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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, 75 % of the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the elements of narrative.
b. appreciate the values of contentedness through reading story
c. show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group activity.

II. Subject Matter: Reading the story “King Midas Touch”

Curriculum Guide in Science 4, page 50
Teachers Guide in Science 4 page 110
Learners Materials: Lets Get Better in English 4, pp. 205-206
Materials: Chart, pictures
Values Integration: Be contented on what you have.
III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
 Prayer
May I request everyone to please
stand and let us pray.
(The students will stand and pray.)
 Good morning, class.
Good morning, Ma’am.
 Classroom Management:
Before you take your seat kindly
pick up all those small pieces of
trash under your chair and arrange
your chairs properly. (The pupils will pick up all the papers
that has been scattered.)
You may now take your seat. Thank you, Ma’am.

 Checking of attendance
According to my seat plan, there’s
no absent today. You should
maintain your perfect attendance.

 Checking of assignment
Before we start our lesson, kindly
pass your assignment at the count of
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10

 Review
Class, who among you can tell our Yesterday, we learned about nouns
past lesson yesterday? Ma’am.

Very good, John.

B. Pre- reading Activities

1. Motivation
But before we formally proceed to our
topic, can you will tell me is the name of Yes Ma’am
pictures being shown. It is clear?

Flower garden Mam.

He touched it so it turned into a gold.

Yes Ma’am.
2. Presentation of the Story
Class, I have here a picture of the story
we are going to read. Are you familiar
with this story?

King Midas Touch Ma’am.

Any guess what is the title of this story? Yes ma’am.

Yes, Melanie?

That’s correct.
Do you want to read it?

3. Unlocking of difficulties.
While reading the story, we will Yes Ma’am.
encounter some difficult words, I will
used the word in a sentence first and try
to determine the meaning by the help of
context clues. Is it clear children?
1. Strolled.
I strolled in my mom’s flower
garden every morning with a cup of Walk ma’am.
coffee on my hands.
Based on the sentence I have said,
what is the possible meaning of

Okay that’s great Jumelyn. Can you Strolled- to walk slowly in usually a
pleasant and relaxed way.
please read the exact meaning of

Number 2.
The miner found a rock that glitters
Health is wealth.
What is the meaning gold based on
Gold- a precious yellow metal that is
the sentence? very valuable.

Next word, frustrated

I feel frustrated when my friend
doesn’t attend my birthday. Sad ma’am.

Thank you, Jean, can you please

Frustrated-to feel angry, discouraged or
read the meaning of frustrated, upset because of not being able to do
Marlon? something.

4. Motive question
Before we proceed in reading, lets read
the question first, that we can use as a
guide while reading the story.
Everybody can we read the question. If you were given one wish, what will
you wanted to have?

5. Setting of standards?
But before we proceed, look, crown has
messages to you.
Who want to reveal the first message?
Yes, Tessie. Sit properly.
(Learners will open the other messages.) Keep quiet.
Listen attentively
Raise your hand if you want to recite.

Okay, can I expect these from you Yes, ma’am.


C. During Reading Activities

1. Reading the story
Okay, so we will do a popcorn reading. I
will be the first one to read the poem.
Follow with your eyes and when I stop, I
will call a name, if you are called please
stand and continue reading. Yes Ma’am.
Did you got it class?

King Midas and the Golden Touch

One sunny day, King Midas strolled around the
garden of his palace. He was shocked to see an old
man taking a nap under shade of tree.
Who was the king again? King Midas
When and where did the king find the old
man? One summer day at the palace`s garden
If other people, the king would have been angry.
Instead, he asked his soldier to help the old man to
find his way home.
The old man turned out to be a fairy. When he
found out the king was a good man. He gave him
one wish. The king wished that everything he
touches turn into gold.
What did King Midas wish for?
He wished that everything he touches
will turn into gold.
Why do you think King Midas wish for it?
King Midas wanted to test whether his magic wish (Students answer their opinion.)
was true. He was so happy when the flower he
touched turned into gold.
The king touched a statue. " It also turned to gold!"
he gladly said. He began to touch many other things
which all turned into gold.
What happened to the statue and flower
when King Midas touched it?
Moment later the king finally got tired. He went
inside his palace and ordered some food. It turns into gold.
King Midas began to feel frustrated. What with
every food he touches turned into gold.
His attention shifted to the door when he heard a
tiny voice. " Father!" called princess Marigold, his
one and only child.
Who was the only child of the King Midas?
King Mida’s mind suddenly went blank. He tried to
avoid his daughter but she suddenly embrace him.
What do you think will happen to the Princess Marigold.
King Midas did not know what to do. He later
thought of findings the fairy by palace`s garden.
The King begged for the fairy`s mercy. He asked
him to take back the powers he gave him. The fairy
took pity of the king. (Students answer their opinion)
The King shed tears of joy when everything turned
back to normal. He realized it was not good to wish
for so much unnecessary wealth.

D. Post Reading Activity

1. Answering the motive question
If you were given one wish, what will you
wanted to have?
Yes, Mel.

Okay, very good.

2. Comprehension check-up
What is the title of the story for today?
(The students will answer).
Who are the people that are responsible for
the events?
Correct! we call them also characters. King Midas and the Golden Touch.
May we please read the meaning the word
characters. King Midas, old man, and the Princess

Where and when the story happens or what

is the setting of the story?
 character is a person, animal, being,
creature, or thing in a story, that
Again class what do we call the place and perform perform the actions and speak
day the story happens? And usually answer dialogue, moving the story along a plot
the when and where questions? line.
May we please read the meaning of
setting. One sunny day at the palace`s garden.
What is the beginning part of the story?

Setting Ma'am.
the place or type of surroundings where
something is positioned or where an
event takes place.
What is the middle part of the story? The story begins when the king find the
old man that happens to be a fairy. The
king wishes that everything he touches
turned into gold and it came true.
What is the ending of the story?
The king turns everything into gold. He
also accidentally turn his daughter into
Always remember that plot consist of the
episodes that make up the beginning,
middle, and ending. The king looks for the old man to help
him. And he realized his mistakes.
Michael please read the meaning of theme.
the main events of the story presented by
the writer as an interrelated sequence.

What is the lesson of the story?

Theme refers to the author`s message or

Very good, children. insight about life or human nature that
he or she tries to convey through the
A. Group Activity
Now class, I will group you into 2 groups.
This will be the group 1 and group 2. Each It is not good to wish for unnecessary
group will choose their leader who will lead wealth.
the group, a secretary who will write the
answer, a reporter who will report your
output and a gofer, who will get and return
the materials.

Before we go to your activity, let me read

the criteria on how I will be going to score
your output.
Criteria 5 3 1
Output All answers 1-2 3 or more
correct answer answers
are wrong are
Cooperation all members 1-2 3 or more
cooperated members members did
did not not
cooperate cooperate
Discipline all members 1-2 3 or more
behaved members members did
did not not behave

Group I
Direction: Based from the story, we
have read, identify the elements of

Group II
B. Presentation of Output Direction: Based on the story entitled
May I ask the reporter to please report King Midas Touch, fill up the following
your work. questions.

C. Generalization Title
What is the story all about? Setting
Lesson learned
IV. Application
Now class lets try to answer the following.

(Each group will report their task.)

It’s all about a king who wants to

become rich, ma’am.

Direction: Match column A and column A.

Draw a line to connect column A with the
description in column B
IV. Evaluation
Match A Match B
1. Setting a. people that are responsible
for the events.

2. Theme b. place and day the story

3. Characters c. consist of the episodes
4. Plot d. refers to the author`s

Direction: Give the 4 parts of elements

of narrative.
The Red Hen
A red hen finds some seeds on the
ground and decides to plant them to
grow wheat for bread. For each of the
V. Assignment steps required to make the bread, she
asks the other farm animals—the pig,
goose, cat, and duck—for assistance, but
they all decline to help. The little red
hen responds, “Then I will do it
myself.” This cycle continues until the
hen finishes baking the bread. When she
finishes her bread, they all chime and
agree to help her eat the bread, but the
little red hen decides to eat it all herself.

Direction: Read the poem again and take

down rhyming words that you see.

Checked by:
Grace Gannaban
Deped Coordinator

Prepared by:
Marcel B. Charaschas
Student- teacher

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