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Discussion: Clarifying Connections: Practice Problem, Evidence, Changing Practice



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Discussion: Clarifying Connections: Practice Problem, Evidence, Changing Practice

Practice Problem

Burnout is a common psychological phenomenon among healthcare providers, and

especially nurses. Nurses work in stressful settings that are unique to the sort of hospital unit

they work in. Nurses are more likely to experience generalized stress as a result of the physical,

psychological, and social components of their jobs (Chesak, et al., 2019). Staff burnout and

turnover are caused by high levels of stress, which has a negative impact on patient care.

Stress and burnout have been identified as problems among health professionals in many

countries, and they have been demonstrated to have an impact on care quality and employee

turnover (Suyi, Meredith, & Khan, 2017). One of the main causes of the nursing shortage is

physical, mental, and psychological exhaustion among nurses. Nurses are leaving the profession

or retiring early at unprecedented rates due to occupational stressors. Hospital nursing is linked

to high levels of stress and anxiety at the workplace (Donaldson, et al., 2017). The reduction of

environmental stressors, is a significant indicator of a healthy workplace.


Burnout can be reduced and prevented in the long term through stress and anxiety

management strategies. There are different stress management strategies for nurses; some of

which are directed on treating the individual and others are directed to improving the work

environment. One of the most important strategies is to take into consideration the aspects of

self-reflection and self-care in addressing nursing burnout. According to Chesak et al. (2019),

self-reflection and self-care are fundamental values for holistic nursing practice. Nurse

practitioners rely on the most up-to-date information to inform their practice and learning in the

area of optimal self-care interventions. Nurse leaders and the entire nursing profession may

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encourage nurses to practice self-care and reflection through their careers by fostering healthy

practices. Self-care and self-reflection reduce and prevent burnout by allowing nurses to achieve

their full health potential.

Considering the complexities of managing environmental stress for hospital-based nurses,

workplace exposure to therapies like aromatherapy has been linked to a reduction in anxiety

among hospital-based nurses. (Donaldson, et al., 2017). Even though the efficacy of

aromatherapy in reducing anxiety is not conclusive, aromatherapy administration of the nursing

unit is overall beneficial since ssential oils are used in nursing health care to supplement

therapeutic measures and reduce anxiety.

Nurses working in extremely stressful environments such as the mental health wards or

critical care settings can benefit from mindfulness training. According to Suyi, Meredith, and

Khan (2017), mindfulness training is beneficial in reducing stress and promoting mindfulness

and compassion, but not in lowering burnout. Nurses can benefit from mindfulness-based

training by learning how to handle clinical stress and enhance their health, as well as increasing

overall attentiveness, compassion, and connection with patients and their families.

Changing Practice

Nurses are threatened by high stress levels and its related consequences. Since stress is

inevitable in nursing, managing it is absolutely vital. If stress is not managed, it can lead to

physical complications such as hypertension and sleep problems or mental health disorders,

including anxiety and major depressive disorder. There is need for nurse leaders and the overall

nursing field to embrace the stress and anxiety management strategies because they have

potential to reduce and prevent burnouts, and enhance their overall wellbeing and positive

outlook in their profession. Combining self-reflection and self-care is one of the interventions.

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These are the foundational values of holistic nursing. Holistic nurses employ the most up-to-date

research to inform practice and teaching in the area of self-care interventions (Chesak, et al.,

2019). Aromatherapy is another strategy that can be used in critical care nursing units to help

nurses feel less anxious and improve their professional outlook (Donaldson, et al., 2017).

Furthermore, mindfulness training reduces stress and improves awareness and compassion, but it

does not necessarily reduce burnout (Suyi, Meredith, & Khan, 2017). Therefore, embracing and

implementing these stress and anxiety relieving techniques in heathcare systems can reduce

burnouts and prevent the risk for current and future burnouts.

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Chesak, S. S., Cutshall, S. M., Bowe, C. L., Montanari, K. M., & Bhagra, A. (2019). Stress

Management Interventions for Nurses. American Holistic Nurses Association, 37(3), 288-

295. doi:10.1177/0898010119842693

Donaldson, J., Ingrao, C., Drake, D., & Ocampo, E. (2017). The Effect of Aromatherapy on

Anxiety Experienced by Hospital Nurses. Research for Practice, 26(3), 201-207.

Suyi, Y., Meredith, P., & Khan, A. (2017). Effectiveness of Mindfulness Intervention in Reducing

Stress and Burnout for Mental Health Professionals in Singapore. Explore, 13(1), 319-

326. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2017.06.001

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