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Name: Kavya- L

Roll no: (12) Div: A Std: 10
Gubject History /Givics

2)Balshashi wrote the book The
Jambhekans refered to a the Firet Editor
ancient event of 0lympic
held at Greece Competitiong usedo be.

B)a Bhilar - Yillage of books

b)Pachgani Hi Station
c)AbmedabgdHentage walk
d) Dajipur -pilgim centre
ATheoongpair is Dajipur-pilgim centre

2) a)Kalbelia dance of Rajasthan

b) Chhau dance ot Maharashtra
c)Mudiyett_Htual theatre of_kerala
d)Ramlila erformance in Uttar Pradesh

AThe wrongpair is Chhau- danceof M

3)aWater sport boating

b) Adventuous gliding
C)Thternational qames

qames - kachka yadya

) Tndoor
16 wafRr sport - boatinq
A T h e wronq pair
2 A

Notable 6cholare in Rene DeS ateg

Karl Marx

MichelFou calt

Types of Tourism

Regiona| Nationa Tnternatio na LoCal

O Bakhar is an important document of medievalimes:
qives us wide information about vaiour histoical
aspects t Comains eulogies of heroes, Stoies of
Kings, histonic evet5 and also Comtains Stoies5/
information aboutthe batiles and lives of grt
Maratmi Bhakare are of different tues
have, babha sad Frat we
hakarthis oas oittenby
Kishnaji Anant Sabhasad
Chhatta pah Rajaram Maharaj.uhile the reiqn of
This document us
information happenings about the
and gives
Shivaji Maharaj timeS
times 0for
We also have
phausahe banchi Bakhar
akhar is
is wntHen.
on the Batie of Panipat The 6ame evtt is
in another
baknar named descH bad
Hoikaranchi kai phiyat proviPanipatachi bakhar
des infomation abour
and their ContHbution to the
Bhakar are-e Can be diferentiy identiMaathas
tied as
follbus Vanous bakhars indude autobiographies ot
gmevance, higtory of the sect, blogaphies of the
Kings, dy nastic hi story , the adminig trative
Stenano etc

DIaeoqaphical aspect is quite essential for the

Study of history as history does nat take place it
Self ocCuYS at some Partiular place
Chakradhar Suwami vieited various Places and
made observations, those details were wriHen in
Stanapo thi by Vyas Muni -6uwami was the
foundet of Mahanubay Bect He in the book have
made available the infoY mation about Vanous
places in Maharashtta a6 well
SthalalKosh by Siddheshwarshstn
3 Prachin Bhartiya
Chitrav incudes information about varou6 places
mentioned in Vedic +Heration-littrature, Pruranas,
Valmiki Ramayana , Panini 5 rammar, Mahabharata,
Sthalakosh about Jain,
Kautilya Arthashastta and
litcrature a6 well
of technoloqy helps u5 to under6tand the
93 29The history
changes that have taken place in the feld of

agicultuYa! Prodution, Commodity poduchion,

architecture, sdence etc
increaSed the
N e have 6een the mechanisation
Peplatien producion

technolog are
diecoveries and teehole-q
mutually dependent:
essenial as it i6
Oknowledge of sience is very
0f deyelopment le observed
needed is every 3tep
the from_ making stone tool6 to making huge
dis Coveies science was Part of it and it will
always be a part of
6 Hence, Tis essential to 6tudy hietory_ot Hechnoloqu
in order to under6tand the gowth of
and the inttrrelaHon_between Sience and fcchnoloqu

94) The factors inftuencinq Enudopaedias are national

policies, ethical values andidealg

2) Mahadevshasti Joshi eadited "Bharatiya basskruti

here are fot=Paain=echarae
)OThe witinq ot critical examinininq of histoical
narraive is Called HistoHoqraphy
There are four main characteriatics of moden
hisfoiograpnyistorioqraphyinmndernimes s ba

e mettoc-ofsrentrffc
is based on
O|The method of modern historiography
efficiency It begin
scientific with fbrmation ot
relevant questions
means that
These questio ng qre anthropocentric T
of the
he que6tions are based on the deeds
human kind and 6ociety The History does not
mention any relaHon betueen thediVine and human

(in) Ansuwer of the questions are 6upported ith

9ppropiate eyiden ces
(v) History Prjets a qraph of human's jouney by
the human deeds

2) The followinq fields are assotiated with ourism

G Shops 6elling eatables and Caering etc

(i) There is a boost to the andicraft and Cottage
econonmte well
|industry qivin9 a pushto
being of Skillea people
motcs etc becomeVery
of the FoF fourists
for the Sfay
popular hotcl also qet da boost.
get boo8t.
Indushies elatcal to
are requlredto
Dairy Industvy
povidefish, mik,
meat to the tounsts stoyine
inthe hotels
becomes easier forto'uMst
t bus,
(VTaveling 4nís beComes
hckshawS, taxis are available, 50,
a field of economy etc a i e Some
Travel aqents tHanslafor3,guides
field reated to tourism

has broughE twatêrrEvotutn

n Rajashan

Dr. Rajendra Rana twes has brought up water

revolution in RajastHan:

JusticParty anon-Brahmin_movement was trans fbred

ito Drouid Munnetra Kaghagam
97 2 under special cirum@tances the Election Commis6l0n
holds re-elechons in
aparhicular Consti-tuencs for a
5econd hime
The above state ment is True

OThere aretimes, that the

Sabha, Viaan Sabhq represeotative 0f ok
orthe local atate qovernmet
take6 a decision to
quìtand vesiqns ftom fnr
other Cases, death of
the repregertate
Commission has to
Tn such Cases elecion
6econd tme These elections
Conduct election for the
are ailed By- elecHonS
Under spectal circumStances tne
Commision holds re- electiong in aparicular
ConstituenCy for a second time
natonal leel
3 3) Bharatiya Janta arty is party at the

A- The above Statement 19 True

Bharatiya Janta Partywas eStab]ishedin 1980,

beforeit was a Bharatisa JanSangh (1951)
later merqed to ftorm Janata
Party but duetu
VaHous reQsons it failed
Protect Indian
The main aspect Of this Parts is to
Culture and tragition
al5o Bupports yarious economic reforms
Therefore , Bha ratiya Janta Party is a parts
the hatona) level

econ omy and 6ocial System, tne

G8 AO Due to changinq
Consumers faced many problemS
Adulte ration, faulty weiqhs, increased
fhe problems faced by the
produ ct6 were fw of
and acquire
Toput an end to Certain pmblems
Protection At was
there Hghts Consumey
passed în 198 through vaHour movements
made the Consumers
9These mad- movements
aware about their Hghts
6) This was Consumes Movement
Political Patieg (Regional) State

Shivsenna Mahara6treu
5hiromaniAkaliPal Punjab
ASsam Gan Pavishad A66am
Jammu and Kashmir National Jammu and
Conference Kash miY

2O|The funchion of environmental movements are as

As we Can See tapid deqradation of
Yarous movements are
workinq fo Stop the
decreasinq of the environment
( Mans_movements in Tndia are workinq oh Various
aspectsThey are taking up the
poblems regardina
protechion of the bjo- diversitySources
green belt, torest5 and ofwaers
worlt in done on Conttolling the
use of chemical and their pollutton ot rivers
hatmful effeets are
done thugh vaious ma environmental
Environmental movements are movements
orqanised by
inttrnation and natonal agengies
the ob ot to take up
3This the woriking andprotection
environmental moyememts funcioning of

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