Gandeza, Prince Emmanuel, BS Criminology, 1, A

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GANDEZA, Prince Emmanuel D.

BS Criminology – 1A
“No one has ever become poor by giving”
- Anne Frank

My Realizations
Even before, I am already extending a hand to my friends and relatives. Since
the educational system as of the moment is modular due to the presence of a
pandemic, we all don’t expect that the students can grasp all the written lessons in their
modules independently. It is not surprising to have them knocking at my door asking for
my help and ofcourse I am very much willing to help them because I know how hard it is
to understand all the lessons without someone teaching it in a depth manner. I can
relate to their situation especially during the first semester of AY 2020-2021 but
someone helped me out. She tutored me through google meet and because of that I
was able to top our exam in Mathematics and that I was also able to garner a GWA of
1.5. I ask her how can I repay her for her kindness, she just answered me to just pass it
forward. She meant that I also need to share my knowledge to those who are in need.
That indeed, is one of the reasons why I did extend a hand to other people but more
than that, I know that helping them is the best thing to do especially now that I am
seeing them struggling. I have helped them and still willing to help in the future with their
posters, with their math modules and the likes.
Helping itself, is already relieving but what’s more fulfilling is the idea that you
have raised the morale of your friends/relatives by helping them excel in school even if
the educational system now is really punishing. I realized with what I am doing that,
money is not the most beautiful thing in this world. Yes, it do run the world (aside from
girls) but money can be earned and can also be wasted just as fast as you can imagine.
Companionship is a lot more valuable than money. The brotherhood that you build as
you extend a hand to other is much more precious than a penny. Money will come and
go, but true friends stay. And also, if you don’t have any financial funds to help other
people out, there are still a lot of ways where you can show kindness to other people.
Just like me, I am still a student and I don’t have any penny yet but I chose to help
others by sharing what I know. I really do believe that the safest treasure is not money
because it can be stolen by a thief. It is rather, you learnings and knowledge. What you
know and what you have learned can’t be taken away from you. If there is something to
be proud of, I will say that it is not about being the richest man in town but the wisest
and most intelligent person among all others. Being ignorant is a lot more shameful than
being poor. Remember, we can all make money. Giving does not make us poor in the
process, it instead enriches our heart and soul. We must prove that our existence really
do matter.

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