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Lecture 16:

Rural Infrastructural Development

By: Dr. K. Monu
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department
TIET, Patiala

Rural Infrastructure
ØRural Infrastructure is the infrastructure which involves
developments and investments for the rural areas in terms for
the development in the field of
ürural roads, fresh and clean water supply, sanitation facilities,
energy sector, power sector, telecommunications, agricultural
sector and development of the living standards in the rural
ØAs majority of the country’s population lives in rural areas.
ØIndia is a developing country, thus more development is taking
place in terms of technology sector and mostly for the urban
Problems which people in rural areas are
ØUse of biofuels, crop residue, wood, cow dung and other
fuels are used by the people for the energy requirement.
ØMostly population is not having enough income as their
living standards are less. So, they are lacking behind the
general public in terms of technology.
üLess access to smart phones. Due to which, the people are not
able to access the schemes and banks digitally.
üPeople are not so educated, due to which are not updated and
educated of the schemes and policies made by the government
for their welfare.
üPeople in rural India are not having access to electricity and
some are using kerosene fuels or other alternatives.
ØRural population do not have access to fixed gasoline connections,
they are using fuels, gases and other alternatives for cooking.
ØRural population is also not getting fresh and clean supply of water.
If they are getting the supply of water, it might be not clean or might
be not getting 24 hours water supply.
ØRural population is also not having access to toilet facilities.
ØRural population is also not having proper access to medical and
hospital facilities. Rural population is having poor medical and health
ØRural population is also not having all weather roads or paved roads.
ØThe main problem to all the above problem is that the rural
population in these areas are poor.
Why is infrastructure important for rural
üInfrastructure is related to the economical development
and economical growth of the rural areas.
üRural areas have low per capita income, which means
low and poor living standards of poor people which
means better rural infrastructure is required.
üRequired for the rural growth and rural development.
What rural infrastructural development
can do?
üImprove the quality of the drinking water
üBetter sanitation facilities
üMore and better employment opportunities
üBetter living standards and more income of the people in the rural areas.
üIncrease efficiency and productivity of the rural areas
üImproved access to the resources
üBetter health infrastructure
üBetter power, energy and electricity facilities and benefits.
üBetter irrigation facilities
üBetter educational facilities
Schemes developed by the govt.

Rural population is uplifted, upgraded and developed by the

government by various schemes and policies.
üBharat Nirman
üMNREGA (Mahamta Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act)
üPMAY (Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana)
üDIKSHA (Training Portal)
üPMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana)
üRajiv Gandhi Vidyukaranti Yojana for rural electrification
Bharat Nirman
üThe main objective of Bharat Nirman is to create and
provide basic rural infrastructure.
üBharat Nirman is a time bound plan for rural
infrastructure by the government of India in terms of
the development and facilities for the rural areas with
state governments and Panchayati Raj.
üIt was launched in 2005.
Bharat Nirman includes

üRural roads – PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana)

üRural houses – PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana)
üRural water supply – National Rural Drinking Water
üElectricity supply in rural areas – Rajiv Gandhi Grameen
Vidyutikaran Yojana
üTelecommunication facilities
üPower supply
üIrrigation and agricultural facilities
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
üIt was launched on 25th December, 2000 by Prime
Minister – Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
üIt was sponsored by the central government.
üThe main objective of this scheme was to provide all
weather roads connectivity in the rural areas of India.
üThe connectivity of rural roads is not the component of
rural development by providing and promoting access to
economical and social facilities which will and had increase
employment opportunities in India.
Rajiv Gandhi Technology Mission
ØIn 1987, Prime Minister started National technology mission.
ØHe appointed Sam Pitroda advisor.
ØThe focus of this mission is based on 6 main sectors in rural
üDrinking water
üOil seeds
üDiary production
Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana in Gramin
üIt was previously known as Indira Awaas Yojana under Ministry of
Rural Development, to construct houses for the people in the rural
üThe financial assistance was provided by central government under
this scheme.
üThe houses are allotted in the name of women or jointly in the
name of women and men.
üSanitation facilities, electrical connections, cooking facilities, water
supply, gasoline pipelines, etc. facilities is required to be
incorporated in this scheme.
üIt also includes providing financial assistance to the people for
upgrading and constructing their quality house as per their living.
Providing urban amenities to rural areas

• It is termed as PURA for the development of rural areas in India.

• Its main focus was to create jobs and development in rural areas of
the country.
• It also proposes urban infrastructure and its facilities in the rural
areas for providing economical, social and employment
opportunities to the rural areas.
• It also covers the concept of physical connectivity by providing
roads (good quality roads, i.e. all weather roads and paved roads),
electronic connectivity by providing communication facilities and
knowledge connectivity by providing technical institutes for the
economical and social development of the rural areas.
üThis schemes covers Ministry of rural development,
Development of economic affairs and Asian development
Bank or United Nations Organizations which provides
technical, social and financial help to the rural areas.
üIt works in PPP (Public Private Partnership) mode to
implement the PURA scheme.
üPPP mode is implemented between Local executive bodies
like Gram Panchayat and Private sector partners.
Rural Employment schemes
üIt was implemented by Ministry of Rural Development under
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
üThe objective of the scheme is to provide better living standards to
the poor people.
üIt aims to provides livelihood security and employment securities
to the people in the rural areas by providing at least 100 days of
guarantee wage employment in a financial year to every household
whose member are volunteer to do unskilled manual work.
üIt was launched on 2nd February, 2006 and implemented in phases.
Schemes under NREGA
üMNREGA – Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act
üSGRY - Sampoorna Grameen Yojana
üNational Food for work programme
üSGSY – Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
üMNREGA – Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act
üIt is a central government scheme launched on August 25,
üIt is under Ministry of Rural Development which works with
state government.
üThe objective of MNREGA is to provide at least 100 days of
guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every
household whose members are involved in doing unskilled
üThis is meant to improve the living standards of the rural areas.
Sampoorna Grameen Razgar Yojana
üIt is universal rural employment programme scheme by government
of India for providing employment to the poor people.
üIt was implemented through panchayati raj institutions.
üIt was launched on 25th Sept. 2001.
üIt was developed by emerging two main schemes Employment
Assurance Scheme and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana.
üThe main objective is to provide additional and supplementary wage
employment and food security and improve nutritional levels in all
the rural areas.
üIts is meant for social, economical, infrastructural development of
the rural areas.
National food for work Programme
üIt was launched by Ministry of rural development, central
government on 14th November, 2004.
üIt is for all Indian poor who is prepared to do manual unskilled
labour and in need of wage employment.
üFood grains are provided to the states free of cost.
üThe transportation cost, handling charges, taxes in the food
grains are the responsibility of the state government.
üAdditional resources are provided under this scheme apart from
other resources.
Sources of providing funds
ØRural Infrastructure development fund is set up under NABARD
for providing development funds for rural infrastructure.
üCentral government grants
üMicro finance institutions
üMultilateral Bank Loans
üCommercial Bank Loans
üOther options - PPP
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