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Teaching and learning resources

Teaching Pathways:
How to teach
speaking #TeachingPathways
Module 1
Understanding speaking – key terms and

This module explored key terms and issues in the teaching of fluency, and how to achieve a balance of the two in your
speaking. It also looked at how to evaluate and modify classroom
activities in terms of communicative quality.
• thought about how you can move your learners from
While completing this module, you: typical classroom speaking to authentic conversation

• looked at how to evaluate and modify activities in terms • looked at ways to encourage ‘real speaking’, so you can
of communicative quality get your learners to communicate in realistic and
meaningful ways.
• considered the difference between accuracy and

Further reading, teaching, and learning resources

Resource name (click/tap to open) Type

Using Student-Generated Questions to Promote Deeper Thinking artcicle

Teaching speaking - Unit 9: Fluency article

Fluency activities for lower levels article

Fluency activities for higher levels article

Developing student's fluency in language learning - A simple idea video

Fluency and accuracy video

Pronunciation Skills with Adrian Underhill video

2 Teaching pathways: How to teach speaking #TeachingPathways

Module 2
Understanding speaking – maximising

This module introduced a range of techniques and activities • were able to distinguish between oral activities which
which promote oral communication in the classroom. It practise grammar and oral activities which are
looked at the benefits of pair and group work and adapting communicative
tasks to maximise student interaction.
• were given the opportunity to prepare and deliver
While completing this module, you: speaking activities to their peers.

• were able to able to recognise the benefits of pair and • adapted reading tasks to make them more
group work in maximising student interaction communicative.

Table reading,
title goes here teaching, and learning resources

Resource name (click/tap to open) Type

Breaking News English website

Find the gap - increasing speaking in class article

9 Strategies for Getting More Students to Talk article

On Speaking: learner-centered content article

How To Get A Noisy Classroom’s Attention article

10 creative ways to group students in the classroom article

25 ways of randomly placing students into pairs or groups article

#TeachingPathways Teaching Pathways: How to teach speaking 3

Module 3
Understanding language practice

The aim of this module was to explore and evaluate a range • were able to recognise how some activities are flexible
of practice activities. The module also looked at flexible and can be adapted to different levels and ages
activities that can be adapted for different ages and levels.
• considered why you choose particular activities
While completing this module, you:
• had the opportunity to select appropriate activities
• looked at how you can adapt activities according to age, which match with lesson aims, and justify your choices.
level and the needs of your learners, while also
considering the lesson and activity aims

Table reading,
title goes here teaching, and learning resources
Resource name (click/tap to open) Type

Teaching speaking - Unit 6: Activities article

Successful speaking activities article

Speaking Skills Tools collection

Warmers and fillers booklet

Core activities for using the chart to integrate pronunciation article

Personalised speaking article

Teaching speaking skills 2 - overcoming classroom problems article

4 Teaching pathways: How to teach speaking #TeachingPathways

Your tips for improving learners’ fluency

Have a well prepared purposeful,
engaging lesson.
Gilda Graciela Mantello
Communicate with students in a
supportive manner.
Daniel Daterra

Have a notebook with you.
Record your observations for
further reflection and feedback.
Highlight the importance of
listening actively as part of
Fabian Chavez Marwa Sabri El-Zaree

Your tips for improving learners’ accuracy

Try things out in a safe
Daniel Daterra
Speak about their interests.
Radwa Abdelhameed

Let students do peer correction.
Thu Naung Kyaw
Always introduce a structure
Kate Bishop

Write down common mistakes,
analyse them with students
Алла Андрющенко

#TeachingPathways Teaching Pathways: How to teach speaking 5

Your learners will speak more...

... when the teacher lets them
speak about themselves.
Sayar Steven
... when you use group and pair
Gloria Maykezya Kumwenda

... when they feel secure and
Marina Nikolova
... when they are put in the context
where they can feel free to
Enow Modesta

... when the activities get their
Thy Trần
... when they make choices.
Bose Kassim

... when they enjoy learning.
Thinthin Hlaing
... when the instructions are clear.
Daniel Daterra

... when they are interested in the
topic of the task.
Jennifer Baron Fieldhouse
... when they are given something
challenging (adults).
Maria Edith Escobar

6 Teaching pathways: How to teach speaking #TeachingPathways

Your notes

7 Teaching pathways: How to teach speaking #TeachingPathways

What are you going to do next?
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• join the British Council Teacher
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• follow #TeachingPathways.

Photography credits

Pages 1, 3, 4 , 4 © Mat Wright

© British Council
The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.

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