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Name: Kavya: Labhesh Kudalkar

Roll no:12 Div: A 6td10th

TA He had no knowledge about the telephone business

He oore the Suit pridefully/He was proud

whenhe 'woreth

)Ohousekeeper 2 hunderstom

)Express your feelinq clearly, oill you Y

(7)THisa_beautiful piece ot lotth

( |ompletine his 8tudies,he wet ont become an

be repayed inHme:
eKnom Hhatt he loan Shoulal

KOEversthinqwas taken care by themn

TA() O) Steve's third Gtory is about death

of Canceras the
)The doctor decribes the last 6tage

follou) heart and

i)Steve 6aus that qou should yaur
someone else's
)LNe should not waste Hme by living
A24 and qet his
The doctor adyi6ed Bfeye fo go home
Cod e fo
C a n c e r .



o r a e r ,
in (was

tr he
w a s t Our

advises 46 t0 limited Heal
d: Heale )

Hawkinqs ime i s
life a 5
el6e3 letthe
bomebody dogma and ho
vin be ttapped by 6@n inne
6wn inne..
to not 0 u t qour
0Ut your
dro uon
o n
0pinions dro

other's t a t part i s to B 2()

noiee of
m06t lmpor
that the
Voice t e days
heart and intuition
follew gaur

@) 6ign off 1 sign o f

left untill
There's ooly tuo months

this Schaal:

begin anew Ram deniec all the luxuneS

Cwentto the forest for meditaHon to begin
Despie having asurqeru Iam finenow
H5 Usually, kids, teenagers and maybe adults foo

Hend to live a life somebody else uishes them för

Esample : There is.a kid cuh,just signed ofe from school

his/he parems made them take up science and

pushed them for belnq an engineeY while
wignesto be Something else: Tn truly the kid
this case tne kid is
living omebody elses life by
the opinions of othiers Ahendowning
themselves in
tive under Somebody s expect ed to
expectation9 we lose the
pIeasure of SucceSs because it is
6 ne of the
Certaily not our's
qreat [ife matra thut Pour time
aimitd, s0 dont waste it iving Some
boddy else's

Lanquaqe of thenovel- 6imple and pitny

).n hs irst reading , the reviewer was leit
After recent reading tne reviewer exthemely
) T fgnte for t life
w6left moyedL
desparatelyIhe marlin_

2) A he
marlin and the old man 6tands
for the 6ame
ideal thoat i9,anoble sttuggle against desttuction
B(a)tiumph victary-
formida ble COuSing.

()aYeal (6) heavdy

34(0) Heminqways lanquage is not only
eimple but alao
TArSt ead thie novel qyeara ago ,didn't LY
B 5: A-After readinq +ne eview, T would
definikly be
interesied in redinq the
novel As the atory is
very intmquinq and fun The battle of old
and the marlin makes me CulbuS
about (onclusion
and It would be
thillinq to read the coneequences
The Story 6eems to be a battle cf
fe and death
And overly I would love to
Come across pertcc
and exquisuiku0ord Cho
ices bu the novelist
A 0) Wondrous merry mood
A2(a) The poet reftr
so the Servant as
because he workes fbr him and aKind mnan
needeol minds hi.
eyentmough the poeris quite
On hts own
The poet toould latgh and pable more Cq

laugh as he wo uld die laughanol wGL

The title of
wondrou6 poem is thepoeom is The Rulley This
wntten by Gebrqe
There are several Herbert
poem like Pun, Rqures of speech nthe
appealina one is Tnversion Paradox. etc The most
u6es Metaphor inMetaphor The poet GCorqe
blessings? siqnitesSeveralpart6 The Herbert
bestowed upon the 6um ot all line," alas of
man The Human qualities
Comenmen is impliclty Quality of reat bor
Ston3a has Conmpared
the toa'jeweEvery
of the five lines and
poem is hyme 6Cheme
poermis b-a-b-a 6cheme
restless ness all hisbasically abourt the
Says that God u life mepoet mas (ontinu
man uould ith Held the Geotqe Herbert
ultimatly be turned afrest so that
creater, God ThepDem
oritenin a
quiet toward thelr
reliqious notion att blouoing ,it ies
sdentic image
Ad)The Tumane but thougha
lifestyle sella
modem oiety-Truevaries lonside rably
from that 0


The TSimane diet is high in eaturated fats False

3)People inthe United States have healthier hedts than
the8imine Falae
The modern lifestsle Po6es anak fador tr heart
dieeases u e

ALOAS Compared to an 80 year old ftom TSimane,

an American ie his mid fites, has higher
(OHeartrate (2) blood pressurenaesten) blood glucose

AS(20Hardeniq 6aturated 2non-Processed

O0owest healthiest
A4 )

A The suggestion of eSearchers 13 that Some elemens

of it are ttansfergble
|H6 A-n the day-td day life consumption of junk and
fast food has observantls inreased as people
are prone touwardg he fayours meltinq douon
tneirtounque but uhat we dont knou is that
these d elicious appetites are ruining our ads
and minimiging our lite expentanty day by day
USually , younger kids ike us are rone touards
the fast fbods loadsduuith ? t s and ch
As the heart of a growing child ia quiet
Sena itive 0s it is in deve loping stage it woulol be
utter nuisqnce to Lonsume6uch foodS- A kids
diet should bepacked with Joads of Abre
Cruits and veq qies): ThereforE, T aqree oith
banning at junk or fast food at schoolS

6ea Faced Apartmes

Bardra, Link Road,

13 Januaru 2022,

The Municl pal Commjssloner

Mumbai- 000 2

6ubject. equest letrfor buildina a Hau rr

Respeted Sir,
I am a
responsible 6tudent and a membRr
Mental Health Core Mumbaikavua
uing hese hard Hmes we have tokusall go h
bt The pandemic has certainly
US db on
put manu
Chidrenand the old anes have bE
fad nq Serious mental pmblems due to tnEs
Tne klds have lost their
pleasure and he

old people have lost

qeu to buit a
Communitai on ,So Irequest
Play Park
fo tnem so that a
good Communi CaHon
i t be spreod and happfne
spreaol s. Thankl na youl
YGs y
tkavya kudalka

Total Members 13
Sandip Pradip| Daughter
Mared t o

Neha Pritil Raml

ketoy Shefalika
ara inaika |

T Army diaqree Loith the statment
Online Net boanking is beter than 9oingpereonally
to the bank for transations In this e e r
modenisaton here are vanous +echnniques and
devices Complety changing the
Paying bills ordehng food, uof dtin
become as easy as pie Just feu has buuing trit
ecreen and there we have licke
hink this is an
it ButDo
efecHve and
uou on
Do un
doings things? eicient au
well,certainly No A the
9oeasy now
po66lbility tiansacinonse
Cyberfraud is hiqher gein.
geting ino
for the hackers and becomeS
Ciminals veyeasu
accountS and Co let to qet into
without qpur Consent The onfidenHal information our
Ore limied to
acertein levelbnline
and ransactHons
Severely by many are nonitered
qo the badk people: Goina
no need of Droves to be more ersonallyu
Saftr as there io
upwitm onu
dewly noted and
ne.cessiHeS The
to be put
banker and ne printed and Hansactions are
a ord with the
our mis
6r di dears out any of-
Tnerefore, in Conclusion
ban king s
faster but online Iner
personal visit unefe end while
benefiial ransactions are ere
mere safer and
ls To
us tmis Godl Our almia h a s qien
\ltethe people tyhasusHhe
birdsthe treesHouw Orou
areotful we
greatful snoulcl be
we Sno
fcr tat (rod
Dut these
fcra Dur pese humans araund us
Ted nos this
LVEL numans are job to
Of hr human
In iact tS usualiu tend to be foredMhle
his job ut hy Gr
Hou would he
Each.and euey decr and qo to
ane qod sene s it ptssi
to qa and ber
Nal poSS bly help all
isnt tat why he mad
Ot us Helpin humans athers s all mila
Simply just an act touards rod uhere wes are
dtina his jab
Tit definately a
yes to Say that t
ne hu mani ty Is to Serve Gtd itsdf


n the Cold pleasant ity ot Shimla , It

was ioter 6ea5on TDhe snow was cmina d t r
asPLie dust, the land looked lik e a unite
Sot Capet uhile the trees dresSed in their
white- qreen qaun: The ueather a qute C
Viviaa, a song, 15e ,gfy teu
Ltived down the hillS ith his dad His dad 1 s
a summing po0I Cleaner Vivian rad a'wus
had biq dreamS aS hR Came up toma ecr

mother left and his
unfortunate fämily His
From tre
father when he
wa8 even only
it always him and hl6
father. Vivian had
was the most
a fiend, Raghav: Raghav
mischiayious guy inthe town:
He was emart
Vivian and Raghav
and intelliqent but lagy.
al one with an
were b eGt fiends:Raghav lived
orphan:Raghay have
old ladu as his wa9 an
had fough daysVÍVian was hi6 only u u
wem to the Sameehe
nappines6 Theu both
8tudies: yivian
They both were excellet in
hada dream-n beome a researcher-Raghav
didnt have just uwas on his own but
any be
Raghay wassmarter than Vivian: Vivian
Once Vivian and Raghav decid-ed
aive entan.ce for the_re5earchers job Vivian_
knew Raghav w6uld_cracdkity there was only
óne Dostt and this was Vivtan Shott acquire q
ife he wants with the Voicein the head fakinq
bverVivian he choseto betauRaghav by
planning a diabolical ploan agait him: He
chose to betray him by Hanglinq him into a
cheat on exam plan he exam beqin Vivian
Spread the chits slouwly on Roqhay's desk4
Vivlan was blinded by hls thoughts but he
did 'nt knew that-Als teadaLÝ Sau himdoit
She caught him alldld ht allow him for the
rest-Paghaywas hurt wlth this Qdt TH(was
humilio Hng forVivian: Tnls ato reminded his
othe adage Asyou souo.shall uou reap

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