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University of the East

Samson road, Caloocan city

“The impact of online classes to the academic performance of

ABM student in UE Caloocan”

Balmori, Kylha Shane

Dyogi, Caitlin Joyce C.

Silva, Joyce Anne V.

Cleto, Neil Francis

Jara, Dionel M.


The rapid growth of information technologies has influenced the way in which

education is delivered and experienced. Online learning has been changing the face of

the education system for quite some time. Today, it is an integral aspect and a popular

tool in the broader landscape of higher education and through this study, people will

know what is the impact of this online learning especially to ABM students. Base on the
result, it is suggested to have face-to-face classes rather than online class. With the

cause of having an unstable connection of the internet, having a problem when it comes

to lacking of gadgets and having a problem when it comes to comfortably place to learn,

it doesn't help student to be more productive and have a trait of being a good learner.


This research study is wholeheartedly dedicated to the ABM student of University

of the East Caloocan campus who are taking online classes, to our friends and

family for inspiring us and giving us motivation to finish this paper and lastly we

dedicated this to Heavenly Father for guiding us and giving us strength and

power of mind to finish this paper.


We wish to acknowledge with profound appreciation, for the effort of our

schoolmates for answering our survey, and of course for our understanding

teacher Mrs. Elizabeth Valbuena, to our very supportive friends and family, to all

the people who made this paper possible and last but not the least we would like

to extend our appreciation to all the people who are not mentioned here but

inspired us to do this paper thank you very much! All is appreciated. And above

all the Almighty God, be Glory and honor.


Nowadays virtual learning is the new way for us to learn and to continue our education,

all of us have a different perspective about that, there are students claiming that online

classes is much okay than face to face class but there are also some students find it hard

and also hard to learn, in this research study it aims to know the impact of online classes

to the academic performance of ABM students in University of the East Caloocan



 To know the effects of online classes to the academic performance of ABM

students in University of the East Caloocan campus.

 To identify the factors how online classes affect the academic peformance of

ABM students.

 To know how we can improve our study habit to able to cope up in our online


 To determine the factors that can affect our online clasess.


I. Background of the study

In 2020, all schools implemented online learning due to pandemics. So how

online classes really start? It begins in the late 1900s and the idea of distance

learning first came into practice in the middle of the 19th century when U.S.

postal service was growing. The concept of dependable, distance learning

correspondence led to the evolving and application of what was called

commercial “correspondence colleges”, where educative information would be

issue through mail between students and professors. Today, at-distance

education programs have become more advanced and accessible due to the

addendum of the web and digital technology. Elite organizations worldwide

provide open courseware, online degrees, and online classes that are both

legitimizing and popularizing the concept of education from a technology.

The classic learning usually occurs inside the lecture room and having

interactions with their professors. But when tropical storms, floods, disasters,

pandemic, and other urgent situations come in. What can teachers do to help

students with their studies even if there is a conflict?

Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and other parts of Asian countries have

already advanced their technological capacities in terms of delivering quality

education. Web-based learning refers to the uses of the internet as an

instructional delivery tool to carry out learning activities. It can take the face-to-
face meeting between the professor and the students or a hybrid in which the

professor meets the students half of the time online and half of the time in the

classroom, depending on the requirement of the curriculum. Web-based learning

can be desegregated into a curriculum that turns into a full-scale course or in

addition to traditional courses.

II. Statement of the problem

This study aims to know the impact of online classes to the academic

performance of ABM students in UE Caloocan.

Specifically, the researchers need to seek answers in the following

1. What are the effects of online classes to the academic performance of ABM

Students in UE Caloocan?

2. What are the factors in the academic performance that ABM students

experience amidst of online learning?

3. How often does the student participate on their online classes?

III. Research hypothesis

This study is designed to know the hypothesis of the impact of online

classes to the academic performance of ABM student in UE Caloocan.

1. a lot of student are now affected on the new normal education which is online


2. Student who doesn’t have a good connection or doesn’t have a device for

online classes have a more impact to them.

3. New normal education does have an impact to their academic performance.

IV. Definition of terms

University of the East Caloocan – a private university located in Caloocan

offering senior high school ABM strand

ABM students – a senior high school students in UE Caloocan who are studying

basic business courses in senior high school.

Impact – The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Constraints – something that limits or restricts someone or something : controls

that limits or restricts someone’s action or behavior.

Elaborate - made or done with great care or with much detail:having many parts

that are carefully arranged or panned.

Widespread – widely extended or spread out.

Innovation – the creation, development and implementation of a new product,

process or service, with the aim of improving efficiency, effectiveness or

competitive advantage.

Reliance – dependence on or trust in someone or something.

Exponentially – (with reference to an increase) more and more rapidly.

Resorting – turn to and adopt (a strategy or course of action, especially a

disagreeable or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.

Pedagogical – relating or teaching.

V. Significance of the study

The generalization of this present study is to find out the Impact of online
classes to the academic performances of ABM 12 students of University of the East
Caloocan. To know whether it is applicable to them or not. The result of this survey or
investigation could be highly significant and be beneficial especially to the following:

Grade 11&12 ABM students- The Grade 11&12 ABM students of the University of the
East Caloocan will be the main focus of this study to know what are the impacts that
they have been experiencing and have been coping up with their academic
performances through online class.

Future Researchers- This study can help and support sufficient knowledge to the future
researchers that will also pursue this topic and also as a lead to guide them through the
next research topic.

VI. Scope and Delimitation

The researchers are going to elaborate the Impacts of Online Classes
to the Academic performances of each Grade 12 ABM students. The researchers only
chose ABM Grade 12 students because it will be more convenient for the researchers to
conduct this study due to the fact that these

researchers are also taking up the strand of ABM. While it will not include the other
strands due to time constraints.

VII. Conceptual Framework

Profile of the respondents * Online Survey

- The researchers conducted a
* Grade 11 and Grade 12 ABM survey that is through online
student with the help of google form,
they can answer the survey
* Study in University of the East easily . * The impact of online
Caloocan campus classes to the academic
* Male and female
* Questionnaires performance of ABM
- - The researchers will collect students in University
External Factors the data through survey.
of the East Caloocan
* Online classes campus.
- The researchers will be going
Internal factors to know the different
perception of the respondents.
* Academic performance


I. Foreign Literature

Base from Anne-Mette Nortvig, Anne Kristine Petersen and Søren Hattesen Balle who

are from the University College Absalon of Denmark, that the higher education online

classes or e-learning has much more growing impact especially in the traditional

classroom format and this new type of typical teaching and learning can be practiced in

many ways. Numerous studies have compared face-to-face teaching to online learning

and/or teaching methods in order to try to determine which of the formats are much

more applicable. It says that the highest learning performance generates the most.

Many students are satisfied or even have the highest levels of completion. However,
Studies often show that teaching and learning are influenced rather than through

teaching format alone. Multiple variables are at risk Significant roles, and some of them

will be further addressed in this literature review.

A study that is base from Imran Latif Saifi who is from the Islamia University of

Bahawalpur, that this study illustrates the impact of e-learning on University-level

academic learning and teaching for the students. The purpose of this study was to

examine the impact of e-learning on the curiosity and learning of students at a

University level. The observers used the quantitative analysis approach for this study.

Graduate students have formed a group and a simple random sampling technique used

to gather information and enough data to support this study. The data was obtained

from 205 students at the University of Lahore, Pakpattan Campus. The responses were

gathered and the level and percentage scores an analytical methods were used. The

study showed that e-learning provides time flexibility for students and encourages

students to do their own work without the assistance of others. It was also the students

said that they felt comfortable and relaxed while browsing and using the internet.
This study is base from Vietnam National University, Hanoi from a author named

Nguyen Viet Anh, Stated that the aim of this study was to examine the effect of online

learning activities on learning education for students who have enrolled in a blended

learning course with a specific focus on skills-based learning.The learning outcomes or

effects of the students are simply estimated by grades, knowledge or skills that is

learned during the course.Some informational events such as teacher-student

interaction, student-student interaction, student-content interaction and student-

technology interaction are identified in this assessment. The graduate students

participated in a blended learning course in which an important developmental

evaluation was used to analyze student learning outcomes through a mixture of multiple

learning activities through a learning management system. The quantitative results

obtained by using regression analysis of data from the system showed that the students

who effectively interacted with learning activities in the course have better results.

Quantitative analytical results indicated that student–student interaction has a greater

impact on student learning outcomes.

Mayleen Dorcas B. Castro and Gilbert M. Tumibay from Education and Information

technologies, Said that the Internet has made online learning accessible and easy, and

several teachers and researchers are interested in online learning courses to improve

and enhance the educational learning while solving the lack of resources, facilities and

equipment, especially in higher education institutions.Online learning has now become

successful because of its capacity

to provide more efficient access to content and learning at any time and anywhere. It is

essential that researchers consider and discuss the effectiveness of online learning in

educating students. For this study, the researchers analyzed the literature by using

meta-analysis as a form of study related to the use of ADDIE (Analysis, Design,

Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This is a framework can also be used to

list the generic processes used by educational designers and training developers. The

researchers examined each paper and found 30 papers that met the advantages of

educational learning through well-planned, well-designed courses and programs for

institutions of higher education. It also highlights the importance of educational design

and the significant participation of institutions in providing a support systems for

lecturers and learners. And the final process of this study, for which researchers would

propose using the theoretical aspect of the ADDIE framework, will be the description of

different programs and operations in the design and development of the Online

Learning Courses for Higher Education Institution.

A study that is from Subhashni Appana who is base from College of Foundation Studies,

University of the South Pacific, Fiji, It is said that educational technology is a formal

learning ongoing phenomenon when students and instructors are divided by

geographical time or distance. Education is supported by sharing information through

technologies such as television, video tape, computers, e-mail and mail. The online

education is any learning opportunity or environment that actually depends on the

Internet/World Wide Web (WWW or Web) as the main form of communication and

demonstration to all. There are such significant advantages of making an investment in

online learning, for instance it can be said by increased access, effective learning quality,

greater experience of students for an experience and understanding society, lifelong

learning opportunities, money making, and many more.

II. Local Literature

According to Biana, et al., (2020), the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia are

on the same economic, socio-cultural boat, and are now facing the same COVID-19

challenges in education. What comes with these problems, however, is the opportunity

to improve the way we think about education and implement permanent and

sustainable changes that will enhance the quality of our educational systems.

Moving forward, the Philippines need a clear set of policies and guidelines based on an

innovative educational framework. This requires a careful and sincere assessment of the

country’s readiness to offer learning programs that demand more than the traditional

requirements. As the Philippines ventures into a new mode of learning, several factors

need to be considered. This includes teacher capacity, situation and context of the
learner, and efficiency of the learning environment. These are, of course, on top of the

more obvious issues of internet speed, cost of materials, and mode of delivery. The best

way to move forward is to take a step back and design a strategy that engages teachers,

students, parents, school administrators, and technology-based companies. This

collaborative response based on a collective vision is the kind of creative solution this

novel problem warrants.

According to Arinto, (2016), rapid advances in information and communications

technology in the digital age have brought about significant changes in the practice of

distance education (DE) worldwide. DE practitioners in the Philippines’ open university

have coined the term ‘open and distance e-learning’ (ODeL) to refer to the new forms of

DE, which are characterized by the convergence of open learning philosophy, DE

pedagogies, and e-learning technologies. This paper discusses the issues and challenges

that ODeL poses for the Philippines’ open university from the point of view of the

institution’s leading ODeL practitioners. The paper concludes with a discussion of the

policy development and administrative changes required to support innovative teaching

practices across the institution. The findings and conclusions are relevant for other

institutions in the same stage of ODeL development.

According to Santos, (2020), In 2020, 28 million Filipino students who have been

impacted by school closures meant to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Filipino

students have not been inside a classroom since March, when President Rodrigo

Duterte declared a nationwide public health emergency. Government education

bureaus had planned to eventually allow face-to-face classes in areas with low COVID-19

infection rates but then, in May, Duterte created a “no vaccine, no classes” policy,

effectively keeping schools closed indefinitely. It is bad news for a country where “there

was an education crisis even before the pandemic,” said Isy Faingold, chief of education

at UNICEF Philippines. In the 2018 Programme for International Student

Assessment (PISA), a global survey on the knowledge of 15-year-old students, the

Philippines ranked last among 79 countries in reading comprehension. The country’s

performance in mathematics and science was also among the lowest in the study and

the PISA report indicated that more affluent students outperformed those from

disadvantaged backgrounds. “This pandemic aggravated [the education crisis],” said

Faingold, which believes it is critical that “the school year start immediately and reach

the most disadvantaged children as we progressively move towards face-to-face

learning.” Studies from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have shown that

when education is disrupted by emergencies like disease outbreaks, children are more

likely to drop out of school completely. The agency also warned that delaying the

opening of the school year would further widen the education gap and would have long-

term repercussions on children’s development. “Distance learning is not perfect and it is

not going to be easy, but it is better than nothing,” Faingold added. With in-person
classes impossible, the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED), which oversees colleges and universities, put together distance

learning options that include online platforms, offline modules, or a combination of the

two, called blended or flexible learning. But distance learning has made inequities,

especially around the digital divide, more apparent than ever before.

According to Isla, (2020), As Covid-19 cases continue to rise in the Philippines, most

schools have adapted online teaching and learning to keep students safe and help

control the spread of the virus. The online learning set-up is a combination of

synchronous learning (learning at the same time with classmates and a teacher) and

asynchronous learning (learning at any time that works for the student). Schools have

also picked their own platforms for communication and for teaching lessons virtually.

Still, a lot of students, teachers, and parents are not thrilled about this method because

of its many challenges. It’s not perfect, that’s for sure. But there are also good things

that can come out of it. The advantage of online learning in the midst of pandemic are

safeness because of doing activities inside your house, you do not need to commute or

travel, freedom to learn more wherever you want, get enough rest and sleep and take

advantage of available technology. There is a disadvantage of doing online learning in

the midst of pandemic are experiencing technical difficulties, not everyone can not

afford resources for online learning, some teachers or professors are not teach-savy and
classroom interaction is in online. For most people, the bad things outnumber the good.

But with the current threat of Covid-19, online learning seems like the best solution. It

allows the children to be safe at home without having to skip a whole school year.

According to R.C Dela Cruz, (2020), A group of public and private universities issued set

of guidelines to help schools on how to protect the privacy rights of students during

online learning amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. The Data

Privacy Council Education Sector (DPCES), through its Advisory No. 2020-01, published

its guide for adequate data protection in the conduct of online learning and other

related activities for schools, other educational institutions, and other stakeholders in

the education sector. “This document is meant to be a set of recommendations and

shall not be treated as some type of policy. Each educational institution retains the

prerogative to decide on the measures it shall deem appropriate for its context,” the

advisory read. The advisory details how to properly use learning management systems

(LMS) and online productivity platforms (OPP) -- online or offline software for the

management and implementation of e-learning or online learning. It also provides

insight on how to use unofficial supporting tools for e-learning, the proper use of social

media, publication of information, storage of personal data, use of webcams and

recording videos of online discussions, online proctoring, and data security. Among

these areas of concerns, it said that webcams should be optional aside from requiring

the consent of a student’s parent or guardian before allowing webcam-supported online

sessions. “When the student is a minor, consider having the parent or legal guardian

present during these recorded classes or sessions,” the advisory read. It said students’

personal data, such as grades or results of assignments, must only be seen by its

intended recipients while ensuring that the submission of data is carried out in a safe

and secure manner. The group also cautioned schools on using social media, noting that

sharing personal data, such as photos or videos of students, must always have a

“legitimate purpose.” National Privacy Commission chairman Raymund Liboro, in a

statement, supported the DPCES’ advisory, noting that online learning must adhere to

the Data Privacy Law like everything else online. “Educational institutions must choose

an online learning platform with the best security features and one that is most capable

of protecting students’ privacy. Consider if the platform meets the requirements of the

Data Privacy Act before letting students use them,” Liboro said.

III. Foreign Study

According to Xu D., & Jaggars S.S., (2013), they make a technique to estimate the

impact of online versus face-to-face course delivery on student course performance,

Analyses yield robust negative estimates for online learning in terms of both course

persistence and course grade, contradicting the notion that there is no significant

difference between online and face-to-face, The notion that online courses are more

cost effective than traditional, face-to-face courses is predicated on two assumptions:

first, that online course sections are consistently less expensive; and second, that they

yield fairly comparable student outcomes, reported that most institutions provided

distance education to better serve student needs rather than to save on costs. In fact,

many interviewees believed that online courses were at t least as expensive as

traditional courses, In 1998, the system implemented several supports for students in

online courses (including an online readiness assessment, a course management system

tutorial, and online technical support services) Finally, distance will be effective as an

instrumental variable only if it has a relationship to online course enrollment.

The goal is to improve the student learning outcomes, there are two often ways to

evaluate student performances, summative assessment and formative assessment,

When implementing the blended learning course, a question always arises for teachers

is how to design learning activities for learners to get the best results?, The student-

teacher interaction, it says that in student-teacher interaction is a key activity in the

traditional teaching method when the teachers plays a central role. Interaction with

teacher and students become more flexible in many different forms. Blended learning

environment allows students to have more favorable conditions of time, space to

perform the interactive operations. They says that students obtain better academic

results when participating in discussions with each other rather than proceed with the

teacher. However The student -teacher interaction affects learning outcome is not
significant when the regression model of the student -teacher variables is not

linear models that are log model. Obviously, the interaction between students and

teachers increasingly changing both manner and frequency in blended learning.

(Nguyen, 2017)

E-Learning is utilizing electronic technologies to get access educational curriculum, e-

learning is inspiring the world societies at large. It is hard to get education in formal

mode due to social, economic or interconnected problems in society, e-learning makes

education flexible because there is no limitation of time and space, so e-learning makes

learning easier to learn, It is observed that different social media like face book, what’s

app and twitter plays an important role in education, many countries of the world

promoting education through e-learning, this study focused on addressing whether

education systems can use technology to optimize students learning and interest, E-

learning supports the widespread use of educational training. E-learning has various

advantages over the traditional techniques of learning and it is superior. E-learning is

the most convenient way to pursue a degree in higher education. he study found that e-

learning provides time flexibility to the students and it motivates students to do their

own work without others help. It was also that students feel comfortable when they use

internet. Salamat, Ahmad, Bakht, & Saifi (2018)

E-learning has changed the college experience of college students, teaching means a

purposeful and preplanned activity whose aim is to provide opportunities to facilitate

and speed up the learning within learning and developing systems, in the present era

rapid changes and the advent of new techniques and skills in information technology

has its impact on the ways and means of living and also on education process too,

psychologist says that learning should be organized in a way that each learner based on

their ability is engaged in learning activities, e-learning has a advantage because you can

access more information, the implementation of e-learning could help the students in

doing their assessment more efficient and effective, in the result is says that e-learning

helps to improve the academic performance, but still e-learning is not available

everybody, and people in the rural areas have no access t e-learning. The best thing

about e-learning is that students can learn in a relaxed manner even if they do not want

to get certified. Suresh, Priya & Gayathri (2018)

E-learning is a new paradigm shift in educational sector for the purpose of advancing

knowledge base, the beginning of 21 st century has heralded the educational technology

that has facilitated e E-learning, This study is to informed by the deplorable state of

education system in Nigeria due to the inadequate teaching learning facilities and

infrastructures, the current study was carried out to show the impacts of E-learning in

facilitating academic performance through improved learning process, from the result of
the stud it is clear that E-learning facilitated studies significantly improve academic

performance, learning process and self development, it is also observed that there is

more likelihood that majority of the students in secondary schools and tertiary

institutions have not fully utilized the self development aspects of E-learning to

significantly improve their learning process, The result of the impact of E-learning to the

academic performance provide evidence therefore they recommend more effort should

be made by the management of secondary schools and tertiary institutions in providing

E-learning facilities in their institutions and students should be encouraged to make a

proper use of these facilities by given them E-learning related assignments and projects.

Fayomi, Ayo, Ajayi & Okorie (2018)

IV. Local Study

It appeared that it's not simply the devices or the net property that's the matter self-addressed by

the scholars in a web learning setting however con jointly the training itself. Since online learning is

proscribed to providing face-to-face engagement and interactive discussion, a pedagogic style for

online education ought to be established.

It appeared that it's not simply the devices or the net property that's the matter self-

addressed by the scholars in a web learning atmosphere however can jointly the
educational itself. Since online learning is proscribed to providing face-to-face

engagement and interactive discussion, a pedagogic style for online education ought to

be established.

Learners who are taking part through sound or video modes must have their

mouthpieces or webcams tried. Since web conferencing depends on the introduced

base of participants’ claim gadget (desktop, tablet, tablet, or shrewd phone), camera,

mouthpiece, and Web association, learners’ specialized arrangements are likely to be

diverse and helpless to disturbance (Gautreau et al., 2012).In expansion to specialized

obligations, LVC sessions may moreover incorporate academic obligations such as

keeping track of learners’ comments or questions within the content chat box,

observing for computerized raised hands, conducting surveys, and shaping learners into

little gather breakout rooms (Anderson et al., 2006).

The come about demonstrated there was no relationship between students' natural

inspiration and their cooperation in online discourses at the beginning organize of a

course. In any case, the relationship between inspiration and support got to be more

grounded and noteworthy as understudies advanced in spite of the fact that the course.
It appears that student's inspiration was related to their online cooperation, but the

relationship needs time to be set up. Dynamic peer inclusion moreover emphatically

influence inspiration.

Number of educates and understudies commented on their capacity to center more of

their consideration on the substance of the course and less on issues such as stopping,

activity, and other issues which will emerge when going to a conventional lesson

environment (Thomson, 2010).Majority of understudies detailed that the course

permits for understudies to work at their claim pace inside a given week. The course still

put time limitations on the understudies, in terms of due dates for assignments, in spite

of the fact that the larger part of understudies appeared to be fractional to the

adaptability of completing work in a time and put that was best suited for their learning.

V. Theoretical framework

This theory on the impact of online classes to the academic performance of

ABM students in UE Caloocan is reliance to the theory of Terry Anderson which

is The Theory of online learning, in his theory it says that online learning is now

part of our educational environment, the practice is not widespread yet but the
growing number of institutions and individual is resorting to this innovation seems

to be increasing exponentially, most of the time, distance education was an

individual pursuit defined by infrequent postal communication between student

and teacher, but the last half of twentieth century has witnessed rapid

developments, distance educators, students, administrators, and parents are

daily forced to make choices regarding the pedagogical, economic, systemic, and

political characteristics of the distance education systems within which they

participate, it has a long been recognized that specialized delivery technologies

can provide efficient and timely access to learning materials, it also says that

students gain significant learning benefits from audiovisual or computer media,

this discussion highlights the wide and diverse forms of teaching and learning,

what we can expect, however that online learning is like all forms of quality

learning that will be knowledge community, assessment and learner centered.

Online learning can be enhance the critical function of interaction in education, in

multiple formats and styles.

VI. Synthesis

Online learning is a phenomenon where students and instructors are divided by

geographical time or distance which is supported by sharing information through

technologies such as cellphones, tablets, laptops and computers. There are several factors

that should be considered in implementing this type of learning. This includes; teacher’s

capacity, situation and context of the learners and efficiency of the learning environment.

These are, of course on top of the more obvious issues and difficulties such as internet

speed, cost of materials and mode of delivery.

Several literatures and studies say that online learning has advantages as well as

disadvantages.According to Imran Latif Saifi, online learning provides time and

flexibility for students, work at their own pace and not being pressured by short amount

of time to accomplish their assignments, and activities. It is also said that exploring in the

internet makes students feel comfortable. It gives them access to more information and

could help them finish their assessment more effective and efficient. This will improve

the student’s academic performance. In the midst of pandemic, online learning keeps

students safe from exposure to the deadly diseases because they do not need to go to

school, instead they can do their works in their own home. (Isla, 2020) But they may also

face some issues and difficulties in these circumstances. Some of them are not

knowledgeable when it comes to using one of the devices. Some of the most frequently

encountered issues and difficulties students as well as teachers encounter were; difficulty

adjusting learning styles, having to perform responsibilities at home, and poor

communication or lack of clear directions from teachers. Mental health issues and lack of

physical space were also common.

According to local and foreign studies, student’s environment affects their

motivation and performance in online learning. The relationship between motivation and

participation became stronger and significant as students progressed through the class.

Motivation is one of the factors for student’s participation, but the relationship needs time

to be established. Active peer involvement also positively affects their motivation.

(Schubert, C., et al.,2015) According to a study conducted in Vietnam National

University by Nguyen Viet Anh, stated that student–student interaction has a greater

impact on student learning outcomes.


I. Research Design

This chapter of this research will show the research designs and methods, research

instruments and the respondents that will engage in this research study. The Grounded

Theory is the design that is being used in this study and also a collection of data from

each of the participants. The researchers decided to use the Grounded Theory for them to

assess and analyze the opinions of the ABM students of the University of the East

Caloocan Campus. This method that the researchers used will help them to access and

understand the participant point of view about the effect of the online class to their

academic performances.

II. Research Locale

This study is conducted during the academic year 2020-2021 in the University of the East


III. Sample and Respondents

The Participants of this study is Senior High School students, specifically Grade 11 and

12 students, under ABM strand of University of the East Caloocan Batch 2020-2021. The

Participants can be both male or female. The age of the participants are 16 to 19 years

old. The researchers will have fifty (50) students per grade level as respondents. This will

make the total sample size to one hundred (100) students.

IV. Research Instruments

The research instruments that the researchers used to this study are survey questionnaires.

The questionnaire that they've given is composed of two parts: The part I is where the

researchers procure the profile of the selected respondents such as name, section and age.

Then the Part II contains the set of 20 questions that is required to answer by the

respondents for the researcher to collect the data they needed for their study.

V. Data Collection Procedure

This study used online survey questionnaire answered by ABM students. The students

responses given enough time to answer the questionnaires. After gathering the datas, the

researchers prepare the collected data for tallying the scores and to apply the statistical

treatment to be used with the study.

VI. Statistical Treatment of Data

In analyzing the data collected, the researchers will check and distinguished the

similarities and difference between the relation of the data. Once the similarities and

difference are distinguished, the researchers will proceed from deducting the already

established data from the pure unknown data and identify the categories and patterns of

data. After that, the researchers will now identify the small set of themes that will lead to

new interpretation of data.

( Column Total )
Percentage (%) = No . of Questions∈a column x 100 to gather
Total no . of students



1. I use laptop/pc as my device in online class




Yes No

2. I use cellphone as a device in online class



Yes No

3. use mobile data to connect through the internet




Yes No

1. I use wi-fi to connect through the internet



Yes: 65

No: 35

Yes No

2. I use both laptop and cellphone




Yes: 75 75%

No: 25

Yes No

3. I use both wi-fi and mobile data



Yes: 76 76%

No: 24

Yes No

Very easy – 5 Difficult -2

Easy – 4 Very Difficult - 1

Not so easy - 3

4. Accomplishing my assignments and activities is easier

Responses 7
Very Easy: 65
Easy: 25 5%

Not so Easy: 5

Difficult: 5
Very Difficult: 0


Very Easy (5) Easy (4) Not so Easy (3) Difficult (2) Very Difficult(1)

5. Focusing on my school works and classes is easy

Responses 8
Very Easy: 45
Easy: 50

Not so Easy: 5

Difficult: 0
Very Difficult: 0

Very Easy(5) Easy(4) Not so Easy(3) Difficult(2) Very Difficult(1)

Always - 5 Very rarely - 2

Very Frequently - 4 Never- 1

Rarely – 3

6. How often do you participate in class?


Always: 54 6%

Very Frequently: 40

Rarely: 6

Very Rarely: 0 40%


Never: 0

Always(5) Very Frequently(4) Rarely(3) Very Rarely(2) Never(1)

7. How often do you attend your classes

Always: 63

Very Frequently: 32 5%

Rarely: 5

Very Rarely: 0
Never: 0


Always(5) Very Frequently(4) Rarely(3) Very Rarely(2) Never(1)


I am unable to submit my activities on time

Always: 30

Very Frequently: 25 5%

Rarely: 40
Very Rarely: 5

Never: 0


Always(5) Very Frequently(4) Rarely(3) Very Rarely(2) Never(1)

Strongly Agree - 5 Disagree -2

Agree - 4 Strongly Disagree- 1

Undecided- 3
9. I am tempted to do other activities rather than listening to the teacher

Strongly Agree: 30

Agree: 45
Undecided: 25 30%

Disagree: 0

Strongly Disagree: 0


Strongly Agree(5) Agree(4) Undecided(3) Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree(1)

10. I sometimes lose my internet connection

Strongly Agree: 55

Agree: 25 15%

Undecided: 5
Disagree: 15

Strongly Disagree: 0


Strongly Agree(5) Agree(4) Undecided(3) Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree(1)

11. I am easily distracted by things such as noise and games

Responses 14
Strongly Agree: 35 10%

Agree: 45
Undecided: 10 35%

Disagree: 10

Strongly Disagree: 0


Strongly Agree(5) Agree(4) Undecided(3) Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree(1)

12. Accomplishing my assignments and activities is easier than on face-to-face

Responses 15

Strongly Agree: 30

Agree: 45
Undecided: 5
Disagree: 15

Strongly Disagree: 5


Strongly Agree(5) Agree(4) Undecided(3) Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree(1)

Extremely helpful – 5 Slightly helpful - 2
Very helpful – 4 Not at all helpful - 1
Moderately helpful - 3

13. How helpful are your teachers while studying online?

Responses 16

Extremely Helpful: 28

Very Helpful: 40

Moderately Helpful: 20 20%

Slightly Helpful: 10

Not at all Helpful: 0


Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)

14. How helpful does the University of the East Caloocan campus has been in
offering you the resources to learn from home?

Extremely Helpful: 20 7%
Very Helpful: 45

Moderately Helpful: 28 28%

Slightly Helpful: 7

Not at all Helpful: 0


Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)

15. How helpful was the class material provided to you?

Responses 18
Extremely Helpful: 25
Very Helpful: 35
Moderately Helpful: 30

Slightly Helpful: 10
Not at all Helpful: 0


Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)

16. Are online classes more helpful in finishing the activity quickly?

Extremely Helpful: 20 5%

Very Helpful: 53 20%

Moderately Helpful: 22

Slightly Helpful: 5

Not at all Helpful: 0


Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)

17. Does online classes help you to understand the lessons quickly?





Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)

18. How helpful was the class material provided to you?

Responses 18
Extremely Helpful: 25
Very Helpful: 35
Moderately Helpful: 30

Slightly Helpful: 10
Not at all Helpful: 0


Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)

19. Are online classes more helpful in finishing the activity quickly?


Extremely Helpful: 20

Very Helpful: 53 20%

Moderately Helpful: 22

Slightly Helpful: 5

Not at all Helpful: 0


Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)

20. Does online classes help you to understand the lessons quickly?





Extremely Helpful(5) Very Helpful(4) Moderately Helpful(3)

Slightly Helpful(2) Not at all Helpful(1)


I. Summary

* Virtual education gives negative and positive impact in our live, we have different

perspective about online education because some of us take that as an advantage but also

some of us takes that as an obstacle in our education, in this research paper the

researchers conducted a close ended questions and it turns out that many students use

only cellphone not laptop to do their online classes and we all know that it’s kind a hard

because of the screen that is small and it’s hard to see the presentation that are being

presented, also a lot of students use internet connection to connect to their class, and also

in the responses that we got from the students they said that doing their home works or

school works makes them easy to do it because they have a lot of time to do it since it’s

only online, we all know that virtual education is hard but in this kind of situation which

is pandemic this is the only way that we can do to continue our education.
II. Conclusion

Based on our research the factors that affect the academic performance of ABM students

in University of the East Caloocan campus are first they are lack of gadgets or materials

to use in online class, we all know that gadgets is a big impact for the students to do their

online classes because if they are using phones it’s hard for them to see the presentation

that are being presented second is the Place, some students doesn’t have enough place to

do their online classes, they don’t have a place that they are comfortable and a place that

is far from the noises. next one is the Internet connection, some students Doesn’t have a

speed internet that are needed in doing online classes because if you don’t have that

speed internet it’s hard to understand what the teacher is talking about and it can affect

their performance. Next is the Slow learner, we all know that some of us doesn’t have an

ability to understand the lessons quickly and the slow learner having a hard time to

understand what the teachers or professors talking about and the last one is the Online

games and social media distract students in their efficiency in completing their activities.

III. Recommendation
 The students should maintain their focus on the lesson that is being

presented even though it’s online class.

 The school which is the University of the East Caloocan campus

should give enough materials that can help the students on doing their

online class.

 The students should have a connection to their teachers, so if they

don’t understand the lesson they can ask easily to their teacher.

 The professors should identify if their students is struggling in their

online classes.

 The students should have a place that is quiet and they are

comfortable to do their online classes.

 The parents of the students should monitor their child if they are

struggling in their activities or lessons.

 The professors should understandable in the kind of situation where

their students didn’t make to pass their activities on time because they

loss their internet connection.

 The students should always be motivated in doing online classes even

though it’s hard.

 Always do your best Every day.















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