says that chances for
recovery from the mental disorder is
94. A psychosocial approach involving the “slim” and that the person with the
treatment of patients as normally as mental disorder should expect to make
more and more medications as time
goes by. This statement is what we call
the doctor’s:
A. Diagnosis
B. Hypothesis
C. Prognosis
D. Prediction

100.This is the most common of

A. Visual
B. Olfactory
C. Auditory
D. Gustatory

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