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Based on notes by Ruben Agpalo 6th Edition Statutory Construction


Statutory construction Makes use of extrinsic aids or Makes use of intrinsic aids or
those found outside of the those found in the statute
written language of the law itself
BASIC CONCEPTS Purpose: ascertain & give effect to the legislation intent.
LAWS - The whole body or system of law. In jural and concreate
sense, law means a rule of conduct formulated and made APPLY THE LAW INTERPRET THE Construct the
obligatory by legitimate power of the state LAW Law
When the law When there is When the intent
Includes statutes enacted by the legislature, presidential decrees speaks in clear and ambiguity in the of the
and executive orders issued by the President in the exercise of his categorical language of the legislature
ordinance, rulings of the SC construing the law, rules and language statute, ascertain cannot be
regulations promulgated by administrative or executive officers. legislative intent by ascertained by
making of intrinsic merely making
aids or found in the use of intrinsic
GENERAL LAW SPECIAL LAW LOCAL LAW law itself aids, or those
Applies to the Relates to Operation is found outside
whole state & particular persons confined to a the language of
operates or things of a class specific place or law.
throughout the or particular locality (municipal Purpose: ascertain & give effect to the
state alike upon all community, ordinance) legislation intent.
the people or all of individual or thing
a class The object of all judicial interpretation of a statute is to
• Determine legislative intent
• What intention is conveyed, either expressly or impliedly
STATUTES – an act of the legislature as an organized body, • By the language used
expressed in the form, and passed according to the procedure, • Will of the law-making body
required to constitute it as part of the law of the land. • The end that it may be enforced.

STATUTES 3 Cardinal rules when the wordings of the Constitution are subject
An act of the legislature as an organized body, expressed in the to interpretation:
form and passed according to the procedure, required to constitute 1. Verba Legis – whenever possible, the words used in the
it as part of the law of the land Constitution must be given their ordinary meaning except
• Enacted and passed by Philippine Commission, the where technical terms are employed.
Philippine Legislature, Batasang Pambansa and Congress 2. Ratio Legis Esst Anima – in case of ambiguity, the words
of the Philippines of the Constitution should be interpreted in accordance
with the intent of its framers.
3. Ut Magis Valeat Quam Pereat – the Constitution should
be interpreted as a whole, but if the plain meaning of the
STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION word is not found to be clear, resort to other aids is

STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION Who interprets the law?

The act of process of discovering and expounding the meaning and • ANYONE can interpret the law (Lawyers, policemen,
intention of the authors of the law with respect to its application to arbiters, admin boards and agencies, gov’t, private
a given case, where that intention is rendered doubtful, among executives BUT their interpretation doesn’t necessarily
others, by reason of the fact that the given case is not explicitly conclusive nor can they bind the courts.
provided in the law.
Purpose of Interpretation and Construction
CONSTRUCTION • Ascertain and give effect to the legislative intent
The art or process of discovering and expounding the meaning and
intention of the authors of the law, where that intention is Nature of the Rules of Statutory Construction
rendered doubtful b reason of the ambiguity in its language or the • When the words of a statute are clear, plain and free
fact that the given case is not explicitly provided for in the law from ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning and
applied without attempted interpretation.
General Rules of Construction
• Tools used to ascertain legislative intent AMBIGUITY – doubtfulness, doubleness of meaning, indistinctness
• In enacting a statute, the legislature is presumed to know or uncertainty of meaning of an expression used in a written
the rules of the statutory construction instrument.
• A which is ambiguous and deficient is a bad law-bad law
makes cases hard Legislative Power – the authority of Congress to make laws and to
alter or repeal them.
Purpose or object of construction • The authority, under the Constitution, to make laws, and
CARDINAL RULE: All laws is to ascertain and give effect to, the intent to alter and repeal them.
of the law. • Power to enact laws, executive power; to execute the
laws; judicial, to interpret and apply the laws
All rules of construction or interpretation have for their sole object • Grant of the legislative power to Congress is broad,
the ascertainment of the true intent of the legislature. general and comprehensive.
• Possesses plenary power for all purposes of civil • President’s approval or veto
• Embraces all subjects and extends to matters of general Enrolled Bill
concern or common interest Bill as passed by Congress, authenticated by the House Speaker and
• Legislative power is vested in the Congress of the Senate President and approved by the President
Philippines, consisting of a Senate and a House of
Representatives, not in particular chamber. RULE: The text of the act as passed and approved is deemed
importing absolute verity and is binding on the courts. If there has
2 kinds of legislative powers: been any mistake in the printing of the bill before it was certified,
1. Original Legislative Power- power belonging to the the remedy is by amendment by enacting a curative legislation and
sovereign people and this is supreme not a judicial decree.
2. Derivative Legislative Power – delegated by the sovereign
people to the legislative bodies and it is subordinate to PRESUMPTION: It carries on its face a solemn assurance by the
the original power of the people. legislative and executive departments of the government that it
was passed by the assembly. Hence, the respect due to co-equal
Legislative Intent – the essence of the law composing the and independent departments requires the judiciary to act upon
meaning and purpose of the law that assurance and to accept all bills duly authenticated.
• The spirit which gives life to legislative enactment
• Primary source of legislative intent is the statute itself- POWER TO CONSTRUE AS A JUDICIAL FUNCTION
has to be discovered from the four corners of the law >construction is a judicial function
The duty & power to interpret or construe a statute or the
Legislative Purpose – reason why a particular statute was Constitution belong to the judiciary.
enacted; the objective why the law was created • The court has the final word as to what the law means
• Construes or applies the law as it decides concrete and
Legislative Meaning – what the law, by its language means; the controverted cases based on the facts and the law
meaning determined by the language of the law involved.
• Does not give hypothetical cases or in cases which have
3 ways a law is passed: become as a rule, moot and academic.
1. Approval and signing of the president • The legislature has no power to overrule the
2. When there’s no communication on the veto of President interpretation or construction of a statute or the
for 30 days Constitution by the SC
3. Vetoed bill is repassed by the Congress by 2/3 of its • Judicial ruling of the high tribunal construing a law forms
member, from houses voting separately part of the law as of the date of its enactment, it cannot
give retroactive effect if to do so will impair vested rights
– “lex prospicit, non respicit” the law looks forward not
1st reading barckwards
Reading of the number and the title of the bill, then referral to the • Courts may not enlarge the scope and restrict statutes
appropriate committee for study and recommendation. Conduct of • Courts not be influenced by questions of wisdom, justice
public hearing by the Committee and submits report and or expediency of legislation-it is not within their province
recommendation to supervise legislation and keep it within the bounds of
propriety and common sense.
2nd Hearing
• The bill shall be read in full with the amendments STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION v. JUDICIAL LEGISLATION
proposed by the committee a. Principle of Separation of Powers
• Copies are distributed and such reading is dispensed with i. Rationale
• The bill is subject to debates, pertinent motions, and ii. Checks and Balances
• The amendments shall have acted upon, the bill be voted. b. Overlap of Government Functions
• After the approval of the bill, the 2nd reading shall be
included in the calendar of bills for 3rd reading c. Status of SC Rulings
3rd Reading i. Part of the law of the land
• A bill is approved by either House after it has gone 3 • Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or
readings (art. 6 sec. 26) the Constitution shall form of the legal system of the
• The bill is passed by the voting of the separate Houses Phil.
• Conference committee reports of which the bill is • Statutory Fiat – rulings of the court of last resort
approved on 3rd reading by one House is transmitted to applying or interpreting a statute become part of the
the other House for concurrence, which will follow statute itself
substantially the same route as bill originally filed with it. • Legis interpretato legis vim obtinet – maxims that
• It should be approved in the Congress and then means that the authoritative interpretation of the SC
transmitted to the Senate for approval of a statute requires the force of law by becoming a
• Conference committee is the mechanism for composing part thereof as of the date of its enactment, since the
differences between the Senate and the House in the court’s interpretation merely establishes the
passage of a bill into law. contemporaneous legislative intent that the statue
• 3 versions of a bill or revenue bill originating from the thus construed intends to effectuate.
lower House: (1) From the lower house; (2) Senate; (3)
conference committee
• Bill approved by the Houses shall be transmitted to the
President for appropriate action
• Bill is then authenticated by the Speaker and the Senate ii. Principle Comparison: Stare Decisis v. Ratio Decidendi
President of the printed copy of the approved bill. • Stare decisis et non quieta novere (p.202)
- Expressed in Art. 8 of Civil Code When can Pres. Duterte declare a martial law?
- Principle which means the SC has once laid down a Conditions must be present on:
principle of law as applicable to a certain state of 1. Invasion or rebellion
facts, it will adhere to that principle and apply it to 2. When public safety requires it
all future cases where the facts are substantially the
same. If there is rebellion but public safety is not at risk
- Assures certainty and stability in the legal system President cannot declare martial law
- What has been settled is not to be disturbed
• Ratio decidendi What shall the President do after the martial law?
- Rationale for the decision President must submit a report to Congress to revoke or extend it.
- The factual point or chain of reasoning in a case
that drives the final judgment When would judiciary ask?
- When considering earlier cases as precedent, If a case is filed questioning the legal basis (Locus standi)/reason
courts often ask parties to be very clear about behind the declaration of martial law. If there’s complaint then the
how they interpret the main guiding principle of judiciary can check it.
ration decidendi of the earlier case.
iii. Principle of Prospectivity Justices of the SC are appointed by the President
- SC decisions form part of the law of the land, they Although Pres. Appoints them, this appointment must 1st e
are however, subject to Art. 4 of Civil Code that approved by the Commission of Appointments then to Legislative
provides “laws shall have no retroactive effect branch to see if any of the appointed is qualified for the position
unless the contrary is provided” – lex prospicit, non
respicit (the law looks forward not backwards) Law making belongs only to the Congress, can President tell or
- A sound canon of statutory construction is that a mandate the Congress what laws to make? Or can the President
statute operates prospectively propose to Congress what to law to make?
- Lex de future, judex de praeterito – the law No. It can only be introduced only by a member of Congress
provides for the future, the judge for the past Yes-if during SONA, if the President attends, then he can only
- Nova constitution futuris formam imponere debet propose but never mandate since law making power is vested to
non praeteritisn- a new statute should affect the Congress.
future, not the past.
- Applies to statutes, administrative rulings and Can the President modify the court decisions on amendments of
circulars and judicial decisions. the Constitution?
No. It is not allowed as stated in Constitution
Statutes given prospective effect
PENAL STATUTES or penal laws A convict sentenced to reclusion perpetua to pardon who has been
• Penal laws or those laws which define offenses and sentenced – accused convicted by Court
prescribes penalties for their violation operate prospectively. It is only the President who can exercise the power to grant
• Art. 21 RPC “no felony SHALL be punishable by any penalty pardon/clemency and not modify the decisions of the Court
not prescribed by law prior to its commission”.
• Based on the legal maxim nullum crimen sine poena, nulla Can legislative department amend or revoke the decisions of the
poena sine legis – no crime without a penalty and there’s no court? Or what can they do if it turns out if the SC makes a mistake
penalty without a law. in their decision?
No, but the Legislative department will enact a law in effect
d. What is Judicial Legislation? correcting the interpretation of the SC – e.g. imposing the
JUDICIAL LEGISLATION wordings/new enactment so that the intent of legislative
The move of a court to step in to: department be seen.
✓Craft missing parts
✓Fill in the gaps in laws Does judiciary have the power to make a law?
✓Or when it oversteps its discretional boundaries & goes No. It is not given on Art. VIII but their decisions form part of the
beyond the law to coin doctrines or principles which are not law. They are only considered interpretations of the law and they
previously established. can only construe or interpret the law.
Transcript from session 1: There is no judicial legislation

Can judiciary look into the executive? Applying the stare decisis then there’s an erroneous decision,
Courts have to wait first for any petitions or cases be filed since would you still apply the principle? Would they still the erroneous
courts cannot initiate it first decision?

Checks and Balance No. They are not bound by it; abandon it and decide on it.
When Congress passes a law, how do Congress enact a law? Obiter dictum – dissenting opinion (don’t cite separate opinions)
Art. 6 Sec. 26: (1) Every bill passed by the Congress shall embrace ____________________________________________________
only one subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof.

When can Pres. Duterte enter into treaties?

He can enter on his own but this has to be submitted to the
Congress for voting (2/3)

On pulling out the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) by Duterte

The Senate cannot be required to vote for it since it is not a treaty-
but an agreement
Verbal egis non est recedendum
• From the words of a statute of a statute there should be no

Most common subjects of construction and interpretation are the Elementary rule in statutory construction:
constitution and statutes which include ordinances. But we may • Where the law is clear and unambiguous, it must be taken
also add resolutions, executive orders and department circulars. to mean exactly what it says and the court has no choice
but to see to it that its mandate is obeyed.
SUBJECTS OF CONSTRUCTION • Where the law is clear and free from doubt or ambiguity,
a. The Constitution there is no room for construction or interpretation.
b. Statutes
c. Presidential Issuances, Rules and Ordinances • Absoluta sententia expositore non indiget
- When the language of the law is clear, no explanation
The Constitution of it is required.
• The fundamental law which sets up a form of government
and defines and delimits the powers thereof and those of Fundamental rule:
its officers, reserving to the people themselves plenary • The legislative intent must be determined from the
sovereignty language of the statute itself must be adhered to even
• Defined also as a fundamental law or basis of though the court is convinced by extraneous circumstances
government, established by the people in their sovereign that the legislature intended to enact something very
capacity, to promote their happiness and to secure their different from that which it did enact.
rights, property, independence and common welfare. • To depart from the meaning expressed by the words is to
• A written charter enacted and adopted by the people by alter the statute, to legislate and not to interpret.
which a government for them is established and by which • Maledicta est expositio quae corrumpit textum
the people give organic and corporate form to those ideal - It is dangerous construction which is against the text.
things, the state, for all the time to come. • Dura lex sed lex
• A system of fundamental laws for the governance and - The law may be harsh, but it is still the law
administration of a nation. • Hoc quidem perquam durum est, sed ita lex scripta est
• Must be construed in its entirety as one, single - It is exceedingly written hard but so the law is written
document. - The principle should be applied regardless of whether
• Generally worded for it to be flexible. No technical words it is unwise, harsh or hard.
which have “well-understood meaning”
If the law is clear and free from doubt, it is
PRIMARY PURPOSE: ✓ Sworn to duty of the court to apply it without fear or favor
• To ascertain the intent or purpose of the framers as ✓ To follow its mandate
expressed in the language of the fundamental law, and ✓ Not to tamper with it
assure its realization.
When to reject a literal application/interpretation of a statute:
• Give effect to the intent of the framers of the organic law ✓ Lead to absurd results
and of the people adopting it ✓ Contradict the evident meaning of the statute taken as a
• The interpretation of the Constitution should be done whole
with a view to realizing this fundamental objective.
Statutes should receive a sensible construction, such as will give
How the Constitution should be construed: effect to the legislative intention and so as to avoid an unjust or an
1. Plain meaning absurd conclusion.
2. Intent of the framers • When a literal adherence to the language of a statute
3. Interpretation as a whole would produce absurd result unless the appropriate word
4. Cases or words are written or omitted therein, the court has the
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ power to supply or omit the words from a statute in order
1. LITERAL MEANING OR PLAIN-MEANING RULE to prevent an absurd result.
Maxim: Verbal egis (p.131)
• If a statute is clear, plain and free from ambiguity, it must 2. INTENT OF THE FRAMERS
be given its literal meaning and applied without attempted Maxim: Mens Legislatoris
interpretation. • Intent of the legislators
• Expressed in the maxim index animi sermo or speech is the • Expressed in the maxim index animi sermo or speech is
index of intention the index of intention

Rule: Rests on the valid presumption that the words employed by 3. INTERPRETATION AS A WHOLE
the legislature in a statute correctly express its intent or will and Maxim: Interpretatio fienda es tut res magis valeat quam pereat
preclude the court from construing it differently. - A law should be interpreted with a view to upholding rather
than destroying it
The legislature is presumed to know the: - One portion of a statute should not be construed to destroy
✓ Meaning of the words the other.
✓ To have used the words advisedly • The whole and every part of a statute should be construed
✓ To have expressed its intent by the use of such words as together
are found in the statute • Court: the law must be considered as a whole, just as it is
necessary to consider a sentence in its entirely in order to
grasp its true meaning.
• A statute must be so construed as to harmonize and give
effect to all its provisions whenever possible.
• A statute must receive such reasonable construction as will,
if possible, make all its parts harmonize with each other,
• A prefatory statement or explanation of a finding of facts,
and render them consistent with its scope and object.
reciting the purpose, reason or occasion for making the
• All the provisions, even if apparently contradictory, should
law to which it is prefixed.
be allowed to stand and given effect by reconciling them.
• Part of the statute written immediately after its title,
• The statute must be so construed as to prevent a conflict
which states the purpose, reason, or justification for the
between parts of it.
enactment of the law
• Special & general provisions in some statute:
• Expressed in the form of ”Whereas” clauses
- Where there is a particular or special provision & a
• Generally omitted in statutes passed by the
general provision in the same statute and a latter in its
✓ Philippine Commission
most comprehensive sense would overrule the former,
✓ Philippine Legislature
the particular lot special provision must be operative
✓ National Assembly
and the general provision must be taken to affect only
✓ Congress of the Philippines
the other parts of the statute to which it may properly
✓ Batasang Pambansa
• Held that it is the key of the statute, to open the minds of
the lawmakers as to the purpose to be achieved, the
Cardinal rule in stat con: the particular words, clauses, and phrase
mischief to be remedied and the object to be
should not be studied as detached and isolated expressions, but the
accomplished, by the provisions of the statute
whole and every part of the statute must be considered in fixing the
meaning of any of its parts and in order to produce a harmonious • Sets the intention of the legislature
whole. • Usually found after the enacting clause and before the
body of the law
How Courts construe a statute as a whole: • Presidential decrees and EOs generally have preambles
✓ Take the thought conveyed by the statute as a whole because, unlike statutes enacted by the legislature in
✓ Construe the constituent parts together which the members thereof expound on the purpose of
✓ Ascertain the legislative intent from the whole act the bill in its explanatory note or in the course of
✓ Consider each and every provision thereof in the light of the deliberations, no better place than in the preamble can
general purpose of the statute the reason and purpose of the decree be sated
✓ Endeavor to make every part effective harmonious and • Play an important role in the construction of Presidential
sensible Decrees
✓ Maxim: ut res magis valeat quam pereat • While the preamble of a statute is not strictly a part
- Construction is to be sough which gives effect to thereof, it may, when the statute is in itself ambiguous
the whole of the statute-its every word. and difficult of interpretation, be resorted to, but not to
4. Cases create a doubt or uncertainty which otherwise does not


1. Aglipay v. Ruiz (64 Phil. 201)
Requisites of Judicial Review 2. Estrada v. Escritor (A.M. No. P-02-1651)
3. Imbong v. Ochoa (G.R. No. 176579)
a.) Sec. 1, Art. VIII “The judicial power shall be vested in one 4. Narra Nickel Mining and Development Corp. v. Redmont
Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be established by Consolidated Mines Corp. (G.R. No. 195580)
law. Judicial Power includes the duty of the courts of justice to
settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally
demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or not PRINCIPLE OF CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREMACY
there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality Principle of Constitutional Supremacy
of the Government.” • If a law or contract violates any norm of the constitution
that law or contract whether promulgated by the
b.) Requisites: legislative or by the executive branch or entered into by
private persons for private purposes is null and void and
1. There must be an ACTUAL CASE OR CONTROVERSY; without any force and effect.

2. The person bringing up the issue of constitutionality must have

LEGAL STANDING (locus standi);

3. The constitutional issue must be RAISED AT THE EARLIEST

4. The constitutional issue must be the LIS MOTA of the case.
Kinds of Statutes: As to Application
PROGRESSIVE INTERPRETATION MANDATORY One which must be observed; a statute
which contains a word of command or
prohibition which a person has no
• Extends by construction the application of a statute to all DIRECTORY One which leaves it optional with the
subjects or conditions within its general purpose or scope department of officer to which it is
that come into existence subsequent to its passage and thus addressed to obey it or not, as he may
keeps legislation from becoming ephemeral and transitory see fit; permissive in operation; a statute
unless there is a legislative intent to the contrary. which operated to confer discretion
• It is a rule of statutory construction that legislative upon a person namely to act according
enactments in general and comprehensive terms, to the dictates of their own judgment
prospective in operation, apply alike to all persons, subjects and conscience and not controlled by
and business within their general purview and scope coming the judgment of others.
into existence subsequent to their passage.

Orceo V. COMELEC Kinds of Statutes: As to Performance/Duration

The interpretation of the term “firearm’ if it can also be applied to Permanent Whose operation is not limited in
airsoft guns-which are in nature, for leisure purposes. COMELEC duration but continues until repealed.
issued a resolution stating that even a replica of these guns are Temporary Whose duration is for a limited period of
prohibited because it will stir fear to people who can’t distinguish a time fixed in the statute itself or whose
fake from real gun and WN they have committed grave abuse of life ceases upon the happening of an
discretion. event.
When a stature is designed to meet an emergency, it ends
RULING: Even the possession of airsoft guns is regulated by PNP upon the cessation of such emergency-temporary in character
and in effect, subject to a regulation and COMELC has the right to
include it in their resolution but SC suggested the deletion of Kinds of Statutes: As to Nature
“replicas” and “imitations of guns”. It holds that COMELEC didn’t PENAL STATUTES Creates a criminal offense or provides
grave abused its discretion in including the airsoft guns prohibited. for any penalty (e.g. forfeiture)
SC declared a potion of an issuance not valid while retaining enforceable in civil proceedings;
another portion of the statute as valid. Interpretation of penal sections is that
‘if there is a reasonable interpretation
which will avoid the penalty in any
STATUTES particular case we must adopt the
construction. If there are two
reasonable constructions, we must give
LAW – can be written or unwritten; any rule of action or norm of the more lenient one.’
conduct applicable to all kinds of action and to objects of creation. REMEDIAL Prescribes the method of enforcing
STATUTES rights or obtain redress for their
• Defined as a rule of conduct, just and obligatory and laid invasions; Come to be enacted on
down by a legitimate authority (must be created by an demand of the permanent public policy
authority assigned where the powers are granted by the generally receive a liberal
Constitution-legislative department or other agencies that interpretation
have the legislative power that is within their jurisdiction) SUBSTANTIVE Part of the law which creates, defines
ordained for the common benefit STATUTES and regulates rights, or which the right
and duties which give rise to a cause of
STATUTES – an act of the legislature as an organized body, action; part of law which courts are
expressed in the form, and passed according to the procedure, established to administer
required to constitute it as part of the law of the land. LABOR STATUTES Determines all employment practices
and labor relations
An act of the legislature as an organized body, expressed in the
form and passed according to the procedure, required to constitute Other Classifications of Statutes
it as part of the law of the land Prospective Retroactive
• Enacted and passed by Philippine Commission, the Philippine It is prospective it is expected If it takes effect from a date in
Legislature, Batasang Pambansa and Congress of the to happen in the future; a law the past
Philippines is prospective at all times
Affects the public at large or Applies only to a specific
the whole community person or subject Reference Statute Declaratory Statute
Whether a statute is public or private depends on substance Statute that refers to other Statute enacted to clarify prior
rather than on form statutes and make them law by reconciling conflicting
applicable to the subject of judicial decisions or by
the legislation; object is to explaining the meaning of a
incorporate into the act of prior statute; purpose is to
which they are a part of the declare or settle the law
provisions of other statutes by where its correct
reference and adoption interpretation has been
doubtful or uncertain.
Senate and a House of Representatives, except to the extent
reserved to the people by the provision on initiative and
Operates upon facts or Takes away or impairs vested
transactions that occur after rights acquired under existing • It is the power to make, alter and repeal laws
the stature takes effect laws, or creates a new • The grant of legislative power in Congress is broad,
obligation and imposes new general and comprehensive
duty or attaches a new • Legislative body possesses plenary power for all purposes
disability in respect of of civil government
transactions or considerations • Legislative power embraces all subjects and extends to
already past matters of general concern or common interest.
Looks and applies to the “Ex post facto laws” • It is vested in the Congress consisting of a Senate and a
future House of Representatives, not in a particular chamber,
E.g. RA No. 7167 granting Some statutes are by nature, but in both chambers.
increased personal intended to be retroactive, • Means a grant of all legislative power.
exemptions from income tax such as remedial or curative
to be available statutes as well as statutes
• President – 1973 & Freedom (PD and EO respectively)
which create new rights • Sangguniang barangay, panglungsod, panlalawigan –
Words/phrases indicating only within respective jurisdiction
prospectivity: • Administrative or executive officer
• “hereafter”
• Delegated power
• “thereafter”
• “from and after the passing • Issue rules and regulations to implement a specific law
of this Act”
• “Shall have been made” Distinction of the powers of the 3 branches
• “from and after”
• “Shall” - implies that the Legislative Power Executive Power Judicial Power
lawmakers intend the Power to enact To execute power, To interpret and
enactment to be effective laws to execute the laws apply the laws
only in the future By physical arrangement
• “shall take effect upon its ▪ First and appears to be more extensive and broad than the
approval” OR “on the date 2 branches
the President shall have ▪ Without a law, the executive has nothing to execute and the
issued a proclamation or judiciary has nothing to interpret and apply
EO” – shows that the
stature have no retroactive Sources of law:
but prospective effect • Legislation
Where a statute is susceptible of a construction other than that • Precedent – events that happen can be applied in the
of retroactively, OR where a retroactive application will render future in deciding conflict – Stare decisis that SC decisions
the law unconstitutional, the statute will be given a prospective form part of the land and can be applied in future cases
effect and operation with same issue
Whether a statute operates retroactively or only prospectively • Custom – customary habit, practice; have the force of law
depends upon legislative intent. only if approved by the public. You have to present
concrete evidence to support that it really exists and not
Manner of referring to statutes: contrary to law. The acts should have been uniformly
performed and repeated acts; Judicial intention to make
• Public Acts – statutes passed by Phil. Commission &
a rule of social conduct – that it has become a part of
Philippine Legislature from 1901-1985 social part; acknowledged and applied by the society with
• Commonwealth Acts – laws enacted during the uninterrupted usage
Commonwealth from 1936-1946
• Republic Acts – passed by the Congress of Phil. from Where do bills originate?
1946-1972 • Originates from a member of the Senate or the House of
• Batas Pambansa – laws promulgated by the representatives and is approved by them
Batasang Pambansa • But Constitution provides that all bills on some should
originate from the House of Representatives:
• Presidential Decrees & Executive Orders – issued by
1. Appropriation
the President in the exercise of his legislative power 2. Revenue/tariff bills
3. Bills authorizing increase of public debt
ENACTMENT OF STATUTES 4. Bills of public application
In general, the steps and actions taken and words and language 5. Private Bills
employed to enact a statute are important parts of legislative • Can also come from the Senate and House of
history, which are important aids in ascertaining legislative intent, Representatives
in the interpretation of ambiguous provisions of the law.
• Once approved, bill can become a statute
The study of statutory construction should begin with how a bill is
enacted into law.

Legislative power of the Congress

Sec. 1 Art. VI Constitution provides that “legislative power shall be
vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a
Aim of constitutional provision:
• Aimed at against the evils of so-called omnibus bills and log-
PARTS OF STATUTES rolling legislation as well as surreptitious or unconsidered
Title of Statute b) Subject of repeal of statute
a) Purposes of title requirement Repeal of a statute on a given subject is properly connected with
b) Subject of repeal of statute the subject matter of a new statute on the same subject – a
c) How requirement of title construed repealing section in the new statute is valid
d) When requirement not applicable
e) Effect of insufficiency of title Reason: Where a statute repeals a former law, such repeal is the
3. Enacting clause effect and not the subject of the statute; and it is the subject, not
4. Purview or body of statute the effect of a law, which is required to be briefly expressed in its
5. Separability clause title.
6. Repealing Clause
7. Effectivity clause c) How requirement of title is construed
_____________________________________________________ ▪ It should be liberally construed
▪ It should be given technical interpretation nor it should
1. Preamble be narrowly construed as to cripple or impede the power
A prefatory statement or explanation or a finding of facts, reciting the of legislation
purpose, reason, or occasion for making the law to which it is ▪ Construe the constitutional requirement in such manner
prefixed. that courts do not unduly interfere with the enactment
• Usually found after the enacting clause and before the of necessary legislation and to consider it sufficient if the
body of the law title expresses the general subject of the statute and all
• A statement embodying the purpose, reason or occasion its provisions are germane to the general subject thus
for the enactment of the law contained in its explanatory expressed
• PDs and EOs generally have preambles apparently to d) When requirement is not applicable
expound on the purpose of the bill in its explanatory note The requirement that a bill shall embrace only one subject which
or in the course of deliberations shall be expressed in its title as embodied in the 1935 and
• Plays an important role in the construction of PDs reenacted in 1973 and 1987 Constitutions – such requirement
applies only to bills which may thereafter be enacted into law. It
2. Title of Statute does not apple to laws in force and existing at the time for the 1935
Constitution: Every bill passed by Congress shall embrace only one Constitution.
subject which shall be expressed in the title
e) Effect of insufficiency of title
• This is a mandatory provision, and a law enacted in violation A statute whose title does not conform to the constitutional
above is unconstitutional. requirement or is not related in any manner to its subject is null and
The limitations on constitutional provision:
1. Legislature is to refrain from conglomeration, under one 3. Enacting clause
state, of heterogenous subjects Written immediately after the title thereof which states the authority
2. Title of the bill is to be couched in a language sufficient to by which the act is enacted.
notify the legislators and the public and those concerned
of the import of the single subject. 4. Purview or body of statute
The part of a statute which tells what the law is all about.
a) Purposes of title requirement ▪ Body of a statute should embrace only one subject matter.
Principal purpose: ▪ Legislative practice in writing a statute is to divide an act
✓ To apprise the legislators of nature, object and scope of into sections, each of which is numbered and contains a
the provisions of the bill single proposition
✓ Prevent the enactment of into law of matters which have ▪ Complex and comprehensive piece of legislation: contains
not received the notice, action and study of the the following:
legislators ✓ Short title
✓ Prohibit duplicity in legislation of the title which ✓ Policy section
completely fails to apprise the legislators or the public of ✓ Definition section
the nature, scope and consequences of the law or its ✓ Administrative section
provisions ✓ Sections prescribing standards of conduct
Aims of constitutional requirement: ✓ Section imposing sanctions for violation of its
1. To prevent hodgepodge or log-rolling legislation provisions
2. To prevent surprise or fraud upon the legislature, by ✓ Transitory provision
means of provisions in bills of which title gave no ✓ Separability clause
information and which might therefore be overlooked ✓ Repealing clause
and carelessly and unintentionally adopted ✓ Effectivity clause
3. Fairly apprise the people, through such publication of
legislative proceedings 5. Separability clause
4. Title of the statute is used as a guide in ascertaining Part of a statute which states that any provision of the act is declared
legislative intent when the language of the act does not invalid, the reminder shall not be affected
clearly express it purpose. • It is a legislative expression of intent that the nullity of one
provision shall not invalidate the other provisions of the
6. Repealing Clause
When the legislature repeals a law, it the repeal is not a legislative President’s approval or veto
declaration finding the earlier law unconstitutional. The President shall have the power to veto any particular items in
an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the veto shall not affect
NOTE: The power to declare a law unconstitutional does not lie the item or items to which he does not object.
with the legislature, but with the courts. ▪ The president may not only veto any particular item, but
also any inappropriate” provisions in the bill.
7. Effectivity Clause ▪ Vetoes within 30 days after receipt
The provision when the law takes effect ▪ If President vetoes – send back to the House where it
✓ The provision as to the effectivity of the law states that it originated with recommendation
shall take effect 15 days from publication in the Official ➢ 2/3 of all members approves, it will be sent to
Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation. the house for approval
➢ 2/3 of the other house approves – it shall
Three ways a law is passed: become a law
1. Approval and signing of the president ➢ If president did not act on the bill within 30
2. When there’s no communication on the veto of days after receipt, bill becomes a law
President for 30 days
3. Vetoed bill is repassed by the Congress by 2/3 of its VALIDITY
member, from houses voting separately Presumption of constitutionality
• Every statute is presumed valid
1st reading - Lies on how a law is enacted
Reading of the number and the title of the bill, then referral to the - Due respect to the legislative who passed and executive
appropriate committee for study and recommendation. Conduct of who approved
public hearing by the Committee and submits report and - Responsibility of upholding the constitution rests not on the
recommendation courts alone but on the legislative and executive branches
as well
2nd Hearing • Courts cannot inquire into the wisdom or propriety of laws
• The bill shall be read in full with the amendments • To declare a law unconstitutional, the repugnancy of the law to
proposed by the committee the constitution must be clear and unequivocal
• Copies are distributed and such reading is dispensed with • All reasonable doubts should be resolved in favor of the
• The bill is subject to debates, pertinent motions, and constitutionality of law; to doubt is to sustain
amendment • Final arbiter of unconstitutionality of law is the SC En Banc
• The amendments shall have acted upon, the bill be voted. (majority who took part and voted thereon)
• After the approval of the bill, the 2nd reading shall be • Trial courts have jurisdiction to initially decide the issue of
included in the calendar of bills for 3rd reading constitutionality of a law in appropriate cases.
3rd Reading
• A bill is approved by either House after it has gone 3 Enrolled Bill
readings (art. 6 sec. 26) Bills as passed by Congress, authenticated by the House Speaker
• The bill is passed by the voting of the separate Houses and Senate President and approved by the President
• Conference committee reports of which the bill is
approved on 3rd reading by one House is transmitted to RULE: The text of the act as passed and approved is deemed
the other House for concurrence, which will follow importing absolute verity and is binding on the courts. If there has
substantially the same route as bill originally filed with it. been any mistake in the printing of the bill before it was certified,
• It should be approved in the Congress and then the remedy is by amendment by enacting a curative legislation and
transmitted to the Senate for approval not a judicial decree.
• Conference committee is the mechanism for composing
differences between the Senate and the House in the PRESUMPTION: It carries on its face a solemn assurance by the
passage of a bill into law. legislative and executive departments of the government that it
• 3 versions of a bill or revenue bill originating from the was passed by the assembly. Hence, the respect due to co-equal
lower House: (1) From the lower house; (2) Senate; (3) and independent departments requires the judiciary to act upon
conference committee that assurance and to accept all bills duly authenticated.
• Bill approved by the Houses shall be transmitted to the
President for appropriate action EFFECTIVITY AND OPERATION
When laws take effect
• Bill is then authenticated by the Speaker and the Senate • Art. 2: laws to be effective must be published either in the
President of the printed copy of the approved bill. Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the
Authentication of bills ➢ Effectivity provision refers to all statutes, including those
Lawmaking process in Congress ends when the bill is approved by local and private, unless there are special laws providing
the body. It is this approval that it is indispensable to the validity of a different effectivity mechanism for particular statutes
the bill. • Effectivity of laws:
▪ Before an approved bill is sent to the President for his ✓ Default rule – 15 day period
consideration as required by the Constitution, the bill is ✓ Must be published either in the OG or newspaper of
authenticated general circulation in the country; publication must be
▪ System of authentication devised is the signing by the full
Speaker and the Senate President of the printed copy of • The clause “unless it is otherwise provided” – solely refers to
the approved bill, certified by the respective secretaries the 15-day period and not to the requirement of publication
of both Houses, to signify to the President that the bill
being presented to him has been duly approved by the
legislature ad is ready for his approval or rejection.
✓ Fix a standard which may be express
✓ Change of “and/or” to “or” – invalid
Presidential Issuances, Rules and Ordinances ✓ Change of “may” (permissive) to “shall”
(mandatory) – invalid (Grego v. COMELEC)
Presidential Issuances
Are those which the President issues in the exercise of his
Administrative Rule
ordinance power that such issuances have the force and effect of
- Rule – makes new law with the force and effect of a valid law;
the law. Includes:
binding on the courts even if they are not in agreement with
• Executive orders the policy stated therein or with its innate wisdom
- Acts of the President providing for rules of a general or - Administrative construction is not necessarily binding upon
permanent character in the implementation or the courts; it may be set aside by judicial department (if there
execution of constitutional or statutory powers. is an error of law, or abuse of power or lack of jurisdiction or
GAD – grave abuse of discretion)
• Administrative orders
- Acts of the President which relate to particular aspects Interpretation of Administrative Rule
of governmental operations in pursuance of his duties Merely advisory for it is the courts that finally determine what the
as administrative head. law means

• Proclamations CASE: VIctorias Millling Co. v. SSC (march 17 1962)

- Acts of the President fixing a date or declaring a statute
or condition of public specific laws or regulation is Construction of AOs ad IRRs vis-à-vis Statutes
made to depend
Ordinances: Barangay, Municipal, City and Provincial
• Memorandum orders Barangay Ordinance
- Acts of the President on matters of administrative • Sangguniang barangay as the smallest legislative body
detail or of subordinate or temporary interest which • It may pass an ordinance affecting a barangay by majority
may concern a particular officer of office of the vote of all its members
Government. • Barangay ordinance is subject to review by the sangguniang
bayan (SB) or sangguniang panglungsod (SP), as the case may
• Memorandum circulars be, to determine whether is consistent with law or with
- Acts of the President n matters relating to municipal or city ordinance.
internal administration which the President • SB or SP shall take action on the ordinance within 30 days
desires to bring to the attention of all or some of from submission.
the departments, agencies, bureaus or offices of
• If it does not take action within the said period, the ordinance
the Government for information or compliance.
will be presumed consistent with law or municipal or city
ordinance and shall be presumed approved
• General or special orders
• If it is inconsistent with law or city or municipal ordinance, it
- Acts and commands of the President in his capacity as
shall return the same to the Sangguniang Barangay
Commander-in-Chief of the AFP
concerned for adjustment, amendment, or modification, in
which case the effectivity of the ordinance is suspended.
SC Circulars: Rules and Regulations
The 1987 Constitution grants the SC the power to promulgate rules
Municipal Ordinance
concerning the protection and enforcement of constitutional
• The power to enact municipal ordinance is lodged with
rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the admission
the Sangguinang Bayan (SB).
to the practice of law, IBP and legal assistance to the
• There should be a quorum and necessary for the passage
of any ordinance.
• The ordinance is then submitted to the municipal mayor
The rule making power of SC as provided in Sec. 5(5) Art. VIII
who, within 20 days from receipt thereof, shall return it
Constitution and complemented by Sec. 30 Art. VI of Constitution
either with his approval or veto.
which provides that:
“No law shall be passed increasing the appellate • If he does not return it within 20 days, it shall be deemed
jurisdiction of SC as provided in this Constitution without its advice approved.
and concurrence.” • The SB may by 2/3 vote of all members, override the veto
of the mayor, in which it shall become effective for all
• It has been held that a law which provides that a decision legal intents and purposes.
of quasi-judicial body be appealable directly to the SC, if • Approved ordinance is then submitted to the SP for
enacted without the advice and concurrence of SC, review > SP may within 30 days from receipt of the
ineffective ordinance, invalidate it in whole or in part, and its action
shall be final.
Remedy or applicable procedure – go to CA • If SP does not take action on the ordinance within 30 days
after its submission, it shall be presumed consistent with
• Rule-making power of public administrative agency is a law and therefore valid.
delegated legislative power – if it enlarges or restricts
such statute is invalid. City Ordinance
• Requisites for delegating a statute by legislative branch • Power to pass city ordinance is vested in the SP
to another branch of government to fill in details, • Be voted upon quorum for the passage of any ordinance
execution, enforcement, or administration of a law… the • Approved ordinance shall be submitted to the city mayor
law must be: who, within 10 days from receipt thereof, shall return it
✓ Complete in itself with his approval or veto.
• If he does not return it within that time, it shall be
deemed approved. Aids to Construction (p.157)
• The SP may repass a vetoed ordinance by 2/3 vote of all
members Application in general:
• If the city is a component city, the approved ordinance is • Where the meaning of a statute is ambiguous, the court is
submitted to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for review warranted in availing itself of all illegitimate aids to construction
which shall take action therein within 30 days, otherwise, in order that it can ascertain the true intent of the statute.
it will be deemed valid.
Provincial Ordinance The aids of construction are those found in the printed page of that
• The Sangguniang Panlalawigan, as a legislative body of a statute itself
province, may by vote of majority of the members • ’Whereas’ clause as an aid
present, there being a quorum, enact ordinances - The whereas clause is the intent to cover only those
affecting the province. aspects of government that pertain to administration,
• The ordinance is then forwarded to the governor who, organization and procedure, and understandably
within 15 days from receipt thereof, shall return it with because of the many changes that transpired in the
his approval or veto. government structure since the enactment of the old
• If he does not return it within that time, it shall be code
deemed approved.
• A vetoed ordinance may be repassed by the Sangguniang • Headings
Panlalawigan by a 2/3 vote of all its members. - When the text of a statute is clear and unambiguous,
_____________________________________________________ there is neither necessity nor propriety to resort to the
headings or epigraphs of a section for interpretation of
Transcript from session last Oct. 9, 2021 the text, especially when they are mere reference aids
indicating the general nature of the text that follows.
Can a brilliant person propose his or her bill to initiate it to the
Senate? • Arrangement and ordering
Constitution provides that bills exclusively originate from House of
Representatives – he or she can have it sponsored by a member of - The rearrangement of sections or parts of a statute, or
the House of Representatives. It should go first to the House of the placing of portions of what formerly was a single
Representatives section in separate sections, does not operate to
change the operation, effect of meaning of the statute,
Who enacts the statutes? unless the changes are of such nature as to manifest
Depends on the name of the statute and the number clearly and unmistakably a legislative intent to change
• Public Acts - during 1901-1935 the former laws.
• Commonwealth Acts – 1936-1946
• Reublic Acts – 1942-1973 EXTRINSIC AIDS
• PDs – Martial Law regime Those extraneous facts and circumstances outside the printed
• Batas Pambansa – approved by Batasang Pambansa page.

How requirement construed RULE: If the language of the constitutional provision is plain
it is not necessary to resort to extrinsic aids
• Liberally construed
• If there is doubt, it should be resolved against the doubt Sources of extrinsic aids:
and in favor of the constitutionality of the statute a. Legislative History/Origin of Statute
- A statute is susceptible of several interpretations or where
When there is compliance with requirement there is ambiguity in the language, there is no better means
• Comprehensive enough - Include general object of ascertaining the will and intention of the legislature than
• If all parts of the law are related, and are germane to
that which is afforded by the history of the statute.

What constitutes legislative history (p.173)

Lambino v. COMELEC
• History of a statute refers to all its antecedents from its
No. This is not allowed. To exercise an initiative one should present inception until its enactment into law.
the draft of the whole Constitution of the revisions or amendments • Its history proper covers the period and the steps done
that they are going to make before the people could sign (to from the time the bill is introduced until it is finally
prevent hodgepodge/logrolling legislation). Amendment can be passed by the legislature.
through initiative and not for revision. Lambino cannot make an What it includes:
initiative-only amendment. ✓ President’s message if the bill is enacted in response
Would the one subject and title apply to a municipal ordinance? cannot be declared unconstitutional since it only refers to a
✓ The explanatory note accompanying the bill
bill passed/enacted in Congress. ✓ Committee reports of legislative investigations
✓ Public hearings on the subject of the bill
✓ Sponsorship speech
✓ Debates and deliberations concerning the bill
✓ Amendments and changes in phraseology in which it
undergoes before final approval thereof.
✓ If the statute is based from a revision, a prior statute,
the latter’s practical application and judicial construction
✓ Various amendments it underwent g. Executive Construction (p.190)
• Is the construction placed upon the statute by an
b. Realities existing at the time of adoption (p. 178) executive or administrative officer.
• In ascertaining the intention of the lawmaker, courts are • Three types of interpretation:
permitted to look to prior laws on the same subject and 1. RULE: Construction by an executive or administrative
to investigate the antecedents of the statute involved. officer directly called to implement the law.
• This is applicable in the interpretation of codes, revised,
or compiled, for the prior laws which have been codified,
compiled or revised will show the legislative history that 2. WHEN NOT FAVORED: Construction by the secretary
will clarify the intent of the law or shed light on the of justice in his capacity as the chief legal adviser of
meaning and scope of the codified or revised statute. the government.

c. Legislative debates 3. RULE v. OPINION: Handed down in an adversary

• Courts may avail to themselves the actual proceedings of proceeding in the form of a ruling by an executive
the legislative body to assist in determining the officer exercising quasi-judicial power.
construction of a statute of doubtful meaning.
• There is doubt to what a provision of a statute means,
that meaning which was put to the provision during the
legislative deliberation or discussion on the bill may be
• Views expressed are as to the bill’s purpose, meaning or
effect are not controlling in the interpretation of the law.
• It is impossible to determine with authority what
construction was put upon an act by the members of the
legislative body that passed the bill.
• The opinions expressed by legislators in the course of
debates concerning the application of existing laws are
not also given decisive weight, especially where the
legislator was not a member of the assembly that
enacted the said laws.
• When a statute is clear and free from ambiguity, courts
will not inquire into the motives which influence the
legislature or individual members, in voting for its
passage; no indeed as to the intention of the draftsman,
or the legislators, so far as it has not been expressed into
the act.

d. Changes in phraseology (p.181)

• Intent to change the meaning of the provision
• A statute has undergone several amendments, ach
amendment using different phraseology, the deliberate
selection of language differing from that of the earlier act
on the subject indicates that a change in meaning of the
law was intended and courts should so construe that
statute as to reflect such change in meaning

e. Usage
• Common usage and practice under the statute, or a
course of conduct indicating a particular undertaking of
it, especially where the usage has been acquiesced in by
all the parties concerned and has extended over a long
period of time.
• Optimus interpres rerum usus – the best interpretation of
the law is usage.

f. Contemporaneous Acts of Legislature (not sure ko ani)

• Where a statute is revised or a series of legislative acts on
the same subject are revised or consolidated into one,
covering the entire field of subject matter, all parts and
provisions of the former act or acts that are omitted from
the revised act are deemed repealed.

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