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Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

Práctica 06 – Inglés
The Present Simple Negative and Interrogative
vs the Present Continuous Negative and Interrogative
The Present Simple Negative

To state actions that do not habitually happen, are not generally true, nor fact.

06 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd


• You do not study Chinese every week.

• North Americans do not play cricket.
• It does not usually rain in the Atacama Desert.

1 Inglés
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

The Present Simple Interrogative

To ask and answer questions about actions that habitually happen, are generally true, or fact.



• Do you study English every week? Yes, I do

• Do I teach Chinese every week? No, you do not.

The Present Continuous Negative

To state an action that is not happening now.


Inglés 2
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022


• I am not sleeping at the moment.

• You are not dancing now.

The Present Continuous Interrogative

To ask and answer questions about an action that is happening now.



• Am I talking at the moment? Yes, you are.

• Are you dancing now? No, I am not.
06 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd

3 Inglés
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

Key Words to Differentiate

Time Expression

Present Simple Present Continuous

Adverbs of Frequency

Present Simple

Inglés 4
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

Stative Verbs

Present Simple

Fast Translation Continued

Translating fast depends on a vast English vocabulary.

Specifically, a vast vocabulary of cognates, nouns, adjectives, verbs, and other vocabulary.


• I have always loved large hats and I have had several collections over the years.
• I have always loved large hats and I have had several collections over the years.
06 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd

5 Inglés
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

I. Complete with the correct infinitive and verb -ing form.

Inglés 6
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

II. Complete with the infinitive and -ing verbs from the previous exercise.
06 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd

7 Inglés
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

III. Circle the correct present simple or present continuous form.

1. Do you always wake up early? Yes, I do/am.

2. Are they using/use the Internet right now? Yes, they are.
3. The sun is/does not rise in the West and set in the East. It’s the opposite.
4. Do children like/are liking cartoons? Yes, they do.
5. I do not drink soda every day/now.
6. Mike sometimes does/is not flush the toilet.
7. Do/Are Huancains eat tacos and burritos? No, they don’t.
8. He is not sitting at the moment/every day, he is standing.
9. We are have/having a party. Come and join us!.
10. Men do/are not live as long as women according to statistics.
11. The stundents are not taking/take an exam at the moment.
12. Does/is Nancy often chat on Facebook? No, she doesn’t.
13. Are the dogs eating now? No, they are/do not.
14. Illegal immigrants do not vote/voting in the USA.
15. Is/Does Dr. Jones teaching Ancient Civilizations right now? Yes, he is.
16. British people do not dancing/dance samba.
17. It does/is not raining at the moment.
18. The leam occasionally does not practicing/practice, in order to rest.
19. Does it snow in Barranquilla, Colombia? No, it is /does not.
20. Do you love/loving him? No, I don’t

Inglés 8

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