Vox Pops Worksheet Units 3 and 4

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3 Video  Life skills

Vox pops What skills do you need to be successful in your

ideal job?
1 Complete the phrases with the verbs from the box. Which of 2 Complete the sentences with up to two words
these skills do you possess in your personal life or at work? in each gap.
1 Stephanie’s ideal job is to be a          ,
cope deal have manage pay and she’ll need to be able to work
very          .
1 ... good people skills 4 ... with many jobs at the 2 Alba thinks she’ll succeed if she
is          ,           and believes in
2 ... my time same time
3 ... well under pressure 5 ... attention to detail
3 Niall’s ideal job is to be a          , and
2 Watch the video. Do sections 1 and 2. he’ll need to be good at long-term
Do you cope well under pressure?
4 Andy’s ideal job is being a          , and
1 Match each person to a statement.
he needs to be able to           with a
I cope well, ... wide variety of people.
1 and I often achieve more when there’s a lot of pressure. 5 Bella’s ideal job is working in          ,
2 but only if I have some thinking time on my own first. and she’ll need to be able to cope well
3 particularly if I have time to get things ready in advance. under pressure and be          .
4 but I can feel quite anxious if there’s too much pressure.
5 even though my job involves managing a variety of tasks. 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions about the three different jobs.
Would you like to be a ...?
1 chef 2  computer scientist 3  head teacher
Stephanie L Alba Niall
YES. Why? NO. Why not?

What skills do you What skills would you

possess which could need to develop in
Andy Bella
help you do this job? order to do this job?

4 Video  Space
Vox pops 2 Complete the sentences with phrases from the box.

1 Match words and phrases a–e to sentences 1–5. Work a green environment   enjoying the outdoors
with a partner and discuss which ideas play an important escape city life   keep him calm   take nice walks
part in your life.
1 Stephen thinks the countryside helps
a  nature c  relaxation e  fresh air
to              .
b  exercise d  city living
2 Patricia likes to               and enjoy the sun.
1 I often go jogging along country paths.    
3 Niall says the greatest benefit is              .
2 I can breathe easily because the air quality is good.
4 Stephanie feels that it’s good to               a
little bit.
3 People rush past my window on their way to work.    
5 Andy likes doing sport in              .
4 I went on a yoga and meditation course.    
5 I love walking in the hills, watching the wildlife.     3 Work in small groups. Plan an ideal weekend in the
countryside. Write one idea for each of the points below.
2 Watch the video. Do sections 1 and 2. Then present your plan to another group.
What are the benefits of visiting the countryside? •  Location  •  Food  •  Sport  •  Nature  •  Relaxation
1 Circle one or two benefits that each speaker says.
1 Stephen: exercise quiet fresh air
2 Patricia: calm sun fresh air Stephen Patricia Niall
3 Niall: fresh air nature walks
4 Stephanie: space exercise calm
5 Andy: exercise relaxation space Stephanie S Andy

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