Incidence of Repeat Breeding Syndrome in

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Lucrări Ştiinţifice-Seria Zootehnie, 2019


Ioana Cristina Crivei*, Elena Ruginosu, Cătălina Sănduleanu, S.I. Borș,
Șt. Creangă, T. Bugeac, L.D. Dascălu

Research and Development Centre for Cattle Breeding Dancu, Iasi, Romania
Repeat breeding syndrome could be described as a cow's failure to conceive after three or more
than three inseminations in the absence of any clinically relevant abnormality.
In order to determine the incidence of repeat breeding, a retrospective study which included
data from 682 Holstein Friesian cows within two dairy herds across Belgium were collected during
two consecutive years. Thus, the repeat breeding overall incidence in dairy cattle was 18.1% (124
cows). The highest incidence of repeat breeding syndrome was recorded during spring season
(5.6%, n=38) the lowest incidence being during winter season (2.9%, n=20). Regarding postpartum
disorders, our study revealed that in cows with endometritis, metritis, milk fever and retained fetal
membranes, the incidence of repeat breeding was higher than in cows that became pregnant within
first three artificial inseminations (were considered to have normal fertility). According to parity
number, the highest incidence of repeat breeding syndrome was recorded during 1 st (3.9% n = 27)
and 5th (4.1%, n = 28) parities, the lowest incidence being recorded during 6t h (1.9%, n = 13) and
7th (0.29%, n = 2). Also, in cows with repeat breeding, the reproductive indices were negatively
modified, triggering thus a poor reproductive performance. In conclusion, our results show that
repeat breeding syndrome involves a various number of factors, such as postpartum disorders as
well as extrinsic factors.
Key words: repeat breeding syndrome, cattle, incidence, postpartum.

Sindromul de repetare a semnelor estrale la vaci reprezintă eșecul de a concepe după trei sau
mai mult de trei inseminări artificiale, în lipsa unor modificări relevante din punct de vedere clinic.
Acest studiu de tip retrospectiv s-a realizat pe un număr de 682 vaci (Holstein Friesian) de la
două ferme de vaci din Belgia. Astfel, incidența totală a repetării semnelor estrale a fost de 18.1%
(124 vaci). Cea mai crescută incidență a sindromului de repetare a semnelor estrale la vaci a fost
înregistrată primăvara (5.6%, nr=38), cea mai scăzută fiind înregistrată iarna (2.9%, nr=20). În
ceea ce privește incidența repetării semnelor estrale în funcție de patologiile postpartum, s-a
observat că vacile cu retenții placentare, febră vituleră, metrită și endometrită au fost principalele
candidate penru acest sindrom polifactorial, spre deosebire de cele la care gestația a fost
confirmată în decursul primelor trei inseminări artificiale. În funcție de paritate, cea mai mare
incidență a sindromului de repetare a semnelor estrale, a fost înregistrată la prima (3.9% nr =27)
și celei de-a 5-a (4.1% nr = 28) parturiții, cea mai scăzută fiind la cea de-a 6-a și a 7-a parturiție
(0.29%, nr=2). Astfel, la vacile cu repetarea semnelor estrale, indicii reproductivi au fost influențați
în sens negativ, determinând performanțe reproductive slabe. În concluzie, rezultatele noastre arată
că acest sindrom polifactorial implică atât tulburările postpartum, precum și existența unor factori
Cuvinte cheie: sindromul de repetare a semnelor estrale, vaci, incidență, postpartum.

worldwide, the incidence of this syndrome

ranging from 3 to 10% [1].
INTRODUCTION The potential causes of the repeat
Repeat breeding is one of the major breeding mainly include subclinical
infertility problems in dairy cows, endometritis, nutritional deficiency, specially
trace minerals and vitamin A, age of the dam,

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi

improper heat detection and endocrine RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

dysfunction [1]. A repeat breeder (RB) cow The analysis of recorded data within
is any cow that have failed to conceive after our study indicates that the overall
three or more services, showing normal incidence of repeat breeding syndrome was
estrous cycles, at least one calved before and 18.1% (n = 124 cows).
no clinical pathologies [7]. According to parity number, the highest
Fertilization failure and early embryonic incidence of repeat breeding syndrome in
death are the major causes of repeat breeding cattle was recorded during 1st (3.9% n = 27)
those are influenced by uterine infection, and 5th (4.1%, n = 28) parities, the lowest
genetics, ovulatory failure, error in estrus incidence being recorded in 6th (1.9%, n =
detection, improper timing of service [7].
13) and 7th (0.29%, n = 2) parities (fig. 1).
According to Verma et al. (2018),
Both in 1st and 5th parities, the highest
incidence of repeat breeding was far higher
incidence of repeat breeding syndrome was
in crossbred cows (17.57%) as compared to
buffaloes (12.74%) and indian indigenous recorded during spring season (fig. 1).
cows (8.64%) and may be attributed to Our results regarding the high
frequent occurrence of dystocia in crossbred incidence of this syndrome during spring
cows followed by placental retention and season, can be attributed to photoperiod
metritis/ pyometra/ endometritis complex length and to temperature variations which
which leads to high incidence of repeat are linked to the season and could
breeding. influence the endocrine regulation of the
At this moment, repeat breeding estrous cycle in cows. Other factors such
syndrome is a substantial problem for cattle as body condition at calving, feeding level
breeders both because of the lack of and calving insemination interval are also
information of farmers regarding this season-related, and can be modified
syndrome, as well as because of a poor through management practices [9].
reproductive management at the herd level. Similar results regarding the high
Thus, the present study aims to establish incidence of repeat breeding in 1st parity
the incidence of repeat breeding Holstein were obtained by Yusuf et al. (2012), who
Friesian cows and to highlight the observed that lower parity, abnormal
presumptive favoring factors which might
resumption of postpartum ovarian cycles,
responsible for this syndrome.
and shorter days in milk at first artificial
insemination were the risk factors for
MATERIAL AND METHODS repeat breeding and in contrast to those
This retrospective study was carried out
obtained by Bonneville-Hébert et al.
on 682 Holstein Friesian cows from two
(2011), who claims that cows in second,
farms across Belgium, during two
consecutive years (2016 – 2017). The data third, and fourth parities had significantly
from the target population taken under study higher odds of being a repeat breeder.
were collected from the farmer’s official According to season, the highest
registers and comprised information incidence of repeat breeding syndrome in
regarding cow identification, breed, birth, dairy cattle, was recorded during spring
calving numbers, abortions, breedings, (5.6%, n = 38) and summer (5.3%, n = 36)
diagnosed disorders. seasons, the lowest incidence being
A cow was considered as a repeat breeder recorded during winter season (2.9%, n =
if she didn’t conceived after at least three 20) (fig. 2), our results being similar to
successive artificial inseminations without Khan et al. (2016) and Verma et al. (2018).
any detectable clinical reproductive disorder. According to Martin-Perez et al.
(2011), ovarian follicular growth and
development of the dominant follicle can

Lucrări Ştiinţifice-Seria Zootehnie, 2019

be altered during the summer months and animals, during this time of the year are in
heat stress exerts a depressant effect on the a state of thermal comfort, our results on
endocrine mechanisms (reduced intensity lower incidence during the autumn season
of estrus, decreased preovulatory LH peak, being consistent with those obtained by
etc.) and/or the embryo, reducing thus the Verma et al. (2018).
fertility. Similarly to our study, Rodrigues et al.
Furthermore, heat stress shortens the (2007) stated that cows have lower
duration and intensity of estrous expression conception rates during the summer than
leading to silent ovulation [4]. winter, and hypothesized thus that the
A possible explanation for the low lower fertility of repeat breeding Holstein
incidence of this syndrome during autumn cows is associated with a decrease in
(4.4%, n = 30) and winter (2.9%, n = 20) oocyte competence due to summer heat
(fig. 2) seasons found in our study, is that stress.

Fig. 1 incidence of Repeat Breeding according to parity number

in Holstein Friesian cows (2016 - 2017)

Fig. 2 incidence of Repeat Breeding according to season

in Holstein Friesian cows (2016 - 2017)

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi

Fig. 3 incidence of reproductive disorders in Repeat Breeding

Holstein Friesian cows (2016 - 2017)

A number of reproductive disorders as normal fertility in cows, being able through

risk factors for repeat breeding syndrome various mechanisms, to reduce the number
were identified (retained fetal membranes, of estrous cycles prior to recommended
milk fever, metritis, endometritis). Thus, insemination period.
the overall incidence of various Thus, according to Butler (2000) and
reproductive disorders in cows with this Vanholder et al. (2008), all these processes
syndrome was 29% (n = 198) (fig. 3). have a negative impact on reproductive
During the two years of study, 25.8% indices such as the interval between
(n = 32) of cows classified as repeated calving and first insemination, the chance
breeding, have been diagnosed besides of conception during first breeding, the
other reproductive disorders, with retained interval between calving and successful
fetal membranes (fig. 3), which were insemination, and the number of
favoring factors that significantly lowered inseminations.
fertility, increased the number of days open The findings of the present study
and also the number of artificial showed that in case of metritis the
inseminations per conception. incidence was 37.9% (n = 47) of all cows
According to Laven et al. (1996), from repeat breeding category (fig. 3), this
retained fetal membranes in cattle pathology being directly connected with
increases the risk of developing metritis its the subsequent appearance of endometritis
results being in agreement with our study (61.8% of cows with metritis developing in
(42.1% of cows with retained fetal the future endometritis).
membranes subsequently developed Among the 124 cows diagnosed with
metritis), and LeBlanc (2008), who claims repeat breeding syndrome, 61.2% (n = 76)
that 25% to 50% of retained fetal presented endometritis, our results being
membranes were associated with metritis. supported by Singh et al. (2000), who
Regarding milk fever in repeat claims that endometritis, mainly of
breeding group, our study revealed that for bacterial origin constitutes a major cause
the two years of surveillance the incidence of repeat breeding, especially in cross-bred
was 34.6% (n = 43), of all 124 cows cows in developing countries probably due
diagnosed with this syndrome (fig. 3). to the expanding use of artificial
Besides uterine disorders and ovarian insemination combined with unhygienic
pathologies, metabolic pathologies such as conditions.
milk fever and ketosis, can also affect

Lucrări Ştiinţifice-Seria Zootehnie, 2019

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