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Module Test 1 Name ________________

in Practical Grammar Group _______________

TERM I Date _________________

Part I. Noun (17,5 points)

Task 1.1. (2,5 points / 0,5 point for each correct phrase)
Join two nouns using apostrophe ('s) or of-phrase.

1. the name / the street

2. the house /Mr. and Mrs. Green
3. the dean / the Law faculty
4. the newspaper / today
5. the top / the page

points out of

Task 1.2. (5 points / 0,5 point for each correct phrase)

Choose the correct form of the plural nouns. Sometimes both forms are correct. Put A or B. Do not
rewrite the sentences!

1. a) Oxen / b) Oxes helped to plough fields when

there weren’t tractors.
2. a) Salmons / b) Salmon are expensive.
3. The children ate some a) fruit b) fruits.
4. A car hit two a) passers-by / b) passerbys.
5. We discussed some a) criteriors / b) criteria of
our future contest.
6. A bear caught some a) trout b) trouts.
7. Sam presented Julia with a) forgets-me-not
b) forget-me-nots.
8. We spent a few a) months b) monthes in the
9. All the a) roofs b) rooves were painted red.
10. There a lot of a) deer b) deers in the area.

points out of

Task 1.3. (10 points / 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form complying with the rules of Noun Verb agreement.
Use Present Tenses! Do not rewrite the sentences!

1. Chickenpox ... (give) you an itchy rash.

2. Billiards ... (be) his favourite game.
3. The accommodation here ... (seem) very
4. The pliers ... (be) in the tool box.
5. Knowledge of other languages ... (help) people in
6. Ten minutes ... (be) too little time to finish this
7. Every time I travel, some of my luggage ... (get)
8. Welsh ... (be) difficult to learn.
9. The staff ... (be) happy with the pay-rise.
10. Sophisticated machinery ... (cost) a lot of money.
11. Both the bread and the butter ___ (be) fresh.
12. My parents as well as my sister ___ (be)
13. His wages ___ (be) only 15 shillings a week.
14. None ___ (be) here.
15. The number of books in the library ___ (have)
risen to over five million.
16. Bacon and eggs ... (make) a traditional English
17. The water in this lake ... (look) very clean.
18. Your trousers ... (not/match) your shirt.
19. Look! The police ... (be) coming.
20. Mumps ... (be) contagious.

points out of

Part II. Determiners. Pronouns (15 points)

Task 2.1. (2,5 points / 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Fill in: a lot (of), much, many, little, a little, few, a few.

1. I haven’t got … money at the moment so I can’t go

2. I have invited … people to the party. I hope there will be
room for them all.
3. I’d love to come to the beach. I just need … minutes to get
4. There are … cupboards in the kitchen. There’s not enough
room to store my plates and glasses.
5. There weren’t … people in town today. It was very quiet.

points out of

Task 2.2. (2,5 points / 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1. We could hardly see … in the dark.

2. Ron knows … there is to know about computers.
3. Can I have … to eat? (request)
4. … understands what I mean.
5. I can’t find my keys … .
points out of

Task 2.3. (10 points / 0,5 point for each correct answer)
In the following newspaper passages, the articles have been deliberately omitted. Complete the
sentences by inserting the missing articles a (an), the or ---

А. Before 1.___ Syria, 2. ___ Franco-Russian 1.

relations were generally improving. After 3. ___ 2.
years flailing behind 4.___ Germany and 5.___ 3.
Italy, 6.___France decided to copy them by 4.
emphasising 7.___bilateral relationship. 5.
8.___France's new ambassador to 9.___ 6.
Moscow, Jean-Maurice Ripert, who studied with 7.
10.___Hollande at 11.___ elite National College 8.
of Administration (ENA), will have 12. clear 9.
roadmap.  10.
B. 1.___Scientists display what they believe to be 2. 1.
_ oldest primate fossil ever found. Using 2.
3.____digital reconstruction, 4. Chinese team 3.
generates 5. image of 6. animal, 4.
named archicebus Achilles and is 7. size of 5.
8. mouse. 6.

points out of

Part III. Verb (15 points)

Task 3.1. (5 points / 0,5 point for each correct answer)

Put the verbs in the corresponding tense form with the reference to present time. Do not rewrite the

1. She can't come to the phone now because

she   …    for tomorrow's test. (study)
2. They must be at the sports ground now. They
usually …  basketball on Fridays. (play)
3. I   …    my work already. I'm ready to go for a
walk with you. (finish)
4. I    …   breakfast right now. Can you call a little
later? (cook)
5. I    …   this book. Can I borrow it for a week or
so? (not read)
6. Maria is good at languages. She   …   French,
Spanish and German. (speak)
7. So far, he  …  five stories for children. (write)
8. We   …    for their answer for two months
already. (wait)
9. She   … sick since Monday. (be)
10. She    …   since noon. Should we wake her up?
points out of
Task 3.2. (10 points / 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Put the verbs in the corresponding tense form with the reference to past or present time. Do not
rewrite the sentences!

1. How long … 1. (Mary/work) before she … 2. 1.

(retire) last year? 2.
2. Amy … 3. (walk) home when she … 4. (hear) 3.
her mobile phone ring. 4.
3. I … 5. (not be) away on holiday for 3 years. 5.
4. She …6. (be) nervous yesterday because she … 6.
7. (wait) a week to hear if she … 8. (get) a job.
5. When I … 9. (leave) the house, I …10. (realise) 9.
that I … 11. (forget) my keys. 10.
6. He … 12. (not/have) a haircut for ages. 12.
7. Alan …13. (work) in the same office for ten 13.
years before he … 14. (apply) for another post 14.
with “Mask Ltd”. He … 15. (wait) for an answer 15.
for weeks when he was asked to attend an
interview with the Personnel Manager.
8. When Bob … 16. (invite) me to go fishing with 16.
him I … 17. (be) excited because I … 18. 17.
(never/go) fishing before. But as we … 19. 18.
(drive) to the river the rain … 20. (start). 19.
points out of

Part IV. Clause Structure (2,5 points)

Task 4.1. (2,5 points/ 0,5 point for each correct clause analysis)
Identify the clause pattern of the given sentences. (e.g. SV; SVC; SVO; SVA; SVOO;)

1. She lives in New York.

2. The children called him at once
3. Mr. White is a news presenter.
4. I told him about us.
5. They are busy.
points out of

Part I. The Noun (17,5 points) 45-50 points – “5” “5” – 50 points
Part II. Determiners. Pronouns (15 points) 44-38 points – “4” “4” – 40 points
Part III. The Verb (15 points) 37-30 points – “3” “3” – 30 points
Part IV. Clause Structure (2,5 points) 29 points down – “2” “2” – 20 points

checked by __________________________

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