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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No.

7, 2004

Trends in quality in the analytical

laboratory. I. Traceability and
measurement uncertainty of
analytical results
Isabel Taverniers , Erik Van Bockstaele, Marc De Loose

Credibility of analytical data has never caught the public’s Commission; ILAC, International Laboratory Accreditation Coopera-
eye more than today. The key principle for quality and reli- tion; IQC, Internal quality control; ISO, International Standardization
ability of results is comparability between laboratories and on Organization; IUPAC, International Union of Pure and Applied
a wider, international basis. In order to be comparable, Chemistry; LGC, Laboratory of the Government’s Chemists; MU,
measurement uncertainty; QA, quality assurance; QC, quality control;
analytical results must be reported with a statement of
RM, reference material; SI, Systeme International; U(u), Expanded
measurement uncertainty (MU) and they must be traceable to
uncertainty (individual uncertainty factor); WHO, World Health
common primary references. This work focuses on traceabil- Organization; X, concentration or amount of measurand
ity and uncertainty of results. We discuss different
approaches to establishing traceability and evaluating MU.
We place both concepts in the broader context of analytical
method validation and quality assurance. We give up-to-date 1. Introduction: quality of analytical results
information in the framework of new, more exacting
European and international standards, such as those from Innumerable types of analytical methods exist in the fields of
Eurachem/CITAC, IUPAC and ISO. analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, biochemistry,
ª 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. biology, clinical biology and pharmacology and related
application domains, such as forensic, toxicological,
Keywords: Analytical method validation; Measurement uncertainty;
Quality assurance; Reliability of results; Traceability
environmental, agricultural and food analyses. Regardless of
the type of method, the scope and the application,
Abbreviations: AOAC, Association of Official Analytical Chemists; laboratories must be able to produce reliable data when
AQA, analytical quality assurance; CCMAS, Codex Committee on performing analytical tests for a client or for regulatory
Methods of Analysis and Sampling; CITAC, Cooperation on Interna- purposes.
tional Traceability in Analytical Chemistry; CRM, certified reference With the fast development of analytical methodolo-
material; EAL, European Cooperation for Accreditation; FAO, Food gies, great importance is nowadays attached to the
and Agricultural Organization; IEC, International Electrotechnical
‘‘quality’’ of the measurement data. Quality of analytical
measurement data encompasses two essential criteria –
utility and reliability (Fig. 1) [1]. Utility means that
Isabel Taverniers*, Marc De Loose analytical results must allow reliable decision making.
Department for Plant Genetics and Breeding (DvP), Centre for Agricultural A key aspect of reliability or validity of results is that
Research (CLO), Ministry of the Flemish Community, Caritasstraat 21
they are comparable, whatever their origin. Compara-
B-9090 Melle, Belgium
bility between results in the strict sense is provided by
Erik Van Bockstaele traceability to appropriate standards. Traceability to
Department for Plant Genetics and Breeding (DvP), Centre for Agricultural common reference standards underlies the possibility of
Research (CLO), Ministry of the Flemish Community, Caritasstraat 21 making a comparison – i.e., a distinction – between
B-9090 Melle, Belgium
different results. If results are also to be compared in
Department for Plant Production, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653
B-9000 Gent, Belgium
terms of their quantities or levels of analyte, additional
*Corresponding author.
information on the analytical result is needed – MU.
Tel.: +32-9-272-2876; Fax: +32-9-272-2901; Uncertainty of results arises from the combination of all
E-mail: uncertainties of the reference values (to which the

480 0165-9936/$ - see front matter ª 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/S0165-9936(04)00733-2
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004 Trends





1. Are 2 results 2. Which of the 2 results

traceability MU estimation
comparable to, i.e. contains, with a certain level
distinguishable from of confidence, the highest
each other? level of analyte?
Y1 = Y2 ? calibration Y1>Y2 or Y1<Y2 ?

Figure 1. Relationship between quality, traceability and measurement uncertainty (MU) of results [3].

results are traceable) and all additional uncertainties The process of providing an answer to a particular
associated with the measurement procedure. MU and analytical problem is presented in Fig. 2. The analytical
traceability are related concepts, both defining the system – which is ‘a defined method protocol, applicable
quality of analytical data (Fig. 1) [2,3]. to a specified type of test material and to a defined con-
Quality of results reflects adequacy (or inadequacy) of centration rate of the analyte’ – must be ‘fit for a partic-
a method in terms of the extent to which the method ular analytical purpose’ [4]. This analytical purpose
fulfils its requirements or is fit for its particular analytical reflects the achievement of analytical results with an
purpose (see Section 2 below). Quality is always a rela- acceptable standard of accuracy. Without a statement of
tive notion, referring to the requirements fixed before- uncertainty, a result cannot be interpreted and, as such,
hand on the basis of national or international has no value [8]. A result must be expressed with its
regulations or customer needs [1,4]. expanded uncertainty, which, in general, represents a
The need for reliability of analytical data is stressed by 95% confidence interval around the result. The proba-
the fact that measurement results will be used and may bility that the mean measurement value is included in the
form the basis for decision making. Unreliable results expanded uncertainty is 95%, provided that it is an
bring a high risk of incorrect decisions and may lead to unbiased value that is made traceable to an interna-
higher costs, health risks, and illegal practices. Imagine, tionally recognized reference or standard. In this way, the
for example, the consequences if results are false posi- establishment of traceability and the calculation of MU
tives or if the uncertainty is much larger than reported are linked to each other. Before MU is estimated, it must
[1,5,6]. be demonstrated that the result is traceable to a reference

2. The role of method validation in traceability
and MU measurand

An analysis is a complex multistage investigation of the

values of the properties of materials, i.e., the identity and VALIDATION ANALYTICAL RESULT VALIDATION
the concentration of a specific component in a specific measurement
± uncertainty
sample material [2,7]. van Zoonen et al. [1] presented value
chemical analysis as a cyclic process in which the final
objective is the generation of chemical information. This
integrated process starts with defining the basic analyt-
ical problem (specifying the analytical requirement) and INTERPRETATION & EVALUATION
ends with evaluating and reporting the analytical result.
Ideally, the last step provides an answer to the initial Figure 2. Role of method validation in quality of analytical
measurements. Validation is the process to demonstrate the fitness-
problem, as stated by a client or based on regulatory
for-purpose of the analytical system [4,8,14,15].
requirements. 481
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004

or standard which is assumed to represent the truth Analytical method validation forms the first level of
[9,10]. quality assurance (QA) in the laboratory. Analytical QA
Traceability and MU both form parts of the purpose of (AQA) is the complete set of measures a laboratory must
an analytical method. Validation plays an important role undertake to ensure that it is able to achieve high quality
here, in the sense that it ‘confirms the fitness-for-purpose data continuously. Besides the use of validation and/or
of a particular analytical method’ [4]. The ISO definition standardized methods, these measures are effective
of validation is ‘confirmation by examination and internal quality control (IQC) procedures (use of RMs,
provision of objective evidence that the particular re- control charts,. . .), participation in proficiency testing
quirements of a specified intended use are fulfilled’ [7]. schemes and accreditation to an international standard,
Validation is the tool used to demonstrate that a specific normally ISO/IEC 17025 [4]. Method validation and the
analytical method measures what it is intended to different aspects of QA form the subject of part II of this
measure, and thus is suitable for its intended purpose review (Method validation and AQA).
[2,11]. In part II of this review, the classical method-
validation approach is described, based on evaluation of a
3. Guidelines on traceability and uncertainty
number of method-performance parameters. Summa-
of results
rized, the criteria-based validation process consists of
precision and bias studies, a check for specificity/
Table 1 shows an overview of prominent institutions
selectivity, a linearity check, robustness studies and,
offering guidance and their guidelines on traceability,
eventually, based on the practical requirements of the
MU and related topics. In Europe, a leading role is
method, an assessment of the limits of detection and/or
played by Eurachem, a working group on analytical
chemistry centralized at and originating from the UK’s
The objective of validation is to verify that the
LGC (formerly Laboratory of the Government Chemist).
measurement conditions and the equation used to
Basic references are CITAC/Eurachem guides on
calculate the final result include all the influences that
‘Quality in Analytical Chemistry’ [2] and ‘Traceability
will affect the final result. Validation measures the dif-
in chemical measurement’ [3], and a Eurachem guide
ferent effects, throughout the whole analytical system,
on MU [13,14]. Eurachem has also published guides
that influence the result, and ensures that there are no
on related topics, such as RMs [7] and method
other effects that have to be taken into account. A
validation [15].
specificity test ensures that the method responds to the
At the international level, relevant standards are
specific analyte of interest only, and not to other interf-
available from IUPAC, ISO and AOAC International
erents or contaminants. A linearity check verifies that
[4,8,16,17] and from the Codex Alimentarius’s working
the supposed relationship between the signal and units
group, CCMAS [18–21]. Other helpful guides have been
used for the analyte may be used. A bias study is a
published by EAL [22] and ILAC [23] (see Table 1 for
certified reference material (CRM) check that demon-
explanations of abbreviations).
strates that the method is not significantly biased; and,
precision and robustness studies cover the effects of
variability in conditions, operators, equipment and time.
The role of method validation in the achievement of 4. The concept of traceability
reliable results is:
4.1. Definitions
(1) to include all possible effects or factors of influence Traceability is a relatively new term, gaining more and
on the final result; more attention in analytical measurement sciences.
(2) to make them traceable to stated references (refer- Traceability can be assigned to different aspects related
ence methods, RMs or SI units); to a measurement – such as traceability of a result,
(3) to know the uncertainties associated with each of method, procedure, laboratory, product, material, and
these effects and with the references. equipment. As such, there is no single definition of
Validation is thus a tool to establish traceability to Before exploring the different concepts of traceability,
these references [2–4]. In this context, it is important to we can look to a more general, extended meaning.
see the difference between traceability and accuracy. A According to Valcarcel and Rios [24], the basic meaning
method that is accurate, in terms of ‘true’ (i.e., approx- of traceability integrates
imating the ‘true value’), is always traceable to what is
considered to be the true value. However, the opposite is (1) the establishment of one or more relationships to
not correct. A method that is traceable to a stated ref- well-stated references or standards, and
erence is not necessarily true (accurate). Errors can still (2) the documented ‘history’ of a product or a
occur in this method, depending on the reference [12]. system.

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004 Trends

Table 1. Overview of European and international guiding institutions and regulatory bodies with their guidelines and standards on traceability,
measurement uncertainty (MU) and related topics

Body Full name Guidance on References

Eurachem A focus for analytical chemistry in Europe Traceability [2,3]

CITAC Cooperation on international traceability in analytical MU [13,14]
chemistry Reference materials [7]
Validation [15]
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry MU [4,8,16,17]
ISO International Standardization Organisation
AOAC International Association of Official Analytical Chemists
FAO/WHO: Codex/CCMAS Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health MU [18–21]
Organisation: Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis
and Sampling

EAL European Cooperation for Accreditation MU [22]

ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation MU [23]

These two parts of the basic meaning can be found ments and which are embedded into a quality system
again when defining traceability as a property or a and anchored to a common reference point’. Traceability
characteristic of different analytical facets. The different among standards is considered as the most relevant basis
concepts of traceability are shown in Fig. 3. for traceability of results [26], as shown in Fig. 3.
The most obvious definition of traceability is a ‘prop- Traceability of equipment is defined as ‘the detailed,
erty of the result of a measurement or the value of a timely, and customised recording of installation,
standard whereby it can be related to stated references, malfunctioning and repairs, periodic calibration and
usually national or international standards, through an corrections (if needed), hours of use, samples processed,
unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated un- standard used, etc., in such a way that all questions
certainties’. The different elements and the practical use (what?, how?, who?, etc.) should have a detailed answer
of this basic definition will be explained in Section 4.2 in the pertinent documents’ [24].
below. Calibration is the set of operations used to establish
Traceability of a result is related to traceability of a the relationship between values shown by a measuring
method, which in turn is linked to traceability of stan- instrument and the values of measurement standards.
dards and traceability of the equipment used in the By calibrating, the results of measurements are related to
analytical procedure (Fig. 3). A method is called trace- and thus made traceable to values of standards or
able when it produces results (with their uncertainties) references. In practice, calibration is performed by
that are characterized by a defined traceability to well- measuring samples with known amounts of analyte,
stated references [24]. Walsh [25] defines traceable such as CRMs, and monitoring the measurement
methods as ‘validated official or standard methods or response [2,3]. These definitions confirm the links between
validated methods which contain uncertainty state- traceability of equipment, standards and results (Fig. 3).

traceability of results
1. relationship(s) to
references or
traceability of methods extended meaning
of traceability
2. documented
'history' of a product
or a system
traceability of traceability of
standards equipment

Figure 3. Different concepts and extended meaning of traceability [24]. 483
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004

4.2. Traceability in practice in ISO definition; step (5) in Eurachem/CITAC definition)

The practical establishment of traceability is based on a [12,24,27].
step-by-step implementation of the definition. The ISO Fig. 4 depicts the successive classes of stated references
definition of traceability, originating from metrology (see (materials or methods) in a so-called ‘traceability chain’.
above), can be translated into three basic steps: Establishing traceability through a traceability chain
brings a certain level of uncertainty, called ‘calibration
(1) to establish one or more links to well-stated refer- uncertainty’ or ‘traceability uncertainty’ (see also
ences, Section 6 below) [3,7,28].
(2) through an unbroken chain of comparisons, and This then brings us to the third key element when
(3) to estimate all uncertainties associated with those applying definitions of traceability – the stated uncer-
comparisons [12,24,27]. tainties. Each step in the traceability chain, with the
uncertainty components of all the stated references, will
This definition is very much in line with the more contribute to the measurement result and thus to the
practical definition described by Eurachem/CITAC [3] in uncertainty associated with it. Uncertainty components
its procedure for traceability that consists of the follow- must thus be estimated at each step in the analytical
ing steps: process (step (3) in ISO definition; step (6) in Eurachem/
CITAC definition).
(1) specifying the measurand, the scope of measure- As described above, validation is a tool to identify all
ment and the required uncertainty; possible effects or factors within the analytical procedure
(2) choosing the method of measurement; that can influence the final result. As such, steps (3) and
(3) validating the method of measurement; (4) in the Eurachem/CITAC definition are additional
(4) identifying/quantifying all influences that will steps that can be very helpful in establishing traceability
affect the result; [3].
(5) choosing appropriate references; Examples of how traceability is established in practice
(6) estimating the uncertainty components associ- can be found in the literature. Recently, a Special Issue
ated with all influences and references [3]. of TrAC was published on ‘Challenges for achieving
traceability of environmental measurements’ (TrAC,
The key principle in both approaches is that rela- Volume 23, 2004). This issue contains a lot of up-to-
tionships to stated references are established and that date information and practical examples in the particu-
this is done through an unbroken chain of comparisons. lar domain of environmental analysis. Many authors
Practically, this means that the analytical procedure is reported on the most important and most difficult step in
first described as a chain or a flow diagram (step (2) in establishing traceability – the selection of stated refer-
ISO definition; steps (1) and (2) in Eurachem/CITAC ences or standards. For different stages in the traceability
definition). The word unbroken means that there is no chain shown in Fig. 4, descriptions and examples are
loss of information when considering the different steps given by Quevauviller and Donard [27], Charlet and
in the analytical procedure leading to the measurement Marschal [29] and Segura et al. [30]. Pan [28], F€ orstner
result. Each step in the procedure then needs to be linked [31] and Theocharopoulos et al. [32] applied the ISO
to either a reference method, a RM or an SI unit (step (1) definition for establishing traceability in different types of

in-house/working RMs in-house/working method

higher level of method bias
higher level of traceability

and uncertainty

certified RMs reference method

primary RMs primary method

SI units

Figure 4. The traceability chain and the relationship between traceability and uncertainty of measurements. The three possibilities for establishing
traceability referred to in Fig. 5, are indicated in bold [25,28].

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004 Trends

environmental methods of analysis. A similar approach error have been taken into account [37]. Within this
was followed by Sabe and Gauret [33] and Drolc et al. interval, the result is regarded as being accurate, i.e.,
[34]; however, they based it upon the Eurachem/CITAC precise and true [11].
Guide on Traceability [3]. In their examples, all the It cannot be overemphasized that MU is different from
authors took into account specific steps or influences in error. The error of an individual analytical result, the
the analytical procedure that can lead to a ‘broken’ difference between the result and the true value of
chain of comparisons, such as sampling and sample the measurand, is always a single value [38]. Part of the
treatment or preparation steps. Some authors reported value of a known error, the systematic error, can be used
on uncertainties associated in particular with sampling to correct a result. This means that, after correction, the
[35,36]. result of an analysis may be very close to the true value.
However, the uncertainty of the measurement may still
be very large, because there is doubt or limited knowl-
5. The concept of MU edge about how close the result is to the value. Uncer-
tainty is expressed as a range and applies to an
MU is the most important criterion in both method analytical procedure and a specific sample type, but to
validation and IQC. It is defined as ‘a parameter, asso- different determinations and thus measurement results.
ciated with the result of a measurement, that charac- The value of the uncertainty cannot be used to correct a
terizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably measurement result.
be attributed to the measurand’ [11,14]. The measurand The error of an analytical result is related to the
refers to the particular quantity or the concentration of (in)accuracy of an analytical method and consists of a
the analyte being measured. The parameter can be a systematic component and a random component (Fig. 5)
standard deviation or the width of a confidence interval [14]. Precision and bias studies form the basis for eval-
[14,37]. This confidence interval represents the interval uation of the accuracy of an analytical method [18]. The
on the measurement scale within which the true value accuracy of results relates only to the fitness-for-purpose
lies with a specified probability, given that all sources of of an analytical system, assessed by method validation.

analytical result

true value difference between

analytical result and
true value

expected value
(limiting mean)
systematic error random error
difference between difference between
expected value and bias analytical result and imprecision
true value expeted mean value

run effect reproducibility intermediate repeatability

persistent bias
variations within the whole analytical variations during a inter-laboratory within-lab variation due to inter-assay precision=
system, over longer periods particular run variation, tested by random effects= variability variability over a short
collaborative studies over a longer period of time, time interval, under the
under different conditions same conditions

matrix variation method laboratory run random

effect bias bias bias bias

indicator for difference between TRUENESS indicator for difference between PRECISION
expected value and true value result and expeced value

analysis of CRMs + duplicate analysis

statistical control

single-laboratory validation

minimally needed in method validation

Figure 5. Composition of the error of an analytical result related to trueness and precision [4,8]. 485
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004

However, reliability of results has to do with more than error components, forming together the ‘ladder of
method validation alone. errors’:
MU is more than just a single figure expression of
accuracy. It covers all sources of errors that are relevant (1) the method bias, a systematic error associated
for all analyte concentration levels. MU is a key indicator with the method as such;
of both fitness-for-purpose and reliability of results, (2) the laboratory bias, which is either a systematic
binding together the ideas of fitness-for-purpose, QC and error – if the laboratory is considered on its
thus covering the whole QA system [4,37]. own, or a random error – if the laboratory is
The MU of an analytical procedure is thus derived considered as one of a group, as is the case in in-
from, but differs from, the error of a single analytical terlaboratory studies;
result. The deviation of the measurement result from (3) the run error, seen as a systematic error for one
the true value comprises a number of systematic and run and as a random variation over several runs
random errors as shown in Fig. 5. Each of these error performed intralaboratory;
components adds its own uncertainty to the total (4) the repeatability error, which is a random error
uncertainty budget of the analytical procedure. The from the replicate measurements performed
different error components are therefore referred to as within a single run [10].
‘sources of uncertainty’. Depending on the sources of
uncertainty taken into account and thus the conditions As the error being considered applies for only a
of the measurement, the overall MU will be different and specified concentration of analyte isolated from a speci-
another definition of MU will apply. This means that fied type of sample or matrix, sampling errors and matrix
there is no single, straightforward definition of MU. It is variation effects are not included here [4].
rather a concept, the interpretation of which changes The more traditional distinction between error compo-
according to the measurement conditions and to the nents is between random errors and systematic errors
reference to which the result is traceable [10]. The dif- (Fig. 5). In this classical approach, random errors are
ferent definitions of MU are subjects of the following generally referred to as ‘precision’ (repeatability, inter-
section. mediate precision and reproducibility), while systematic
errors are typically attributed to the uncertainty on the
bias-estimate and calibration uncertainty. To this classi-
6. Different operational definitions of MU fication, other uncertainty contributions are added, such
as sampling effects, matrix effects and uncertainties
As illustrated in Fig. 6, the error of an analytical result associated with certain assumptions that underlie the
for a specified analyte concentration comprises different measurement method and/or the calculation equation [2].

Result = true value + method bias + lab bias + run error + repeatability error

Result = true value + traceability U + U on estimated bias + lab bias + run error + repeatability error
systematic error random error

random error
intermediate precision

Uncertainty = within-laboratory uncertainty

random error
reproducibility precision

Bias is estimated with: 1. reference method U (reference) = 0 difference between

reproducibility uncertainty
two methods
2. spiking U (spike) ~ 0 difference between
two measured results intermediate precision

bias-included uncertainty
3. certified reference U (CRM) = 0 difference between
material (CRM) measured & certified value intermediate precision

absolute uncertainty

Figure 6. Composition of the error of an analytical result related to measurement uncertainty. Different operational definitions of measurement
uncertainty [10]. Below on the left are the three possibilities for establishing traceability (see also Fig. 4).

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004 Trends

As mentioned above, each of these error components is (2) all uncertainties associated with the references or
a potential source of uncertainty. Depending on the con- standards, the analytical results are made trace-
ditions under which the analysis is performed, different able to [3].
sources of uncertainty contribute to the overall uncer-
tainty. Hund et al. [10] introduced different operational Different approaches exist for the estimation of overall
definitions of uncertainty, according to the number and MU, as reviewed by several authors [9,10,39] and
type of uncertainty sources considered (Fig. 6): summarized in Table 2.
The most well-known, traditional approach is based
(1) within-laboratory uncertainty, derived from on identifying, quantifying and combining all individual
intermediate precision and including only the contributions to uncertainty. In this ‘bottom-up
repeatability error and the run error; approach’, the overall uncertainty is derived from the
(2) reproducibility uncertainty, derived from repro- uncertainties of the individual components. The com-
ducibility precision (interlaboratory tests) and ponent-by-component assessment of MU was originally
accounting for the repeatability error, run and developed for physical measurements and adopted by
laboratory effects; Eurachem for chemical measurements [13]. However,
(3) bias-included uncertainty and absolute uncer- because of its complexity, this methodology has signifi-
tainty additionally take into account the method cant costs in time and effort and has never found wide-
bias, which is the most important source of uncer- spread applications.
tainty because it refers to a reference or a stan- A simplified approach to assessing MU is the
dard, to which the method is considered to be ‘fitness-for-purpose approach’, defining a single
traceable. If the working method is not a primary parameter called the fitness function. This fitness
method – which is traceable to SI units (see Fig. 4) function has the form of an algebraic expression
– the method is always compared to another, ref- u ¼ f ðcÞ and describes the relationship between the
erence method or is applied using appropriate MU and the concentration of the analyte. For example
CRMs. This reference or standard needs to be con- u ¼ 0:05c means that the MU is 5% of the concen-
sidered when the uncertainty associated with the tration. Calculation of the MU will hereby rely on
method bias is estimated. In addition to the uncer- data obtained by evaluating individual method-
tainty associated with this reference or standard, performance characteristics, mainly repeatability and
there is the uncertainty on the estimated bias reproducibility precision, and preferably also bias
(Fig. 6). The different possibilities of bias estima- [21,40,41]. This approach can more or less be seen as
tion – and thus of traceability – are depicted in a simplification of the step-by-step protocol for testing
Fig. 5. If the method is compared to a reference the MU, as described by Eurachem [14].
method, the uncertainty associated with this ref- Although MU comprises more than systematic and
erence method is considered negligible and the random errors, it can be estimated from method-valida-
bias is estimated as the difference between the tion data. Data from method-performance studies can
two methods (case 1 in Fig. 6). If there is no give all or nearly all the information required to evaluate
method to compare with, bias can be estimated the uncertainty [2,4,18,37]. This includes the use of
by spiking samples and assessing the difference data from in-house and collaborative validation studies
between the spiked sample and the measured (typically precision data), proficiency-testing schemes
sample. In this case also, the uncertainty on the (typically bias data) or QA data, relevant for uncertainty.
spike will approximate to zero (case 2) and the If such data are available and used to estimate the un-
only method bias is the difference between certainty, it is not necessary to estimate MU using the
the measured sample and the spiked sample. Ab- component-by-component approach [18,19]. In partic-
solute uncertainty can be estimated only if CRMs ular, validation studies and QC measures are considered
are used (case 3). Only in this case can full trace- highly relevant sources for estimating MU [42,43]. Table
ability to SI units be guaranteed [10]. 2 describes three methodologies for assessing MU based
on validation data.
In the Analytical Methods Committee’s ‘top-down
approach’ [37], the laboratory is seen from a higher
7. Approaches to establishing MU level, as a member of a population of groups. As a
consequence, systematic errors within one laboratory
In general, to estimate the overall uncertainty on a become random errors and the estimated uncertainty is
particular result, it is necessary to know: the reproducibility uncertainty (Fig. 6). Examples of
MU-estimation studies using data from collaborative ring
(1) all uncertainties arising from the measurement trials are works by Dehouck et al. [44] and Maroto et al.
procedure itself; [45,46]. 487
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004

Table 2. Different approaches for estimating measurement uncertainty (MU)

Reference Name of approach Basic principle Strengths Weaknesses

Eurachem [13] Bottom-up, error-budget, Identification, quantification and Holistic ¼ all important Complex, Expensive,
and ISO [16] error-propagation or combination of all sources of sources of error should be Time-consuming
component-by- uncertainty included

Codex Fitness-for-purpose Establishment of a fitness-function, Simple MU can be assessed Some sources of

Alimentarius/ u ¼ f(c), based mainly on precision for different concentrations uncertainty may be
CCMAS [18–21] and bias studies overlooked
Analytical Top-down Based on data obtained from MU can be assessed for Some sources of
Methods inter-laboratory studies (precision) different concentrations uncertainty may be
Committee [37] overlooked
Only if data on
collaborative studies
are available
Eurachem [14] Validation-based Based on inter- or intra-laboratory Extension of validation work, Some sources of
Barwick & validation studies (precision, so no extra work is needed uncertainty may be
Ellison [47] trueness, robustness) overlooked
Hund et al. [39] Robustness-based Based on robustness tests as Simple, time-efficient Some sources of
intra-laboratory simulations of uncertainty may be
inter-laboratory studies overlooked
Method must first show to
be robust

The other two approaches mentioned in Table 2 with a coverage factor of 2. In addition to this bottom-up
[14,39,47] make use of different method-performance MU estimation (Approach 1), Armishaw reported the
parameters. All three validation-based methodologies expanded uncertainty as a function of the concentration
can be seen as simpler, and more time- and cost-efficient of toluene (Approach 2). Finally, the authors compared
extensions of validation. this experimentally assessed MU with calculated MU
However, it is important to note that not all sources of values, based on: (1) a within-laboratory reproducibility
uncertainty are covered by method-performance data. estimate; (2) proficiency test data; (3) the models of
Some sources that may need particular consideration in Horwitz [49] and Thompson and Lowthian [50]. These
addition to the available data are sampling, pre-treat- models allowed calculation of % RSD values as a func-
ment, method bias, variation in conditions and changes tion of the analyte concentration. To obtain expanded
in the sample matrix [14,18,41]. uncertainty values, Armishaw multiplied the predicted
Many of those principles for estimating MU were SD values from the models by 2 [48]. All three MU
applied in a case study for toluene in ground water calculations are variants of validation-based approaches
performed by Armishaw [48]. His idea was that, for a (Approaches 3 and 4, Table 2).
routine method that has been validated previously and
performed in a laboratory where QC measures are in
place, it is possible to estimate MU in a working after- 8. Importance of traceability and MU
noon. The key is to extract all relevant information from
already available data: validation studies (bias/recovery The underlying motivation to establish traceability and
and precision data); instrument calibration data (RM MU is the need to make decisions based on the analytical
uncertainties); and, information from regularly per- results obtained or to be in compliance with regulatory
formed QC measurements (replicate analyses and control limits (for quantitative determinations) [51]. MU is an
samples) and from the method procedure itself essential feature of analytical results, for three different
(sampling, homogeneity of samples,. . .). After identifying reasons:
the components contributing to the uncertainty budget
and assigning the relevant sources of information, (1) Customers want to have an idea about the range of
standard uncertainties were quantified and combined to results and about the comparability of results
form the combined standard uncertainty. between different laboratories [43]. Any result
The results for toluene in water were reported as must be accompanied by a statement of MU, so that
x  U, where U was the expanded uncertainty obtained the user of the result knows the level of confidence
by multiplying the combined standard uncertainty, uc , associated with it [52]. The concepts of compara-

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004 Trends

bility and reliability of results have been discussed of a result. Although every method has its specific scope,
briefly in Section 1 and are presented in Fig. 1. application and analytical requirement, the basic prin-
(2) It demonstrates traceability. Before MU can be eval- ciples of QA are the same, regardless the type of method
uated, traceability to stated references or standards or the sector of application. The information in this
must be established. Moser et al. [43] claim that article is taken mainly from the analytical chemistry, but
traceability is proved by the appropriate use of it also applies to other sectors. The validation of
RMs or standards and by a full uncertainty budget. analytical methods, the establishment of traceability of
(3) There is a requirement to know the method, to results and the assessment of MU should be done in a
understand the underlying principles and uniform, harmonized way, conforming with interna-
mechanisms of the measurement procedure. Lack tionally recognized standards from institutions such as
of profound knowledge on the method itself Eurachem, IUPAC or ISO. This update on analytical
will lead to certain unknown uncertainty quality provides a common understanding for the topics
contributions not being taken into account and of method validation, traceability and MU of measure-
thus to gaps in the uncertainty budget. MU can ments. It has elucidated the interrelationships between
be estimated only if the method is well understood method validation and traceability and MU of results.
[43,53]. From all the guidelines and standards, we selected and
summarized the most relevant information. We dis-
MU is increasingly gaining attention, in particular cussed different approaches to establishing traceability
within the framework of accreditation. The new and assessing MU of analytical methods in general. We
accreditation standard ISO/IEC 17025 [17], which has highlighted the importance of both concepts and the link
been in force from December 2002, contains clear with method validation and analytical QA.
requirements about estimating MU and when and how it
should be stated in test reports. ISO/IEC 17025 requires Acknowledgements
MU to be reported when required by the client and when
relevant to the application and the interpretation of the We wish to thank Andrew Damant for giving sugges-
measurement results, within the framework of certain tions and Friedle Vanhee for reading and assistance.
specifications or decision limits. The MU should be readily
available and reported together with the result as X  U, References
where U is the expanded uncertainty [17,47,51,54].
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deal with MU as a separate issue [14,18–20]. H.A. van ’t Klooster, Trends Anal. Chem. 18 (1999) 584.
The Analytical Methods Committee even claims that [2] CITAC/Eurachem Guide: Guide to Quality in Analytical
Chemistry – An Aid to Accreditation, 2002. Available from:
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Agenda Item 4a of the 24th Session, Budapest, Hungary, 18–22 [49] W. Horwitz, Anal. Chem. 54 (1982) 67A.
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Committee, 2002, 7 pp. Available from: <>. Isabel Taverniers graduated in Agricultural and Applied Biological
[24] M. Valcarcel, A. Rios, Trends Anal. Chem. 18 (1999) 570. Sciences from the University of Gent, Belgium, in 1999. Until April
[25] M.C. Walsh, Trends Anal. Chem. 18 (1999) 616. 2001, she worked at AgriFing, a joint spin-off laboratory of Gent
[26] M. Valcarcel, A. Rios, Fresenius’ J. Anal. Chem. 359 (1997) 473. University, Hogeschool Gent and the Department for Plant Genetics and
[27] Ph. Quevauviller, O.F.X. Donard, Trends Anal. Chem. 20 (2001) Breeding (DvP), where she specialized in DNA fingerprinting technol-
600. ogies. She is now preparing a Ph.D. thesis in the Laboratory of Applied
[28] X.R. Pan, Accred. Qual. Assur. 1 (1996) 181. Plant Biotechnology of the Department for Plant Genetics and Breeding
[29] P. Charlet, A. Marschal, Trends Anal. Chem. 23 (2004) 178. (CLO, Flemish Community).
[30] M. Segura, C. Camara, Y. Madrid, C. Rebollo, J. Azcarate,
G.N. Kramer, B.M. Gawlik, A. Lamberty, Ph. Quevauviller, Trends Erik Van Bockstaele is Head of the Department for Plant Genetics
Anal. Chem. 23 (2004) 194. and Breeding and Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural and Applied
[31] U. F€
orstner, Trends Anal. Chem. 23 (2004) 217. Biological Sciences of the University of Gent.
[32] S.P. Theocharopoulos, I.K. Mitsios, J. Arvanitoyannis, Trends
Anal. Chem. 23 (2004) 237. Marc De Loose is Head of the Section Applied Plant Biotechnology at
[33] R. Sabe, G. Rauret, Trends Anal. Chem. 23 (2004) 273. the Department for Plant Genetics and Breeding.


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